Anna Fricano DeJarnette
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor and Director | School of Education
Teachers College
CECH Curriculum & Instruction - 0022
Professional Summary
Anna DeJarnette is an associate professor of math education. She earned her Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She studies students' mathematics learning through problem solving, groupwork, and opportunities for mathematical discourse. More broadly, she is also interested in students' development of problem solving practices across STEM contexts including science and engineering.
Ph.D.: University of Illinois Champaign, IL, 2014 (Mathematics Education)
M.S.: University of Illinois (Mathematics)
Research Support
Grant: #URC Faculty Awards AY2016-17 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna 01-01-2017 -03-31-2018 UC's University Research Council Creating Opportunities to Learn Through Opportunities to Teach Mathematics With Technology Role:PI $10,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #DRL-1813903 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna; Hord, Casey 08-01-2018 -07-31-2021 National Science Foundation Training Pre-Service Teachers to Tutor Students with Learning Disabilities in Algebra I Role:Collaborator $450,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #DRL-2010172 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna 08-01-2020 -07-31-2023 National Science Foundation Fostering Equitable Groupwork to Promote Conceptual Mathematics Learning Role:PI $341,732.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #DUE-2050443 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna; Koenig, Kathleen; Meyer, Helen; Murphy, Teri 10-01-2021 -09-30-2026 National Science Foundation Developing Strong and Diverse STEM Teachers Role:Collaborator 920810.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ARP ESSER Sourced Grants / S425U210035 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna; Doyle, Kathryn; Hord, Casey 07-01-2022 -06-30-2024 Department of Education Closing the Gap for Students with Learning Difficulties Enrolled in Algebra 1 and High School Geometry Role:Collaborator 499996.44 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #DRL-2342578 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna; Layne, John; Rollmann, Stephanie; Vanderelst, Dieter 08-01-2024 -07-31-2029 National Science Foundation ITEST SEI: Biology Meets Engineering, Expanding Trans-disciplinary STEM Education Role:Collaborator 1496642.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #ODHE; Science of Reading 05-02-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Department of Higher Education Supporting University of Cincinnati Cooperating Teachers to Receive Evidence-Based Instruction Aligned to the Science of Reading Role:PI 20000.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #ODHE; Science of Reading 05-02-2024 -06-30-2025 Ohio Department of Higher Education Supporting University of Cincinnati Cooperating Teachers to Receive Evidence-Based Instruction Aligned to the Science of Reading Role:PI 20000.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #2405609 Investigators:DeJarnette, Anna; Hord, Casey 08-01-2024 -07-31-2025 National Science Foundation Partnership Project: Establishing a Partnership Between a Rural School and an Urban University to Support Algebra 1 Learning for Students with Learning Disabilities Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal