Vittoria S Daiello
Associate Professor
Aronoff Center
DAAP School of Art - 0016
Professional Summary
Vittoria S. (Vicki) Daiello, B.F.A., M.A., Ph.D. (she/her) is an Associate Professor of Art & Design Education in the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) and an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS). Daiello holds a certificate in applied compassion studies from the Center for Compassion & Altruism in Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University; she is a Fellow in UC’s Academy of Fellows for Teaching and Learning (UC Office of the Provost).
Dr. Daiello’s expertise encompasses art and design educator pedagogy and professional development for K-12 teachers, university professors, and community arts leaders. Daiello's arts-based research and applied compassion studies are a catalyst for her teaching which emphasizes development of inclusive dialogues and compassionate classroom communities. The Art of Words course, pioneered by Daiello in 2013, employs arts-based writing as a method of artistic inquiry and mode of reflective practice that support students’ development of tools for communicating their creative research. Daiello's research and creative practice are entwined with her teaching, en ongoing project, Accumulation of Uncertainties, is a pedagogical research endeavor that uses iterative, cumulative, and dialogic forms of writing and artmaking to reveal subtle structures of affective labor within educators’ and students’ shared learning experiences.
A 2019-2020 UC Transdisciplinary Research Leadership Scholar, Daiello's teaching, research, and mentoring extend across disciplines, including collaborations through the Narrative Medicine Network (NMN), a group of UC and community interdisciplinary scholars, writers, artists, educators, physicians, and activists whose individual or overlapping research seeks to promote equity, inclusivity, and healing in education, health institutions, public spaces, and communities through narrative, storytelling, and the arts.
Daiello's writing appears in peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Visual Arts Research Journal, The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, Studies in Art Education, and Creative Approaches to Research Journal. She also co-authored, with Dr. Candace Jesse Stout, "Arts-Based Writing: The Performance of Our Lives" in the Handbook of Arts-Based Research (P. Leavy, Ed.). Daiello’s research papers and collaborative projects are also featured in cross-disciplinary national and international meetings, including the proceedings of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI), the National Art Education Association (NAEA), International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR); Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Foundations in Art: Theory and Education (FATE), 1st Conference on Arts-Based and Artistic Research, the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru), and the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media Conference (CUMULUS).
Honors and Awards include DAAP Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2011; DAAP Professor of the Year, 2019; and The Ohio State University’s Marantz Distinguished Alumni Award, 2016.
Ph.D., Art Education: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2010 (Art Education Dissertation: The “I” of the Text: A Psychoanalytic Theory Perspective on Students’ Television Criticism Writing, Subjectivity, and Critical Consciousness in Visual Culture Art Education. [Manuel Barkan Dissertation Award] )
M.A., Art Education: The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, 2005 (Art Education Thesis: Art Education at the Speed of Life: A Philosophical Inquiry into an Online Arts Education Course)
B.F.A: Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware, OH, 1999 (Metals and Digital Imaging. Summa Cum Laude)
Certificate : Stanford University; Center for Compassion and Altruism in Research and Education 2022 (Applied Compassion Training (ACT))
Positions and Work Experience
2010 -2016 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning - School of Art, Cincinnati, OH
2008 -2009 Interdisciplinary Writing Consultant, Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC); Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing (CSTW), The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2005 -2009 Graduate Teaching Associate, Criticizing Television *Winner of University-wide Graduate Teaching Award, Spring 2007, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2008 -2008 Graduate Teaching Associate, Engaging Visual Culture, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2008 -2008 Visiting Art Instructor, Summer Teacher Workshop: Transformations—Connections Through Art & Writing, Contemporary Art Center of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA
2002 -2005 Graduate Teaching Associate, Art and Music Since 1945—Online Course *Nominee for University-wide Graduate Teaching Award, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
1998 -2002 Artist/Teacher in Residence and Arts Integration Specialist, Smith Elementary School; Delaware City School District, Delaware, OH
2001 -2002 Art Teacher, PreK – Grade 5, Buckeye Valley West Elementary; Buckeye Valley School District, Delaware, OH
2016 -To Present Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning - School of Art, Cincinnati, OH
2019 -2020 Fellow, Trans-disciplinary Research Leadership Team, University of Cincinnati, Office of Research
Research Support
2018 -2022 Jiangnan University School of Design. Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. China Ministry of Education Competitive Research Grant Experience Design Frontier Methodology and Technology Research Center (Project 111) Role:Collaborator Active Type:Grant Level:International
2016 Faculty Development Council AERA Research, Washington, DC $1,500 Type:Grant
2015 Faculty Development Council CCCC Research Travel Award Role:PI $1,600 Type:Grant
2015 UC International Course Development in Reggio Emilia, Italy Role:PI $3,600 Type:Grant
2015 School of Art, University of Cincinnati AERA Research Support, Chicago, IL Role:PI $1,000 Type:Grant
2013 Faculty Development Council Mapping the Possibilities: Exploring New Cartographies of Arts Type:Grant
Investigators:Daiello, V., Bonansinga, K., & Paice, K. 2013 Faculty Development Council Museum Studies Masters Program Development Grant
2012 Faculty Development Council ICQI 2012: Mentoring Student Research Writing Development Grant
2008 The Ohio State University CSTW Research on Writing and Composition in 21st Century Contexts Grant
2017 Jiangnan University School of Design. Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. China Ministry of Education Competitive Research Grant. Healthcare Design Joint Laboratory Role:Collaborator Completed Type:Grant Level:International
2017 Faculty Development Council, The University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant, FATE Conference, 2017 $1,800 Completed Type:Grant
2019 Office of Research, University of Cincinnati Trans-disciplinary Research Leadership Program Role:Fellow Active Type:Fellowship Level:University
2021 -2022 Faculty Development Council, The University of Cincinnati Faculty Development Grant, Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism in Research and Education (CCARE) $5,000 Type:Grant
Peer Reviewed Publications
Daiello, V., & Rhoades, M. (2016. ) Introducing Dramatic Inquiry to Visual Art Education .Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy, , 13 (3 ) ,206-226.
Daiello, V. (2014. ) Wherever I Am, I Am What is Missing .Creative Approaches to Research Journal, , 7(1) ,46-66.
Bastos, F., Daiello, V., Holland, K., & Luessen, C. (2013. ) Walking Spaces for Socially Engaged Arts-Based Research: Reflections and Disruptions On/In Practice .Published Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Arts-Based And Artistic Research, University of Barcelona, Spain., ,
Daiello, V. (2010. ) (K)not an Impasse: Working Through Lacanian Theory as Research Methodology” .Visual Arts Research, , 36 (2 ) ,83-102.
Daiello, V. (2010. ) Silences Between Words and World: Deconstruction and the Evolution of an Inquiry. In T. Barrett, Making Art: Form and Meaning, McGraw Hill., ,
Daiello, V. (2008. ) Ephemera in Art. ChildArt: The Magazine of the International Child Art Foundation, , 11 (2 ) ,6.
Daiello, V., Walker, S., Rhoades, M., and Hathaway, K. (2006. ) Complicating Visual Culture. Studies in Art Education, , 47 (4 ) ,308-325.
Daiello, V., Barrett, T., Blackson, V., and Goffos, M (2006. ) God: The Taboo Topic in Art Education .The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, , 26, ,59-84.
Rhoades, M., & Daiello, V. (2019. ) Losting + founding poetry: Sub/versive academic love letters .Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, , 39 ,70
Daiello, V., Scoggins, D., & Bruner, O. (2017. ) Writing into the Unknown: Speculative, Arts-Based Writing as Creative Composition and Design Research Method .Proceedings of Re:Research: International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) Conference. University of Cincinnati, ,
Pate M.; Rastogi M.; Daiello V. (01-01-2022. ) Community-based art therapy and community arts.Foundations of Art Therapy: Theory and Applications, , 493-541 More Information
Rhoades M.; Daiello V. (09-01-2016. ) Introducing dramatic inquiry as visual art education.Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, , 13 (3 ) ,206-226 More Information
Invited Publications
Daiello, V. (2018. ) What more might writing be? What more might writing do? Composing possibilities with Dr. Candace Jesse Stout .Chiaroscuro, 12 -13
Book Chapter
Daiello, V., & Stout, C.J. (2017 ) Arts-Based Writing: The Performance of Our Lives. Handbook of Arts-Based Research .(pp. 608-629 ).New York, NY, New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
Handbook of Arts-Based Research
Rastogi, M., Pate, M., & Daiello, V. (2022 ) Community-Based Art Therapy Foundations of Art Therapy: Theory and applications .Elsevier. (Co-Author)
Invited Presentations
Vittoria Daiello (2016. ) Shimmering Assemblage: The Unexpected Gifts of Uncertainty, Doubt, and Transdisciplinarity .Kenneth Marantz Distinguished Alumni Lecture, The Ohio State University.
Daiello, Vittoria (2014. ) “Rethinking Research: Innovative Approaches to the Thesis/Dissertation” .CECH-College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services -Teachers College, University of Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University
Daiello, Vittoria (2013. ) Art + Literacy/ies Panel .National Council of Teachers of English Research Assembly (NCTEAR), The Ohio State University. Level:National
Daiello, Vittoria (2011. ) Visual Metaphor and Critical, Reflexive Writing .Arts Writing Workshop with Professor Terry Barrett, The Ohio State University.
Poster Presentations
Daiello, V., Bruner, O., & Scoggins, D. (2017. ) Writing into the Unknown: Speculative, Arts-Based Writing as Creative Composition and Design Research Method .Re:Research: International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) Conference, University of Concinnati, Cincinnati, OH. . UC. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Daiello, V., Rhoades, M., & Bastos, F. (2018. ) Mentoring Critical Arts-Based Research: Cultivating Equity, Wide-Awakeness, and Communicative Ethics in Art Education Practice .Seattle, WA.
Daiello, V. (2018. ) Artful Possibilities: Insights From an International Art Education and Design Education Research Partnership .School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China.
Daiello, V., & Rhoades, M. (2018. ) Lost(ing) and Found(ing): (Un)designing Pedagogies of Precarity, Failure, and (Im)possibilities .Seattle, WA.
Daiello, V. (2018. ) Once Upon a Time, Everything Happened: The Poethical Possibilities of Arts-Based Research Writing .State University of New York (SUNY), New Paltz, NY. Other Institution.
Daiello, V. (2017. ) Evocative Iterations: The Catalytic Entwinement of Art and Writing Processes .Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO .
Daiello, V. (2017. ) Evoking Writing-Creation: Arts-Based Writing Pedagogy as Collective Emergence, Provocation, and Inspiration .New York, NY.
Daiello, V. (2016. ) Accumulation of Uncertainties: The Event of Arts-Based Writing in The Art of Words .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Daiello, V. (2018. ) Artful Possibilities: Insights From an International Art Education and Design Education Research Partnership .School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. Conference. Level:International
Daiello, V. (2019. ) Arts-Based Writing for Design Research: Generativity, Reflexivity, and Accountability in Practice .School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. Level:International
Daiello, V. (2019. ) (Un)Learning Writing: Toward a New Design for Research Writing Pedagogy .Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. Workshop. Level:International
Daiello, V. & Rhoades, M. (2019. ) Lost(ing) and Found(ing): A Pedagogy of Radical Hope .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:National
Daiello, V. (2019. ) Shimmering Translations: Lessons From a Multi-Institution, Transdisciplinary Research Collaboration With Jiangnan University in China .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:National
Daiello, V., & Tate, J. (03-2022. ) Open-Source Discourse (OSD) in Practice: An Experimental-Experiential Arts-Informed Dialogue .UNESCO Chair at ARTEM ICN and the CEREFIGE Université de Lorraine, in collaboration with the National School of Art and Design in Nancy (ENSAD). Conference. Level:International
Honors and Awards
2011 Outstanding Teaching Award - College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning - University of Cincinnati
2016 Kenneth Marantz Distinguished Alumni Award - Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy - The Ohio State University
2019 Professor of the Year Award - College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning - University of Cincinnati
2019 -2020 Trans-disciplinary Research Leadership Fellowship - Office of Research - University of Cincinnati