Nelly Elsayed , PHD
Assistant Professor
Teachers College
CECH - School of Information Technology - 0002
Research and Practice Interests
Applied AI, Applied Machine Learning, Applied AI in Healthcare, Cybersecurity, Smart Technologies, Pattern Recognition, Data Science, Applied AI in Business, Machine Learning Systems, Neural Network Modelling, Predictive Coding Models, Artificial intelligence, Computer Vision, Bio-Inspired Algorithms, and Internet of Things.
Dr. Nelly Elsayed is the founder and the leader of the Applied Machine Learning and Intelligence (AMLI) Lab at the School of Information Technology. Publications are available in the Google Scholar Profile.
Research Support
Grant: #CNS-1801593 Investigators:Elsayed, Nelly; Wei, Xuetao 08-15-2018 -07-31-2021 National Science Foundation SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative: REVELARE: A Hardware-Supported Dynamic Information Flow Tracking Framework for IoT Security and Forensics Role:PI $299,905.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #013052 Exhbit A Investigators:Elsayed, Nelly 08-01-2020 -07-31-2021 Procter & Gamble Company Video Processing Role:PI $98,571.79 Awarded Level:Industry
Grant: #20-144-003 / H98230-20-1-0385 Investigators:Elsayed, Nelly; ElSayed, Zaghloul; Li, Chengcheng; Michael, Rebekah 09-16-2020 -09-17-2022 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CAE-C in Cybersecurity Education Innovation Role:Collaborator $249,998.02 Active Level:Institution of Higher Education
Grant: #CECH Diversity Investigators:Nelly Elsayed 01-12-2024 -12-18-2024 CECH-UC Adaptive Living: Dynamic Hand Gesture Home Control System Based on Machine Perception Intelligent for Elderly and Disabled Role:PI Active Type:Grant
Grant: #CECH Diversity Investigators:Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed 01-01-2022 -03-01-2023 CECH-UC An Artificial Intelligent Based System for Enhancing Women's Health in Rural and Developing Societies Role:PI Active Type:Grant
Grant: #403-22-3165 Investigators:Elsayed, Nelly; ElSayed, Zaghloul; Ozer, Mustafa 10-01-2021 -09-30-2024 Bureau of Justice Assistance Enhancing The Implementation of Core Correctional Practices through A Mobile App And A Web Platform Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Published Abstracts
Nesibe Karatas, Said Varlioglu, Murat Ozer, Nelly Elsayed (2020. ) The Rise of Ransomware in Local Governments - A Case Study of 20 Victim Governments .[Abstract]The Ohio Journal of Science (OJS), 120 (1 ) ,A8Co-Author
Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) Monitoring and Detecting Anomalies in a Smart Devices Using an LSTM Approach .[Abstract]3rd World Conference on Robotics And Artificial Intelligence,
Victor Adewopo, Nelly Elsayed, Kelly Anderson (2021. ) Video Annotation and Preprocessing for Action Recognition Tasks in Computer Vision .[Abstract]3rd World Conference on Robotics And Artificial Intelligence,
Victor Adewopo, Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) Lightweight Framework for Cyberbullying Image Detection on Social Media Platforms .[Abstract]3rd World Conference on Robotics And Artificial Intelligence,
Weibing Zheng, Izzuna Okpala, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) A COVID-19 Data Pipeline Architecture Model Based on Internet of Things .[Abstract]CECH Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Board, CECH Diversity Research Day,
Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed (2022. ) Lightweight Framework for Cyberbullying Image Detection on Social Media Platforms .[Abstract]CECH Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Board, CECH Diversity Research Day,
Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed (2022. ) Building Detections for Fileless Ransomware Using Machine Learning and Binary Visualization .[Abstract]Women in Cybersecurity Conference (WiCyS),
Nelly Elsayed (2023. ) Cyberbullying Suppress-Challenges and AI Solutions .[Abstract]The 7th Annual Global Souths Conference,
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2023. ) Machine Learning for Early Mental Health Support and Offenders Correction .[Abstract]The Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS-36), Co-Author
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2020. ) Reduced‐gate convolutional long short‐term memory using predictive coding for spatiotemporal prediction.Computational Intelligence, , 910-939
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) An Analysis of Univariate and Multivariate Electrocardiography Signal Classification .2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), , 396-399
An Analysis of Univariate and Multivariate Electrocardiography Signal Classification
Nelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Chengcheng Li (2020. ) A Gated Recurrent Deep Model for Supraventricular Premature Beat Detection in Electrocardiography Signal .IEEE SoutheastCon 2020, ,
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) Sensor Sequential Data-Stream Classification Using Deep Gated Hybrid Architecture .2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), , 1-4
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) A Review of Quantum Computer Energy Efficiency .2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), , (1-3 ) ,
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) Reduced-Gate Convolutional LSTM Architecture for Next-Frame Video Prediction Using Predictive Coding .019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), , 1-9
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) Effects of Different Activation Functions for Unsupervised Convolutional LSTM Spatiotemporal Learning .Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, , 4 ,260-269
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) Deep Gated Recurrent and Convolutional Network Hybrid Model for Univariate Time Series Classification . International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), , 10 (5 ) ,
Nelly Elsayed, Anthony S Maida, Magdy Bayoumi (2018. ) Empirical Activation Function Effects on Unsupervised Convolutional LSTM Learning .2018 IEEE 30th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), , 336-343
Nelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Magdy Bayoumi (2017. ) Brain Computer Interface: EEG Signal Preprocessing Issues and Solution .International Journal of Computer Applications, , 169 (3 ) ,12-16
Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Nelly Elsayed, Magdy Bayoumi (2017. ) Early Prediction of Epilepsy Seizures System based on Artificial Immune BCI System .International Journal of Computer Applications, , 169 (9 ) ,35-43
Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Nelly Elsayed, Magdy Bayoumi (2017. ) BCI/AIS low power adaptive architecture for early prediction of epilepsy seizures .2017 15th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), , 173-176
Yasser Hassan, Ahmed Younes, Nelly Elsayed (2013. ) Artificial Immune System and Soft Computing .IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), , 3 (3 ) ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul (2020. ) A Simple Extreme Learning Machine Model for Detecting Heart Arrhythmia in The Electrocardiography Signal.2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), , 513-516
More InformationMurat Ozer, Nelly Elsayed, Said Varlioglu, Chengcheng Li, Niyazi Ekici (2020. ) A rule-based model for victim prediction.International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, , 63 ,
A rule-based model for victim prediction
More InformationMurat Ozer, Said Varlioglu, Bilal Gonen, Victor Adewopo, Nelly Elsayed, Selcuk Zengin (2020. ) Cloud Incident Response: Challenges and Opportunities .The 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, ,
Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) The FPGA Hardware Implementation of the Gated Recurrent Unit Architecture .IEEE SouthEast Con 2021, ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) Arrhythmia Supraventricular Premature Beat Detection in Electrocardiography Signal Using Deep Gated Recurrent Model .IEEE SouthEast Con 2021, ,
Cornelius Itodo, Said Varlioglu, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Challenges in IoT Platforms .2021 The 4th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT 2021), ,
Said Varlioglu, Hazem Said, Murat Ozer, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) A Text Mining Approach to Define IT Research Using NSF Grants Data .The 2021 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE'21), ,
Victor Adewopo, Nelly Elsayed, Bilal Gonen, Murat Ozer, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul (2021. ) Deep Learning Algorithm for Threat Detection in Hackers Forum (Deep Web) .The 20th International Conference on Security & Management (SAM’21), ,
Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Nelly Elsayed, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) Green IoT System Architecture for Applied Autonomous Network Cybersecurity Monitoring .The IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), ,
Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed, Victor Adewopo, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) A Deep LSTM Based Approach for Intrusion Detection IoT Devices Network in Smart Home .
Prakash Shrestha, Benjamin Mixon-Baca, Kejun Chen, Said Varlioglu, Nelly Elsayed, Yier Jin, Jedidiah Crandall, Daniela Oliveira (2021. ) Challenges and Opportunities for Practical and Effective Dynamic Information Flow Tracking .ACM Computing Surveys, ,
Olivia Haring, Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) A Review of Network Evolution Towards a Smart Connected World .
Olivia Haring, Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) A Review of Network Evolution Towards a Smart Connected World .International Journal of Computer Applications, , 183 (5 ) ,1-8
Prakash Shrestha, Benjamin Mixon-Baca, Kejun Chen, Said Varlioglu, Nelly Elsayed, Yier Jin, Jedidiah Crandall, Daniela Oliveira (2021. ) Challenges and Opportunities for Practical and Effective Dynamic Information Flow Tracking .ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) , , 55 (1 ) ,1-33
Nelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) Intrusion Detection System in Smart Home Network Using Bidirectional LSTM and Convolutional Neural Networks Hybrid Model .The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), ,
Said Varlioglu, Hazem Said, Murat Ozer, Nelly Elsayed (2021. ) A Text Mining Approach to Define IT Research Using NSF Grants Data .The 2021 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE'21), ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2022. ) Early Stage Diabetes Prediction via Extreme Learning Machine .The IEEE Southeast Con, ,
Said Varlioglu, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2022. ) The Dangerous Combo: Fileless Malware and Cryptojacking .The IEEE Southeast Con., ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed., Anthony S. Maida (2022. ) Vision-Based American Sign Language Classification Approach via Deep Learning .The 35th Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference FLAIRS-35, ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed., Anthony S. Maida (2022. ) LiteLSTM Architecture for Deep Recurrent Neural Networks .The IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed., Anthony S. Maida (2022. ) Vision-Based American Sign Language Classification Approach via Deep Learning.The Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society FLAIRS-35, ,
Vision-Based American Sign Language Classification Approach via Deep Learning
More InformationGargi Desai, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed, Murat Ozer (2024. ) International Journal of Computer Applications. More Information
Jahnavi Reddy, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed., Murat Ozer (2023. ) A Review on Data Breaches in Healthcare Security Systems.International Journal of Computer Applications, , 184 (45 ) ,1 More Information
Shajib Ghosh, Janshi Sunilkumar Bhavsar, Nelly Elsayed, Navid Asadizanjani (2022. ) An End-to-End Marking Recognition System for PCB Optical Inspection .The IEEE International Conference on Physical Assurance and Inspection of Electronics (PAINE), ,
Zag ElSayed, Nelly Elsayed, Murat Ozer, Magdy Bayoumi (2022. ) Zydeco-Style Spike Sorting Low Power VLSI Architecture for IoT BCI Implants .The IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 2022, ,
Zag ElSayed, Nelly Elsayed, Chengcheng Li, Magdy Bayoumi (2022. ) Autonomous Low Power IoT System Architecture for Cybersecurity Monitoring .
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Navid Asadizanjani, Murat Ozer, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Magdy Bayoumi (2022. ) Speech Emotion Recognition using Supervised Deep Recurrent System for Mental Health Monitoring .The IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), ,
Murat Ozer, Ismail Onat, Halil Akbas, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Said Varlioglu (2023. ) Exploring the Journey to Drug Overdose: Applying the Journey to Crime Framework to Drug Sales Locations and Overdose Death Locations .”, The 7th International Conference on Applied Cognitive Computing (ACC'23), ,
Victor Adewopo, Nelly Elsayed, Kelly Anderson (2023. ) Baby physical safety monitoring in smart home using action recognition system .IEEE SouthEast Con. 2023., ,
Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed., Magdy Bayoumi (2023. ) IoT Botnet Detection Using an Economic Deep Learning Model .The IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT), ,
Murat Ozer, Halil Akbas, Ismail Onat, Fatih Bastug, Arif Akgul, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed (2023. ) Not as Simple as It Looked: Are We Concluding for Biased Arrest Practices? .The International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, ,
Surya Rohith Akella, Divya Lalitha Vydula, Murat Ozer, Yasin Kose, Fatih Bastug, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed (2023. ) Understanding Cyber Threats: Patterns, ISP Characteristics, Industry Targets, and Geographic Correlations .The International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, ,
Victor Adewopo, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed, Murat Ozer, Victoria Wangia-Anderson, Ahmed Abdelgawad (2023. ) AI on the Road: A Comprehensive Analysis of Traffic Accidents and Accident Detection System in Smart Cities .
Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Victor Adewopo, Zag ElSayed, Nelly Elsayed, Murat Ozer (2024. ) A Secure Open-Source Intelligence Framework for Cyberbullying Investigation .The 3rd IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC), ,
Zag ElSayed, Nelly Elsayed, Sajjad Bay (2024. ) A Novel Zero-Trust Machine Learning Green Architecture for Healthcare IoT Cybersecurity: Review, Analysis, and Implementation .The IEEE Souteast Con., ,
Said Varlioglu, Nelly Elsayed, Eva Ruhsar Varlioglu, Murat Ozer, Zag ElSayed (2024. ) The Pulse of Fileless Cryptojacking Attacks: Malicious PowerShell Scripts .The IEEE Souteast Con., ,
Saleh Abunajm, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed, Murat Ozer (2024. ) Deep Learning Approach for Early Stage Lung Cancer Detection.International Journal of Computer Application, , More Information
Other Publications
Nelly Elsayed (2019. ) Gated Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Coding .University of Louisiana at Lafayette,
Honors and Awards
2019 Most Valuable Teacher (MVT), Fall 2019 Level:Department Type:Recognition
2020 Most Valuable Teacher (MVT), Spring 2020 Level:Department Type:Recognition
2018 Love of Learning Award Level:Honorary Type:Grant
2017 Ambassador of Goodwill of the City of Lafayette, Louisiana Level:Honorary
2017 Academic Excellence Level:University Type:Recognition
2018 Academic Excellence Level:University Type:Recognition
2019 Academic Excellence Level:University Type:Recognition
2020 2020 Most Valuable Teacher (MVT) Fall 2020 Recognition Department Teaching Type:Recognition
2021 Most Valuable Teacher (MVT) Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
2021 The Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching Graduate level Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2021 Love of Learning Award Love of Learning Award by the Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2021 Faculty Incentive Award for Research and Scholarship Recognizing research contributions, journal and conference peer-reviewed publications, and professional presentations in 2020-2021. CECH, UC Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2022 UCAADA Sarah Grant Barber Outstanding Advising Faculty For outstanding contributions to the quality of academic advising of UC students Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2022 Most Valuable Teacher (MVT) Status:Recipient Level:Department Type:Recognition
2023 Be Historic Be Historic for Women’s Contributions to History, Culture, Diversity, and Society, CECH, UC. Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Recognition
2023 Love of Learning Award. The Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi (National) Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
2024 Faculty Incentive Award for Research and Scholarship, CECH, UC Status:Recipient Level:College
2024 • Faculty Development Grant, CECH Faculty Senate, UC Status:Recipient Level:College Type:Grant
2021 The 4th International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (Technical Program Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2021
The 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of things (WFIoT2021) (Technical Program Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2021
SoutheastCon 2021 Conference (Track Chair ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2021
Grace Hopper Celebration (Artificial Intelligence Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2019
Grace Hopper Celebration (Artificial Intelligence Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2020
Grace Hopper Celebration (Artificial Intelligence Committee Committee Member 2021 ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2021
IEEE WCCI 2022 (Technical Reviewing ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2022 -2022
International The 8th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of things (WFIoT2022) (Technical Program Committee Co-Chair ) Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations 2022
The 4th International Conference on Computing and Machine Intelligence (ICMI 2025) (Organizing Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International
Contact Information