Theresa Culley
Dept. Biological Sciences
614 Rieveschl Hall
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0006
Phone 513-556-9705
Email theresa.culley@uc.edu
Professional Summary
See https://culleylab.com for more information. Topics: Plant population biology and genetics, especially of invasive and endangered species; integrative taxonomy; evolution of breeding systems, especially cleistogamy and dioecy; ecological and genetic effects of habitat fragmentation.
Ph.D.: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2000 (Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology)
B.S.: University of California- Irvine Irvine, CA, 1994 (Biological Sciences, concentration in Ecology & Environmental Biology)
Research and Practice Interests
In my lab, we are interested in the evolution of plant breeding systems and the interplay between the reproductive biology of a species (its pollination biology, seed production, susceptibility to herbivory, etc.) and population genetics. I incorporate both ecological and genetic approaches in my research because they both yield valuable insights into evolutionary questions. Vist the Culley Laboratory Website for further information. The main topics include the following:
- Conservation of rare Hawiian plants
- Invasive Ornamental Plants, Including the Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana)
- Publication Bias
- Integrative Taxonomy in Camassia
- Evolution of Dioecy in the Hawaiian Genus Schiedea
Positions and Work Experience
2015 -2017 Provost Fellow, For the University Honors Program, University of Cincinnati,
2008 -2015 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Biological Sciences
2002 -2008 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Biological Sciences
2015 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati, Department of Biological Sciences
2016 -2018 Interim Director & Director, University of Cincinnati, Office of Nationally Competitive Awards
2018 -2023 Head, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #Crew 2017 MP Investigators:Culley, Theresa; Philpott, Megan 06-01-2017 -05-30-2018 Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens Graduate Student Salary Role:PI $7,997.13 Active
Grant: #Sub IMLS LG-25-12-0595-12 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 08-18-2013 -08-17-2016 Institute of Museum and Library Services Evaluating Two Decades of Seeds, Spores, and Tissues in CREW's CryoBioBank: Cryostorage as a Tool for Ex Situ Conservation in Botanical Gardens Role:PI $44,998.00 Completed
Grant: #DEB-1145960 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 02-15-2012 -01-31-2016 National Science Foundation Collaborative Research: RUI: Understanding Diversity in Camas and Rush Lilies: Can a Unified Approach Resolve Species Boundaries in Difficult Groups? Role:PI $102,057.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #10-JV-11242303-047 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 04-26-2010 -06-30-2013 Department of Agriculture Genetic Variation and Inbreeding in Populations of Invasive Japanese Stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae) Role:PI $17,292.50 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #PO257370 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 07-01-2009 -12-31-2009 Energy Biosciences Institute Miscanthus DNA Extraction and Analysis Role:PI $3,469.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2006-35320-16565 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 01-01-2006 -12-31-2009 Department of Agriculture Population Dynamics of a New Weed: Ecological, Genetic and Physiological Factors Promoting Recent Expansion of Callery Pear Cultivars Role:PI $325,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #2004-40 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 07-01-2003 -06-30-2006 Ohio Board of Regents Microsatellite Molecular Markers for Cultivar Development, Potential Bioremediation and Basic Research in the Violets Role:PI $1,950.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #1708-04721 Investigators:Blevins, Jeffrey; Culley, Theresa; Johnson, Arlene; Lee, James; Wang, Xuemao; Wu, Tzu-Yu 01-01-2018 -06-30-2020 Andrew W. Mellon Foundation A Catalyst Model for Transdisciplinary Teams in Digital Scholarship: The University of Cincinnati’s Digital Scholarship Center Role:Collaborator $900,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #CW1597766 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 10-02-2017 -12-31-2018 Chevron U.S.A Research contract between Chevron & University of Cincinnati (w John Grossheim, Undergrad) Role:PI $5,000.00 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #SRS 010810 Investigators:Culley, Theresa; Uetz, George 02-06-2017 -04-26-2019 Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens Cincinnati Zoo Post-docFellow Funds Role:PI $55,085.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Cincinnati Zoo sub IMLS MG30-17-0055-17 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 09-15-2018 -11-30-2020 Institute of Museum and Library Services CREW Project - UC and Zoo Agreement - Jeremiah Allan Role:PI $85,791.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #EPA / NERL MOU 2018 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 11-01-2018 -10-31-2023 Environmental Protection Agency MOU for Research with EPA (Latonya Jackson) Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Zoo 2020 GA Support_IMLS MG-30-17-0055-17 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 12-15-2019 -11-30-2020 Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens Cincinnati Zoo Graduate Assistant Stipend/Tuition Support Role:PI $34,476.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #Sub RC108974R / 2018-70006-28883 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 03-01-2021 -02-28-2022 Department of Agriculture Building continuity across state invasive lists: Sharing scientific resources Role:PI 10920.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DBI-2053302 Investigators:Culley, Theresa; Lentz, David; Tepe, Eric 09-15-2021 -08-31-2024 National Science Foundation CSBR: Natural History: Relocation and critical upgrades to storage, curation, and digital access to the Margaret H. Fulford Herbarium at the University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator 524176.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Investigators:Culley, Theresa 11-21-2021 -11-20-2022 Tata Consultancy Services Biodiversity Assessment of Seven Hills Park in Milford, OH Role:PI 50170.00 Hold
Grant: #ZSoC MG-252118-OMS-22 (IMLS) Investigators:Culley, Theresa 01-08-2024 -08-31-2025 Institute of Museum and Library Services Graduate Assistantship for Advancing the Science of Conservation Cryobiotechnology: Using Oaks as a Model for Improving the In Vitro Technologies Supporting Exceptional Plant Conservation Role:PI 52280.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #2025-2525 Investigators:Culley, Theresa 05-01-2025 -09-01-2026 Horticultural Research Institute Genetic Tools for Development of Boxwood Cultivars (Buxus spp.) Resistant to Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) Role:PI 35000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Abbreviated Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Culley, Theresa M. (2017) The rise and fall of the ornamental Callery pear tree. Invited submission to Arnoldia 74(3): 1-11.
Jaconis, Susan, Theresa M. Culley, and Alexandra M. Meier (2017) Does particulate matter along roadsides interfere with plant reproduction? A comparison of effects of different road types on Cichorium intybus pollen deposition and germination. Environmental Pollution 222: 261-266
Pence, Valerie C., Megan Philpott, Theresa M. Culley, Bernadette Plair, Suzanne R. Yorke, Kristine Lindsey, Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Daniel Ballesteros (2017) Survival and genetic stability of shoot tips of Hedeoma todsenii after long-term cryostorage. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant 53(4): 328-338.
Culley, Theresa M. (2017) Editorial - The frontier of data discoverability: Why we need to share our data. Applications in Plant Sciences 5(10): apps.1700111
Doria R. Gordon, S. Luke Flory, Deah Lieurance, Philip E. Hulme, Chris Buddenhagen, Barney Caton, Paul D. Champion, Theresa M. Culley, Curt Daehler, Franz Essl, Jeffrey E. Hill, Reuben P. Keller, Lisa Kohl, Anthony L. Koop, Sabrina Kumschick, David M. Lodge, Richard N. Mack, Laura A. Meyerson, Godshen R. Pallipparambil, F. Dane Panetta, Read Porter, Petr Pyšek, Lauren D. Quinn, David M. Richardson, Daniel Simberloff, and Montserrat Vilà (2016) Rebuttal to Smith et al. 2015: Weed risk assessments are an effective component of invasion risk management. Invasive Plant Science and Manangement 9: 81-83.
Cameron, Guy N., Theresa M. Culley, Sarah E. Kolbe, Arnold I. Miller, and Stephen F. Matter (2016). Relationships between an invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Herder (Amur honeysuckle) and environmental factors on recruitment of sugar maple trees, Acer saccharum Marshall, in Southwestern Ohio. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 143: 386-397.
Buerger, Amanda, Kate Howe, Ellen Jacquart, Monika Chandler, Theresa M. Culley, Chris Evans, Kelly Kearns, Robert Schultzi, and Laura van Riper (2016). Risk Assessments for Invasive Plants: A Midwestern U.S. Comparison. Invasive Plant Science and Management 9: 41-54.
Culley, Theresa M., Guy N. Cameron, Sarah Kolbe, and Arnold I. Miller (2016) Association of non-native Lonicera maackii (Amur honeysuckle) with other invasive plant species in eastern deciduous forests in southwestern Ohio. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 143: 398-414.
Kolbe, Sarah E., Arnold I. Miller, Guy N. Cameron, and Theresa M. Culley (2016) Effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental influences on tree community composition and structure in forests along an Urban-Wildland gradient in southwestern Ohio. Urban Ecosystems 19: 915-938.
Culley, Theresa M., Cynthia D. Huebner, and Ari Novy (2016) Regional and local genetic variation in Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum). Invasive Plant Science and Management 9: 96-111.
Kolbe, Sarah E., Arnold I. Miller, Amy Townsend-Small, Guy N. Cameron, and Theresa M. Culley (2016) Impact of land-use history and forest trees on soil organic carbon and nitrogen stocks. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80(4):1089-1097
Avaneysan, Alina and Theresa M. Culley (2016). Tolerance of native and exotic prairie grasses to herbivory by Melanoplus grasshoppers: Application of a non-destructive method for estimating plant biomass changes as a response to herbivory. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144(1):15-25.
Jenny K. Archibald, Susan R. Kephart, Kathryn E. Theiss, Anna L. Petrosky*, and Theresa M. Culley (2015) Multilocus phylogenetic inference in subfamily Chlorogaloideae and related genera of Agavaceae - informing questions in taxonomy at multiple ranks. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 84: 266-283.
Avanesyan, Alina and Theresa M. Culley (2015) Herbivory of native and exotic North American prairie grasses by nymph Melanoplus grasshoppers. Plant Ecology 216: 451-464.
Thompson, K.M., T.M. Culley, A.M. Zumberger*, and D.L. Lentz (2015) Discerning anthropogenic and ecological influences on genetic variation and structure in the neotropical tree, Manilkara zapota (L.) P. Royen (Sapotaceae). Tree Genetics and Genomes 11:40.
Cameron, Guy N., Theresa M. Culley, Sarah E. Kolbe, Arnold I. Miller, and Stephen F. Matter (2015) Effects of urbanization on herbaceous forest vegetation: the relative impacts of soil, geography, biotic interactions, human access, and an invasive shrub. Urban Ecosystems, DOI 10.1007/s11252-015-0472-6.
Avanesyan, Alina and Theresa M. Culley (2015) Feeding preferences of Melanoplus femurrubrum grasshoppers on native and exotic grasses: behavioral and molecular approaches. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata.
Merritt, Benjamin J., Theresa M. Culley, Alina Avaneysan, Richard Stokes, and Jessica Brzyski (2015) An empirical review: Characteristics of plant microsatellite markers that confer greater levels of genetic variation. Applications in Plant Sciences 3(8):1500025.
Redelings, Benjamin D., Seji Kumagai, Andrey Tatarenkov, Liuyand Wang, Ann K. Sakai, Stephen G. Weller, Theresa M. Culley, John C. Avise, and Marcy K. Uyenoyama (2015) Bayesian co-estimation of selfing rate and locus-specific mutation rates for a partially selfing population. Genetics
Sarah E. Kolbe, Amy Townsend-Small, Arnold I. Miller, Theresa M. Culley, and Guy N. Cameron (In press) Effect of Lonicera maackii on soil carbon and nitrogen in Southwestern Ohio forests. Invasive Plant Science and Management
Buerger, Amanda, Kate Howe, Ellen Jacquart, Monika Chandler, Theresa M. Culley, Chris Evans, Kelly Kearns, Robert Schultzi, and Laura van Riper (In press). Risk Assessments for Invasive Plants: A Midwestern U.S. Comparison. Invasive Plant Science and Management
Weller, S.G., A.K. Sakai, T.M. Culley, L. Duong, and R.E. Danielson (2014) Segregation of male-sterility alleles across a species boundary. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12312
Kuester, Adam, Jeffrey K. Conner, Theresa Culley, and Regina S. Baucom (2014) How weeds emerge: a taxonomic and trait-based examination using United States data. New Phytologist 202(3):1055-68. doi: 10.1111/nph.12698.
Weller, S.G., A.K. Sakai, T.M. Culley, L. Duong*, and R.E. Danielson (2014) Segregation of male-sterility alleles across a species boundary. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27(2): 429-36. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12312.
Brzyski, Jessica and Theresa M. Culley (In press) Does sexual reproduction matter for rare clonal species in frequently disturbed habitats? Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society.
Culley, Theresa M., Ju-Fang Leng, Susan R. Kephart, Francis Cartieri, and Kathryn E. Theiss (2013) Development of 16 microsatellite markers within the Camassia (Agavaceae) species complex and amplification in related taxa. Applications in Plant Sciences 1(10):1300027. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3732/apps.1300027.
Brzyski, Jessica and Theresa M. Culley (2013) Seed germination in the riparian zone: the case of the rare shrub, Spiraea virginiana (Rosaceae). Castanea 78(2): 87-94.
Sakai, Ann K., Stephen G. Weller, Diane R. Campbell, Theresa M. Culley, Amy Dunbar-Wallis, and Allen Andreas (2013) Measure for measure: Comparing morphological and biomass traits for sex allocation in two gynodioecious species. American Journal of Botany 100(6): 1071-1082.
Culley, Theresa M., Trevor I. Stamper, Richard L. Stokes, Jessica R. Brzyski, Nicole A. Hardiman, Matthew R. Klooster, and Benjamin J. Merritt (2013) An efficient technique for primer development and application that integrates fluorescent labeling and multiplex PCR. Applications in Plant Sciences 1(10):1300027. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3732/apps.1300027
Quinn, Lauren, Theresa Culley, and J. Ryan Stewart (2012) Genetic comparison of introduced and native populations of Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae), a potential bioenergy crop. Grassland Science 58(2): 101-111.
Culley, Theresa M. and Richard L. Stokes (2012) Genetic structure and outcrossing rates in Viola pedunculata (Violaceae), a California endemic violet lacking cleistogamous flowers. Madroño 59(4): 181-189.
Culley, Theresa M., Nicole A. Hardiman, and Jennifer Hawks (2011) The role of horticulture in plant invasions: how grafting in cultivars of Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) can facilitate spread into natural areas. Biological Invasions 13(3): 739-746.
Brzyski, Jessica and Theresa M. Culley (2011) Genetic variation and clonal structure of the rare shrub Spiraea virginiana (Rosaceae). Conservation Genetics 12(5): 1323-1332.
Wallace, Lisa, Theresa Culley, Stephen G. Weller, Ann Sakai, Ashley Kuenzi, Tilottama Roy, Warren Wagner, and Molly Nepokroeff (2011) Asymmetrical gene flow in a hybrid zone of Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae): Species with contrasting mating systems. PLos Biology at http://dx.plos.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0024845.
Klooster, M, & Culley, T.M. (2010) Population genetic structure of the mycoheterotroph Monotropa hypopitys L. (Ericaceae) and differentiation between red and yellow color forms. International Journal of Plant Sciences 171(2): 167-174.
Snow, Allison A., Theresa M. Culley, Lesley Campbell, Patricia Sweeney, Subray Hedge, and Norman Ellstrand (2010) Long-term persistence of crop alleles in weed populations. New Phytologist 186(2): 537-548.
Culley, Theresa M. and J. Ryan Stewart (2010) Microsatellite primers in Rhamnus cathartica (Rhamnaceae) and applicability in related taxa to assess hybridization events. AJB Primer Notes and Protocols in the Plant Sciences e7-e9.
Hardiman, Nicole A. and Theresa M. Culley (2010) Reproductive success of cultivated Pyrus calleryana (Rosaceae) and establishment ability of invasive, hybrid progeny. American Journal of Botany 97(10): 1698-1706.
Campbell, Diane, Stephen Weller, Ann Sakai, Theresa Culley, Phuc Dang, and Amy Dunbar-Wallis (2010) Genetic variation and covariation in floral allocation of two species of Schiedea with contrasting levels of sexual dimorphism. Evolution
Klooster, M, & Culley, T.M. (2009) Cryptic bracts facilitate herbivore avoidance in the myco-hetrotrophic plant, Monotropsis odorata (Ericaceae). American Journal of Botany 96(12): 2197-2205.
Culley, T.M., & Hardiman, N.A. (2009). The role of intraspecific hybridization in the evolution of invasiveness: A case study of the ornamental pear tree Pyrus calleryana. Biological Invasions.
Klooster, M., Hoenle, A., & Culley, T.M. (2009). Characterization of microsatellite loci in the myco-heterotrophic plant, Monotropa hypopitys (Ericaceae) and amplification in related taxa. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9(1), 219-221.
Klooster, M, & Culley, T.M. (2009) Comparative analysis of the reproductive ecology of Monotropa and Monotropsis: Two myco-heterotrophic genera in the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae). American Journal of Botany 96(7): 1337-1347.
Sakai, A., Weller, S., Culley, T.M., Campbell, D., Dunbar-Wallis, A., & Andres, A. (2008). Sexual dimorphism and the genetic potential for evolution of sex allocation in the gynodioecious plant, Schiedea salicaria. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 21(1), 18-29.
Culley, T.M., Weller, S.G., Sakai, A.K., & Putnam, K.A. (2008). Characterization of microsatellite loci in the Hawaiian endemic shrub, Schiedea adamantis (Caryophyllaceae), and amplification in related genera. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8(5), 1081-1084.
Weller, S.G., Sakai, A.K., Culley, T.M., Campbell, D.R., Ngo, P., & Dunbar-Wallis, A.K. (2007). Sexually dimorphic inflorescence traits in a wind-pollinated species: heritabilities and genetic correlations in Schiedea adamantis (Caryophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany, 94(10), 1716-1725.
Culley, T.M., & Hardiman, N.A. (2007). The beginning of a new invasive plant: A history of the ornamental Callery Pear tree in the United States. BioScience, 57(11), 956-964.
Culley, T.M., & Klooster, M.R. (2007). The cleistogamous breeding system: a review of its frequency, evolution and ecology in angiosperms. The Botanical Review, 73(1), 1-30.
Thompson, K., Miller, M.C., & Culley, T.M. (2007). Comparison of plant species richness, diversity, and biomass in Ohio wetlands. The Ohio Journal of Science, 107(3), 2-9.
Hardiman, N.A., & Culley, T.M. (2007). Ohio Invasive Plant Research Conference Proceedings. In Nicole Cavender (Eds.), Genetic analysis of Callery Pear cultivars to determine the origin of invasive populations (pp. 59-66). Ohio Biological Survey.
Culley, Theresa M, Sbita, Sarah J, & Wick, Anne (2007). Population genetic effects of urban habitat fragmentation in the perennial herb Viola pubescens (Violaceae) using ISSR markers. Annals of Botany, 100(1), 91-100.
Culley, T.M., Dunbar-Wallis, A.K., Sakai, A.K., Weller, S.G., Mishio, M., Campbell, D.R., & Herzenach, M. (2006). Genetic variation of ecophysiological traits in two gynodioecious species of Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae). New Phytologist, 169(3), 589-601.
Sakai, A.K., Weller, S.G., Wagner, W.L., Nepokroeff, M., & Culley, T.M. (2006). Adaptive radiation and evolution of breeding systems in Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae), an endemic Hawaiian genus. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 93(1), 49-63.
Weller, S.G., Sakai, A.K., Culley, T.M., Campbell, D.R., & Dunbar-Wallis, A.K. (2006). Predicting the pathway to wind pollination: Heritabilities and genetic correlations of inflorescence traits associated with wind pollination in Schiedea salicaria (Caryophyllaceae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 19(2), 331-342.
Washburn, S.J., & Culley, T.M. (2006). Epiphytic macrolichens of the Greater Cincinnati metropolitan area - Part II: Distribution, diversity and urban ecology. The Bryologist, 109, 516-520.
Culley, Theresa M, Dunbar-Wallis, Amy K, Sakai, Ann K, Weller, Stephen G, Mishio, Masako, Campbell, Diane R, & Herzenach, MaryKay (2006). Genetic variation of ecophysiological traits in two gynodioecious species of Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae). The New Phytologist, 169(3), 589-601.
Culley, T. M. (2005). Characterization of newly developed microsatellite loci in the Stemmed Yellow Violet, Viola pubescens (Violaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 5, 882-884.
Klips, R. A., & Culley, T.M. (2004). Natural hybridization between prairie milkweeds, Asclepias sullivantii and A. syriaca: morphological, isozyme, and hand-pollination evidence. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 165(6), 1027-1037.
Culley, T.M., & Grubb, T.C. (2003). Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation in Viola pubescens (Violaceae), a perennial herb with chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers. Molecular Ecology, 12(11), 2919-2930.
Culley, Theresa M, & Grubb, Thomas C (2003). Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation in Viola pubescens (Violaceae), a perennial herb with chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers. Molecular Ecology, 12(11), 2919-30.
Culley, T.M. (2002). Reproductive biology and delayed selfing in Viola pubescens (Violaceae), an understory herb with chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 163(1), 113-122.
Culley, T.M., Wallace, L.E., Gengler-Nowak, K., & Crawford, D.J. (2002). A comparison of two methods of calculating GST, a genetic measure of population differentiation. American Journal of Botany, 89(3), 460-465.
Culley, T.M., Weller, S.G., & Sakai, A.K. (2002). Corrigendum: The evolution of wind pollination in angiosperms. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 17(10), 491.
Culley, T.M., Weller, S.G., & Sakai, A.K. (2002). The evolution of wind pollination in angiosperms. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 17(8), 361-369.
Cummings, C.L., Alexander, H.M., Snow, A.A., Rieseberg, L.H., Kim, M., & Culley, T.M. (2002). Fecundity selection in an experimental sunflower crop-wild system: how well do ecological data predict crop allele persistence?. Ecological Applications, 12(6), 1661-1671.
Snow, A.A., Uthus, K.L., & Culley, T.M. (2001). Fitness of hybrids between cultivated Raphanus sativus and weedy R. raphanistrum: implications for weed evolution. Ecological Applications, 11(3), 934-943.
Culley, T.M., & Wolfe, A.D. (2001). Population genetic structure of the cleistogamous plant species Viola pubescens, as indicated by isozyme and ISSR molecular markers. Heredity, 86(5), 545-556.
Culley, T.M. (2000). Inbreeding depression and floral type differences in Viola canadensis (Violaceae), a perennial herb with chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78(11), 1420-1429.
Culley, T.M., Weller, S.G., Sakai, A.K., & Rankin A.E. (1999). Inbreeding depression and selfing rates in a self-compatible, hermaphroditic species, Schiedea membranacea (Caryophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany, 86(7), 980-987.
Pence, Valerie C., Megan Philpott, Theresa M. Culley, Bernadette Plair, Suzanne R. Yorke, Kristine Lindsey, Anne-Catherine Vanhove, Daniel Ballesteros (2017) Survival and genetic stability of shoot tips of Hedeoma todseniiafter long-term cryostorage. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant 53(4): 328-338.
Electronic Journal
Culley, Theresa M. and Kathryn E. Theiss (2017) How to be an effective session moderator. Plant Science Bulletin 63(3): 124-127.
Other Publication
Culley, Theresa M. (2016) Identifying invasive plant species: What plant propagators need to know about the science behind invasive plant assessment protocols. Invited submission to Acta Horticulturae 1140: Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Meeting of the International Plant Propagators Society.
Culley, Theresa M. (2014) Editorial: APPS's stance of self-plagiarism: Just say no. Applications in Plant Sciences 2(7): 1400055. http://dx.doi.org/10.3732/apps.1400055.
Culley, Theresa M. (2013) Why Vouchers Matter in Botanical Research. Applications in Plant Sciences 1(11): 1300076. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3732/apps.1300076
Culley, Theresa M. (2013) Changing technologies offer new opportunities in the plant sciences. Applications in Plant Sciences 1(1) doi: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.3732/apps.1200008.
Culley, Theresa M. (2017) Editorial - The frontier of data discoverability: Why we need to share our data. Applications in Plant Sciences 5(10): apps.1700111.
Diggle, Pamela and Theresa M. Culley (2018) Editorial: The beginning of a new partnership. Applications in Plant Sciences 6(1) doi: 10.1002/aps3.1018 and American Journal of Botany doi: 10.1002/ajb2.1011
Culley, T.M. (2004). Plant Evolution and the Origin of Crop Species. Quarterly Review of Biology 79(3):, 311.
Applications in Plant Sciences (Editor-in-Chief ) Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2012 -2015
Botanical Society of America (Committee on Committees ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2011
Botanical Society of America (Genetics Section ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2010 -To Present
American Journal of Botany (Editor, Primer Notes and Protocols in Plant Sciences ) Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2010 -2012
Ohio Invasive Plants Council President Type:Public Level:State 2010 -2011
Ohio Invasive Plants Council (Invasive Plant List Work Group ) Committee Chair Type:Public Level:State 2009 -To Present
Ohio Invasive Plant Council (Board of Directors ) Board Member Type:Public Level:State 2006 -To Present
Department of Biological Sciences (Graduate Affairs Committee ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2005 -To Present
Post Graduate Training and Education
2000-2002 Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, Irvine, , Irvine, CA
Contact Information
Academic - Dept. Biological Sciences
614 Rieveschl Hall
Ohio, 45221-0006
Phone: 513-556-9705