Edson Chipalo , PHD
Asst Professor
Health Sciences Building
Room # 168
3225 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220-2872
Phone 5135587051
Email chipalen@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Edson Chipalo holds a Ph.D. in Social Work from the University of Alabama, where he was awarded the Graduate Council Fellowship three times and received the Outstanding Dissertation Award for his exceptional work during the 2023-2024 academic year. He earned his Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University in 2018 and his Bachelor of Science in Social Work from The College of Saint Rose in 2017. Dr. Chipalo’s research focuses on the impact of childhood adversity on mental and behavioral health outcomes in children, young adults, refugees, and immigrants in limited-resource settings. As a quantitative researcher, he utilizes advanced regression and multilevel modeling techniques. He has published 30 peer-reviewed articles in leading journals and delivered 50 peer-reviewed presentations at international, national, and local conferences in France, Uganda, Canada, and the United States.
Doctor of Philosophy: The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 2023 (Social Work)
Master of Science : Columbia University New York City, NY, 2018 (Social Work)
Bachelor of Science: The College of Saint Rose Albany, NY, 2017 (Social Work)
Associate of Science: Berkshire Community College Pitssfield, MA, 2015 (Human Services)
Research and Practice Interests
Adverse childhood experiences, social determinants of health, mental health, and refugee and immigrants
Positions and Work Experience
06-01-2018 -06-30-2019 Children's mental health clinician, Akeela Inc, Ketchikan, Alaska
08-30-2019 -05-11-2020 Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Tele-mental Health Clinician, , Childhood Development Center, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Published Abstracts
Chipalo, E., & Malele-Kubanga, K. (2024. ) Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) and HIV Testing Practices Among Men: Evidence from Zambia Demographics & Health Survey. In Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. S89-S90).Two Commerce Sq, 2001 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Suntai Z, Chipalo E, Beltran S. (2023. ) Differences in End-of-Life Outcomes Between Immigrant and Nonimmigrants Older Adults. Innovation in Aging, 7(Suppl 1), ,563.https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igad104.1845
Choi, E. Y., Kim, Y., Chipalo, E., & Lee, H. Y. (2020. ) Does Ageism Widen the Digital Divide? And Does It Vary by Gender? .[Abstract]Innovation in Aging, 4(Suppl 1), 315. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igaa057.1007 ,
Chipalo, E., Malele-Kubanga, K., & Mwima, S. (2023. ) Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Youth Exposed to Violence & Mental Health Outcomes in Zimbabwe. In Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. S203-S204). Two Commerce Sq, 2001 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Chipalo, E., Malele-Kubanga, K., & Mwima, S. (2023. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences & Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Youth in Zimbabwe. In Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. S202-S203).Two Commerce Sq, 2001 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Odii, I. O., Chipalo, E., Musukuma, V., & Mumba, M. N. (2024. ) Estimating the Association between Alcohol Consumption, Tobacco Smoking, and Sexual Behaviors among Men in Côte d’Ivoire.Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, , 30 (7 ) ,743–757. More Information
Chipalo, E. (2024. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Distress among Adolescents and Youth in Zimbabwe .Journal of Interpersonal Violence, , 0(0) , More Information
Chipalo, E. (2024. ) Parental Involvement in Children’s Education: Evidence from Annual Survey of Refugees.Teacher Educator Journal, , 1–21 More Information
Odii, I.O., & Chipalo, E. (2024. ) The Relationship Between HIV Testing and HIV Transmission Risk Behaviors among Men in Cameroon.Texila International Journal of Public Health , , 12 (1 ) ,71-85 More Information
Odii, I.O.,& Chipalo, E. (2024. ) Prevalence and Association Between HIV PrEP Knowledge and HIV Testing among Sexually Experienced Men in Cote d’Voire .Texila International Journal of Public Health, , 12 (1 ) ,99-110 More Information
Odii, I. O., Byun, J. Y., Vance, D. E., Wise, J., Chipalo, E., & Chapman Lambert, C. (2024. ) Knowledge, attitudes, and utilization of HIV PrEP among Black college students in the United States: A systematic review.Texila International Journal of Public Health , , 12 (1 ) ,144-159 More Information
Chipalo, E. & Odii, I.O (2024. ) Unveiling the Nexus: Vulnerability to Psychological Distress and Childhood Violence among Adolescents in Zimbabwe.Texila International Journal of Academic Research, , 11 (1 ) ,89-101 More Information
Chipalo, E., & Odii, I.O. (2024. ) The Relationship Between Exposure to Digital Sexual Violence & Mental Health Outcomes: Insights from Namibia Violence Against Children and Youth Survey.Texila International Journal of Academic Research, , 11 (1 ) ,29-37 More Information
Chipalo, E., Odii, I.O., Mvula, A., Mwima, S., & Kapupa, L. (2024. ) The Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) & Subsequent Exposure to Violence and Mental Health Outcomes for Adolescent & Youth in Zimbabwe.Texila International Journal of Academic Research , , 11 (1 ) ,119-133 More Information
Odii, I.O., & Chipalo, E (2024. ) Differentials in Male Circumcision Prevalence, HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Behavioral Prevention Practices among Men in Nigeria.Texila International Journal of Academic Research, , 11 (1 ) ,107-118 More Information
Chipalo, E., & Haelim, J. (2023. ) The Prevalence and Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Suicide Risk Behaviors among Adolescents and Youth in Zimbabwe.Child and Adolescents Social Work Journal, , More Information
Lee, H. Y., Eyer, J. C., Won, C. R., Sawyer, M., Luo, Y., Wang, K., Chipalo, E., & Thomas-Leblanc, G. (2023. ) A Phenomenological Study of Barriers and Facilitators to Opioid Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery in Rural Alabama.Qualitative Journal, , More Information
Chipalo, E. (2023. ) Endorsement of Spousal Sexual Violence Across Gender: Evidence from Zambia Demographic and Health Survey .Texila International Journal of Public Health, , More Information
Chipalo, E., Odii, I.O., Kapupa, L., Agwu, U.A., Makwalu, T. (2023. ) Medical Male Circumcision and HIV Testing Practices among Men Aged 15 to 59 Years Old: Evidence from Zambia Demographic and Health Survey .Texila International Journal of Public Health , , More Information
Chipalo, E. (2023. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Self-Reported Sexually Transmitted Infections among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe.Texila International Journal of Public Health , , More Information
Chipalo, E. (2023. ) Predictors of Chronic Debilitating Conditions Among Refugees Resettled in the United States.Texila International Journal of Public Health, , More Information
Suntai, Z., Chipalo, E. (2022. ) Racial/Ethnic Differences in Provider-Engaged Religious Belief Discussions with Older Adults at the End of Life.Journal of Death and Dying, , More Information
Chipalo, E., Suntai, Z. & Mwima, S. (2022. ) Factors Associated with Receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Among Newly Resettled Refugees in the United States .Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, , 49 (135 ) , More Information
Chipalo, E. (2021. ) Is Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Effective in Reducing Trauma Symptoms among Traumatized Refugee Children? A Systematic Review.Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, , 1-14 More Information
Suntai, Z., Smith, N.L., Chipalo, E., Kubanga, K., & Won, C. (2021. ) Effectiveness of support groups for caregivers of traumatic brain injury survivors .Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work , , 18(6), 636-649 , More Information
Choi, E. Y., Kim, Y., Chipalo, E., & Lee, H. Y. (2020. ) Does perceived ageism widen the digital divide? And does it vary by gender? The Gerontologist, 60(7), 1213-1223. More Information
Chipalo, E (2024. ) Association Between Orphanhood and Suicide Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Zimbabwe.Current Psychology, , 43 (32 ) ,1-10 More Information
Odii, I.O. & Chipalo, E (2024. ) Multi-Dimensional Predictors of HIV PrEP Knowledge, PrEP Acceptability and HIV Testing among Adolescents and Young Adult Men in Ghana. Open Access Library Journal. 11: e12357 , More Information
Lee, H. Y., Kim, J., Yoon, Y., Kim, D., & Chipalo, E. ( (2025. ) Internet use and depressive symptoms among older adults in the U.S.: Unraveling the differences by gender.Journal of Gerontological Social Work, , More Information
Chipalo, E. (2024. ) Multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Socio-Ecological Factors Associated with Children’s Utilization of Safety Net Programs in the United States. .International Journal on Child Maltreatment, , 7 (4 ) , More Information
Chipalo, E., Odii, I.O., Ogutu., N. & Ching’andu, L. (2025. ) Prevalence and Factors Associated with Public Housing Programs for Recently Resettled Refugees in the United States.Journal of International Migration and Integration, , More Information
Chipalo, E., Nkwanzi, V., Odii, I.O., & Malele, K. (2025. ) Parent-Reported Adverse Childhood Experiences and Food Insecurity Among Children in Non-English-Speaking Households in the United States.Journal of Interpersonal Violence, , More Information
Poster Presentations
Mwima, S., Mann, E.J., Small, S., Chipalo, E. & Mukubba, B. (01-14-2024. ) HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Use and Its Effects on the Sexual Health of HIV-Negative Adolescent Girls and Young Women Who Engage in Transactional Sex: A Qualitative Study .Society for Social Work Research Conference, Washington DC. . Conference. .
Mwima, S., Chipalo, E., Chen, X.Y. (01-14-2024. ) Assessing the Relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Sexual Risk Behavior and HIV Testing Engagement Among Adolescents: Evidence from Uganda Violence Against Children Survey. Society for Social Work Research Conference, Washington DC . .
Mwima, S., Chipalo, E. (11-12-2023. ) Assessing the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), sexual risk behavior and HIV testing engagement among adolescents: Evidence from Uganda violence against children survey .APHA's 2023 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta,GA. .
Chipalo, E. (11-01-2023. ) Exposure to Community Violence Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Refugee Youth in Tanzania .Global Mental Health, Research Without Border Conference, Baltimore, MD. .
Chipalo, E & Mwima, S. (10-27-2023. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences and Mental Distress Among Youth in Zimbabwe . CSWE 69th Annual on Social Work Education, Atlanta, Georgia . .
Chipalo, E & Mwima, S. (10-28-2023. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Suicide Risk Behaviors Among Youth in Zimbabwe .CSWE 69th Annual on Social Work Education, Atlanta, Georgia. .
Chipalo, E., & Jeong, H. (10-27-2023. ) The Prevalence and Association of Suicide Risk & Exposure to Violence for Zimbabwean Youth .CSWE 69th Annual on Social Work Education, Atlanta, Georgia. .
Chipalo, E., & Malele-Kubanga, K. (10-28-2023. ) The Association of Psychological Distress & Exposure to Violence Among Youth in Zimbabwe .CSWE 69th Annual on Social Work Education, Atlanta, Georgia. .
Chipalo, E. & Mwima, S. (07-24-2023. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences & Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Among Youth in Zimbabwe .STI & HIV 2023 World Congress, Chicago, IL. .
Chipalo, E., & Kubanga-Malele, K. (07-25-2023. ) Medical Male Circumcision (MMC) and HIV Testing Among Men: Evidence From 2018 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey .STI & HIV 2023 World Congress, Chicago, IL. .
Mwima, S., & Chipalo, E. (05-18-2023. ) Exploring Barriers, and Sources of Social Support for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Uptake Among Women in Uganda who Engage in Sex Work During Post-COVID-19 in Uganda. .International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana-Champaign, IL . .
Mwima, S., Mann, E., Kibirige, K.S., Chipalo, E., Mukuba, B., Nzomene, A., Small, E., & Okumu, M. (05-11-2023. ) Promoting Psychosocial Interventions in Social Work to Manage Intersectional Stigma Among Sexual Minorities during COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda .International Conference on Social Work, Paris, France. .
Mwima, S., Mann, E., Kibirige, K.S., Chipalo, E., Mukuba, B., Nzomene, A., Small, E., & Okumu, M. (05-11-2023. ) Social Influences on HIV Services Engagement Among Adolescents Experiencing HIV Stigma and Discrimination in Uganda .International Conference on Social Work, Paris, France . .
Mwima, S., & Chipalo, E. (04-05-2023. ) Peer Relations Influences on HIV Services Engagement Among Adolescents Experiencing Intersectional Stigma in Uganda. Society for Research on Adolescence .Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, California. .
Chipalo, E. (01-13-2023. ) The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Among War-Affected Children with Depressive Symptoms: A systematic Review .Society for Social Work Research, Phoenix, Arizona. .
Chipalo, E. & Mwima, S. (01-12-2023. ) Factors Associated with Living in Public Housing Among Refugees in the U.S. Society for Social Work Research, Phoenix, Arizona. .
Mwima, S, Garthe, R., Chen, X.A., Chipalo, E., Mowry, D., & Katambala, P. (01-13-2023. ) Exploring FactoAssociated with Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Practices Among Adolescents and Young People in Uganda .Society for Social Work Research, Phoenix, Arizona. .
Chipalo, E. & Kubanga, K. (11-11-2022. ) Child Maltreatment Report Rates Among U.S Counties with Higher Immigrant Population .Council on Social Work Education Conference, Anaheim, CA. .
Chipalo, E. & Kubanga, K. (11-11-2022. ) Refugees’ Parents Involvement in Children’s Education: Evidence from the 2018 Annual Survey of Refugees .Council on Social Work Education Conference, Anaheim, CA . .
Mwima, S., Chipalo, E., Garthe, R., Moz, D., & Katambala, K. (11-09-2022. ) Assessing the factors associated with HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing practices among adolescent persons in Uganda .American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Expo, Boston, MA. .
Lee, L. H., Han, S., & Chipalo, E. (01-14-2022. ) Work effects on substance use among formerly detained emerging adults: Findings from panel data. .The 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, D.C . .
Chipalo, E. (01-15-2022. ) Factors Associated with Justification of Spousal Sexual Violence in Zambia .The 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, D.C. .
Chipalo, E. (01-14-2022. ) Factors Associated with Receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)Among Resettled Refugees in the U.S .The 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, D.C . .
Chipalo, E. (04-22-2022. ) Determinants of Male Circumcision Among Men in Zambia .The University of Alabama System Behavioral Health Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL. .
Chipalo, E., ,Okine, J., Jeong, H., Nwatu, U., & Hossain, M. S (10-25-2024. ) Predictors of chronic debilitating conditions among refugees in the United States. Submitted for poster presentation .70th Annual Program Meeting of the Council of Social Work Education , Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo, E., Hossain, M. S., Jeong, H., Okine, J., & Nwatu, U. (10-25-2024. ) Childhood adversity and parent-reported homelessness among children in the United States households .70th Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) , Kansas City, Missouri. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo, E., & Okine, J (10-25-2024. ) Unveiling the nexus: Vulnerability to psychological distress and childhood violence among adolescents in Zimbabwe .Council on Social Work Education 70th Annual Program Meeting, Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo, E., Okine, J (10-25-2024. ) Digital sexual violence and mental health outcomes among boys and girls in Namibia. Council of Social Work Education 70th Annual Program Meeting, Kansas City, MO. . Conference. . Level:National
Mwima, S., Chipalo, E., & Okumu, M. (10-25-2024. ) Adverse Childhood Experiences, Sexual Risk Behavior, and HIV Testing Engagement Among Adolescents in Uganda . 70th Annual Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education , Kansas, Missouri. . Conference. . Level:National
Odii, I.O., & Chipalo, E. (10-27-2024. ) Prevalence and Association Between HIV PrEP Knowledge and HIV Testing among Sexually Experienced Men in Cote d’Voire .American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Expo, Minneapolis, Minnesota. . Conference. . Level:International
Odii, I.O., & Chipalo, E. (10-29-2024. ) The Relationship Between HIV Testing and HIV Transmission Risk Behaviors among Men in Cameroon .American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Expo, Minneapolis, Minnesota. . Conference. . Level:International
Odii, I. O., & Chipalo, E (11-07-2024. ) Differentials in Male Circumcision Prevalence, HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Behavioral Prevention Practices Among Men in Nigeria .National Association of Nigerian Nurses in North America (NANNNA) 2024 annual scientific conference on global health , Raleigh, North Carolina. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo, E. (01-17-2025. ) The Impact of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Students Exposed to Multiple Forms of Lifetime Violence in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp in Tanzania. Poster presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) .Poster presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Seattle, Washington.. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo, E., Jeong, H., Mwima, S., Nkwanzi, V., & Odii, I.O (01-18-2025. ) The Prevalence of Childhood Violence and Psychological Distress among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV in Zimbabwe . 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Seattle, Washington. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo, E., Stahnke, B., Odii, I.O., & Mwima, S (01-19-2025. ) The Impact of Childhood Violence Exposure on Suicidality Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe . 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Seattle, Washington. . Conference. . Level:National
Chipalo., Boomer, R., Odii, I.O., & Mwima, S. (01-19-2024. ) Social Ecological Determinants of Cumulative Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Among Children in in Household in the United States . 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Seattle, Washington. . Conference. . Level:National
Rojjanasrirat, W., Ahmed, A., Wangia-Anderson, V., & Chipalo, E. (03-28-2025. ) The Impact of Hospital Maternity Practices Breastfeeding Duration among Louisiana Mothers .49th MNRS Annual Research Conference , Indianapolis, Indiana. . . Conference. . Level:National
Mwima, S., Chipalo, E., & Abura-Meredink, G. (01-19-2025. ) A Systematic Review of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Intervention Studies Implemented Targeting Adolescents and Young Adults Aged 15-29 in Sub-Saharan Africa: RE-AIM-Ing 4 PrEP. Accepted for Poster presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR) . 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Seattle, Washington. . Conference. . Level:National
Odii, I. O., & Chipalo, E. (02-19-2025. ) HIV PrEP Knowledge and HIV Testing Among Young Ghanaian Men .39th Annual Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS), Memphis, Tennessee. . Conference. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Chipalo, E., Carlson, C. & Mwima, S. (01-12-2024. ) A Multilevel Analysis of Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, Social Support, and Connectedness Among Students in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Tanzania .Washington DC. Level:National
Chipalo, E., Kubanga-Malele, K., Mwima, S. (07-25-2023. ) Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Among Youth Exposed to Violence and Mental Health Outcomes in Zimbabwe. .Chicago, IL. DC . Conference. Level:International
Chipalo, E. (05-31-2023. ) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for Refugee Youth in Tanzania: Use of Social Determinants of Health Framework. .Winnipeg, Canada . Level:International
Chipalo, E. (06-02-2023. ) The Prevalence and Association of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Students Exposed to Community Violence in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp in Tanzania .Winnipeg, Canada . Conference. Level:International
Chipalo, E. (05-24-2023. ) School Violence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Students in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Tanzania: A Multilevel Modeling Approach. .Kampala, Uganda . Conference. Level:International
Chipalo, E. (05-25-2023. ) Mental Distress and Suicide Risk Among Orphaned Adolescents and Youth in Zimbabwe .Kampala, Uganda. Conference.
Chipalo, E., (2021). (01-19-2021. ) Is Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy effective in reducing trauma symptoms for traumatized refugee children? A systematic review. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) held virtually January 19-22, 2021. .Washington DC. Conference.
Chipalo., E, Boomer, R., Odii, I.O., & Mwima, S. (01/18/2025). The Role of Cumulative Adverse Childhood Experiences on Utilization of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Children in U.S Households. Oral presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work Research (SSWR), Seattle, Washington.
Chipalo, E., (11/14/2024). Parent-Reported Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Food Insecurity in U.S. Children in Non-English-Speaking Households. Oral presentation at the NASW Ohio Annual Statewide Social Work Conference, Columbus, OH.
Chipalo, E. (11/14/2024). Peer Victimization and Development of PTSD Symptoms Among Burundian and Congolese Students in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Tanzania. Oral presentation at the NASW Ohio Annual Statewide Social Work Conference, Columbus, Ohio.
Honors and Awards
2023 -2024 Outstanding Dissertation Award Received a monetary award of $1,200 The University of Alabama
2023 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Doctoral Student Travel Award ($500)
2023 STI and HIV World Congress Scholarship ($1,100)
2022 – 2023 Graduate Council Fellowship (Dissertation Completion Award), The University of Alabama ($52,960)
2022 Social Work Board of Friends Summer Scholarships ($1,500), The University of Alabama
2022 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) Doctoral Student Travel Award ($500)
2021 Board of Friends Summer Scholarship ($2,500), The University of Alabama
2021 Ben Avis Adams Orcutt Endowed Doctoral Student Fellowship Fund ($1,500), The University of Alabama
2020 – 2021 Graduate Council Fellowship (Outstanding Current Student Award;$59,450), The University of Alabama
2017 – 2018 Merit-Based Scholarship, Columbia University, Columbia School of Social Work ($76,000)
2015 – 2017 Academic Scholarship, The College of Saint Rose ($37,000)
2016 Marylyn Douglas Scholarship for International Students, The College of Saint Rose ($5,000)
2015 Phi Theta Honors Society Transfer Scholarship ($1,500), Berkshire Community College
2015 Student Government Transfer Scholarship, Berkshire Community College ($3,000)
2014 – 2015 New World Fund Scholarship, Berkshire Taconic Foundation ($7,500)
2015 Kimsook & Emory Scholarship for International Students, Berkshire Community College ($3,500)
2013 BCC Foundation Scholarship, Berkshire Community College ($1,500)
2016 – 2017 The Class of 2017 Academic Excellence Award, The College of Saint Rose
2016 – 2017 Male Senior Scholar Athlete of the Year, The College of Saint Rose
2014 – 2015 Academic Excellence in Collegiate Studies, Berkshire Community College
2014 –2015 Student Leadership Appreciation Award, Massachusetts Community College Associations
Courses Taught
SW 3040 Understanding Human Behavior in the Social Environment I & II
SCWK 501 Foundation Practice with Individuals and Families
SCWK 630 Substance Use Disorders, Diagnosis & Treatment
SCWK 609 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
SCWK508 Social Work Research Methods
SCWK506 Foundation Practice with Grps/ Org/Comm
SCWK604 Evaluation Research
SCWK251 Psychopathology
SCWK312 Loss and Mourning
SW200 History of Social Welfare
SW532 Models & Methods of Social Work Practice with Adults in Mental Health
SW532 Mental Health Skills Lab
Contact Information
Academic - Health Sciences Building
Room # 168
Ohio, 45220-2872
Phone: 5135587051