Nancy Ellen Colletti , PhD
Professor Educator
Professor, MSRT Program Director
College of Allied Health Sciences
3225 Eden Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0394
Phone 513-558-5473
Email colletny@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Colletti has been teaching and working in the fields of Respiratory Care and Cardiovascular Technology for over 30 years. She has taught at the bedside serving as a clinical instructor, as well as in the traditional classroom and laboratory. Areas of expertise include cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology, cardiopulmonary pharmacology, cardiopulmonary pathology, invasive and non-invasive cardiopulmonary monitoring and assessment in the acute care, critical care, long-term care, and home care settings.
Dr. Colletti has been teaching online for over 15 years. Her dissertation research focused on the development of critical thinking skills using authentic learning activities and the APLUS instructional design. Since joining the CAHS faculty, Dr. Colletti has been actively developing and participating in interprofessional education and collaborative practice initiatives across the Academic Health Center. She is a Quality Matters Peer and Master Reviewer.
PhD: Capella University Minneapolis, MN, 09-2011 (Education - Instructional Design for Online Learning)
MS: State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY, 12-1991 (Health Sciences)
BS: State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY, 06-1985 (Cardiorespiratory Sciences)
Positions and Work Experience
07-2000 -12-2017 Professor, Program Director, Respiratory Care, Responsible for advancing institutional goals and providing leadership to the Respiratory Care department in harmony with the Mission of the College and the department, in order that the philosophy, goals and objectives of the department and institution may be achieved. Collaborates with other College and Network leaders to advance institutional goals. , Kettering College, Kettering, OH
07-1995 -07-2000 Clinical Assistant Professor, Respiratory Care, Instruction, assessment and evaluation of students in the classroom, laboratory, and clinical setting., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY
07-1987 -01-1992 Clinical Instructor, Director of Cardiopulmonary Clinical Education, Instructional planning, delivery, assessment, and evaluation of students in the clinical, classroom, and laboratory setting., State University of New York at Stony Brook, School of Allied Health Professions, Stony Brook, NY
04-2015 -01-2018 Board Member, Professional member of the Ohio Respiratory Care Board. Responsible for the regulation and practice of Respiratory Care and Home Medical Equipment providers in the state of Ohio under Sub. S. B. 300 of the 118th General Assembly and signed into law under Chapter 4761 of the Ohio Revised Code., Ohio Respiratory Care Board, Columbus, OH
03-2001 -12-2003 Respiratory Therapist, Kettering Medical Center, Kettering, OH
Peer Reviewed Publications
Colletti, N.E. (1992. ) Efficacy of repeat balloon valvuloplasty in an elderly patient with calcific aortic stenosis. Journal for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Technology, , (Winter ) ,6 --9
Colletti, N.E. (2011. ) The impact of completing authentic tasks on the development of critical thinking skills. .Doctoral dissertation, ,
Invited Presentations
Colletti, N.E. (07-28-2017. ) Ohio Respiratory Care Board Update .Ohio Society for Respiratory Care, 39th Annual State Meeting, Columbus, OH. Professional Meeting. . Level:State
Poster Presentations
Colletti, N.E. (11-10-2012. ) The Impact Of Completing Authentic Tasks On The Development Of Critical Thinking Skills .American Association for Respiratory Care, 58th Annual International Congress, Open Forum #2, New Orleans, LA. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Engelhard, C., Colletti, N., Hertenstein, E. & Russell, K. (03-19-2021. ) IPE Growing Pains: Is there a pile for that? .National Academies of Practice Conference, Virtual. . Conference. . Level:National
Colletti, N.E. and Reams, P. (05-04-2017. ) QM and Accreditation – Sounds Boring but it’s BASIC .Cincinnati, OH. Conference. Level:State
Colletti, N.E. (08-03-2010. ) Curriculum Differences Between A.S. and B.S. Degrees in Respiratory Care .Columbus, OH. Professional Meeting.
Colletti, N.E. (09-28-2009. ) Transitioning from Student to Professional. Interview Skills .Columbus, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Colletti, N.E. (07-17-2009. ) AS to BS: The Educator’s Perspective .Marco Island, FL. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Colletti, N.E. (05-25-2005. ) Techniques in Effective Clinical Instruction .Kettering, OH. Workshop. Level:College
Colletti, N.E. (10-09-1998. ) Assessment Skills Part II: The Patient with Cardiac Disease .New York, NY. Workshop. Level:Local
Colletti, N.E. (10-08-1998. ) Essentials in Hemodynamic Monitoring .New York, NY. Professional Meeting. Level:Local
Colletti, N.E. (10-1990. ) Hemodynamic Monitoring in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab .New London, CT. Workshop. Level:Department
Colletti, N.E. (09-1991. ) Cardiovascular Technology Registry Review Course .Rockville Center, NY. Workshop. Level:Department
Paper Presentations
Colletti, N.E. (07-13-2012. ) Designing Authentic Learning Using the APLUS Model .Santa Fe,NM. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Colletti, N.E. (03-14-2012. ) Designing Authentic Learning with the APLUS Model .Cleveland, OH. Conference. Level:State
Honors and Awards
2020 Award for Faculty Excellence UC Office of Provost and Office of Research
2019 Golden Apple Award College of Allied Health Sciences QuILT Committee
2008 Education Practitioner of the Year Ohio Society for Respiratory Care
2005 Postgraduate Education Recognition Award William F. Miller, MD
2003 -2004 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
2000 Faculty Honor Award SUNY @ Stony Brook, School of Health Technology and Managemen
1985 General Excellence Award Cardiorespiratory Sciences
1985 Outstanding Young Women in America Award
2021 Association of Schools Advancing Health Professional Program of Merit Team award presented to College of Allied Health Sciences Status:Recipient Level:National
2023 Distinguished Practitioner Fellow, National Academies of Practice Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
2023 Fellow of the American Association for Respiratory Care American Association for Respiratory Care Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
Post Graduate Training and Education
09-1995-06-1997 Advanced Certificate in Health Care Management, State University of New York at Stony Brook, , Stony Brook, NY
Courses Taught
-RSTH-3002 HLTHCARE DOC & COMM Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
Academic - College of Allied Health Sciences
3225 Eden Ave.
Ohio, 45267-0394
Phone: 513-558-5473