Chalee Engelhard
Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Director; Professor
Health Science Building, Room 275
3225 Eden Avenue
PO Box 670394
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-7481
Fax 513-558-7474
Email engelhcr@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Engelhard earned her BHS in Physical Therapy from the University of Kentucky; a Master’s in Business Administration from Thomas More College and her EdD from the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Engelhard is a tenured, Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation, Exercise, and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Cincinnati. She has a strong clinical and management background in nursing homes, acute rehabilitation, and home health. She currently serves as the Physical Therapy Program Director and Vice Department Head. She has earned Emeritus status for her Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist certification, a graduate of the American Physical Therapy Association's Educational Leadership Institute, and a credentialed Clinical Trainer for the APTA Clinical Instructor Credentialing Course.
Bachelor's Degree: University of Kentucky 1990 (Physical Therapy)
Master's Degree: Thomas More College 2002 (Business Administration )
Doctoral Degree: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2012 (Curriculum and Instruction - Instructional Design and Technology Focus)
Positions and Work Experience
1992 -1995 Area Director of Physical Therapy, Rehability, Inc (Associated Healthfocus), Houston, TX
1995 -1997 Co-owner, Therapy Alliance, Inc., Houston, TX
1997 -2002 Physical Therapist, HealthSouth Corporation, Edgewood, KY
2002 - Adjunct Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2002 -2003 Physical Therapist, St. Elizabeth Hospital-Skilled Unit, Covington, KY
2003 -2006 Regional Director of Operations, The Nursing Home Group/In-House Rehabilition Solutions, West Chester, OH
2006 -2013 Assistant Professor, of Clinical, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2013 -2018 Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2018 -2021 Associate Professor, Tenure, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
2021 -To Present Professor, Tenure, University of Cincinnati,
2021 -To Present RENS Vice Department Head, University of Cincinnati,
Research Support
Grant: #CCTST Community Health Grant Investigators:Brown, Bethanne; Engelhard, Chalee 01-01-2014 -05-31-2015 Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center CCTST Community Health Grant Role:Collaborator $8,150.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:PI – Anant Kukreti, Co-Is Ken Simonson, Carol Tonge, Chalee Engelhard, Monica Wilkins and Margaret Hanson State of Ohio COFSP: “Diversifying Yield and Retention in Engineering, Sciences and Allied Health Role:Co-Investigator $928,125 Active Type:Grant
Investigators:Christine McCallum, Chalee Engelhard, Donna Applebaum and Valerie Teglia. -12-01-2016 APTA Trends, Issues, and Challenges and the Director of Clinical Education Role:Co-Investigator $10,000 Completed
Grant: #012702 Investigators:Engelhard, Chalee 01-05-2020 -01-04-2021 American Physical Therapy Association Assessing the Director of Clinical Education roles/responsibilities task fit impact: A Delphi study Role:PI $9,187.75 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Investigators:Kelly Kennedy, Nancy Colletti, Chalee Engelhard, Krista Beyrer, Amber Boyd, Elizabeth Hertenstein, John Pantel, and Lisa Zimmer 2019 -2020 Provost Group Achieving Interprofessional Education Best Practices through Faculty Development. $19,907
Investigators:Chalee Engelhard, Kelly Kennedy, Amber Boyd, Elizabeth Hertenstein, John Pantel, and Lisa Zimmer 2017 -2018 Provost Group Harvesting IPE Champions through Best Practices Role:PI
Investigators:Chalee Engelhard, Beth Brown, and Jeremy Klein 01-01-2014 -08-01-2015 CCTST Living Well with Diabetes Role:PI
Investigators:Chalee Engelhard & Kyeong Seo AHEC Web-based Faculty Development: A Pilot Study Role:Co-PI
Investigators:Chalee Engelhard & Kyeong Seo 01-01-2009 -08-31-2009 AHEC Distance Learning Environment for Clinical Instructors
Investigators:Chalee Engelard & Lizanne Mulligan 01-01-2007 -08-31-2007 AHEC Paving the Path for Doctoral Physical Therapy Students in the Clinic Environment Role:Co-PI
Investigators:Anant Kukreti, Co-Is Ken Simonson, Carol Tonge, Chalee Engelhard, Monica Wilkins and Margaret Hanson 2017 -2018 Choose Ohio First COFSP: “Diversifying Yield and Retention in Engineering, Sciences and Allied Health Role:Co-I $928,125
Investigators:Kelly Kennedy, Nancy Colletti, Chalee Engelhard, Krista Beyrer, Amber Boyd, Elizabeth Hertenstein, John Pantel, and Lisa Zimmer 2019 -2021 Achieving Interprofessional Education Best Practices through Faculty Development. $19,907
Investigators:alee Engelhard, Christine McCallum, Leigh Murray 2020 -2021 Assessing the Director of Clinical Education roles/responsibilities task fit impact: A Delphi study $9,187.75
Investigators:Gideon Labiner, Chalee Engelhard, Kelly Kennedy 2020 -2022 Mental Health, Empathy, Resilience and Student Wellbeing – An International Symposium on Selfcare and Emotional Wellbeing for a New Generation of Healthcare Workers 3,212.90
Investigators:Amber Boyd, Chalee Engelhard, Kelly Kennedy, John Pantel, Katie Russell and Krista Beyrer 2021 -2022 I2S2 Faculty Development. $12,000
Published Abstracts
Engelhard C., Protas D., Stanley R. (1993. ) Diurnal Variations in Blood Pressure and Walking Distance in the Elderly. Physical Therapy, 73 (6 ) ,Author
Engelhard, C and Seo, K (2010. ) Abstracts of Current Literature. [Peer commentary on "Past, present, and future trends in teaching clinical skills through web-based learning environments" by Regan J and Youn E] .[Abstract]Journal of Physical Therapy, 24 (3 ) ,79
Engelhard, C. and Seo, K. (2010. ) Abstracts of Current Literature. [Peer commentary on the paper "The replacement of 'paper' cases by interactive online virtual patients in problem-based learning" by Poulton, T., Conradi, E., Kavia, S., and Hilton, S.] .[Abstract]Journal of Physical Therapy , 24 (3 ) ,80
Peer Reviewed Publications
Seo, K. & Engelhard C. (2014. ) Using Constructivist Tri-Dimensional Design Model for Online Continuing Education for Health Care Clinical Faculty .American Journal of Distance Education , , 28 (1 ) ,1 -12
McCallum CA, Mosher, PD, Howman J, Engelhard C, Euype S, Cook CE (2014. ) Development of Regional Care Networks for the administration of physical therapist clinical education .Journal of Physical Therapy Education , , 21 (3 ) ,39 -47
Engelhard C, Seo K (2015. ) Assessing the Effectiveness of a Clinical Instructor Online Training Module as Measured by Student Perception and Sustained Best Practices. In press .Journal of Allied Health, , 44 (1 ) ,17-24
Engelhard, Chalee; Seo, Kay Kyeong-Ju (2015. ) Assessing the effectiveness of a clinical instructor online training module as measured by student perception and sustained best practices. Journal of allied health, , 44 (1 ) ,17-24
Cook, Chad E; Landry, Michel D; Covington, Jeffrey Kyle; McCallum, Christine; Engelhard, Chalee (2015. ) Scholarly research productivity is not related to higher three-year licensure pass rates for physical therapy academic programs.BMC medical education, , 15 ,148 More Information
Cook, Chad; Engelhard, Chalee; Landry, Michel D; McCallum, Christine (2015. ) Modifiable variables in physical therapy education programs associated with first-time and three-year National Physical Therapy Examination pass rates in the United States.Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, , 12 ,44 More Information
Allsbrook, Katlin; Atzinger, Carrie; He, Hua; Engelhard, Chalee; Yager, Geoffrey; Wusik, Katie (2016. ) The Relationship between the Supervision Role and Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Genetic Counseling.Journal of genetic counseling, , More Information
Covington, Kyle; McCallum, Christine; Engelhard, Chalee; Landry, Michel D; Cook, Chad (2016. ) Do Differences in Programmatic Resource Investments Result in Different 3-Year Pass Rates on the U.S. National Physical Therapy Examination? .Journal of allied health, , 45 (1 ) ,27-32
Riley, Sean P; Covington, Kyle; Landry, Michel D; McCallum, Christine; Engelhard, Chalee; Cook, Chad E (2016. ) Selectivity of physiotherapist programs in the United States does not differ by institutional funding source or research activity level.Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, , 13 ,17 More Information
Engelhard, Chalee; Leugers, Rebecca; Stephan, Jenna (2016. ) Effectiveness of pre-admission data and letters of recommendation to predict students who will need professional behavior intervention during clinical rotations in the United States.Journal of educational evaluation for health professions, , 13 ,26 More Information
Engelhard C, Brown, B, Lonneman W, Warner, D, Kishigawa, A (2018. ) Development and evaluation of an interprofessional team facilitating a community-based diabetes program.Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice., , 10 ,76 More Information
Engelhard C, McCallum C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (2018. ) Development of an Innovative Taxonomy and Matrix through Examination of the Director of Clinical Education Roles and Responsibilities .Journal of Physical Therapy Education, ,
McCallum C, Engelhard C, McCallum C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (2018. ) Trends, issues and challenges and the Director of Clinical Education: preparing for a new direction in physical therapist clinical education .Journal of Physical Therapy Education, ,
Howman J, Wilkinson T, Engelhard C, Applebaum D. (2018. ) Collaborations in Clinical Education: Coordinating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Efforts to Advance Best Practices in Physical Therapist Education .Journal of Allied Health, ,
Brown B, Engelhard C, Lonneman W, Warner, D. (2018. ) All together now: health professions students as health coaches within a diabetes self-management program in an urban, underserved clinic .Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, , 10 (12 ) ,
Engelhard, Chalee; Lonneman, William; Warner, Diane; Brown, Bethanne (2018. ) The implementation and evaluation of health professions students as health coaches within a diabetes self-management education program.Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, , 10 (12 ) ,1600-1608 More Information
Howman, Janice; Wilkinson, Tawna; Engelhard, Chalee; Applebaum, Donna (2018. ) Collaborations in Clinical Education: Coordinating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Efforts to Advance Best Practices in Physical Therapist Education. Journal of allied health, , 47 (3 ) ,e67-e74
Engelhard, C. (2019. ) Shall we lead or follow: The elimination of “soft skills”.Journal of Physical Therapy Education, , 33 (2 ) ,85 -86More Information
Lonneman W, Brown B, Engelhard C, Noguchi K, McFarlane G, Warner D, Kishigawa A. (2020. ) “Get back on the horse and start over again”: Long-term effects of a diabetes self-management education (DSME) program in an underserved population .Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, , 18 (4 ) ,
Engelhard C, Beyrer K, Boyd A, Kennedy K, Russell K. (2021. ) Using an interprofessional collaborative practice curriculum worksheet to influence future practice in allied health students .Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, , 20 (1 ) ,
Engelhard C, McCallum C, Murray L. ( (2021. ) Assessing the accuracy of Director of Clinical Education roles/responsibilities taxonomy and matrix: A Delphi study.Journal of Physical Therapy Education, , 35 (4 ) ,340 More Information
Invited Publications
Holder A, Engelhard C, Oriolo V, Versteeg M, Kallen E, Riggs M. (2014. ) Cincinnati VA Medical Center and University of Cincinnati postprofessional residency in geriatric physical therapy partnering in collaborative care. .Gerinotes, 21 (3 ) ,20
Zoretic B, Kolena E, Thomas M, Engelhard C, Smith R. (2015. ) From Ohio to Quintana Roo, a Reflection on Service Learning by DPT Students from the University of Cincinnati. Gerinotes, 21 (4 ) ,21
Published Books
Seo, K., Pellegrino, D., & Engelhard, C. (2012. ) Designing Problem-Driven Instruction with Online Social Media .Charlotte, NC , Information Age
Book Chapter
Engelhard, C. & Seo, K. (2012 ) Going from Obsolete to Innovative: Empowering Problem-Based Learning with Online Social Media Designing Problem-Driven Instruction with Online Social Media .(pp. 3 -19).Charlotte, NC, Information Age
Invited Presentations
Hall,W., Arndt, A., Engelhard, C., Ramsey, M. & Vogt, S. (2008. ) The "E" Also Stands for "Existing: E-Portfolio Development Using the Tools at Hand-Co-Presenter; Talking Poins: Students Panel Weighs in on E-Portfolio Use-Co-Panelist .Ohio Learning Network Conference , Columbus, OH.
Engelhard, C. &Seo K. (2009. ) Raising the Bar: Providing Clinical Educators with Quality Web-based Training Resources .Round table Presentation at AECT International Conference, Lousiville, KY.
Engelhard, C. & Seo, K. (2011. ) Constructing Successful Outcomes with the Challenging Student .Platform presentation at the Educational Leadership Conference, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Seo, K. & Engelhard, C. (2013. ) Integrating Web-based Resources into Clinical Educaton and Practice .Ohio Physical Therapy Association, Columbus.
McCallum, C, Engelhard C, & CookC (2015. ) Do different clinical education models lead to differences in 1st time and ultimate pass rates among CAPTE accredited programs? .Platform presentation at Combined Sections Meeting- APTA, Indianapolis, IN.
(2011. ) Managing the Challenging Student .Mercy Fairfield, Cincinnati, OH.
(2014. ) Exploring Today's Student Characteristics and Incorporating Successful Teaching Tools .Annual CSC Symposium, Cincinnati, OH.
(2014. ) Challenging Situations in Supervision .Cincinnati Genetic Counseling Supervision Conference- Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Cincinnati, OH.
Engelhard C, Both A, Apke T, McCallum C, Pollacek A. (2016. ) In the Pursuit of Excellence: Reframing Your Clinical Education Program. Educational session at Educational Leadership .ELC, Phoenix. Level:National
Doherty M, Engelhard C, Banks A, Dages J. (2016. ) Impact of an interprofessional experience on student collaborative competencies in a pain management clinic. .ASAHP, New Orleans, LA. Level:National
Boone, X, Engelhard C, Ryan M, McCormick K (2016. ) Global Health Interprofessional Teamwork and Service Learning. .Midwest Global Health Conference, Lexington, KY. Level:Regional
McCallum C, Engelhard C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (2017. ) Trends, Issues and Challenges and the Director of Clinical Education: Preparing for a New Direction in Physical Therapist Clinical Education. CSM, San Antonio, TX. Level:National
Engelhard C, McCallum C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (2018. ) Development of an Innovative Taxonomy through Investigation of the Director of Clinical Education Roles and Responsibilities .CSM, New Orleans, LA. Level:National
Engelhard C. and Banks, A. (2018. ) Impact of an interprofessional experience on student collaborative competencies. .CAHS Annual Symopsium, Cincinnati, OH. Level:University
Engelhard C, McCallum C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. (2018. ) The rising phoenix in academic physical therapy: revelations about clinical education .Educational Leadership Conference, Jacksonville, Florida. Level:National
McCallum C, Engelhard C, Santasier A, Murray L (2019. ) The Rest of the Story: Building Blocks for Developing Education Researchers and Agendas .ELC, Spokane, Washington.
Engelhard C, Labiner G, Drennen C (2019. ) Bringing the team huddle to allied health science graduate students: An innovative take on an IPE Workshop .Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, IN.
Appling S, Chesbro S, Engelhard C, Buford J, Langerwerf L, Norris T, and Meachem C (2021. ) Collaboration in Action: The Education Leadership Partnership .ELC, Atlanta, Georgia.
Poster Presentations
Seo, K. & Engelhard C. (2013. ) Make it 3D!: A New Online Paradigm for Continuing Professional Develoment of Clinical Instructors .Poster presentation at E-Learn 2013- World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV. .
Engelhard, C. & Seo, K. (2014. ) Identifying and Maintaining Clinical Instructors (CIs) Best Practices Measured Through Student Preceptions and CI Practice .Poster presentation at Combined Sections, Las Vegas, NV. .
Darnell M, Goad A, Leugers R & Engelhard C. (2015. ) Can certain admission variables be predictors in academic success in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program? .APTA - Combined Sections, Indianapolis, IN. .
Engelhard C, McCallum C, & Cook C. (2015. ) ). Using evidence to support curricular change in Physical Therapy programs. Interactive poster presentation .Lily Conference, Oxford, OH. . Level:International
Leugers R, Engelhard C, Stephan J, Tran A (2016. ) The effectiveness of letters of recommendation and pre admission data to predict students who will have a professional behavior intervention during a clinical rotation .NEXT, Nashville, TN. . Level:National
Engelhard C, McCallum C (2016. ) A description of current curricular design models used in physical therapy clinical education and their relationship to pass rates on the National Physical Therapy Examination. NEXT, Nashville, TN. . Level:National
Engelhard C, Leugers, R, Ambrose S, Murphy C. (2018. ) Innovative Clinical Faculty Development: A Strategic Roadmap to Change Attitudes, Beliefs and Adoption of the Clinical Collaborative Model. CSM, New Orleans, LA. . Level:National
Brown B, Engelhard C, Lonneman W, Kishigawa A, Warner D. (2018. ) The implementation and assessment of health professions students as health coaches within a DSME program. .AADE, Baltimore, MD. . Level:National
Engelhard C, Earnest M, Griffin B, Hocker A, Maricocchi K, Mulligan E, Rebitski R (2019. ) Addressing the Physical Therapy (PT) gap in Greater Cincinnati: A feasibility study for a student run PT clinic .CSM, Washington DC. . Level:National
Engelhard C, Pantel J (2019. ) Building a Bridge from Campus to Clinic: An Interprofessional Collaborative Experience Roadmap to Implementation .ELC, Spokane, Washington. . Level:National
Labiner G, Boone J, Van Loon R, Engelhard C (2019. ) Keeping Ahead of the Curve - Allied Health Education in the Evolving World of Health Care Delivery .ASAHP, Level:National
Russell K, Engelhard C, Boyd A, Kennedy K (2019. ) Innovative Approaches to Launching IPCP Amongst Graduate Students in Allied Health Professions .ASAHP, Level:National
Lance S, Moore M, Ventura S, Vogt J, Kinsel K, Hill V, Engelhard C, Dunning K (2020. ) Finding Acceptance after Stroke: The Role of a Physical Therapist. .
Rebitski R, Leugers R, Jackson C, Vandewerker J, Sidow J, Marusko T, Engelhard (2021. ) Establishing Your Student-Led Pro Bono Physical Therapy Clinic: A Systematic Approach to Drive Success .CSM, Level:National
Engelhard C, McCallum C, Murray L (2021. ) Assessing the Director of Clinical Education (DCE) roles/responsibilities task fit impact: A Delphi study .ELC, Atlanta, Georgia. . Level:National
Beyrer K, Boyd A, Russell K, Zimmer L, Engelhard C. (2021. ) Preparing healthcare professional students for interprofessional collaborative practice using an established curriculum framework .National Academies of Practice, Virtual Platform. . Level:National
Engelhard C, Colletti N, Hertenstein E, Russell K. (2021. ) IPE Growing Pains: Is there a pill for that? .National Academies of Practice, Virtual Platform. .
Broughton P, Engelhard W, Lloyd C, Zawadzki E, McGraw M, Engelhard C, Wagner E, Dunning K (2021. ) An 8-week virtual mindfulness skills course gives stroke survivors new tools to focus on their overall wellbeing in a supportive community environment .ACRM, Level:National
Murray L, McCallum C, Doren S, Engelhard C (2021. ) Impact of task-fit malalignment on the Director of Clinical Education position: results of a delphi study .ELC, Atlanta, Georgia. . Level:National
Honors and Awards
1997 Geriatric Certified Specialist American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS)
2007 Credentialed Clinical Instructor American Physical Therapy Association
2007 Board Certified Geriatric Specialist Renewed Geriatric Specialist status. American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties Status:Recipient Level:National
2008 Credentialed Trainer for the APTA Clinical Instructor Education and Credentialing Program
2009 College of Allied Health Sciences Service Award
2013 College of Allied Health Sciences Innovative Use of Technology in Teaching Award
2018 Distinguished Physical Therapy Educator Award, University of Mount Saint Joseph Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition
2020 Excellence in Interprofessional Education Award Level:College
2020 CAHS Champion Award Level:College
2021 Distinguished Fellow of the Physical Therapy Academy Level:National
(Advisor , Physical Therapy students ) 2006 -To Present
(Member, PTA Advisory Board ) 2009 -To Present
(Academic Director, VAMC Cincinnati- Geriatric Residency ) 2012 -To Present
(Member, Price Hill Clinic Interprofessional Team ) 2013 -2020
(Facilitator, CAHS Mid-Collegiate Touch Point ) 2014 -To Present
American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (National Consortium for Clinical Educators ) Secretary Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2015 -2018
American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (Payment for Clinical Education Taskforce ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2016 -2019
APTA Academy of Education Treasurer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2019 -To Present
Educational Leadership Partnership Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2019 -2022
Educational Leadership Partnership Committee Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2021 -2022
CAPTE Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2019 -To Present
Geriatrics, Physical Therapy, curricular design, qualitative research, clinical education
Professional Affiliation
1988 -To Present: American Physical Therapy Association
1990 -1997: Texas Chapter-American Physical Therapy Association
1997 -To Present: Kentucky Chapter-American Physical Therapy Association
2007 -To Present: Ohio Chapter - American Physical Therapy Association
Education Section-American Physical Therapy Association
Geriatric Section-American Physical Therapy Association
1998 -2002: Secretary Kentucky Chapter, American Physical Therapy Association,
1999 -To Present: Annual Volunteer Erlanger Lions Club, Kentucky
Contact Information
Academic - Health Science Building, Room 275
3225 Eden Avenue
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-7481
Fax: 513-558-7474