Miguel Chiurillo

Miguel Angel Chiurillo , PHD

Asst Professor

Rieveschl Hall


A&S Biological Sciences - 0006

Professional Summary

Research topics: Molecular Parasitology, trypanosomes, Chagas disease, genomic organization, telomeres, cytokinesis, cell signaling, protein kinases, genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9, differentiation, host-parasite interactions.


Medical Doctor: Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado Barquisimeto, Venezuela, 1991 (Medicine)

Ph.D.: Universidad Simon Bolivar Caracas, Venezuela, 1999 (Biological Sciences)

Research and Practice Interests

My research focuses on studying genes involved in the adaptation of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi to the different environments to which it is exposed during its complex life cycle. 
Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas disease (also known as American trypanosomiasis), which is a vector-borne disease that affects 7-8 million people around the world including individuals infected by non-natural transmissions. This slow-progressing infection is considered a major cause of chronic heart disease, although most affected individuals remain undiagnosed and untreated. Natural transmission occurs when humans come into contact with feces and/or urine of infected blood-sucking triatomine bugs (vector-borne transmission). 
This parasite has a complex life cycle including four major developmental stages between the insect vector and vertebrate host.  Each one of these stages is exposed to very specific microenvironments. The molecular mechanisms driving developmental transformations during T. cruzi life cycle, as well as those involved in its infective capacity are in general poorly understood. Moreover, T. cruzi exhibits peculiar metabolic and structural characteristics that make it a very interesting model of early divergent eukaryotic cells. 
Recently, we have been adapting the CRISPR/Cas9 technology to improve the molecular toolbox for reverse genetics in T. cruzi, which was considered an organism refractory to genetic manipulation.These methodologies allowed us to successfully obtain, in some cases for the first time in T. cruzi, gene knockout populations, endogenous C-terminal tagging, gene complementation of KO cell lines and in situ mutagenesis for the study of proteins involved in calcium metabolism. In general, our results suggest that mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in trypanosomes are linked to the regulation of cell bioenergetics and life/death decisions during T. cruzi life cycle and has lineage-specific adaptations not seen in vertebrate cells.
The role of protein kinases involved in the signaling and cellular transduction pathways that lead to cell differentiation and the adaptation of this organism to the different environments to which it is exposed during its life cycle are part of our particular interests in our research. In the experimental designs of my laboratory we employ different genome editing strategies to study the function of T. cruzi genes encoding protein kinases.

Positions and Work Experience

2001 -2005 Assistant Professor, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. School of Health Sciences, Department of Functional Sciences , Barquisimeto, Venezuela

2005 -2012 Associate Professor, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. School of Health Sciences, Department of Functional Sciences , Barquisimeto, Venezuela

2012 -2014 Professor, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado. School of Health Sciences, Department of Functional Sciences , Barquisimeto, Venezuela

02-2012 -01-2013 Visiting Professor, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology. Escola Paulista de Medicina. Universidad Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

01-11-2021 -08-14-2024 Associate Professor-Research, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

08-15-2024 -To Present Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH

Research Support

Grant: #AHA 23IPA1054779 Investigators:Chiurillo Siervo, Miguel 07-01-2023 -06-30-2025 American Heart Association - National Chapter Multigene analysis of cytokinesis regulators of the human pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi Role:PI $ 200,000.00 Active Type:Grant

Investigators:Chiurillo Siervo, Miguel 08-15-2023 -07-31-2025 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Barcode screening of essential protein kinases in the life cycle progression of Trypanosoma cruzi Role:PI 202500.00 Awarded Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Docampo, Roberto (2020. ) Signaling pathways involved in environmental sensing in Trypanosoma cruzi.Molecular microbiology, , More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Lander, Noelia; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2020. ) IP3 receptor-mediated Ca2+ release from acidocalcisomes regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics and prevents autophagy in Trypanosoma cruzi.Cell calcium, , 92 ,102284 More Information

Faktorová, Drahomíra; Nisbet, R Ellen R; Fernández Robledo, José A; Casacuberta, Elena; Sudek, Lisa; Allen, Andrew E; Ares, Manuel; Aresté, Cristina; Balestreri, Cecilia; Barbrook, Adrian C; Beardslee, Patrick; Bender, Sara; Booth, David S; Bouget, François-Yves; Bowler, Chris; Breglia, Susana A; Brownlee, Colin; Burger, Gertraud; Cerutti, Heriberto; Cesaroni, Rachele; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Clemente, Thomas; Coles, Duncan B; Collier, Jackie L; Cooney, Elizabeth C; Coyne, Kathryn; Docampo, Roberto; Dupont, Christopher L; Edgcomb, Virginia; Einarsson, Elin; Elustondo, Pía A; Federici, Fernan; Freire-Beneitez, Veronica; Freyria, Nastasia J; Fukuda, Kodai; García, Paulo A; Girguis, Peter R; Gomaa, Fatma; Gornik, Sebastian G; Guo, Jian; Hampl, Vladimír; Hanawa, Yutaka; Haro-Contreras, Esteban R; Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Highfield, Andrea; Hirakawa, Yoshihisa; Hopes, Amanda; Howe, Christopher J; Hu, Ian; Ibañez, Jorge; Irwin, Nicholas A T; Ishii, Yuu; Janowicz, Natalia Ewa; Jones, Adam C; Kachale, Ambar; Fujimura-Kamada, Konomi; Kaur, Binnypreet; Kaye, Jonathan Z; Kazana, Eleanna; Keeling, Patrick J; King, Nicole; Klobutcher, Lawrence A; Lander, Noelia; Lassadi, Imen; Li, Zhuhong; Lin, Senjie; Lozano, Jean-Claude; Luan, Fulei; Maruyama, Shinichiro; Matute, Tamara; Miceli, Cristina; Minagawa, Jun; Moosburner, Mark; Najle, Sebastián R; Nanjappa, Deepak; Nimmo, Isabel C; Noble, Luke; Novák Vanclová, Anna M G; Nowacki, Mariusz; Nuñez, Isaac; Pain, Arnab; Piersanti, Angela; Pucciarelli, Sandra; Pyrih, Jan; Rest, Joshua S; Rius, Mariana; Robertson, Deborah; Ruaud, Albane; Ruiz-Trillo, Iñaki; Sigg, Monika A; Silver, Pamela A; Slamovits, Claudio H; Jason Smith, G; Sprecher, Brittany N; Stern, Rowena; Swart, Estienne C; Tsaousis, Anastasios D; Tsypin, Lev; Turkewitz, Aaron; Turnšek, Jernej; Valach, Matus; Vergé, Valérie; von Dassow, Peter; von der Haar, Tobias; Waller, Ross F; Wang, Lu; Wen, Xiaoxue; Wheeler, Glen; Woods, April; Zhang, Huan; Mock, Thomas; Worden, Alexandra Z; Lukeš, Julius (2020. ) Publisher Correction: Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology.Nature methods, , 17 (5 ) ,551 More Information

Faktorová, Drahomíra; Nisbet, R Ellen R; Fernández Robledo, José A; Casacuberta, Elena; Sudek, Lisa; Allen, Andrew E; Ares, Manuel; Aresté, Cristina; Balestreri, Cecilia; Barbrook, Adrian C; Beardslee, Patrick; Bender, Sara; Booth, David S; Bouget, François-Yves; Bowler, Chris; Breglia, Susana A; Brownlee, Colin; Burger, Gertraud; Cerutti, Heriberto; Cesaroni, Rachele; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Clemente, Thomas; Coles, Duncan B; Collier, Jackie L; Cooney, Elizabeth C; Coyne, Kathryn; Docampo, Roberto; Dupont, Christopher L; Edgcomb, Virginia; Einarsson, Elin; Elustondo, Pía A; Federici, Fernan; Freire-Beneitez, Veronica; Freyria, Nastasia J; Fukuda, Kodai; García, Paulo A; Girguis, Peter R; Gomaa, Fatma; Gornik, Sebastian G; Guo, Jian; Hampl, Vladimír; Hanawa, Yutaka; Haro-Contreras, Esteban R; Hehenberger, Elisabeth; Highfield, Andrea; Hirakawa, Yoshihisa; Hopes, Amanda; Howe, Christopher J; Hu, Ian; Ibañez, Jorge; Irwin, Nicholas A T; Ishii, Yuu; Janowicz, Natalia Ewa; Jones, Adam C; Kachale, Ambar; Fujimura-Kamada, Konomi; Kaur, Binnypreet; Kaye, Jonathan Z; Kazana, Eleanna; Keeling, Patrick J; King, Nicole; Klobutcher, Lawrence A; Lander, Noelia; Lassadi, Imen; Li, Zhuhong; Lin, Senjie; Lozano, Jean-Claude; Luan, Fulei; Maruyama, Shinichiro; Matute, Tamara; Miceli, Cristina; Minagawa, Jun; Moosburner, Mark; Najle, Sebastián R; Nanjappa, Deepak; Nimmo, Isabel C; Noble, Luke; Novák Vanclová, Anna M G; Nowacki, Mariusz; Nuñez, Isaac; Pain, Arnab; Piersanti, Angela; Pucciarelli, Sandra; Pyrih, Jan; Rest, Joshua S; Rius, Mariana; Robertson, Deborah; Ruaud, Albane; Ruiz-Trillo, Iñaki; Sigg, Monika A; Silver, Pamela A; Slamovits, Claudio H; Jason Smith, G; Sprecher, Brittany N; Stern, Rowena; Swart, Estienne C; Tsaousis, Anastasios D; Tsypin, Lev; Turkewitz, Aaron; Turnšek, Jernej; Valach, Matus; Vergé, Valérie; von Dassow, Peter; von der Haar, Tobias; Waller, Ross F; Wang, Lu; Wen, Xiaoxue; Wheeler, Glen; Woods, April; Zhang, Huan; Mock, Thomas; Worden, Alexandra Z; Lukeš, Julius (2020. ) Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology.Nature methods, , 17 (5 ) ,481-494 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Docampo, Roberto (2020. ) CRISPR/Cas9 Technology Applied to the Study of Proteins Involved in Calcium Signaling in Trypanosoma cruzi.Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), , 2116 ,177-197 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A (2019. ) State-of-the-art CRISPR/Cas9 Technology for Genome Editing in Trypanosomatids.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 66 (6 ) ,981-991 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Lander, Noelia; Bertolini, Mayara S; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2019. ) Functional analysis and importance for host cell infection of the Ca2+-conducting subunits of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter of Trypanosoma cruzi.Molecular biology of the cell, , 30 (14 ) ,1676-1690 More Information

Bertolini, Mayara S; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Lander, Noelia; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2019. ) MICU1 and MICU2 Play an Essential Role in Mitochondrial Ca2+ Uptake, Growth, and Infectivity of the Human Pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi.mBio, , 10 (3 ) , More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Docampo, Roberto (2019. ) Genome Editing by CRISPR/Cas9 in Trypanosoma cruzi.Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), , 1955 ,61-76 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Bertolini, Mayara S; Storey, Melissa; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2018. ) Calcium-sensitive pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase is required for energy metabolism, growth, differentiation, and infectivity of Trypanosoma cruzi.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 293 (45 ) ,17402-17417 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Bertolini, Mayara S; Docampo, Roberto; Vercesi, Aníbal E (2018. ) The mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex in trypanosomes.Cell biology international, , 42 (6 ) ,656-663 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Vercesi, Aníbal E; Docampo, Roberto (2017. ) Endogenous C-terminal Tagging by CRISPR/Cas9 in Trypanosoma cruzi.Bio-protocol, , 7 (10 ) , More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Lander, Noelia; Bertolini, Mayara S; Storey, Melissa; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2017. ) Different Roles of Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Complex Subunits in Growth and Infectivity of Trypanosoma cruzi.mBio, , 8 (3 ) , More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Moraes Barros, Roberto R; Souza, Renata T; Marini, Marjorie M; Antonio, Cristiane R; Cortez, Danielle R; Curto, María Á; Lorenzi, Hernán A; Schijman, Alejandro G; Ramirez, José L; da Silveira, José F (2016. ) Subtelomeric I-SceI-Mediated Double-Strand Breaks Are Repaired by Homologous Recombination in Trypanosoma cruzi.Frontiers in microbiology, , 7 ,2041 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Storey, Melissa; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2016. ) CRISPR/Cas9-mediated endogenous C-terminal Tagging of Trypanosoma cruzi Genes Reveals the Acidocalcisome Localization of the Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 291 (49 ) ,25505-25515 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Docampo, Roberto (2016. ) Genome Editing by CRISPR/Cas9: A Game Change in the Genetic Manipulation of Protists.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 63 (5 ) ,679-90 More Information

Torres, Keila; Labrador, Luis; Valderrama, Elvis; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2016. ) TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism is associated with gastric cancer: A case-control study in the Venezuelan population.World journal of gastroenterology, , 22 (28 ) ,6520-6 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Cortez, Danielle R; Lima, Fábio M; Cortez, Caroline; Ramírez, José Luis; Martins, Andre G; Serrano, Myrna G; Teixeira, Marta M G; da Silveira, José Franco (2016. ) The diversity and expansion of the trans-sialidase gene family is a common feature in Trypanosoma cruzi clade members.Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases, , 37 ,266-74 More Information

Moran, Yeinmy; Labrador, Luis; Camargo, María Eugenia; Fernández, David; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2015. ) Design of an allele-specific PCR assay to genotype the rs12255372 SNP in a pilot study of association between common TCF7L2 polymorphisms and type 2 diabetes in Venezuelans.Archives of endocrinology and metabolism, , 60 (3 ) ,246-51 More Information

Labrador, Luis; Torres, Keila; Camargo, Maria; Santiago, Laskhmi; Valderrama, Elvis; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2015. ) Association of common variants on chromosome 8q24 with gastric cancer in Venezuelan patients.Gene, , 566 (1 ) ,120-4 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2015. ) Role of the Wnt/?-catenin pathway in gastric cancer: An in-depth literature review.World journal of experimental medicine, , 5 (2 ) ,84-102 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2015. ) Genomic biomarkers related to drug response in Venezuelan populations.Drug metabolism and personalized therapy, , 30 (1 ) ,33-41 More Information

Freire-Aradas, A; Ruiz, Y; Phillips, C; Maroñas, O; Söchtig, J; Tato, A Gómez; Dios, J Álvarez; de Cal, M Casares; Silbiger, V N; Luchessi, A D; Luchessi, A D; Chiurillo, M A; Carracedo, Á; Lareu, M V (2014. ) Exploring iris colour prediction and ancestry inference in admixed populations of South America.Forensic science international. Genetics, , 13 ,3-9 More Information

Torres, Keila; Valderrama, Elvis; Sayegh, Marjorie; Ramírez, José Luis; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2014. ) Study of the oipA genetic diversity and EPIYA motif patterns in cagA-positive Helicobacter pylori strains from Venezuelan patients with chronic gastritis.Microbial pathogenesis, , 76 ,26-32 More Information

Stoco, Patrícia Hermes; Wagner, Glauber; Talavera-Lopez, Carlos; Gerber, Alexandra; Zaha, Arnaldo; Thompson, Claudia Elizabeth; Bartholomeu, Daniella Castanheira; Lückemeyer, Débora Denardin; Bahia, Diana; Loreto, Elgion; Prestes, Elisa Beatriz; Lima, Fábio Mitsuo; Rodrigues-Luiz, Gabriela; Vallejo, Gustavo Adolfo; Filho, José Franco da Silveira; Schenkman, Sérgio; Monteiro, Karina Mariante; Tyler, Kevin Morris; de Almeida, Luiz Gonzaga Paula; Ortiz, Mauro Freitas; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; de Moraes, Milene Höehr; Cunha, Oberdan de Lima; Mendonça-Neto, Rondon; Silva, Rosane; Teixeira, Santuza Maria Ribeiro; Murta, Silvane Maria Fonseca; Sincero, Thais Cristine Marques; Mendes, Tiago Antonio de Oliveira; Urmenyi, Turán Peter; Silva, Viviane Grazielle; DaRocha, Wanderson Duarte; Andersson, Björn; Romanha, Alvaro José; Steindel, Mário; de Vasconcelos, Ana Tereza Ribeiro; Grisard, Edmundo Carlos (2014. ) Genome of the avirulent human-infective trypanosome--Trypanosoma rangeli.PLoS neglected tropical diseases, , 8 (9 ) ,e3176 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2014. ) Role of gene polymorphisms in gastric cancer and its precursor lesions: current knowledge and perspectives in Latin American countries.World journal of gastroenterology, , 20 (16 ) ,4503-15 More Information

Quinones, Luis Abel; Lavanderos, Maria Alejandra; Cayun, Juan Pablo; Garcia-Martin, Elena; Agundez, Jose Augusto; Caceres, Dante Daniel; Roco, Angela Margarita; Morales, Jorge E; Herrera, Luisa; Encina, Gonzalo; Isaza, Carlos Alberto; Redal, Maria Ana; Larovere, Laura; Soria, Nestor Walter; Eslava-Schmalbach, Javier; Castaneda-Hernandez, Gilberto; Lopez-Cortes, Andres; Magno, Luiz Alexandre; Lopez, Marisol; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Rodeiro, Idania; Castro de Guerra, Dinorah; Teran, Enrique; Estevez-Carrizo, Francisco; Lares-Assef, Ismael (2014. ) Perception of the usefulness of drug/gene pairs and barriers for pharmacogenomics in Latin America.Current drug metabolism, , 15 (2 ) ,202-8 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Griman, Pedro; Santiago, Laskhmi; Torres, Keila; Moran, Yeinmy; Borjas, Lisbeth (2013. ) Distribution of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 and TP53 disease-associated gene variants in native and urban Venezuelan populations.Gene, , 531 (1 ) ,106-11 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Moran, Yeinmy; Cañas, Miryan; Valderrama, Elvis; Granda, Nashdalish; Sayegh, Marjorie; Ramírez, José Luis (2013. ) Genotyping of Helicobacter pylori virulence-associated genes shows high diversity of strains infecting patients in western Venezuela.International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, , 17 (9 ) ,e750-6 More Information

Amemiya, Hideki; Peña, Alix; Chiurillo, Miguel; Moscoso, Jaime; Useche, Alejandro; Baffi, Raúl (2013. ) [Increased expression of the c-Met receptor mRNA in gastric cancer]. Investigacion clinica, , 54 (3 ) ,284-98

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel Can the prevalence of symptoms in patients with inflammatory bowel disease be predicted by the analysis of multidrug resistance gene 1 polymorphisms?.Saudi journal of gastroenterology : official journal of the Saudi Gastroenterology Association, , 19 (4 ) ,139-40 More Information

Ruiz, Y; Chiurillo, M A; Borjas, L; Phillips, C; Lareu, M V; Carracedo, Á (2012. ) Analysis of the SNPforID 52-plex markers in four Native American populations from Venezuela.Forensic science international. Genetics, , 6 (5 ) ,e142-5 More Information

Moraes Barros, Roberto R; Marini, Marjorie M; Antônio, Cristiane Regina; Cortez, Danielle R; Miyake, Andrea M; Lima, Fábio M; Ruiz, Jeronimo C; Bartholomeu, Daniella C; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Ramirez, José Luis; da Silveira, José Franco (2012. ) Anatomy and evolution of telomeric and subtelomeric regions in the human protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.BMC genomics, , 13 ,229 More Information

Griman, Pedro; Moran, Yeinmy; Valero, Gabriela; Loreto, Mariana; Borjas, Lisbeth; Chiurillo, Miguel A (2012. ) CYP2D6 gene variants in urban/admixed and Amerindian populations of Venezuela: pharmacogenetics and anthropological implications.Annals of human biology, , 39 (2 ) ,137-42 More Information

Skirzewski, M; López, W; Mosquera, E; Betancourt, L; Catlow, B; Chiurillo, M; Loureiro, N; Hernández, L; Rada, P (2011. ) Enhanced GABAergic tone in the ventral pallidum: memory of unpleasant experiences?.Neuroscience, , 196 ,131-46 More Information

Sosa-Sequera, Miriam C; Chiurillo, Miguel; Moscoso, Jaime; Dolinar, Josefina; Suarez, Omar; Neira, Natalia; Mendoza, Hernan; Rivero-Paris, María (2011. ) Kaurenic acid: Evaluation of the in vivo and in vitro antitumor activity on murine melanoma.Indian journal of pharmacology, , 43 (6 ) ,683-8 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Moran, Yeinmy H; Cañas, Miryan; Valderrama, Elvis J; Armanie, Emma (2011. ) Infection with specific Helicobacter pylori-cag pathogenicity island strains is associated with interleukin-1B gene polymorphisms in Venezuelan chronic gastritis patients.Digestive diseases and sciences, , 56 (2 ) ,449-56 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Moran, Yeinmy; Cañas, Miryan; Valderrama, Elvis; Alvarez, Alberto; Armanie, Emma (2010. ) Combination of Helicobacter pylori-iceA2 and proinflammatory interleukin-1 polymorphisms is associated with the severity of histological changes in Venezuelan chronic gastritis patients.FEMS immunology and medical microbiology, , 59 (2 ) ,170-6 More Information

Peña, C P; Lander, N; Rodríguez, E; Crisante, G; Añez, N; Ramírez, J L; Chiurillo, M A (2009. ) Molecular analysis of surface glycoprotein multigene family TrGP expressed on the plasma membrane of Trypanosoma rangeli epimastigotes forms.Acta tropica, , 111 (3 ) ,255-62 More Information

Cañas, Miryan; Morán, Yeinmy; Camargo, María Eugenia; Rivero, María Belén; Bohórquez, Adolfo; Villegas, Venus; Ramírez, Eddy; Rendón, Yanet; Suárez, Alfredo; Morales, Luis; Useche, Emerson; Salazar, Sandra; Zambrano, Amado; Ramírez, Alvaro; Valderrama, Elvis; Briceño, Zuly; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2009. ) [TP53 codon 72 polymorphism and gastric cancer risk: a case-control study in individuals from the central-western region of Venezuela]. Investigacion clinica, , 50 (2 ) ,153-61

Cañas, Miryan; Morán, Yeinmy; Rivero, María Belén; Bohórquez, Adolfo; Villegas, Venus; Rendón, Yanet; Ramírez, Eddy; Valderrama, Elvis; Briceño, Zuly; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2009. ) [Interleukin-1 genetic polymorphism: association with gastric cancer in the high-risk Central-Western population of Venezuela].Revista medica de Chile, , 137 (1 ) ,63-70 More Information

Rojas, María Elena; Várquez, Philricar; Villarreal, María Fernanda; Velandia, Carlos; Vergara, Luis; Morán-Borges, Yeinmy Heliannie; Ontiveros, Judith; Yelitza Calderón, María; Chiurillo-Siervo, Miguel Angel; Rodríguez-Bonfante, Claudina del Carmen; Aldana, Elis; Concepción, Juan Luis; Bonfante-Cabarcas, Rafael Armando (2008. ) [An entomological and seroepidemiological study of Chagas' disease in an area in central-western Venezuela infested with Triatoma maculata (Erichson 1848)].Cadernos de saude publica, , 24 (10 ) ,2323-33 More Information

Lander, N; Rojas, M G; Chiurillo, M A; Ramírez, J L (2008. ) Haplotype diversity in human mitochondrial DNA hypervariable regions I-III in the city of Caracas (Venezuela).Forensic science international. Genetics, , 2 (4 ) ,e61-4 More Information

Borjas, Lisbeth; Bernal, Lennie Pineda; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Tovar, Florangel; Zabala, William; Lander, Noelia; Ramírez, Jose L (2008. ) Usefulness of 12 Y-STRs for forensic genetics evaluation in two populations from Venezuela.Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan), , 10 (2 ) ,107-12 More Information

Morán, Yeinmy; Valderrama, Elvis; Camargo, María Eugenia; Rivero, María Belén; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2007. ) [Chemiluminescent measurement of telomere DNA content in archival biopsies of colon adenocarcinoma]. Investigacion clinica, , 48 (4 ) ,485-93

Pérez, Carmen Carlota Nello; Tobar, Iván Darío Bravo; Jiménez, Eliézer; Castañeda, Darwin; Rivero, Maria Belén; Concepción, Juan Luís; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Bonfante-Cabarcas, Rafael (2006. ) Kinetic and molecular evidences that human cardiac muscle express non-M2 muscarinic receptor subtypes that are able to interact themselves.Pharmacological research, , 54 (5 ) ,345-55 More Information

Bernal, Lennie Pineda; Borjas, Lisbeth; Zabala, William; Portillo, María Gabriela; Fernández, Erika; Delgado, Wilmer; Tovar, Florangel; Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Ramírez, José Luis; García, Oscar (2006. ) Genetic variation of 15 STR autosomal loci in the Maracaibo population from Venezuela.Forensic science international, , 161 (1 ) ,60-3 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Tovar, Florángel; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Ramírez, José Luis (2006. ) A new allele of the short tandem repeat locus D21S11 in a Venezuelan population.Journal of forensic sciences, , 51 (3 ) ,695 More Information

Añez-Rojas, Néstor; Peralta, Andreína; Crisante, Gladys; Rojas, Agustina; Añez, Néstor; Ramírez, José L; Chiurillo, Miguel A (2005. ) Trypanosoma rangeli expresses a gene of the group II trans-sialidase superfamily.Molecular and biochemical parasitology, , 142 (1 ) ,133-6 More Information

Feliciangeli, M Dora; Delgado, Olinda; Suarez, Benny; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel (2005. ) The burden of the Leishmania chagasi/infantum infection in a closed rural focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Lara state, west-central Venezuela.Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH, , 10 (5 ) ,444-9 More Information

Kim, Dong; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; El-Sayed, Najib; Jones, Kristin; Santos, Márcia R M; Porcile, Patricio E; Andersson, Bjorn; Myler, Peter; da Silveira, José Franco; Ramírez, José Luis (2005. ) Telomere and subtelomere of Trypanosoma cruzi chromosomes are enriched in (pseudo)genes of retrotransposon hot spot and trans-sialidase-like gene families: the origins of T. cruzi telomeres.Gene, , 346 ,153-61 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Morales, Alvaro; Mendes, Ana María; Lander, Noelia; Tovar, Florángel; Fuentes, Angela; Ramírez, José Luis (2003. ) Genetic profiling of a central Venezuelan population using 15 STR markers that may be of forensic importance.Forensic science international, , 136 (1-3 ) ,99-101 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Crisante, Gladys; Rojas, Agustina; Peralta, Andreina; Dias, Manuel; Guevara, Palmira; Añez, Néstor; Ramírez, José Luis (2003. ) Detection of Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli infection by duplex PCR assay based on telomeric sequences.Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology, , 10 (5 ) ,775-9 More Information

Verbisck, Newton Valério; dos Santos, Márcia Regina Machado; Engman, David M; Angel Chiurillo, Miguel; Ramirez, José Luis; Araya, Jorge Enrique; Mortara, Renato Arruda; da Silveira, José Franco (2003. ) A novel reiterated family of transcribed oligo(A)-terminated, interspersed DNA elements in the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi.Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, , 98 (1 ) ,129-33 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Santos, Marcia R M; Franco Da Silveira, Jose; Ramírez, Jose Luis (2002. ) An improved general approach for cloning and characterizing telomeres: the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi as model organism.Gene, , 294 (1-2 ) ,197-204 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Peralta, Andreina; Ramírez, José L (2002. ) Comparative study of Trypanosoma rangeli and Trypanosoma cruzi telomeres.Molecular and biochemical parasitology, , 120 (2 ) ,305-8 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Ramírez, José Luis (2002. ) Charaterization of Leishmania major Friedlin telomeric terminus.Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, , 97 (3 ) ,343-6 More Information

Chiurillo, M A; Sachdeva, M; Dole, V S; Yepes, Y; Miliani, E; Vazquez, L; Rojas, A; Crisante, G; Guevara, P; Añez, N; Madhubala, R; Ramírez, J L (2001. ) Detection of Leishmania causing visceral leishmaniasis in the Old and New Worlds by a polymerase chain reaction assay based on telomeric sequences.The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, , 65 (5 ) ,573-82 More Information

Chiurillo, M A; Beck, A E; Devos, T; Myler, P J; Stuart, K; Ramirez, J L (2000. ) Cloning and characterization of Leishmania donovani telomeres.Experimental parasitology, , 94 (4 ) ,248-58 More Information

Santos, M R; Lorenzi, H; Porcile, P; Carmo, M S; Schijman, A; Brandão, A; Araya, J E; Gomes, H B; Chiurillo, M A; Ramirez, J L; Degrave, W M; Levin, M J; da Silveira, J F (1999. ) Physical mapping of a 670-kb region of chromosomes XVI and XVII from the human protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi encompassing the genes for two immunodominant antigens.Genome research, , 9 (12 ) ,1268-76 More Information

Chiurillo, M A; Cano, I; Da Silveira, J F; Ramirez, J L (1999. ) Organization of telomeric and sub-telomeric regions of chromosomes from the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.Molecular and biochemical parasitology, , 100 (2 ) ,173-83 More Information

Carmo, M S; Araya, J E; Ramirez, M I; Boscardin, S; Cano, M I; Baida, R P; Ruiz, R C; Santos, M R; Chiurillo, M A; Ramirez, J L; Yoshida, N; Silveira, J F (1999. ) Organization and expression of a multigene family encoding the surface glycoproteins of Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes involved in the cell invasion.Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, , 94 Suppl 1 ,169-71 More Information

Negreiros, Raquel S; Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Vercesi, Anibal E; Docampo, Roberto (2021. ) Mitochondrial Pyruvate Carrier Subunits Are Essential for Pyruvate-Driven Respiration, Infectivity, and Intracellular Replication of Trypanosoma cruzi.mBio, , 12 (2 ) , More Information

Dos Santos GRR, Rezende Leite AC, Lander N, Chiurillo MA, Vercesi AE, Docampo R (2021. ) Trypanosoma cruzi Letm1 is involved in mitochondrial Ca 2+ transport, and is essential for replication, differentiation, and host cell invasion.Faseb Journal, , More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Jensen, Bryan C; Docampo, Roberto (2021. ) Drug Target Validation of the Protein Kinase AEK1, Essential for Proliferation, Host Cell Invasion, and Intracellular Replication of the Human Pathogen Trypanosoma cruzi.Microbiology spectrum, , 9 (2 ) ,e0073821 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Lander, Noelia (2021. ) The long and winding road of reverse genetics in Trypanosoma cruzi.Microbial cell (Graz, Austria), , 8 (9 ) ,203-207 More Information

Dos Santos, Guilherme Rodrigo Rm; Rezende Leite, Ana Catarina; Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Vercesi, Aníbal Eugênio; Docampo, Roberto (2021. ) Trypanosoma cruzi Letm1 is involved in mitochondrial Ca2+ transport, and is essential for replication, differentiation, and host cell invasion.FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, , 35 (7 ) ,e21685 More Information

Docampo, Roberto; Vercesi, Anibal E; Huang, Guozhong; Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A; Bertolini, Mayara (2021. ) Mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis in trypanosomes.International review of cell and molecular biology, , 362 ,261-289 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Carlson, Joshua; Bertolini, Mayara S; Raja, Aqsa; Lander, Noelia (2023. ) Dual localization of receptor-type adenylate cyclases and cAMP response protein 3 unveils the presence of two putative signaling microdomains in Trypanosoma cruzi.mBio, , e0106423 More Information

Teixeira, Thaise Lara; Chiurillo, Miguel Angel; Lander, Noelia; Rodrigues, Cassiano Costa; Onofre, Thiago Souza; Ferreira, Éden Ramalho; Yonamine, Camila Miyagui; Santos, Júlia de Gouveia; Mortara, Renato Arruda; da Silva, Claudio Vieira; da Silveira, José Franco (2022. ) Ablation of the P21 Gene of Trypanosoma cruzi Provides Evidence of P21 as a Mediator in the Control of Epimastigote and Intracellular Amastigote Replication.Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, , 12 ,799668 More Information

Lander, Noelia; Chiurillo, Miguel A (2024. ) A key regulator of male gametogenesis in Cryptosporidium.Trends in parasitology, , 40 (8 ) ,662-663 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Ahmed, Milad; González, César; Raja, Aqsa; Lander, Noelia (2023. ) Gene editing of putative cAMP and Ca2+ -regulated proteins using an efficient cloning-free CRISPR/Cas9 system in Trypanosoma cruzi.The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology, , 70 (6 ) ,e12999 More Information

Chiurillo, Miguel A; Ahmed, Milad; González, César; Raja, Aqsa; Lander, Noelia (2023. ) Gene editing of putative cAMP and Ca 2+ -regulated proteins using an efficient cloning-free CRISPR/Cas9 system in Trypanosoma cruzi.bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, , More Information

Post Graduate Training and Education

2018-2020 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Georgia, Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases, , Athens, GA

2014-2018 Postdoctoral Fellow, State University of Campinas, School of Medical Sciences, Department of Clinical Pathology, , Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

1999-2001 Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies (IDEA), Biotechnology Center, , Caracas, Venezuela

Professional Affiliation

2014 -2018: Postdoctoral Fellow. State University of Campinas, School of Medical Sciences, Department of Clinical Pathology., Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

2018 -2020: Postdoctoral Research Associate. University of Georgia, Center for Tropical and Emerging Global Diseases. , Athens, GA