Carri R Warshak , MD
Professor of Clinical
Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
P. O. Box 670526
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-8448
Fax 513-558-3558
Email eaglercr@ucmail.uc.edu
Bachelor's Degree: Wright State University Dayton, OH, 1995 (Biochemistry)
Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, OH, 1999 (Medicine)
Internship: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, OH, 2000 (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Residency: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Cincinnati, OH, 2003 (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Fellowship: University if California San Diego, CA, 2006 (Maternal-Fetal Medicine)
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Maternal-Fetal Medicine) (Certification Date: 04-18-2012 ) - (Recertification Date: to 12-31-2024 )
American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Certification Date: 01-17-2008 ) - (Recertification Date: to 12-31-2024 )
Clinical Interests
Gestational Diabetes
Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Cervical insufficiency
Fetal growth restriction
Genetic abnormalities
Heart disease in pregnancy
Periviable birth
Preterm Labor
Twin Pregnancy
Maternal and Fetal Medicine
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Research and Practice Interests
Obstetrical and medical complications of obesity in pregnancy.
Placenta Accreta: prenatal diagnosis and clinical Management.
Improving resident training with respect to the field of ultrasound training.
Prenatal diagnosis and management of congenital anomalies.
Positions and Work Experience
09-2008 -To Present Assistant Professor, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
07-2006 -08-2008 Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego, CA
09-2008 -To Present Director of Fetal Ultrasound, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
2012 -To Present Maternal-Fetal Medicine Program Director, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
2014 -To Present Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #Mayflowers Study Site Subcontract Investigators:Indihar, Maria; Warshak, Carri 04-01-2021 -03-31-2025 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation MAYFLOWERS-OB-20 Role:Collaborator 59841.86 Hold Level:Non Profit
Published Abstracts
Warshak CR, H. Gunnarson, S. Agent, TR Moore (2005. ) "The effect of glyburide on the amniotic fluid index in pregnancies complicated by diabetes" .[Abstract]International Society for Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sep; 26 (4 ) ,P15.11
Regan J, Masters H, Warshak CR (2015. ) Estimation of the growth rate in fetuses with an abnormal cerebroplacental ration compared to those with suspected growth restriction without evidence of centralization of blood flow .[Abstract]J ultrasound med, 34 (5 ) ,837 --842 Co-Author
CR Warshak, JR Regan, H Masters and EA Defranco (2015. ) Doppler for growth restriction: the association between the cerebroplcental ration and a reduced interval to delivery. Journal of perinatology, 35 (5 ) ,332 --337 Co-Author
JR Regan, H Masters and CR warshak (2015. ) Association between the cerebroplacental ration and the development of severe preeclampsia .[Abstract]Journal of perinatology, 35 (5 ) ,322 --327 Co-Author
Newman t, Cafardi J, CR Warshak (2015. ) Human Immunodeficiency virus- associated pulmonary arterial hypertension diagnoses postpartum .[Abstract]Obstetrics and Gynecology , 125 (1 ) ,193 --195 Co-Author
Kritzer SA, KP Magner, CR Warshak (2014. ) Increasing maternal body mass index does not alter the accuracy of the sonographic estimation of fetal weight near delivery .[Abstract]J ultrasound med, 33 (12 ) ,2173 --2179 Co-Author
Warshak CR, KB Wolfe, KA Russel, M Habli, DF Lewis, EA Defranco (2013. ) Influence of adolescence and obesity on the rate of stillbirth .[Abstract]Paediatr perinat epidemiol, 27 (4 ) ,346 -352 Author
Ballas J, AD hull, C Saenz, CR Warshak, AC Roberts, RR Resnik, TR Moore and GA Ramos (2012. ) preoperative intravascular balloon catheters and surgical outcomes in pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta: a management paradox .[Abstract]Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM, 207 (3 ) ,216 --221 Co-Author
Ramos, GA Hanley AA, Aguayo J, CR Warshak, JH Kim, TR moore (2012. ) Neonatal chemical hypoglycemia in newborns from pregnancies complicated by type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus-the importance of neonatal ponderal index. .[Abstract]K maternal fetal neonatal med, 25 (3 ) ,267 --271 Co-Author
Warshak CR, R Rossi, KB wolfe (2011. ) the effect of maternal obesity on the rate of failed introduction of labor. .[Abstract]Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM, 115 (1 ) ,65 -69 Author
Warshak CR, Ramos GA, Eskander R, Benirschke Km Saenz CC, Kelly TF, Moore TR, Resnik R (2010. ) Effect of predelivery diagnosis in 99 consecutive cases of placenta accreta .[Abstract]Obstetrics and Gynecology, 115 (1 ) ,65 -69 Author
Warshak CR, Eskander R, AD Hull, k. Benirschke, A sciosica, R Resnik (2006. ) The accuracy of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta accreta .[Abstract]Obstetrics and Gynecology, 108 (3 ) ,573 --581 Author
Moldenhauer JS, J. Stanek, C Warshak, J Khoury, B Sibai (2003. ) the frequency and severity of placental findings in women with preeclampsia are gestational age dependent .[Abstract]American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2019 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting, 189 (1 ) ,173 -177 Co-Author
Peer Reviewed Publications
Ballas, Jerasimos; Hull, Andrew D; Saenz, Cheryl; Warshak, Carri R; Roberts, Anne C; Resnik, Robert R; Moore, Thomas R; Ramos, Gladys A (2012. ) Preoperative intravascular balloon catheters and surgical outcomes in pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta: a management paradox.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 207 (3 ) ,216.e1-5 More Information
Ramos, Gladys A; Hanley, Alethea A; Aguayo, Jennifer; Warshak, Carri R; Kim, Jae H; Moore, Thomas R (2012. ) Neonatal chemical hypoglycemia in newborns from pregnancies complicated by type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus - the importance of neonatal ponderal index.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , Mar; 25 (3 ) ,267-71 More Information
Wolfe, Katherine B; Rossi, Rocco A; Warshak, Carri R (2011. ) The effect of maternal obesity on the rate of failed induction of labor.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , Aug; 205 (2 ) ,128.e1-7 More Information
Warshak, Carri R; Ramos, Gladys A; Eskander, Ramez; Benirschke, Kurt; Saenz, Cheryl C; Kelly, Thomas F; Moore, Thomas R; Resnik, Robert (2010. ) Effect of predelivery diagnosis in 99 consecutive cases of placenta accreta.Obstetrics and gynecology, , Jan; 115 (1 ) ,65-9 More Information
Warshak, Carri R; Eskander, Ramez; Hull, Andrew D; Scioscia, Angela L; Mattrey, Robert F; Benirschke, Kurt; Resnik, Robert (2006. ) Accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of placenta accreta.Obstetrics and gynecology, , Sept; 108 (3 Pt 1 ) ,573-81 More Information
Moldenhauer, Julie S; Stanek, Jerzy; Warshak, Carri; Khoury, Jane; Sibai, Baha (2003. ) The frequency and severity of placental findings in women with preeclampsia are gestational age dependent. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , Oct; 189 (4 ) ,1173-7
Warshak, Carri R; Wolfe, Katherine B; Russell, Kimberly A; Habli, Mounira; Lewis, David F; Defranco, Emily A (2013. ) Influence of adolescence and obesity on the rate of stillbirth.Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, , 27 (4 ) ,346-52 More Information
McKinney, David; Boyd, Heather; Langager, Amanda; Oswald, Michael; Pfister, Abbey; Warshak, Carri R (2016. ) The impact of fetal growth restriction on latency in the setting of expectant management of preeclampsia.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 214 (3 ) ,395.e1-7 More Information
Sinkey, Rachel G; Habli, Mounira A; South, Andrew P; Gibler, Wei W; Burns, Patricia W; Eschenbacher, Michaela A; Warshak, Carri R (2016. ) Sonographic markers associated with adverse neonatal outcomes among fetuses with gastroschisis: an 11-year, single-center review.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 214 (2 ) ,275.e1-7 More Information
Regan, Jodi; Masters, Heather; Warshak, Carri R (2015. ) Estimation of the growth rate in fetuses with an abnormal cerebroplacental ratio compared to those with suspected growth restriction without evidence of centralization of blood flow.Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 34 (5 ) ,837-42 More Information
Newman, Tondra; Cafardi, John M; Warshak, Carri R (2015. ) Human immunodeficiency virus-associated pulmonary arterial hypertension diagnosed postpartum.Obstetrics and gynecology, , 125 (1 ) ,193-5 More Information
Kritzer, Sara; Magner, Kristin; Warshak, Carri R (2014. ) Increasing maternal body mass index and the accuracy of sonographic estimation of fetal weight near delivery.Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 33 (12 ) ,2173-9 More Information
Beckwith, Lindsay; Magner, Kristin; Kritzer, Sara; Warshak, Carri R (2017. ) Prostaglandin versus mechanical dilation and the effect of maternal obesity on failure to achieve active labor: a cohort study.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 30 (13 ) ,1621-1626 More Information
Valent, Amy M; Newman, Tondra; Kritzer, Sara; Magner, Kristin; Warshak, Carri R (2017. ) Accuracy of Sonographically Estimated Fetal Weight Near Delivery in Pregnancies Complicated With Diabetes Mellitus.Journal of ultrasound in medicine : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, , 36 (3 ) ,593-599 More Information
Puri, Kriti; Warshak, Carri R; Habli, Mounira A; Yuan, Amy; Sahay, Rashmi D; King, Eileen C; Divanovic, Allison; Cnota, James F (2017. ) Fetal somatic growth trajectory differs by type of congenital heart disease.Pediatric research, , More Information
Valent, Amy M; DeArmond, Chris; Houston, Judy M; Reddy, Srinidhi; Masters, Heather R; Gold, Alison; Boldt, Michael; DeFranco, Emily; Evans, Arthur T; Warshak, Carri R (2017. ) Effect of Post-Cesarean Delivery Oral Cephalexin and Metronidazole on Surgical Site Infection Among Obese Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA, , 318 (11 ) ,1026-1034 More Information
Regan J, Masters H, Warshak CR (2015. ) Association between an abnormal cerebroplacental ratio and the development of severe preeclampsia.J Perinatol, , 35 (5 ) ,322 More Information
Warshak CR, Masters H, Regan J, DeFranco E (2015. ) Doppler for growth restriction: the association between the cerebroplacental ration and a reduced interval to delivery.J Perinatol, , 35 (5 ) ,332 More Information
Roland C, Warshak CR, DeFranco EA (2017. ) Success of labor induction for pre-eclampsia at preterm and term gestational ages.J Perinatol, , 37 (6 ) ,636 More Information
Valent AM, DeArmond C, Houston JM, Reddy S, Masters HR, Gold A, Boldt M, DeFranco E, Evans AT, Warshak CR (2017. ) Effect of Post-Cesarean Delivery Oral Cephalexin and Metronidazole on Surgical Site Infection Among Obese Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial.JAMA, , 318 (11 ) ,1026 More Information
Puri K, Warshak CR, Habli MA, Yuan A, Sahay RD, King EC, Divanovic A, Cnota JF (2017. ) Fetal somatic growth trajectory differs by type of congenital heart disease.Pediatr Res, , More Information
Rossi, Robert M; Warshak, Carri R; Masters, Heather R; Regan, Jodi K; Kritzer, Sara A; Magner, Kristin P (2019. ) Comparison of prostaglandin and mechanical cervical ripening in the setting of small for gestational age neonates.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 32 (22 ) ,3841-3846 More Information
Stefely, Erin; Warshak, Carri R (2019. ) Contraction frequency after administration of misoprostol in obese versus nonobese women.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 32 (21 ) ,3526-3530 More Information
Rossi, Robert M; Requarth, Erin W; Warshak, Carri R; Dufendach, Kevin; Hall, Eric S; DeFranco, Emily A (2019. ) Predictive Model for Failed Induction of Labor Among Obese Women.Obstetrics and gynecology, , 134 (3 ) ,485-493 More Information
Turner, Emily; Warshak, Carri R (2019. ) Cesarean for non-reassuring fetal status: effect of obesity on decision to delivery interval.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, , 39 (6 ) ,814-819 More Information
Welge, Jeffrey A; Warshak, Carri R; Woollett, Laura A (2018. ) Maternal plasma cholesterol concentration and preterm birth: a meta-analysis and systematic review of literature.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 1-9 More Information
Rossi, Robert M; Warshak, Carri R (2018. ) Prevalence of Maternal Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Ohio.Obstetrics and gynecology, , 132 (3 ) ,708-716 More Information
Sinclair, Samantha; Masters, Heather R; DeFranco, Emily; Rountree, Sara; Warshak, Carri R (2021. ) Universal transvaginal cervical length screening during pregnancy increases the diagnostic incidence of low-lying placenta and placenta previa.American journal of obstetrics & gynecology MFM, , 3 (1 ) ,100255 More Information
Girnius, Andrea; Zentner, Dominica; Valente, Anne Marie; Pieper, Petronella G; Economy, Katherine E; Ladouceur, Magalie; Roos-Hesselink, Jolien W; Warshak, Carri; Partington, Sara L; Gao, Zhiqian; Ollberding, Nicholas; Faust, Michelle; Girnius, Saulius; Kaemmerer, Harald; Nagdyman, Nicole; Cohen, Scott; Canobbio, Mary; Akagi, Teiji; Grewal, Jasmine; Bradley, Elisa; Buber, Yonathan; Palumbo, Joseph; Walker, Niki; Aboulhosn, Jamil; Oechslin, Erwin; Baumgartner, Helmut; Kurdi, Wesam; Book, Wendy M; Mulder, Barbara J M; Veldtman, Gruschen R (2020. ) Bleeding and thrombotic risk in pregnant women with Fontan physiology.Heart (British Cardiac Society), , More Information
Masters, Heather R; Warshak, Carri; Sinclair, Samantha; Rountree, Sara; DeFranco, Emily (2020. ) Time required to complete transvaginal cervical length in women receiving universal cervical length screening for preterm birth prevention.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 1-5 More Information
Rossi, Robert M; Brady, Matthew J; Hall, Eric S; Warshak, Carri R (2020. ) Effect of Needle Exchange Program on Maternal Hepatitis C Virus Prevalence.American journal of perinatology, , 37 (9 ) ,881-889 More Information
Rossi, Robert M; Requarth, Erin; Warshak, Carri R; Dufendach, Kevin R; Hall, Eric S; DeFranco, Emily A (2020. ) Risk Calculator to Predict Cesarean Delivery Among Women Undergoing Induction of Labor.Obstetrics and gynecology, , 135 (3 ) ,559-568 More Information
Rossi, Robert M; Wolfe, Christopher; Brokamp, Richard; McAllister, Jennifer M; Wexelblatt, Scott; Warshak, Carri R; Hall, Eric S (2020. ) Reported Prevalence of Maternal Hepatitis C Virus Infection in the United States.Obstetrics and gynecology, , 135 (2 ) ,387-395 More Information
Melchior, John T; Swertfeger, Debi K; Morris, Jamie; Street, Scott E; Warshak, Carri R; Welge, Jeffrey A; Remaley, Alan T; Catov, Janet M; Davidson, W Sean; Woollett, Laura A (2021. ) Pregnancy is accompanied by larger high-density lipoprotein particles and compositionally distinct subspecies.Journal of lipid research, , 100107 More Information
Book Chapter
Girnius A, Veldtman G, Warshak CR Congenital heart disease in adolescents and adults
Warshak CR, Fontenot T Fetal Growth Abnormalities Manual of Obstetrics, 8th ed.
Warshak CR, Lewis DF Assisted reproductive technology and congenital anomalies Ultrasound in reproductive medicine and infertility .Ritz and Puscheck (Author)
Lewis DF and Warshak CR Multiple pregnancies after assisted reproduction technology Ultrasound in reproductive medicine and infertilift .Ritz and Puscheck (Co-Author)
Electronic Journal
Warshak CR and Moore TR (2005. ) Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy .EMedicine,
Invited Presentations
Amy M. Valent Chris DeArmond, Judy M. Houston, Srinidhi Reddy, Heather R. Masters, Alison Gold, Michael Boldt, Emily DeFranco, DO, Arthur T. Evans, MD, Carri R. Warshak, MD. (01-26-2017. ) Post-operative prophylactic oral antibiotics for preventing surgical site infections in obese women undergoing cesarean deliveries: A randomized controlled trial .Oral presentation in Oral Plenary I on SMFM, Las Vegas, NV.
Erin Stefaly, CR Warshak (10-01-2017. ) Contraction Frequency After Administration of Misoprostol in Obese versus Non-obese Women. .CAOG Annual Meeting,, Scottsdale, AZ.
Amy M. Valent Chris DeArmond, Judy M. Houston, Srinidhi Reddy, Heather R. Masters, Alison Gold, Michael Boldt, Emily DeFranco, DO, Arthur T. Evans, MD, Carri R. Warshak, MD (01-26-2017. ) The influence of post-cesarean prophylactic oral antibiotics for preventing surgical site infections in obese women with rupture membranes with increased maternal and surgical risks factors .. Oral presentation in Oral Concurrent 3., Las Vegas, NV.
Amy M. Valent Chris DeArmond, Judy M. Houston, Srinidhi Reddy, Heather R. Masters, Alison Gold, Michael Boldt, Emily DeFranco, DO, Arthur T. Evans, MD, Carri R. Warshak, MD (01-26-2017. ) The influence of post-cesarean prophylactic oral antibiotics for preventing surgical site infections in obese women with rupture membranes with increased maternal and surgical risks factors .. Oral presentation in Oral Concurrent 3., Las Vegas, NV.
. Amy M. Valent Chris DeArmond, Judy M. Houston, Srinidhi Reddy, Heather R. Masters, Alison Gold, Michael Boldt, Emily DeFranco, DO, Arthur T. Evans, MD, Carri R. Warshak, MD (01-27-2017. ) Intrapartum factors association with surgical site infection in the obese following cesarean delivery, and the ability of prophylactic antibiotics to reduce morbidity, Oral Concurrent 6 - Infectious Disease and Metabolism .SMSF , Las Vegas, NV.
carri warshak (03-01-2016. ) The use of telemedicine to expand obstetrical imaging services. .Speaker, 2nd Annual International Telehealth Conference. , Cincinnati, OH.
carri warshak (10-01-2015. ) Perinatal HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Speaker, 14th Annual Regional Perinatal Leaders’ Summit, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Level:Local
(10-01-2015. ) Influence of Maternal Obesity on Successful Induction with Common Cervical Ripening Methods .CAOG Annual Meeting oral presentation, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Level:Local
carri warshak (10-01-2009. ) Placenta Accreta: Update and New Perspectives .The Christ Hospital Grand Rounds. , Cincinnati, OH.
carri warshak (2009. ) First Trimester Aneuploidy Screening .Meeting for the Nurses of the Cincinnati Health Department, Cincinnati, OH. Level:Local
carri warshak (03-13-2008. ) Multiple Cesareans and Accreta: An Imaging and Management Challenge .Meet the Professors Session. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Annual Conference., San Diego, CA. Level:National
carri warshak (10-01-2006. ) Diagnosis and Management of Placenta Accreta” .Annual Meeting for the American Gynecologic Club., San Diego, CA. Level:Regional
carri warshak (01-01-2006. ) Accuracy of Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta. Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine oral presentation, Cincinnati, OH. Level:National
carri warshak (07-01-2003. ) “Perimortem Cesarean Section” .” University of Cincinnati Grand Rounds, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
carri warshak (07-01-2003. ) Placental findings in preeclampsia are gestational age dependent .University of Cincinnati Resident’s Day presentation,, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
carri warshak (2004. ) Sonographic findings in fetal aneuploidy” . 2nd Annual Perinatal Conference, San Diego, CA. Level:Regional
carri warshak (2004. ) Basics of Obstetrical Ultrasound .Camp Pendleton Ultrasound Course, Level:National
Poster Presentations
Brady M, E DeFranco, C Roland, R Rossi, A Divanovic, CR Warshak (03-01-2018. ) Antenatal Maternal Coxsackie B Virus Leading to Fetal Tachycardia, Myocarditis and Hydrops. AIUM Annual Meeting, New York City, NY. . Level:National
. Samantha Sinclair, MD, Sara Edester, RDMS, CR Warshak,, and Emily DeFranco, DO, MS (01-01-2018. ) Implementation of universal cervical length screening program: influence of provider and patient education on refusal of transvaginal ultrasound .AIUM Annual Meeting, New York City, NY. .
Samantha Sinclair, MD, Sara Edester, RDMS, CR Warshak, and Emily DeFranco, DO, MS (01-01-2018. ) Additional ultrasound time required to complete transvaginal cervical length in women receiving universal cervical length screening for preterm birth prevention. AIUM Annual Meeting, January 2018, New York, NY., New York City, NY. . Level:National
Samantha Sinclair, MD, Sara Edester, RDMS, CR Warshak,, and Emily DeFranco, DO, MS (10-01-2017. ) Screening accuracy of midtrimester abdominal ultrasound for diagnosis of placenta previa in the setting of a universal transvaginal ultrasound screening program. .CAOG Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. . Level:National
Erin Stefaly, CR Warshak (10-01-2017. ) Contraction Frequency After Administration of Misoprostol in Obese versus Non-obese Women. .caogpresentation CAOG Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. . Level:Regional
Emily Turner, CR Warshak (10-07-2017. ) Cesarean delivery for non-reassuring fetal status: effect of maternal obesity on the decision to delivery interval. CAOG annual meeting, Scottsdale, AZ. .
Amy M. Valent Chris DeArmond, Judy M. Houston, Srinidhi Reddy, Heather R. Masters, Alison Gold, Michael Boldt, Emily DeFranco, DO, Arthur T. Evans, MD, Carri R. Warshak, MD (01-26-2017. ) Post-operative prophylactic oral antibiotics for preventing surgical site infections in obese women undergoing cesarean deliveries: A randomized controlled trial .37th Annual Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine Pregnancy Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. .
(01-26-2017. ) The influence of post-cesarean prophylactic oral antibiotics for preventing surgical site infections in obese women with rupture membranes with increased maternal and surgical risks factors., Oral presentation in Oral Concurrent 3 .smfs meeting, Las Vegas, NV. . Level:National
carri warshak (01-27-2017. ) Intrapartum factors association with surgical site infection in the obese following cesarean delivery, and the ability of prophylactic antibiotics to reduce morbidity, Oral Concurrent 6 - Infectious Disease and Metabolism .smfm, Las Vegas, NV. . Level:National
carri warshak (01-27-2017. ) Influence of diabetes mellitus on delivery timing in women who develop preeclampsia. smfm, Las Vegas, NV. . Level:National
carri warshak (01-26-2017. ) The cost-effectiveness of prophylactic, post-cesarean antibiotics in obese women for the prevention of surgical site infections .smfm,, Las Vegas, NV. .
carri warshak (01-28-2017. ) Maternal and surgical factors associated with surgical site infections after cesarean delivery in obese women with intact membranes. .smfm, Las Vegas, NV. .
Robert M. Rossi, Heather R. Masters, Jodi K. Regan, Sara A. Kritzer, Kristin P. Magner, C.R. Warshak (01-26-2017. ) Comparison of efficacy between prostaglandin and mechanical cervical ripening in the setting of small for gestational age. .smfm, Las Vegas, NV. .
Beckwith L, K Magner, S Kritzer and CR Warshak (10-01-2015. ) Influence of Maternal Obesity on Successful Induction with Common Cervical Ripening Methods .CAOG Annual Meeting ,
McKinney D, Langager A, Jeffries, H, Oswald M, Pfister A, and CR Warshak (10-01-2015. ) Factors Associated with Failed Labor Induction in Women with Pre-eclampsia .CAOG Annual Meeting,
carri warshak (10-01-2015. ) The Impact of Fetal Growth Restriction on Latency in the Setting of Expectant Management of Pre-eclampsia .CAOG Annual Meeting poster ,
Gold A, Thompson A, Faroqui R,Warshak (10-01-2015. ) Successful Initiation and Continuation of Breastfeeding: Does Mode of Delivery Matter? .CAOG Annual Meeting ,
Valent A, Kritzer S, Magner K, and Warshak CR. Impact of diabetes on delivery timing for preeclampsia .American Diabetes Association Scientific Session 2015.,
Valent A, Newman T, Magner K, Kritzer S and Warshak CR. (2015. ) Accuracy of the estimation of fetal weight near delivery by ultrasound in diabetic and non-diabetic pregnancies. .American Diabetes Association Scientific Session 2015,
Regan J, Masters H and Warshak CR. (2014. ) Estimation of the rate of growth in fetuses with an abnormal cerebroplacental ratio, compared to those with suspected fetal growth restriction without evidence of centralization of flow. .. Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting,,
Regan J, Masters H and Warshak CR (2014. ) The association of an abnormal cerebroplacental ratio with the development of severe preeclampsia .Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting, ,
Regan J, Masters H and Warshak CR. (2014. ) The association of an abnormal cerebroplacental ratio with the development of severe preeclampsia .Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting, ,
Visconti K, Defranco EA, Magner K, Kritzer S, Warshak CR (2014. ) Influence of body mass index and IOM recommended weight gain on preterm birth. .Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meeting,
Warshak CR, Sinkey R, Habli M, Wang Gibler W, South A (2014. ) Use of sonographic markers to predict adverse neonatal outcomes in fetuses with gastroschisis. .Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual Meetin,
Newman T, Kritzer S, Magner K, Warshak CR (2014. ) Relationship between fetal size and the accuracy of the fetal weight as estimated by sonographic biometry obtained near delivery in all women and in diabetic women alone. .Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine Annual ,
Regan J, Masters H, Warshak CR (2013. ) the association between the cerebroplacental ratio and placental insufficiency as a diagnosed by hypoxic changes on histological examination of the placenta .Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting;, Level:National
Regan J, Masters H and Warshak CR (2013. ) Sensitivity and Specificity of a two-step Doppler approach in fetuses with growth restriction .Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting;, Conference. . Level:National
Regan J, Masters H and Warshak CR (2013. ) Association between the cerebroplacental ratio and delivery prior to 32 weeks and delivery within two weeks in fetuses suspected to have growth restriction. Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting;,
Ballas J, Ramos G, Warshak CR, Hull AD, Saenz C, Moore TR, Resnik R. (2012. ) Preoperative intravascular balloon catheters and surgical outcomes in pregnancies complicated by placenta accreta—a management paradox .Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Annual Meeting;,
Aguayo J, Ramos GA, Bernstein AA, Warshak CR, Moore TR. (2010. ) Characteristics and Outcomes of Pregnant Women with Type II or Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Who Do Not Respond to Initial Glyburide Monotherapy. .ACOG district meeting 2010,
Contact Information
Academic - Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-8448
Fax: 513-558-3558