Nicholas A. Corsaro
Associate Professor
Teachers College
CECH Criminal Justice - 0389
Professional Summary
Nicholas Corsaro is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. His research focuses on the role of the police in crime prevention with a particular emphasis on the use of strategies, tactics, and organizational policies. He has served as a principal investigator for a number of projects across various urban police agencies, and has worked to develop rigorous evidence regarding the most viable, effective, and efficient practices that police have used to address serious crime problems. His research has been published in Crime and Delinquency, Criminology and Public Policy, Journal of Criminal Justice, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Justice Quarterly, as well as evaluation and public health journal outlets. He received his doctorate from the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University.
Research Support
Grant: #2010-JG-A0V-V6951 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin; Latessa, Edward 04-01-2012 -12-31-2013 Office of Justice Programs Ohio Crime Science Consortium Role:Collaborator $50,016.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Professional Services Agreement Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin 06-01-2012 -12-31-2013 New Orleans Community Support Foundation Reducing Violence in New Orleans, Louisiana: Proposal for Technical Assistance, Consulting and Evaluation Role:Collaborator $223,480.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2012-PS_PSN-380 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin; Sullivan, Christopher 01-01-2013 -09-30-2014 Bureau of Justice Assistance OCJS Project Safe Neighborhoods Role:Collaborator $79,998.16 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2009-JG-A0V-V6953 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 03-01-2013 -02-28-2014 Department of Justice Ohio Crime Consortium Fy 2014 Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2013-G-E0R-6953 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin; Latessa, Edward 07-01-2014 -09-30-2015 Bureau of Justice Assistance Ohio Crime Consortium Year 3 BJA Award number 2013-DB-BX-0044 Role:Collaborator $361,748.60 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #Tulsa Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 10-01-2016 -09-30-2018 Bureau of Justice Assistance crime analysis and reporting to the City of Tulsa 2017- 2018 Role:PI $113,671.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #VALOR / 2017-VI-BX-K001 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin 03-05-2018 -09-30-2019 Bureau of Justice Assistance IACP/BJA VALOR Project Role:Collaborator $293,758.84 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #95X1063 TIPS / BJA 2016-DG-BX-K052 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin 12-01-2018 -03-31-2019 Bureau of Justice Assistance Evaluation of the Technology Innovation in Public Safety (TIPS) Proposal submitted to the City of Cincinnati Role:PI $25,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2016-JG-E01-V6077 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Latessa, Edward 01-01-2019 -12-31-2019 Bureau of Justice Assistance Ohio Crime Consortium 2019 Role:PI $99,999.96 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #IACP / BJA 2018-BJ-BX-K035 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Eck, John; Engel, Robin 04-01-2019 -09-30-2021 Bureau of Justice Assistance Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction Training and Technical Assistance Program Role:Collaborator $402,543.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2019-R2-CX-0065 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin; Ozer, Mustafa; Wright, John 01-01-2020 -12-31-2021 National Institute of Justice The Impact of Constitutional Carry Legislation on Urban Violence, Arrests, and Police-Citizen Encounters Role:PI $323,263.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2020-NT-BX-K001 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin; McManus, Hannah; Smith, Paula 01-01-2020 -12-31-2023 Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA Academic Training Initiative to Improve Police Responses for People with MH Role:Collaborator $2,244,856.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2017-JG-E01-V6077 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 02-01-2020 -12-31-2020 Department of Justice Ohio Crime Consortium 2020 Role:PI $99,999.12 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2018-JG-E01-V6077 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 10-01-2020 -09-30-2021 Bureau of Justice Assistance OCJS 2018-JG-E01-V6077 Role:PI $99,999.31 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2020-R2-CX-0026 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas; Engel, Robin 01-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Department of Justice Research and Evaluation on Policing, NIJ-2020-17297: De-escalation Training Evaluation Role:Collaborator 599255.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #2019-JG-E01-V6077 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 01-01-2022 -12-31-2022 Bureau of Justice Assistance 2022 OCJS/OCCS: 2019-JG-E01-00225 Role:PI 99993.30 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2022-JG-E01-6077 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 01-01-2023 -12-31-2023 Bureau of Justice Assistance 2022 OCJS/OCCS Role:PI 99999.94 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #2022-JG-E01-6077 Addt'l 50k ancillary to k#015216 Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 07-01-2024 -12-31-2024 Bureau of Justice Assistance 2022 OCJS/OCCS (Additional 50k for current grant 015216_1019561) Role:PI 49995.73 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #IACP-2024 / 15PBJA-23-GK-04297-JAGP Investigators:Corsaro, Nicholas 01-01-2025 -09-30-2025 Bureau of Justice Assistance Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Training and Technical Assistance Role:PI 75000.00 Awarded Level:Federal