Chung-Yiu Peter Chiu
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor of Psychology and Communications Sciences and Disorders
Professional Summary
C.-Y. Peter Chiu is an Associate Professor in Psychology with a secondary appointment in the Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders. He graduated from the University of Toronto (B.Sc., M.A.) and Harvard University (PhD), with training in cognitive neuroscience. His work focuses on the neural mechanisms of a variety of cognitive domains including risky decision making, behavioral economics and consumer behaviors, executive functions, social cognition, and attention, memory and language. At UC, he has taught a variety of courses such as Choice and Decision Making, Research Methods in Cognition, and Cognition.
Doctoral Degree: Harvard University 1997 (Cognitive Neuroscience)
Master's Degree: University of Toronto 1991 (Psychology)
Research and Practice Interests
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and behavioral methods, my lab focuses on the neurocognitive mechanisms of consumer choice and behaviors, risky decision making and behavioral economics, social cognition, memory and language, executive functions and applied cognition (e.g., as in driving).
Positions and Work Experience
1999 -2005 Assistant Professor in Psychology , U. Cincinnati,
2005 -To Present Associate Professor in Psychology, U. Cincinnati,
2005 -To Present Adjunct Associate Professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders, U. Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #R03 DC006771 Investigators:Chiu, Chung-Yiu 07-01-2005 -08-31-2008 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disor Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Neural Plasticity in Speech Recognition Role:PI $185,787.00 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Shari Wade (PI), Weihong Yuan, Peter Chiu et al. 07-2011 -12-2014 Ohio Emergency Medical Services Research Grant Program The Effects of Cognitive Training on Attention and Neural Processing following Pediatric TBI Role:Co-investigator $82,481 Active Type:Grant Level:State
Investigators:Fawen Zhang (PI), Jim Eliassen, Peter Chiu et al. 07-2012 -07-2017 NIH-NIDCD Brain Plasticity induced by music training in cochlear implant users Role:Co-investigator $1,987,282 Denied Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:Peter Chiu (PI), Gerald Matthews Ohio Emergency Medical Services Research Grant Program Predrivers' Performance on a Driving Simulator and its Relationship to Situational and Attitudinal Factors Role:Principal Investigator $65,456 Denied Type:Grant Level:State
Grant: #DPS0140103 (UC 1009981) Investigators:Chiu, Chung-Yiu; Matthews, Gerald; Tran, Giao 07-19-2012 -10-30-2014 Ohio Department of Public Safety Meta-Risk Taking: Awareness of Risks and Its Effect on Driving Performance of Young Drivers Role:PI $24,976.00 Completed Type:Grant Level:State
Grant: #FA9550-13-1-0016 Investigators:Chiu, Chung-Yiu; Matthews, Gerald 03-01-2013 -02-29-2016 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Impact of Individual Differences on Reliance Optimization: Mitigation Strategies for Sustained Operation of Autonomous Systems. Focus on Mitigation Strategies Role:PI $86403 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Investigators:C.-Y. Peter Chiu, Kevin Shockley 07-2015 -07-2017 Ohio Department of Public Safety Peer Effects on Driving Role:PI 34200 Active Type:Grant Level:State
Grant: #Peer Effects on Driving -- Award Investigators:Chiu, Chung-Yiu; Shockley, Kevin 07-27-2015 -06-30-2017 Ohio Department of Public Safety Peer Effects on Driving Role:PI $34,200.00 Active Type:Grant Level:State
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nabors, L. A., Lobst, E., Weisman, J., Precht, B., & Brunner, H. (2007). School support and functioning for children with Juvenile Rheumatic Diseases. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 19, 81-89.
Tlustos, Sarah J, Chiu, C-Y Peter, Walz, Nicolay Chertkoff, Taylor, H Gerry, Yeates, Keith Owen, & Wade, Shari L (2011). Emotion labeling and socio-emotional outcomes 18 months after early childhood traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 17(6), 1132-42.
Tlustos, Sarah J, Chiu, C-Y Peter, Walz, Nicolay Chertkoff, Holland, Scott K, Bernard, Lori, & Wade, Shari L (2011). Neural correlates of interference control in adolescents with traumatic brain injury: functional magnetic resonance imaging study of the counting stroop task. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS, 17(1), 181-9.
Ramenzoni, V. C., Riley, M. A., Shockley, K. (2007). Postural responses to specific types of working memory tasks. Gait & Posture, 25, 368-373.
Jacola, Lisa M, Byars, Anna W, Chalfonte-Evans, Melinda, Schmithorst, Vincent J, Hickey, Fran, Patterson, Bonnie, Hotze, Stephanie, Vannest, Jennifer, Chiu, Chung-Yiu, Holland, Scott K, & Schapiro, Mark B (2011). Functional magnetic resonance imaging of cognitive processing in young adults with Down syndrome. American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities, 116(5), 344-59.
Ochsner, K N, Chiu, C Y, & Schacter, D L (1994). Varieties of priming. Current opinion in neurobiology, 4(2), 189-194.
Tripp, L. D., Warm, J. S., Matthews, G., Werchan, P., & Deaton, J. E. (2006). +Gz Acceleration loss of Consciousness: Time course of performance deficits with repeated experience. Human Factors, 48, 109-120.
Brown, R. D. (2006). Neural correlates of memory development and learning: combining neuroimaging and behavioral measures to understand cognitive and developmental processes. Developmental Neuropsychology, 29, 279-291.
Schmithorst, V. J., Brown, R. D., Holland, S. K., & Dunn, S. (2006). Making memories: a cross-sectional investigation of episodic memory encoding in childhood using fMRI. Developmental Neuropsychology, 29, 321-340.
Coen-Cummings, M., Schmithorst, V. J., Holland, S. K., Nabors, L., Keith, R., Kramer, M., & Rozier, H. (2005). Sound blending in the brain: An fMRI investigation. Neuroreport, 16, 883-886.
Schmithorst, V.J., Holland, S.K, & Choo, D.I. (2004). Event-related fMRI study of recognition of simulated CI speech. International Congress Series, 1273, 390-393.
Kidd, G., Mason, C. R., Brughera, A. (2003). Discriminating harmonicity. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114, 967-977.
Yampolsky, S., Waters, G., Caplan, D., Matthies, M. (2002). Effects of acoustic degradation on syntactic processing: Implications for the nature of the resource system used in language processing. Brain and Cognition, 48, 617-625.
Chiu, C.-Y. P., & Schacter, D. L. (1995). Auditory priming for nonverbal information: Implicit and explicit memory for environmental sounds. Consciousness and Cognition, 4, 440-458.
Kramer, M. E., Chiu, C.-Y. P., Walz, N. C., Holland, S. K., Yuan, W., Karunanayaka, P., & Wade, S. L. (2008). Long-term neural processing of attention following early childhood traumatic brain injury: fMRI and neurobehavioral outcomes. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14, 424-435.
Wright, S., Manolis, C., Brown, D., Guo, X., Dinsmore, J., Chiu, C.-Y. P., & Kardes, F. (2012). Construal-Level mind-sets and the perceived validity of marketing claims. Marketing Letters, 23(1), 253-261.
Chiu, C.-Y. P., Tlustos, S. J., Walz, N. C., Holland, S. K., Bernard, L., Eliassen, J. C., & Wade, S. L. (2012). Neural correlates of risky decision making in adolescents with traumatic brain injury: An fMRI study of the Balloon Analog Risk Task (BART). Developmental Neuropsychology. 37(2), 176-183.
Tlustos, S. J., Chiu, C.-Y. P., Walz, N. C., & Wade, S. L. (2015). Neural substrates of inhibitory and emotional processing in adolescents with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 8(4), 321-333.
Petranovich, C. K., Walz, N. C., Staat, M., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. (2015). Intelligence, attention, and behavioral outcomes in internationally adopted girls with a history of institutionalization. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 29(5), 639-655
Funke, M. E., Warm, J. S., Matthews, G., Funke, G. J., Chiu, P., Shaw, T. H., & Greenlee, E. T. (in press). The neuroergonomics of vigilance: Effects of spatial uncertainty on cerebral blood flow velocity and oculomotor fatigue. Human Factors.
Petranovich, C. K., Walz, N. C., Staat, M., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. (in press). Structural language, pragmatic communication, behavior, and social competence in children adopted internationally: A pilot study. Applied Neuropsychology: Child.
Electronic Journal
Kelley, B., Duker, A. P., & Chiu, P. C.-Y. (2012). Dopamine agonists and pathologic behaviors. Parkinson’s Disease, Volume 2012, Article ID 603631, 5 pages.
Peer Reviewed Conference/Workshop Proceedings
Lin, J., Wohleber, R., Matthews, G., Chiu, P., Calhoun, G., Ruff, H., & Funke, G. (2015, September). Video Game Experience and Gender as Predictors of Performance and Stress During Supervisory Control of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 746-750). SAGE Publications.
Wohleber, R. W., Calhoun, G. L., Funke, G. J., Ruff, H., Chiu, C. Y. P., Lin, J., & Matthews, G. (2016, September). The Impact of Automation Reliability and Operator Fatigue on Performance and Reliance. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 211-215). SAGE Publications.
Lin, J., Matthews, G., Wohleber, R., Chiu, C. Y. P., Calhoun, G., Funke, G., & Ruff, H. (2016, September). Automation Reliability and Other Contextual Factors in Multi-UAV Operator Selection. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 846-850). SAGE Publications.
Fallon, C. K., Matthews, G., Chiu, P., & Lange, R. (2016). Predicting trust in a selfish teammate. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 476-477.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Tlustos, S. J., Chiu, C.-Y. P., Walz, N. C., & Wade, S. L. (2015. ) Neural substrates of inhibitory and emotional processing in adolescents with traumatic brain injury .Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, , 8 (4 ) ,321-333
Petranovich, C. K., Walz, N. C., Staat, M., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. (2015. ) Intelligence, attention, and behavioral outcomes in internationally adopted girls with a history of institutionalization.The Clinical Neuropsychologist, , 29 (5 ) ,639-655 More Information
Funke, M.E., Warm, J. S., Matthews, G., Funke, G. J., Chiu, P., Shaw, T. H., & Greenlee, E. T. (2017. ) The neuroergonomics of vigilance: Effects of spatial uncertainty on cerebral blood flow velocity and oculomotor Fatigue .Human Factors, ,
Petranovich, C. K., Walz, N. C., Staat, M., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. (2017. ) Structural language, pragmatic communication, behavior, and social competence in children adopted internationally: A pilot study. Applied Neuropsychology: Child., ,
Other Publications
Chiu, C.-Y. P., Matthews, G., Tran, G. (2014. ) Meta-Risk Taking Awareness of risks and its effects on driving performance of young adults .Ohio EMS Technical Report,
Poster Presentations
Tlustos, S., Chiu, P., Walz, N. A., Wade, S., Holland, S. K., & Bernard, L. A. (02-2011. ) Neural correlates of inhibitory and socio-emotional processing in adolescents with traumatic brain injury: an fMRI study .39th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Boston, MA. . Conference. . Level:International
Tlustos, S., Chiu, P., Walz, N. A., Wade, S., Holland, S. K., & Bernard, L. A. (02-2011. ) Neural correlates of interference control in adolescents with traumatic brain injury: fMRI study of the counting stroop task .39th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Boston, MA. . Conference. . Level:International
Karver, C., Chiu, P., Walz, N. A., Cassidy, A., Tlustos, S., & Wade, S. (02-2011. ) Iowa Gambling Task performance in adolescent mild to moderate TBI patients .39th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Boston, MA. . Conference. . Level:International
Petranovich, C., Chiu, P., Walz, N. A., & Wade, S. (02-2014. ) The relationship of a lab-based measure of social information processing and parent-reported social competence in internationally adopted girls .International Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA. . Conference. . Level:International
Petranovich, C. K., Walz, N. C., Staat, M., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. (02-2015. ) Differing aspects of social information processing and parent-reported social competence in internationally adopted girls with a history of institutionalization .43rd Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO. . Conference. . Level:International
Petranovich, C. K., Walz, N. C., Staat, M., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. (02-2015. ) The influence of neuropsychological aspects of attention on parent-reported behavior and social competence in internationally adopted girls with a history of institutionalization .43rd Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO. . Conference. . Level:International
Smith, J. M., Kurowski, B., Taylor, H. G., Yeates, K. O., Stancin, T., Minich, N., Chiu, P., & Wade, S. L. (02-2015. ) Genetic and Environmental Influences on Executive Functioning after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury .43rd Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO. . Conference. . Level:International
Fallon, C. K., Chiu, P., Matthews, G., & Lange, R. (02-2015. ) Predicting trust in a teammate: The relationship between trust and implicit attitude .16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA. . Conference. . Level:International
Chiu, C.-Y. P., Treble-Barna, A., Yuan, W., Sohlberg, M. M., Harn, B. E., & Wade, S. L. (02-2016. ) Training-related changes in counting stroop task activation in pediatric traumatic brain injuries (TBI): an fMRI study .44th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Boston, MA. . Conference. . Level:International
Fallon, C. K., Matthews, G., Chiu, P., & Lange, R. (06-2015. ) Predicting trust in a selfish teammate .16th Annual International Society for the Study of Individual Differences Meeting, London, Ontario Canada. . Conference. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Lin, J., Wohleber, R., Matthews, G., Chiu, P. Calhoun, G., Ruff, H., & Funke, G. (11-2015. ) Videogame experiences and gender as predictors of performance and stress during supervisory control of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles .Los Angeles, CA. Conference. Level:International
Student Advising
Claire Wilkison (Master ) Chair Status:In Progress
(University Research Council: Social and Behav Div ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2009
Institutional Review Board (Social and Behavioral Sub-committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2008 -09-2011
(RPT - Ginn ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -04-2010
Journal of Consumer Psychology Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International
University Research Council (Social and Behavioral Subcommittee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 2011
Jounral of Experimental Child Psychology Peer Review/Referee Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2011
(Kallen RPT ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011
(Richardson RPT ) Co-Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011
(Space Planning Committee ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2011
Marketing Letters Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
University Research Council (Social and Behavioral Subcommittee Committee ) Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2011 -08-2012
Journal of Pediatric Psychology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
(Alumni Relation ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012 -2013
(Undergraduate Curriculum Evaluation ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012 -2014
(Executive Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012 -2014
Rachel Kallen (RPT ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2014 -2014
Journal of Consumer Psychology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2014
Institutional Review Board Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 09-2015 -09-2018
Cerebral Cortex Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2015
Journal of Consumer Psychology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2015
Cognitive Systems Research Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 03-2016
Journal of Consumer Psychology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2016
Post Graduate Training and Education
1997-1999 Research Associate, Audiology, Boston University, ,
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, with specialization in brain imaging and its application to children's thinking.
Professional Affiliation
International Neuropsychological Society (INS)
Association for the Psychological Sciences (APS)
Americal Psychological Association (APA) Div 40
Association for the Psychological Sciences (APS)
Americal Psychological Association (APA) Div 40
International Neuropsychological Society (INS)
Courses Taught
15-PSYC-342 COGNITIVE DEVELOP Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-220 COGNITION AND LEARN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-735 CORE PSYC: COG&LRN Level:Graduate
RS METHODS: COGN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-320 COG NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-321 MEMORY Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-220 COGNITION AND LEARN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-220 COGNITION AND LEARN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-101 INTRO PSYCH (EXP) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-735 CORE PSYC: COG&LRN Level:Graduate
15-PSYC-101 INTRO PSYCH (EXP) Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-201 INTRO METH & STAT Level:Undergraduate
INTRO PSYCH Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-202 INTRMED METH & STAT Level:Undergraduate
COGNITION LEARNING Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-735 CORE PSYC: COG&LRN Level:Graduate
15-PSYC-320 COG NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Level:Undergraduate
RES MTDS COG PSYCH Level:Undergraduate
RES MTDS COG PSYCH Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-220 COGNITION AND LEARN Level:Undergraduate
15-PSYC-928 SEM COG NEUROPSYCH Level:Graduate
15-PSYC-735 CORE PSYC: COG&LRN Level:Graduate
Res Meth: Cog Psych Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
11-05-2010 -11-05-2010 Best Practices in Scholarly Teaching Conference Best practices in teaching, including issues on online courses, Center for Enhancement of Teaching and Learning TUC, U Cincinnati Type:Continuing Education Program
07-12-2010 -07-15-2010 Tutotial on R software Tutorial on the statistical software R, Dept. Psychology, U Cincinnati Dept. Psychology, U Cincinnati Type:Workshop
06-20-2011 -06-24-2011 Advanced Training Institute Nonlinear Methods for Psychological Science (Funded by a FDC grant), American Psychological Association U. Cincinnati Type:Workshop
06-11-2012 -06-15-2012 June Instructional Technology Institute 5-day intensive workshop on instructional technology, U. Cincinnati Health Sci Library Type:Workshop
08-2013 -08-2013 Curriculum Assessment Workshop Type:Workshop
11-08-2016 -11-08-2016 Employing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Your Course This interactive workshop, presented by Kimber Andrews of CET&L, is designed for those who are interested in expanding their knowledge of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and implementing UDL in their courses. , U Cincinnati, C Langsam 480C Type:Workshop
11-18-2016 -11-18-2016 Applying What We Know About How Students Learn Langsam 480C Type:Workshop
Contact Information
Research - Edwards I Rm 4130L
Dept. of Psychology
Cincinnati OH
Ohio, 45221-0376
Phone: 513-556-6451
Fax: 513-556-1904