Erin E. Redle , PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
French East Hall
3202 Eden Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio Phone 513-558-8500
Email creacher@ucmail.uc.edu
B.S.: Miami University Oxford, OH, 1998 (Speech Language Pathology and Audiology)
M.S.: Emerson College Boston, MA, 2000 (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Ph.D.: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2007 (Communication Sciences and Disorders)
Positions and Work Experience
2008 -To Present Speech Pathology, Division of Speech Pathology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
2007 -To Present Assitant Professor (Adjunct), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2008 -2010 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Kent State University,
2007 -2008 Assistant Professor, Kent State University,
2003 -2007 Instructor, University of Cincinnati,
2003 -2008 Speech Language Pathologist II, Previous Clinical Position Completed evaluations and provide treatment for children aged birth to 18 years with a variety of diagnoses including: apraxia, autism, developmental delay, dysarthria, dysphagia, feeding disorders, language disorders, oral-motor delays, phonological disorders, psychiatric disorders, and traumatic brain injury. Performed video swallow studies. Mentored clinicians in dysphagia, apraxia, early language development. Developed group programs for children with early language and feeding/swallowing disorders., Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
2007 -2008 Speech Language Pathologist, Previous Clinical Position. Provided diagnostic and therapeutic services for in-patient and outpatient caseloads of children with feeding and swallowing disorders. Developed pediatric Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) clinic with pediatric otolaryngology department., Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital/University Health Systems Case Medical Center,
2000 -2003 Speech Language Pathologist, Previous Clinical Position Provided home-based and center-based early intervention services, as well as preschool speech, language, and feeding therapy for children aged birth to six years. Facilitation autism support group. Started a multidsciplinary program for children with feeding disorders., Butler County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities,
Research Support
Grant: #R21 DC010188-02 Investigators:Tkach 06-01-2010 -05-31-2012 Functional MR Imaging Study of Speech Production in Childhood Apraxia of Speech Role:Co-PI
Investigators:Mitchell, P., Redle, E., Krival, C., & Audet, L. 2008 American Speech Language Hearing Association, Special Interest Division 11 Exploring Dispositions of Graduate Students in Speech Language Pathology 1500.00
2007 Summer Research Appoinment, University Research Council, Kent State University Concurrent Validity of the Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders Family Impact Scale (PFSDFIS) 6500.00
2007 University Research Council, Kent State University Further Psychometric Evaluation of the Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders Family Impact (PFSDFIS) 3500.00
2004 Summer Research Fellowship Grant, Graduate Student Summer Fellowship Subcommittees of the University Research Council Valid Assessment of Oral Motor Skills in Children Eight to Twenty-four Months 2100.00
2001 Southwestern Ohio Special Education and Resource Center Mealtime Success and How to Get There 500.00
Grant: #306934 sub 1R21DC017393-01A1 Investigators:Boyce, Suzanne; Redle, Erin 04-01-2019 -03-31-2021 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disor Multimodal Neuroimaging Distinguishes Developmental and Disordered Phenotypes in Speech Sound Disorders Role:PI $20,964.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #H325K190069 Investigators:Becker, Lesley; Boone, Xan; Kennedy, Kelly; Redle, Erin 11-01-2019 -10-31-2024 Department of Education Preparing Early Intervention Providers for the Opioid Epidemic (PEPOpE) Role:PI $249,198.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NIDCD R21DC017393 Investigators:Boyce, Suzanne; Redle, Erin; Vannest, Jennifer 09-11-2019 -03-31-2021 National Institutes of Health Multimodal Neuroimaging Distinguishes Development and Disordered Phenotypes in Speech Sound Disorders Role:Collaborator $188,164.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sotto, C., Redle, E.E., Bandaranayake, D., Neils-Stunjas, J., & Creaghead, N. (2014. ) Fricatives at 18 Months as a Measure for Predicting Vocabulary and Grammar at 24 and 30 Months .Journal of Communication Disorders, , 49 ,1 -12
Redle, E.E., & Atkins, D. (2013. ) The applicability of quality improvement research for comparative effectiveness .Implementation Science, 8 (Supplement 1), S6, ,
Redle, E.E., & Atkins, D. (2012. ) Evidence-based interventions for toddlers with sensorimotor feeding disorders .EBP Briefs, , 7 (4 ) ,1 -14
Buringrud, J., Redle, E.E., & Cowen, S. (2012. ) Pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders following bone marrow transplant .The Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, , 34 ,436 -441
Kummer, A.W., Clark, S.L., Redle, E.E., Thomsen, L.L., & Billmire, D.A. (2012. ) Current practices in assessing and reporting speech outcomes of cleft palate and velopharyngeal surgery: A survey of cleft palate/craniofacial professionals .The Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Journal: Official Publication of the American Cleft-Palate, , 49 (2 ) ,146 -152
Kummer A.;Hosseinabad H.;Redle E.;Clark S. (02-01-2019. ) Protocols for reporting speech outcomes following palatoplasty or velopharyngeal surgery: A literatu.Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, , 7 (2 ) , More Information
Redle E.;Vannest J.;Maloney T.;Tsevat R.;Eikenberry S.;Lewis B.;Shriberg L.;Tkach J.;Holland S. (01-01-2015. ) Functional MRI evidence for fine motor praxis dysfunction in children with persistent speech disorde.Brain Research, , 1597 ,47-56 More Information
Farquharson K.;Tambyraja S.;Justice L.;Redle E. (01-01-2014. ) IEP goals for school-age children with speech sound disorders.Journal of Communication Disorders, , 52 ,184-195 More Information
Sotto C.;Redle E.;Bandaranayake D.;Neils-Strunjas J.;Creaghead N. (01-01-2014. ) Fricatives at 18 months as a measure for predicting vocabulary and grammar at 24 and 30 months.Journal of Communication Disorders, , 49 (C ) ,1-12 More Information
Buringrud J.;Redle E.;Cowen S. (08-01-2012. ) Pediatric feeding and swallowing disorders after bone marrow transplant.Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, , 34 (6 ) ,436-441 More Information
Kummer A.;Clark S.;Redle E.;Thomsen L.;Billmire D. (01-01-2012. ) Current practice in assessing and reporting speech outcomes of cleft palate and velopharyngeal surge.Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, , 49 (2 ) ,146-152 More Information
Redle E. (12-16-2008. ) Leadership class showcases projects at convention.ASHA Leader, , 13 (17 ) ,26-27 More Information
Lieberman, R., Raisor-Becker, L., Sotto, C., Redle, E. (2018. ) Graduate student stress in speech language pathology. Teaching and Learning in Communication Sciences and Disorders, , 2 (6 ) ,
Other Publications
Redle, E. & Sotto, C.D. (2010. ) A Toddler with Delayed Speech and Developmental Milestones .Communication Disorders: A Case-Based Approach: Stories From the Front Line,
Redle, E. (2008. ) The Caregiver Experience of Feeding Children with Feeding and Swallowing Disorders .Hearsay, 20 (1 ) ,16 -21
Redle, E. (12-16-2008. ) Leadership Class Showcases Projects at Convention .The ASHA Leader, 13 (17 ) ,26 -27
Redle, E. (2007. ) The Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders Family Impact Scale: Scale Development and Initial Psychometric Properties .Unpublished dissertation,
Redle, E. (2000. ) Parents' Perceptions of the Role of Speech Language Pathologists in Early Intervention .Unpublished thesis,
Redle, E.E. (2013. ) Implementation Science .Access Academics & Research,
Published Books
Justice, L.M. & Redle, E.E. (2013. ) Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Clinical Evidence-Based Approach 3rd Edition .Boston , Pearson
Book Chapter
Redle, E. & Sotto, C.D (2010 ) A Toddler with Delayed Speech and Developmental Milestones. Delayed Speech and Developmental Milestones. In S.S. Chabon & E. Cohn (Eds.). Communication Disorders: A Case-Based Approach: Stories from the Front Line .
Invited Presentations
Redle E. (02-2012. ) Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing: Treating the Child and Supporting the Family .Kentucky Speech and Hearing Association, Lousiville, KY.
Redle, E. (02-2012. ) Intervention for Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Kentucky Speech and Hearing Association, Louisville, KY.
Redle, E. (12-2011. ) Feeding and Swallowing in the Schools .Lorain County Educational Services Center, Elyria, OH.
Redle, E. (01-2012. ) Feeding and Swallowing in the Schools & Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Lorain County Educational Services Center, Elyria, OH.
Redle, E. (05-2010. ) Pediatric Dysphagia: Treating the Child and Supporting the Family .Second Annual Speech-Language Pathology Symposium, Duquense University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Redle, E. (04-2010. ) Optimal Management of Pediatric Dysphagia .Pennsylvania Speech, Language, and Hearing Association, State College, PA.
Grasha, C. & Redle, E. (05-2009. ) The Diagnosis and Management of Childhood APraxia of Speech .Familes Connected of Clermony Count, Clermont County, OH.
Redle, E. (11-2009. ) Assessment and Intervention for Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Hamilton County Educational Service Center,
Bernthal, J., Creaghead, N., Edwards, M., Redle, E. & Vellemna, S. (03-2006. ) Speech Sound Disorders: Apraxia and Phonology .Ohio Speech Language and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Columbus, OH.
Krival, K. & Redle, E. (03-2009. ) How Can Understanding the Neurogenic Bases of Speech and Swallowing Inform our Clinical Practice? .Ohio Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Pre-conference Short Course, Columbus, OH.
Redle, E. (09-2008. ) The Impact of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders on Families .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Pediatric Dysphagia Conference Series, Cincinnati, OH.
Redle, E. (08-2008. ) Evidence-based Practice: Understanding What it is and How to do it .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Division of Speech Pathology, Cincinnati, OH.
Redle, E. (09-2008. ) Feeding and Swallowing in the Schools .Greene County Educational Services Center, Beavercreek, OH.
Miller, C.K., Redle, E., McGrail, A., & Bradle, M. (03-2008. ) An Introduction to the Penetration-Aspiration Scale .Ohio Speech Language and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH.
Redle, E. (04-2008. ) Pediatric Dysphagia .Iowa Conference on Communication Disorders, Waterloo, IA.
Redle, E. (02-2008. ) The Essential Elements of Providing Dysphagia Services in the Schools .Summit County Educational Resources Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH.
Redle, E. (02-2008. ) The Essential Elements of Providing Dysphagia Services in an Educational Setting .Northeastern Ohio Special Education Resource Center, Vermillion, OH.
Redle, E. (10-2007. ) The Essentials of Providing Dysphagia Services in the Schools .Hamilton County Educational Service Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Smith, J., Redle Creach, E., Rolf, W., & Brusse, S. (09-2006. ) Feeding Treatment at CCHMC: Treating the Child and Family: Psychosocial Factors Involved witih Feeding .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Pediatric Dysphagia Series: Exploring the Brain Gut Feeding Connection, Cincinnati, OH.
Redle Creach, E. (05-2005. ) Snack-time Success: Oral-motor and Feeding Therapy in the Classroom .Southwestern Ohio Speech and Hearing Association Spring Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.
Redle Creach, E. & Girten, D. (05-2005. ) Apraxia: From Identification to Intervention .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH.
Redle Creach, E. (02-2005. ) Facilitating Early Language Development in Typical and Delayed Children .The Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Poster Presentations
Bazeley, K., Redle, E., & Kummer, A. (03-2010. ) Current Practices in Assessing and Reporting Speech Outcomes Following Palatal and Velopharyngeal Surgery .Ohio Speech Language and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH. .
Rolfes, J., Redle, E., Creaghead, N., & Kretschmer, L. (03-2010. ) Contributing Factors to Optimal Family Functioning in Pediatric Dysphagia .Ohio Speech Language and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH. .
Redle, E., Kelchner, L., Kretschmer, L., Wang, L., Burklow, K., & Willging, J.P. (09-2008. ) Development of Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders Family Impact Scale .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Dysphagia Conference Series, Cincinnati, OH. .
Redle, E., Asher, E., Kelchner, L., Kretschmer, L., Wang., L., Burklow, K., & Willging, J.P. (09-2008. ) Phase-based Categorization of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders .Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Dysphagia Conference Series, Cincinnati, OH. .
Redle, E., Kelchner, L., Kretschmer, L., Wang, L., Burklow, K., & Willging, J.P. (03-2008. ) Development of the Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders Family Impact Scale (PFSDFIS) .Dysphagia Research Society 16th Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. .
Sotto, C., Nolan, S., Sankar, A., Schrader, K., Redle, E., & Creaghead, N. (11-2007. ) Relationship Between Early Fricative Development and Later Syntactic Development .American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Boston, MA. .
Sotto, C., Meiers, S., Storrs, A., Redle, E., Creaghead, N., & Neils-Strunjas, J. (11-2007. ) Relationship Between Early Fricative Development and Articulation Development in Three Year Olds .American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Boston, MA. .
Hunter, M., Sotto, C., Redle Creach, E., Neils-Strunjas, J., Creaghead, N., & Vatsa, R. (11-2005. ) Influence of Family and Pet Names on the Acquisition of Fricatives .American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA. .
Vatsa, R., Sotto, C., Redle Creach, E., Neils-Strunjas, J., Creaghead, N., & Hines, M. (11-2005. ) Fricatives in Babbling and First Words: Is There a Relationship? .American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA. .
Redle Creach, E. (02-2005. ) Oral Motor and Feeding Development in Children Eight to Twenty-four Months .Ohio Speech Language and Hearing Association, Columbus, OH. .
Redle Creach, E. (03-2005. ) Valid Assessment of Oral Motor Skills in Childre Eight to Twenty-four Months .Graduate Research Poster Forum, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. .
Sotto, C.D., Redle Creach, E., Hunter, M., Vatsa, R., Neils-Strunjas, J., & Creaghead, N.A. (11-2004. ) Occurence of Fricatives in Babbling and Early Words .American Speech Language Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA. .
Redle, E., Vannest, J., Maloney, T., Lewis, B. Shriberg, L., holland, S., & Tkach, J. (2013. ) Functional Imaging of Speech Production and Fine Motor Skill in Children with Persistent Speech Delays .Organization for Human Brain Mapping Convention, Seattle, WA. .
Paper Presentations
Flynn, A., Grether, S., & Redle, E. (11-2011. ) Fine Motor, Oral Motor, and Speech Skills in Childhood Apraxia of Speech .San Diego, CA.
Ferguson, S., Krival, K., & Redle, E. (11-2011. ) Terminology Consolidation in Pediatric Biting and Chewing: A Pilot Study .San Diego, CA.
Redle, E. (03-2010. ) Practical Therapy Approaches for Young Children with Minimal Speech Production .
Redle, E. (01-2010. ) The Application of Motor Learning Theories to Everyday Treatment for Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech .
Grasha, C. & Redle, E. (05-2009. ) The Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Clermont County.
Redle, E. (06-2008. ) Clinical Assessment of Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infants and Children .
Redle, E. (05-2008. ) Treatment Strategies for Infant and Children with Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders .
Redle Creach, E. & Girten, D. (05-2007. ) Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Newport, KY.
Redle Creach, E., Sotto, C., Neils-Stunjas, J., & Creaghead, N. (11-2006. ) Patterns of Fricative Development Prior to Age Three .Miami, FL.
Redle Creach, E. & Kelchner, L. (11-2005. ) Lip Closure During the Transitional Feeding Period .San Diego, CA.
Neils-Strunjas, J., Sotto, C., Redle Creach, E., & Creaghead, N. (11-2005. ) Vocabulary Comparisons for Toddlers With and Without Fricatives .San Diego, CA.
Redle Creach, E. & Girten, D. (05-2005. ) An Overview of Apraxia .Cincinnati, OH.
Redle Creach, E. & Frankenfield, G. (05-2002. ) Communicating With Your Child: Total Communication for You and Your Child .Hamilton, OH.
Leslie, P., Miller, A., & Redle, E. (11-2011. ) Caregiver Burden Across the Life Span: Dysphagia Does Not Discriminate .San Diego, CA.
Burringrud, J., Redle, E., & Kepner, K (11-2011. ) Bone Marrow Transplant and Feeding Disordrs: A Standard of Care .San Diego, CA.
Redle, E. (07-2011. ) Evalutating Evidence: A Map for Caregivers Unraveling the Mystery of Treatment .San Diego, CA.
Redle, E. (11-2010. ) Development of Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders Family Impact Scale .Philadelphia, PA.
Redle, E. (11-2010. ) Electronic Medical Record Conversation: The Good, the Great, the Challenges .Philadelphia, PA.
Redle, E. (03-2010. ) When They See But Don't Say .Columbus, OH.
Betts, D., & Redle Creach, E. (03-2010. ) CSI for SLP: Evidence-based Literature Reviews .Columbus, OH.
Redle, E., Pauly, B., Wolter, J., Knightly, C., Pearson, B., & Smith-Hammond, C. (11-2009. ) Evidence Based Practice: Experiences and Strategies from Clinical Settings .New Orleans, LA.
Sotto, C., Bowtich, P., Simpson, M., Redle, E., Creaghead, N., & Neils-Strunjas, J. (11-2009. ) Occurrence of Fricatives in Babbling and Words in Infants and Toddlers .New Orleans, LA.
Buringrud, J., Redle, E., & Cowen, S. (11-2009. ) Pediatric Bonen Marrow Transplant and Feeding Disorders .New Orleans, LA.
Victor, S., Phillips, D., Hughes, D., Ostergen, J., Allen, R., Guner, C., Klick, P., Redle, E., Welland, R., & Schmitt, M. (11-2008. ) Supervision Research: Past and Present .Chicago, IL.
Redle, E., Kretschmer, L., Kelchner, L., Wang, L., Burklow, K., Willging, P., & Buck, N. (11-2007. ) Parents' Accounts of the Impact of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders .Boston, MA.
Redle, E. & Stec, J. (07-2007. ) Strategies for Improving Continuity of Care for Children with Dysphagia .Pittsburgh, PA.
Redle Creach, E.,& Geiger, D. (03-2006. ) Pragmatic Language Intervention for School-aged Children .San Diego, CA.
Redle Creach, E., Butler, S., & Buckley, E. (03-2004. ) Preliminary Outcomes of a Group Approach to Oral Motor Feeding Disorders .Columbus, OH.
Redle Creach, E., Butler, S., & Buckley, E. (03-2004. ) Assessment and Management of Pediatric Feeding Disorders .Columbus, OH.
Redle Creach, E., & Butler, S. (03-2003. ) Group Therapy for Pediatric Feeding Disorders .Columbus, OH.
Redle Creach, E. (03-2002. ) From Apples to Zucchini in Feeding Therapy .Dayton, OH.
Redle, E. (2014. ) A Case-Based Approach to the Assessment of Pediatric Dysphagia .Covington, KY.
Redle, E. (2014. ) A Case-Based Approach to the Treatment of Pediatric Dysphagia .Covington, KY.
Redle, E. (2014. ) Quality Intervention for Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Covington, KY.
Redle, E. (2014. ) Differential Diagnosis of Childhood Apraxia of Speech .Covington, KY.
Redle, E & Swigert, N. (2013. ) Measuring & Reporting the Quality of Services for Patients With Dysphagia .Chicago, IL.
Redle, E., & Peach, R. (2013. ) Knowledge Translation for Communication Disorders: Accelerating the Use of Evidence in Clinical Practice .Chicago, IL.
Schussler, K., Redle, E., Tambyraja, S., & Justice, L. (2013. ) The Magic of IEP Goal-Writing for Children with SSD .Chicago, IL.
Lewis, P., Preston, J., Redle, E., Vannest, J., & Shriberg, L. (2012. ) Neuroimaging of Children with Speech Sound Disorders .Atlanta, GA.
Honors and Awards
2009 Award for Outstanding Leadership Through Epic Transition, Division of Speech Pathology
2008 Leadership Development Program, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2008 Dysphagia Research Society, Scientific Poster Presentations 2nd place
2007 -2010 Award for Continuing Education, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2007 Student Research Travel Award, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Mentor: Dr. Maureen Lefton-Greif
2006 Student Research Travel Award, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Mentor: Dr. Jacki Ruark-McMurtrey
2005 Director's Award for Excellence, Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center
2005 University of Cincinnati Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award Finalist Nomincated by the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and the College of Allied Health Sciences
2003 -2006 Graduate Assistantship and Scholarship, University of Cincinnati
2004 -2007 Award for Continuing Education, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2002 Honors of the Association, Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association
2002 Family Advocacy Award, Butler County Board of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
1999 Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Emerson College
2017 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program, Faculty Recognition Award University of Cincinnati
2019 Quality to the Core Award UC CAHS Quality in Learning and Teaching Committee
Student Advising
Leach, Carol (Master ) 2011
Potts, Lynsey (Master ) 2011
Kremer, Jenna (Master ) 2011
Kapour, Sonya (Master ) 2011
Feichtner, Jena (Master ) 2011
Flynn, Allison (Master ) 2011
Miller, Alyssa (Master ) 2011
Rolfes, Jessica (Master ) 2010
Cowen, Sarah (Master ) 2009
Boidwich, Paige (Master ) 2008
Simpson, Megan (Master ) 2008
Buck, Natalie (Master ) 2007
Nolan, Susan (Master ) 2007
Stors, Anne (Master ) 2007
Cosmic, Megan (Master ) 2006
Ryle, Lisa (Master ) 2006
Krussel, Loraine (Master ) 2006
Mahel, Kristin (Master ) 2006
Ward, Amy (Master ) 2005
Hunter, Marilyn (Master ) 2005
Staus, Anna (Master ) 2005
Krebs, Jane (Master ) 2005
Susan Wolterman (Undergrad ) 2012
Logan Haines (Undergrad ) 2011
Emily Marvin (Undergrad ) 2011
Miller, Alyssa (Undergrad ) 2009
Asher Elea (Undergrad ) 2008
(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association ) Member
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Special Interest Division 13 ) Member
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SPARC Application Reviewer ) Reviewer 2008
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA Conventin Program Committee, Research Across the Disciplines ) 2009
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA Convention Program Committee, Speech Sound Disorders, Dysphagia ) 2010
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA Convention Program Committee, Dysphagia ) 2011
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Evidence Based-Practice Committee ) 2011 -2014
Ohio Speech and Hearing Association Member
Ohio Speech and Hearing Association (Legislative Council Convention Program ) Co-Chair 2007 -2010
Ohio Speech and Hearing Association (Nominations Committee ) Committee Chair 2008 -2009
Ohio Speech and Hearing Association (Nominations Comittee ) 2007 -2008
Ohio Speech and Hearing Association (Scholarship Committee ) 2007 -2008
Ohio Speech and Hearing Association (Convention Planning Committee ) Co-Chair 2003
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association Member
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association Other 2006 -2007
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association President 2005 -2006
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association President-Elect 2004 -2005
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association Secretary 2003 -2004
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association (Continuing Education ) Committee Chair 2002 -2003
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association (Public School Committee ) Committee Chair 2001 -2002
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association (Continuing Education ) Vice-Chair 2001 -2002
Southwestern Ohio Speech, Language and Hearing Association (Public School Committee ) 2000 -2002
Dysphagia Research Society Member
Society for Ear, Nose, and Throat Advances in Children Member
Post Graduate Training and Education
2011-2013 Quality Scholars in Transforming Healthcare, Cincinnati Children's Hospital, ,
2008-2009 Senior Clinical Instructor, Department of Otolaryngology, Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, ,
Courses Taught
Early Intervention Level:Graduate
Neurological Bases of Communication Disorders Level:Graduate
Phonetics Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
2011 -2013 Quality Scholars in Transforming Healthcare Cincinnati Children's Hospital
2013 National Institute of Health Biomedical Informatics Program
2014 Ohio Speech language Hearing Association Annual Convention
2011 -2013 American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Conference
-2011 Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association of North America Annual Convention San Diego, CA
Other Information
Clinical Supervision:
- 2007-2008 Kent State University Speech and Hearing Clinic
- 2005-2007 Supervisor, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (multiple CFYs)
- 2005-2007 Supervisor, University of Cincinnati Practicum
- 2005 Supervisor, Miami University Externship
- 2003-2004 University of Cincinnati Speech and Hearing Clinic
Contact Information
Academic - French East Hall
3202 Eden Avenue
Phone: 513-558-8500