Mark H Eckman , MD
Medical Sciences Building
PO Box 0535
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219-0535
Phone 513-558-7581
Fax 513-558-4399
Email eckmanmh@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
For the past thirty plus years, I have followed my passion as a general internist and a decision scientist, first as an active member of the Division of Clinical Decision Making at the New England Medical Center (1984-1999) and more recently as Director of the Center for Clinical Effectiveness at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center (1999 – present). As both a researcher and a clinician, this environment has supported my interests in combining both clinical and theoretic applications of decision analysis to the care of individual patients and to broader issues of health policy. In particular my methodological interests have included the development of patient-specific decision support tools, cost-effectiveness analysis, and the continued study and development of new decision analytic methods.
In terms of decision analytic application areas, my interests also extend to more generic issues of health policy planning and cost-effectiveness analyses, attempting to use quantitative methods to help make decisions about the allocation of increasingly scarce health care resources. I also have maintained a special interest in the decision analytic issues surrounding anticoagulation therapy within a variety of clinical situations, including atrial fibrillation, venous thromboembolism, and thrombophilic states.
Within our institution in particular and the profession in general, I am also deeply committed to pursuing the continued development and application of computational and information technologies to the practice of medicine and medical education. I believe that the challenges we encounter as both clinicians treating individual patients and as administrators managing and leading systems of care, provide the most fertile soil for interesting research and innovative problem solving. The model we are striving to create in our Center for Clinical Effectiveness is one that balances a portfolio of research projects that on the one hand address the operational and strategic needs of our own institution, but also utilize these real-world challenges and investigations as the nidus for more scholarly work.
Bachelor's Degree: Trinity College Hartford, CT, 1976
Master's Degree: Northwestern University Chicago, IL, 1977 (Biomedical Engineering)
Medical Degree: Albany Medical College Albany, NY, 1981
Internship & Residency : Albany Medical Center Hospital Albany, NY, 1984 (Internal Medicine )
Fellowship: Tufts/New England Medical Center Boston, MA, 1986 (Clinical Decision Making )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 09-12-1984 )
Research and Practice Interests
Combining Both Clinical and Theoretic Applications of Decision Analysis to the Care of Individual Patients and to Broader Issues of Health Policy, the Development of Patient-specific Decision Support Tools, the Continued Study and Development of New Decision Analytic Methods, Generic Issues of Health Policy Planning and Cost-effectiveness Analyses, Attempting to Use Quantitative Methods to Help Make Decisions about the Allocation of Increasingly Scarce Health Care Resources, Analytic Issues Surrounding Anticoagulation Therapy within a Variety of Clinical Situations, including Atrial Fibrillation, Venous Thromboembolism and Thrombophilic States, Continued Development and Application of Computational and Information Technologies to the Practice of Medicine and Medical Education.
Positions and Work Experience
1999 -To Present Posey Professor of Clinical Medicine, Professor of Environmental Health (since 2006), Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1988 -1999 Research Affiliate, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
1999 - Professor of Medicine, Division of Clinical Decision Making, Informatics & Telemedicine, and Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
1994 -1999 Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Clinical Decision Making, Informatics & Telemedicine, and Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
1986 -1994 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Clinical Decision Making, and Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
1999 -To Present Division Director, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1999 -To Present Director, Center for Clinical Effectiveness, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1996 -1999 Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine, Tufts University/New England Medical Center, Boston, MA
2003 -2004 Interim Director, Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2013 -2014 Interim Executive Director, Center for Health Informatics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1996 -1998 President of the Medical Staff, New England Medical Center, Boston, MA
1999 -2000 President, Society for Medical Decision Making,
2002 -2004 President, Cincinnati Society of Internal Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Grant: #1U54 RR 025216 Investigators:J Tsevat, J Heubi, MH Eckman 01-01-2006 -02-28-2014 NIH/NCRR Cincinnati Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CTSA) Role:Co-Director Informatics Core
Investigators:P Embi, MH Eckman 09-2008 -09-2011 National Library of Medicine Evaluating EHR-based, Point-of-Care Trial Recruitment Across Clinical Settings Role:Co-I
Investigators:K Sherman, MH Eckman 03-2008 -02-2010 Gilead Sciences Inc. Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection Role:Co-PI
Grant: #K23 DK075599 Investigators:D Schauer, MH Eckman 08-03-2007 -06-30-2012 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases A Patient Specific Decision Support Tool for Bariatric Surgery Role:Primary Mentor
Grant: #K23 HL085387 Investigators:S Collins, MH Eckman 04-01-2008 -03-31-2013 National Heart Lung & Blood Institute Treatment Endpoints in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure Role:Advisory Committee Member
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman, Daniel Schauer, Ruth Wise 10-01-2011 -09-30-2013 Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Using Decision Analytic Modeling to Guide the ACCP Guideline Development Process for Antithrombotic Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation Role:Principal Investigator Type:Grant
Investigators:Kenneth Sherman and Mark H. Eckman 10-01-2011 -09-30-2012 Merck Sharp & Dohme Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection Role:Co-Principal Investigator Type:Grant
Grant: #UL1RR026314-01S1 Investigators:Joel Tsevat, James Heubi, Mark H Eckman 08-20-2009 -08-19-2011 NIH/NCRR Cincinnati Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CTSA) ARRA Supplement for Development of Distance Learning Program in Medical Informatics Role:Project PI Type:Grant
Grant: #90BC0016/01 Investigators:Mark Eckman, Dan Schauer 09-01-2010 -03-31-2012 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Greater Cincinnati BEACON Collaborative Role:Site PI Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman, Jun Ying, William Barrett 12-01-2007 -11-30-2008 The Barrett Foundation - University of Cincinnati Predictive Models for Adverse Outcomes following Brachytherapy in Men with Localized Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark H Eckman, Ruth Wise, Anthony Leonard, Eric Warm, Estrelita Dixon, Christine Burrows 11-01-2005 -01-31-2008 Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making Impact of Health Literacy on Outcomes and Effectiveness of Shared Decision Making Programs in Patients with Chronic Diseases Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Joel Tsevat, Mark H. Eckman, Mark Wess, Marta Render 10-01-2003 -09-30-2006 Veteran’s Administration Medical Center Usability and Impact of a Computer-Based Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool. Health Services Research and Development REAP Award Role:Co-Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Edward Donovan, MD, Mark H. Eckman, MD, Jennifer Malat, PhD 12-01-2003 -11-30-2004 University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Dean’s Discovery Fund Perceptions of Physician Cultural Competence: Children, Parents, and Adults. Role:Co-Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman, Daniel Schauer, Anthony Leonard, Richard Hornung 01-01-2003 -12-31-2003 Eli Lilly and Company Patient-Specific Decision Analysis: Targeted Use of Drotrecogin Alfa (activated) in the Treatment of ICU Patients with Severe Sepsis. Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman 01-01-2001 -12-31-2001 DuPont Pharmaceuticals The INNOVATE Study: Innohep® Observed in Various Treatment Environments. Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Contract
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman, Charles Moomaw, Joseph Johnston, Robert Cluxton, Pam Heaton, Jeff Guo 12-01-2000 -11-30-2001 Ohio Medicaid Technical Assistance Policy and Program (MEDTAPP) Predictors of Warfarin Use Among Ohio Medicaid Patients with New-Onset Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman 08-01-2000 -07-31-2001 Mary Elizabeth Pearce Foundation Decision Analytic Issues for Antithrombotic Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease. Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Robert Ludke, Richard Hornung, Alfred Tuchfarber, Stephen Pauker 07-01-1999 -11-30-2000 Bjork-Shiley Convexo-Concave Supervisory Panel Bjork-Shiley Convexo-Concave Heart Valve Research Evaluation Project. Role:Chair of Decision Analysis Review Panel Completed Type:Contract
Grant: #LM 07092 Investigators:Robert A. Greenes, Stephen G.Pauker 07-01-1992 -06-30-2002 National Library of Medicine Harvard-MIT-NEMC Research Training in Medical Informatics Role:Co-Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #T32 HS00060 Investigators:Harry P. Selker 09-30-1993 -06-30-1998 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Postdoctoral fellowships in health services research. Role:Co-Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Stephen G. Pauker, Mark H. Eckman, Rodney Falk 02-17-1996 -05-31-1999 Pfizer Cost-effectiveness of type III anti-arrhythmics in treating atrial fibrillation. Role:Co-Principal Investigator
Grant: #CCU110291-01 Investigators:Allen Steere, Mark H. Eckman, Stephen G. Pauker 05-01-1994 -04-30-1997 Center for Disease Control U50 Measuring the health impact of late stage Lyme disease. Role:Co-Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #RO1 HS06665-04 Investigators:Sheldon Greenfield, Sherrie Kaplan, Mark H. Eckman, Stephen G. Pauker 09-30-1990 -09-29-1995 AHCPR Variations in the management and outcome of Diabetes. Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #RO1 HS06503 Investigators:David Pryor, Mark H. Eckman, John Wong, Stephen Pauker 07-01-1990 -06-30-1995 AHCPR Outcome assessment in ischemic heart disease. Role:Co-Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Investigators:Peter Szolovits, William Long, Mark H. Eckman, Stephen G. Pauker 10-01-1994 -09-30-1997 Advanced Research Projects Agency Guardian Angel: Patient-centered health information systems. Role:Co-Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #RO1 LM 04493 Investigators:Peter Szolovits, William Long, Mark H. Eckman, Stephen G. Pauker 09-30-1990 -09-29-1993 NLM Artificial intelligence and clinical decision making.
Investigators:Mark H. Eckman, Stephen G. Pauker 07-01-1988 -06-30-1989 Whitaker Health Sciences Fund Grant An evaluation of a computer-based system for the automated critiquing of medical decision trees. Role:Principal Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #RO1 LM 04493 04 Investigators:Peter Szolovits, William Long, Mark H. Eckman, Stephen G. Pauker 08-01-1986 -09-29-1990 NLM Artificial intelligence and clinical decision making. Role:Co-Investigator Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #T15 LM 07044 Investigators:Stephen Pauker, Mark H. Eckman, Frank Sonnenberg, John Wong 07-01-1987 -06-30-1992 NLM A training program in medical informatics. Completed Type:Grant
Grant: #046224 Investigators:Mark H Eckman, Flaherty, Kleindorfer, Kissela, Kues, Harnett 01-01-2013 -12-31-2015 Pfizer Medical Education Group. Impact of a Quality Improvement And Education Initiative on ‘Appropriate’ Use of Anticoagulant Therapy in Women with Atrial Fibrillation, Role:PI $600,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #R01 LM009533 Investigators:Cotton, Sian; Eckman, Mark; Elder, Nancy; Embi, Peter; Leonard, Anthony 09-30-2008 -10-01-2010 National Library of Medicine Evaluating EHR-Based, Point of Care Trial Recruitment Across Role:Collaborator $821,131.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #90BCOD16/01 Investigators:Eckman, Mark; Leonard, Anthony; Wess, Mark 09-01-2010 -03-31-2013 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology The Greater Cincinnati Beacon Community Initiative Role:Collaborator $569,853.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007663 Investigators:Eckman, Mark; Sherman, Kenneth 10-01-2011 -08-13-2013 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp The Cost Effectiveness of Screening for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in the United States Role:Collaborator $137,994.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #60032386 \ R01LM009533 Investigators:Eckman, Mark; Elder, Nancy; Leonard, Anthony 01-01-2012 -12-31-2012 National Library of Medicine Evaluating EHR-based, Point-of-Care Trial Recruitment Across Clinical Settings Role:PI $47,566.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #046224 Investigators:Eckman, Mark 04-01-2013 -03-31-2015 Pfizer, Inc. Impact of a Quality Improvement And Education Initiative on 'Appropriate' Use of Anticoagulant Therapy in Women with Atrial Fibrillation Role:PI $600,000.00 Active Level:Industry
Investigators:Mark H Eckman, Flaherty, Kleindorfer, Kissela, Kues, Harnett 12-01-2014 -3/31/0201 12:00:00 AM Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer Education Consortium Impact of a Quality Improvement and Education Initiative on ‘Appropriate’ Use of Anticoagulant Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation Role:PI $300,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #MISP 55908 Investigators:Eckman, Mark; Paterno, Flavio; Sherman, Kenneth; Thakar, Charuhas; Woodle, Ervin Steve 05-01-2017 -05-01-2019 Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp Timing of Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in Patients with End Stage Rengal Disease Awaiting Transplantation Role:Collaborator $96,149.00 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #Independent Contractor Agreement 511 Investigators:Eckman, Mark; Sherman, Kenneth 03-12-2018 -09-30-2018 CDC Foundation The Cost Effectiveness of Screening for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in the United States: An Update for 2018 Role:Collaborator $30,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #30004942-10 / R01HD094213 Investigators:Eckman, Mark 08-01-2019 -07-31-2023 National Institutes of Health Improving the detection of STIs in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Pragmatic Trial Role:PI $20,864.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #CV185-764 Investigator Sponsored Research Agreement Investigators:Arduser, Lora; Becker, Richard; Cogorno, Steven; Costanzo, Amy; Costea, Alexandru; Dixon, Estrelita; Eckman, Mark; Flaherty, Matthew; Harnett, Brett; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Kues, John; Leonard, Anthony; Schauer, Daniel 01-01-2020 -12-31-2021 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. EHR embedded Decision Support Tool to Prevent Stroke in AF Role:PI $414,724.31 Awarded Level:Industry
Peer Reviewed Publications
You, John J; Singer, Daniel E; Howard, Patricia A; Lane, Deirdre A; Eckman, Mark H; Fang, Margaret C; Hylek, Elaine M; Schulman, Sam; Go, Alan S; Hughes, Michael; Spencer, Frederick A; Manning, Warren J; Halperin, Jonathan L; Lip, Gregory Y H (2012. ) Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines.Chest, , 141 (2 Suppl ) ,e531S-75S More Information
Eckman, M.H.; Wong, J.B.; Pauker, S.G. (1991. ) The Role of Clinical Decision Analysis in Medical Quality Management .253-280
Douketis, James D; Spyropoulos, Alex C; Spencer, Frederick A; Mayr, Michael; Jaffer, Amir K; Eckman, Mark H; Dunn, Andrew S; Kunz, Regina (2012. ) Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Therapy: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines.Chest, , 141 (2 Suppl ) ,e326S-50S More Information
Wilson, G. C.; Ahmad, S. A.; Schauer, D. P.; Eckman, M. H.; Abbott, D. E. (2014. ) Cost-Effectiveness of Total Pancreatectomy and Islet Cell Autotransplantation for the Treatment of Minimal Change Chronic Pancreatitis .J Gastrointest Surg, , 24 (5 ) ,467-75
Eckman, M. H. (1992. ) Anticoagulation During Non-Cardiac Surgical Operations in Patients with Prosthetic Valves .
Guyatt, Gordon H; Norris, Susan L; Schulman, Sam; Hirsh, Jack; Eckman, Mark H; Akl, Elie A; Crowther, Mark; Vandvik, Per Olav; Eikelboom, John W; McDonagh, Marian S; Lewis, Sandra Zelman; Gutterman, David D; Cook, Deborah J; Schünemann, Holger J (2012. ) Methodology for the Development of Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis Guidelines: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines.Chest, , 141 (2 Suppl ) ,53S-70S More Information
Pauker, S.G.; Eckman, M.H. (1992. ) Decision Theory .317-320
Pauker, SG; Eckman, MH (1992. ) Principles of Diagnostic Testing .13-16
Eckman, Mark H; Kaiser, Tiffany E; Sherman, Kenneth E (2011. ) The cost-effectiveness of screening for chronic hepatitis B infection in the United States.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, , 52 (11 ) ,1294-306 More Information
Eckman, M.H.; Pauker, S.G. (1997. ) Decision Analytic Issues in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation. 469-488
Westover, M Brandon; Bianchi, Matt T; Eckman, Mark H; Greenberg, Steven M (2011. ) Statin use following intracerebral hemorrhage: a decision analysis.Archives of neurology, , 68 (5 ) ,573-9 More Information
Eckman, M.H.; Col, N.; Kassirer, J.P. (1997. ) Principles of Therapeutic Decision Making .1-11
Ward, Michael J; Eckman, Mark H; Schauer, Daniel P; Raja, Ali S; Collins, Sean (2011. ) Cost-effectiveness of telemetry for hospitalized patients with low-risk chest pain.Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, , 18 (3 ) ,279-86 More Information
Eckman, M.H. (2009. ) Positivity Criterion and Cutoff Values .
King, Jaime S; Eckman, Mark H; Moulton, Benjamin W (2011. ) The potential of shared decision making to reduce health disparities.The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics, , 39 Suppl 1 ,30-3 More Information
Bates, S.M.; Alonso-Coello, P.; Eckman, M.H.; Tikkinen, K. A.; Ebrahim, S.; Lopes, L.C.; McDonald, S. D.; Neumann, I.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, Q.; Jacobson, A.F.; Akl, E.; Santamaria, A.; Annichino-Bizzacchi, J.M.; Bitar, W.; Guyatt, G. H. (2014. ) Women Values and Preferences and Health State Valuations for Thromboprophylaxis during Pregnancy .under review ,
Eckman, Mark H; Singer, Daniel E; Rosand, Jonathan; Greenberg, Steven M (2011. ) Moving the tipping point: the decision to anticoagulate patients with atrial fibrillation.Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, , 4 (1 ) ,14-21 More Information
Wilson, Stephen E; Baker, Erin R; Leonard, Anthony C; Eckman, Mark H; Lanphear, Bruce P (2010. ) Understanding preferences for disclosure of individual biomarker results among participants in a longitudinal birth cohort.Journal of medical ethics, , 36 (12 ) ,736-40 More Information
Khanna, Dinesh; Frech, Tracy; Khanna, Puja P; Kaplan, Robert M; Eckman, Mark H; Hays, Ron D; Ginsburg, Shaari S; Leonard, Anthony C; Tsevat, Joel (2010. ) Valuation of scleroderma and psoriatic arthritis health states by the general public.Health and quality of life outcomes, , 8 ,112 More Information
Espay, Alberto J; Vaughan, Jennifer E; Marras, Connie; Fowler, Rob; Eckman, Mark H (2010. ) Early versus delayed bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation for parkinson's disease: a decision analysis.Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, , 25 (10 ) ,1456-63 More Information
Hagaman, Jared T; Kinder, Brent W; Eckman, Mark H (2010. ) Thiopurine S- methyltransferase [corrected] testing in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a pharmacogenetic cost-effectiveness analysis.Lung, , 188 (2 ) ,125-32 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Ying, Jun; Hertzfeld, Kara; Kumar, Nitin; Barrett, William (2010. ) Longitudinal analysis of genitourinary and bowel symptoms in prostate cancer patients following brachytherapy.American journal of clinical oncology, , 33 (1 ) ,1-10 More Information
Thakar, Charuhas V; Quate-Operacz, Margaret; Leonard, Anthony C; Eckman, Mark H (2010. ) Outcomes of hemodialysis patients in a long-term care hospital setting: a single-center study.American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, , 55 (2 ) ,300-6 More Information
Schauer, Daniel P; Arterburn, David E; Livingston, Edward H; Fischer, David; Eckman, Mark H (2010. ) Decision modeling to estimate the impact of gastric bypass surgery on life expectancy for the treatment of morbid obesity.Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960), , 145 (1 ) ,57-62 More Information
Hakeem, Abdul; Khan, Faisal M; Bhatti, Sabha; Samad, Zainab; Effat, Mohamed A; Eckman, Mark H; Helmy, Tarek (2009. ) Provisional vs. complex stenting strategy for coronary bifurcation lesions: meta-analysis of randomized trials. The Journal of invasive cardiology, , 21 (11 ) ,589-95
Eckman, Mark H; Greenberg, Steven M; Rosand, Jonathan (2009. ) Should we test for CYP2C9 before initiating anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation?.Journal of general internal medicine, , 24 (5 ) ,543-9 More Information
Collins, Sean P; Schauer, Daniel P; Gupta, Amit; Brunner, Hermine; Storrow, Alan B; Eckman, Mark H (2009. ) Cost-effectiveness analysis of ED decision making in patients with non-high-risk heart failure.The American journal of emergency medicine, , 27 (3 ) ,293-302 More Information
de Perio, Marie A; Tsevat, Joel; Roselle, Gary A; Kralovic, Stephen M; Eckman, Mark H (2009. ) Cost-effectiveness of interferon gamma release assays vs tuberculin skin tests in health care workers.Archives of internal medicine, , 169 (2 ) ,179-87 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Rosand, Jonathan; Greenberg, Steven M; Gage, Brian F (2009. ) Cost-effectiveness of using pharmacogenetic information in warfarin dosing for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Annals of internal medicine, , 150 (2 ) ,73-83
Khanna, Dinesh; Kaplan, Robert M; Eckman, Mark H; Hays, Ron D; Leonard, Anthony C; Ginsburg, Shaari S; Tsevat, Joel A randomized study of scleroderma health state values: a picture is worth a thousand words, and quite a few utiles. [corrected].Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 29 (1 ) ,7-14 More Information
Schauer, Daniel P; Leonard, Anthony C; Hornung, Richard W; Johnston, Joseph A; Eckman, Mark H (2008. ) Patient-specific decision modeling to guide the use of drotrecogin alpha (activated) in patients with severe sepsis.Journal of critical care, , 23 (4 ) ,484-92 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Wong, Lawrence K S; Soo, Yannie O Y; Lam, Wynnie; Yang, Song Ran; Greenberg, Steven M; Rosand, Jonathan (2008. ) Patient-specific decision-making for warfarin therapy in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: how will screening with genetics and imaging help?.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 39 (12 ) ,3308-15 More Information
Khanna, Dinesh; Furst, Daniel E; Clements, Philip J; Tashkin, Donald P; Eckman, Mark H Oral cyclophosphamide for active scleroderma lung disease: a decision analysis.Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 28 (6 ) ,926-37 More Information
Kissela, Brett M; Eckman, Mark H (2008. ) Cost effectiveness of recombinant factor VIIa for treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage.BMC neurology, , 8 ,17 More Information
Wess, Mark L; Schauer, Daniel P; Johnston, Joseph A; Moomaw, Charles J; Brewer, David E; Cook, E Francis; Eckman, Mark H (2008. ) Application of a decision support tool for anticoagulation in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.Journal of general internal medicine, , 23 (4 ) ,411-7 More Information
Schauer, Daniel P; Johnston, Joseph A; Moomaw, Charles J; Wess, Mark; Eckman, Mark H (2007. ) Racial disparities in the filling of warfarin prescriptions for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. The American journal of the medical sciences, , 333 (2 ) ,67-73
Schauer, Daniel P; Moomaw, Charles J; Wess, Mark; Webb, Thomas; Eckman, Mark H (2005. ) Psychosocial risk factors for adverse outcomes in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation receiving warfarin.Journal of general internal medicine, , 20 (12 ) ,1114-9 More Information
Eckman, Mark H "Bridging on the river Kwai": the perioperative management of anticoagulation therapy.Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 25 (4 ) ,370-3 More Information
Johnston, Joseph A; Brill-Edwards, Patrick; Ginsberg, Jeffrey S; Pauker, Stephen G; Eckman, Mark H (2005. ) Cost-effectiveness of prophylactic low molecular weight heparin in pregnant women with a prior history of venous thromboembolism.The American journal of medicine, , 118 (5 ) ,503-14 More Information
Wilson, Stephen E; Leonard, Anthony; Moomaw, Charles; Schneeweiss, Sebastian; Eckman, Mark H Underuse of controller medications among children with persistent asthma in the Ohio medicaid population: evolving differences with new medications.Ambulatory pediatrics : the official journal of the Ambulatory Pediatric Association, , 5 (2 ) ,83-9 More Information
Vidal-Trecan, Gwenaëlle M; Stahl, James E; Eckman, Mark H (2004. ) Radioiodine or surgery for toxic thyroid adenoma: dissecting an important decision. A cost-effectiveness analysis.Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association, , 14 (11 ) ,933-45 More Information
Elstein, Arthur S; Fryback, Dennis G; Weinstein, Milton C; Pauker, Stephen G; Holmes-Rovner, Margaret; Young, Mark J; Barry, Michael J; Eckman, Mark H; Hunink, M G Myriam; Tsevat, Joel; Wong, John B Presidential reflections on the 25th anniversary of the society for medical decision making.Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 24 (4 ) ,408-20 More Information
Rosand, Jonathan; Eckman, Mark H; Knudsen, Katherine A; Singer, Daniel E; Greenberg, Steven M (2004. ) The effect of warfarin and intensity of anticoagulation on outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage.Archives of internal medicine, , 164 (8 ) ,880-4 More Information
Johnston, Joseph A; Eckman, Mark H Use of regression modeling to simulate patient-specific decision analysis for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 23 (5 ) ,361-8
Johnston, Joseph A; Cluxton, Robert J; Heaton, Pamela C; Guo, Jeff J; Moomaw, Charles J; Eckman, Mark H (2003. ) Predictors of warfarin use among Ohio medicaid patients with new-onset nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.Archives of internal medicine, , 163 (14 ) ,1705-10 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Rosand, Jonathan; Knudsen, Katherine A; Singer, Daniel E; Greenberg, Steven M (2003. ) Can patients be anticoagulated after intracerebral hemorrhage? A decision analysis.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 34 (7 ) ,1710-6 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Erban, John K; Singh, Sushil K; Kao, Grace S (2003. ) Screening for the risk for bleeding or thrombosis. Annals of internal medicine, , 138 (3 ) ,W15-24
Yi, Michael S; Britto, Maria T; Wilmott, Robert W; Kotagal, Uma R; Eckman, Mark H; Nielson, Dennis W; Kociela, Vikki L; Tsevat, Joel (2003. ) Health values of adolescents with cystic fibrosis.The Journal of pediatrics, , 142 (2 ) ,133-40 More Information
Mrus, Joseph M; Yi, Michael S; Eckman, Mark H; Tsevat, Joel The impact of expected HIV transmission rates on the effectiveness and cost of ruling out HIV infection in infants. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 22 (5 Suppl ) ,S38-44
Eckman, Mark H; Singh, Sushil K; Erban, John K; Kao, Grace Testing for factor V Leiden in patients with pulmonary or venous thromboembolism: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 22 (2 ) ,108-24
Eckman, M H Patient-centered decision making: a view of the past and a look toward the future. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 21 (3 ) ,241-7
Salem, D N; Daudelin, H D; Levine, H J; Pauker, S G; Eckman, M H; Riff, J (2001. ) Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease. Chest, , 119 (1 Suppl ) ,207S-219S
Stahl, J E; Barza, M; DesJardin, J; Martin, R; Eckman, M H (1999. ) Effect of macrolides as part of initial empiric therapy on length of stay in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Archives of internal medicine, , 159 (21 ) ,2576-80
Col, N F; Pauker, S G; Goldberg, R J; Eckman, M H; Orr, R K; Ross, E M; Wong, J B (1999. ) Individualizing therapy to prevent long-term consequences of estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal women. Archives of internal medicine, , 159 (13 ) ,1458-66
Santoro, N F; Col, N F; Eckman, M H; Wong, J B; Pauker, S G; Cauley, J A; Zmuda, J; Crawford, S; Johannes, C B; Rossouw, J E; Merz, C N (1999. ) Therapeutic controversy: Hormone replacement therapy--where are we going? .The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, , 84 (6 ) ,1798-812
Pauker, S G; Eckman, M H (1999. ) Finding what you seek: analyzing therapies for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Annals of internal medicine, , 130 (8 ) ,690-1
Eckman, M H; Levine, H J; Salem, D N; Pauker, S G (1998. ) Making decisions about antithrombotic therapy in heart disease: decision analytic and cost-effectiveness issues. Chest, , 114 (5 Suppl ) ,699S-714S
Salem, D N; Levine, H J; Pauker, S G; Eckman, M H; Daudelin, D H (1998. ) Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease. Chest, , 114 (5 Suppl ) ,590S-601S
Eckman, M H; Falk, R H; Pauker, S G Cost-effectiveness of therapies for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Archives of internal medicine, , 158 (15 ) ,1669-77
Eckman, M H; Steere, A C; Kalish, R A; Pauker, S G (1997. ) Cost effectiveness of oral as compared with intravenous antibiotic therapy for patients with early Lyme disease or Lyme arthritis.The New England journal of medicine, , 337 (5 ) ,357-63 More Information
Col, N F; Eckman, M H; Karas, R H; Pauker, S G; Goldberg, R J; Ross, E M; Orr, R K; Wong, J B (1997. ) Patient-specific decisions about hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, , 277 (14 ) ,1140-7
Eckman, M H; Levine, H J; Pauker, S G (1995. ) Making decisions about antithrombotic therapy in heart disease. Decision analytic and cost-effectiveness issues. Chest, , 108 (4 Suppl ) ,457S-470S
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Eckman, M H; Greenfield, S; Mackey, W C; Wong, J B; Kaplan, S; Sullivan, L; Dukes, K; Pauker, S G (1995. ) Foot infections in diabetic patients. Decision and cost-effectiveness analyses. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, , 273 (9 ) ,712-20
Eckman, M H; Pauker, S G (1995. ) Clinical impact of inaccuracies in anticoagulation monitoring. Archives of internal medicine, , 155 (1 ) ,115-6
Krahn, M D; Mahoney, J E; Eckman, M H; Trachtenberg, J; Pauker, S G; Detsky, A S (1994. ) Screening for prostate cancer. A decision analytic view. JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association, , 272 (10 ) ,773-80
Eckman, M H; Levine, H J; Pauker, S G (1993. ) Effect of laboratory variation in the prothrombin-time ratio on the results of oral anticoagulant therapy.The New England journal of medicine, , 329 (10 ) ,696-702 More Information
Sarasin, F P; Eckman, M H (1993. ) Management and prevention of thromboembolic events in patients with cancer-related hypercoagulable states: a risky business. Journal of general internal medicine, , 8 (9 ) ,476-86
Benbassat, J; Zajicek, G; van Oortmarssen, G J; Ben-Dov, I; Eckman, M H Inaccuracies in estimates of life expectancies of patients with bronchial cancer in clinical decision making. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 13 (3 ) ,237-44
Eckman, M H; Wong, J B; Salem, D N; Pauker, S G (1992. ) Direct angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. A review of outcomes in clinical subsets. Annals of internal medicine, , 117 (8 ) ,667-76
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Georgeson, S; Coombs, A T; Eckman, M H (1992. ) Prophylactic use of the intra-aortic balloon pump in high-risk cardiac patients undergoing noncardiac surgery: a decision analytic view. The American journal of medicine, , 92 (6 ) ,665-78
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Sonnenberg, F A; Eckman, M H; Pauker, S G (1989. ) Bone marrow donor registries: the relation between registry size and probability of finding complete and partial matches. Blood, , 74 (7 ) ,2569-78
Hagen, M D; Eckman, M H; Pauker, S G Aortic aneurysm in a 74-year-old man with coronary disease and obstructive lung disease: is double jeopardy enough? .Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 9 (4 ) ,285-99
Wellman, M P; Eckman, M H; Fleming, C; Marshall, S L; Sonnenberg, F A; Pauker, S G Automated critiquing of medical decision trees. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 9 (4 ) ,272-84
Tsevat, J; Eckman, M H; McNutt, R A; Pauker, S G Warfarin for dilated cardiomyopathy: a bloody tough pill to swallow? .Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 9 (3 ) ,162-9
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Ellwein, L B; Eckman, M H Biologic complexity in mathematical modeling. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 9 (1 ) ,38-9
Eckman, M H A counterpoint to the analytic hierarchy process. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 9 (1 ) ,57-8
Eckman, M H; McNutt, R A; Parkinson, D R; Pauker, S G The timing of radical cystectomy after recent myocardial infarction: waiting for Godot. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 7 (1 ) ,52-66
Eckman, M H; Robert, N J; Parkinson, D R; Latzko, G; Pauker, S G Eaton-Lambert syndrome and small cell lung cancer: side effects and certainty. Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 6 (3 ) ,174-86
Pauker, S G; Eckman, M H; Levine, H J (1986. ) A decision analytic view of anticoagulant prophylaxis for thromboembolism in heart disease. Chest, , 89 (2 Suppl ) ,99S-106S
Eckman, M H; Sonnenberg, F A; Jacoby, I; Pauker, S G (1986. ) HLA-matched donor registries for bone marrow transplants. A decision analysis. International journal of technology assessment in health care, , 2 (3 ) ,507-31
Eckman, Mark H; Wise, Ruth; Leonard, Anthony C; Dixon, Estrelita; Burrows, Christine; Khan, Faisal; Warm, Eric (2012. ) Impact of health literacy on outcomes and effectiveness of an educational intervention in patients with chronic diseases.Patient education and counseling, , 87 (2 ) ,143-51 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Talal, Andrew H; Gordon, Stuart C; Schiff, Eugene; Sherman, Kenneth E (2013. ) Cost-Effectiveness of Screening for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in the United States.Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, , More Information
Laskin, Benjamin L; Goebel, Jens; Starke, Jeffrey R; Schauer, Daniel P; Eckman, Mark H (2013. ) Cost-effectiveness of latent tuberculosis screening before steroid therapy for idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children.American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, , 61 (1 ) ,22-32 More Information
Alonso-Coello, Pablo; Ebrahim, Shanil; Guyatt, Gordon H; Tikkinen, Kari A O; Eckman, Mark H; Neumann, Ignacio; McDonald, Sarah D; Akl, Elie A; Bates, Shannon M (2012. ) Evaluating patient values and preferences for thromboprophylaxis decision making during pregnancy: a study protocol.BMC pregnancy and childbirth, , 12 ,40 More Information
Subramanyam, Rajeev; Varughese, Anna; Kurth, Charles Dean; Eckman, Mark H (2014. ) Cost-effectiveness of intravenous acetaminophen for pediatric tonsillectomy.Paediatric anaesthesia, , 24 (5 ) ,467-75 More Information
Kunz, Regina; Spyropoulos, Alex C; Spencer, Frederick A; Mayr, Michael; Jaffer, Amir K; Eckman, Mark H; Dunn, Andrew S; Douketis, James D (2013. ) Response.Chest, , 144 (4 ) ,1424-6 More Information
Schauer, Daniel P; Arterburn, David E; Wise, Ruth; Boone, William; Fischer, David; Eckman, Mark H (2013. ) Predictors of bariatric surgery among an interested population.Surgery for obesity and related diseases : official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, , More Information
Schauer, Daniel P; Eckman, Mark H (2014. ) The Use of z Scores in Probabilistic Sensitivity Analyses.Medical decision making : an international journal of the Society for Medical Decision Making, , 34 (3 ) ,403-6 More Information
Wilson, Gregory C; Ahmad, Syed A; Schauer, Daniel P; Eckman, Mark H; Abbott, Daniel E (2015. ) Cost-effectiveness of total pancreatectomy and islet cell autotransplantation for the treatment of minimal change chronic pancreatitis.Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, , 19 (1 ) ,46-54; discussion 54 More Information
Mestre, Tiago A; Espay, Alberto J; Marras, Connie; Eckman, Mark H; Pollak, Pierre; Lang, Anthony E (2014. ) Subthalamic nucleus-deep brain stimulation for early motor complications in Parkinson's disease-the EARLYSTIM trial: early is not always better.Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society, , 29 (14 ) ,1751-6 More Information
Vagal, Achala S; Khatri, Pooja; Broderick, Joseph P; Tomsick, Thomas A; Yeatts, Sharon D; Eckman, Mark H (2014. ) Time to angiographic reperfusion in acute ischemic stroke: decision analysis.Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, , 45 (12 ) ,3625-30 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Wise, Ruth E; Speer, Barbara; Sullivan, Megan; Walker, Nita; Lip, Gregory Y H; Kissela, Brett; Flaherty, Matthew L; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Khan, Faisal; Kues, John; Baker, Peter; Ireton, Robert; Hoskins, Dave; Harnett, Brett M; Aguilar, Carlos; Leonard, Anthony; Prakash, Rajan; Arduser, Lora; Costea, Alexandru (2014. ) Integrating real-time clinical information to provide estimates of net clinical benefit of antithrombotic therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation.Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, , 7 (5 ) ,680-6 More Information
Gupta, Nishant; Langenderfer, Dale; McCormack, Francis X; Schauer, Daniel P; Eckman, Mark H (2017. ) Chest Computed Tomographic Image Screening for Cystic Lung Diseases in Patients with Spontaneous Pneumothorax Is Cost Effective.Annals of the American Thoracic Society, , 14 (1 ) ,17-25 More Information
Ertel, Audrey E; Robinson, Bryce R H; Eckman, Mark H (2016. ) Cost-effectiveness of cervical spine clearance interventions with litigation and long-term-care implications in obtunded adult patients following blunt injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 81 (5 ) ,897-904 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Lip, Gregory Y H; Wise, Ruth E; Speer, Barbara; Sullivan, Megan; Walker, Nita; Kissela, Brett; Flaherty, Matthew L; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Baker, Peter; Ireton, Robert; Hoskins, Dave; Harnett, Brett M; Aguilar, Carlos; Leonard, Anthony C; Arduser, Lora; Steen, Dylan; Costea, Alexandru; Kues, John (2016. ) Impact of an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool on thromboprophylaxis for atrial fibrillation.American heart journal, , 176 ,17-27 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Lip, Gregory Y H; Wise, Ruth E; Speer, Barbara; Sullivan, Megan; Walker, Nita; Kissela, Brett; Flaherty, Matthew L; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Baker, Peter; Ireton, Robert; Hoskins, Dave; Harnett, Brett M; Aguilar, Carlos; Leonard, Anthony; Arduser, Lora; Steen, Dylan; Costea, Alexandru; Kues, John (2016. ) Using an Atrial Fibrillation Decision Support Tool for Thromboprophylaxis in Atrial Fibrillation: Effect of Sex and Age.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, , 64 (5 ) ,1054-60 More Information
McGrady, Meghan E; Eckman, Mark H; O'Brien, Maureen M; Pai, Ahna L H (2018. ) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of an Adherence-Promotion Intervention for Children With Leukemia: A Markov Model-Based Simulation.Journal of pediatric psychology, , 43 (7 ) ,758-768 More Information
Chidambaran, Vidya; Subramanyam, Rajeev; Ding, Lili; Sadhasivam, Senthilkumar; Geisler, Kristie; Stubbeman, Bobbie; Sturm, Peter; Jain, Viral; Eckman, Mark H (2018. ) Cost-effectiveness of intravenous acetaminophen and ketorolac in adolescents undergoing idiopathic scoliosis surgery.Paediatric anaesthesia, , 28 (3 ) ,237-248 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Alonso-Coello, Pablo; Guyatt, Gordon H; Ebrahim, Shanil; Tikkinen, Kari A O; Lopes, Luciane Cruz; Neumann, Ignacio; McDonald, Sarah D; Zhang, Yuqing; Zhou, Qi; Akl, Elie A; Jacobsen, Ann Flem; Santamaría, Amparo; Annichino-Bizzacchi, Joyce Maria; Bitar, Wael; Sandset, Per Morten; Bates, Shannon M (2015. ) Women's values and preferences for thromboprophylaxis during pregnancy: a comparison of direct-choice and decision analysis using patient specific utilities.Thrombosis research, , 136 (2 ) ,341-7 More Information
Schauer, Daniel P; Arterburn, David E; Livingston, Edward H; Coleman, Karen J; Sidney, Steve; Fisher, David; O?Connor, Patrick; Fischer, David; Eckman, Mark H (2015. ) Impact of bariatric surgery on life expectancy in severely obese patients with diabetes: a decision analysis.Annals of surgery, , 261 (5 ) ,914-9 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Wise, Ruth E; Naylor, Katherine; Arduser, Lora; Lip, Gregory Y H; Kissela, Brett; Flaherty, Matthew; Kleindorfer, Dawn; Khan, Faisal; Schauer, Daniel P; Kues, John; Costea, Alexandru (2015. ) Developing an Atrial Fibrillation Guideline Support Tool (AFGuST) for shared decision making.Current medical research and opinion, , 31 (4 ) ,603-14 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Costea, Alexandru; Attari, Mehran; Munjal, Jitender; Wise, Ruth E; Knochelmann, Carol; Flaherty, Matthew L; Baker, Pete; Ireton, Robert; Harnett, Brett M; Leonard, Anthony C; Steen, Dylan; Rose, Adam; Kues, John (2018. ) Shared decision-making tool for thromboprophylaxis in atrial fibrillation - A feasibility study.American heart journal, , 199 ,13-21 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Costea, Alexandru; Attari, Mehran; Munjal, Jitender; Wise, Ruth E; Knochelmann, Carol; Flaherty, Matthew L; Baker, Pete; Ireton, Robert; Harnett, Brett M; Leonard, Anthony C; Steen, Dylan; Rose, Adam; Kues, John (2017. ) Atrial fibrillation decision support tool: Population perspective.American heart journal, , 194 ,49-60 More Information
Abbott, Daniel E; Tzeng, Ching Wei D; McMillan, Matthew T; Callery, Mark P; Kent, Tara S; Christein, John D; Behrman, Stephen W; Schauer, Daniel P; Hanseman, Dennis J; Eckman, Mark H; Vollmer, Charles M (2017. ) Pancreas fistula risk prediction: implications for hospital costs and payments.HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association, , 19 (2 ) ,140-146 More Information
Abbott, Daniel E; Sutton, Jeffrey M; Jernigan, Peter L; Chang, Alex; Frye, Patrick; Shah, Shimul A; Schauer, Daniel P; Eckman, Mark H; Ahmad, Syed A; Sussman, Jeffrey J (2016. ) How Much Should We Pay to Minimize Pancreatic Leak? The Cost-effectiveness of Pasireotide in Pancreatic Resection: RETRACTED.Annals of surgery, , More Information
Abbott, Daniel E; Sutton, Jeffrey M; Jernigan, Peter L; Chang, Alex; Frye, Patrick; Shah, Shimul A; Schauer, Daniel P; Eckman, Mark H; Ahmad, Syed A; Sussman, Jeffrey J (2016. ) Prophylactic pasireotide administration following pancreatic resection reduces cost while improving outcomes.Journal of surgical oncology, , 113 (7 ) ,784-8 More Information
Bates, Shannon M; Alonso-Coello, Pablo; Tikkinen, Kari A O; Ebrahim, Shanil; Lopes, Luciane Cruz; McDonald, Sarah D; Zhou, Qi; Akl, Elie A; Neumann, Ignacio; Jacobsen, Anne Flem; Zhang, Yuqing; Santamaría, Amparo; Annichino-Bizzacchi, Joyce Maria; Sandset, Per Morten; Bitar, Wael; Eckman, Mark H; Guyatt, Gordon H (2016. ) Women's values and preferences and health state valuations for thromboprophylaxis during pregnancy: A cross-sectional interview. Thrombosis research, , 140 ,22-9
Eckman, Mark H (2016. ) Decision-making about the use of non-vitamin K oral anticoagulant therapies for patients with atrial fibrillation.Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, , 41 (2 ) ,234-40 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Ward, John W; Sherman, Kenneth E (2018. ) Cost Effectiveness of Universal Screening for HCV Infection in the Era of Direct-Acting, Pangenotypic Treatment Regimens.Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association, , More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Woodle, E Steve; Thakar, Charuhas V; Paterno, Flavio; Sherman, Kenneth E (2018. ) Transplanting Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Versus Uninfected Kidneys Into Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Recipients: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.Annals of internal medicine, , 169 (4 ) ,214-223 More Information
So, Charlotte H; Eckman, Mark H (2017. ) Combined aspirin and anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation.Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, , 43 (1 ) ,7-17 More Information
Shah, Sachin J; Eckman, Mark H; Aspberg, Sara; Go, Alan S; Singer, Daniel E (2018. ) Effect of Variation in Published Stroke Rates on the Net Clinical Benefit of Anticoagulation for Atrial Fibrillation.Annals of internal medicine, , More Information
Benoit, Justin L; Khatri, Pooja; Adeoye, Opeolu M; Broderick, Joseph P; McMullan, Jason T; Scheitz, Jan F; Vagal, Achala S; Eckman, Mark H (2018. ) Prehospital Triage of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients to an Intravenous tPA-Ready versus Endovascular-Ready Hospital: A Decision Analysis.Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors, , 1-12 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Woodle, E Steve; Thakar, Charuhas V; Paterno, Flavio; Sherman, Kenneth E (2018. ) Transplanting Hepatitis C Virus-Infected or Uninfected Kidneys Into Hepatitis C Virus-Infected Recipients.Annals of internal medicine, , 169 (12 ) ,898-899 More Information
Adejare, Adeboye A; Eckman, Mark H Automated Tool for Health Utility Assessments: The Gambler II.MDM policy & practice, , 5 (1 ) ,2381468320914307 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Woodle, E Steve; Thakar, Charuhas V; Alloway, Rita R; Sherman, Kenneth E (2020. ) Cost-effectiveness of Using Kidneys From HCV-Viremic Donors for Transplantation Into HCV-Uninfected Recipients.American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, , More Information
Stanton, Robert J; Eckman, Mark H; Woo, Daniel; Moomaw, Charles J; Haverbusch, Mary; Flaherty, Matthew L; Kleindorfer, Dawn O (2020. ) Ischemic Stroke and Bleeding: Clinical Benefit of Anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation After Intracerebral Hemorrhage.Stroke, , 51 (3 ) ,808-814 More Information
Jose, Arun; Eckman, Mark H; Elwing, Jean M Anticoagulation in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a decision analysis.Pulmonary circulation, , 9 (4 ) ,2045894019895451 More Information
Eckman, Mark H; Kopras, Elizabeth J; Montag-Leifling, Karen; Kirby, Lari P; Burns, Lisa; Indihar, Veronica M; Joseph, Patricia M Shared Decision-Making Tool for Self-Management of Home Therapies for Patients With Cystic Fibrosis.MDM policy & practice, , 2 (1 ) ,2381468317715621 More Information
Overmann, Kevin M; Robinson, Bryce R H; Eckman, Mark H (2019. ) Cervical spine evaluation in pediatric trauma: A cost-effectiveness analysis.The American journal of emergency medicine, , More Information
Jose A.;Eckman M.;Elwing J. (01-01-2019. ) Anticoagulation in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a decision analysis.Pulmonary Circulation, , 9 (4 ) , More Information
Shah, Sachin J; Singer, Daniel E; Fang, Margaret C; Reynolds, Kristi; Go, Alan S; Eckman, Mark H (2019. ) Net Clinical Benefit of Oral Anticoagulation Among Older Adults With Atrial Fibrillation.Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes, , 12 (11 ) ,e006212 More Information
Overmann K.;Robinson B.;Eckman M. (01-01-2019. ) Cervical spine evaluation in pediatric trauma: A cost-effectiveness analysis.American Journal of Emergency Medicine, , More Information
Shah, Sachin J; Eckman, Mark H (2019. ) Restarting Anticoagulants after a Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage-Between Rockall and a Hard Place.Journal of hospital medicine, , 14 (7 ) ,448-449 More Information
Eckman M.H.;Woodle E.S.;Thakar C.V.;Paterno F.;Sherman K.E. (08-21-2018. ) Correction: Glycemic targets for older adults with type 2 diabetes (Annals of Internal Medicine (201.Annals of Internal Medicine, , 169 (12 ) ,899 More Information
Eckman M.H.;Woodle E.S.;Thakar C.V.;Paterno F.;Sherman K.E. (08-21-2018. ) Kidney transplants for patients with hepatitis C virus infection.Annals of Internal Medicine, , 169 (4 ) ,I16 More Information
Abbott D.;Sutton J.;Jernigan P.;Chang A.;Frye P.;Shah S.;Schauer D.;Eckman M.;Ahmad S.;Sussman J. (11-26-2015. ) How Much Should We Pay to Minimize Pancreatic Leak? The Cost-effectiveness of Pasireotide in Pancrea.Annals of Surgery, , More Information
Douketis J.D.;Spyropoulos A.C.;Spencer F.A.;Mayr M.;Jaffer A.K.;Eckman M.H.;Dunn A.S.;Kunz R. (01-01-2012. ) Perioperative management of antithrombotic therapy. Antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombo.Chest, , 141 (2 SUPPL. ) ,e326S-e350S More Information
You J.J.;Singer D.E.;Howard P.A.;Lane D.A.;Eckman M.H.;Fang M.C.;Hylek E.M.;Schulman S.;Go A.S.;Hughes M.;Spencer F.A.;Manning W.J.;Halperin J.L.;Lip G.Y.H. (01-01-2012. ) Antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation: Antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis,.Chest, , 141 (2 SUPPL. ) ,e531S-e575S More Information
Guyatt G.;Norris S.;Schulman S.;Hirsh J.;Eckman M.;Akl E.;Crowther M.;Vandvik P.;Eikelboom J.;McDonagh M.;Lewis S.;Gutterman D.;Cook D.;Schünemann H. (01-01-2012. ) Methodology for the development of antithrombotic therapy and prevention of thrombosis guidelines - .Chest, , 141 (2 SUPPL. ) ,53S-70S More Information
Hagaman J.;Kinder B.;Eckman M. (06-01-2011. ) Erratum to: Thiopurine S-methyltransferase testing in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A pharmacogenet.Lung, , 189 (3 ) ,259 More Information
Espay A.;Vaughan J.;Marras C.;Fowler R.;Eckman M. (06-01-2011. ) Reply: Early versus delayed bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease: Ne.Movement Disorders, , 26 (7 ) ,1371 More Information
Wess M.;Saleem J.;Tsevat J.;Luckhaupt S.;Saleem J.;Wise R.;Johnston J.;Eckman M. (01-01-2011. ) Usability of an Atrial Fibrillation Anticoagulation Decision-Support Tool.Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, , 2 (2 ) ,100-106 More Information
Dynan L.;Stein R.;David G.;Kenny L.C.;Eckman M.;Short A.D. (12-01-2009. ) Determinants of hospitalist efficiency: A qualitative and quantitative study.Medical Care Research and Review, , 66 (6 ) ,682-702 More Information
De Perio M.;Tsevat J.;Roselle G.;Kralovic S.;Eckman M. (07-27-2009. ) Cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis screening in health care workers is not robust - Reply.Archives of Internal Medicine, , 169 (14 ) ,1336-1337 More Information
Eckman M.;Rosand J.;Greenberg S.;Gage B. (07-07-2009. ) In response .Annals of Internal Medicine, , 151 (1 ) ,71
Eckman M.;Greenberg S.;Rosand J. (01-01-2009. ) Testing for CYP2C9 before anticoagulant therapy.Journal of General Internal Medicine, , 24 (8 ) ,993 More Information
Stahl J.;Barza M.;DesJardin J.;Martin R.;Eckman M. (01-01-2002. ) Predictors of length of hospital stay in community-acquired pneumonia.Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, , 11 (2 ) ,46-51 More Information
Salem D.;Levine H.;Pauker S.;Eckman M.;Daudelin D. (01-01-2000. ) Antithrombotic therapy in valvular heart disease .Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angeiologie, , 49 (2 ) ,104-106
Eckman M.;Falk R.;Pauker S. (01-01-1999. ) Cardioversion followed by aspirin alone or with amiodarone was cost- effective for nonvalvular atria .Evidence-Based Medicine, , 4 (1 ) ,30
Guyatt G.;Cook D.;Sackett D.;Eckman M.;Pauker S. (01-01-1998. ) Grades of recommendation for antithrombotic agents.Chest, , 114 (5 SUPPL. ) ,441S-444S More Information
Col N.F.;Pauker S.G.;Eckman M.H.;Wong J.B. (08-13-1997. ) Facilitating Patient-Specific Decisions Regarding Hormone Replacement Therapy-Reply.JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, , 278 (6 ) ,476 More Information
Rozenberg S.;Vandromme J.;Ham H.;Weiss N.;Col N.;Pauker S.;Eckman M.;Wong J. (01-01-1997. ) Facilitating patient-specific decisions regarding hormone replacement therapy [2] (multiple letters).Journal of the American Medical Association, , 278 (6 ) ,475-476 More Information
Carr J.M.;Horowitz G.;O'reilly R.A.;Kearns P.J.;Schuff-Werner P.;Schutz E.;Gonska B.D.;Eckman M.H.;Levine H.J.;Pauker S.G. (02-17-1994. ) Variation in the prothrombin-time ratio during oral anticoagulation.New England Journal of Medicine, , 330 (7 ) ,509-510 More Information
Sonnenberg F.A.;Eckman M.H. (01-01-1991. ) Health outcomes research and its interfaces with medical decision making .Medical Decision Making, , 11 (4 SUPPL. ) ,
Eckman M.;Pauker S. (01-01-1986. ) Let's decide who's playing, doctor!.Journal of Chronic Diseases, , 39 (9 ) ,679-680 More Information
Lee, Tiffany C; Eckman, Mark H; Shah, Shimul A (2020. ) Cost-Effectiveness of Utilization of Hepatitis B Virus-Positive Liver Donors for HBV-Negative Transplant Recipients.Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, , More Information
Martinez, Kathryn A; Eckman, Mark H; Pappas, Matthew A; Rothberg, Michael B (2022. ) Prescribing of anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in primary care.Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, , More Information
Book Chapter
Eckman MH (2009 ) Positivity Criterion and Cutoff Values Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making .(pp. 889 -893).Thousand Oaks, CA., Sage Press
Eckman MH (2009 ) Subtrees – Use in Constructing Decision Trees Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making .(pp. 1094 -1097).Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Press
Eckman MH, Col NF, Kassirer JP (1997 ) Principles of Therapeutic Decision Making Current Therapy in Adult Medicine, 4th edition .(pp. 1 -11).St. Louis, IL., Mosby
Eckman MH, Pauker SG (1997 ) Decision Analytic Issues in the Management of Atrial Fibrillation In Atrial Fibrillation: Mechanisms and Management .(pp. 469 -488).Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott-Raven Publishers
Wong J, Sonnenberg F, Eckman M, Pauker SG (1996 ) Medical Decision Analysis Advances in Social Science and Computers .(pp. 267 -288).Greenwich, CT., JAI Press, Inc.
Eckman MH (1992 ) Anticoagulation during non-cardiac surgical operations in patients with prosthetic valves Thrombosis, embolism and bleeding .(pp. 369 -384).London, England, ICR Publishers
Eckman MH, Wong JB, Pauker SG (1991 ) The Role of Clinical Decision Analysis in Medical Quality Management Health Care Quality Management for the 21st Century .(pp. 253 -280).Tampa, Fl., American College of Physician Executives
Pauker SG, Eckman MH (1992 ) Decision Theory Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence .(pp. 317 -320).New York, NY, John Wiley and Sons
Eckman MH, Kassirer JP (1991 ) Principles of Therapeutic Decision Making Current Therapy in Internal Medicine - 3 .(pp. 1 -8).Philadelphia, PA., BC Decker Inc
Wong JB, Sonnenberg FA, Eckman MH, Pauker SG (1992 ) Medical Decision Analysis: A Decision Support System Decision-Aiding Software and Decision Analysis .New York, John Wiley and Sons
Pauker SG, Eckman MH (1989 ) Principles of Diagnostic Testing Textbook of Internal Medicine .(pp. 16 -21).Philadelphia, PA., JB Lippincott
Honors and Awards
2008 -2010 Elected to the Governing Council of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Health Professions Educational Collaborative
2003 -2004 Listen in Who's Who in America, 58th edition
2002 -2010 Listed in Best Doctors in America
Listed in Cincinnati Magazine's "Top Doctors" 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008
2002 -2004 President, Cincinnati Society of Internal Medicine
1999 Alice Margaret Posey Professorship (Endowed Chair) Department of Medicine, University of Cincinnati
1998 -2000 Elected President of the Society for Medical Decision Making
1998 -1999 Faculty Recognition Award for Excellence in Teaching, Tufts University School of Medicine (3rd year clerkships)
1996 -1998 Elected President of the Medical Staff New England Medical Center, Boston, MA
1992 American College of Medical Informatics - Appointment to fellowship
1990 American College of Physicians - Appointment to fellowship
1988 Whitaker Health Sciences Fund Research Award
1986 2nd Place Society for Medical Decision Making - Lee B. Lusted Post-Doctoral Paper Competition
2014 Awarded one of the “Top Three Medical Grand Rounds Presentation” for academic 2014 at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine
2013 Eugene L. Sanger Award for Distinguished Service Society for Medical Decision Making
2013 Cincinnati Health Care Leadership Award Venue Magazine, Cincinnati, OH
2015 Recipient of the First Teaching Excellence Award of the Clinical and Translational Research Training Program, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Medical Decision Making, Decision Sciences, Clinical Informatics, Decision Support, Outcomes Research, Health Services Research, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Atrial Fibrillation
Courses Taught
-BE-7068C DECISION ANALYSIS Level:Graduate
Contact Information
Academic - Medical Sciences Building
PO Box 0535
Ohio, 45219-0535
Phone: 513-558-7581
Fax: 513-558-4399