Kelly Cohen , PHD
Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in Aerospace Engineering
AI Bio Lab, Digital Futures, Suite #300,
3080 Exploration Avenue,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206
Phone 513-566-3523
Email Kelly.Cohen@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Kelly Cohen, the Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in aerospace engineering, has been a faculty member since 2007 in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science. His career is marked by achievement in the field of aerospace engineering and education, including the UC Faculty Career Award, SOCHE (Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education) Excellence Award, UC George Barbour Award for Good Faculty-Student Relations, UC Faculty Core Values Award, UC Dolly Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Outstanding Technical Contribution Application Award, the CEAS Distinguished Researcher Award and the Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities Excellence in Teaching Award, among many others. Dr. Kelly Cohen has been passionate about his mentoring of graduate students having graduated 12 PhD students and 33 MS students. His main expertise lies in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI), intelligent systems, UAVs and optimization. He has utilized genetic fuzzy logic-based machine-learning algorithms for control and decision-making applications in the area of autonomous collaborating robotics as well as predictive modeling for personalizing medical treatment in neurological disorders and more recently ensuring safety of workers in safety-critical plants/systems. During the past ten years, he has secured grants from NSF, NIH, USAF, DHS, DOT, ODOT, OFRN, and NASA to develop algorithms for UAV applications as well as AI. Since 2010, he has 167 peer-reviewed archival publications, 3 edited books, 75 book chapters, and another 410 conference papers/presentations and invited seminars.
Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel, 1999 (Active control of flexible structures; fuzzy logic based control; active vibration control; smart and adaptive structures; Thesis title: “Active and Passive Control of Flexible Structures”)
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel, 1991 (Structural Dynamics; Aerospace Structures; Vibration Suppression. Thesis Title: “Passive, Vibration Suppression of Large Space Structures”)
Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering: Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel, 1986
Research and Practice Interests
Work Category
Fuzzy Logic Systems, Genetic Fuzzy based Artificial Intelligence, Responsible AI, Intelligent Systems, Advanced Air Mobility, Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles, Dynamic Optimization, System Identification, Reduced Order Modeling, Structural Vibration Control, and Feedback Flow Control
Current Work
Trustworthy AI for Aerospace and Bio-Medical applications, Assured Autonomy, V&V for Safety Critical AI Enabled Systems, Collaborative UAV Control and Task planning, Multi-Agent Decision Making, AI Enabled Situational Awareness and Resource Allocation, UAV flight control design and testing, Generative AI Risk Assessment, Testing and Applications
Positions and Work Experience
07-01-2017 -12-31-2021 Interim Head and Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221
06-01-2015 -07-15-2015 Visiting Scholar, IMS Laboratory, Development of educational and research collaboration in area of unmanned aerial vehicles and aircraft maintenance operations, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
08-15-2014 -12-31-2014 Professor on Sabbatical, Center for Imaging Research, Development of Fuzzy Logic based AI tool for predictive modeling of Bipolar Disorder treatment, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati,, Cincinnati, OH 45221
08-01-2014 -To Present Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221
08-01-2007 -07-30-2014 Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221
08-01-2005 -To Present President, Consultancy S-Corporation focusing on Machine learning, Fuzzy AI, Reduced Order Modeling, Feedback Flow Control, KAYOS Enterprise, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO 80919 & Mason OH, 45040
08-01-2003 -06-15-2005 Head, Advanced Concepts & UAV Branch, Initiated advanced concepts technological demonstrations in the area of unmanned systems, Israel
06-15-2001 -07-15-2003 Visiting Researcher, ESEP, Within the framework of the AFOSR's Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program (ESEP) conducted research in the area of machine learning, reduced order modeling, feedback flow control, fuzzy AI, UAV flight control , US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO
02-01-1997 -05-30-2001 Program Manager, UAV systems and operations, Israel
12-01-1990 -09-30-1994 UAV Branch - Project Lead, UAV technology in the areas of systems and platform design, Israel
12-01-1985 -11-30-1990 Aeronautical Engineer, Airdrop and air transport systems and operations, Israel
11-01-2018 -12-31-2021 Professor & Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati, OH 45221
01-01-2022 -04-30-2022 Professor on Sabbatical , Genexia LLC, Mason, OH
05-01-2022 -To Present Director, AI Bio Lab, Digital Futures & Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair,, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #693JJ321C000016 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-13-2021 -02-13-2024 Federal Highway Administration Cooperative Perception and Control for Freeway Traffic System Operarions Role:PI 558629.60 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #R01MH125867 Investigators:Adler, Caleb; Cohen, Kelly; Delbello, Melissa; Fleck, David; Welge, Jeffrey 08-01-2021 -07-31-2026 National Institute of Mental Health 2/2-Neurodevelopmental and Clinical Trajectories of Youth at Risk for Bipolar I Disorder (Original Proposal is #14381) Role:Collaborator 630956.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC Fellowship - DeGroote Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-09-2021 -11-08-2021 Ohio Space Grant Consortium DeGroote Fall 2021 Student Fellowships Role:PI 0.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Grant: #OSGC (NASA) Ck#061527 (Student Jared Burton) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-01-2021 -04-30-2022 Ohio Space Grant Consortium Vibration Analysis and Mitigation for a Custom Multirotor Role:PI 7300.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Grant: #NC-2 ACO-3 MOA Teaming Agreement Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 04-01-2021 -03-31-2026 NASA Headquarters ODOT NASA ACO-3 AAM Teaming Agreement Role:PI $.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #3998 / FA864921P0198 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 03-26-2021 -08-09-2021 Department of the Air Force Streamlining UAM Certification Using DDS Role:PI $73,613.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2021 Teaming Agreement Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 03-08-2021 -03-08-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Teaming Agreement for Review Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #TRC Inc agreement / 693JJ321C000001 FHWA Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-04-2021 -01-03-2023 Federal Highway Administration Road Performance Evaluation Role:PI 19998.99 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #GR121292 / DOT 69A3552047138 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2021 -08-31-2022 Ohio State University Highly Automated Transportation Systems Research Role:PI 50000.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Grant: #2021 Crown Teaming Agmt - ODOT 2022-02 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2021 -12-31-2024 Crown Consulting Inc. Teaming Agreement for Review Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #SICHOP Sr Capstone Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 NASA Headquarters Senior Capstone Project ? Water Sampling Drone Role:PI $5,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #STEM Ck#3171 (Campus Allocation Award) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 NASA Headquarters Campus Allocation Request Role:PI $2,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC (Macumber) Internship/Scholarship Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Fuzzy AI Internship - Macumber Role:PI $7,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #Ck# 3177 SICHOP AUVSI Competition Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 NASA Headquarters Improving Sensing Capabilities for the 2021 AUVSI Competition Role:PI $5,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #VISIMO Subaward / FA864921P0231 Investigators:Brown, Bryan; Cohen, Kelly; Ouwerkerk, Justin 12-28-2020 -07-28-2021 Department of the Air Force Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multi-Agent Systems Technology Research Role:PI $50,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DOTC35680 / DOT 69A3602040427ADS0OH Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Jiaqi; Ma, Ou 11-23-2020 -06-30-2024 Department of Transportation DriveOhio - USDOT Automated Driving System Demonstration Grant Role:PI $893,189.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NSF AI Institute TA Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 11-10-2020 -09-30-2021 National Science Foundation Teaming Agreement regarding NSF AI Institute Role:PI $.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #STEM Scholar (Lemieux) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Lemieux, Sebastian 11-01-2020 -10-31-2021 NASA Headquarters Lemieux OSGC UG Scholar Role:PI $2,500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC (Gilligan) Scholarship Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 11-01-2020 -10-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Gilligan OSGC Scholarship Role:PI $3,500.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSGC (Heitmeyer) Internship/Scholarship Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Heitmeyer, Daniel 11-01-2020 -10-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Enhanced Operations of Collaborative UAS via FlyMASTER 2 -Heitmeyer Role:PI $7,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSGC (Lemieux) Internship/Scholarship Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Lemieux, Sebastian 11-01-2020 -10-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education UAS Design Criteria for Optimal Flight - Lemieux Role:PI $7,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #UC-ODOT-001 Investigators:Brown, Bryan; Cohen, Kelly; Cuppoletti, Daniel; Ma, Jiaqi; Ouwerkerk, Justin 09-22-2020 -03-22-2021 Ohio Department of Transportation Economic Impact Report for Advanced Autonomous Aircraft Technologies in Ohio Role:PI $99,999.87 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #Ck# 3121_Birchfield STEM Scholarship Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-24-2020 -08-23-2021 NASA Headquarters OSGC STEM Scholarship Role:PI $2,500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NASA-OSGC STEM (Student: Heidtmeyer) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-24-2020 -08-23-2021 NASA Headquarters OSGC STEM Scholarship Role:PI $2,500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #69A3602040473CDL0OH Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Jiaqi 08-01-2020 -09-30-2024 Department of Transportation HP-CMV - Proposal for a National Commercial Driver License Program Assessment Role:PI $1,479,468.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #VISIMO Teaming Agreement Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-01-2020 -07-31-2021 VISIMO Prepare Teaming Agreement Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Action Fund 1817 (See 013171) Investigators:Atluri, Gowtham; Aurisano, Adam; Beck, Thomas; Cohen, Kelly; Khare, Prashant; Lee, James 08-01-2020 -07-31-2023 Ohio Department of Higher Education MRI: Acquisition of High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research and Workforce Development at University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $128,571.50 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #2020 Teaming Agreement Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-01-2020 -07-31-2021 RTI Headquarters Prepare Teaming Agreement Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #OAC-2018617 Investigators:Atluri, Gowtham; Aurisano, Adam; Beck, Thomas; Cohen, Kelly; Khare, Prashant; Lee, James 08-01-2020 -07-31-2023 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of High-Performance Computing Cluster for Research and Workforce Development at University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $600,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC Master’s Fellowship Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-01-2020 -04-30-2021 NASA Headquarters DeGroote Fall 2020 Student Fellowships Role:PI $17,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #STEM Check #3101 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 04-29-2020 -12-31-2020 NASA Headquarters Summer Intern Phillip Rump Support Role:PI $3,200.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #STEM Check#3098 / Pickering Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 04-29-2020 -12-31-2020 Ohio Department of Higher Education Pickering Summer Intern Support Role:PI $7,200.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #STEM Check#3098 / Burton Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 04-29-2020 -12-31-2020 Ohio Department of Higher Education Burton Summer Intern Support Role:PI $7,200.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SICHOP Check #3099 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 04-29-2020 -12-31-2020 NASA Headquarters Women in Flight Role:PI $5,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC Spring 2020 STEM Scholarships sub ODHE Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 03-27-2020 -03-26-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Multiple OSGC Spring 2020 Scholar Awards Role:PI $8,750.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSGC MEng Capstone sub ODHE Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 03-27-2020 -03-26-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Integration of HUMS system in an unmanned aerial vehicle Role:PI $5,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #Education Partnership Agreement Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2020 -12-31-2025 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Education Partnership Agreement Role:PI $.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #TO-P010208821_R3 / DTFH6116D00030 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Jiaqi 01-01-2020 -11-30-2020 Department of Transportation Automated Driving Systems (ADS) OEM-Industry Research Collaboration and Integrated Highway Prototype (CARMA IHP2) Role:PI $45,257.52 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2020 Teaming Agreement_ODOT RFP 2020-18 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2020 -06-30-2021 Crown Consulting Inc. Teaming Agreement for Review Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #NASA: OSGC ck#3060_UC12-3-19 Fluid dynamics Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-01-2020 -06-15-2020 Ohio Space Grant Consortium Columbia: A Custom Heavy Lift Hexacopter Role:PI $5,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #R40536 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Lanna P da Silva, Paula; Ma, Jiaqi 10-01-2019 -03-31-2020 UC's Urban Futures Digital Futures Anchor Development Program "Bio-Inspired Computational Intelligence (BIComIn) for Personalization: Genetic fuzzy based AI for effective real-time decision making in military/commercial applications and for personalizing treat Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #SLI 2019-11-020 / N00014-19-C-2060 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Ou 09-30-2019 -07-01-2020 Office of Naval Research Topic 1: CubeSat Sensors for Investigating Littoral Ocean and Atmospheric Dynamics Role:Collaborator $40,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSPGC STEM Scholarship 19-20 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-26-2019 -08-25-2020 NASA Headquarters 2019-2020 UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR/SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC STEM Scholarship 19-20 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-26-2019 -08-25-2020 NASA Headquarters 2019-2020 Undergraduate Junior/Senior Scholarship Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC STEM Scholarship 19-20 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-15-2019 -08-14-2020 NASA Headquarters Ohio Space Grant Consortium Scholarship Role:PI $2,500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #UNC 5115125 sub R21EB027865 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Lanna P da Silva, Paula 08-06-2019 -05-31-2021 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering Leveraging Artificial-Intelligence to Profile and Enhance Phenotypic Plasticity for Second Injury Prevention: An Innovative Precision Medicine Platform to Revolutionize Injury Care Role:PI $60,008.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Undergraduate Scholarship - Burton and Passarge Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 06-01-2019 -05-31-2020 NASA Headquarters Ohio Space Grant Consortium Scholarships - Burton-Passarge Role:PI $6,720.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2019 IRSA CHMC_Internal Funds Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-01-2019 -08-01-2019 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Intelligent Concussion (ICon) System Role:PI $25,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #EWI_Membership Agreement Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 02-01-2019 -01-31-2020 EWI World Headquarters LETTER OF INTENT TO JOIN THE AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE & REPAIR ORGANIZATION (AMRO) CENTER OF EXCELLENCE (COE) CONSORTIUM Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #SICHOP HULK - Check 2075 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 11-03-2018 -11-02-2019 NASA Headquarters HULK: A Custom Heavy Lift Long Endurance Octocopter Role:PI $5,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SICHOP Bearcat Ballistics - Check 2071 Investigators:Arnett, Timothy; Cohen, Kelly 11-01-2018 -10-31-2019 NASA Headquarters OSGC SICHOP Grant Request: Bearcat Ballistics Role:Collaborator $5,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #WSARC OFRN Round 3 Subcontract / OSU 60064366 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish; Ma, Jiaqi; Sharma, Rajnikant 09-01-2018 -03-31-2020 Ohio Department of Higher Education Regional Unmanned Traffic Management System (RUTMS) Role:PI $596,927.34 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSGC Undergraduate STEM Scholarship-Pickering Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-15-2018 -08-14-2019 NASA Headquarters Ohio Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship - Pickering Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC Check 2053 Undergraduate STEM Scholarship (Wessels) sub NASA Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-01-2018 -07-31-2019 NASA Headquarters Ohio Space Grant Consortium Undergrad Scholarship - Austin Wessels Role:PI $2,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SICHOP 077795 - Check 2036 sub NASA Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 07-01-2018 -06-30-2019 NASA Headquarters OSGC Student-Innovative-Creative-Hands-on Project (SICHOP) Role:PI $5,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #077742 Undergraduate Research Internship (Dudala) - Check 2031 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-01-2018 -12-31-2018 NASA Headquarters Development of the Bearcat VTOL UAV Platform Role:PI $2,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC Graduate Fellowship 2018-2019 - Richards - Check 2015 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-21-2018 -12-31-2018 NASA Headquarters Ohio Space Grant Consortium Scholarship Role:PI $6,500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FS-18-048 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish; Vanderelst, Dieter 04-18-2018 -12-31-2018 Department of Homeland Security SCITI UAV Innovator Subcontract SUAVE Role:Collaborator $50,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Leidos PO10209559 sub FHWA (DOT) DTFH6116D00053 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Jiaqi 04-03-2018 -09-25-2020 Federal Highway Administration FHWA HOTO180007PR ? Phase 3 Task Order Role:PI $84,914.88 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DAGSI/AFRL RQ19-UC-18-5 sub ODHE, Ohio Student/Faculty Fellow- Lamping Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 03-01-2018 -02-28-2019 Ohio Department of Higher Education Multi-UAV Control and Decision Making for Pursuit-Evasion Games Role:PI $52,260.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #ODOT Teaming Agrmt sub USDOT Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Kumar, Manish; Norouzi, Mehdi 01-02-2018 -10-24-2020 Department of Transportation State of Ohio UAS Integration Pilot Program Role:Collaborator $.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Leidos P01020821 TO 2 sub USDOT DTFH6116D00030 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Jiaqi 09-22-2017 -09-21-2020 Department of Transportation STOL II Connected Automated Vehicle Task Order Role:PI $59,998.54 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #ODOT 30267 sub FHWA E170970 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 07-13-2017 -07-13-2018 Federal Highway Administration Technologies for Integration of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (s-UAS) in National Airspace System Role:Collaborator $39,878.80 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Campus Allocation Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-01-2017 -06-30-2019 NASA Headquarters OSGC Campus Allocation Role:PI $4,833.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC 2017 Research Infrastructure Grant - (Check No. 1911) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 05-01-2017 -08-15-2017 National Aeronautics and Space Administration OSGC Research Infrastructure Grant (Zoe Lee) Role:Collaborator $3,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC SICHOP - Ck no. 1856 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 10-21-2016 -10-20-2017 National Aeronautics and Space Administration University of Cincinnati bAEROcats Role:PI $5,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #ODOT 27899 sub FHWA Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Helmicki, Arthur; Hunt, Victor; Kumar, Manish 09-12-2016 -09-12-2019 Federal Highway Administration Moored Aerostat Systems (MAS) for Transportation, Incident Management, and Infrastructure Assessment Role:Collaborator $1,233,952.09 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DAGSI RQ42-UC-16-5 sub ODHE Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 06-15-2016 -06-14-2017 Ohio Department of Higher Education Intelligent Gas Turbine Control Systems and Engine Integrated Health Management Research Role:PI $52,258.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #AFRL/DAGSI RQ4-UC-16-1 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 06-01-2016 -05-31-2017 Ohio Department of Higher Education Planning, Guidance, and Control for Multiple UAV Cooperative Operations Role:PI $68,390.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #IIS-1526677 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 01-01-2016 -12-31-2017 National Science Foundation CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Spatio-Temporal Situational Awareness in Large-Scale Disasters using Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Role:Collaborator $333,303.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #PO 153139 - Task Order 4 / FA8650-15-D-2516-0004 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 10-19-2015 -06-18-2016 Air Force Research Laboratory Support for Tim Arnett USAF Contract FA8650-15-D-2516 (IST FPH98) Role:PI $16,999.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FPH98-S023 Master / FA8650-15-D-2513 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 10-14-2015 -06-11-2021 Department of the Air Force Support for Tim Arnett USAF Contract FA8650-15-D-2516 (IST FPH98) Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2015-2016 Scholarships Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-01-2015 -08-31-2016 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ohio Space Grant Consortium (OSGC) 2015-2016 Scholarships Role:PI $7,500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #C15-2A00-UC/NNL09AA00A Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 07-01-2015 -09-25-2017 National Aeronautics and Space Administration On-board Sense and Avoid System for s-UAS using Optical Sensors Role:PI $19,984.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DAGSI RQ3-UC-15-5 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kivelevitch, Elad 06-15-2015 -06-14-2016 Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute Intelligent Gas Turbine Control Systems and Engine Integrated Health Management Research Role:Collaborator $43,500.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #IIP-1559718 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 06-01-2015 -11-30-2015 National Science Foundation Situational Awareness during Fire and Emergency (SAFE) Role:Collaborator $140,918.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #RQ21-UC-15-3 / AFRL Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-11-2015 -05-10-2016 Ohio Board of Regents Planning, Guidance, and Control for Multiple UAVs Role:PI $43,500.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSGC-C1721-Max Poyle Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 02-17-2015 -12-31-2015 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hybrid Rocket Lander/Battle of the Rockets (Max Poyle) Role:PI $4,750.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NNX14AQ26H Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-01-2014 -08-31-2015 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA AERONATUTICS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Role:PI $15,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #EEC-1404766 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Bhattacharya, Prabir; Cohen, Kelly; Franco, John; Guliants, Vadim; Kastner, Jeffrey; Kukreti, Anant; Kupferle, Margaret; Lu, Mingming; Nistor, Vasille; Sorial, George; Wei, Heng; Wendell, David 05-01-2014 -04-30-2017 National Science Foundation RET Site on "Challenge-Based Learning and Engineering Design Process Enhanced Research Experiences for Middle and High School In-Service Teachers." Role:Collaborator $498,949.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #REAP 13-61 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-01-2013 -12-31-2013 Department of the Army Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program Role:PI $2,600.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #RQ1-UC-13-6 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-06-2013 -05-05-2014 Ohio Board of Regents Guidance and Control of Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicles Role:PI $43,500.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #SRS 008862 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-01-2012 -08-31-2013 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Flight Camp at the University of Cincinnati for High School Middle School Role:PI $25,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #RB9-UC-12-2 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-09-2012 -07-08-2014 Ohio Board of Regents Planning, Guidance, and Control for Multiple UAV's Role:PI $130,061.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #020112-UC-01 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 02-01-2012 -08-31-2013 Missile Defense Agency Sensor Resource Management Role:PI $37,500.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #RZ3-UC-11-2 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-01-2011 -07-31-2013 Ohio Board of Regents Cooperative Control of UAV's Under Communication Constraints Role:PI $129,760.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #PO 070911-UC-01 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 07-01-2011 -01-10-2012 Department of Defense Sensor Resource Management Role:Collaborator $37,500.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007243 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 12-01-2010 -01-31-2012 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Intelligent Aerospace Systems for Enhanced Emergency Management of Wild-Land Fires Role:PI $10,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007101 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-01-2010 -12-31-2012 Modus Recte, Inc. Technical Support for MODUS Aircraft Role:PI $95,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #SRS 006763 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 02-18-2010 -08-31-2013 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Analysis of Acoustic Suppression Strategies for Cavity Flows using 3-D Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #PO 0521109-UC-01 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 03-27-2009 -09-26-2009 Missile Defense Agency Global Missile Defense Battle Management Role:PI $20,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #TECH-09-022 Investigators:Abdallah, Shaaban; Cohen, Kelly; Hamed, Awatef; Jeng, San-Mou; Jog, Milind; Khosla, Prem; Lee, Jay; Qian, Dong; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Singh, Raj; Steckl, Andrew; Turner, Mark; Vasudevan, Vijay; Walker, Bruce 08-18-2008 -08-17-2013 Ohio Department of Development Intelligent Propulsion and Power Systems and Their Life Management Role:Collaborator $27,492,308.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #Ck#061616, Student - Daniel Heitmeyer Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-22-2021 -07-21-2022 NASA Headquarters Fuzzy Logic Controller of Quadcopter Drone Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Ck#061616, Student - Sebastien Lemieux Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-22-2021 -07-21-2022 NASA Headquarters Quadrotor Arm Dihedral and Motor Twist Angle Impact on Maneuvering Stability Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Eshelman Inst. for Innovation Research Agr Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Sathyan, Anoop 08-09-2021 -06-30-2023 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Bio-medical Applications of Fuzzy AI Role:PI 19984.00 Hold Level:Higher Education
Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-01-2021 -07-31-2022 Federal Aviation Administration Airport Cooperative Research Program Graduate Research Award Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Ck#061615, Student - Lynn Pickering Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-22-2021 -07-21-2022 Ohio Department of Higher Education Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Application to the Homicidal Chauffeur Differential Game Role:PI 10000.00 Awarded Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #RQ-UC-WISE-1-AFRL2 / FA8650-19-2-9300 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-03-2021 -07-29-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Intelligent Autonomous Systems Role:PI 2250.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #3.1 FastFind Challenge Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 10-29-2021 -10-28-2022 National Institute of Standards and Technology InSightS Intelligent Sight and Sound for First Responders Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #3.2 LifeLink Challenge Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 10-29-2021 -10-28-2022 National Institute of Standards and Technology Pebbles Secured, Robust and Resilient Communications Role:PI 7000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Ck #61760 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 11-10-2021 -10-31-2022 NASA Headquarters Improved Health and Usage Monitoring for the Life Cycle Management of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Role:PI 5000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #SICHOP Ck #61680 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-01-2021 -08-30-2022 NASA Headquarters Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Unmanned Ground Vehicle Collaborative Systems Role:PI 5000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #RQ2-UC-21-2-AFRL2 / FA8650-19-2-9300 P0057 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-23-2021 -11-30-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Safe Machine Learning for Intelligent Aerospace Control Systems Role:PI 18400.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #11236-UC BOA Matrix / FA8650-22-D-6401 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Jha, Rashmi; Petersen, Scott; Riley, Michael 03-01-2022 -02-28-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory UC MATRIX Team for Advanced Human-Machine Teaming Research Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #R44AG071211 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-15-2021 -08-31-2022 National Institute on Aging Auracle ; An AI-Enabled Telecare System to Support the Independence and Safety of Individuals with AD/ADRD and Other Dementias Role:PI 32699.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC #061867 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 03-01-2022 -02-28-2023 NASA Headquarters 2022 Campus Allocation Role:PI 2000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Teaming Agreement NAMS-2 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-01-2022 -06-30-2023 NASA Headquarters Teaming Agreement for NASA Academic Mission Services - 2 (NAMS-2) Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #Visimo Phase 1 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kowalczyk, Bryan; Ouwerkerk, Justin 07-25-2022 -01-15-2023 NASA Headquarters Run Time Assurance for Aircraft Prognostics, Survivability, and Fault Tolerance Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC - 062138 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-15-2022 -08-14-2023 NASA Headquarters 2022-2023 UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR/SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC 06138 GW Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-15-2022 -08-14-2023 NASA Headquarters 2022-2023 UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR/SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R44AG071211 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 09-01-2022 -08-31-2023 National Institute on Aging Auracle ; An AI-Enabled Telecare System to Support the Independence and Safety of Individuals with AD/ADRD and Other Dementias Role:PI 33814.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC 062298 (NASA) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 01-02-2023 -05-31-2023 NASA Headquarters Flight Testing of All-Terrain Aerial Robotic Interface (ATARI) Role:PI 5000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Lorenz, Tamara 01-01-2023 -12-31-2023 MME Industry 4.0/5.0 Institute AI Project 1 - P-1 Human-Centered Trustworthy Industrial AI (backdoor) /INTERNAL Role:Collaborator 40000.00 Hold Level:UC's Internal Funds
Grant: #062405 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 04-28-2023 -04-27-2024 NASA Headquarters Outdoor Motion Capture for Ground Truth of ATARI Precision Landing Role:PI 5000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #RG 23-24 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Gilligan, Rebecca 08-15-2023 -08-14-2024 NASA Headquarters Fuzzy Logic Based Estimator for Enhanced Precision Landing of an Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle Role:PI 20000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC/NASA 23/24 Scholar Younker Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-01-2023 -07-31-2024 NASA Headquarters Fuzzy AI in Virtual Environments Role:PI 2500.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-31-2023 -08-31-2023 NASA Headquarters Autonomous AI Drones that Operate through Air & Space Fellowship for David Harbour) Role:PI 7300.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #23-1-H6.23-1322 (80NSSC23PB622) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kowalczyk, Bryan; Ouwerkerk, Justin 09-18-2023 -03-17-2024 NASA Headquarters Autonomous Agent Cognitive Architecture for Spacecraft Operations Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #69A3602341089CDL0OH Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Sathyan, Anoop 09-01-2023 -09-30-2027 Department of Transportation Resource Guide Website Role:Collaborator 312807.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #69A3602341085CDL0OH Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Sathyan, Anoop 09-01-2023 -09-30-2027 Department of Transportation Commercial Driver License Specific Training for Clerks of Courts Role:Collaborator 1849090.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #39167 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kowalczyk, Bryan; Ouwerkerk, Justin 09-01-2023 -06-30-2025 Federal Highway Administration Exploring the Use of Ground-Based Robotic Assistants in Uncrewed Operations of State DOTs Role:Collaborator 1178925.83 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA9453-24-2-0002 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Kim, Donghoon; Ma, Ou; Sharma, Rajnikant 01-01-2024 -12-31-2028 Air Force Research Laboratory Space robotics technologies enabling a servicing team to service a cooperative or non-cooperative client involving contact operations Role:Collaborator 2297161.00 Hold Level:Federal
Investigators:Anand, Sam; Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish; Lorenz, Tamara 02-01-2024 -12-31-2024 MME Industry 4.0/5.0 Institute Trustworthy AI for Real-Time Tasking and Planning of Autonomous and Manual Vehicles in Industrial Environments Modeled using a Digital Twin Role:Collaborator 100000.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 02-21-2024 -02-20-2025 Nexigen MOU for review Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #WSIC25-240315-024 Investigators:Anand, Sam; Bhattacharya, Amit; Cohen, Kelly; Kumar, Manish 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Development of Real-Time Camera-based Human Digital Twin for Improving Worker Safety in Manufacturing Role:Collaborator 1322714.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #for Nathan Steffen; check 062873 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Department of Higher Education MROV2: Multi-deputy Rendezvous-and-proximity Operation Validation/Verification (w/ Steffen - Backdoor). Role:PI 23400.00 Awarded Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #OSGC 062899 Rosenberg Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 05-28-2024 -10-31-2024 NASA Headquarters National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program : Ensuring Reliability and Safety of Artificial Intelligence in Spaceflight (Rosenberg) Role:PI 7000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #OSGC 062899 Herrmann Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 06-16-2024 -06-15-2025 NASA Headquarters OSGC -Space Brain : How memory, cognition, and brain health are affected by space (Herrmann) Role:PI 7000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #GRAMS PH2 (80NSSC24CA107) Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Lozano Robledo, Alejandro; Ouwerkerk, Justin 06-24-2024 -06-23-2026 NASA Headquarters NASA GRAMS Phase II Role:PI 30000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #69A3602441458CDL0OH Investigators:Cohen, Kelly; Sathyan, Anoop 09-01-2024 -09-30-2028 Department of Transportation CDL specific training for South Carolina clerks of court Role:Collaborator 1328049.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #DARPA-PS-24-13 Investigators:Cohen, Kelly 08-15-2024 -07-31-2025 NASA Headquarters Ohio Space Grant Consortium : Run Time Assurance for Intelligent Aerospace Control Systems (Lilly Busse) Role:PI 2500.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Martin J.A.; Ouwerkerk J.N.; Lamping A.P.; Cohen K. (01-01-2021. ) Relevance vector machine and particle filter for unmanned aerial vehicle battery prognostics.AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, , 1-7 More Information
Degroote N.; Barnes E.; Burton J.; Terry M.; Ouwerkerk J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2021. ) A solution for the challenges presented by the 2020 auvsi suas competition .AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, , 1-20
Sathyan A.; Ma J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2021. ) Decentralized cooperative driving automation: a reinforcement learning framework using genetic fuzzy.Transportmetrica B, , 9 (1 ) ,775-797 More Information
Viaña, J., Ralescu, S., Cohen, K., Ralescu, A., and Kreinovich, V. (2021. ) Why Cauchy Membership Functions .Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, , 1 (1 ) ,81
Sathyan, A., Cohen, K., and Ma, J. (2021. ) Cooperative Driving Automation without Connectivity: A Reinforcement Learning Framework with Decentralized Genetic Fuzzy Systems.Transportmetrica B. Transport Dynamics, , 9 (1 ) ,775 More Information
Sathyan A.; Cohen K.; Ma O. (12-23-2020. ) Genetic Fuzzy Based Scalable System of Distributed Robots for a Collaborative Task.Frontiers in Robotics and AI, , 7 , More Information
Sathyan A.; Martis D.; Cohen K. (11-14-2020. ) Mass and Calcification Detection from Digital Mammograms Using UNets.2020 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence, ISCMI 2020, , 229-232 More Information
Pickering L.; Viana J.; Li X.; Chhabra A.; Patel D.; Cohen K. (11-14-2020. ) Identifying Factors in COVID-19 AI Case Predictions.2020 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence, ISCMI 2020, , 192-196 More Information
Chhabra A.; Pately D.; Li X.; Pickering L.; Viana J.; Cohen K. (11-14-2020. ) Understanding the Effects of Human Factors on the Spread of COVID-19 Using a Neural Network.2020 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence, ISCMI 2020, , 121-125 More Information
Kumar R.; Bhargavapuri M.; Deshpande A.M.; Sridhar S.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (07-01-2020. ) Quaternion Feedback Based Autonomous Control of a Quadcopter UAV with Thrust Vectoring Rotors.Proceedings of the American Control Conference, , 2020-July ,3828-3833 More Information
Aull M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) A nonlinear inverse model for airborne wind energy system analysis, control, and design optimization.Wind Energy, , More Information
Lee Z.; Kumar R.; Radmanesh R.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Application of fuzzy logic for developing sense and avoid techniques for uav flight operations in na.ASME 2020 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2020, , 2 , More Information
Perez J.V.; Scott D.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Dynamic genetic algorithm for optimizing movement of a six-limb creature.ASME 2020 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2020, , 2 , More Information
Fleck, David E; Ernest, Nicholas; Asch, Ruth; Adler, Caleb M; Cohen, Kelly; Yuan, Weihong; Kunkel, Brandon; Krikorian, Robert; Wade, Shari L; Babcock, Lynn (2020. ) Predicting Post-Concussion Symptom Recovery in Adolescents Using a Novel Artificial Intelligence.Journal of neurotrauma, , More Information
Sathyan, Anoop; Cohen, Kelly; Ma, Ou (2020. ) Genetic Fuzzy Based Scalable System of Distributed Robots for a Collaborative Task.Frontiers in robotics and AI, , 7 ,601243 More Information
Viana J.; Cohen K. (11-01-2019. ) Fault Tolerance Tool for Human and Machine Interaction & Application to Civilian Aircraft.2019 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2019, , More Information
Sarim M.;Radmanesh M.;Dechering M.;Kumar M.;Pragada R.;Cohen K. (07-01-2019. ) Distributed Detect-and-Avoid for Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in National Air Space.Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME, , 141 (7 ) , More Information
Sridhar S.; Gupta G.; Kumar R.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (07-01-2019. ) Tilt-rotor quadcopter xplored: Hardware based dynamics, smart sliding mode controller, attitude hold.Proceedings of the American Control Conference, , 2019-July ,2005-2010 More Information
Arnett T.; Casbeer D.; Cohen K.; Cook B. (01-01-2019. ) A supervisory neural network and fuzzy inference system approach to an unmanned aerial vehicle tail-.AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, , More Information
Sathyan A.;Harrison H.S.;Kiefer A.W.;Silva P.L.;MacPherson R.;Cohen K. (01-01-2019. ) Genetic Fuzzy System for Anticipating Athlete Decision Making in Virtual Reality.Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, , 1000 ,578-588 More Information
Arnett T.; Cohen K.; Cook B.; Casbeer D. (01-01-2019. ) A supervisory neural network and fuzzy inference system approach to an unmanned aerial vehicle tail-.AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, , More Information
Radmanesh M.;Kumar M.;Sharma R.;Cohen K.;French D. (08-09-2018. ) Numerical Solver for Infinite Horizon Linear Quadratic Regulator Problems Using Laguerre Function an.Proceedings of the American Control Conference, , 2018-June ,3750-3755 More Information
Barawkar S.;Radmanesh M.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (08-09-2018. ) Fuzzy Logic based Variable Damping Admittance Control for Multi-UAV Collaborative Transportation.Proceedings of the American Control Conference, , 2018-June ,2084-2089 More Information
Radmanesh M.;Kumar M.;Casbeer D.;Cohen K. (01-01-2018. ) Decentralized 3D PDE based collaborative trajectory planning and target surrounding for swarm of UAV.ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2018, , 3 , More Information
Sathyan A.;Cohen K.;Ma O. (01-01-2018. ) Intelligent approach for collaborative space robot systems.2018 AIAA SPACE and Astronautics Forum and Exposition, , More Information
Sridhar S.;Kumar R.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (01-01-2018. ) Fault tolerance of a reconfigurable tilt-rotor quadcopter using sliding mode control.ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2018, , 3 , More Information
Kukreti S.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2018. ) Genetic fuzzy based target geo-localization using unmanned aerial systems for firefighting applicati.AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2018, , (209989 ) , More Information
Kumar R.;Sridhar S.;Cazaurang F.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (01-01-2018. ) Reconfigurable fault-tolerant tilt-rotor quadcopter system.ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2018, , 3 , More Information
Lamping A.;Ouwerkerk J.;Stockton N.;Cohen K.;Kumar M.;Casbeer D. (01-01-2018. ) FlyMASTER: Multi-UAV control and supervision with ROS.2018 Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, , More Information
Wei W.;Tischler M.B.;Cohen K. (10-01-2017. ) System identification and controller optimization of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle in hover.Journal of the American Helicopter Society, , 62 (4 ) , More Information
Cook B.;Cohen K. (08-23-2017. ) Multi-source sensor fusion for small unmanned aircraft systems using fuzzy logic.IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, , More Information
Arnett T.;Cohen K.;Clark M.;Casbeer D.W.;Rattan K. (08-23-2017. ) Transformation of a hierarchical mamdani fuzzy system to a single fuzzy system representation.IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, , More Information
Radmanesh M.;Guentert P.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (06-29-2017. ) Analytical PDE based trajectory planning for Unmanned Air Vehicles in dynamic hostile environments.Proceedings of the American Control Conference, , 4248-4253 More Information
Fleck D.;Ernest N.;Adler C.;Cohen K.;Eliassen J.;Norris M.;Komoroski R.;Chu W.;Welge J.;Blom T.;DelBello M.;Strakowski S. (06-01-2017. ) Prediction of lithium response in first-episode mania using the LITHium Intelligent Agent (LITHIA): .Bipolar Disorders, , 19 (4 ) ,259-272 More Information
Stockton N.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2017. ) A fuzzy-logic-based solution to dynamic target interception and landing with a small multirotor airc .AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2017, ,
Barawkar S.;Radmanesh M.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2017. ) Admittance based force control for collaborative transportation of a common payload using two UAVS.ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2017, , 3 , More Information
Kumar R.;Nemati A.;Kumar M.;Cohen K.;Cazaurang F. (01-01-2017. ) Position and attitude control by rotor tilt and rotor speed synchronization for single axis tilting-.ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2017, , 3 , More Information
Kumar R.;Nemati A.;Kumar M.;Sharma R.;Cohen K.;Cazaurang F. (01-01-2017. ) Tilting-rotor quadcopter for aggressive flight maneuvers using differential flatness based flight co.ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2017, , 3 , More Information
Sathyan A.; Ernest, N.; Kumar M.; Lavigne L.; Cazaurang F.; Cohen K.; (01-01-2017. ) A genetic fuzzy logic based approach to solving the aircraft conflict resolution problem .AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2017, ,
Sathyan A.; Ernest N.D.; Lavigne L.; Cazaurang F.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2017. ) A genetic fuzzy logic based approach to solving the aircraft conflict resolution problem.AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2017, , More Information
Stockton N.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2017. ) A fuzzy-logic-based solution to dynamic target interception and landing with a small multirotor airc.AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2017, , More Information
Wei W.;Tischler M.B.;Schwartz N.;Cohen K. (08-30-2016. ) System identification and flight control of an unmanned quadrotor.Advanced UAV Aerodynamics, Flight Stability and Control: Novel Concepts, Theory and Applications, , 695-727 More Information
Kukreti S.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (06-30-2016. ) Genetically tuned LQR based path following for UAVs under wind disturbance.2016 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2016, , 267-274 More Information
Sathyan A.; Ernest N.D.; Cohen K. (04-01-2016. ) An Efficient Genetic Fuzzy Approach to UAV Swarm Routing.Unmanned Systems, , 4 (2 ) ,117-127 More Information
Kivelevitch E.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (03-05-2016. ) Near-optimal assignment of UAVs to targets using a market-based approach.Operations Research for Unmanned Systems, , 27-57 More Information
Macmann O.; Cohen K.; Seitz T.; Behbahani A. (01-01-2016. ) Performing diagnostics & prognostics on simulated engine failures using neural networks.52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2016, , More Information
Cook B.; Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E. (01-01-2016. ) A fuzzy logic approach for low altitude UAS traffic management (UTM).AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace Conference, , More Information
Cohen K.; Kukreti S.; Kumar M. (01-01-2016. ) Detection and localization using unmanned aerial systems for firefighting applications .AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace Conference, ,
Hanlon N.;Kivelevitch E.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2016. ) Generic clustering approach to track-to-track correlation for multisensor-multitarget environments .AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace Conference, , 12
Cohen K.; Cook B.; Kivelevitch E. (01-01-2016. ) A fuzzy logic approach for low altitude UAS traffic management (UTM) .AIAA Infotech @ Aerospace Conference, ,
Behbahani A.; Cohen K.; Macmann O.; Seitz T. (01-01-2016. ) Performing diagnostics & prognostics on simulated engine failures using neural networks .52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2016, ,
Ernest N.; Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Schumacher C.; Casbeer D. (07-01-2015. ) Genetic Fuzzy Trees and their Application Towards Autonomous Training and Control of a Squadron of U.Unmanned Systems, , 3 (3 ) ,185-204 More Information
Boone N.; Sathyan A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Enhanced approaches to solving the multiple traveling salesman problem.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Ernest N.; Garcia E.; Casbeer D.; Cohen K.; Schumacher C. (01-01-2015. ) Multi-agent cooperative decision making using genetic cascading fuzzy systems.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Sathyan A.; Ernest N.; Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Genetic fuzzy approach for control and task planning applications.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Hanlon N.; Kivelevitch E.; Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Sensor resource management to support UAS integration into the national airspace system.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Kukreti S.; Walker A.; Putman P.; Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Genetic algorithm based LQR for attitude control of a magnetically actuated cubesat.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Wei W.; Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Development of a model based fuzzy-PID controller for the aeroquad cyclone quad-copter.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Janson A.; Stockton N.; Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Genetic optimization of fuzzy logic control for coupled dynamic systems.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, , More Information
Cohen K.; Wei W. (01-01-2015. ) Development of a model based fuzzy-PID controller for the aeroquad cyclone quad-copter .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Cohen K.; Hanlon N.; Kivelevitch E. (01-01-2015. ) Sensor resource management to support UAS integration into the national airspace system .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Boone N.; Cohen K.; Sathyan A. (01-01-2015. ) Enhanced approaches to solving the multiple traveling salesman problem .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Walker A.R.;Putman P.T.;Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Solely magnetic genetic/fuzzy-attitude-control algorithm for a CubeSat.Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, , 52 (6 ) ,1627-1639 More Information
Cohen K.; Ernest N.; Sathyan A. (01-01-2015. ) Genetic fuzzy approach for control and task planning applications .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Sathyan A.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Image processing and localization for detecting and tracking wildland fires.ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2015, , 3 , More Information
Sarim M.;Nemati A.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Extended kalman filter based quadrotor state estimation based on asynchronous multisensor data.ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2015, , 1 , More Information
Cohen K.; Janson A.; Stockton N. (01-01-2015. ) Genetic optimization of fuzzy logic control for coupled dynamic systems .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Wei W.;Cohen K.;Tischler M. (01-01-2015. ) System identification and controller optimization of a quadrotor UAV .Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International, , 4 (January ) ,2830-2839
Cohen K.; Kukreti S.; Putman P.; Walker A. (01-01-2015. ) Genetic algorithm based LQR for attitude control of a magnetically actuated cubesat .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Casbeer D.; Cohen K.; Ernest N.; Garcia E.; Schumacher C. (01-01-2015. ) Multi-agent cooperative decision making using genetic cascading fuzzy systems .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Brown B.;Wei W.;Ozburn R.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2015. ) Surveillance for intelligent emergency response robotic aircraft – VTOL aircraft for emergency respo .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, ,
Alvarez P.;McElwain B.;Thesing L.;Edalath S.;Kukreti A.;Cohen K. (03-01-2014. ) PD and fuzzy logic control for earthquake resilient structures.Computer Applications in Engineering Education, , 22 (1 ) ,142-152 More Information
Mitchell S.;Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Collaborative learning using fuzzy inferencing (CLIFF): Part 1 .52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, SciTech 2014, ,
Cohen K.; Fnu V. (01-01-2014. ) Intelligent fuzzy flight control of an autonomous quadrotor UAV .52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, SciTech 2014, ,
Mitchell S.;Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Collaborative learning using Fuzzy inferencing (CLIFF) Part 1 .52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, ,
Sureshkumar V.;Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Intelligent fuzzy flight control of an autonomous quadrotor UAV .52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, ,
Mitchell S.;Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Fuzzy logic decision making for autonomous robotic applications.2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, iCAST 2014, , More Information
Mitchell S.;Cook B.;Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Fuzzy logic inferencing for pong (FLIP) .Logic Programming: Theory, Practices and Challenges, , 1-47
Ernest N.;Cohen K.;Schumacher C.;Casbeer D. (01-01-2014. ) Learning of intelligent controllers for autonomous unmanned combat aerial vehicles by genetic cascad.SAE Technical Papers, , 2014-September (September ) , More Information
Wei W.;Tischler M.;Schwartz N.;Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Frequency-domain system identification and simulation of a quadrotor controller.AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference 2014, , More Information
Fnu V.S.; Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) Intelligent fuzzy flight control of an autonomous quadrotor UAV.52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting - AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, SciTech 2014, , More Information
Kivelevitch E.; Sharma B.; Ernest N.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) A Hierarchical Market Solution to the Min-Max Multiple Depots Vehicle Routing Problem.Unmanned Systems, , 2 (1 ) ,87-100 More Information
Sabo C.; Kingston D.; Cohen K. (01-01-2014. ) A Formulation and Heuristic Approach to Task Allocation and Routing of UAVs under Limited Communicat.Unmanned Systems, , 2 (1 ) ,1-17 More Information
Homchaudhuri B.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (12-01-2013. ) Genetic algorithm based simulation-optimization for fighting wildfires.International Journal of Computational Methods, , 10 (6 ) , More Information
Kivelevitch E.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (10-01-2013. ) A market-based solution to the multiple traveling salesmen problem.Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, , 72 (1 ) ,21-40 More Information
Mitchell S.M.;Ernest N.D.;Cohen K. (09-16-2013. ) Comparison of fuzzy optimization and genetic fuzzy methods in solving a modified traveling salesman .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, ,
Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Kumar M. (09-16-2013. ) A market-based solution to the Multiple Depots, Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem with profits .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, ,
Agarwal J.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (09-16-2013. ) Fuzzy logic based real-time prediction model for wildland forest fires .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, ,
Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Kumar M. (09-16-2013. ) A binary programming solution to the Min-Max Multiple-Depots, Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, ,
Ernest N.;Cohen K.;Schumacher C. (09-16-2013. ) UAV swarm routing through genetic fuzzy learning methods .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, ,
Cohen K.; Putman P.; Walker A. (09-16-2013. ) Fuzzy logic attitude control of a magnetically actuated CubeSat .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, ,
Garg S.;Sharma B.R.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (09-11-2013. ) A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition based algorithm for smoke filtering in videos .Proceedings of the American Control Conference, , 3529-3534
Edalath S.;Kukreti A.;Cohen K. (09-01-2013. ) Enhancement of a tuned mass damper for building structures using fuzzy logic.JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, , 19 (12 ) ,1763-1772 More Information
Walker A.;Cohen K. (08-19-2013. ) Fuzzy control of two two-degree of freedom systems .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Cohen K.; Garg S.; Kumar M.; Sharma B. (08-19-2013. ) A Fuzzy Logic based image processing method for automated fire and smoke detection .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Agarwal J.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (08-19-2013. ) Application of Fuzzy logic and GIS in a fire-prediction algorithm for situationalk awareness based o .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Cook B.;Mitchell S.;Cohen K. (08-19-2013. ) Fuzzy logic inference for pong (FLIP) .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Mitchell S.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (08-19-2013. ) Precision Route Optimization using Fuzzy Intelligence (PROFIT) .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Hanlon N.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (08-19-2013. ) Neuro-fuzzy dynamic programming for decision-making and resource allocation during wildland fires .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Cohen K.; Ernest N.; Schumacher C. (08-19-2013. ) Collaborative tasking of UAV's using a genetic fuzzy approach .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Sabo C.;Arnett T.;Kumar M.;Kingston D.;Cohen K. (08-19-2013. ) Experimental validation of the allocation of UAVs under communication restrictions .51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, ,
Sharma B.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (01-01-2013. ) Spatio-temporal estimation of wildfire growth.ASME 2013 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, DSCC 2013, , 2 , More Information
Kivelevitch E.H.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2013. ) A market-based solution to the Multiple Depots, Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem with profits.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, , More Information
Kivelevitch E.H.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2013. ) A binary programming solution to the Min-Max Multiple-Depots, Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, , More Information
Garg S.; Sharma B.R.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2013. ) A Fuzzy Logic based image processing method for automated fire and smoke detection.51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, , More Information
Walker A.R.; Cohen K.; Putman P. (01-01-2013. ) Fuzzy logic attitude control of a magnetically actuated CubeSat.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace (I at A) Conference, , More Information
Ernest N.; Cohen K.; Schumacher C. (01-01-2013. ) Collaborative tasking of UAV's using a genetic fuzzy approach.51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, , More Information
Cohen K.; Sabo C. (12-01-2012. ) Dynamic allocation of unmanned aerial vehicles with communication constraints .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Cohen K.; Ernest N. (12-01-2012. ) Fuzzy clustering based genetic algorithm for the multi-depot polygon visiting dubins multiple travel .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Italiano P.;Cohen K. (12-01-2012. ) Fuzzy logic control of a Tensegrity control base for a flight simulator .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Stern J.;Cohen K. (12-01-2012. ) FLC-based landing approach and collision avoidance path planner for multiple aircraft and runways.50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, , More Information
Mitchell S.;Cohen K. (12-01-2012. ) Fuzzy collaborative robotic pong (FLIP) .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Lafountain C.;Italiano P.;Cohen K. (12-01-2012. ) Hazard exposure reduction using genetic fuzzy path planning.50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, , More Information
Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Kumar M. (12-01-2012. ) A binary programming solution to the Multiple-Depot, Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem with consta .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Kivelevitch E.H.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (12-01-2012. ) Optimized fuzzy market-based solution to the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem using Particle Swar.50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, , More Information
Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Kumar M. (12-01-2012. ) Comparing the robustness of market-based task assignment to genetic algorithm .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Kumar M. (12-01-2012. ) On the scalability of the market-based solution to the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Sabo C.;Kumar M.;Cohen K.;Kingston D. (12-01-2012. ) VRP with minimum delivery latency using Linear Programming .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Lafountain C.;Cohen K.;Abdallah S. (12-01-2012. ) Use of XFOIL in design of camber-controlled morphing UAVs.Computer Applications in Engineering Education, , 20 (4 ) ,673-680 More Information
Charvat R.;Rodger Ozburn M.;Bushong S.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (12-01-2012. ) SIERRA team flight of Zephyr UAS at West Virginia Wild Land Fire Burn .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, ,
Sabo C.;Cohen K. (08-17-2012. ) Fuzzy logic unmanned air vehicle motion planning.Advances in Fuzzy Systems, , More Information
Ernest N.;Cohen K. (06-20-2012. ) Fuzzy logic clustering of multiple traveling salesman problem for self-crossover based genetic algor .50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Aradag S.;McLaughlin T. (01-01-2012. ) Nonlinear estimation of transient flow field low dimensional states using artificial neural nets.Expert Systems with Applications, , 39 (1 ) ,1264-1272 More Information
Kivelevitch E.H.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2012. ) Comparing the robustness of market-based task assignment to genetic algorithm.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, , More Information
Ernest N.; Cohen K. (01-01-2012. ) Fuzzy clustering based genetic algorithm for the multi-depot polygon visiting dubins multiple travel.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, , More Information
Kivelevitch E.H.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2012. ) On the scalability of the market-based solution to the Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, , More Information
Sabo C.; Cohen K. (01-01-2012. ) Dynamic allocation of unmanned aerial vehicles with communication constraints.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, , More Information
Kivelevitch E.H.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2012. ) A binary programming solution to the Multiple-Depot, Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem with consta.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2012, , More Information
Cohen K.; Sabo C. (12-01-2011. ) SMART heuristic for pickup and delivery problem (PDP) with cooperative UAVs .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Cohen K.;Minai A.A. (12-01-2011. ) Teaching intelligent systems at the University of Cincinnati .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Pietila G.;Cohen K. (12-01-2011. ) Dynamic modeling of morphing tensegrity structures .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Jones M.;Cohen K. (12-01-2011. ) Fuzzy control of a tensegrity based morphing UAV wing .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Ernest N.;Cohen K. (12-01-2011. ) Self-crossover based genetic algorithm for performance augmentation of the Traveling Salesman Proble .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Hanlon N.;Kumar M.;Cohen K.;Tyler B. (12-01-2011. ) Fuzzy-based approaches to decision making and resource allocation during wildland fires .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Cohen K.; Lee J.; Walker B. (12-01-2011. ) Path planning of unmanned aerial vehicles in a dynamic environment .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Italiano P.;Lafountain C.;Cohen K.;Abdallah S. (12-01-2011. ) Tensegrity structure as the control base of a flight simulator .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Black F.E.;Wei W.;Britt T.;Cohen K. (12-01-2011. ) Proof of concept studies of the morphing modus VTOL UAV .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Cohen K.; Kivelevitch E.; Kumar M. (12-01-2011. ) Tasks allocation to agents using market-based techniques .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Barker S.;Cohen K.;Lafountain C. (12-01-2011. ) Intelligent algorithms for maze exploration and exploitation .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Charvat R.;Rodger Ozburn M.;Bushong S.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (12-01-2011. ) Intelligent integration of UAV systems for wildland fire management: Towards concept demonstration .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, ,
Aradag S.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Cohen K.;Mclaughlin T. (05-10-2011. ) Filtered POD-based low-dimensional modeling of the 3D turbulent flow behind a circular cylinder.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, , 66 (1 ) ,1-16 More Information
Kivelevitch E.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (01-01-2011. ) Market-based solution to the allocation of tasks to agents.Procedia Computer Science, , 6 ,28-33 More Information
Kumar M.;Cohen K.;Chaudhuri B. (01-01-2011. ) Cooperative control of multiple uninhabited aerial vehicles for monitoring and fighting wildfires.Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication, , 8 (1 ) ,1-16 More Information
Kivelevitch E.H.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2011. ) Tasks allocation to agents using market-based techniques.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, , More Information
Lee J.W.; Walker B.; Cohen K. (01-01-2011. ) Path planning of unmanned aerial vehicles in a dynamic environment.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, , More Information
Sabo C.; Cohen K. (01-01-2011. ) SMART heuristic for pickup and delivery problem (PDP) with cooperative UAVs.AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit 2011, , More Information
Cohen K.;Rasmussen S. (12-16-2010. ) Application of proper orthogonal decomposition and neural networks to UAV task assignment .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace 2010, ,
Sabo C.;Kingston D.;Cohen K. (12-16-2010. ) Minimum service time for UAV cooperative control subject to communication constraints .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace 2010, ,
Sabo C.;Cohen K.;Kumar M.;Abdallah S. (12-14-2010. ) Effectiveness of 2D path planning in real time using fuzzy logic .48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Kivelevitch E.H.;Cohen K. (12-13-2010. ) Multi-agent maze exploration .48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Ichihashi F.;Jeng S.;Cohen K. (12-13-2010. ) Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Fourier analysis on the energy release rate dynamics of a gas tu .48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Lafountain C.;Cohen K.;Abdallah S. (12-13-2010. ) AEROMORPH as a morphing design tool in an educational environment .48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Ahuja M.;Homchaudhuri B.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (12-13-2010. ) Fuzzy counter ant algorithm for maze problem .48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Kivelevitch E.H.;Cohen K. (12-01-2010. ) Multi-agent maze exploration.Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication, , 7 (12 ) ,391-405 More Information
Aradag S.;Cohen K.;Seaver C.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2010. ) Integration of computations and experiments for flow control research with undergraduate students.Computer Applications in Engineering Education, , 18 (4 ) ,727-735 More Information
Humphrey L.;Cohen K.;Rasmussen S. (12-01-2010. ) Application of proper orthogonal decomposition and artificial neural networks to multiple UAV task a.AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, , More Information
HomChaudhuri B.;Kumar M.;Cohen K. (10-15-2010. ) Optimal fireline generation for wildfire fighting in uncertain and heterogeneous environment .Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, ACC 2010, , 5638-5643
Homchaudhuri B.;Zhao S.;Cohen K.;Kumar M. (01-01-2010. ) Generation of optimal fire-line for fighting wildland fires using genetic algorithms.Proceedings of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 2009, DSCC2009, , (PART A ) ,111-118 More Information
Kumar M.;Cohen K. (12-01-2009. ) Wild land fire fighting using multiple uninhabited aerial vehicles .AIAA Infotech at Aerospace Conference and Exhibit and AIAA Unmanned...Unlimited Conference, ,
Sabo C.;Cohen K.;Kumar M.;Abdallah S. (12-01-2009. ) Path planning of a fire-fighting aircraft using fuzzy logic .47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Lafountain C.;Cohen K.;Abdallah S. (12-01-2009. ) Camber controlled airfoil design for morphing UAV .47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, ,
Vick A.;Cohen K. (11-02-2009. ) Longitudinal stability augmentation using a fuzzy logic based PID controller.Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS, , More Information
Porter C.;Abbas A.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T.;Enloe C.L. (06-01-2009. ) Spatially distributed forcing and jet vectoring with a plasma actuator.AIAA Journal, , 47 (6 ) ,1368-1378 More Information
Seidel J.;Siegel S.;Fagley C.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (06-01-2009. ) Feedback control of a circular cylinder wake.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, , 223 (4 ) ,379-392 More Information
Cohen K.;Figueroa F.;Atkins E.;Ingham M.;Doyle R.;Garg S.;Gregory I.;Obayashi S.;Nguyen N.;Blackmore L.;Truszkowski W. (01-01-2009. ) Introduction: Enhancing intelligence in aerospace systems.Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information and Communication, , 6 (3 ) ,121-122 More Information
Agte J.;Cohen K. (12-01-2008. ) First order effects of new technology on a high altitude long endurance (HALE) unmanned aerial vehic .46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Porter C.;Abbas A.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T.;Enloe C.L. (12-01-2008. ) Spatially distributed forcing and jet vectoring with a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator .46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Aradag S.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Cohen K.;Mclaughlin T. (12-01-2008. ) Filtered POD based estimation of 3d turbulent separated flows .46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Aradag S.;Mclaughlin T. (12-01-2008. ) Reduced order model based controller design for feedback-controlled cylinder wake .46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Cohen K.;Aradag S.;Mclaughlin T. (12-01-2008. ) Open loop transient forcing of an axisymmetric bluff body wake .46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;Seidel J.;Aradag S.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2008. ) Low dimensional model development using double proper orthogonal decomposition and system identifica .4th AIAA Flow Control Conference, ,
Seidel J.;Siegel S.;Jeans T.;Aradag S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2008. ) Analysis of an axisymmetric bluff bodywake using Fourier transform and POD .46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Siegel S.G.;Seidel J.;Fagley C.;Luchtenburg D.M.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (09-01-2008. ) Low-dimensional modelling of a transient cylinder wake using double proper orthogonal decomposition.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, , 610 ,1-42 More Information
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;Seidel J.;Aradag S.;McLaughlin T. (11-06-2007. ) Simulation of a feedback-controlled cylinder wake using double proper orthogonal decomposition .Collection of Technical Papers - 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, , 3 ,2420-2432
Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (11-05-2007. ) A cycloidal propeller using dynamic lift .Collection of Technical Papers - 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, , 2 ,1682-1695
Seidel J.;Cohen K.;Aradag S.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T. (11-05-2007. ) Reduced order modeling of a turbulent three dimensional cylinder wake .Collection of Technical Papers - 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, , 3 ,2433-2451
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;Aradag S.;McLaughlin T. (11-05-2007. ) Nonlinear estimation of transient flow field low dimensional states using double proper orthogonal d .Collection of Technical Papers - 2007 AIAA InfoTech at Aerospace Conference, , 2 ,1294-1308
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;Seidel J.;Mclaughlin T. (09-05-2007. ) State estimation of transient flow fields using Double Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (DPOD).Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, , 95 ,105-118 More Information
Snyder B.L.;Lewis J.A.;Cohen K.;Seaver C.A.;McLaughlin T. (07-02-2007. ) Closed-loop plasma active control technology (CLOPACT) .Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 2 ,1224-1238
Siegel S.;Aradag S.;Seidel J.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (07-02-2007. ) Low dimensional POD based estimation of a 3D turbulent separated flow .Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 2 ,1276-1288
Shin Y.S.;Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (07-02-2007. ) Neural network estimation of transient flow fields using double proper orthogonal decomposition .Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 20 ,13972-13985
Stalnov O.;Palei V.;Fono I.;Cohen K.;Seifert A. (04-01-2007. ) Experimental estimation of a D-shaped cylinder wake using body-mounted sensors.Experiments in Fluids, , 42 (4 ) ,531-542 More Information
Scully T.;Cohen K. (12-18-2006. ) An investigation into a neural network's performance based on the number of neurons in the hidden la .Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, , 2 ,1350-1357
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-11-2006. ) Reduced order modeling for closed-loop control of three dimensional wakes .Collection of Technical Papers - 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conference, , 2 ,1101-1118
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-11-2006. ) Neural network estimator for low-dimensional modeling of a cylinder wake .Collection of Technical Papers - 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conference, , 2 ,1167-1180
Seidel J.;Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (12-11-2006. ) Simulations of flow control of the wake behind an axisymmetric bluff body .Collection of Technical Papers - 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conference, , 2 ,1152-1166
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2006. ) Low dimensional modeling, estimation and control of a cylinder wake .Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, , 4597-4602
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2006. ) System identification of a low dimensional model of a cylinder wake .Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 22 ,16988-16999
Siegel S.G.;Cohen K.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2006. ) Proper orthogonal decomposition snapshot selection for state estimation of feedback controlled flows .Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 22 ,16841-16851
Shin Y.S.;Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2006. ) Neural network estimator for closed-loop control of a cylinder wake .Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference 2006, , 5 ,2973-2988
Seidel J.;Siegel S.;Cohen K.;Becker V.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2006. ) Simulations of three dimensional feedback control of a circular cylinder wake .Collection of Technical Papers - 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, , 22 ,16894-16905
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (06-01-2006. ) Numerical simulations of a feedback-controlled circular cylinder wake.AIAA Journal, , 44 (6 ) ,1266-1276 More Information
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T. (01-01-2006. ) A heuristic approach to effective sensor placement for modeling of a cylinder wake.Computers and Fluids, , 35 (1 ) ,103-120 More Information
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2005. ) Two dimensional simulations of a feedback controlled D-cylinder wake .35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, ,
Seidel J.;Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2005. ) Three dimensional simulations of a feedback controlled circular cylinder wake .43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, , 12037-12046
Siegel S.G.;Cohen K.;Seidel J.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2005. ) Short time proper orthogonal decomposition for state estimation of transient flow fields .43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, , 12047-12058
Seidel J.;Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2005. ) POD based separation control on the NACA0015 airfoil .43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, , 12059-12069
Wetlesen D.C.;Siegel S.G.;Cohen K.;Luchtenburg M.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2005. ) Sensor based proper orthogonal decomposition state estimation in the presence of noise .43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit - Meeting Papers, , 12071-12078
Cohen K.; Fono I.; Palei V.; Seifert A.; Stalnov O. (12-01-2005. ) Experimental validation of sensor placement for control of a D-shaped cylinder wake .35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T.;Gillies E.;Myatt J. (09-01-2005. ) Closed-loop approaches to control of a wake flow modeled by the Ginzburg-Landau equation.Computers and Fluids, , 34 (8 ) ,927-949 More Information
Stalnov O.; Palei V.; Fono I.; Cohen K.; Seifert A. (01-01-2005. ) Experimental validation of sensor placement for control of a D-shaped cylinder wake.35th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, , More Information
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2004. ) Experimental variable gain feedback control of a circular cylinder wake .24th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, ,
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (12-01-2004. ) Low-dimensional feedback control of the von Karman vortex street at a Reynolds number of 100.Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, , 75 ,401-412 More Information
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;Wetlesen D.;Cameron J.;Sick A. (12-01-2004. ) Effective sensor placements for the estimation of proper orthogonal decomposition mode coefficients .JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, , 10 (12 ) ,1857-1880 More Information
Cohen K.; Luchtenburg M.; Mclaughlin T.; Seifert A.; Siegel S. (12-01-2004. ) Sensor placement for closed-loop flow control of a "D" shaped cylinder wake .2nd AIAA Flow Control Conference, ,
Luchtenburg M.;Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (07-01-2004. ) Comparison of 2D POD modes extracted from two- and three-dimensional simulations of a cylinder wake .AIAA Paper, , 10217-10225
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T. (07-01-2004. ) Feedback control of a circular cylinder wake in a water tunnel experiment .AIAA Paper, , 4822-4832
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T. (07-01-2004. ) Control issues in reduced-order feedback flow control .AIAA Paper, , 5605-5615
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T. (07-01-2004. ) Control issues in reduced-order feedback flow control .AIAA Paper, , 5594-5604
Cameron J.;Sick A.;Cohen K.;Wetlesen D.;Siegel S. (07-01-2004. ) Determination of an effective sensor configuration for suppression of the von Kármán vortex street .AIAA Paper, , 4833-4844
Cohen K.; Siegel S.; Luchtenburg M.; Mclaughlin T.; Seifert A. (01-01-2004. ) Sensor placement for closed-loop flow control of a "D" shaped cylinder wake.2nd AIAA Flow Control Conference, , More Information
Bossert D.; Cohen K. (12-01-2003. ) Fuzzy logic non-minimum phase autopilot design .AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, ,
Rosario R.;Boyer K.;Cohen K. (12-01-2003. ) Wind tunnel compressor optimization and efficiency roll-off prediction using fuzzy logic .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.; McLaughlin T.; Siegel S. (12-01-2003. ) Sensor placement based on proper orthogonal decomposition modeling of a cylinder wake .33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, ,
Siegel S.;Cohen K.;McLaughlin T.;Myatt J. (12-01-2003. ) Real-time particle image velocimetry for closed-loop flow control studies .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.; McLaughlin T.; Myatt J.; Siegel S. (12-01-2003. ) Fuzzy logic control of a circular cylinder vortex shedding model .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T.;Myatt J. (12-01-2003. ) Proper orthogonal decomposition modeling of a controllled ginzburg-landau cylinder wake model .41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.; McLaughlin T.; Siegel S. (12-01-2003. ) Feedback control of a circular cylinder wake in experiment and simulation (invited) .33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.;Ben-Asher J.Z.;Weller T. (01-01-2003. ) Vibration control using fuzzy-logic-based active damping.Journal of Aircraft, , 40 (2 ) ,384-390 More Information
Cohen K.;Siegel S.;McLaughlin T.;Gillies E. (01-01-2003. ) Feedback control of a cylinder wake low-dimensional model.AIAA Journal, , 41 (7 ) ,1389-1391 More Information
Rapoport D.;Fono I.;Cohen K.;Seifert A. (01-01-2003. ) Closed-loop vectoring control of a turbulent jet using periodic excitation.Journal of Propulsion and Power, , 19 (4 ) ,646-654 More Information
Adin Z.;Ben-Asher J.Z.;Cohen K.;Moulin B.;Weller T. (01-01-2003. ) Flutter supression using linear optimal and fuzzy logic techniques .Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, , 26 (1 ) ,173-177
Cohen K.; Siegel S.; McLaughlin T.; Myatt J. (01-01-2003. ) Fuzzy logic control of a circular cylinder vortex shedding model.41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, , More Information
Cohen K.; Bossert D.E. (01-01-2003. ) Fuzzy logic non-minimum phase autopilot design.AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, , More Information
Cohen K.; Siegel S.; McLaughlin T. (01-01-2003. ) Sensor placement based on proper orthogonal decomposition modeling of a cylinder wake.33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, , More Information
Siegel S.; Cohen K.; McLaughlin T. (01-01-2003. ) Feedback control of a circular cylinder wake in experiment and simulation (invited).33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, , More Information
Cohen K.; Fono I.; Rapoport D.; Seifert A. (12-01-2002. ) Closed-loop vectoring control of a turbulent jet using periodic excitation .1st Flow Control Conference, ,
Cohen K.;Weller T.;Ben-Asher J.Z. (08-01-2002. ) Active control of flexible structures using a fuzzy logic algorithm.Smart Materials and Structures, , 11 (4 ) ,541-552 More Information
Bossert D.; Cohen K. (01-01-2002. ) PID and fuzzy logic pitch attitude hold systems for a fighter jet .AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.;Yaffe R.;Weller T.;Ben-Asher J. (01-01-2002. ) Experimental studies on adaptive fuzzy control of a smart structure.JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control, , 8 (8 ) ,1071-1083 More Information
Bossert D.E.; Cohen K. (01-01-2002. ) PID and fuzzy logic pitch attitude hold systems for a fighter jet.AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, , More Information
Rapoport D.; Fono I.; Cohen K.; Seifert A. (01-01-2002. ) Closed-loop vectoring control of a turbulent jet using periodic excitation.1st Flow Control Conference, , More Information
Bossert D.;Cohen K. (12-01-2001. ) Design of fuzzy pitch attitude hold systems for a fighter jet .AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, ,
Cohen K.;Weller T.;Ben-Asher J. (12-01-2001. ) Fuzzy logic control applications for second order problems with low damping .American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Aerospace Division (Publication) AD, , 64 ,201-209
Abershitz A.;Cohen K.;Rubinets R. (12-01-2001. ) Performance augmentation of low cost sensors .Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS, , 2 ,748-752
Cohen K.;Weller T.;Ben Asher J.Z. (01-01-2001. ) Control of linear second-order systems by fuzzy logic-based algorithm.Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, , 24 (3 ) ,494-501 More Information
Cohen K.;Weller T.;Levitas J.;Abramovich H. (01-01-1997. ) Model-independent vibration control of flexible beam-like structures using a fuzzy based adaptation .Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, , 8 (3 ) ,220-231 More Information
Cohen K.;Weller T.;Levitas J.;Abramovich H. (01-01-1996. ) An adaptive fuzzy control algorithm for model-independent active vibration damping of flexible beam-.Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, , 7 (2 ) ,168-175 More Information
Cohen K.;Weller T. (08-18-1994. ) Passive damping augmentation for vibration suppression in flexible latticed beam-like space structur.Journal of Sound and Vibration, , 175 (3 ) ,333-346 More Information
Lamping A.P.; Ouwerkerk J.N.; Barnes E.; Degroote N.; Wessels A.; Brown B.; Cohen K. (06-15-2021. ) Enhancing SkyVision: Integrating UAS Flight Information with ATC Data.2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2021, , 1595-1604 More Information
Viaña J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Evaluation Criteria for Noise Resilience in Regression Algorithms.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,473-485 More Information
DeGroote N.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) A Genetic Fuzzy Approach for the Prediction of Heart Failure.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,92-100 More Information
Dunlap K.; Cohen K.; Hobbs K. (01-01-2022. ) Comparing the Explainability and Performance of Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Fuzzy Systems for.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,116-129 More Information
Pickering L.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Toward Explainable AI—Genetic Fuzzy Systems—A Use Case.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,343-354 More Information
Sathyan A.; Yuan W.; Fleck D.E.; Bonnette S.; Diekfuss J.A.; Martis M.; Gable A.; Myer G.D.; Altaye M.; Dudley J.A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Genetic Fuzzy Methodology to Predict Time to Return to Play from Sports-Related Concussion.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,380-390 More Information
Cohen K.; Bokati L.; Ceberio M.; Kosheleva O.; Kreinovich V. (01-01-2022. ) Why Fuzzy Techniques in Explainable AI? Which Fuzzy Techniques in Explainable AI?.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,74-78 More Information
O’Grady K.L.; Viaña J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Predicting Diabetes Diagnosis with Binary-To-Fuzzy Extrapolations and Weights Tuned via Genetic Algo.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,321-331 More Information
Barth A.; Cohen K.; Ma O. (01-01-2022. ) A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Spacecraft Landing Site Selection.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,1-13 More Information
Macmann O.; Cohen K.; Cazaurang F. (01-01-2022. ) Fuzzy-Flatness Hybrid Fault-Tolerant Control.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,265-277 More Information
Li X.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Abstractive Representation Modeling for Image Classification.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,229-240 More Information
Palmer H.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Genetic Fuzzy Hand Gesture Classifier.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,332-342 More Information
Viaña J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Fuzzy-Based, Noise-Resilient, Explainable Algorithm for Regression.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,461-472 More Information
Terry M.V.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Fuzzy Tunes.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 258 ,447-452 More Information
Kiefer A.W.; Armitano-Lago C.N.; Sathyan A.; MacPherson R.; Cohen K.; Silva P.L. (01-01-2022. ) The Intelligent Phenotypic Plasticity Platform (IP3) for Precision Medicine-B.Methods in Molecular Biology, , 2393 ,877-903 More Information
Kiefer, Adam W; Armitano-Lago, Cortney N; Sathyan, Anoop; MacPherson, Ryan; Cohen, Kelly; Silva, Paula L (2022. ) The Intelligent Phenotypic Plasticity Platform (IP3) for Precision Medicine-Based Injury Prevention in Sport.Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), , 2393 ,877-903 More Information
Fleck, David E; Wilson, Marian; Lewis, Daniel; Welge, Jeffrey A; Arya, Grace; Sathyan, Anoop; Cohen, Kelly; Winhusen, T John (2023. ) Neurocognitive predictors of adherence to an online pain self-management program adjunct to long-term opioid therapy.Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, , 45 (3 ) ,242-254 More Information
Sathyan, Anoop; Weinberg, Abraham Itzhak; Cohen, Kelly (2022. ) Interpretable AI for bio-medical applications.Complex engineering systems (Alhambra, Calif.), , 2 (4 ) , More Information
Kumar M.; Sathyan A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Real-Time Video and FLIR Image Processing for Enhanced Situational Awareness.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 177-202 More Information
Ernest N.; Sathyan A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Genetic Fuzzy Single and Collaborative Tasking for UAV Operations.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 217-242 More Information
Aull M.; Stough A.; Cohen K. (09-01-2020. ) Design Optimization and Sizing for Fly-Gen Airborne Wind Energy Systems.Automation, , 1 (1 ) , More Information
Radmanesh M.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2020. ) Large-Scale UAV Trajectory Planning Using Fluid Dynamics Equations.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 63-86 More Information
Black G.T.; Cohen K.; Ronflé-Nadaud C. (01-01-2020. ) Integration in the National Airspace (Europe and USA) - UAV Classification and Associated Missions, .Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 1-25 More Information
Degroote N.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Cooperative Multi-Agent UAS Task Assignment for Disaster Response Scenario.AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, , More Information
Sridhar S.; Kumar R.; Gupta G.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (05-01-2022. ) Nonlinear Control of a Novel Class of Tilt-Rotor Quadcopters Using Sliding Mode Method: Theory and H.Journal of Aerospace Engineering, , 35 (3 ) , More Information
Cazaurang F.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Introduction: UAVs and VTOL Multi-Copter UAV Platforms.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , xi-xix More Information
Carlton Z.; Wei W.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) LQR Controller Applied to Quadcopter System Dynamics Identification and Verification Through Frequen.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 129-152 More Information
Sathyan A.; Ernest N.; Lavigne L.; Cazaurang F.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Genetic Fuzzy System for Solving the Aircraft Conflict Resolution Problem.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 87-103 More Information
Richards N.; Ouwerkerk J.; Brown B.; Cohen K. (01-01-2020. ) Design, Fabrication and Flight Testing of Small UAVs Using Additive Manufacturing.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 203-215 More Information
Cazaurang F.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2020. ) Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems.Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems, , 1-246 More Information
Degroote N.; Ouwerkerk J.N.; Lamping A.P.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Efficient and Adaptable Task Assignment for UAS Considering the MDMTSP.2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2022, , 903-911 More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Cohen K.; Ralescu A.; Kreinovich V. (01-01-2021. ) Why Cauchy Membership Functions: Efficiency.Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, , 1 (1 ) ,86-93 More Information
Pokhrel S.; Sathyan A.; Eisa S.A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Use of Fuzzy PID Controller for Pitch Control of a Wind Turbine.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,205-216 More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Cohen K.; Kreinovich V.; Ralescu A. (01-01-2022. ) Why Cauchy Membership Functions: Reliability.Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, , 2 (2 ) ,385-393 More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Kreinovich V.; Ralescu A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Initialization and Plasticity of CEFYDRA: Cluster-first Explainable FuzzY-based Deep self-Reorganizi.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,323-335 More Information
Manasreh D.; Swaleh S.; Cohen K.; Nazzal M. (01-01-2023. ) Semi-supervised Physics-Informed Genetic Fuzzy System for IoT BLE Localization.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,135-147 More Information
Sathyan A.; Eisa S.A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Can Physically-Trained Genetic Fuzzy Learning Algorithm Improve Pitch Control in Wind Turbines?.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,243-254 More Information
Dunlap K.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Hybrid Fuzzy-LQR Control for Time Optimal Spacecraft Docking.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,52-62 More Information
Courcier B.; Richard-Desjardins S.; Farges C.; Cazaurang F.; Pickering L.; Viaña Perez J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Genetic Fuzzy System for Pitch Control on a F-4 Phantom.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,31-39 More Information
Holguin S.; Viaña J.; Cohen K.; Ralescu A.; Kreinovich V. (01-01-2023. ) Why Sine Membership Functions.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,83-89 More Information
Phillips Z.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Genetically Trained Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Effects Based Operations.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,185-195 More Information
Nair D.; Cohen K.; Kumar M. (01-01-2023. ) Classification of Rice Using Genetic Fuzzy Cascading System.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,160-171 More Information
Burton J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Flutter Mitigation via Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of a Passivity-Based Controller.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,12-19 More Information
Verbryke M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Pulsar Candidate Selection Using a Genetic Fuzzy System.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,286-297 More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Kreinovich V.; Ralescu A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Multiple Hidden Layered CEFYDRA: Cluster-First Explainable Fuzzy-Based Deep Self-reorganizing Algori.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,308-322 More Information
Pickering L.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Genetic Fuzzy Controller for the Homicidal Chauffeur Differential Game.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,196-204 More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Kreinovich V.; Ralescu A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Single Hidden Layer CEFYDRA: Cluster-first Explainable FuzzY-based Deep self-Reorganizing Algorithm.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 500 LNNS ,298-307 More Information
Kukreti S.; Kumar M.; Cohen K. (01-01-2018. ) Genetic fuzzy based target geo-localization using unmanned aerial systems for firefighting applicati.AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2018, , More Information
Henderson A.; Harbour S.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Toward Airworthiness Certification for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Aerospace Systems.AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings, , 2022-September , More Information
O'Grady K.L.; Harbour S.D.; Abballe A.R.; Cohen K. (01-01-2022. ) Trust, Ethics, Consciousness, and Artificial Intelligence.AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings, , 2022-September , More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Ralescu A.; Cohen K.; Kreinovich V. (06-01-2022. ) Explainable fuzzy cluster-based regression algorithm with gradient descent learning.Complex Engineering Systems, , 2 (2 ) , More Information
Martin J.A.; Ouwerkerk J.N.; Lamping A.P.; Cohen K. (03-01-2022. ) Comparison of battery modeling regression methods for application to unmanned aerial vehicles.Complex Engineering Systems, , 2 (1 ) , More Information
Viaña J.; Ralescu S.; Cohen K.; Ralescu A.; Kreinovich V. (01-01-2023. ) Extension to Multidimensional Problems of a Fuzzy-Based Explainable and Noise-Resilient Algorithm.Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, , 217 ,289-296 More Information
Sathyan A.; Ma O.; Cohen K. (02-01-2023. ) Genetic Fuzzy Methodology for Decentralized Cooperative UAVs to Transport a Shared Payload.Drones, , 7 (2 ) , More Information
Viaña J.; Cohen K.; Saunders S.; Marx N.; Cobb B. (02-01-2024. ) Explainable Algorithm to Predict Passenger Flow at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airpor.Transportation Research Record, , 2678 (2 ) ,839-862 More Information
Cohen K.; Kosheleva O.; Kreinovich V. (01-01-2023. ) Why Convex Combination is an Effective Crossover Operation in Continuous Optimization: A Theoretical.Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, , 484 ,335-340 More Information
Sathyan A.; Weinberg A.I.; Cohen K. (12-01-2022. ) Interpretable AI for bio-medical applications.Complex Engineering Systems, , 2 (4 ) , More Information
Viaña J.; Cohen K.; Saunders S.; Marx N.; Cobb B.; Meredith H.; Bourbon M. (01-01-2023. ) Review of a Fuzzy Logic Based Airport Passenger Flow Prediction System.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 751 LNNS ,241-245 More Information
Macmann O.; Graves R.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Formal Descriptive Modeling for Self-verification of Fuzzy Network Systems.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 751 LNNS ,301-311 More Information
Mulligan D.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Air Traffic Control Using Fuzzy Logic.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 751 LNNS ,25-35 More Information
Heitmeyer D.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Genetic Fuzzy Threat Assessment for Asteroids 2600 Derived Game.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 751 LNNS ,81-90 More Information
Rochford E.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Developing System Requirements for Trustworthy AI Enabled Refueling Spacecraft.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 751 LNNS ,101-114 More Information
Burton J.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Genetic Fuzzy Passivity-Based Control Applied to a Robust Control Benchmark Problem.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, , 751 LNNS ,207-218 More Information
Pickering L.; del Río Almajano T.; England M.; Cohen K. (07-01-2024. ) Explainable AI Insights for Symbolic Computation: A case study on selecting the variable ordering fo.Journal of Symbolic Computation, , 123 , More Information
Gilligan R.N.; Cohen K. (01-01-2023. ) Design of an All-Terrain Aerial Robotic Interface (ATARI) as a Collaborative Platform for UAVs.AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023, , More Information
Dogga B.; Sathyan A.; Cohen K. (01-01-2024. ) Explainable AI based Remaining Useful Life estimation of aircraft engines.AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2024, , More Information
Weinberg A.I.; Cohen K. (09-01-2024. ) Zero trust implementation in the emerging technologies era: a survey.Complex Engineering Systems, , 4 (3 ) , More Information
Harbour D.A.R.; Cohen K.; Harbour S.D.; Ratliff B.; Henderson A.; Pennel H.; Schlager S.; Taha T.M.; Yakopcic C.; Asari V.K.; Boril J.; Sultana A.; Abouzahra S.N.; Bulter A.; Prikkel C. (01-01-2024. ) Martian Flight: Enabling Motion Estimation of NASA's Next-Generation Mars Flying Drone by Implementi.AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference - Proceedings, , More Information
Published Books
Franck Cazaurang, Kelly Cohen, and Manish Kumar (2020. ) Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems 1st Edition .London, U.K. , ISTE Press - Elsevier (Co-Author)
Cohen, K., Ernest, N., Bede, B., and Kreinovich, Editors, (2024. ) “Fuzzy Information Processing 2023”, Proceedings of 2023 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS, Series Title: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), Series Editor, Janusz Kacprzyk, .Switzerland , Springer Nature (Editor)
Honors and Awards
04-15-2021 George Barbour Award for Good Faculty Relations University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
11-30-2020 Elevation to the grade of IEEE Senior member Senior Member is the highest professional grade of IEEE for which a member may apply. It requires extensive experience, and reflects professional accomplishment and maturity. Only 10% of more than 400,000 members have achieved this level. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
03-30-2020 Faculty Core Values Award The Core Values Award is a relatively new category offered through the University of Cincinnati Office of Research in recognition of faculty who have demonstrated respectfulness, positivity, and overall professionalism in their interactions with the Office of Research staff. University of Cincinnati - Office of Research Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
11-01-2018 Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in Aerospace Engineering University of Cincinnati's Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in aerospace engineering is an honor bestowed every five years upon a faculty member in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and is awarded based on excellence in research, education and service.the Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in aerospace engineering. University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
03-30-2018 Excellence Award for Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Research, the Award for Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring is intended to annually recognize outstanding faculty members in each college who have demonstrated research mentorship with faculty at various stages of their careers. Research mentorship may manifest itself in various forms, with the understanding that many times mentorship is discipline-specific, and these various forms of mentorship will be considered equally. Faculty are nominated by their dean or the dean’s designee. University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
05-30-2017 Outstanding Technical Contribution: Application Award Cohen has been recognized by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) with an award for outstanding technical contribution to the industry for "the advancement and application of artificial intelligence to large-scale, meaningful and challenging aerospace-related problems." Also honored was UC graduate Nick Ernest, a student of Cohen's who runs the artificial-intelligence company Psibernetix, Inc. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Dayton/Cincinnati Section Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition
11-30-2016 Excellence in Teaching Award Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities (GCCCU) Status:Recipient Level:Local Type:Recognition
04-30-2016 Dolly Cohen Award for Teaching Excellence Qualities apt to be exhibited by a Cohen awardee: (1) Is committed to teaching and regards it as a primary function of the university; (2) Has successfully taught a variety of courses; (3) Demonstrates creative approaches to teaching; (4) Shows respect for diversity of opinions and experiences of students; (5)Demonstrates sensitivity to individual differences and multicultural needs of students; (6) Maintains high but attainable standards of performance; (7) Stimulates independent work by students that leads them to be creative, self-directed learners; (8) Establishes a classroom atmosphere that fosters self-confidence, a positive self-concept, and mutual respect. University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
04-30-2015 CEAS Distinguished Researcher Award College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
01-15-2015 Certificate for distinguished service to AIAA as Chair, Intelligent Systems Technical Committee 2013-2015 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
04-30-2014 Fellow, Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning (AFTL) University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University
04-30-2013 Master Engineering Educator Award College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College
04-30-2013 Neil Wandmacher Teaching Award College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College
05-30-2010 Kenneth Harris James Prize for best paper Paper details: Seidel, J., Siegel, S., Fagley, C., Cohen, K., and McLaughlin, T., "Feedback Control of a Circular Cylinder Wake", Special Issue on "Integrating CFD and Experiments in Aerodynamics", Editor, Kontis, Konstantinos, Proceedings of the I MECH E Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 222, Number 5, 2008. Volume 223, Number 4 / 2009, pp. 379-392 Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Great Britain Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
06-30-2009 Neil Wandmacher Teaching Award for Young Faculty College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
01-15-2007 Associate Felow “ASSOCIATE FELLOWS shall be persons who have accomplished or been in charge of important engineering or scientific work, or who have done original work of outstanding merit, or who have otherwise made outstanding contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics.” American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Status:Recipient Level:International
01-2022 -01-2022 Annual Faculty 2021 SOCHE Excellence Award Academic Officers at each SOCHE member institution submitted faculty members who demonstrated excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship throughout the 2021 calendar year. Similarly, Human Resources Officers at each SOCHE member institution named staff members who demonstrated excellence in student success, service, and assessment throughout the past year. • Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education-SOCHE Status:Recipient Level:State Type:Recognition
01-2022 -01-2022 Faculty Career Award The Office of the Provost honors members of the faculty who have worked to make UC a high-quality education and research-focused environment through the Faculty Career Award. Each year, this award recognizes the long-term contributions and achievements of one distinguished faculty member who has spent 10 or more years in service to UC and recognizes them for exemplifying excellence in teaching, research, and service. University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
03-15-2023 -03-15-2023 Excellence Award: Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring Faculty to Faculty Research Mentoring - Research mentorship may manifest itself in various forms, with the understanding that many times mentorship is discipline-specific, and these various forms of mentorship will be considered equally. Faculty are nominated by their dean or the dean's designee. VP of Research, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
04-15-2022 -04-15-2022 Faculty Career Award, All-University Faculty Awards The Office of the Provost honors members of the faculty who have worked to make UC a high-quality education and research-focused environment through the Faculty Career Award. Each year, this award recognizes the long-term contributions and achievements of one distinguished faculty member who has spent 8 or more years in service to UC and recognizes them for exemplifying excellence in teaching, research, and service. Provost, University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University
04-01-2023 -04-01-2023 2023 CEAS Distinguished Engineering Researcher Award CEAS Dean Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
AFIT (Air Force Institute of Technology), Wright-Patterson AFB (External Review Panel, 2020 Aeronautical Engineering Curriculum Review ) Review Board/Panel Type:Service to Professional Development Programs Level:National 10-2020 -11-2020
Automation Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 04-2020 -To Present
North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 07-2019 -To Present
University of Cincinnati, College of Engineering (Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics ) Department Head Type:University/College Service Level:College 06-2017 -To Present
National Institute of Health (NIH) (SBIR Phase I Grant Panel Review ) Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 01-2017 -02-2017
International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering (IJUSEng) Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 11-2016 -To Present
Unmanned Systems Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 04-2015 -To Present
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Intelligent Systems Technical Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 05-2013 -04-2015
AIAA/ Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Symposium (Intelligent Systems Technical Committee - Technical Chair ) Conference Organizer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 06-2012 -01-2013
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 01-2009 -03-2012
explainable AI, fuzzy logic, soft computing, evolutionary fuzzy systems, machine learning, advanced air mobility, low dimensional modeling, active vibrational control, feedback flow control
Professional Affiliation
05-01-2024 -04-30-2026: President, NAFIPS: As the premier fuzzy society in North America established in 1981, the purpose of NAFIPS is to help guide and encourage the development of fuzzy sets and related technologies for the benefit of mankind. In this role, we understand the importance of, and the need for, developing a strong intellectual basis and encouraging new and innovative applications. In addition, we acknowledge our leadership role to foster interaction and technology transfer to other national and international organizations to bring the benefits of this technology to North America and the world. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), North America
Contact Information
Academic - AI Bio Lab, Digital Futures, Suite #300,
3080 Exploration Avenue,
Ohio, 45206
Phone: 513-566-3523