David Allen Evenhouse
Asst Professor - Educator
Edwards One Bldg.
Suite 4150 - #4150N
Cincinnati, Phone 5135561242
Email evenhodd@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. David Evenhouse is an Assistant Professor – Educator in the Department of Engineering and Computing Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. His previous research work centered on pedagogical change, examining the implementation and use of innovative teaching methods and learning resources with regard to student agency, faculty development, and institutional context. His post-doctoral work extended into workforce development, integrating findings generated from prior research and industrial partners with intentionally-aligned university programming. He intends to expand upon both his prior research, and its application, through his new faculty role at UC.
PhD: Purdue University - West Lafayette 2020 (Engineering Education)
MSME: Purdue University - West Lafayette 2020 (Design, Mechanics)
BSE: Calvin University 2015 (Mechanical Engineering)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Evenhouse D, Patel N, Gerschutz M, Stites N, Rhoads J, Berger E, DeBoer J (2017. ) Perspectives on pedagogical change: instructor and student experiences of a newly implemented undergraduate engineering dynamics curriculum.European Journal of Engineering Education, , 43 (5 ) ,664-678 More Information
Evenhouse D, Kandakatla R, Berger E, Rhoads J, DeBoer J (2020. ) Motivators and barriers in undergraduate mechanical engineering students’ use of learning resources.European Journal of Engineering Education, , 45 (6 ) ,879-899 More Information
Evenhouse D, Zadoks A, Silva de Freitas C, Patel N, Kandakatla R, Stites N, Prebel T, Berger E, Krousgrill C, Rhoads J, DeBoer J (2018. ) Video coding of classroom observations for research and instructional support in an innovative learning environment.Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, , 23 (2 ) ,95-105 More Information
Stites N A, Douglas K A, Evenhouse D, Berger E, DeBoer J, Rhoads, J F (2019. ) A validation and differential item functioning (DIF) study of an Abbreviated Dynamics Concept Inventory .International Journal of Engineering Education, , 35 (2 ) ,
Book Chapter
Berger E J, Lee Y, Rhoads J F, Evenhouse D, Rodriguez-Meija F, DeBoer J (2022 ) Engineering Faculty Development for Adoption and Adaptation of New Instructional Practices Handbook of STEM Faculty Development .IAP
Contact Information
Academic - Edwards One Bldg.
Suite 4150 - #4150N
Phone: 5135561242