Carla Chifos , PhD
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
DAA Addition
DAAP School of Planning - 0016
Professional Summary
Carla Chifos, Ph.D.,AICP, has interests that include sustainable development, urban environment and international development. Her dissertation research was "Urban neighborhoods and the natural environment: examples from the city of Jakarta". This work was the culmination of three years in Indonesia with funding from the United States Agency for International Development and close collaborations with the Ministry for National Planning. She has continued specializing in Southeast Asia and has carried out research on urban environmental and community development issues in Indonesia as well as in Thailand. Her forthcoming book, co-edited with Ruth Yabes, entitled Southeast Asian Urban Environments: Spontaneous and Structured, will highlight some of her research findings. In addition to this international focus, Dr. Chifos is also pursuing research in the area of sustainable development and how it applies to urban and community development in US cities. The results of her research are being applied to her courses, both seminar and workshop formats, to integrate the concepts of sustainable development, livable communities, smart growth, and eco-cities, into urban and community planning. With relation to these topics she has tried to integrate out-of-class experiences for the students. For example, students in her course "Sustainable Development and the City" attended the "National Town Meeting for Sustainable Development" which was sponsored by the President's Council for Sustainable Development in Detroit, May 1999 and went to Lexington, Kentucky to learn about and see the results of the growth management strategies of Fayette County.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering: Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois, 1980 (Major: Environment Health Engineering Minor: Eastern European and Soviet Studies)
Master of Community Planning: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio, 1988 (Urban Planning Concentrations: Environmental Planning and Economic Development Thesis: "Development of a Framework for the Description of the Natural Environment for Use in the Environmental Assessment: With Emphasis on the Environmental Impact Computer System")
Ph.D.: Cornell University Ithaca, New York, 1996 (Field of City and Regional Planning Major: Urban and Regional Development Minors: Resource Economics, Quantitative Methods/Policy Analysis Dissertation: "Urban Neighborhoods and the Natural Environment: Examples from the City of Jakarta, Indonesia)
Research and Practice Interests
Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Cultural Landscapes
Positions and Work Experience
2011 -2013 Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
2010 -2015 Director, Doctoral Program, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
2007 -To Present Associate Professor, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
2001 -2007 Assistant Professor, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
2003 -To Present Affiliate Faculty, Environmental Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati,
2003 -To Present Faculty, Asian Studies Program, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Cincinnati,
1998 -1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
1999 -2000 Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
1996 -1998 Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Planning, College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning, University of Cincinnati ,
2009 - Fulbright Scholar, Worked on three projects: exploring and advising on sustainability indicators for Curitiba; lecturing and researching on apply8ing climate action planning to Brasilian cities; and research on sustainability land protection mechanisms, policies and programs in Brasil, Instituto Superior de Administração e Economia (ISAE), Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) , Curitiba, Brasil
2000 -2001 Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education Post Doctoral Research Fellow, As a member of a new branch, Sustainable Environments, I researched the linkages between land and environmental issues, especially in the area of sprawl/smart growth, sustainable development, and livable communities. I participated in the division's efforts to move its research agenda towards a place-based approach to environmental management solutions. I also interfaced extensively with the federal cross agency task force on sustainable development and the policy division of US EPA, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, US Environmental Protection Agency,
1996 -2000 Research Associate, Project director for Battelle/USEPA funded project on developing tools to assist small and medium-sized enterprises adopt new environmental technologies. Project director for several USA-CERL funded projects for the evaluation of cutting-edge hazardous waste destruction and disposal methods. Project director for USEPA funded project on environmental technology transfer to small firms. Developed methodology for the evaluation of the commercial potential of new technology. Facilitated implementing partnership between government, industry, and university. Also team member on project for setting strategic environmental policy for the US Army., Center for Environmental Assessment and Policy, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati,
1995 - Consultant, Carried out study on bi-lateral, multilateral, and non-government donor coordination in Indonesia for the University National Development Program (UNDP). Part of a six country study presented at an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) conference, November 1995., World Resources Institute, Washington, DC,
1995 - Asian Foundation Environment Fellow, Resource person on urban environmental management for research projects and students. Developed research agenda for the Center and planned a workshop., Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia,
1995 - Urban Environmental Specialist, Research status of urban environmental problems and policy in Indonesia and developed strategy and program suggestions for USAID for five-year horizon., World Resources Institute, Washington, DC,
1994 -1995 Research Associate, Worked on policy studies in the area of urban environmental problems and policy in Jakarta, funded by the Stockholm Environment Institute., Center for Urban Health, College of Medicine, Atma Jaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia,
1994 - Faculty, Taught seminars, directed workshops, and provided support for other seminars in training program for high-level urban administrators from ten Asian countries., United States Environmental Training Institute, US-Asia Environment Partnership, and Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand,
1994 - Research Associate, Assembled a university-wide interdisciplinary research team to implement projects related to environmental policy. Consulted on design and implementation of various research projects., Office of Research and International Studies, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati,
1991 -1992 Research Fellow, Carried out research on urban environmental issues in Indonesia, Center for Environmental Studies, Hassanudin University, Ujung Padang, Indonesia,
1990 -1991 Research Associate, Worked on several projects related to development issues in Indonesia, including inter-island shipping after deregulation, regional development of the Eastern Islands, and urban policy., Development Studies Project II, Boston Institute for Development Economics, Jakarta, Indonesia,
1989 -1990 Research Assistant, Worked on aspects of world modeling project for Professor Walter Isard. This included extensive work with Input-Output and Social Accounting Matrices., Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,
1989 - Research Associate, Participated in the administration and analysis of a survey investigating the development of major business centers in the metropolitan region of Cincinnati. This research was funded by the Ohio Board of Regents., DAAP Center for Research on Urban Development, University of Cincinnati,
1986 -1988 Research Assistant, Wrote research proposals, prepared research reports and documentation, and presented results of sponsored research at national conferences. Sponsors for whom research was performed included United Nations Development Program, the US Department of Defense, the State of Ohio Board of Regents, the Greek Industrial Development Bank, and the Greek University of Aegean., School of Planning, University of Cincinnati,
1981 -1986 Deputy Radiation Safety Officer, Responsible for radiation safety functions for the University of Cincinnati Medical School, six local hospitals, and UC departments using radiation. Monitored administration of radiation therapy. Responsible for accident management, waste management, and disposal. Taught university students and faculty, nursing staff and departmental personnel as needed., Radiation Safety Office, University of Cincinnati Medical Center,
1981 -1986 Consultant to Radiation Safety Department, Performed inspections of operations involving radiation. Responded to radiation emergencies. Aided in setting up radiation safety program. Advised in radiation waste management., United States Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio,
1980 -1981 Mechanical Engineer, Projects worked on included validity of airflow testing of air foils, laser gaging, Vacuum Plasma Deposition coating process, procedure reports, data management and computer programming., General Electric, Cincinnati, Ohio,
Research Support
Grant: #DCA-EDP Investigators:Chifos, Carla; Romanos, Michael 01-03-2011 -03-31-2013 LaGrange (City of), Ky City of LaGrange Kentucky Economic Development Plan Role:PI $12,000.00 Completed
Grant: #EP-C-11-006/PEG1-53 UC Investigators:Chifos, Carla 09-30-2011 -01-15-2013 Environmental Protection Agency Application of the PLACES Program to a Community Role:PI $49,127.00 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Michael Romanos, Elizabeth Bartley 2013 -2014 Madcap Puppets Cultural Led Development Potential in Westwood, Ohio Role:Co-PI $20,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Rebecca Williamson, Frank Russell, Oliver Parent 2011 -2014 Ministry of Culture, France Metropolitan Mobility and Energy Role:Co-PI 200,000 euros Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, A. Minai, J. Uber, M. Romanos, L. Liu 2008 -2009 Center for Sustainable Engineering Renew of Computational Models for Sustainable Urban Engineering Role:Co-PI $22,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2007 -2008 Province of Quebec Heritage Tourism, Sustainable, and the Model of International Heritage Corridors: Two Cases in Quebec Role:PI $5000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, A. Minai, J. Uber, M. Romanos, L. Liu 2006 -2007 Center for Sustainable Engineering Computational Models for Sustainable Urban Engineering Role:Co-PI $44,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos Frank Wray 2006 Canadian Embassy Canadian Studies Grant Program Models of Transnational Integrated Ecological-Cultural Protection Across the US-Canadian Border Role:Co-PI $4900 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Michael Romanos, Frank Wray, Cinnamon Carlarne 2006 -2008 University Research Council Interdisciplinary Grant Innovative Models of Sustainable Land Management Regimes for Integrated Heritage Protection Areas Role:Co-PI $25,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2006 Faculty Research in China- UC|21 Alignment Grant Linking Regional Sustainable Development and Cultural Heritage Preservation: Case of China Role:PI $3500 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:M. Suidan, J. Uber, Carla Chifos, many others 2006 -2009 Consortium of Deans, University and State funding at University of Cincinnati Sustainable Urban Engineering Center of Excellence Role:Collaborator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2005 School of Planning Doctoral Assistantship Program Quantitative and Qualitative Methods for Analyzing Linkages Between Natural and Human Systems Role:PI Graduate Assistant Completed
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Andrea Torrici 2004 -2007 Ford Foundation The New Metropolis Role:Consultant Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Andrea Torrici 2003 University of Cincinnati Summer Faculty Fellowship Environmental Implications of Settlement Management Practices: The 'Mediterranean Model' Yesterday and Today Role:PI $12,732 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2003 -2005 Roadway Environmental Initiative Grant State of the Environment of Hamilton County Role:PI $10,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2002 Ophelia Pogue and Richard H. Wheeler DDAP Faculty Trailing Fellowship Searching for the Environmental Sustainability in the Traditional Villages of Crete Role:PI $2000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Rebecca Williamson 2012 -2016 UC Forward Interdisciplinary Multi-Cultural Learning Experiences: Urbanism, Architecture, and Mobility Role:Co-PI $30,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, Rebecca Williamson 2008 Faculty Development Council Qualitative Research Software Role:PI $4500 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, M. Romanos, J. Uber, D. Oether, A. Minai 2007 Faculty Development Council Building New Faculty Capabilities for Multi-Disciplinar Studies of Sustainable Metropolitan Development Role:Co-PI $25,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos, M. Romanos, J. Uber, D. Oether, A. Minai 2006 Institute of Global Studies and Affairs, University of Cincinnati Sustainable Urban Development in Action: The Case of Curitiba, Brazil Role:PI $6500 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2002 Faculty Development Council Knowledge Enhancement in Sustainable Urban Development: Learning from the International Experts Role:PI $3110 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2016 Faculty Development Council Environment, Culture, Economic and Social Sustainability Meeting In Portland, Oregon Role:PI $1425 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Carla Chifos 2015 Faculty Development Council NVivo Software Role:PI $495 Completed Type:Grant
Abbreviated Publications
Chifos, Carla and Rught Yabes (Eds). (2000) Southeast Asian Urban Environmenta: Structured and Spontaneous. (Tempe, Arizona: Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series).
Romanos, Michael and Carla Chifos (Eds.) (1990) Development of the University of the Aegean: Visions and Policies for the Future. (Mytilene, Greece: University of the Aegean).
Book Chapter
Chifos, Carla. (2004) "Eco-village". In Roger Caves (Ed). Enclyclopedia of the City (London and New York: Routledge)
Chifos, Carla and Johanna Looye. (2002) "The Handicraft Sector in Chiang Mai: Its Role in Sustainable Urban Development". In Michael Romanos and Christopher Auffrey (Eds). Managing Intermediate Size Cities: Sustainable Development in a Growth Region of Thailand. 9Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Publisher), pp.91-126.
Rochon, G., D. Szlag, F. Daniel, and C. Chifos (2002) "Remote Sensing Application for Sustainable Watershed Management and Food Security". In Gerard Begni (Ed). Observing out Environment from Space: New Solutions for a New Millennium. (Lisse, The Netherlands: A. A. Balkema Publishers/Swets & Zeitlinger B.V.),pp. 285-291.
Chifos, Carla and Hendropanoto Suselo (2000) "Thirty Years of Infrastructure Development in Indonesia". In Carla Chifos and Ruther Yabes (Eds). Southeast Asian Urban Environmenta: Structured and Spontaneous. (Tempe, Arizona: Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series), pp. 153-182.
Yabes, Ruth, Gwendolyn Urey, and Carla Chifos (2000) "Introduction". In Carla Chifos and Ruth Yabes (Eds). Southeast Asian Urban Environments: Structured and Spontaneous. (Tempe, Arizona: Southeast Asian Studies Monograph Series), pp. xxv-xxxix.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Chifos, Carla (2007) "The Sustainable Communites Experiment in the US: Insights from Three Federal Level Programs" Journal of Planning Education and Research, Summer 2007, vol 26, no4.
Chifos, Carla and Michael Romanos (2006) "Natural Landscapes, Cultivated Landscapes, and Built Landscapes: From Environmentally Blanaced Systems to Unsustainable Development Paths", Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 27, No. 1, Spring, 51-76.
Chifos, Carla (2006) "Culture, Environment, and Livelihood: Potential for Crafting Sustainable Communities in Chiang Mai". International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, Vol. 5, No. 23, pp 315-332.
Chifos, Carla (2008) "Review of Sustainable Urban Development, Volume 2: The Environmental Assessment Methods. By Mark Deakin, Gordon Michell, Peter Nijkamp and Ron Vreeker (Eds). Journal of American Planning Association.
Chifos, Carla. (2008) "Review of City and Environment" by Chistropher Boone and Ali Modarres. Journal of Urban Affairs.
Chifos, Carla (2006) "Review of Urban Sprawl: A Comprehensive Reference Guide, by David Soule". Journal of Urban Affairs, Vol 30, No. 1.
Chifos Carla (2001) "Review of Indonesia: The Challenge of Change, by R. W. Baker, et al". The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol 60, NO. 3, pp. 912-913.
Chifos, Carla (2001) "Review of PLanning Sustainability, by Michael Kenny and Janes Meadowcroft" Environment and Planning A, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 186-188.
Chifos, Carla (2000) "Review of Enclycolpedia of Housing, by Willem van Vliet". Environment and pLanning B, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 320-322.
Sustainable Development Group (2009) "Cultural Sustainable Revitalization of the Historic Core of Recife, Brasil"
Technical Report
La Grange Research Team (2014). Two volume report on cultural and environmentally sensitive redevelopment plan for the city and county. including a Green Heritage Network Plan.
Westwood Research Team (2013) Series of report on study of viability of Madcap Puppets as anchor for cultural led revitalization.
IGNIS Research Team. (2013) Final Report for Metropolis and Mobility to French Ministry of Culture.
Chifos , Calra "Evaluation of PLACES: The Case of La Grange, Kentucky" US EPA Research Report.
Romanos, Michael and Carla Chifos (2011) "La Grange redevelopment Study Plan"
Sustainable Development Group (2010) "Yogyakara: State of Culturally led Economic Development"
Sustainable Development Group (2008) "Sustainable Curitiba: Revitalizing the Downtown"
Sustainable Development Group (2007) "Protecting the Island of Thirassia, Greece"
Sustainable Development Group (2005) "Plan for the Future of Santorini: Building the Cultural Center of the Eastern Mediterranean"
Sustainable Development Group (2004) "Regional Development of the Islands of Thira and Thirassia: Phase !: Analysis"
Chifos, Carla (2004) "Background Paper for the film series 'New Metropolis: Cities Then and Now - How Sprawl is changing the American City"
Sustainable Develoment Group (2003) "Sustainable Development Planning for the Hersonissos Region"