Professional Summary
Professor John Eck earned his Ph.D. in criminology from the University of Maryland in 1994. Prior to that, helped reform police for 17 years as Research Director of the Police Executive Research Forum. He is known for his work on investigation management, problem-oriented policing, and preventing crime at high crime places. Dr. Eck focuses on developing practical solutions to crime problems based on sound research and rigorous theory. Besides publishing many academic papers, he created many guides for police and others interested in preventing crime. Dr. Eck was a member of the National Academy of Sciences panel on police research and policy. In 2001 he assisted the Federal Court in negotiating a suit alleging racial discrimination in police enforcement practices. The result was the Cincinnati Collaborative Agreement. In 2016, Dr. Eck received the Collaborative Agreement Award for helping negotiate that agreement and his subsequent work to sustain it. He is the recipient of the 2016 Ronald V. Clarke Award presented by the Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis network. He teaches courses on policing and crime prevention.
Published Books
Liu, Lin and John E. Eck, eds. (2008. ) Artificial Crime Analysis Systems .Hershey, PA , IGI International
Clarke,R.V.; Eck,J.E. (2007. ) Understanding risky facilities. problem specific guide series .Washington, D.C. , Office of Community Oriented Policing, U.S. Department of Justice
Madensen,T.; Eck,J.E. (2006. ) Student party disturbances on college campuses. problem-oriented guides for police series .Washington, D.C. , Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice
Eck,J.E.; Chainey,S.; Cameron,J. (2005. ) Mapping crime: understanding hot spots .Washington, DC , U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice
Eck,J.E.; Liu,L. (2003. ) Police vehicle stops in cincinnati .Cincinnati, OH , University of Cincinnati Criminal Justice Research Center
Clarke,R.V.; Eck,J.E. (2003. ) Becoming a problem-solving crime analyst: in 55 small steps .London , Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science
Eck,J.E. (2002. ) Crossing the borders of crime: factors influencing the utility and practicality of interjurisdictional crime mapping .Washington, DC , Police Foundation and National Institute of Justice
Eck,J. (1999. ) Problem-solving detectives: some thoughts on their scarcity .Seattle, WA , Seattle Police Department
Eck,J.E.; Weisburd,D. (1995. ) Crime and place .Monsey, NY , Criminal Justice Press
Book Chapter
Scott, Michael, John E. Eck, Johannes Knutsson, and Herman Goldstein (2008 ) Problem-Oriented Policing and Environmental Criminology. In Richard Wortley and Lorraine Mazerolle, eds Environmental Criminology and Crime Analysis .(pp. 211-246).Cullompton Devon, Willan
Liu, Lin and John E. Eck (2008 ) Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems. In Lin Liu and John E. Eck, eds Artificial Crime Analysis Systems .Hershey, PA, IGI International
Wang, Xuguang, Lin Liu, John Eck (2008 ) Crime Patterns Simulation Using GIS and Artificial Intelligent Agents. In Lin Liu and John E. Eck, eds. Artificial Crime Analysis Systems .Hershey, PA, IGI International
Eck, John E. and Lin Liu (2008 ) Varieties of Artificial Crime Analysis: Purpose, Structure, and Evidence in Crime Simulations. In Lin Liu and John E. Eck, eds. Artificial Crime Analysis Systems .Hershey, PA, IGI International
Eck, J.E.; Clarke, R.V.; Guerette, R.T. (2007 ) Imagination for Crime Prevention. Crime Prevention Studies, vol. 19 Risky facilities: crime concentration in homogeneous sets of establishments and facilities .(pp. 225-264).Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Weisburd, D.; Eck, J.E. (2007 ) International Handbook of Penology and Criminal Justice What can police do to reduce crime, disorder, and fear? .(pp. 479-502).Taylor and Francis
Liu, L.; Wang, X.; Eck, J.; Liang, J. (2005 ) Geographic Information Systems and Crime Analysis Simulating crime events and crime patterns in a ra/ca model .(pp. 197 - 213).Reading, PA, Idea Publishing
Eck,J.E.; Rothman,J. (2005 ) Public security and police reform in the americas. Police-community conflict and crime prevention in Cincinnati, Ohio: The collaborative agreement .Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh Press
Eck,J.E. (2005 ) Prospects and problems in an era of police innovation: contrasting perspectives Science, values and problem-oriented policing .New York, Cambridge University Press
Eck,J.E.; Rothman,J. (2005 ) Seguridad y reforma policial en las americas: experiencias y dessafios El conflicto policia-comunidas y las prevencion de la delincuencia en Cincinnati, Ohio: Acuerdo de colaboracion .(pp. 340 -362).Mexico City, Siglo XXI Editores
Eck,J.E. (2005 ) Handbook of crime prevention and community safety Evaluation for lesson learning .(pp. 699 -733).Cullompton, Devon, Willan
Eck,J.E. (2005 ) A handbook for crime prevention: theory, policy and practice Evaluations for Lesson Learning .Cullompton, Devon, Willan
Eck, J. (2004 ) Committee to Review Research on Police Policy and Practices Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing: The Evidence .Washington, DC, The National Academies Press
Eck,J.E. (2003 ) Community policing: can it work? Why don't problems get solved? .(pp. 185 -206).Belmont, CA, Wadsworth
Eck,J.E.; Clarke,R.V. (2003 ) Theory for practice in situational crime prevention Classifying common police problems: A routine activity approach .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J.E. (2003 ) Community policing: can it work? Problem-oriented policing and its problems .Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,
Eck,J.E. (2003 ) Problem-oriented policing: from innovation to mainstream Police problems: The complexity of problem theory, research and evaluation .(pp. 67 - 102).Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Sherman,L.; Eck,J.E. (2002 ) Evidence-based crime prevention Policing for Prevention .New York: Routledge,
Eck,J.E. (2002 ) Evaluating crime prevention. crime prevention studies Learning from experience in problem-oriented policing and situational prevention: The positive functions of weak evaluations and the negative functions of strong ones .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J. (2002 ) Evidence-based crime prevention Preventing crime at places .New York, Routledge
Sherman,L.; Eck,J.E.; Welsh,B. (2002 ) Evidence-based crime prevention Policing for prevention .New York, Routledge
Eck,J. (2001 ) The process and structure of crime: criminal events and crime analysis. theoretical advances in criminology Policing and Crime Event Concentration .New Brunswick, NJ, Transactions
Eck,J. (2001 ) Preventing crime Preventing Crime at Places .Newark, NJ, Harwood Academic Publishers
Eck,J.; Gersh,J. (2000 ) Illegal drug markets: from research to prevention policy, crime prevention series Drug Trafficking as a Cottage Industry .(pp. 241 -272).Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J.; McGuire,E. (2000 ) The crime drop in america Have Changes in Policing Reduced Violent Crime? An Assessment of the Evidence .Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press
Eck,J.; Gersh,J.; Taylor,C. (2000 ) Analyzing crime patterns: frontiers of practice Finding Hotspots Through Repeat Address Mapping .Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications
Eck,J.E. (1999 ) Problem-oriented policing: crime-specific problems, critical issues and making pop work Drug Market Places: How They Form and how They Can be Prevented .Washington, DC, Police Executive Research Forum
Karchmer,C.; Eck,J.E. (1998 ) Police program evaluation Proactive Investigations Evaluations .Washington DC, Police Executive Research Forum
Eck,J.E.; Wartell,J. (1998 ) In civil remedies and crime prevention. crime prevention studies Improving The Management of Rental Properties With Drug Problems: A Randomized Experiment .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J.E. (1997 ) Policing america: methods, issues, challenges Situational Crime Prevention and Problem Solving .Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall
Eck,J.E. (1997 ) Preventing crime: what works, what doesn't, what's promising - a report to the attorney general of the united states Preventing Crime at Places .Washington, DC, United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
Eck,J.E. (1997 ) Crime mapping. crime prevention studies What Do Those Dots Mean? The Role of Theory in Crime Mapping .Monsey NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J.E.; Glensor,R.W. (1996 ) Community policing and problem solving: strategies and practices Introduction .Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice-Hall
Eck,J.E. (1996 ) Quantifying quality in policing Rethinking Detective Management or, Why Investigative Reforms are Seldom Permanent or Effective .Washington, DC
Eck,J.E. (1996 ) Under fire: gun buy backs, exchanges, and amnesty programs A Commentary On Gun Buy-Back, Exchange And Amnesty Programs: Do They Hold Water? Or Are They All Wet? .Washington, DC, Police Executive Research Forum
Eck,J.E.; Felson,M. (1996 ) Business and crime prevention Do Premises Liability Suits Promote Business Crime Prevention .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J.E. (1995 ) Crime analysis through computer mapping The Usefulness of Maps for Area and Place Research: An Example from a Study of Retail Drug Dealing .Washington, DC, Police Executive Research Forum
Eck,J.E. (1995 ) Crime and place A General Model of the Geography of Illicit Retail Market Places .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck,J.E.; Weisburd,D. (1995 ) Crime and place Crime Places in Crime Theory .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Eck, J.; Madensen, T. D. (2009 ) Using signatures of opportunity structures to examine mechanisms in crime prevention evaluations Evaluating Crime Reduction Initiatives. Crime Prevention Studies, vol. 24 .Monsey, NY, Criminal Justice Press
Benson, M. L.; Madensen, T. D.; Eck, J. E. (2009 ) White-collar crime from an opportunity perspective The Criminology of White-Collar Crime .(pp. 175 -194).New York, Springer
Tillyer, M. S.; Eck, J. E. (2009 ) Routine activities 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook .(pp. 279 -287).Los Angeles, CA, SAGE
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