Sherry Donaworth , DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC, FPCNA.
Assoc Professor - Clin
Associate Professor- Clinical Coordinator, Post-Master FNP DL Program
Procter Hall
CON Advanced Practice Nursing - 0038
Professional Summary
Dr. Sherry Donaworth is an Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing at the University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing. She is board certified as both an Adult-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and a Family Nurse Practitioner. Her extensive clinical practice experience has included critical care, cardiology, geriatrics as well as primary care. As lead faculty for advanced pharmacology and clinical management of adult health problems, she has utilized the “flipped classroom” and advanced technology in teaching, for both onsite and distance learners. Dr. Donaworth serves as a content expert on an ANE HRSA grant for interactive case studies for distance learning students and is a Fellow of the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association (PCNA).
Diploma: Cincinnati Public School of Practical Nursing 1981 (Nursing)
Associate Degree: Northern Kentucky University 1988 (Nursing)
Bachelor's Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing 1997 (Nursing)
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health 1999 (Family Nurse Practitioner)
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP): University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2013
American Nurses Credentialing Center (Certification Date: 10-31-2007 ) - (Recertification Date: to 10-31-2022 )
Research and Practice Interests
Adult acute care. Cardiology and primary care.
Positions and Work Experience
02-2004 -2007 Nurse Practitioner, 02-2004: Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine -- Collaborated with attending and resident physicians to provide care for critically ill patients and their families in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at UH. Assisted with various clinical trials with critically ill patients in the MICU , University Internal Medicine Associates, University of Cincinnati, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
07-2001 -2004 Nurse Practitioner, Responsible for providing comprehensive primary care for medically complex patients with multiple co-morbities who are residents of long term care facilities, Evercare/United Health Care, Cincinnati, OH
07-2000 -07-2001 Nurse Practitioner, Responsible for clinical management of heart failure patients in the out-patient and in-patient settings. Study coordinator for clinical trials, Heart Failure/Transplant Clinic, University Hospital, Cincinnati, OH
03-1999 -07-2000 Registered Nurse, Critical Care, The Jewish Hospital - Health Alliance, Cincinnati, OH
10-1995 -06-1998 Registered Nurse, Provided bedside nursing care in multiple units. Ciritical Care Nursing - Including Medical, Surgical, Burns and Neuroscience Intensive Care Units, The University Hospital - Health Alliance, Cincinnati, OH
03-1989 -09-1995 Registered Nurse, Critical Care Nursing: University and Jewish Hospitals of Cincinnati, Favorite Nurses Agency, Cincinnati, OH
09-1983 -02-1989 Nurse, Medical-Surgical Nursing/Critical Care 1983-1988 as LPN 06-1988 -- 02-1989 as RN, Mercy Hospitals - Anderson and Mariemont, Cincinnati, OH
05-2007 -To Present Adult Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases -- In collaboration with attending cardiologists, provide comprehensive care for cardiology patients, in both the in-patient and out-patient settings, University of Cincinnati Medical Center,
2009 -2011 Family Nurse Practitioner , Take Care Health Systems/Walgreens, Cincinnati, OH
07-2014 -06-2016 Family Nurse Practitioner, Providing primary and episodic care to vulnerable and underserved. populations., Health Resource Center of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #D09HP25922 Investigators:C. Colella, K. Ballman, N. Garritano, M. Sostok, S. Donaworth, M. Rota 2013 -2016 Health Resources and Services Administration Developing Interactive Case Studies for Interprofessional Healthcare Education Role:Co-Investigator 834,555 Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #2019 Scholarships Investigators:Davis, Lindsay; Donaworth, Sherry; Fathman, Amy; Trees, William 01-01-2020 -12-31-2020 CVS Health Foundation UCVS Increasing Patient Access to Care for Tomorrow (ImPACT) Scholarship FY20 Role:Collaborator $4,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #2020-2021 FNP-PA Scholarship Investigators:Davis, Lindsay; Donaworth, Sherry; Fathman, Amy; Trees, William 01-01-2021 -12-31-2021 CVS Health Foundation UCVS Increasing Patient Access to Care for Tomorrow (ImPACT) Scholarship 2021 Role:Collaborator $3,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #70095781 Investigators:Davis, Lindsay; Donaworth, Sherry; Fathman, Amy; Trees, William 01-01-2022 -12-31-2022 CVS Health Foundation UCVS Increasing Patient Access to Care for Tomorrow (ImPACT) Scholarship 2022 Role:Collaborator 3000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Grant: #76907673 Investigators:Davis, Lindsay; Donaworth, Sherry; Fathman, Amy; Trees, William 01-01-2023 -12-31-2023 CVS Health Foundation UCVS Increasing Patient Access to Care for Tomorrow (ImPACT) Scholarship 2023 Role:Collaborator 5000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Grant: #89992101 Investigators:Davis, Lindsay; Donaworth, Sherry; Fathman, Amy; Trees, William 10-11-2023 -05-31-2024 CVS Health Foundation UCVS Increasing Patient Access to Care for Tomorrow (ImPACT) Scholarship FY24 Role:Collaborator 5000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #CVS-FNP2024 Investigators:Davis, Lindsay; Donaworth, Sherry; Fathman, Amy; Trees, W. Jeff 08-02-2024 -07-31-2025 CVS Health Foundation CVS Health Caring Hearts Family Nurse Practitioner Student Scholarship (FY25) Role:Collaborator 20000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Tacy, R., M., Donaworth, S., & Ballman, K. (2017. ) Application of Primary Care Guideline for Chronic Low Back Pain in the Emergency Department.Advanced emergency nursing journal, , 39 (2 ) ,123-140 More Information
Donaworth, S.L. (2017. ) Making the Case for Adult-Gerontology Critical Care Nurse Practitioner Fellowships.The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, , 22 (3 ) , More Information
Davis, Lindsay; Mullins, Kim; Fathman, Amy; Donaworth, Sherry (2023. ) Mentoring novice NPs: Recommendations for navigating the transition to autonomous practice.The Nurse practitioner, , 48 (2 ) ,41-47 More Information
Moon, Kelly M; Donaworth, Sherry; Hagele, Molly S; Kim, Stephani S; Willer, Brittany L; Tobias, Joseph D (2022. ) Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressures in the Operating Room of a Pediatric Hospital: A Quality Improvement Initiative.Pediatric quality & safety, , 7 (6 ) ,e619 More Information
Phillips, T. N., Gormley, D. K., & Donaworth, S. (2024. ) Integrating Palliative Care Screening in the Intensive Care Unit: A Quality Improvement Project. .Critical care nurse, 44(2), 41–48. https://doi.org/10.4037/ccn2024652, , 44 (2 ) ,41-48 More Information
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Donaworth, S. (05-2016. ) Cardiovascular Pharmacology- Heart failure .UCMC, Level:Department
Donaworth, S. (05-2016. ) Cardiac Stress Testing: An Overview .University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Cardiovascular services. Level:Department
Donaworth, S. (05-2015. ) Making The Case for Adult-Gero Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Critical-Care Fellowships/Residencies. UC College of Nursing, Webinar. Level:College
Donaworth, S (01-2017. ) Clinical Evaluation of Heart Sounds .UCMC, Simulation Lab. Level:Local
Donaworth, S (01-2017. ) Pharmacologic Treatment of Heart Failure, Angina & Dysrhythmia. UC College of Nursing Alumni Webinar, Level:Local
Donaworth, Sherry (05-2018. ) Hypertension 2017: Emphasis on Risk. .Preventive Cardiovascular Nursing Association Spring Lecture Series, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Donaworth, S (02-2019. ) Pharmacology Update 2019. .Ohio- American College of Nurse-Midwives , Mt. Sterling, OH. Level:State
Donaworth, S (10-2020. ) er). Critical Role of the Advanced Practice Provider in the Coordination of Care for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in the Acute Care Setting: A Focus on Medical Error. .Virtual-Online, Online. Level:International
Donaworth, S., PCNA (04-30-2022. ) Impacts of SGLT2s and GLP1s on CVD, Diabetes, and Renal Function .PCNA Spring Learning Series, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Poster Presentations
Donaworth, S., Mullins, K., Niederegger, E., Gormley, D., & Hicks, N. (02-2016. ) Having it all! Sound pedagogy, protected test integrity, and substantive test feedback in the distance-learning environment. .American Association of Colleges of Nursing Master’s Education Program Meeting, Houston, TX. . Level:National
Colella, C., Sostok, M., & Donaworth, S. (01-2016. ) Use of debriefing to foster the development of interprofessional competencies in medical and distance learning nurse practitioner students. International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), San Diego, CA. . Level:International
Colella, C., Sostok, M., Donaworth, S. (06-2016. ) Use of debriefing for the development of interprofessional competencies in medical and distance learning nurse practitioner students. .Tomorrow’s Coordinated Health Care System-Today, Xavier University, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Regional
Donaworth, S & Ballman, K (04-2017. ) Enhancing Self-perceived Confidence and Competence of Interprofessional Staff in the Cardiovascular Stress-testing Lab Through Nurse Practitioner Driven Educational Programs and Role Modeling. American College of Cardiology, Washington DC. . Level:International
Donaworth, S., Colella, C., & Ballman, K. (04-2017. ) Using Scenarios that Highlight Interprofessional Competencies, Integrating Onsite and Distance Learners into Interprofessional Student Groups for Simulation Debriefing. Barkley 1st National Conference for Nurse Practitioners in Acute Care, Miami, FL. . Level:National
Donaworth, S., Ballman, K. (03-2018. ) ). Adult Congenital Heart Disease: What Nurses and Nurse Practitioners Need to Know. .American College of Cardiology 67th Annual Scientific Session, Orlando, FL. . Level:National
Sunshein, K., Schwytzer, D., Donaworth, S. (10-2018. ) Decreasing hospital readmissions for heart failure from a skilled nursing facility (SNF) utilizing a prevention tool. OAAPN Statewide Meeting, Columbus, OH. . Conference. . Level:State
Donaworth, S., (06-21-2024. ) Clinical Application of DEI Concepts in Graduate Nursing Education for Advanced Practice .Accelerating Nursing Workforce Solutions: innovative Programs and Data to Transform Policy Nurses , San Diego, CA. . Conference. . Level:National
Braun, L. & Donaworth, S. (10-2014. ) An Update on Hyperlipidemia Management. Cincinnati, OH. Level:Regional
Colella, C., Ballman, K., Donaworth, S., Rota, M., & Sostok, M. (01-2016. ) Creating Experiential Learning with an Interprofessional Team: Target Distance Learning Students Taking a Differential Diagnosis Course .San Diego, CA. Conference. Level:International
Colella, C., Ballman, K., Garritano, N., & Donaworth, S. (04-2016. ) Collaboration of interprofessional faculty with a multidisciplinary team to educate interprofessional students on campus and at a distance. .Seattle, WA. Conference. Level:National
Colella, C., Ballman, K., & Donaworth, S. (03-2016. ) Creating Experiential Learning Targeting Distance Learning Students Taking a Differential Diagnosis Course. Clearwater, FL. Conference. Level:National
Donaworth, S. (04-2017. ) Using the “Flipped Classroom” and Interactive Case Studies to Teach Nurse Practitioner Students Clinical Management of Adult Health Problems. Las Vegas, NV. Conference. Level:International
Donaworth, S., & Colella, C. (04-2017. ) Use of Simulation Debriefing for the Development of Interprofessional Competencies in Medical and Distance Learning Nurse Practitioner Students. Las Vegas, NV. Conference. Level:International
Donaworth, S. (09-2017. ) Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy: A Focus on Heart Failure. San Antonio, TX. Conference. Level:International
Colella, C., Ballman, K., & Donaworth, S. (09-2018. ) Advanced Technological Teaching Strategies to Enhance Interprofessional APRN/DNP Education and Foster Collaborative Practice .Palm Springs, CA. Conference. Level:National
Donaworth, S (10-20-2020. ) Critical Role of the Advanced Practice Provider in the Coordination of Care for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in the Acute Care Setting: A Focus on Medical Error. .Online. Workshop. Level:National
Donaworth, S (04-30-2022. ) Impacts of SGLT2s and GLP1s on CVD, Diabetes, and Renal Function. Cincinnati, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:Regional
Donaworth, S (02-02-2019. ) Pharmacology Update 2019 .Mt. Sterling, OH. Professional Meeting. Level:Regional
Davis, L., Donaworth, S., Mullins, K. (06-12-2023. ) Mentorship Matters: Practical Application of an Evidence Based Model for the Advanced Practice Nurse .Washington DC. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Honors and Awards
2005 -2005 JCAHO Ernest A. Codman Award, 2005 as study coordinator at University Hospital for the Central Line Infection Prevention Project with the Greater Cincinnati Quality Improvement Collaborative
2005 -2005 Baxter Excellence in Patient Safety Award The Cincinnati Collaborative for Patient Safety group. American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) National Teaching Institute (NTI), 2005. Award for the Central Line Infection Prevention Project.
2015 UC College of Nursing Legacy Award Recipient – Alumni award on the 125th Anniversary of the UC College of Nursing
2007 Beta Iota Chapter- Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society Inducted- 2007 Level:Professional Org.
04-2020 Fellow- Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association Inducted as a FPCNA, 2020 Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Fellowship
Student Advising
Sara Ruby (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2016
Olivia Lally (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2016
Rebecca Tacy (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 2016
Claudia Campbell (Doctoral ) Chair 2015
Laura Corill (Doctoral ) Chair 2017
Emily Williams (Doctoral ) Chair 2017
Kimberly Sunshein (Doctoral ) Co-Chair 2018
Brian McClure (Doctoral ) Chair 2018
Amy Sears (Doctoral ) Chair 2019
Paige Barger (Doctoral ) Chair 2020
Pinky Jha (Doctoral ) Chair 2020
(Faculty Affairs Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2010 -2011
(Faculty Practice Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2010 -2012
(Curriculum Council ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2014 -2019
(Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2016 -2018
Tri-State Medical Reserve Corp Member Level:Regional 2009 -To Present
Sigma Theta Tau- Beta Iota Chapter Treasurer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2016 -2020
(PCNA)Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2016 -2018
(Faculty Senate ) Representative Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014 -2016
Faculty Senate Representative Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -2021
Regional (PCNA)Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association (Executive Board ) Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Regional 2014 -2016
Clermont County Opiate Taskforce (Harm Reduction Committee ) Committee Member Type:Community Service Level:Local 2017 -To Present
Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association(PCNA) Board Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:Prof. Org. 2011 -To Present
UC College of Nursing Alumni Council Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2012 -To Present
Professional Affiliation
2013 -To Present: National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty
2013 -2014: Ohio Action Coalition Transition to Practice Workgroup
2008 -To Present: Preventive Cardiology Nurses Association
2007 -To Present: Sigma Theta Tau- Beta Iota Chapter
2005 -To Present: American College of Cardiology- Affiliate Member
2005 -To Present: American Association of Nurse Practitioners
2004 -To Present: Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses
2010 -2017: Society of Critical Care Medicine
2006 -To Present: American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Courses Taught
Clinical Management for Adult Health Problems I Level:Graduate
Pharmacology for Advanced Nursing Practice Level:Graduate
Capstone Writing Seminar Level:Graduate
Adult Acute Care Topics II Level:Graduate
ACNP Practicum 1 Level:Graduate
Advanced Acute Care Practicum 1 Level:Graduate
Acult Acute Care Nursing II Level:Graduate
ACNP Practicum III Level:Graduate
Management of Chronic Illness Level:Graduate
Primary Care of Episodic Illness Level:Graduate
Acute Care Seminar 1 Level:Graduate
29-ANAH-806 WELL WOM/SPEC POP Level:Graduate
29-NURS-801 PHARMACOLOGY ANP Level:Graduate
29-ANCH-806 FNP PRACTICUM II Level:Graduate
Faculty Development Activities
2014 -2016 eLearning Backpack Project Center for Excellence in eLearning at UC Type:Continuing Education Program
09-2014 Faculty Mentorship Symposium Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Type:Workshop
2011 -2011 Faculty Scholars Open School interprofessional team training program. Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) initiative to improve quality in health care and patient safety., o UC Health Professions Education Consortium (UC HPEC) Type:Continuing Education Program
2018 iCoN Summer Technology Institute Technology in teaching, UC College of Nursing Type:Workshop
2019 iCoN Summer Institute Technology in teaching, UC College of Nursing Type:Workshop
Other Information
Donaworth, S. (2017, October). Cardiovascular Team on the Importance of Advocacy. American College of Cardiology- Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting. Interview, Columbus, OH.,
Contact Information
275 Procter Hall
Phone: 513-558-1771