Peter A. Chamberlain , MFA, MPHIL
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Wolfson Center
DAAP School of Design - 0016
Professional Summary
Peter chamberlain is an Associate Professor of Industrial Design. He holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Cincinnati, and a Master of Design degree from the Graduate School at Chiba University, located just outside of Tokyo, Japan.
He has worked in the Rapid prototyping industry and for companies in transportation-related manufacturing technology in both Japan and the United States. His research focus is on issues of person <--> packaging interaction. Additionally, his continued international experience has been formative in developing a body of research that considers the unique role that culture plays in the appreciation of everyday products and experiences. Professor Chamberlain teaches courses ranging from foundation studios to graduate design seminars. He has worked extensively with corporate partners, guiding interdisciplinary collaborative student teams as they tackle complex and crosscutting packaging design problems.
MFA: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 2005 (Fine Art - Sculpture, Design)
MPhil-Design : Chiba University Chiba, Japan, 2003 (Masters course of study in Design specializing in Universal Design )
Research and Practice Interests
Aesthetic and Emotional product <--> user relationship + Packaging Design
Research Support
Grant: #General Mills-Yoplait Investigators:Allen, Chris; Chamberlain, Peter 09-01-2007 -03-31-2008 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Yoplait Package Design - General Mills Role:PI $81,750.00 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #LWC-Green Giant Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 03-31-2008 -09-30-2008 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. General Mills Spring Studio Role:PI $81,750.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:Regional
Grant: #General Mills Product Pkg Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 09-22-2008 -03-30-2009 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. General Mills Fall Studio Role:PI $81,750.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 006067 Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 01-05-2009 -06-30-2009 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Package as Product Design Studio Role:PI $81,750.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Spr09-ProdPkgDev Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 03-30-2009 -08-21-2009 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. General Mills Package Development Spring 09 Role:PI $81,750.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #LWC-LG09A Investigators:Arroniz, Inigo; Chamberlain, Peter; Choi, Soo-Shin; Vogel, Craig 08-01-2009 -03-31-2010 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. 09A LG Electronics Studio Role:PI $40,015.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #DCA-Glassware Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 12-01-2009 -08-31-2012 Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc. Glassware Packaging Exploratory Studio: Create Innovative Design Concepts Role:PI $55,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #LWC-Urban Transportation 10S Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Choi, Soo-Shin; Zammit, Raphael 03-01-2010 -09-30-2010 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. LWC: Urban Transportation 10S Role:PI $28,118.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 006943 Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 06-01-2010 -12-10-2010 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. LWC-Urban Transportation 10U Role:PI $15,496.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 007152 Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Curry, David 08-01-2010 -03-31-2011 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Boeing - The future Traveler, Autumn 10A Role:PI $45,581.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #LWC-Kraft Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 03-01-2011 -10-01-2011 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Healthy Aging-Kraft Foods Studio Role:PI $42,934.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 007766 Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Curry, David 09-21-2011 -03-31-2012 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Boeing: LAVA Redesign Role:PI $45,470.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #SRS 007887 Investigators:Arroniz, Inigo; Chamberlain, Peter 12-01-2012 -12-31-2012 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Package Redesign - Kraft Studios Winter Quarter 2012 Role:PI $41,084.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:Local
Grant: #Kroger Bagless Studion FS16 Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Timney, Todd 09-01-2016 -08-31-2017 Kroger Company Kroger Bagless Sponsored Studio (16FS) Role:Collaborator $70,000.00 Active
Grant: #Hankook Tire 16US Sponsored Studio Agreement Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Zammit, Raphael 05-01-2016 -04-30-2017 Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. Hankook Tire 16US Sponsored Studio Role:Collaborator $35,000.00 Active
Grant: #LiveWell_Chamberlain Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter; Gomez Enriquez, Diego 01-01-2024 -09-30-2024 Live Well Collaborative, Inc. Cabin Reformation Role:PI 5559.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Investigators:Chamberlain, Peter 06-01-2024 -08-31-2024 Procter & Gamble Digital Accelerator at UC Branding Packaging Consumer Study and Consultation Role:PI 11107.70 Hold Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
Peter Chamberlain (2014. ) Unboxing II (UBII): A Tool for Package Experience Analysis .The International Journal of Designed Objects. , , Volume 7 (3 ) ,
Todd Timney, Peter Chamberlain (2017. ) Integrated Package Design: An interdisciplinary Approach to Package Design that Benefits Consumer Experience and Brand Perception .Journal of Computer Aided Design and Applications, , 14 (1 ) ,33
Invited Publications
Peter Chamberlain (2013. ) The Industrial Design Program at the University of Cincinnati – DAAP - evolving to lead the future of design education .Industrial Arts News, (42 ) ,
Other Publications
Peter Chamberlain, Craig Vogel (2012. ) The Path to a Black Belt in Design: The Transformative Power of the Design Studio .IDSA Innovation Magazine,
Invited Presentations
Peter Chamberlain (2010. ) Transforum - discussing the future of public transportation in Cincinnati. TEDX , Cincinnati. Level:Regional
Peter Chamberlain, Todd Timney (2015. ) The Total Package: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Package Design That Benefits Consumer-Experience and Brand Perception. SEGD Academic Summit, Chicago. Level:National
Peter Chamberlain, Todd Timney (06-15-2016. ) The Challenges and Perks of Interdisciplinary Packaging Design Education .AIGA 'Nuts and Bolts' Design Educator's Conference, Bowling Green, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:State
Peter Chamberlain (03-23-2012. ) Opening Up Consumer Understanding for Package Design .University of Cincinnati - Institute of Packaging Professionals chapter meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. . Level:Regional
Peter Chamberlain (2012. ) Moving .Ohio State University STIR Symposium Global Issues Conference, Columbus, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:State
Peter Chamberlain (2011. ) Fit - Cultural Context in Design .Hisense Corporation, Tsingtao, China. Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (2013. ) Holistic Future Packaging Design (HFPD) .Wuxi International Design Exposition , Wuxi, China. Conference. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (2013. ) Unboxing II: A tool for front-end packaging experience analysis .Design Principles and Practice Conference, Chiba, Japan. Conference. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain, Sal Pellingra (2012. ) New Forms and Functions: Leveraging new technologies in materials and manufacturing to create new packaging media .Packaging Digest Packaging Design 2012 Conference, Field Museum, Chicago, Illinois. Conference. . Level:National
Peter Chamberlain (2011. ) Tapping Culture as Design Inspiration .Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore. Other Institution. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (2010. ) Where are you (coming) From? .Purdue University, West Lafayatte, Indiana. Other Institution. . Level:State
Peter Chamberlain (2011. ) Japanese Matsuri - Reflections of the past, links to the future .Material Culture Conference - Material Culture Institute , Alberta, Canada. Conference. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (2009. ) New Values .International Conference on Arts and Design 2009 - Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia. Conference. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (2009. ) Cultural Roots of Emotion and Perception .nankin Technologic University (NTU) School of Arts and Media - Singapore, Singapore. Other Institution. . Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (2010. ) Perspectives on Industrial design and Engineering Education .Proctor and Gamble "Gym", Cincinnati, Ohio. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Peter Chamberlain, Aparna Sundar, Theodore Noseworthy (2013. ) Parody of Package Design .Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Peter Chamberlain, (09-13-2012. ) Steps Toward Interpreting the Traditional Chinese Medicine Phenomenon in Contemporary Packaging: Design for Pervasive Cultural Belief Structures. .London, England. Other Institution. Level:International
Peter Chamberlain (07-17-2019. ) Live Well Collaborative Sustainability Studio: an interdisciplinary approach to better understanding 50+ product perception and interaction .Orlando, Florida. Conference. Level:National