Michelle Encalada

Research Associate

Evaluation Services Center
2220 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, Ohio Phone 513-556-2176
Email encalatm@ucmail.uc.edu

Professional Summary

Dr. Michelle Encalada is a Research Associate at the Evaluation Services Center (ESC) in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services and Information Technology (CECH). Since joining the Center in 2024, she has led and supported an array of research and evaluation projects on mental health, education and after school time programs and initiatives. Dr. Encalada is currently the project lead on an evaluation of an NSF funded STEM initiative with the school of Computer Science at the University of Cincinnati.

Dr. Encalada has a background in community-based work and advocacy through non-profit organizations serving different populations, with a specialization in children and families with dependency system involvement. She is methodologically trained in quantitative and qualitative methods and is passionate about using her skills to best serve her community.


Ph.D.: Florida International University (International Crime and Justice)

M.S.: Florida International University (Criminology)

B.A.: Florida International University (Sociology)

Contact Information

Academic - Evaluation Services Center
2220 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati  Ohio, Phone: 513-556-2176