Nicholas Dunning

Nicholas P Dunning , PhD



Professional Summary

Environmental archaeology, soils, physical geography, cultural ecology, Latin America


PhD: University of Minnesota 1990

MA: University of Chicago 1983

B.A. : University of Chicago 1980

Research and Practice Interests

Nicholas Dunning grew up on the Island of Oahu in Hawaii, where he developed a fascination with tropical environments and cultural adaptation. By virtue of once having picked up the wrong book in the library (and reading it anyway), he developed a passionate interest in Maya civilization. Dunning has spent the past 30 years studying the intriguing environment of the Maya Lowlands and the nature of human environmental adaptations, both past and present, in this region. Along the way, he earned BA and MA degrees from the University of Chicago and a PhD from the University of Minnesota, all in geography. Dunning has authored two books and some 70 articles and book chapters on the Maya world. More recently he has begun an extended program of research in the West Indies. Occasionally, he does research in eastern North America, the eastern Mediterranean, and Oceania. Dunning&39;s students affectionately (he hopes) refer to him as “Dr. Dirt,” because of his fascination with soil.

2009-present  Study of ancient Maya land and water management and agroforestry at Tikal,
            Guatemala with D. Lentz (U. Cincinnati), V. Scarborough (U. Cincinnati), and L.
            Graziosa (IDEAH, Guatemala).

Positions and Work Experience

1988 - Instructor of Geography, University of Minnesota,

1988 -1989 Visiting Instructor of Geography, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota

1989 -1990 Visiting Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Cincinnati,

1990 -1994 Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Cincinnati,

1994 -2001 Associate Professor of Geography, University of Cincinnati,

1992 -1993 Director of Undergraduate Studies in Geography, University of Cincinnati,

2010 -2012 Director of Undergraduate Studies in Geography, University of Cincinnati,

1998 -2001 Director of Graduate Studies in Geography, University of Cincinnati,

2003 -2005 Director of Graduate Studies in Geography, University of Cincinnati,

2006 -2010 Director of Graduate Studies in Geography, University of Cincinnati,

1997 -2004 Director of Latin American Studies, University of Cincinnati,

2001 - Professor of Geography, University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

Investigators:N. Dunning and J. K. Kowlaski 2003 -2004 Ahau Foundation Field Reconnaissance for an Uxmal Regional State Project Role:PI $4,000 Completed Type:Grant Level:International

Grant: #BCS-0241757 Investigators:N. P. Dunning 2003 -2005 National Science Foundation Paleoecology of Belizean Bajos Role:PI $25,652 completed Type:Grant Level:International

Grant: #BCS-0650393 Investigators:N. P. Dunning 2007 -To Present National Science Foundation Paleoenvironments and Ancient Settlement at San Bartolo, Peten, Guatemala Role:PI $36,168 current Type:Grant Level:International

Investigators:D. Lentz and V. Scarborough 2009 -2011 National Science Foundation Ancient Maya Agroforestry, Land, and Water Management at Tikal, Guatemala 171,693 Active

Investigators:D. Lentz and V. Scarborough 2009 -2010 Wenner-Gren Foundation Agroforestry and Water Management Practices of the Ancient Maya at Tikal 24,973

2000 University Research Council Environmental Archaeology of Kinet Hoyuk, Turkey 4,480

Investigators:Vernon Scarborough 1997 -1999 National Science Foundation An Accretive Model of Land and Water Use for the Ancient Maya of Northwestern Belize 241,327

1996 University Research Council Ancient Maya Environmental Impacts and Adaptations 3,180

1995 Social Science Research Fund Ancient Maya Land and Water Use in Belize

1995 H. John Heinz III Charitable Fund Maya Agricultural Land Use: Changing Adaptations in Northwestern Belize 5590

1994 Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies Ancient Maya Environmental Adaptations and Impacts: The Paleoecology of Laguna Tamarindito, Peten, Guatemala 5970

1991 -1992 Foreign Development Grant Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the Petexbatun, Pasion, and Peten Regions of Guatemala: Perspectives from Contemporary Ecology and Ancient Settlement 60,000

1987 -1988 University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

1986 -1987 Organization of American States Research Fellowship

Grant: #BCS-0241757-NCE Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas 02-01-2002 -01-31-2005 National Science Foundation Paleoecology of Belizean Bajos Role:PI $25,652.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #0304 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas 03-10-2003 -12-31-2003 Ahau Foundation Uxmal Regional State Project (Preliminary Season) Role:PI $4,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #BCS-0650393 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas 03-01-2007 -08-31-2008 National Science Foundation Paleoenvironments and Ancient Settlement at San Bartolo, Peten, Guatemala Role:PI $36,168.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 005863 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 07-01-2008 -06-30-2009 Wenner-Gren Foundation Agroforestry and Water Management Practices of the Ancient Maya of Tikal Role:Collaborator $24,973.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #BCS-0810118 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 01-01-2009 -12-31-2013 National Science Foundation Ancient Maya Agroforestry and Water Management Systems at Tikal Role:Collaborator $171,693.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #URC Intersiciplinary Awards Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Scarborough, Vernon 04-01-2014 -03-31-2015 UC's University Research Council An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Climatic and Environmental Change In An Early Puebloan Society Role:Collaborator $25,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC

Grant: #NSF 1519015 Investigators:Brewer, Jeffrey; Dunning, Nicholas 04-01-2015 -03-31-2017 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant: Ancient Maya Water Management at the Early Urban Center of Yaxnohcah, Mexico Role:PI $16,827.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #BCS-1642547 Investigators:Czaja, Andrew; Dunning, Nicholas; Hamilton, Trinity; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 09-01-2016 -08-31-2017 National Science Foundation Novel Molecular and Geochemical Analyses of Reservoir Sediments at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal Role:Collaborator $34,937.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #BCS-1632392 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Lentz, David; Scarborough, Vernon 09-01-2016 -02-29-2020 National Science Foundation Long-Term Human Land, Forest, and Water Management in a Tropical Environment Role:PI $231,563.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #BCS-2048440 Investigators:Dunning, Nicholas; Jackson, Sarah; Lentz, David; Tepe, Eric 09-01-2021 -08-31-2025 National Science Foundation Sustaining an Early Tropical Metropolis: Land, Water, and Forest Management at Calakmul, Mexico Role:PI 226489.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Abbreviated Publications


Scarborough, V., F. Valdez, & N. Dunning (2003). Heterarchy, Political Economy and the Ancient Maya: The Three Rivers Region of the East-Central Yucatan Peninsula. Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Peer Reviewed Publications

Dunning, N., S. Luzzadder-Beach, T. Beach, J. G. Jones, V. Scarborough, & T. P. Culbert (2002). Arising from the Bajos: The Evolution of a Neotropical Landscape and the Rise of Maya Civilization. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 92, 267-283.

Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, N. Dunning, J. Hageman, & J. Lohse (2002). Upland Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands: Ancient Maya Soil Conservation in Northwestern Belize. Geographical Review, 92, 372-397.

Dunning, N., & T. Beach (2003). Fruit of the Luum: Lowland Maya Soil Knowledge and Agricultural Practices. Mono y Conejo, 2, 1-25.

Prem, H., & N. Dunning (2004). Investigations at Hunto Chac, Yucatan. Mexicon, 26, 26-36.

Beach, T., N. Dunning, S. Luzzadder-Beach, D. E. Cook & J. Lohse (2006). Impacts of the ancient Maya on soils and soil erosion in the Central Maya Lowlands. Catena, 65, 166-178.

Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, R. Terry, N. Dunning, S. Houston, and T. Garrison.  Carbon
Isotopic Ratios of Wetland and Terrace Soil Sequences in the Maya Lowlands of Belize and Guatemala. Catena (in press).

Jones, J. G., C. A. Casile, P. E. Siegel, N. P. Dunning, and D. M. Pearsall.  Analyse
préliminaire de prélèvements sédimentaires en provenance de Marie-Galante. Bilan Scietifique 16 (2010): 47-55 .

Beach, T.,  S. Luzzadder-Beach, N. Dunning, J. Jones, J. Lohse, T. Guderjan, S. Bozarth, S.
Millspaugh, and T. Bhattacharya. A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands over the Holocene. Quaternary Science Review 28 (2009): 1710-1724.

Garrison, T., and N. Dunning. Settlement, Environment, and Politics in the San
Bartolo – Xultun Territory, El Peten, Guatemala.Latin American Antiquity20 (2009): 525-552.

Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, and N. Dunning. Human and Natural Impacts on Fluvial and
Karst Systems in the Maya Lowlands. Geomorphology 101 (2008): 301-331.

Beach, T., N. Dunning, and M. Doyle. Geoarchaeology and Geomorphology:
Soils, Sediments, and Societies. Geomorphology 100 (2008): 1-11.

Beach, T., N. Dunning, S. Luzzadder-Beach, D. E. Cook and J. Lohse. Impacts of
the ancient Maya  on soils and soil erosion in the Central Maya Lowlands. Catena 65(2006): 166-178.

Prem, H., and N. Dunning. Investigations at Hunto Chac, Yucatan. Mexicon 26 (2004): 26-36.

Dunning, N., S. Luzzadder-Beach, T. Beach, J. G. Jones, V. Scarborough, and T. P. Culbert,  “Arising from the Bajos: The Evolution of a Neotropical Landscape and the Rise of Maya Civilization,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92 (2002):267-83.

Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, N. Dunning, J. Hageman, and J. Lohse, “Upland Agriculture in the Maya Lowlands: Ancient Maya Soil Conservation in Northwestern Belize,” Geographical     Review (2002):372-397.

Dunning, N., V. Scarborough, and F. Valdez Jr., S. Luzzadder-Beach, T. Beach, and J. Jones, "Temple Mountains, Sacred Lakes, and Fertile Fields: Ancient Maya Landscapes in Northwestern Belize," Antiquity 73 (1999): 650-660.

Dunning, N., T. Beach, P. Farrell, and S. Luzzadder-Beach, "Prehispanic Agricultural and Adaptive Regions in the Maya Lowlands," Culture and Agriculture 20 (1998): 87-101.

Dunning, N., D. Rue, T. Beach, A. Covich, A. Traverse, "Human - Environment Interactions in a Tropical Watershed: the Paleoecology of Laguna Tamarindito, Guatemala," Journal of Field Archaeology 25 (1998):139-151.

Dunning, N., T. Beach, and D. Rue, "The Paleoecology and Ancient Settlement of the Petexbatun Region, Guatemala," Ancient Mesoamerica 8 (1997): 255-266.

Beach, T., and N. Dunning, "An Ancient Maya Reservoir and Dam at Tamarindito, El Peten, Guatemala," Latin American Antiquity 8 (1997): 20-29.

Smyth, M., C. Dore., and N. Dunning, "Interpreting Prehistoric Settlement Patterns: Lessons from the Maya Center of Sayil, Yucatan," Journal of Field Archaeology 22 (1995):321-347.

Beach, T., and N. Dunning, "Ancient Maya Terracing and Modern Conservation in the Peten Rainforest of Guatemala," Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 50 (1995):138-145.

Dunning, N., and G. Andrews, "Ancient Maya Architecture and Urbanism at Siho, Yucatan, Mexico," Mexicon 16 (1994):53-61.

Dunning, N., and T. Beach, "Soil Erosion, Slope Management, and  Ancient Agricultural Terracing in the Maya Lowlands," Latin American Antiquity 5 (1994):51-69.  

Dunning, N. and J. Kowalski, "Lords of the Hills: Prehispanic Settlement Patterns and Political Iconography of the Puuc Region," Ancient Mesoamerica 5 (1994):63-95.

Dunning, N., "Ambiente, Patrón de Asentamiento y Agricultura en las Tierras Bajas Mayas durante el Periodo Clásico (250-900 D.C.)," Apuntes Arqueológicos [Guatemala] 3 (1993):123-134.

Dunning, N., "The Implications of Folk Soil Taxonomies for Agricultural Change in Middle America," Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers [“Benchmark 1990"] 17/18 

Killion, T., J. Sabloff, G. Tourtellot, and N. Dunning, "Intensive Surface Collection of Residential Clusters at Terminal Classic Sayil (A.C. 800‑1000), Yucatan, Mexico," Journal of Field Archaeology 16 (1989): 273-294.

Dunning,N.,"The Yaxhom Conurbation," Mexicon 10 (1988): 16-20.   

Tourtellot, G., J. Sabloff, M. Smyth, L. Whitley, S. Walling, T. Gallareta N., C. Perez A., G. Andrews, N. Dunning, "Mapping Community Patterns at Sayil, Yucatan, Mexico: The 985 Season," Journal of New World Archaeology 7, 2/3 (June 1988): 1-24.

Dunning, N. "Boundary Delimitation in the Gulf of Maine: Implications for the Management of a Resource Area," Ocean  Yearbook 6 (1986): 390-398.                                            

Dunning, N. "International Court of Justice Judgement of February 24, 1982: Case Concerning the Continental Shelf (Tunisia /Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)," Ocean Yearbook 4 (1984):515-532.

Dwivedi,S.,and N. Dunning, "Progress and Potential of Aquaculture:  Developments in India," Ocean Yearbook 4 (1984): 60-74.        

 Scarborough, V., N. Dunning, K. Tankersley, C. Carr, E. Weaver, L. Grazioso, B. Lane, J. Jones, P. Buttles, F. Valdez, and D. Lentz. Water and Sustainable Land Use at the Ancient Tropical City of Tikal, Guatemala. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2012).
Dunning, N., T. Beach, and S. Luzzadder-Beach. Kax and Kol: Collapse and Resilience in Lowland Maya Civilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2012): 3652-3657.
Luzzadder-Beach, S., T. Beach, and N. Dunning. Wetland Fields as Mirrors of  Drought and the Maya Abandonment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2012): 3646-3651.
Akpinar-Ferrand, E., N. Dunning, D. Lentz, and J. Jones. Aguadas as Water Sources at Southern Maya Lowland Sites. Ancient Mesoamerica 23 (2012): 85-101.
Tankersly, K., V. Scarborough, N. Dunning, W. Huff, B. Maynard, and T. Gerke. Evidence for Volcanic Ash Fall in the Maya Lowlands from a Reservoir at Tikal, Guatemala. Journal of Archaeological Science 38 (2011): 2925-2938.
Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, R. Terry, N. Dunning, S. Houston, and T. Garrison.  Carbon Isotopic Ratios of Wetland and Terrace Soil Sequences in the Maya Lowlands of Belize and Guatemala. Catena 85 (2011): 109-119.

Beach, T.,  S. Luzzadder-Beach, N. Dunning, J. Jones, J. Lohse, T. Guderjan, S. Bozarth, S. Millspaugh, and T. Bhattacharya. A Review of Human and Natural Changes in Maya Lowlands Wetlands over the Holocene. Quaternary Science Review 28 (2009): 1710-1724.
Garrison, T., and N. Dunning. Settlement, Environment, and Politics in the San
Bartolo – Xultun Territory, El Peten, Guatemala.Latin American Antiquity 20 (2009): 525-552.
Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, and N. Dunning. Human and Natural Impacts on Fluvial and Karst Systems in the Maya Lowlands. Geomorphology 101 (2008): 301-331.
Beach, T., N. Dunning, and M. Doyle. Geoarchaeology and Geomorphology:
Soils, Sediments, and Societies. Geomorphology 100 (2008): 1-11.

Book Chapter

Dunning, N. & T. Beach (2000). Imperfect Balace: Precolumbian New World Ecosystems. In D. Lentz (Eds.), Stability and Instability in Pre- Hispanic Maya Landscapes (pp. 179-202). New York: Columbia University Press.

Dunning, N. (2000). Arqueología de la Región de Xculoc, Campeche. In D. Michelet, P. Becquelin, and M.-C. Arnauld (Eds.), Suelos, Geología, y Geomorfología Mexico City: Centro de Estudios Mexicanos y Centro Americanos, Embajada Francia en México.

Dunning, N. (2000). Maya: Divine Kings of the Rainforest. In Grube, N. (Eds.), Long Twilight or New Dawn? Transformations of Maya Civilization in the Puuc Region (pp. 322-337). Cologne, Germany: Könemann.

Dunning, N., J. Jones, T. Beach, & S. Luzzadder-Beach (2003). Heterarchy, Political Economy and the Ancient Maya: The Three Rivers Region of the East-Central Yucatan Peninsula. In Scarborough, V., Valdez, F., and Dunning, N. (Eds.), Physiography, Habitats, and Landscapes of the Three Rivers Region (pp. 14-24). Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Scarborough, V., F. Valdez, & N. Dunning (2003). Heterarchy, Political Economy and the Ancient Maya: The Three Rivers Region of the East-Central Yucatan Peninsula. In Scarborough, V., Valdez, F., and Dunning, N. (Eds.), Introduction Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, N. Dunning, & V. Scarborough (2003). Lowland Maya area: Three millennia at the Human-wildland Interface. In A. Gomez-Pompa, M. Allen, S. Fedick, and J. J. Jimenez-Orsonio (Eds.), Depression Soils in the Lowland Tropics of Northwestern Belize (pp. 139-174). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.

Dunning, N. (2003). Espacios Mayas: Representaciones, Usos, Creencias. In A. Breton, A. Monod-Becquelin, and M. H. Ruz (Eds.), Birth and Death of Waters: Environmental Change, Adaptation and Symbolism in the Southern Maya Lowlands (pp. 49-76). Mexico City: Universidad Áutonoma de México.

Dunning, N. (2003). Xkipché: Una Ciudad Maya Clásica en el Corazón del Puuc. Vol. 1: El Asentamiento. In Prem, H. (Eds.), Along the serpent’s maw: Environment and settlement at Xkipché, Yucatán (pp. 236-324). Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

Dunning, N., & T. Beach (2004). Continuities and Change in Maya Archaeology (A Millennial Perspective). In C. Golden and G. Borgstede (Eds.), Noxious or Nuturing Nature? Maya Civilization in Environmental Context (pp. 125-141). New York: Routledge.

O’Mansky, M, & N. Dunning (2004). The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and Transformation. In A. Demarest,, P. Rice, and D. Rice (Eds.), Settlement and Late Classic Political Disintegration in the Petexbatun Region, Guatemala (pp. 83-101). Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press.

Carmean, K., N. Dunning, & J. Kowalski (2004). The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and Transformation. In A. Demarest,, P. Rice, and D. Rice (Eds.), High Times in the Hill Country: the Terminal Classic in the Puuc Region (pp. 424-449). Boulder, CO: The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and Transformation.

Dunning, N. (2004). Ancient Maya Commoners. In J. Lohse and F. Valdez Jr (Eds.), Down on the farm: Classic Maya houselots as farmsteads (pp. 97-116). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

Beach, T., S. Luzzadder-Beach, & N. Dunning (2006). Soils and Society: Perspectives from Environmental History. In J. McNeill and V. Winiwarter (Eds.), Soils and history in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean (pp. 51-90). London: White Horse Press.

Dunning, N., T. Beach, & S. Luzzadder-Beach (2006). Pre-Columbian Water Management. In L. Lucero and B. Fash (Eds.), Environmental variability among bajos and its implications for ancient Maya civilization and archaeology (pp. 111-133). Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Dunning, N. Forthcoming. “Space, Place, Ritual, and Identity in Ancient Mesoamerica.” In: L. Amrhein and C. Kristen-Graham (eds.). Ancient Mesoamerican Sacred Spaces Boulder: University of Colorado Press. In review.

Dunning, N., D. Wahl, T. Beach, J. Jones, S. Luzzadder-Beach, and C. McCormick. Forthcoming. “Environmental Instability and Human Response in the Late Preclassic East-Central Yucatan Peninsula.” In: G. Iannone (ed.), The Great Maya Droughts in Cultural Context. Boulder: University of Colorado Press. In review.

Dunning, N.  Forthcoming. “Crónicas del país de la colina: paisajes del Puuc como textos.” In: C. Pallan, R. Cobos, and L. Pescador Canton (eds.), Memorias del VI Mesa Redonda de Palenque: Arqueología, Imagen y Texto – Homenaje a Sir Ian Graham.  Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. 

Dunning, N., E. Akpinar, C. Carr, J. Chmlar, R. Griffin, J. Jones, A. Miller, and J. Prater. Forthcoming.  “Paleoenvironments and Ancient Land Use around San Bartolo, Peten, Guatemala.” In: J. H. Craig, A. Runggaldier, and W. Saturno (eds), The Art of the State and State of the Art: Investigations at San Bartolo, Guatemala. University of Colorado Press. In review.

Dunning, N., T. Beach, and S. Luzzadder-Beach. Forthcoming (in press). “Environmental Variability, Instability, and Ancient Maya Settlement.” In: R. Cobean and W. Sanders (eds). El Urbanism en Mesoamerica/Urbansim in Mesoamerica. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. 

Dunning, N. and S. Houston. Forthcoming (in press). “Chan Ik: Hurricanes as a Disruptive Force in the Maya Lowlands.” In: B. L. Persson and C. Isendahl (eds) Ecology, Power, and Religion in Maya LandscapesBerlin: Verlag Anton Saurwein.

Dunning, N. and T. Beach. 2010. “Farms and Forests: Spatial and Temporal Perspectives on Ancient Maya Landscapes. In: I. P. Martini and W. Chesworth (eds.), Landscapes and Societies, pp. 369-389.  Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Dunning, N., T. Beach, S. Luzzader-Beach, and J. G. Jones. 2009. “Creating a stable landscape: soil conservation among the ancient Maya.” In: C. Fisher, B. Hill, and G. Feinman (eds), The Archaeology of Environmental Change: Socionatural Legacies of Degradation and Resilience, pp. 85-105 University of Arizona Press.

Kowalski, J. K., and N. P. Dunning, "The Architecture of Uxmal:  the Symbolics of Statemaking at a Puuc Maya Regional Capital,"  In Mesoamerican Architecture as a Cultural Symbol, J. K. Kowalski, ed. (London: Oxford University Press, 1999).  Pp. 274-297.

Dunning, N., "La Evolución de una Tierra Dividida: El Asentamiento  Antiguo y la Paleoecología de la Región Petexbatun, Guatemala," In Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya V, R. Encalada Argáez, ed. (Campeche: Universidad de Campeche, 1998). pp. 479-491.

Dunning, N., "An Examination of Regional Variablity in the Prehispanic Maya Agricultural Landscape," In The Managed Mosaic: Ancient Maya Agriculture and Resource Use, S. Fedick, ed. (Provo: University of Utah Press, 1996). pp. 53-68.

Dunning, N., "Coming Together at the Temple Mountain: Ecology, Subsistence and the Emergence of Maya Segmentary States," In The Emergence of Lowland Maya Civilization, Acta Mesoamericana  9, N. Grube ed. (Möckmühl: Verlag von Flemming, 1995). pp. 61-70.

Dunning, N., "Puuc Ecology and Settlement," In Lost among the Hills: Maya Archaeology of the Northwest Yucatan Peninsula, Acta Mesoamericana 7, H. J. Prem, ed. (Möckmühl: Verlag von Flemming, 1994). pp. 1-43.

Dunning, N., "Ancient Maya Anthrosols: Soil Phosphate Testing and Ancient Land Use," In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Pedo-Archaeology, University of Tennessee Agricultural Experimentation Station Special Publication 93- 03, J. E. Foss, M. E. Timpson, and M. W. Morris, eds. (Knoxville, 1993) pp. 203-210. 

Dunning, N., L. Wright, K. Emery, E. Secaira, D. Lentz, T. Beach, and D. Rue, "Ecología, Agricultura, y Nutrición en Los Siglos VII y VIII en la Región de Petexbatun," V Simposio de Arqueología Guatemalteca. (Guatemala City: Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología, 1992). pp. 163-171.

Dunning, N., "Umwelt, Siedlungweise, Ernaehrung und Lebensunderhalt im Maya-Tiefland Waehrend der Klassik (250-900 n. Chr.)," In Die Welt der Maya, E. Eggebrecht, A. Eggebrecht, and N. Grube,   eds.(Main am Rhein:Verlag Phillip von Zabein, 1992).pp.92-106.

Dunning, N., "Soils and Settlement in the Sayil Valley: A  Preliminary Assessment," In The Ancient Maya City of Sayil: The Mapping of a Great Center in the Puuc Region, Yucatan, Mexico, J. Sabloff and G. Tourtellot, eds. (New Orleans:  Middle American Research Institute, 1991). pp. 20-27.

Gersmehl, P., K. Anderson, R. Green, N. Dunning, C. Gersmehl, and D. Brown, "Hydrologic Classification of Land Cover," In File Structure Design and Data Specifications for Water Resources Geographic Information Systems, D. Brown and P. Gersmehl, eds. (St. Paul: Water Resources Research Center, University of Minnesota, 1987). pp. 605-630.  

Encyclopedia Article

Dunning, N. (2001). Mesoamerica: Geography. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures, (Vol. 2, pp. 216-219). New York: Oxford University Press.

In Press

Dunning, N., T. Beach, & S. Luzzader-Beach (2008). The Socio-Natural Connection: Integrating Archaeology And Environmental Studies For 21st Century Conservation. In C. Fisher, B. Hill, and G. Feinman (Eds.), Creating a stable landscape: soil conservation among the ancient Maya Tempe, AZ: University of Arizona Press.

Dunning, N. & S. Houston (2008). Ecology, Power, and Religion in Maya Landscapes. In B. L. Persson and C. Isendahl (Eds.), Chan Ik: Hurricanes as a Disruptive Force in the Maya Lowlands Berlin: Verlag Anton Saurwein.

Other Publication

Dunning, N. Akalche: Paleoenvironmentas and Ancient Settlement on the Interior Wetlands of the Maya Lowlands. (Tempe: University of Arizona Press). In preparation. 

Dunning, N. and T. Beach, An Ancient Maya Tropical Landscape: Environmental Archaeology Ancient Settlement of the Petexbatun Region, Guatemala. (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press). In press.

Beach, T., N. Dunning, and M. Doyle (ed.s), Geoarchaology and Geomorphology. A special issue of the journal Geomorphology. Vol. 101, no, 1/2 (2008).

Scarborough, V., F. Valdez, and N. Dunning (ed.s), Heterarchy, Political Economy and the Ancient Maya: The Three Rivers Region of the East-Central Yucatan Peninsula(Tempe: University of Arizona Press, 2003). 

Dunning, N., Landforms: A Study Guide  (Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 1995-2004).

Dunning, N., Lords of the Hills: Ancient Maya Settlement in the Puuc Region, Mexico. Monographs in World Archaeology No. 15 (Madison, WI: Prehistory Press, 1992). 

Dunning, N., Archaeological Investigations at Sayil, Yucatan: Intersite Surveys and Soil Studies, University of Pittsburgh Anthropological Papers No. 2 (1989).   

Lentz, D. L., C. E. Ramos, N. P. Dunning, V. L. Scarborough, and L. Grazioso Sierra (eds.). Proyecto de Silvacultura y Manejo de Aguas de los Antiguos Mayas de Tikal: Temporada de 2010. Report submitted to Dirección Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala.

Dunning, N. P.,  J. G. Jones, C. Carr, B. and K. Magee. 2010. Investigaciones de Geoarquelogía y Paleoambeinte en la Zona Mayor de Tikal. In: Proyecto de Silvacultura y Manejo de Aguas de los Antiguos Mayas de Tikal: Temporada de 2010, edited by D. L. Lentz, C. E. Ramos, N. P. Dunning, V. L. Scarborough, and L. Grazioso Sierra, pp. 101-112. Dirección Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala.

Scarborough, V. L., L. Grazioso Sierra, N. P. Dunning, B. Lane, and E. Weaver. 2010. Manejo de Aguas en Tikal. In: Proyecto de Silvacultura y Manejo de Aguas de los Antiguos Mayas de Tikal: Temporada de 2010, edited by D. L. Lentz, C. E. Ramos, N. P. Dunning, V. L. Scarborough, and L. Grazioso Sierra, pp. 16-41. Dirección Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala.

Zubrow, E. B, M. P. Smyth, D. Ortegon Zapata, N. P. Dunning, and E. Weaver. Preliminary Report on EAGER, NSF Grant No. 0940183: “Paleoclimatic Reconstruction and Archaeological Investigations at Xcoch and the Puuc Region, Yucatan, Mexico (Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 2010)

Lentz, D., N. Dunning, and V. Scarborough.  Report on NSF Grant No. “Ancient Maya Agroforestry, Land, and Water   Management at Tikal, Guatemala” (Washington, DC, National Science Foundation, 2010).

Lentz, D., N. Dunning, and V. Scarborough.  Preliminary Report on NSF Grant No. “Ancient Maya Agroforestry, Land, and Water   Management at Tikal, Guatemala” (Washington, DC, National Science Foundation, 2009).

Lentz, D. L., L. Grazioso Sierra, N. P. Dunning, and V. L. Scarborough (eds.). Proyecto de Silvacultura y Manejo de Aguas de los Antiguos Mayas de Tikal: Temporada de 2009. Report submitted to Dirección Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala.

Dunning, N. P., R. Griffin, J. G. Jones, C. Carr, B. Lane, B. Thomas, and E. Weaver. 2009. Investigaciones de Geoarquelogía y Paleoambeinte en la Zona Mayor de Tikal. In: Proyecto de Silvacultura y Manejo de Aguas de los Antiguos Mayas de Tikal: Temporada de 2009, edited by D. L. Lentz, L. Grazioso Sierra, N. P. Dunning, and V. L. Scarborough,  pp. 50-65. Dirección Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala.

Scarborough, V. L., L. Grazioso Sierra, N. P. Dunning, B. Lane, and E. Weaver. 2009. Manejo de Aguas en Tikal. In: Proyecto de Silvacultura y Manejo de Aguas de los Antiguos Mayas de Tikal: Temporada de 2009, edited by D. L. Lentz, L. Grazioso Sierra, N. P. Dunning, and V. L. Scarborough,  pp. 30-49. Dirección Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala.

Dunning, N. P. Final Report on NSF Grant No. BCS 06500393: Paleoenvironments and Ancient  Settlement at San Bartolo, Peten, Guatemala. (Washington, DC, National Science Foundation, 2008).

Dunning, N. P., and R. Griffin. Investigaciones de canales lineares in el Bajo de Azúcar .  In Proyecto Arqueológico San Bartolo: Informe Preliminar No. 7, Séptima Temporada 2008, edited by Mónica Urquizú and William Saturno. Report to the Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala, Guatemala City, 2008.

Dunning, N. P., E. Akpinar, C. Carr, R. Griffin, J. G. Jones, D. Lentz, A. Miller, and J. Prater Investigaciones Geoarqueológicas y del Medioambiente en los Alrededores de San Bartolo, Peten: 2007. In Proyecto Arqueológico San Bartolo: Informe Preliminar No. 6, Sexta Temporada 2007, edited by M. Urquizú and W. Saturno. Report submitted to the Dirección de Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Guatemala, Guatemala City.

Dunning, N., Final Report on NSF Grant No.BCS 0241757: The Paleoecology of Belizean Bajos (Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 2007).

Dunning, N., J. Jones, J. Chmilar, and J. Blevins. “Investigaciones ambientales y geoarqueologicas in las alrededoras de San Bartolo.” In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional San Bartolo, Informe Preliminar #3, Tecera Temporada 2005 W. Saturno y M. Urquizu, eds. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Guatemala.

Dunning, N., Preliminary Report on NSF Grant No.BCS 0241757: The Paleoecology of Belizean Bajos   (Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 2003).

Dunning, N. Notes and Comments on the 2003 Soil Pit Excavations at Xkipché, Yucatán (Bonn: Universität Bonn, Seminar für Völkerkunde, 2003). 

Dunning, N., Preliminary Report on Geoarchaeological Investigations at Kinet Höyök, Turkey (Cincinnati: University Research Council, 2001).

Scarborough, V. and N. Dunning,  Report on NSF Grant No. SBR-963-1024: An Accretive Model of Ancient Maya Land Use(Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 2000).

Dunning, N., Preliminary Report on Soils, Hydrology, and Cultural Features the Bajo de la Justa and Bajo Zocotzal, Peten, Guatemala (Huntsville, AL: NASA, Marshall Space Center Remote Sensing Facility, 1999).

Dunning, N., "Preliminary Analysis of Sediments from Brecha Excavations and Island Fields," In Where the Water Meets the  Land: 1997 Excavations in Maya Residences and Wetland Fields, Kaxob, Belize. P. A. McAnany, ed. (Boston: Boston University,  Dept. of Archaeology, 1998). pp. 151-155.

Dunning, N., and V. Scarborough Preliminary Report on NSF Grant No. SBR-963-1024: An Accretive Model of Ancient Maya Land Use  (Washington, DC: National Science Foundation, 1998). 

Dunning, N., and T. Beach Pedo-Archaeological Investigations of Ancient Maya Land Use at La Milpa, Belize, 1996 (Boston: Boston University, Dept. of Archaeology, 1997). 

Dunning, N. Ancient Maya Agricultural Land Use in Northwestern Belize (Pittsburgh: H. John Heinz Charitable Fund, 1996).

Dunning, N., T. Beach, and D. Rue, "Investigaciones de la Paleoecología y las Sistemas Agrícolas Antiguas de la Región  de Petexbatun," In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatun, Informe Preliminar #6, A. Demarest, J. A. Valdés, A. Foias, H. Escobedo, eds (Nashville: Vanderbilt University, Dept. of Anthropology, 1996). Pp.

Dunning, N. Ancient Maya Environmental Adaptations and Impacts: The Paleoecology of Laguna Tamarindito, Guatemala. (Crystal River, FL: Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican  Research, 1995). 

Dunning, N. "Soils of the Midea Citadel, Greece: A Preliminary  Assessment." In Water Management Studies at Midea and Adjacent Areas,  V. Scarborough, ed. (Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Classics, 1994). pp. 51-55.

Dunning, N. La Paleoecología de Lagunas Petexbatun y Tamarindito, El Petén, Guatemala (Guatemala City: CONAP, 1994). 

Dunning, N., "El Analisis del Fosfato de la Tierra  Arqueológica y el Patrón de la Agricultura Antigua en la Región de Petexbatun," In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatun, Informe Preliminar #5, Quinta Temporada 1993,  J. A. Valdés, A. Foias, T. Inomata, H. Escobedo, and A. Demarest, eds. (Vanderbilt University, Dept. of Anthropology,  Nashville, 1993). pp. 165 170.

Dunning, N., L. E. Paiz Diez, T. Beach, and J. Nicholas, "Investigaciones de Terrazas Agrícolas Antiguas Durante la Temporada 1993," In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatun, Informe Preliminar #5, Quinta Temporada 1993, J. A. Valdés, A. Foias, T. Inomata, H.       Escobedo, and  A. Demarest, eds. (Vanderbilt University,   Dept. of Anthropology, Nashville, 1993). pp. 171-182.

Dunning, N. Datos Preliminares Sobre el Sitio Arqueológico del Rancho Mex, Yucatán (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1993). 

Dunning, N. Xkipche Project Regional Extended Settlement Survey (Bonn: Universität Bonn, Seminar für Völkerkunde, 1993). 

Dunning, N. Datos Preliminares Sobre el Sitio Arqueológico de Siho, Yucatán (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1992). 

Dunning, N. Datos Preliminares Sobre el Sitio Arqueológico de Xkoch, Yucatán (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1992). 

Dunning, N. "Notes on the Environment and Ancient Agricultural Features at La Milpa and Surrounding Areas, Belize." In: Water Management Studies at La Milpa, Belize, by Vernon Scarborough, et al. (Washington DC: National Geographic Society, 1992). pp. 81-100.

Dunning, N. Site Formation Processes at Fort Ancient (Columbus: Ohio Historical Society, 1992). 

Dunning, N. Geoarchaeology of the American Stainless Right-of-Way, Carroll Co., KY (Cincinnati: 3/D Environmental Services, 1992). 

Dunning, N. Geoarchaeology of the C7035.07 Site, Northampton Co., PA (Cincinnati: 3/D Environmental Services, 1992). 

Dunning, N., E. Secaira, and A. Demarest The Petexbatun Region and  the Peten: A Legacy of Human Impact (Washington D.C.: U. S. Agency for International Development, 1992). 

Dunning, N. Geoarchaeology of the C17891 Site, Monroe Co., PA  (Cincinnati: 3/D Environmental Services, 1991). 

Dunning, N. Datos Preliminares Sobre el Sitio Arqueológico de Santa Ana I, Yucatán (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de  Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1991).

Dunning, N. Datos Preliminares Sobre el Sitio Arqueológico de Hunto Chac, Yucatán (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de  Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1991).

Dunning, N. Datos Preliminares Sobre el Sitios Arqueológicos de Xkalopococh Maler I y III (Merida: Centro Regional de Yucatán,   Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1991). 

Dunning, N., D. Rue, and T. Beach, "Ecología y Patrón de Asentamiento en la Región de Petexbatun: Resultados de la Temporada 1991," In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatun, Informe Preliminar #3, Tecera Temporada 1991,  A. A. Demarest, ed. (Vanderbilt University, Dept. of  Anthropology, 1991). pp. 829-847.

Dunning, N., "El Uso Prehispanico de la Tierra y la Historia Cultural de la Región del Río de la Pasión: Una Re‑ examinación" In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatun, Informe Preliminar #3, Tecera Temporada 1991,  A. A. Demarest, ed. (Vanderbilt University, Dept. of Anthropology, 1991). pp. 887-895.

Demarest, A. A., and N. Dunning, "Ecología y Guerra en la Región de la Pasión," In Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Petexbatun, Informe Preliminar #2, Segunda Temporada 1990, A. Demarest, ed. (Vanderbilt University, Dept. of  Anthropology, 1990). pp. 595-604.

Dunning, N. The Tzompantli and Related Sculptures at Nohpat, Yucatan (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1990). 

Dunning, N. Notas Sobre Varios Sitios Arqueológicos en la Región Puuc (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1989). 

Dunning, N. Patrón de Asentamiento en la Región Puuc: Informe Trabajo de Campo Temporada 1987(Merida, Mexico: Centro  Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1988). 

Dunning, N., Informe Trabajo de Campo Temporada 1986 (Merida, Mexico: Centro Regional de Yucatán, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1987). 

Dunning, N., Disease Ecology and Schistosomiasis Considerations in the Development of Aquaculture in the East African Rift Lakes  (Malta: International Ocean Institute, 1985).

Ginsburg, N., and N. Dunning, U.S. v. Alaska No. 84 Original: The Straight Baseline Issue (Juneau: State of Alaska, Office of Legal Counsel, 1983).

Dunning, N., Marine Resource Use in the Gulf of Maine: Historical Precedent for Contemporary Practices (Washington D.C.: U.S. Dept. of State, 1982).


Environmental and Geoarchaeology, Soils, Cultural ecology, physical geography, Latin America

Courses Taught

Introductory Physical Geography

Introductory Physical Geography Labs



Senior Integrated Work in Latin American Studies





Approaches to Past Landscapes: Techniques in Environmental and Geoarchaeology

Geoarchaeology Field Methods: Belize/Guatemala




Cultural Geography Theory (seminar)

Sensitive Environments (seminar)