Michael Doherty
Assoc Dean
Associate Dean for Experiential Education, Academic Success and Alumni Affairs
Associate Professor
Kowalewski Hall
Pharmacy Academic Affairs - 0004
Professional Summary
Dr. Doherty obtained his BS degree from the University of Toledo and a PharmD degree from The Ohio State University where he also completed a community pharmacy practice residency. He is currently an as Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Director of Experiential Learning at the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati (UC). As director, he is responsible for overseeing the experiential program and coordinating the experiences in the PY4 APPE experiences. His practice experiences include the establishment of clinical pharmacy services at the Cincinnati Health Department and the development and coordination of its diabetes education program. He coordinates the Advocacy and Professionalism in Pharmacy elective which has worked with local legislators to introduce pharmacy legislation on immunization administration which was signed into law in 2014. He also teaches in the therapeutics sequence of courses including men and women’s health. Dr. Doherty has served as the APhA-ASP Chapter advisor at UC since 2000. It has been under his guidance that the UC chapter has been recognized with several chapter and student awards including Most-Improved Chapter in 2003, Innovative Programming Awards 2004, 2015, Regional Self-Care Award 2014 and several Student Leadership and Foundation Award winners.
Specialty Residency in Ambulatory Care: The Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy Columbus, Ohio, 1999
Doctor of Pharmacy (Post-Baccalaureate Program): The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, 1998
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy: The University of Toledo Toledo, Ohio, 1995
Research and Practice Interests
Delivery of pharmaceutical care to an ambulatory patient population in a city-run clinic system
Positions and Work Experience
1999 -To Present Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy Practice, The University of Cincinnati, College of Pharmacy, Cincinnati, Ohio
2000 -To Present Per Diem Pharmacist, Pharmascource Temporary Pharmacy Services, Indianapolis, Indiana
1998 -1999 Ambulatory Care Resident, The Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy, Columbus, Ohio
1997 -1999 Staff Pharmacist, Merck-Medco RX Services of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio
1997 -1999 Home Healthcare Per Diem Pharmacist, Coram Healthcare, Worthington, Ohio
1996 -1997 Staff Pharmacist, Kroger Pharmacy #806, Whitehall, Ohio
1995 -1996 Pharmacist in Charge, Kmart Pharmacy #3455, Middletown, Ohio
2006 -2009 Per Diem Pharmacist, CVS Pharmacy, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #MEDTAPPFY12 Investigators:Boone, Jill; Brewer, David; Cavanaugh, Teresa; Cluxton, Robert; Doherty, Michael; Draeger, Robert; Guo, Jianfei; Healy, Daniel; Heaton, Pamela; Hein, Bradley; Horner, Ronnie; Kelton, Christina; Kim, Karissa; Meganathan, Karthikeyan; Metzger, Anne; Wigle, Patricia 07-01-2011 -06-30-2013 Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services Evaluation of Medicaid Prescription Drug Use Role:Collaborator $292,660.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #A-1213-07-0343-UC-PH Investigators:Boone, Jill; Brown, Bethanne; Cavanaugh, Teresa; Cluxton, Robert; Doherty, Michael; Epplen, Kelly; Guo, Jianfei; Heaton, Pamela; Hein, Bradley; Kelton, Christina; Kim, Karissa; Metzger, Anne; Wigle, Patricia 07-01-2012 -06-30-2013 Department of Health and Human Services Evaluation of Medicaid Prescription Drug Use Role:Collaborator $282,600.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #MEDTAPP - FY14 Investigators:Boone, Jill; Brewer, David; Brown, Bethanne; Cavanaugh, Teresa; Cluxton, Robert; Doherty, Michael; Epplen, Kelly; Guo, Jianfei; Heaton, Pamela; Hein, Bradley; Kelton, Christina; Metzger, Anne; Wigle, Patricia; Witzke, Robert 07-01-2013 -06-30-2014 Department of Health and Human Services MEDTAPP - FY14 Role:Collaborator $272,382.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #MEDTAPP FY15 Investigators:Boone, Jill; Brewer, David; Brown, Bethanne; Cavanaugh, Teresa; Cluxton, Robert; Doherty, Michael; Epplen, Kelly; Guo, Jianfei; Heaton, Pamela; Hein, Bradley; Kelton, Christina; Metzger, Anne; Wigle, Patricia 07-01-2014 -06-30-2015 Department of Health and Human Services MEDTAPP FY15 Role:Collaborator $244,593.75 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #ODHE sub MEDTAPP Investigators:Boone, Jill; Brewer, David; Brown, Bethanne; Cavanaugh, Teresa; Cluxton, Robert; Doherty, Michael; Epplen, Kelly; Guo, Jianfei; Heaton, Pamela; Hein, Bradley; Kelton, Christina; Luder, Heidi; Metzger, Anne; Wigle, Patricia 07-01-2015 -06-30-2016 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services MEDTAPP-FY16 Role:Collaborator $251,010.00 Active Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Wigle P, Hein B, Bloomfield HE, Tubb M, Doherty M. (2013. ) Updated guidelines on outpatient anticoagulation. Am Fam Physician, , 87 (8 ) ,556 -557-66.
Invited Presentations
Doherty M, Haddad A, Chui M, Moore V (07-2007. ) (In Press. ) 1. Strategies for Incorporating Ethical Decision Making Principles throughout the Didactic and Experiential Curriculum .AACP Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Cable J, Doherty M, Shimman J, Parteleno P, Ernsthausen L (04-17-2009. ) (In Press. ) Preceptors Improving Pharmacy Education Through IPPEs .Ohio Pharmacists Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. Professional Meeting. . Level:State
Poster Presentations
Brown B, Wall A, Doherty M, Draeger R, Kelin P (07-2008. ) Providing Care to the Underserved of Cincinnati: Exposing Students to the Effects of the Burden of Illness on Our Community .AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Wall A, Brown B, Doherty M (07-2008. ) (In Progress. ) A Partnership for Providing Care to the Underserved .AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Gauck M, Doherty M, Cavanaugh T, Dill A, Brown B (03-2008. ) (In Press. ) Effect on diabetes outcomes through student provision of pharmaceutical care to an urban population: The Student-Driven Diabetes Collaborative .APhA Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Li X, Doherty M, Kelton C, Jing Y, Guo JJ (09-2007. ) (In Press. ) Drug Price, Spending and Utilization Trend Analysis of Oral Anti-Diabetic Medications in U.S. Medicaid Programs .World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Beijing, China. . Professional Meeting. . Level:International
Doherty M, Wall (07-2007. ) (In Press. ) Peer Mentoring as a Component of Experiential Education .AACP Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Wall A, Doherty M (07-2007. ) (In Press. ) Core Competencies Mapped throughout an Experiential Program Curriculum .AACP Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Brown B, Doherty M, Heaton P (07-2008. ) (In Progress. ) An Innovative comprehensive, on-line, testing structure to ensure competency of the fundamental knwoledge of the Top 200 Medications .AACP Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. . Professional Meeting. . Level:National
Doherty M, Wall A, Buring S, Brown B, Kim K (07-18-2009. ) (In Press. ) From the Skills Development Laboratory to Experiential Training: Creating and Providing a Public Health Presentation .AACP Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. . Conference. . Level:National
Honors and Awards
02-23-2009 AACP Crystal APPLE Award The American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) has established this award program under the APPI umbrella as an opportunity for colleges and schools of pharmacy and their pharmacy practice partners to acknowledge achieving excellence in academic-practice partnerships for exemplary experiential education. This award program recognizes the contributions of the faculty/administrators of colleges/schools of pharmacy and the pharmacist practitioner educators and administrators who are their practice partners in successfully conducting and supporting quality experiential education in exemplary patient care clinical teaching environments. Purpose of the award: To recognize the successful partnerships between academia and practice that lead to enhanced quality in practice and education; To recognize excellence in practitioners’ participation in doctor of pharmacy education by providing exemplary patient care sites that support educational outcomes of advanced practice experiences; To identify and profile exemplary patient care practices delivered by pharmacists in a variety of settings considered benchmarks of excellence in advanced clinical education programs. AACP Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
05-2008 Josephine F Staler Distinguished Alumni Award The award recognizes an alumnus who has received a professional degree from the College of Pharmacy within the past 10 years and has made outstanding contribution(s) to community or professional service. The Ohio State University Status:Recipient Level: University Type:Recognition
01-2008 Barbour Award Status:Nomination Level: University Type:Recognition
06-09-2009 Third Profesisonal Year Faculty Excellence Award For oustanding accomplishments and contributions to student learning Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
APhA OTC Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs Peer Review/Referee Level: National 2008
APhA-ASP Faculty Advisor Other Level:College 2000 -2008
AACP Member Level: National
Ohio PEP-SIG Member Level:State 2005 -2008
OPA (Disease State Management Task Force ) Member Level:State 2003 -2008