Zag ElSayed , PhD
Assistant Professor
Teachers College
CECH - School of Information Technology - 0002
Professional Summary
Zag ElSayed (Dr. Zag). He received his B.S. and M.S. with Distinction degree of Honor from Alexandria University in 2005. He got his second M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from UL at Lafayette in 2016; he worked as a research engineer and IT consultant in Africa, Europe, and the USA. He is a nationally recognized painting artist.
Zag ElSayed is a Computer Science and Automatic Control Engineering Scientist with 12+ years of Industrial IT solutions Experience. He is specialized in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), EEG, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, Very Large Scale Integrated circuits design (VLSI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industrial Internet of Things (I2oT), and Green Computing.
PhD: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Louisiana, 2016 (Computer Engineering)
MSc: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Louisiana, 2013 (Computer Engineering)
MSc: University of Alexandria Alexandria, 2010 (Computer Science and System Engineering)
BSc: University of Alexandria Alexandria, 2005 (Computer Science and Automatic Control Engineering)
Research and Practice Interests
Brain Computer Interface (BCI), smart VLSI, Data Driven Smart Systems, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Industrial Internet of Things (I2oT), Green Computing.
Mechanism Studies Computer Vision EEG (AI) Deep Learning
Research Support
Grant: #20-144-003 / H98230-20-1-0385 Investigators:Elsayed, Nelly; ElSayed, Zaghloul; Li, Chengcheng; Michael, Rebekah 09-16-2020 -09-17-2022 University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CAE-C in Cybersecurity Education Innovation Role:Collaborator $249,998.02 Active Level:Institution of Higher Education
Grant: #403-22-3165 Investigators:Elsayed, Nelly; ElSayed, Zaghloul; Ozer, Mustafa 10-01-2021 -09-30-2024 Bureau of Justice Assistance Enhancing The Implementation of Core Correctional Practices through A Mobile App And A Web Platform Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
M Al Haddad, Z ElSayed, M Bayoumi (2012. ) Green arithmetic logic unit .2012 International Conference on Energy Aware Computing, , 1 (3 ) ,1-4
Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Magdy Bayoumi (2015. ) Implementable Spike Sorting techniques for VLSI wireless BCI/BMI implants: A survey.5th International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems & Applications, , 1-4
Implementable Spike Sorting techniques for VLSI wireless BCI/BMI implants: A survey
More InformationZS Salah Selim, Amin Shoukry (2012. ) Towards better Computer Game AI techniques .2nd International Conference on Computer Science: Innovation & Technology, ,
ZS Zaghloul, M Bayoumi (2015. ) Adaptive neural matching online spike sorting VLSI chip design for wireless BCI implants.2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), , 15361997 ,
Adaptive neural matching online spike sorting VLSI chip design for wireless BCI implants
More InformationZS Zaghloul, M Bayoumi (2015. ) Toward fast low power adaptive spike sorting vlsi chip design for wireless bci implants.2015 IEEE 58th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), ,
Toward fast low power adaptive spike sorting VLSI chip design for wireless BCI implants
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Magdy Bayoumi (2017. ) BCI/AIS low power adaptive architecture for early prediction of epilepsy seizures.2017 15th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), ,
BCI/AIS low power adaptive architecture for early prediction of epilepsy seizures
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Magdy Bayoumi (2017. ) Brain computer interface: EEG signal preprocessing issues and solutions .Int. J. Comput. Appl, , 169 (3 ) ,12-16
Brain computer interface: EEG signal preprocessing issues and solutions
Z Saad, N Elsayed, M Bayoumi (2017. ) Early prediction of epilepsy seizures system based on artificial immune BCI system .Int. J. Comput. Appl., , 169 (9 ) ,35-43
Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Magdy Bayoumi (2019. ) Early Prediction of Epilepsy Seizures VLSI BCI System .arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.02894, ,
Early Prediction of Epilepsy Seizures VLSI BCI System
Nelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Chengcheng Li (2020. ) A gated recurrent deep model for supraventricular premature beat detection in electrocardiography signal.2020 SoutheastCon, , 2 ,1-7
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul (2020. ) A simple extreme learning machine model for detecting heart arrhythmia in the electrocardiography signal.2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), ,
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) Arrhythmia supraventricular premature beat detection in electrocardiography signal using deep gated recurrent model.SoutheastCon 2021, , 1-7
More InformationZaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Nelly Elsayed, Chengcheng Li, Magdy Bayoumi (2021. ) Green IoT System Architecture for Applied Autonomous Network Cybersecurity Monitoring.2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), ,
Green IoT System Architecture for Applied Autonomous Network Cybersecurity Monitoring
More InformationSylvia Worlali Azumah, Nelly Elsayed, Victor Adewopo, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) A deep LSTM based approach for intrusion detection IoT devices network in smart home.2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), , 836-841
A Deep LSTM based Approach for Intrusion Detection IoT Devices Network in Smart Home
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zaghloul Saad Zaghloul, Sylvia Worlali Azumah, Chengcheng Li (2021. ) Intrusion detection system in smart home network using bidirectional lstm and convolutional neural networks hybrid model.2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), ,
More InformationGargi Desai, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed, Murat Ozer (2022. ) A Transfer Learning Based Approach for Classification of COVID-19 and Pneumonia in CT Scan Imaging.World Health Organization (WHO), ,
A Transfer Learning Based Approach for Classification of COVID-19 and Pneumonia in CT Scan Imaging
More InformationVictor Adewopo, Bilal Gonen, Nelly Elsayed, Murat Ozer, Zaghloul Saad Elsayed (2022. ) Deep learning algorithm for threat detection in hackers forum (deep web).arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.01448, ,
Deep Learning Algorithm for Threat Detection in Hackers Forum (Deep Web)
More InformationSaid Varlioglu, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2022. ) The dangerous combo: Fileless malware and cryptojacking.SoutheastCon 2022, , 125-132
The dangerous combo: Fileless malware and cryptojacking
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2022. ) Early Stage Diabetes Prediction via Extreme Learning Machine.SoutheastCon 2022, , 374-379
Early Stage Diabetes Prediction via Extreme Learning Machine
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Anthony S Maida (2022. ) Vision-Based American Sign Language Classification Approach via Deep Learning.arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.04235, ,
Vision-Based American Sign Language Classification Approach via Deep Learning
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Anthony S Maida (2022. ) LiteLSTM architecture for deep recurrent neural networks.2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), , 1304-1308
LiteLSTM Architecture for Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
More InformationVictor Adewopo, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Magdy Bayoumi (2022. ) Review on action recognition for accident detection in smart city transportation systems.arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.09588, ,
Review on Action Recognition for Accident Detection in Smart City Transportation Systems
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Navid Asadizanjani, Murat Ozer, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Magdy Bayoumi (2022. ) Speech emotion recognition using supervised deep recurrent system for mental health monitoring.arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.12812, , More Information
Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer, Nelly Elsayed, Magdy Bayoumi (2022. ) Zydeco-Style Spike Sorting Low Power VLSI Architecture for IoT BCI Implants.arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.04427, ,
Zydeco-Style Spike Sorting Low Power VLSI Architecture for IoT BCI Implants
More InformationGargi Desai, Nelly Elsayed, Zag Elsayed, Murat Ozer (2022. ) A Transfer Learning Based Approach for Classification of COVID-19 and Pneumonia in CT Scan Imaging.arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.09403, ,
A Transfer Learning Based Approach for Classification of COVID-19 and Pneumonia in CT Scan Imaging
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Anthony S Maida (2023. ) LiteLSTM Architecture Based on Weights Sharing for Recurrent Neural Networks.arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.04794, ,
LiteLSTM Architecture Based on Weights Sharing for Recurrent Neural Networks
More InformationShrish Pellakur, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2023. ) A Convolutional-based Model for Early Prediction of Alzheimer's based on the Dementia Stage in the MRI Brain Images.arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.01417, ,
More InformationNelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Magdy Bayoumi (2023. ) IoT Botnet Detection Using an Economic Deep Learning Model.arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02013, ,
IoT Botnet Detection Using an Economic Deep Learning Model
More InformationSaleh Abunajm, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2023. ) Deep Learning Approach for Early Stage Lung Cancer Detection.arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.02456, ,
Deep Learning Approach for Early Stage Lung Cancer Detection
More InformationSylvia W Azumah, Nelly Elsayed, Zag ElSayed, Murat Ozer (2023. ) Cyberbullying in Text Content Detection: An Analytical Review.arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10502, ,
Cyberbullying in Text Content Detection: An Analytical Review
More InformationAdditional Publications
Invited Presentations
ICMI 2024 Conference (04-2024. ) Speech Title: It's All About Waves, Decoding the Thoughts. Central Michigan University, Michigan. Conference. . Level:International
IEEE AIBThings 2024 Conference (09-2024. ) Speech Title: Space, Time, Signal: What It Takes to Create a Thoughts: a BCI Chronical .Michigan. Conference. . Level:International
TEDx Conference (07-2017. ) “Decoding the Brain: The unlimited possibilities of Brain Computer Interface .ACA, Louisiana.
Cincy Cyber Week2024 (12-2024). Panelist: Data, Privacy, and Access Controls in the Age of AI . Panel,
Professional Affiliation
2011: IEEE Member
2013: ASEE Member
2024: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center: Affiliated Neurology Researcher CCHMC, Cincinnati