Tai Collins

Tai A Collins

Assoc Dean

Professor School Psychology

Van Wormer Hall


Graduate College - 0627

Professional Summary

Tai A. Collins received his Ph.D. from Louisiana State University in 2013. Dr. Collins is primarily interested in the development of time- and resource-efficient behavioral interventions to support Black students in urban schools with limited resources.  Dr. Collins has focused on developing peer-mediated interventions to improve the academic, behavioral, social, and emotional functioning of students within multi-tiered systems of support.  Dr. Collins is also interested in applications of a social justice framework in school psychology research, practice, and training. He currently teaches graduate courses including the Applied Behavior Analysis sequence, Advanced Behavioral Research Methods, and Working with Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Schools. 

Research Support

Grant: #CSP905514 Investigators:Collins, Tai; Hawkins, Renee; Morrison, Julie 12-18-2013 -10-31-2015 Ohio Department of Education Dyslexia Pilot Project Evaluation Role:Collaborator $125,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #Dohn Community High School Mental Health Grant Investigators:Collins, Tai; Hawkins, Renee; Manchak, Sarah 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 Foundation Problem Analysis and Implementation Planning for Expanding the Circle of Care Role:Collaborator $77,250.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #MC142109 Investigators:Acquavita, Shauna; Brubaker, Michael; Collins, Tai; Harley, Dana; La Guardia, Amanda 07-01-2021 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration University of Cincinnati Bear-CAT (Children, Adolescents, and Transitional-age Youth) Fellowship Role:Collaborator 479534.00 Awarded Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Dart, Evan H; Furlow, Christopher M; Collins, Tai A; Brewer, Elizabeth; Gresham, Frank M; Chenier, Katherine H (2014. ) Peer-Mediated Check-In/Check-Out for Students At-Risk for Internalizing Disorders.School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association, , More Information

Larkin, Wallace; Hawkins, Renee O; Collins, Tai (2016. ) Using trial-based functional analysis to design effective interventions for students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.School psychology quarterly : the official journal of the Division of School Psychology, American Psychological Association, , 31 (4 ) ,534-547 More Information

Collins, Tai A; Hawkins, Renee O; Nabors, Laura A (2016. ) Introduction to the Special Issue: Interventions to Improve Children's Social and Emotional Functioning at School.Behavior modification, , 40 (4 ) ,487-92 More Information

Collins, Tai A; Gresham, Frank M; Dart, Evan H (2016. ) The Effects of Peer-Mediated Check-In/Check-Out on the Social Skills of Socially Neglected Students.Behavior modification, , 40 (4 ) ,568-88 More Information

Hernan, Colleen J; Collins, Tai A; Morrison, Julie Q; Kroeger, Stephen D (2018. ) Decreasing Inappropriate Use of Mobile Devices in Urban High School Classrooms: Comparing an Antecedent Intervention With and Without the Good Behavior Game.Behavior modification, , 145445518764343 More Information

Collins T.;Dart E.;Arora P. (06-01-2019. ) Addressing the Internalizing Behavior of Students in Schools: Applications of the MTSS Model.School Mental Health, , 11 (2 ) ,191-193 More Information

Dart E.;Arora P.;Collins T.;Doll B. (06-01-2019. ) Progress Monitoring Measures for Internalizing Symptoms: A Systematic Review of the Peer-Reviewed Li.School Mental Health, , 11 (2 ) ,265-275 More Information

Arora P.;Collins T.;Dart E.;Hernández S.;Fetterman H.;Doll B. (06-01-2019. ) Multi-tiered Systems of Support for School-Based Mental Health: A Systematic Review of Depression In.School Mental Health, , 11 (2 ) ,240-264 More Information

Ramirez L.;Hawkins R.;Collins T.;Ritter C.;Haydon T. (01-01-2019. ) Generalizing the effects of group contingencies across instructional settings for students with emot.School Psychology Review, , 48 (1 ) ,98-112 More Information

Hernan C.;Morrison J.;Collins T.;Kroeger S. (09-01-2018. ) Decreasing Inappropriate Mobile Device Use in Middle and High School Classrooms.Intervention in School and Clinic, , 54 (1 ) ,47-51 More Information

Collins T.;Meredith Murphy J.;Heidelburg K. (01-01-2018. ) Promoting supportive peer relationships using peer reporting interventions .Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children through Games and Play: Making Social Emotional Learning Fun, , 63-83

Collins T.;Hawkins R.;Flowers E.;Kalra H.;Richard J.;Haas L. (01-01-2018. ) Behavior Bingo: The effects of a culturally relevant group contingency intervention for students wit.Psychology in the Schools, , 55 (1 ) ,63-75 More Information

Dart E.H.;Arora P.;Collins T.;Stark K.;Cook C.R.;Duong M.T.;McCarty C.A.;Doll B. (01-01-2018. ) Developing a Brief Behavior Rating Scale for Progress Monitoring of Depression in School Settings.Assessment for Effective Intervention, , More Information

Dart E.;Radley K.;Fischer A.;Collins T.;Terjesen M.;Wright S.;McCargo M.;Hicks A. (11-01-2017. ) Accuracy in direct behavior rating is minimally impacted by completion latency.Psychology in the Schools, , 54 (9 ) ,1123-1133 More Information

Gresham F.;Dart E.;Collins T. (03-01-2017. ) Generalizability of multiple measures of treatment integrity: Comparisons among direct observation, .School Psychology Review, , 46 (1 ) ,108-121 More Information

Collins T.A.;Cook C.R.;Dart E.H.;Socie D.G.;Renshaw T.L.;Long A.C. (02-01-2016. ) Improving classroom engagement among high school students with disruptive behavior: Evaluation of th.Psychology in the Schools, , 53 (2 ) ,204-219 More Information

Hawkins R.;Collins T.;Hernan C.;Flowers E. (01-01-2016. ) Using Computer-Assisted Instruction to Build Math Fact Fluency: An Implementation Guide.Intervention in School and Clinic, , 52 (3 ) ,141-147 More Information

Dart E.;Collins T.;Klingbeil D.;McKinley L. (12-01-2014. ) Peer management interventions: A meta-analytic review of single-case research.School Psychology Review, , 43 (4 ) ,367-384 More Information

Cook C.R.;Collins T.;Dart E.;Vance M.J.;Mcintosh K.;Grady E.A.;Decano P. (02-01-2014. ) Evaluation of the class pass intervention for typically developing students with hypothesized escape.Psychology in the Schools, , 51 (2 ) ,107-125 More Information

Dart E.H.;Cook C.R.;Collins T.A.;Gresham F.M.;Chenier J.S. (12-01-2012. ) Test driving interventions to increase treatment integrity and student outcomes .School Psychology Review, , 41 (4 ) ,467-481

Cook C.;Mayer G.;Wright D.;Kraemer B.;Wallace M.;Dart E.;Collins T.;Restori A. (05-01-2012. ) Exploring the Link Among Behavior Intervention Plans, Treatment Integrity, and Student Outcomes Unde.Journal of Special Education, , 46 (1 ) ,3-16 More Information

Cook C.;Rasetshwane K.;Truelson E.;Grant S.;Dart E.;Collins T.;Sprague J. (03-01-2011. ) Development and validation of the student internalizing behavior screener: Examination of reliabilit.Assessment for Effective Intervention, , 36 (2 ) ,71-79 More Information

Gresham F.M.;Cook C.R.;Collins T.;Dart E.;Rasetshwane K.;Truelson E.;Grant S. (09-01-2010. ) Developing a change-sensitive brief behavior rating scale as a progress monitoring tool for social b .School Psychology Review, , 39 (3 ) ,364-379

Collins, Tai A; Drevon, Daniel D; Brown, Allison M; Villarreal, Julia N; Newman, Christa L; Endres, Bryn (2020. ) Say something nice: A meta-analytic review of peer reporting interventions.Journal of school psychology, , 83 ,89-103 More Information

Contact Information

Phone: 513-556-2872