Anna Conser
Asst Professor
Assistant Professor
Blegen Library
A&S Classics - 0226
Professional Summary
Anna Conser (PhD Columbia) is a philologist specializing in Greek literature. Her current research focusses on ancient music and performance, Greek drama and lyric poetry, and the digital processing of ancient texts. As part of her first book project, she has developed software tools to analyze the melodic patterning of pitch accents in Greek choral lyric. This new melodic evidence for Greek choral odes allows her to interpret ancient tragedy using approaches borrowed from opera and musical theater. Dr. Conser’s work on performance is informed by extensive experience as a director, composer, and choreographer for modern productions of ancient plays. View full CV (updated 2025).
Further details can be found at https://uc.academia.edu/AnnaConser
Ph.D: Columbia University (Classics)
B.A.: Carleton College (Classical Languages and Literature)
Positions and Work Experience
2021 -2022 Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Whitman College,
2022 - Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Cincinnati,