Marialena Chalari

Marialena Chalari

Graduate Assistant

Professional Summary

Marialena is a second year PhD student in Bronze Age Archaeology. She holds a B.A. from the University of Ioannina in Greece. She has extended field experience, serving as a trench supervisor at excavations and partaking in research projects mostly at Akrotiri in Thera, at the Mycenean hilltop of Gla, the Neolithic-EBA site of Vathi in Astypalaia, and at the Palace of Nestor Excavation project in Pylos. She worked for Heritage Malta, at various excavation projects throughout the country and with an internship at the National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta. 

More recently she is supervising field-walking and data management in the Kokkino Vouno Survey Project at Akrotiri, Thera.

Her primary interests center on the Bronze Age Cyclades and Crete, focusing on intra and extra- insular connections, production and distribution of material culture and manipulation of distinct island identities. She is interested in issues of commensality and its dynamic relationship with locality and geographical isolation, in the emergence of social complexity, in issues of social organization and in funerary archaeology. She also aspires to approach Aegean Bronze Age iconography through the lens of compositional style and visual perception.



Marialena Chalari (05-23-2024. ) Guest Lecturer on the prehistoric site of Akrotiri, Thera in CLAS 200 – Greece at a Crossroads: History, Landscape, and Material Culture, Carleton College and College Year in Athens, (Faculty Director Prof. Alex Knodell) .Akrotiri, Thera. Other Institution. Level:International