Divaker Choubey
Department of Environmental Health
Kettering Hall, Room-246
Ohio Phone 513-558-1014
Email Divaker.Choubey@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Age-dependent accumulation of senescent cells in tissues and a progressive decline in cellular functions result in mislocalization of the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in the cytoplasm. Sensing of self-DNA by the type I interferon (IFN)-inducible AIM2-like receptor (ALR) proteins in humans and mice results in production of type I IFNs (through activation of the cGAS-STING pathway) and activation of the AIM2 inflammasome, resulting in production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 and IL-18). These cytokines alter the aging hallmarks. Dr. Choubey's laboratory has been interested in elucidation of the role of ALR proteins in altering the aging hallmarks and integration of their interactions. These studies are expected to improve the human health and lifespan. For Dr. Choubey's publications (the h-index 46), follow My Bibliography (My NCBI Collection) link below.
Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/myncbi/1DGlf- qqau4AS/bibliography/43069278/public/?sort=date&direction=ascending
Master's Degree: G. B. Pant University, Pantnagar, UP, India Pantnagar, 1980 (Major: Biochemistry; Minor: Microbiology)
Doctoral Degree: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India Bangalore, 1986 (Microbiology)
Postdoctoral Training: Yale University, Dept of MB & B New Haven, CT, 1994 (Molecular Cell Biology)
Research Scientist: Yale University New Haven, CT, 1994 (Molecular & Cellular Biology of Interferon Signaling)
Positions and Work Experience
09-2010 -12-9999 Professor & Director of Research, Environmental Genetics & Molecular Toxicology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati
Research Support
Grant: #R56AI089775 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker 09-01-2011 -08-31-2014 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Gender-Specific Role of Aim2 in Inflammation and Autoimmunity Role:PI $392,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #5 I01 BX001133 Investigators:Divaker Choubey 04-01-2012 -09-30-2017 Department of Veteran's Affair (VA) AIM2 and IFI16 Innate Immune Sensors for Cytosolic DNA in Prostatic Diseases Role:PI 1,000,704 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #R01 AG025036 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker 05-01-2007 -04-30-2012 National Institute on Aging Role of IFI16 In Cellular Senescence Role:PI $723,381.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #R01 AI066261 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker 03-01-2007 -07-31-2011 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Gender-Specific Role of p202 in Lupus Susceptibility Role:PI $586,043.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 005331 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker 10-01-2007 -01-31-2009 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Ravichandran Panchanathan Role:PI $73,971.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2 R01 AI066261-05 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker 08-13-2009 -07-31-2012 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Gender-Specific Role of p202 in Lupus Susceptibility Role:PI $711,483.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 006483 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker 10-01-2009 -05-31-2011 Department of Veterans Affairs Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreement for Eric Dickerson Role:PI $44,350.92 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #W81XWH-10-1-0367 Investigators:Choubey, Divaker; Dong, Zhongyun; Tarapore, Pheruza 05-15-2010 -05-14-2014 Department of the Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Targeted Delivery of Therapeutic RNA into Prostate Cancers Role:Collaborator $353,250.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1I01BX004685-01A1 Investigators:Choubey D 10-01-2019 -09-30-2023 Veterans Affair (VA) Autoimmune Nephritis: Role of the AHR-AIM2 Axis in Modulation of Inflammation Role:PI 1,049,112 Pending Type:Grant Level:National
Peer Reviewed Publications
Alimirah, Fatouma; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Chen, Jianming; Zhang, Xiang; Ho, Shuk-Mei; Choubey, Divaker (2007. ) Expression of androgen receptor is negatively regulated by p53. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.), , 9 (12 ) ,1152-9
Panchanathan R, Liu H, Xin D, Choubey D (2014. ) Identification of a negative feedback loop between cyclic di-GMP-induced levels of IFI16 and p202 cytosolic DNA sensors and STING .Innate immunity, , 20 (7 ) ,751-9
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Shen, Hui; Duan, Xin (2010. ) Comment on "Development of murine lupus involves the combined genetic contribution of the SLAM and Fc gamma R intervals within the Nba2 autoimmune susceptibility locus".Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 184 (8 ) ,4051-2; author reply More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Moudgil, Kamal D (2011. ) Interferons in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases: regulation and roles.Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research, , 31 (12 ) ,857-65 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Shen, Hui; Duan, Xin; Rathinam, Vijay A K; Erickson, Loren D; Fitzgerald, Katherine A; Choubey, Divaker (2011. ) Aim2 deficiency in mice suppresses the expression of the inhibitory Fcgamma receptor (FcgammaRIIB) through the induction of the IFN-inducible p202, a lupus susceptibility protein.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 186 (12 ) ,6762-70 More Information
Xin, Hong; Curry, Jonathan; Johnstone, Ricky W; Nickoloff, Brian J; Choubey, Divaker (2003. ) Role of IFI 16, a member of the interferon-inducible p200-protein family, in prostate epithelial cellular senescence.Oncogene, , 22 (31 ) ,4831-40 More Information
Moudgil, Kamal D; Choubey, Divaker (2011. ) Cytokines in autoimmunity: role in induction, regulation, and treatment.Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research, , 31 (10 ) ,695-703 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Shen, Hui; Bupp, Melanie Gubbels; Gould, Karen A; Choubey, Divaker (2009. ) Female and male sex hormones differentially regulate expression of Ifi202, an interferon-inducible lupus susceptibility gene within the Nba2 interval.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 183 (11 ) ,7031-8 More Information
Singh, Rekha; Choubey, Divaker; Chen, Jianming; Leehey, David J (2009. ) Inhibition of intracellular angiotensin II formation blocks high glucose effect on mesangial matrix.Regulatory peptides, , 158 (1-3 ) ,103-9 More Information
Xin, Hong; Geng, Yanbiao; Pramanik, Rocky; Choubey, Divaker (2003. ) Induction of p202, a modulator of apoptosis, during oncogenic transformation of NIH 3T3 cells by activated H-Ras (Q61L) contributes to cell survival.Journal of cellular biochemistry, , 88 (1 ) ,191-204 More Information
Panchanathan R, Liu H, Choubey D (2013. ) Expression of murine Unc93b1 is up-regulated by interferon and estrogen signaling: implications for sex bias in the development of autoimmunity .Int Immunol, , 25 (9 ) ,521-9
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Shen, Hui; Zhang, Xiang; Ho, Shuk-Mei; Choubey, Divaker (2010. ) Mutually positive regulatory feedback loop between interferons and estrogen receptor-alpha in mice: implications for sex bias in autoimmunity.PloS one, , 5 (5 ) ,e10868 More Information
Alimirah, Fatouma; Chen, Jianming; Basrawala, Zane; Xin, Hong; Choubey, Divaker (2006. ) DU-145 and PC-3 human prostate cancer cell lines express androgen receptor: implications for the androgen receptor functions and regulation.FEBS letters, , 580 (9 ) ,2294-300 More Information
Albrecht, Mario; Choubey, Divaker; Lengauer, Thomas (2005. ) The HIN domain of IFI-200 proteins consists of two OB folds.Biochemical and biophysical research communications, , 327 (3 ) ,679-87 More Information
Qin, Jian-Zhong; Chaturvedi, Vijaya; Denning, Mitchell F; Bacon, Patricia; Panella, Jeffry; Choubey, Divaker; Nickoloff, Brian J (2002. ) Regulation of apoptosis by p53 in UV-irradiated human epidermis, psoriatic plaques and senescent keratinocytes.Oncogene, , 21 (19 ) ,2991-3002 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran (2008. ) Interferon-inducible Ifi200-family genes in systemic lupus erythematosus.Immunology letters, , 119 (1-2 ) ,32-41 More Information
Xin, Hong; Pereira-Smith, Olivia M; Choubey, Divaker (2004. ) Role of IFI 16 in cellular senescence of human fibroblasts.Oncogene, , 23 (37 ) ,6209-17 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Kotzin, Brian L (2002. ) Interferon-inducible p202 in the susceptibility to systemic lupus. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library, , 7 ,e252-62
Panchanathan R & Choubey D (2013. ) Murine BAFF expression is up-regulated by estrogen and interferons: implications for sex bias in the development of autoimmunity .Mol Immunol, , 53 (1-2 ) ,15-23
Choubey, Divaker; Duan, Xin; Dickerson, Eric; Ponomareva, Larissa; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Shen, Hui; Srivastava, Ratika (2010. ) Interferon-inducible p200-family proteins as novel sensors of cytoplasmic DNA: role in inflammation and autoimmunity.Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research, , 30 (6 ) ,371-80 More Information
Xin, Hong; Pramanik, Rocky; Choubey, Divaker (2003. ) Retinoblastoma (Rb) protein upregulates expression of the Ifi202 gene encoding an interferon-inducible negative regulator of cell growth.Oncogene, , 22 (31 ) ,4775-85 More Information
Veeranki, Sudhakar; Duan, Xin; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Liu, Hongzhu; Choubey, Divaker (2011. ) IFI16 protein mediates the anti-inflammatory actions of the type-I interferons through suppression of activation of caspase-1 by inflammasomes.PloS one, , 6 (10 ) ,e27040 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Deka, Ranjan; Ho, Shuk-mei (2008. ) Interferon-inducible IFI16 protein in human cancers and autoimmune diseases. Frontiers in bioscience : a journal and virtual library, , 13 ,598-608
Alimirah, Fatouma; Chen, Jianming; Davis, Francesca J; Choubey, Divaker (2007. ) IFI16 in human prostate cancer.Molecular cancer research : MCR, , 5 (3 ) ,251-9 More Information
Chaturvedi, Vijaya; Cesnjaj, Mirjana; Bacon, Patricia; Panella, Jeffery; Choubey, Divaker; Diaz, Manuel O; Nickoloff, Brian J (2003. ) Role of INK4a/Arf locus-encoded senescent checkpoints activated in normal and psoriatic keratinocytes.The American journal of pathology, , 162 (1 ) ,161-70 More Information
Veeranki, Sudhakar; Choubey, Divaker (2010. ) Systemic lupus erythematosus and increased risk to develop B cell malignancies: role of the p200-family proteins.Immunology letters, , 133 (1 ) ,1-5 More Information
Kim, Marianne K-H; Mason, Jacqueline M; Li, Chi-Ming; Berkofsky-Fessler, Windy; Jiang, Le; Choubey, Divaker; Grundy, Paul E; Tycko, Benjamin; Licht, Jonathan D (2008. ) A pathologic link between Wilms tumor suppressor gene, WT1, and IFI16. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.), , 10 (1 ) ,69-78
Xin, Hong; D'Souza, Sanjay; Jørgensen, Trine N; Vaughan, Andrew T; Lengyel, Peter; Kotzin, Brian L; Choubey, Divaker (2006. ) Increased expression of Ifi202, an IFN-activatable gene, in B6.Nba2 lupus susceptible mice inhibits p53-mediated apoptosis. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 176 (10 ) ,5863-70
Pramanik, Rocky; Qi, Xiaomei; Borowicz, Stanley; Choubey, Divaker; Schultz, Richard M; Han, Jiahuai; Chen, Guan (2003. ) p38 isoforms have opposite effects on AP-1-dependent transcription through regulation of c-Jun. The determinant roles of the isoforms in the p38 MAPK signal specificity.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 278 (7 ) ,4831-9 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Duan, Xin; Arumugam, Muthuvel; Shen, Hui; Liu, Hongzhu; Choubey, Divaker (2011. ) Cell type and gender-dependent differential regulation of the p202 and Aim2 proteins: implications for the regulation of innate immune responses in SLE.Molecular immunology, , 49 (1-2 ) ,273-80 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Duan, Xin; Shen, Hui; Rathinam, Vijay A K; Erickson, Loren D; Fitzgerald, Katherine A; Choubey, Divaker (2010. ) Aim2 deficiency stimulates the expression of IFN-inducible Ifi202, a lupus susceptibility murine gene within the Nba2 autoimmune susceptibility locus.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 185 (12 ) ,7385-93 More Information
Alimirah, Fatouma; Chen, Jianming; Xin, Hong; Choubey, Divaker (2006. ) Androgen receptor auto-regulates its expression by a negative feedback loop through upregulation of IFI16 protein.FEBS letters, , 580 (6 ) ,1659-64 More Information
Yin Q, Sester DP, Tian Y, Hsiao Y-S, Lu A, Cridland JA, Sagulenko V, Thygesen SJ, Choubey D, Hornung V, Walz T, Stacey KJ, Wu H (2013. ) Molecular mechanism for p202-mediated specific inhibition of AIM2 inflammasome activation .Cell reports, , 4 (2 ) ,327-39
Veeranki, Sudhakar; Choubey, Divaker (2012. ) Interferon-inducible p200-family protein IFI16, an innate immune sensor for cytosolic and nuclear double-stranded DNA: regulation of subcellular localization.Molecular immunology, , 49 (4 ) ,567-71 More Information
Duan, Xin; Ponomareva, Larissa; Veeranki, Sudhakar; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Dickerson, Eric; Choubey, Divaker (2011. ) Differential roles for the interferon-inducible IFI16 and AIM2 innate immune sensors for cytosolic DNA in cellular senescence of human fibroblasts.Molecular cancer research : MCR, , 9 (5 ) ,589-602 More Information
Shen, Hui; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Rajavelu, Priya; Duan, Xin; Gould, Karen A; Choubey, Divaker (2010. ) Gender-dependent expression of murine Irf5 gene: implications for sex bias in autoimmunity.Journal of molecular cell biology, , 2 (5 ) ,284-90 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Liu, Hongzhu; Liu, Hongqi; Fang, Chee-Mun; Erickson, Loren D; Pitha, Paula M; Choubey, Divaker (2012. ) Distinct regulation of murine lupus susceptibility genes by the IRF5/Blimp-1 axis.Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 188 (1 ) ,270-8 More Information
Pramanik, Rocky; Jørgensen, Trine N; Xin, Hong; Kotzin, Brian L; Choubey, Divaker (2004. ) Interleukin-6 induces expression of Ifi202, an interferon-inducible candidate gene for lupus susceptibility.The Journal of biological chemistry, , 279 (16 ) ,16121-7 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Pramanik, Rocky; Xin, Hong (2003. ) Subcellular localization and mechanisms of nucleocytoplasmic distribution of p202, an interferon-inducible candidate for lupus susceptibility. FEBS letters, , 553 (3 ) ,245-9
Santiago-Raber, Marie-Laure; Baccala, Roberto; Haraldsson, Katarina M; Choubey, Divaker; Stewart, Timothy A; Kono, Dwight H; Theofilopoulos, Argyrios N (2003. ) Type-I interferon receptor deficiency reduces lupus-like disease in NZB mice.The Journal of experimental medicine, , 197 (6 ) ,777-88 More Information
Hughes GC & Choubey D (2014. ) Modulation of autoimmune rheumatic diseases by oestrogen and progesterone .Nat Rev Rheumatol, , 10 (12 ) ,740-751
Duan, Xin; Ponomareva, Larissa; Veeranki, Sudhakar; Choubey, Divaker (2011. ) IFI16 induction by glucose restriction in human fibroblasts contributes to autophagy through activation of the ATM/AMPK/p53 pathway.PloS one, , 6 (5 ) ,e19532 More Information
Alimirah, Fatouma; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Davis, Francesca J; Chen, Jianming; Choubey, Divaker (2007. ) Restoration of p53 expression in human cancer cell lines upregulates the expression of Notch1: implications for cancer cell fate determination after genotoxic stress. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.), , 9 (5 ) ,427-34
Alimirah F, Peng X, Yuan L, Mehta RR, von Knethen A, Choubey D, Mehta RG (2012. ) Crosstalk between the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) in human breast cancer cells: PPARγ binds to VDR and inhibits 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 mediated transactivation .Experimental cell research, , 318 (19 ) ,2490-7
Chen, Jianming; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Choubey, Divaker (2008. ) Stimulation of T cells up-regulates expression of Ifi202, an interferon-inducible lupus susceptibility gene, through activation of JNK/c-Jun pathway.Immunology letters, , 118 (1 ) ,13-20 More Information
Amrani, Yassine; Tliba, Omar; Choubey, Divaker; Huang, Chien-Da; Krymskaya, Vera P; Eszterhas, Andrew; Lazaar, Aili L; Panettieri, Reynold A (2003. ) IFN-gamma inhibits human airway smooth muscle cell proliferation by modulating the E2F-1/Rb pathway.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, , 284 (6 ) ,L1063-71 More Information
Ponomareva L, Liu H, Duan X, Dickerson E, Shen H, Panchanathan R, Choubey D (2013. ) AIM2, an IFN-inducible cytosolic DNA sensor, in the development of benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer .Mol Cancer Res, , 11 (10 ) ,1193-202
Choubey D (2012. ) DNA-responsive inflammasomes and their regulators in autoimmunity .Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), , 142 (3 ) ,223-31
Zimmerman, Mary; Yang, Dafeng; Hu, Xiaolin; Liu, Feiyan; Singh, Nagendra; Browning, Darren; Ganapathy, Vadivel; Chandler, Phillip; Choubey, Divaker; Abrams, Scott I; Liu, Kebin (2010. ) IFN-? upregulates survivin and Ifi202 expression to induce survival and proliferation of tumor-specific T cells.PloS one, , 5 (11 ) ,e14076 More Information
Choubey D (2012. ) Interferon-inducible Ifi200-family genes as modifiers of lupus susceptibility .Immunology letters, , 147 (1-2 ) ,10-7
Song, Lynda Li; Alimirah, Fatouma; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Xin, Hong; Choubey, Divaker (2008. ) Expression of an IFN-inducible cellular senescence gene, IFI16, is up-regulated by p53.Molecular cancer research : MCR, , 6 (11 ) ,1732-41 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Duan, Xin; Liu, Hongqi; Liu, Hongzhu (2011. ) Emerging roles for the interferon-inducible p200-family proteins in sex bias in systemic lupus erythematosus.Journal of interferon & cytokine research : the official journal of the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research, , 31 (12 ) ,893-906 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Liu, Hongzhu (2011. ) Comment on "The inhibiting Fc receptor for IgG, FcgammaRIIB, is a modifier of autoimmune susceptibility".Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 187 (8 ) ,3909; author reply 3 More Information
Song, Lynda Li; Ponomareva, Larissa; Shen, Hui; Duan, Xin; Alimirah, Fatouma; Choubey, Divaker (2010. ) Interferon-inducible IFI16, a negative regulator of cell growth, down-regulates expression of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene.PloS one, , 5 (1 ) ,e8569 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Xin, Hong; Choubey, Divaker (2008. ) Disruption of mutually negative regulatory feedback loop between interferon-inducible p202 protein and the E2F family of transcription factors in lupus-prone mice. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 180 (9 ) ,5927-34
Panchanathan R, Liu H, Choubey D (2015. ) Activation of p53 in Human and Murine Cells by DNA-Damaging Agents Differentially Regulates Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Levels .Int J Toxicol, , 34 (3 ) ,242
Khanal T, Kim D, Johnson A, Choubey D, Kim K (2015. ) Deregulation of NR2E3, an orphan nuclear receptor, by benzo(a)pyrene-induced oxidative stress is associated with histone modification status change of the estrogen receptor gene promoter .Toxicol Lett, , 237 (3 ) ,228-36
Panchanathan R, Liu H, Leung YK, Ho SM, Choubey D. (2015. ) Bisphenol A (BPA) stimulates the interferon signaling and activates the inflammasome activity in myeloid cells .Mol Cell Endocrinol, , 415 ,45 -55
Klionsky DJ et al. (2016. ) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition) .Autophagy, , 12 (1 ) ,1
Panchanathan R, Liu H, Choubey D (2016. ) Hypoxia primes human normal prostate epithelial cells and cancer cell lines for the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasome activation .Oncotarget, , 73 (19 ) ,28183
Choubey D & Panchanathan R (2015. ) Comment on "Deficient NLRP3 and AIM2 Inflammasome Function in Autoimmune NZB Mice" .Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), , 195 (10 ) ,4551-2
Choubey D & Panchanathan R (2016. ) IFI16, an amplifier of DNA-damage response: role in cellular senescence and aging-associated inflammatory diseases (a review) .Ageing Research Reviews, , 28 ,27
Hsieh, Heidi; Vignesh, Kavitha Subramanian; Deepe, George S; Choubey, Divaker; Shertzer, Howard G; Genter, Mary Beth (2016. ) Mechanistic studies of the toxicity of zinc gluconate in the olfactory neuronal cell line Odora. Toxicology in vitro : an international journal published in association with BIBRA, , 35 ,24-30
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran (2017. ) Absent in Melanoma 2 proteins in SLE.Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), , 176 ,42-48 More Information
Choubey D (2016. ) Absent in melanoma 2 proteins in the development of cancer .Cellular & Molecular Life Sciences, , 73 (23 ) ,4383
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran (2016. ) IFI16, an amplifier of DNA-damage response: Role in cellular senescence and aging-associated inflammatory diseases.Ageing research reviews, , 28 ,27-36 More Information
Choubey D & Panchanathan R (2017. ) Absent in Melanoma 2 proteins in SLE .Clin Immunol, , 176 ,42
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Liu, Hongzhu; Choubey, Divaker (2016. ) Hypoxia primes human normal prostate epithelial cells and cancer cell lines for the NLRP3 and AIM2 inflammasome activation.Oncotarget, , 7 (19 ) ,28183-94 More Information
Panchanathan, Ravichandran; Liu, Hongzhu; Leung, Yuet-Kin; Ho, Shuk-mei; Choubey, Divaker (2015. ) Bisphenol A (BPA) stimulates the interferon signaling and activates the inflammasome activity in myeloid cells.Molecular and cellular endocrinology, , 415 ,45-55 More Information
Choubey, Divaker; Panchanathan, Ravichandran (2020. ) Interferon (IFN)-inducible Absent in Melanoma 2 proteins in the negative regulation of the type I IFN response: Implications for lupus nephritis.Cytokine, , 132 ,154682 More Information
Choubey, Divaker (2019. ) Type I interferon (IFN)-inducible Absent in Melanoma 2 proteins in neuroinflammation: implications for Alzheimer's disease.Journal of neuroinflammation, , 16 (1 ) ,236 More Information
Panchanathan R, Ramalingam V, Liu H, Choubey D Human Prostate Epithelial Cells Activate the AIM2 Inflammasome upon Cellular Senescence: Role of POP3 Protein in Aging-related Prostatic Inflammation. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-1729/11/4/366/htm .Life, , 11 ,366.
Choubey, Divaker (2022. ) Cytosolic DNA Sensor IFI16 Proteins: Potential Molecular Integrators of Interactions Among the Aging Hallmarks.Ageing research reviews, , 101765 More Information
Sawyer, Russell P; Hill, Emily J; Yokoyama, Jennifer; Medvedovic, Mario; Ren, Yan; Zhang, Xiang; Choubey, Divaker; Shatz, Rhonna S; Miller, Bruce; Woo, Daniel (2022. ) Differences in peripheral immune system gene expression in frontotemporal degeneration.Medicine, , 101 (3 ) ,e28645 More Information
Journal of Immunology (Editorial ) Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:National 07-01-2017 -06-30-2021
Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences (Research ) Director Type:Departmental Service 07-15-2013 -To Present
Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences (Environmental Genetics & Molecular Toxicology Division ) Director Type:Departmental Service 07-01-2014 -To Present
Dept. of Environmental & Public Health Sciences (EGMT Graduate Studies ) Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 07-01-2020 -To Present
Contact Information
Academic - Department of Environmental Health
Kettering Hall, Room-246
Phone: 513-558-1014