Kermit G Davis , PhD
Section Chief
423 Kettering Laboratory
160 Panzeca Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0056
Phone 513558-2809
Fax 513-558-4397
Email kermit.davis@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Academic Appointments
June, 2001 to Sept, 2007................... Assistant Professor,
Department of Environmental Health
University of Cincinnati
November, 2001 to Sept, 2007......... Secondary Appointment,
Dept. of Mechanical, Industrial, and Nuclear Eng.
University of Cincinnati
October, 2006 to Present.................. Secondary Appointment,
Dept. of Rehabilitation Science.
University of Cincinnati
Sept, 2007 to Sept, 2020................... Associate Professor,
Department of Environmental Health
University of Cincinnati
Sept, 2020 to Present........................ Professor,
Department of Environmental and
BS: University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio, 1992 (Industrial Engineering)
MS: The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, 1996 (Industrial and Systems Engineering)
PhD: The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, 2001 (Industrial and Systems Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
His current research is focusing on the investigation of the effect of physical workplace demands as well as mental workload on the responses within the lower back. He has published numerous articles about the impact of workplace stressors on the lower back including studies evaluating warehousing, construction, restaurants, patient handling, alternative modes of handling (e.g. team lifting, one hand lifting, pushing/pulling), injured populations, and ergonomic interventions (e.g. back belts, lifting hoists, adjustable fork lifts). Recent years, Dr. Davis has concentrated on the reducing ergonomic stressors of healthcare workers and patients in healthcare settings (e.g. hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health care).
Research Support
Grant: #SRS 001214 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 10-01-2006 -09-30-2008 LaRosa Ergonomics Assessment of New Software in Conjunction with Touch Screen or Keyboard $14,927 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #212-2005-M-14223 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 09-01-2005 -08-31-2007 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Investigating Reduced Bag Weight as an Effective Risk Mediator for Mason Tenders $16,999 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 07-01-2006 -06-30-2008 Steelcase, Inc. Ergonomic Evaluation of Adjustable Sit-Stand Table $41,296 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #211-2006-M-16407 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 05-05-2006 -07-31-2010 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Development of an Ergonomics Training Program for Farm Youth $24,327 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #254-2007-M-19455 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 12-08-2006 -12-07-2007 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Roof Screen in Underground Mines $10,000 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 10-01-2004 -09-30-2006 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Effective Interventions for Tasks of Farm Children $15,272 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #5-R01-OH07787-04-A0-S0-E0 Investigators:Davis-P.I. at U.C., Multi-Institution Collaboration with The Ohio State University 09-30-2002 -09-29-2006 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Derived Spine Loads in Response to Multiple Risk Factors $381,507 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #SRS 004782 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 01-15-2007 -10-01-2009 Office Ergonomics Research Committee Improving Discomfort in the Office Through Posture Variation $41,743 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #SRS 004828 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 03-01-2007 -06-30-2010 National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology Identifying the Risks and Development of Preventives for the Farm-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders $120,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #005008 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 12-01-2006 -05-31-2008 Hill-Rom Incorporated Ergonomic Assessment of Birthing Bed Removable Foot Sections $37,406 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #211-2007-M-23297 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 09-15-2007 -02-15-2009 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Development of High Impact Interventions for the Wholesale and Retail Industry Sector $10,000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #214-2008-M-28162 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 09-15-2008 -05-15-2010 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Work Smart at the Right Height Intervention for Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector (South) $50,000 Type:Contract
Grant: #SRS 006114 Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 08-01-2008 -08-30-2010 Hill-Rom Incorporated Hill-Rom Motion and Anthropometric Assessment, Phase I $107,682 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #SRS 007029 Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 06-01-2010 -11-15-2010 Hill-Rom Incorporated Frames Motion and Anthropometric Assessment, Viking and Adventa 2 $60,000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #6153-O2-00006 Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 06-01-2010 -11-15-2010 Hill-Rom Incorporated Hill-Rom 2010 - Viking-Science of Frames $26,812 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #T42 OH008432 Investigators:Clark-P.I., Davis-Investigator 07-01-2011 -06-30-2016 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center $6,006,722 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #212-2011-M-40881 Investigators:Davis-P.I. 09-01-2011 -08-31-2013 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Development of Biomechanical Load of the Lumbar Spine $20,000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #132032 \ R21OH010035 Investigators:Davis-P.I. of sub-contract, Daraiseh P.I. Cincinnati Children's Medical Center 09-01-2013 -08-31-2015 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Just-in-time methods for understanding near-misses, injuries and risk factors $24,767.00 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 02-21-2013 -03-31-2015 HillRom Inc. Migration to the foot of the bed during head of bed elevation and over time combined with Torso Angle assessment Phase I-II. $141,804 Active Type:Contract
Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I, Lavender- co-P.I at The Ohio State University 09-01-2013 -05-31-2015 Hill-Rom Incorporated Quantification of Time to Transfer Patients Utilizing Manual and Lift Assist Techniques $66,000 Active Type:Contract
Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 09-01-2014 -06-30-2015 HoverMatt Comprehensive Quantification When Performing Lateral Transfers. $59,972 Active Type:Contract
Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 09-12-2012 -04-28-2013 Hill-Rom Incorporated The Effect of Bed Height and Mattress Type on Patient Egress $9,956 Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 09-03-2003 -08-31-2007 National Institute of Health National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program $35,564 Completed Type:Grant
BAD DATE -06-30-2007 Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Comprehesnsive Evaluation of Injury Issues in the State of Ohio Role:Co-investigator $600,000 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #1 R21 AR050730-01 09-25-2004 -09-24-2007 National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases A Novel Post-Menopausal Osteoporosis Screening Tool Role:Co-investigator $152,952 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I., Kotowski-co-P.I 09-01-2010 -08-30-2012 Hill-Rom Incorporated Development ad Conducting Ergonomic Evaluation of Hospital Beds. $167,989 Completed Type:Contract
01-01-2006 -12-31-2006 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Biomechanical Assessment of Mining Bolting Machine Role:PI $10000 Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #T42 CCT510420-08 (98045A) 07-01-2002 -06-30-2006 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center (ERC) Role:Co-investigator $4,461,300 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #T42 CCT510420-08 (98045A) Investigators:Reponen-P.I., Davis-Director of Occupational Hygiene and Outreach and Deputy Director of Continuing Education 07-01-2006 -06-30-2011 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center (ERC) $6,907,589 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Poole Wilson-P.I., Davis-Mentor 08-01-2011 -06-30-2013 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Documenting Amount of Manual Lifting Performed by Nurses in a Hospital Setting Role:Mentor $8,071 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 10-20-2009 -09-12-2010 Faculty Development Council Conference Travel to PREMUS: Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders $4,000 Completed
Investigators:Lemen-P.I., Davis-Co-investigator 08-01-2006 -06-30-2009 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program A Novel Approach to Understanding the Link Between Low Back Pain and Brain Response $9,000 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:He-P.I., Davis-Mentor 12-01-2005 -06-30-2007 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Physical and Psychosocial Demands on Day and Night Shift in Nursing Homes $8,650 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 08-15-2004 -06-30-2006 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Body Type Impact on Whole Body Kinematics During Manual Handling $5,054 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 11-15-2004 -06-30-2006 NIOSH ERC NORA Research Training in Interdisciplinary Ergonomic Research: Collaboration Between University of Cincinnati and Purdue University $6,800 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Dunning-P.I., Davis-Co-investigator 01-01-2005 -06-30-2009 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program The Impact of Injury Status on Pain Response During Physical and Mental Stress $5,000 Completed Type:Grant
05-27-2004 -06-30-2005 Faculty Development Council Conference Travel Support to Spine Week $4,265 Completed Type:Fellowship
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 07-01-2001 -06-30-2002 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Impact of Non-low Back Injuries on Low Back Biomechanics $4,997 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Sobeih-P.I., Davis-Mentor 09-01-2002 -06-30-2003 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Postural Sway Measurement Among Firefighters $3,980 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 01-01-2002 -08-15-2003 University Research Council, University of Cincinnati Clinical Assessment of Alternative Back Pain Treatments $4,980 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Nguyen-P.I., Davis-Mentor 03-01-2002 -6/30/0200 12:00:00 AM NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Evaluating the Return to Work Utility of FCEs $5,637 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Kotowski-P.I., Davis-Mentor 08-15-2003 -06-30-2004 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Impact of Realistic Sudden Loading on Back Biomechanics $4,153 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Minai-P.I., Davis-Co-Inv 08-15-2003 -06-30-2004 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Prediction of Postural Stability in the Workplace $4,357 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 12-01-2003 -06-30-2004 NIOSH ERC NORA Research Pilot Study of the Impact of Job Rotation in Industry $8,304 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Chen-P.I., Davis-Co-Mentor 01-01-2005 -06-30-2006 NIOSH ERC Pilot Project Research Training Program Trunk Postural Load in Nurses – Can It be Measured? $5,131 Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Davis-P.I. 04-01-2004 -06-30-2004 NIOSH ERC NORA Research Identifying Kinematic Changes to Patient Violence $4,680 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #Prescription Med Risk Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Freeman, Andrew 06-01-2016 -12-31-2017 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Prescription Medication Risk & Occupational Injuries Role:Collaborator $198,787.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #T42OH008432 Investigators:Bhattacharya, Amit; Davis, Kermit; Freeman, Andrew; Kim, J.; Reponen, Tiina; Reutman, Susan; Talaska, Glenn 07-01-2016 -06-30-2021 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center (ERC - Cincinnati) Role:Collaborator $1,702,965.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSU 60058488 sub WSU 670365-1 sub WSARC WSARC-1077-700 sub ODHE Investigators:Bhattacharya, Amit; Davis, Kermit 09-19-2016 -09-18-2018 Ohio Department of Higher Education Motion Sickness Interactions with Spine Disorders (MOSSD) Role:Collaborator $93,342.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #N32398-20-P-0310 Investigators:Davis, Kermit 03-25-2020 -09-30-2022 Naval Medical Research Center Statistical Modeling of Personality Types, Mental Workload, and Biomechanical Loads Role:PI $120,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NIOSH 20IPA2014098 Investigators:Davis, Kermit 09-01-2020 -02-28-2021 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health IPA - NIOSH Role:PI $17,706.89 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #BWC 2015 LTC Agmt Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 06-01-2015 -08-31-2017 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Validating the Effectiveness of a Comprehensive Safe Patient Handling Program in Long-term Care Facilities Role:Collaborator 249998.90 Closed Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #T42 OH008432 Investigators:Bhattacharya, Amit; Bloomer, Jessica; Davis, Kermit; Freeman, Andrew; Gillespie, Gordon; Kim, Jay; Reichard, John; Reponen, Tiina 07-01-2021 -06-30-2026 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Education and Research Center (ERC - Cincinnati) Role:Collaborator 1800000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #SUBK00013824 / R25ES033042 Investigators:Bloomer, Jessica; Davis, Kermit; Gillespie, Gordon; Haber, Lynne; Reichard, John; Reponen, Tiina; Wang, Jun 09-01-2021 -08-31-2026 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Michigan-Ohio Occupational Research Education (MOORE) Program Role:PI 89613.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #SUBK00013824 / R25ES033042 Investigators:Bloomer, Jessica; Davis, Kermit; Gillespie, Gordon; Haber, Lynne; Reichard, John; Reponen, Tiina; Wang, Jun 09-01-2021 -08-31-2026 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Michigan-Ohio Occupational Research Education (MOORE) Program Role:PI 177216.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #WSIC24-230331-033 Investigators:Bhattacharya, Amit; Brandewie, Brooke; Davis, Kermit; Kim, Myoung Ok; Kubley, Ashley; Rao, Marepalli; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin 07-01-2023 -06-30-2024 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Developing Commercial Active Textile Cooling Turnout Coat Prototypes for the Ohio Fire Service Role:Collaborator 1479940.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #WSIC25-240315-028 Investigators:Ahn, Chong; Davis, Kermit; Hartings, Jed; Kim, Jay; Li, Tao; Nauman, Eric; Shi, Jing 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Development of Smart Safety Helmets for Reducing Work-Related Traumatic Brain Injury Role:Collaborator 1359709.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #RISE-2422874 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Morrow, Ardythe; Soltanian, Reza; Stradling, David; Townsend-Small, Amy 05-01-2024 -04-30-2025 National Science Foundation Conference Title: A conference connecting Earth and health scientists and students from across the Midwest Role:Collaborator 93806.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #RISE-2422874 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Morrow, Ardythe; Soltanian, Reza; Stradling, David; Townsend-Small, Amy 05-01-2024 -04-30-2025 National Science Foundation Conference Title: A conference connecting Earth and health scientists and students from across the Midwest Role:Collaborator 93806.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #RISE-2422874 Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Morrow, Ardythe; Soltanian, Reza; Stradling, David; Townsend-Small, Amy 05-01-2024 -04-30-2025 National Science Foundation Conference Title: A conference connecting Earth and health scientists and students from across the Midwest Role:Collaborator 93806.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OH BWC Research Grant Agreement 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Development of a Job Rotation Optimization Tool Role:PI 300000.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #OH BWC Research Grant Agreement 07-01-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation Development of a Job Rotation Optimization Tool Role:PI 300000.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #2025 Research Proposal Investigators:Davis, Kermit; Kotowski, Susan 01-01-2025 -12-31-2025 Office Ergonomics Research Committee Understanding the Best Hybrid Schedule Role:PI 37209.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Chen, Jie; Davis, Kermit G; Daraiseh, Nancy M; Pan, Wei; Davis, Linda S (2014. ) Fatigue and recovery in 12-hour dayshift hospital nurses.Journal of nursing management, , 22 (5 ) ,593-603 More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Orta Anés, Lida (2014. ) Potential of adjustable height carts in reducing the risk of low back injury in grocery stockers.Applied ergonomics, , 45 (2 ) ,285-92 More Information
Chen, Jie; Daraiseh, Nancy M; Davis, Kermit G; Pan, Wei (2014. ) Sources of work-related acute fatigue in United States hospital nurses.Nursing & health sciences, , 16 (1 ) ,19-25 More Information
Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Kim, Hyocher; Lee, Kyung-Suk (2014. ) Identifying risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders on Korean farms.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 49 (1 ) ,15-23 More Information
Eastlake, Adrienne C; Knipper, Brad S; He, Xinjian J; Alexander, Barbara M; Davis, Kermit G (2015. ) Lifestyle and safety practices of firefighters and their relation to cardiovascular risk factors.Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, , More Information
Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Wiggermann, Neal; Williamson, Rachel (2013. ) Quantification of patient migration in bed: catalyst to improve hospital bed design to reduce shear and friction forces and nurses' injuries. Human factors, , 55 (1 ) ,36-47
Calvert, Geoffrey M; Lee, Kyungsuk; Roh, Sangchul; Davis, Kermit G; Tak, SangWoo (2012. ) Promoting and protecting worker health and safety in the Republic of Korea agricultural sector.Journal of agromedicine, , 17 (3 ) ,326-37 More Information
Chen, Jie; Davis, L Sue; Davis, Kermit G; Pan, Wei; Daraiseh, Nancy M (2011. ) Physiological and behavioural response patterns at work among hospital nurses.Journal of nursing management, , 19 (1 ) ,57-68 More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Albers, James; Marras, William S (2010. ) Investigating reduced bag weight as an effective risk mediator for mason tenders.Applied ergonomics, , 41 (6 ) ,822-31 More Information
Dunning, Kari K; Davis, Kermit G; Cook, Chad; Kotowski, Susan E; Hamrick, Chris; Jewell, Gregory; Lockey, James (2010. ) Costs by industry and diagnosis among musculoskeletal claims in a state workers compensation system: 1999-2004.American journal of industrial medicine, , 53 (3 ) ,276-84 More Information
Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G (2010. ) Influence of weight loss on musculoskeletal pain: Potential short-term relevance.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 36 (3 ) ,295-304 More Information
Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Waters, Thomas R (2009. ) Investigation of select ergonomic interventions for farm youth. Part 2: wheelbarrows.Journal of agromedicine, , 14 (1 ) ,44-57 More Information
Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Waters, Thomas R (2009. ) Investigation of select ergonomic interventions for farm youth. Part 1: shovels.Journal of agromedicine, , 14 (1 ) ,33-43 More Information
Talbott, Nancy R; Bhattacharya, Amit; Davis, Kermit G; Shukla, Rakesh; Levin, Linda (2009. ) School backpacks: it's more than just a weight problem.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 34 (4 ) ,481-94 More Information
Brewer, J M; Davis, K G; Dunning, K K; Succop, P A (2009. ) Does ergonomic mismatch at school impact pain in school children?.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 34 (4 ) ,455-64 More Information
Dunning, K K; Davis, K G; Kotowski, S E; Elliott, T; Jewell, G; Lockey, J (2008. ) Can a transitional work grant program in a workers' compensation system reduce cost and facilitate return to work?.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, , 5 (9 ) ,547-55 More Information
Kotowski, Susan E; Davis, Kermit G; Shockley, Kevin (2007. ) Impact of order and load knowledge on trunk kinematics during repeated lifting tasks. Human factors, , 49 (5 ) ,808-19
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2007. ) Understanding the ergonomic risk for musculoskeletal disorders in the United States agricultural sector.American journal of industrial medicine, , 50 (7 ) ,501-11 More Information
Sobeih, Tarek M; Davis, Kermit G; Succop, Paul A; Jetter, William A; Bhattacharya, Amit (2006. ) Postural balance changes in on-duty firefighters: effect of gear and long work shifts. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, , 48 (1 ) ,68-75
Marras, William S; Ferguson, Sue A; Burr, Deborah; Davis, Kermit G; Gupta, Purnendu (2005. ) Functional impairment as a predictor of spine loading. Spine, , 30 (7 ) ,729-37
Davis, Kermit G; Seol, Hyang (2005. ) Injury-induced kinematic compensations within the lower back: impact of non-lower back injuries.Ergonomics, , 48 (2 ) ,135-49 More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2005. ) Preliminary evidence of the short-term effectiveness of alternative treatments for low back pain. Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, , 13 (6 ) ,453-62
Ferguson, Sue A; Marras, William S; Burr, Deborah L; Davis, Kermit G; Gupta, Purnendu (2004. ) Differences in motor recruitment and resulting kinematics between low back pain patients and asymptomatic participants during lifting exertions.Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 19 (10 ) ,992-9 More Information
Marras, William S; Ferguson, Sue A; Burr, Deborah; Davis, Kermit G; Gupta, Purnendu (2004. ) Spine loading in patients with low back pain during asymmetric lifting exertions. The Spine Journal, , 4 (1 ) ,64-75
Davis, Kermit G; Marras, William S (2003. ) Partitioning the contributing role of biomechanical, psychosocial, and individual risk factors in the development of spine loads. The Spine Journal, , 3 (5 ) ,331-8
Marras, William S; Davis, Kermit G; Jorgensen, Michael (2003. ) Gender influences on spine loads during complex lifting. The Spine Journal, , 3 (2 ) ,93-9
Davis, K G; Parnianpour, M (2003. ) Subject-specific compressive tolerance estimates. Technology and health care : official journal of the European Society for Engineering and Medicine, , 11 (3 ) ,183-93
Davis, Kermit G; Marras, William S; Heaney, Catherine A; Waters, Thomas R; Gupta, Purnendu (2002. ) The impact of mental processing and pacing on spine loading: 2002 Volvo Award in biomechanics.Spine, , 27 (23 ) ,2645-53 More Information
Marras, William S; Davis, Kermit G; Jorgensen, Michael (2002. ) Spine loading as a function of gender.Spine, , 27 (22 ) ,2514-20 More Information
Ferguson, S A; Gaudes-MacLaren, L L; Marras, W S; Waters, T R; Davis, K G (2002. ) Spinal loading when lifting from industrial storage bins.Ergonomics, , 45 (6 ) ,399-414 More Information
Gallagher, Sean; Marras, William S; Davis, Kermit G; Kovacs, Kimberly (2002. ) Effects of posture on dynamic back loading during a cable lifting task.Ergonomics, , 45 (5 ) ,380-98 More Information
Marras, W S; Davis, K G; Ferguson, S A; Lucas, B R; Gupta, P (2001. ) Spine loading characteristics of patients with low back pain compared with asymptomatic individuals. Spine, , 26 (23 ) ,2566-74
Marras, W S; Davis, K G; Maronitis, A B (2001. ) A non-MVC EMG normalization technique for the trunk musculature: Part 2. Validation and use to predict spinal loads. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, , 11 (1 ) ,11-8
Marras, W S; Davis, K G (2001. ) A non-MVC EMG normalization technique for the trunk musculature: Part 1. Method development. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, , 11 (1 ) ,1-9
Davis, K G; Marras, W S (2000. ) The effects of motion on trunk biomechanics. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 15 (10 ) ,703-17
Marras, W S; Davis, K G; Heaney, C A; Maronitis, A B; Allread, W G (2000. ) The influence of psychosocial stress, gender, and personality on mechanical loading of the lumbar spine. Spine, , 25 (23 ) ,3045-54
Davis, K G; Heaney, C A (2000. ) The relationship between psychosocial work characteristics and low back pain: underlying methodological issues. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 15 (6 ) ,389-406
Davis, K G; Marras, W S (2000. ) Assessment of the relationship between box weight and trunk kinematics: does a reduction in box weight necessarily correspond to a decrease in spinal loading? .Human factors, , 42 (2 ) ,195-208
Marras, W S; Jorgensen, M J; Davis, K G (2000. ) Effect of foot movement and an elastic lumbar back support on spinal loading during free-dynamic symmetric and asymmetric lifting exertions.Ergonomics, , 43 (5 ) ,653-68 More Information
Davis, K G; Jorgensen, M J; Marras, W S (2000. ) An investigation of perceived exertion via whole body exertion and direct muscle force indicators during the determination of the maximum acceptable weight of lift.Ergonomics, , 43 (2 ) ,143-59 More Information
Marras, W S; Granta, K P; Davis, K G (1999. ) Variability in spine loading model performance. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 14 (8 ) ,505-14
Marras, W S; Davis, K G; Kirking, B C; Granata, K P (1999. ) Spine loading and trunk kinematics during team lifting.Ergonomics, , 42 (10 ) ,1258-73 More Information
Jorgensen, M J; Davis, K G; Kirking, B C; Lewis, K E; Marras, W S (1999. ) Significance of biomechanical and physiological variables during the determination of maximum acceptable weight of lift.Ergonomics, , 42 (9 ) ,1216-32 More Information
Granata, K P; Marras, W S; Davis, K G (1999. ) Variation in spinal load and trunk dynamics during repeated lifting exertions. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 14 (6 ) ,367-75
Marras, W S; Granata, K P; Davis, K G; Allread, W G; Jorgensen, M J (1999. ) Effects of box features on spine loading during warehouse order selecting.Ergonomics, , 42 (7 ) ,980-96 More Information
Marras, W S; Davis, K G; Kirking, B C; Bertsche, P K (1999. ) A comprehensive analysis of low-back disorder risk and spinal loading during the transferring and repositioning of patients using different techniques.Ergonomics, , 42 (7 ) ,904-26 More Information
Davis, K G; Marras, W S; Waters, T R (1998. ) Reduction of spinal loading through the use of handles.Ergonomics, , 41 (8 ) ,1155-68 More Information
Marras, W S; Davis, K G; Granata, K P (1998. ) Trunk muscle activities during asymmetric twisting motions. Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, , 8 (4 ) ,247-56
Marras, W S; Davis, K G (1998. ) Spine loading during asymmetric lifting using one versus two hands.Ergonomics, , 41 (6 ) ,817-34 More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Marras, William S; Waters, Thomas R (1998. ) Evaluation of spinal loading during lowering and lifting. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 13 (3 ) ,141-152
Davis, K G; Kirking, B C; Gaudes, L L; Yang, J; Marras, W S (1997. ) Influence of lift moment in determining MAWL. Human factors, , 39 (2 ) ,312-22
Granata, K P; Marras, W S; Davis, K G (1997. ) Biomechanical assessment of lifting dynamics, muscle activity and spinal loads while using three different styles of lifting belt. Clinical biomechanics (Bristol, Avon), , 12 (2 ) ,107-115
Lee, C.C., Nelson, J.E., Davis, K.G., and Marras, W.S., (1997. ) An Ergonomic Comparison of Industrial Spray Paint Guns .International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, , 19 ,425-435
Marras, W.S., Granata, K.P., Davis, K.G., Allread, W.G., and Jorgensen, M.J., (1997. ) Spine Loading and Probability of Low Back Disorder Risk as a Function of Box Location on a Pallet .Human Factors in Manufacturing, , 7 (4 ) ,323-336
Davis, K.G., Splittstoesser, R.E., Marras, W.S (2003. ) Kinematic Contribution and Synchronization of the Trunk, Hip, And Knee During Lifting Below Waist Level .Occupational Ergonomics, , 3 (2 ) ,99-103.
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., (2005. ) Load spatial pathway and spine loading: how does lift origin and destination impact low back response? .Ergonomics, , 48 (8 ) ,1031-1046
Jorgensen, M.J., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Aedla, P., Dunning, K., (2005. ) Characteristics of Job Rotation in the Midwest U.S. Manufacturing Sector .Ergonomics, , 48 (15 ) ,1721-1733
Karwowski, W., Gaweda, A., Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Zurada, J.M., Rodrick, D., (2006. ) A fuzzy relational rule network modeling of electromyographical activity of trunk muscles in manual lifting based on trunk angels, moments, pelvic tilt and rotation angles. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, , 36 (10 ) ,847-859
Hou, Y., Zurada, J.M., Karwowski, W., Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., (2007. ) Estimation of the Dynamic Spinal Forces Using a Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network Model .IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, Cybernetics, Part B,, , 37 (1 ) ,100-109
Hou, Y., Zurada, J.M., Karwowski, W., Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., (2007. ) Identification of Input Variables using Fuzzy Average with Fuzzy Cluster Distribution, .IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, , 15 (4 ) ,673-685
Davis, K.G., Sobeih, T.M., Succop, P., Jetter, W., Kotowski, S.E., Bhattacharya, A., (2009. ) Impact of obesity on the postural balance of firefighters .Occupational Ergonomics, , 8 (2/3 ) ,115-123
Gallagher, S., Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Mark, C., Compton, C., Huston, R, Connelly, J., (2009. ) External L5–S1 joint moments when lifting wire mesh screen used to prevent rock falls in underground mines .International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, , 39 (5 ) ,828-834
Hess, J.A., Kincl, L.D., Davis, K.G., (2010. ) The Impact of Drywall Handling Tools on the Low Back and Wrist .Applied Ergonomics, , 41 (2 ) ,305-312
Bhattacharya, A., Watts, N.B., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Shukla, R., Dwivedi, A.K., Coleman, B., (2010. ) Dynamic Bone Quality - A Non-invasive Measure of Bone's Biomechanical Property in Osteoporosis .Journal of Clinical Densitometry, , 13 (2 ) ,228-236
Hammer, M.J., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Bhattacharya, A., (2014. ) An Ergonomic Comparison of Data Entry Work Using a Keyboard vs. Touch Screen Input Device While Standing and Sitting. Journal of Ergonomics, , S4 ,007
Wills, A.C., Davis, K. G., and Kotowski, S.E. (2015. ) Quantification of Ergonomic Exposures for Restaurant Servers .International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, ,
Coombs, M., Davis, K. G., Kotowski, S.E., Parkinson, R., Callaghan, J., (2015. ) Increase in vibration following vertebral endplate fracture: Potential for non-invasive endplate fracture detection .Clinical Biomechanics, ,
Davis, K.G., and Jorgensen, M.J., (2005. ) Biomechanical Modeling for Understanding of Low Back Injuries: A Systematic Review .Occupational Ergonomics, , 5 (1 ) ,57-76
Davis, K.G., and Kotowski, S.E., (2015. ) Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Healthcare Providers in Hospital, Long-Term Care Facilities and Home Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review .Human Factors, ,
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2014. ) Postural variability: an effective way to reduce musculoskeletal discomfort in office work. Human factors, , 56 (7 ) ,1249-61
Watson, J'ai; Kinstler, Angela; Vidonish, William P; Wagner, Michael; Lin, Li; Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Daraiseh, Nancy M (2015. ) Impact of Noise on Nurses in Pediatric Intensive Care Units.American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, , 24 (5 ) ,377-84 More Information
Wiggermann, N., Davis, K. G., Kotowski, S.E., and Vangilder, C., (2015. ) Head of Bed Angle is Not Equal to Patient Torso Angle: The Effect of Patient Migration in Bed on Torso Elevation .American Journal of Nursing Research, ,
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2015. ) Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders for Nurses in Hospitals, Long-Term Care Facilities, and Home Health Care: A Comprehensive Review.Human factors, , 57 (5 ) ,754-92 More Information
Poole Wilson T, Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Daraiseh, N.M., (2015. ) Quantification of Patient and Equipment Handling for Nurses Through Direct Observation and Subjective Perceptions .Advances in Nursing, ,
Schwartzberg, David M; Steinhagen, Emily; Hoang, Sook C; Davis, Kurt G (2021. ) Abridged Abstracts From the Medical Literature.Diseases of the colon and rectum, , 64 (7 ) ,916-920 More Information
Watson J, Kinstler A, Vidonish W, Wagner M, Lin, L., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Daraiseh, N.M., (2015. ) Impact of Noise on Nurses in Pediatric Intensive Care Units. American Journal of Critical Care, ,
Davis, Kermit G; Freeman, Andrew M; Ying, Jun; Huth, Jeffrey R (2021. ) Workers' compensation costs for healthcare caregivers: Home healthcare, long-term care, and hospital nurses and nursing aides.American journal of industrial medicine, , 64 (5 ) ,369-380 More Information
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Kim, H., Lee K-S., (2014. ) Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Kim, H., Lee K-S., .Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, , 49 (1 ) ,15-23
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E (2015. ) Role of Bed Design and Head-of-Bed Articulation on Patient Migration.Journal of nursing care quality, , More Information
Gerding, Thomas; Syck, Megan; Daniel, Denise; Naylor, Jennifer; Kotowski, Susan E; Gillespie, Gordon L; Freeman, Andrew M; Huston, Thomas R; Davis, Kermit G (2021. ) An assessment of ergonomic issues in the home offices of university employees sent home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 68 (4 ) ,981-992 More Information
Davis, K.G., Dunning, K., Jewell, G., Lockey, J. (2014. ) The Impact of Age and Industry on Musculoskeletal Disorders and Associated Cost and Disability .Occupational Medicine, , 64 (8 ) ,608-615.
Ramsey, Todd; Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Anderson, Vern P; Waters, Thomas (2014. ) Reduction of spinal loads through adjustable interventions at the origin and destination of palletizing tasks. Human factors, , 56 (7 ) ,1222-34
Hanson, Brendan; Steele Cooper, Sherry; Tegarden, Taryn; Tipton, Logan; Freeman, Andrew M; Davis, Kermit G; Gillespie, Gordon L; Huston, Thomas (2021. ) The impact of emergency responder musculoskeletal injuries in the State of Ohio.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 68 (4 ) ,1001-1008 More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Reid, Christopher R; Rempel, David D; Treaster, Delia (2020. ) Introduction to the Human Factors Special Issue on User-Centered Design for Exoskeleton.Human factors, , 62 (3 ) ,333-336 More Information
Wu, Bingbing; Varner, Kendra; Dahm, Matthew M; Reutman, Susan; Davis, Kermit G (2019. ) Work-related injuries within a large urban public school system in the Mid-Western United States.Work (Reading, Mass.), , 62 (3 ) ,373-382 More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Kotowski, Susan E; Coombs, Matthew T Stopping the Slide: How Hospital Bed Design Can Minimize Active and Passive Patient Migration.Journal of nursing care quality, , 32 (1 ) ,E11-E19 More Information
Hittle, Beverly; Agbonifo, Noma; Suarez, Rassull; Davis, Kermit G; Ballard, Tangela (2016. ) Complexity of occupational exposures for home health-care workers: nurses vs. home health aides.Journal of nursing management, , 24 (8 ) ,1071-1079 More Information
Davis, Kathleen G; Johnson, Chet D (2016. ) Contemporary Pediatric Public Health Challenges.Pediatric clinics of North America, , 63 (5 ) ,xvii-xviii More Information
Davis, Kermit G; Hudock, Stephen D (2016. ) Preface to the Special Section on the Impact of Thomas Waters on the Field of Ergonomics.Human factors, , 58 (5 ) ,665-6 More Information
Poole Wilson, Tiffany; Davis, Kermit G (2016. ) Health Care Ergonomics: Contributions of Thomas Waters.Human factors, , 58 (5 ) ,726-47 More Information
Lu, Ming-Lun; Putz-Anderson, Vern; Garg, Arun; Davis, Kermit G (2016. ) Evaluation of the Impact of the Revised National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Lifting Equation.Human factors, , 58 (5 ) ,667-82 More Information
Invited Publications
Davis, K.G., and Jorgensen, M.J. (2005. ) Pro and Cons of Job Rotation as a Means of Reducing Injury Costs .Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,, 2 ,D1-D3
Kotowski, S.E., and Davis, K.G., (2006. ) The Importance of the “Human” in the Identification of Postural Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders .Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2 (12 ) ,D100-D101
Book Chapter
Lee, S-J., Lee, K-S., Kong, Y-K, Jung, M-C., Davis, K.G., Ergonomics and Management of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Korea Occupational Ergonomics—Principles and Applications .New York, NY, Taylor & Francis (Co-Author)
Granata, K.P., Marras, Davis, K.G., W.S., Biomechanical Models in Ergonomics Occupational Ergonomics—Principles and Applications .New York, NY, Taylor & Francis
Waters, T.R. and Davis, K.G., Ergonomics in the Agricultural Industry Occupational Ergonomics—Principles and Applications .New York, NY, Taylor & Francis
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Bhattacharya, A., Occupational Ergonomics: Past, Present, and Future Patty's Industrial Hygiene 5th edition .Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons
Davis, K.G Application of Ergonomic Knowledge to the Assessment of Low Back Risk The Occupational Ergonomics Handbook 2nd edition .New York, NY, CRC Press
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Gi, A., Occupational Ergonomics: Past, Present, and Future Patty's Industrial Hygiene 6th edition .Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Gibson, S., Ergonomics A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures .Fairfax, VA, American Industrial Hygiene Association
Poster Presentations
Poole-Wilson, T., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E. (2015. ) (Under Review. ) Outcomes of Patient Handling Intervention Tools: A Literature Review on Lift Assist Devices. 2015 Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Improving the Outcomes, Baltimore, MD. . Level:National
Davis, K.G., (2014. ) Healthcare Ergonomics: Challenges for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Professional. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting., Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Wiggermann, N.E., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Vangilder, C., (2014. ) Patient Migration Toward the Foot of the Bed Affects Torso Angle .National Teaching Institute (NTI) & Critical Care Exposition, Denver, CO. . Level:National
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., (2014. ) Worldwide Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Pain in Nurses .Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Leading the Way, Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Poole-Wilson, T., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., (2014. ) Documenting the amount of manual handling performed by nurses in a hospital setting. Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: Leading the Way, Chicago, IL. . Level:National
James, K., Poole Wilson, T., Kincer, G., Davis, K., Davis, L.S., (2013. ) Qualitative Assessment of Firefighter Knowledge Regarding Cardiovascular Health .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. . Level:International
Ramsey T., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Marras, W.S., (2013. ) Biomechanical Impact of a Positioning Intervention: Carousel Platform for De-palletizing. .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. . Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Lemon, L, (2013. ) Attempting to understand the temporal relationship between lumbar muscle inflammation and perceived low back pain .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. . Level:International
Davis, K.G., Orta Anes, L (2011. ) Lifting at the Right Height: Adjustable Height Cart Reduces Low Back Disorder Risk .NORA Symposium 2011: Achieving Impact through Research and Partnerships, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:National
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., (2011. ) Investigation of Power-Drive as an Effective Intervention to Reduce Caregiver Back, Shoulder, and Upper Extremity Effort during Transferring of Hospital Beds .NORA Symposium 2011: Achieving Impact through Research and Partnerships, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:National
Musolin, K., Mani, A., Schuster, A., Miller, D., Alexander, B., Busch, D., Ramsey, T., Jetter, W.J., Lovett, J., Davis, K., Reponen, T., Bhattacharya, A., (2011. ) Early Criteria for Evaluating the Cardiovascular and Psychophysical Effects of Heat Stress on Firefighters .NORA Symposium 2011: Achieving Impact through Research and Partnerships, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:National
Davis, K.G., Orta Anes, L. (2010. ) Adjustable Carts: An Effective Intervention for Reducing the Low Back Injury Risk for Grocery Stockers .Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Conference,, Angers, France. . Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., (2009. ) Short-term potential of weight loss to reduce low and upper back pain .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Miami, FL. . Level:International
Davis, K.G., Hou, Y., Marras, W.S., Karwowski, W., and Zurada, J.M., (2009. ) Hybrid Neuro-fuzzy Muscle Activity Engine: Development and Validation .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Miami, FL. . Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S. (2008. ) Trade-Off Between Lift Rate And Box Weight: A Spine Load Perspective .North American Congress on Biomechanics conference, Ann Arbor, MI. . Level:International
Kotowski S.E., Davis, K., (2008. ) Posture Variability As An Intervention For Prolonged Office Work: Impact On Body Discomfort And Productivity .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, MN. . Level:National
Bhattacharya, A. Watts, N., Davis. K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Shukla, R., (2008. ) Dynamic Bone Quality A Non-Invasive Measure Of Biomechanical Properties Of Bone .The International Society For Clinical Densitometry, San Francisco, CA. . Level:International
Hammer, M., Kotowski, S.E., Rhea C., Zheng, Q., Davis, K., Rietdyk, S., McGlothlin, J. (2007. ) Does a new bottle shell grip design lower the ergonomic stress on employees in the beverage delivery industry?, .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Philadelphia, PA. . Level:National
Kotowski S.E., Davis, K.G. (2007. ) Does Stature Impact The Effectiveness Of Wheelbarrow And Shovel Interventions For Farm Kids?, .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Philadelphia, PA. . Level:National
He C., Davis, K., (2007. ) Complex Demands in Shift Work for Nursing Aides in Nursing Home Setting .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Philadelphia, PA. . Level:National
Davis, K., Kotowski S.E., (2007. ) Weight management may potentially reduce back and hip pain in overweight individuals .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Hong Kong, China. . Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Shockley, K., Davis, K.G., (2006. ) The Influence of Posture and Load Magnitude on Perceived Exertion During Lifting. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Chicago, IL. . Level:National
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Jorgensen, M.J., (2005. ) Development of a Multi-Joint Postural Exposure Assessment Tool for Job Rotation, .Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. . Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., (2005. ) The impact of human discriminability and vantage point on ergonomic risk assessment .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Anaheim, CA. . Level:National
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., (2004. ) Can Visual Cues Reduce the Effect of Unknown Random Weight During Lifting? .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Atlanta, GA. . Level:National
Davis, K.G., Dunning, K., Bhattacharya, A., Kotowski, S.E., (2004. ) Impact of Long-Term Physical Exposure of Workers’ Health .Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders Conference, Zurich, Switzerland. . Level:International
Davis, K., Marras, W.S., (2004. ) The Prediction of Biomechanical Response During Lifting .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Porto, Portugal. . Level:International
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., (2003. ) The Target of Psychosocial Stress Matters to Spine Loading .International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine meeting, Vancouver, Canada. . Level:International
Davis, K.G., Seol, H., (2003. ) The Inter-Relationship Between Non-Low Back Joints and Low Back Mechanics: Relevance of an Injury. State-of-the-Art Research (STAR) Symposium: Perspectives on Musculoskeletal Disorder Causation and Control, Columbus, OH. . Level:National
Sobeih, T., Davis, K.G., Bhattacharya, A., Jeter, W., (2003. ) Postural Stability Measurements Among Firefighters .American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Dallas, TX. . Level:National
Davis, K.G., Gupta, P., Marras, W.S., (2002. ) Placement Control: A Non-Traditional Risk Factor for Occupational Low Back Pain. 37th Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society, Montreal, Canada. . Level:International
Paper Presentations
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Coombs, M., and Meyer, S., (2014. ) Influence of Hospital Bed Design on Patient Migration .Barcelona, Spain. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Poole Wilson, T., and He, C., (2014. ) Patient Handling: Beyond Using a Lift Assist Device .Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., and Maras, W.S., (2011. ) Mechanical Power-Drive Reduces the Stress on the Back. Las Vegas, NV. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Dunning, K.K., Kotowski, S.E., Hamrick, C., Lockey, J. Musculoskeletal Disorders Compensation Costs as a Function of Age and Industry .Angers, France. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Sharma, B. Herrmann, D., Krishnan, A.P., (2009. ) Combating the Effects of Sedentary Work: Can Postural Variability Reduce Musculoskeletal Discomfort? .San Antonio, TX. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Hou, Y., Marras, W.S., Karwowski, W., Zurada, J.M., Kotowski, S.E., (2008. ) Utilization of a Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Engine to Predict Trunk Muscle Activity for Sagittal Lifting .New York, NY. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Callaghan, J., Parkinson, R. (2007. ) Use of Acceleration to Identify Endplate Factures .Taipei, Taiwan. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., (2007. ) Does Losing Weight Have the Potential to Improve Musculoskeletal Pain? .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., (2005. ) Are There Inherent Differences in How Males and Females Respond to Lifting? .Cleveland, OH. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Jorgensen, M.J., Seol, H., (2005. ) Repeatability of a Video-Based Ergonomic Assessment Method for Multiple Body Parts .Las Vegas, NV. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Jorgensen, M.J., Kotowski, S.E., Veluswamy, P., Ekrut, C., (2005. ) Regional Differences in Job Rotation Utilization .Anaheim, CA. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., (2004. ) Where should the box be located when lifting? .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., Seol, H., Agarkar, K., (2003. ) Impact of Non-Low Back Injuries on Trunk Kinematics During Lifting .Dallas, TX. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., Waters, T.R., (2002. ) Relative contribution of workplace factors and individual characteristics in the development of spine loads .Baltimore, MD. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., Heaney, C.A., Waters, T.R., Gupta, P., (2002. ) The impact of mental processing and pacing on spine loading .Cleveland, OH. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., (2001. ) Interaction between physical and mental workplace stressors: Their impact on spinal loads. Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., Heaney, C.A., and Maronitis, A.B., ( (2001. ) Influence of Job Stress on Muscle Activity and Spinal Loads .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., and Young, D.P., (2000. ) A Comparison of Males and Females During Asymmetric Lifting .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., and Marras, W.S., (1998. ) Is Changing Box Weight an Effective Ergonomic Control? .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., and Marras, W.S., (1998. ) Solving Back Disorders in Distribution Centers and Warehouses .Columbus, OH. Conference. Level:State
Davis, K.G., and Marras, W.S., (1998. ) Biomechanical Aspects of Patient Handling .Ypsilanti, MI. Conference. Level:Regional
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., and Granata, K.P., (1997. ) The Effect of Task Asymmetry and Lifting Technique on Spinal Loading .Albuquerque, NM. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., (1996. ) The Effects of Lifting and Lowering on Spinal Loading .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., (2015. ) Does Hospital Bed Design Impact Patient Migration and other Body Movement Measures? .Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:International
Wiggermann, N., Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Vangilder, C., (2014. ) Patient Migration Toward the Foot of the Bed Affects Torso Angle .Denver, CO. Conference. Level:National
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., and Poole Wilson, T., (2014. ) Keeping the Caregiver in Mind when Training in Safe Patient Handling: Perceptions, Reality, and the Future .Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:International
Coombs, M., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., Parkinson, R., Callaghan, J., (2013. ) Increase in Broadband Excitation Identifies Vertebral Endplate Fractures .Omaha, NE. Conference. Level:National
Poole Wilson T., Davis, K.G., Daraiseh, N., Kotowski, S.E., (2013. ) Documenting the Amount of Manual Handling Performed by Nurses in a Hospital Setting .Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Conference. Level:International
Ramsey T., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., (2013. ) Benefit of Adjustability When Depalletizing: A NIOSH Lifting Equation Assessment .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Wills A.C., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., (2013. ) Quantification of the Physical Demands for Servers in Restaurants, .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Mukherjee G, Schaffner G, Coombs MT, Davis KG, (2013. ) Estimation of joint and muscle forces during simulated space exploration intravehicular and extravehicular lifting tasks .Vail, CO. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Wiggermann, N., Williamson, R. (2012. ) Quantification of Patient Migration in Bed: Catalyst to Improve Hospital Bed Design to Reduce Shear and Friction Forces and Nurse’ Injuries .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Lemen, L. (2010. ) Lumbar Muscle Inflammation as a Cause of Low Back Pain? A Novel MRI Investigation .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:International
Chen, J., Davis, L.S., Davis, K.G., Daraiseh, N., and Pan, W. (2010. ) The associations between physiologic state at work and perceived workload among female hospital nurses working 12-hour day shift .Kansas City, MO. Conference. Level:Regional
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Lemen, L. (2009. ) An Objective Measure of the Subjective Pain Response Resulting From Lumbar Muscle Fatigue Due To Lifting .San Antonio, TX.
Gallagher, S., Mark, C., Compton, C., Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Huston, R., Connelly, J., (2009. ) Low Back Loading During Lifting of Wire Mesh Screens .Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S. (2008. ) Box Weight or Lift Rate: Which Factor Matters More During Lifting? .New York, NY. Conference. Level:International
Chen, J., Davis, L.S., Davis, K.G., Pan, W. and Daraiseh, N., (2008. ) Energy expenditure, heart rate, work pace, and their associations with perceived workload among female hospital nurses working 12-hour day shift .Washington DC. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Albers, J., (2008. ) Is It Worth The Weight? Trade-offs In Biomechanical Loading and Productivity During Lifting of Full Weight and Half Weight Bags of Mortar .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:National
Hammer, M., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., (2008. ) An Ergonomic Comparison of Keyboard and Touch Screen Data Entry While Standing and Sitting. .Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:National
Bhattacharya, A., Watts, N.B., Davis, K.G., Kotowski, S.E., and Shukla, R., (2008. ) Dynamic Bone Quality-A Non-Invasive Measure of Bone Biomechanical Property .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Parkinson, R., Davis, K.G., Callaghan, J., (2007. ) Taking an Acceleration Approach to Identifying Vertebral Endplate Failures .Baltimore, MD. Conference. Level:International
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., (2007. ) Gender Specific Cue Effectiveness as a Potential Injury Mediator During Lifting of Unknown Weights. Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:National
Chen, J., Davis, L.S., Davis, K.G., and Daraiseh, N., (2007. ) Trunk postural load in nurses .Omaha, NE. Conference. Level:Regional
Chen, J., Davis, L.S., Davis, K.G., and Daraiseh, N., (2006. ) Postural analysis in nurses .Edgewood KY. Conference. Level:Regional
Kotowski, S.E., Gallagher, S., Davis, K.G., Baron, K., Compton, C., (2006. ) Musculoskeletal stress on miners performing roof screening operations .San Francisco, CA. Conference. Level:International
Dunning, K., Davis, K.G., Jewel, G. Lockey, J., (2006. ) The relationship of age, diagnosis and industry on cost and disability: an analysis using a workers’ compensation database .Washington DC. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Waters, T.R., (2006. ) Do Ergonomic Interventions Effectively Mitigate Risk of Injury in Farm Kids When Shoveling. .Washington DC. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Waters, T.R., (2006. ) A Potential Intervention for Low Back Pain for Farm Children When Shoveling .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
He, C., Davis, K.G., Seol, H., (2006. ) Impact of body type on whole-body kinematics during manual material handling tasks .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Kotowski, S.E., Davis, K.G., Jorgensen, M.J., (2005. ) Repeatability of an Exposure Assessment Method for Job Rotation .Orlando, FL. Conference. Level:International
Talbott, N.R., Bhattacharya, A., Davis, K.G., (2004. ) Effects of Different Backpacks, Weight and Location On Static and Dynamic Stability in Children .Honolulu, HI. Conference. Level:International
Talbott, N, Bhattacharya , A, Davis, K.G., Levin, L., Shukla, R., (2004. ) The Effects of Self -Reported Backpack Weight and Carry Time on Posture, Pain and Falls in Children. Washington DC. Conference. Level:National
Jorgensen, M.J., Davis, K.G., Veluswamy, P., Ekrut, C., Kotowski, S.E., (2004. ) Characteristics of Job Rotation in the Midwest U.S. Manufacturing Sector .New Orleans, LA. Conference. Level:International
Karwowski, W., Gaweda, A., Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Zurada, J., (2003. ) Estimation of EMG activity of trunk muscles in manual lifting tasks based on trunk dynamics using fuzzy rational rule network .Denver, CO. Conference. Level:International
Talbott, N, Bhattacharya , A, Davis, K.G., Levin, L., Shukla, R., (2003. ) Self Reported Effects of Backpacks .Washington DC. Conference. Level:National
Gallagher, S., Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., (2002. ) Effects of load and posture on trunk muscle recruitment .Baltimore, MD. Conference. Level:International
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Ferguson, S.A., Lucas, B.R., Gupta, P., (2001. ) Spine Loading Characteristics of Low Back Pain Patients Compared to Asymptomatic Individuals. .Edinburgh, Scotland. Conference. Level:International
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., and Jorgensen, M.J., (2000. ) Assessment of Anatomical Representations of the Trunk Muscles in EMG-Assisted Spinal Load Models. San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Splittstoesser, R.E., Davis, K.G., and Marras, W.S., (2000. ) Trade-offs Between Trunk Flexion, Hip Flexion, and Knee Angle in Lifting Below Waist Level .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Heaney, C.A., and Maronitis, A.B., (2000. ) Potential LBP Mechanisms of Psychosocial Job Stress .Adelaide, Australia. Conference. Level:International
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., and Granata, K.P., (1998. ) Trunk Muscle Coactivation During Complex Twisting Motions .New Orleans, LA. Conference. Level:International
Marras, W.S., and Davis, K.G., (1998. ) Biomechanical Assessment of Lifting Belts: Can Belts Reduce the Risk of Injury? .Atlanta, GA. Conference. Level:National
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Kirking, B.C., and Bertsche, P.K. (1998. ) Low Back Disorder Risk and Spinal Loading During Patient Transfer .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Marras, W.S., Granata, K.P., Davis, K.G., Allread, W.G., Jorgensen, M.J., (1997. ) Low Back Disorder Risk and Spinal Load While Using an Adjustable Pallet Jack .Dallas, TX. Conference. Level:National
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Lee, C.C., and Nelson, J.E., (1997. ) An Ergonomic Comparison of Industrial Spray Paint Guns .Dallas, TX. Conference. Level:National
Marras, W.S., Davis, K.G., Kirking, B.C., and Granata, K.P. (1997. ) Spine Loading and Trunk Kinematic Changes During Team Lifting .Albuquerque, NM. Conference. Level:International
Granata, K.P., Marras, W.S., and Davis, K.G. (1996. ) The Effects of Lifting Belts Upon Trunk Motion, Trunk Muscle Activity, and Spinal Loading .Burlington, VT. Conference. Level:International
Marras, W.S., Granata, K.P., Davis, K.G., Allread, W.G., Jorgensen, M.J. (1996. ) The Effects of Box Weight, Size, and Handle Coupling on the Spinal Loading During Depalletizing Operations .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:International
Allread, W.G., Marras, W.S., Granata, K.P., Davis, K.G., Jorgensen, M.J. (1996. ) The Effects of Box Differences and Employee Work Experience on Trunk Kinematics and Low Back Injury Risk During Depalletizing Operations .Philadelphia, PA. Conference. Level:International
Granata, K.P., Marras, W.S., and Davis, K.G., (1995. ) The Influence of Back Belts on Dynamic Lifting Motions .Palo Alto, CA. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., Marras, W.S., Punnet, L, Winkelstein, B, Blatter, B (2012. ) Underlying factors of musculoskeletal disorders: What are we missing? .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:International
Davis, K.G., Brigham, C., Fray, M., James, T., Matz, M., Wiggermann, N., Wilson, K., (2013. ) Future of Patient Handling: Stepping Outside the Box to Address the Epidemic Issue .Baltimore, MD. Conference. Level:National
Davis, K.G., James, T., Matz, M., Wiggermann, N (2015. ) The Past, Present and Future of Safe Patient Handling—An Expert Panel, .Glendale, AZ. Conference. Level:National
Event Organized
Ergo-XErgo-X Conference 6/17/2025 12:00:00 AM 6/19/2025 12:00:00 AM Anaheim, CA Level:International
Human Factors and Ergonomic Society Annual MeetingHuman Factors and Ergonomic Society Annual Meeting Conference 9/19/0201 12:00:00 AM 9/23/0201 12:00:00 AM Las Vegas, NV Level:International
Honors and Awards
1996 Alphonse Chapanis Student Paper Award Best Student Paper at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Monetary
2000 International Society of Biomechanics Dissertation Grant Provided matching funds for dissertations study International Society of Biomechanics Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Monetary
2000 Sofamor Danek Best Paper Best paper award for International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Conference Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2001 Finalist for the Alphonse Chapanis Student Paper Award One of three finalists for the best student paper at the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual conference Status:Nomination Level:International
2002 Volvo Award for Low Back Pain Research in Biomechanical Best research paper in low back pain for International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Monetary
2002 Outstanding Poster Outstanding poster at the North American Spine Society conference Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2003 Alice Hamilton Award Awarded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the category of Human Services Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2003 Sofamor Danek Best Poster Best poster at the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Conference Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2003 Liberty Mutual Prize Best paper as determined by International Ergonomics Association Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Monetary
2005 Promising Young Scientist Award Awarded to the selected promising scientist in the early stages of their career from the International Society of Biomechanics Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Monetary
2006 Hallman Visiting Professorship Awarded by the Univerity of Waterloo while I was there doing research Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2008 Outstanding Volunteer Group as Chair of Ergonomics Committee I was the chair that lead the committee to the outstanding award from American Industrial Hygiene Association Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2012 Finalist (Top 3) for Human Factors Prize A finalist for the award which included an invited paper in Human Factors. It was among the finalist for best paper in science of human factors/ergonomics that facilitate the design of products from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Status:Nomination Level:International Type:Recognition
2013 Fellow I was selected as a Fellow of the society for Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition
2006 Faculty Bonus Award Awarded by University of Cincinnati in recognition of professional contributions Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Monetary
2010 Outstanding Project Team Was awarded this for leading the team that developed the Ergonomics Tool Kit from American Industrial Hygiene Association Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
Student Advising
Susan Kotowski (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2009
Susan Kotowski (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2008
Joyce Brewer (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2006
Matthew Hammer (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2007
Todd Ramsey (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Angela Wills (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
J'ai Watson (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Tiffany Poole Wilson (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Chunhui He (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2009
Seol Hyang (Postdoctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2004
Kathleen Robinette (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2003
Susan Kotowski (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2003
Sharon Spitz (Master ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2004
Qiang Zheng (Doctoral ) Advisor Status:Completed 2005
Chunhui He (Doctoral ) Advisor 2005
Farman Moayed (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2005
Nancy Talbott (Doctoral ) Committee Member 2005
Jie Chen (Doctoral ) Committee Member 2009
Jane Christianson (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2012
Matthew Coombs (Master ) Committee Member
Alvin Lim (Master ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Matthew Coombs (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Ashley Varol (Doctoral ) Committee Member
Jennifer Leslie (Master ) Committee Member
Susan Kotowski (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2005
Tiffany Poole Wilson (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Todd Ramsey (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2011
J'ai Watson (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Anna Barrett (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2012
Kanistha Chatterjee (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2012
Cheryl Estill (Doctoral ) Chair 2012
James Dietrich (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Shelly Kuyat (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2012
Ali Al-Jaroudi (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Yousef Elmashae (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress 2013
Shaung Gao (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Micheal Fries (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2013
Ryan Peck (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2014
Matthew Ross (Master ) Chair Status:In Progress
Abdulrahman Alabdullatif (Master ) Chair Status:In Progress
Jeanie Cox (Doctoral ) Chair Status:In Progress
Stephen Cundiff (Master ) Chair Status:In Progress
Mohamed Eturki (Master ) Chair Status:In Progress
Dustin Dussex (Master ) Chair Status:In Progress
Matthew Hammer (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2007
Angela Wills Chair Status:Completed 2012
Joyce Brewer (Master ) Chair Status:Completed 2006
American Industrial Hygiene Association (Ergonomics committe ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2002 -2015
American Industrial Hygiene Association (Ergonomics committe ) Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 01-01-2006 -12-31-2006
American Industrial Hygiene Association (Ergonomics committe ) Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 01-01-2007 -12-21-2007
American Industrial Hygiene Association (Ergonomics committe ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 06-01-2007 -12-21-2008
American Industrial Hygiene Association (Ergonomics committe ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 01-01-2009 -12-21-2009
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Treasurer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-01-2003 -12-31-2003
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society President-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-01-2004 -12-31-2004
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-01-2005 -12-31-2005
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Local 01-01-2006 -12-31-2006
Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group of HFES (Student Paper Award ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2003 -2005
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES Alphonse Chapanis Best Student Paper Award ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2004 -2007
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Occupational Ergonomics Technical Group ) Program Coordinator Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2007 -2008
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Scientific Publications ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2007 -2011
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Host Relations Committee, Host Committee of Annual Meeting ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 01-01-2010 -BAD DATE
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Policy and Planning Committee ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2009 -2012
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Professional Standards Committee ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2010 -2012
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Host Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 01-01-2011 -11-01-2011
Madeira Schools Foundation (Board ) Other Type:Community Service Level:Local 2010 -2016
Madeira Schools Foundation (Board ) Vice President Type:Community Service Level:Local 2013 -2014
Madeira Schools Foundation (Auction ) Committee Chair Type:Community Service Level:Local 2013 -2014
Madeira Schools Foundation (Board ) President Type:Community Service Level:Local 2014 -2016
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Task force to establish Student Fund ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2011 -2014
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Finance and Budget Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 2012 -2013
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Finance and Budget Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2011 -2014
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Executive Council ) Treasurer-Elect Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 10-2011 -10-2012
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Executive Council ) Treasurer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 10-2012 -10-2013
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (Executive Council ) Other Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 10-2013 -10-2014
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (ERGO-X Meeting ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2014 -2015
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) council for the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector ) Committee Member Type:Other Level:National 2006 -2016
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) (National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) council for the Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities Sector ) Member Type:Other Level:National 2006 -2008
Rural Development Administration in Suwon, Korea (International Scientist ) Other Type:Other Level:International 2004 -2012
Human Factors Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2012
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health Editor of Journal Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2013
Occupational Ergonomics Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2005
Human Factors Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2007
Work Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2008 -2014
Gait and Posture Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2010 -2014
Theoretical Issues In Ergonomics Science Editorial Board Member Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2013
Gait and Posture Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Human Factors Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Theoretical Issues In Ergonomics Science Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Work Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Applied Ergonomics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Clinical Biomechanics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Ergonomics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Biomechanics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Applied Biomechanics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Ergonomics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Occupational Ergonomics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Previous Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
European Journal of Applied Physiology Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Human Movement Science Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Industrial Health Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Medical Engineering and Physics Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Obesity Reviews Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Pain Management Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine Reviewer Type:Editorial Service Level:International
Low Back Pain,Ergonomics,Biomechanics,Musculoskeletal,Psychosocial,Occupational Safety and Health,Health,Occupational,Injuries,Safety,Occupational Safety
Courses Taught
26-OSE-748 INTRO MEAS TEC ERGO Level:Graduate
26-EIH-981 CURRENT TOPICS O.H. Level:Graduate
26-EIH-781 PRG OCC SAFTY/HEALT Level:Graduate
26-EIH-819 OCHLT HYGSFTY WKSP Level:Graduate
26-EIH-820 OCHLT HYGSFTY WKSP Level:Graduate
26-EIH-982 CURRENT TOPICS O.H. Level:Graduate
26-EIH-983 CURRENT TOPICS O.H. Level:Graduate
26-EIH-821 OCHLT HYGSFTY WKSP Level:Graduate
35-HLSC-510 RESEARCH METHODS Level:Undergraduate
26-EIH-8019 Level:Graduate
Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety Workshop I Level:Graduate
Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety Workshop I Level:Graduate
Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety Workshop II Level:Graduate
Occupational Health, Hygiene and Safety Workshop II Level:Graduate
Current Topics in Industrial Hygiene I Level:Graduate
Current Topics in Industrial Hygiene I Level:Graduate
Current Topics in Industrial Hygiene II Level:Graduate
Current Topics in Industrial Hygiene II Level:Graduate
Research Methods Level:Undergraduate
Introduction to Measurement Techniques in Ergonomics Level:Graduate
Introduction to Measurement Techniques in Ergonomics Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Academic - 423 Kettering Laboratory
160 Panzeca Way
Ohio, 45267-0056
Phone: 513558-2809
Fax: 513-558-4397