Chris D'Amato , PHD
Research Associate
Research Associate, CECH SOCJ Corrections Institute
Professional Summary
Chris D'Amato is research associate for the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute. As a research associate, Chris' main responsibilities include managing and leading research projects and training agencies in evidence-based practices. Chris’ research focuses on examining the validity and reliability of criminogenic risk assessments, the effects of criminal justice involvement on various life outcomes, effective correctional policy, and criminal sentencing. His professional goals center around using research to help the correctional field continue to make advancements around the treatment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of justice-involved individuals. Chris previously graduated with his PhD in Criminal Justice MS in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati (2024) and a BS in criminal justice from Xavier University (2016).
Bachelor of Science: Xavier University OH, 2016 (Criminal Justice)
Master of Science: University of Cincinnati OH, 2017 (Criminal Justice)
Ph.D: University of Cincinnati 2024 (Criminal Justice)
Peer Reviewed Publications
D'Amato, C. & Smith, M.S. (2024. ) The importance of social support for justice-involved men and women reenter society.Criminal Justice and Behavior, , More Information
Smith M.S., Miller, W.T., D'Amato, C. (2023. ) Engaging influencers: A model for social support .Journal of Community Justice, , 32 (4 ) ,9-14
Miller, W., D'Amato, C., Campbell, C., Petkus, A., Kiki, E. (2024. ) Examining risk factor and recidivism rate differences between youth adjudicated of sex and non-sex offenses: A propensity score matching approach.Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, , More Information
Silver, I.A., D'Amato, C., & Wooldredge, J. (2024. ) Exacerbating inequality over the life-course: Examining race differences in the reciprocal effects between incarceration and income .Social Forces, , 102 ,839-860
Silver, I.A., D'Amato, C. Newsome, J., Johnson, S., & Rubenstein, B. (2023. ) Forecasting the potential effects of programming combinations for justice-involved youth.Journal of Criminal Justice, , 88 , More Information
Silver, I.A., Semenza, D., & D'Amato, C. (2023. ) Parental incarceration and within-individual changes in criminal justice involvement across developmental stages .Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, , 9 (9 ) ,590-616
Silver, I.A. & D'Amato, C. (2023. ) The within-individual lagged effects of time spent incarcerated on substance use: A nationally representative longitudinal study from the United States .Journal of Substance Use, , 28 ,26-33
Silver, I.A., Brookstein, A.J., & D'Amato, C. (2022. ) Juvenile incarceration in an adult correctional facility as a risk factor for adolescent childrearing .Journal of Adolescence, , 95 (1 ) ,56-69
D'Amato, C., Silver, I.A., Wooldredge, J., & Newsome, J. (2021. ) The timing of prison sanctions and the odds of returning to prison after release .Crime & Delinquency, , 68 ,975-1003
D'Amato, C. Holmes, B. & Feldmeyer, B. (2021. ) Economic Competition and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing: A Test of Economic Threat Perspective .Social Sciences, , 10 (6 ) ,206-230
Silver, I.A., D'Amato, C. & Wooldredge, J. (2021. ) The cycle of reentry and reincarceration: Examining the influence on employment over a period of 18 years.Journal of Criminal Justice, , 74 , More Information
D'Amato, C., Campbell, C.A., Papp, J., & Miller, W. (2021. ) Profile analysis and risk assessment: Measuring needs beyond risk level .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 19 (4 ) ,423-444
Holmes, B., D'Amato, C., & Holmes S.T. (2021. ) The offense-specific nature of gender and familial responsibility in United States Federal Sentencing, 2010—2016 .Criminal Justice Policy Review, , 33 (4 ) ,399-428
D'Amato, C. Silver, I.A., & Newsome, J. (2021. ) The effects of social disorganization mechanisms: Examining the influence of community-level factors on recidivism across various correctional sanctions .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 48 ,1072-1090
D'Amato, C., Silver, I.A., Newsome, J., & Latessa, Progressing policy towards a risk/need informed sanctioning model .Criminology & Public Policy, , 20 (1 ) ,41-69
Campbell, C.A., Barnes, A., Papp, J., D'Amato, C., Anderson, V.R., Moses, N. (2020. ) Understanding the role of neighborhood typology and sociodemographic characteristics on time to recidivism among adjudicated youth .Criminal Justice and Behavior, , 47 (9 ) ,1079-1096
Holmes, B.T., & D'Amato, C. (2020. ) Judicial and prosecutorial decision making: Assessing the effects of race, gender, and age on federal downward sentencing departures, 2013-2016 .Journal of Crime and Justice, , 43 ,448-466
Campbell, C., D'Amato, C., Papp, J. (2020. ) Validation of the Ohio Youth Assessment System Disposition Tool (OYAS-DIS): An examination of race and gender differences .Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, , 18 ,1079-1096
Contact Information
2220 Victory Pkwy
Ohio, 45206
Phone: 513-556-5953