Post-MSN, WHNP: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2002 (Women's Health)
EdD: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1994
MSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1980 (Nursing)
BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1975 (Nursing)
Diploma: Mercy School of Nursing Hamilton, OH, 1970 (Nursing)
Research and Practice Interests
Incivility, Bullying, Violence, Intimate Partner violence, Women's Health
Positions and Work Experience
2004 -2005 Women's Health Nursing Practitioner, Cincinnati Women's Services, Cincinnati, OH
1997 -2003 Director, Women's Health Practitioner MSN Program & Post-MSN Program, Responsible for development and implementation of Women's Helath Practitioner MSN and Post-MSN Programs, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
1996 -To Present Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH
1984 -1996 Assistant Professor, Tenure 1986, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, Cincinnati, OH
1980 -1984 Instructor, University of Cincinnati College of Nursing and Health, Cincinnati, OH
Research Support
Investigators:Felblinger, DM & Gates, DM 02-17-2006 Dean's Research Challenge Award, College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati Shame Levels in Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner Violence) Screening and Treatment Role:PI $4,000
Investigators:Felblinger, DM; Koochaki, PE & Wekselman, K 2006 Proctor & Gamble, Inc Effects of Hypoactive Sexual Disorder Treatment on Relationships Role:PI
Investigators:Felblinger, DM & Gates, DM 01-04-2005 Rabinowitz Award, College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati Shame Levels in Domestic Violence Screening and Treatment Role:PI $1,000
Investigators:Felblinger, DM & Gates, DM 09-30-2004 -06-30-2005 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Pilot Project Research Training Program of the University of Cincinnati Education and Research Center (ERC) Domestic Violence Screening and Treatment in the Workplace Role:PI $4,763
Investigators:Moss, N & Felblinger, DM 2004 -2007 US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administrations (HRSA) Nurse Midwifery/Women's Health Initiative Advanced Education Nursing Program Grant Role:Co-Director $635,992
Investigators:Felblinger, DM & Dulin, JD; Niemes, L 2000 Interdisciplinary Team from University of Cincinnati College of Nursing, Greater Cincinnati Nutrition Council, University of Cincinnati Student Wellness Center Folic Acid Awareness Among College Freshman Women Role:PI $10,000
Grant: #SRS 007405 Investigators:Al-Natour, Ahlam; Felblinger, Dianne Marie; Gillespie, Gordon; Wang, Leigh Lihshing 06-01-2011 -05-31-2012 Sigma Theta Tau International Jordanian Nurses: Barriers to Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Role:Collaborator $4,844.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit
Published Abstracts
Felblinger, DM; Koochaki, PE; & wekselman, K (12-2006. ) Effects of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Treatment on Relationships .[Abstract]The Journal of Sexual Medicine,
Peer Reviewed Publications
Felblinger (2007. ) Incivility, bullying, and shame responses of nurses in the workplace .Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, ,
Felblinger, DM & Gates, DM (2007. ) Screening and treatment for domestic partner violence .AAOHN, ,
Invited Presentations
Felblinger, DM (02-2008. ) Writing for Publication .SONK Consortium Conference,
Felblinger, DM; Koochaki, PE; Wekselman, K (12-2006. ) The Effects of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Treatment in Relationships .9th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
Felblinger, DM (10-03-2005. ) Ovarian Cancer .University Hospital, Hematology/Oncology Unit, Cincinnati, OH.
Felblinger, DM (11-10-2004. ) Incivility and Bullying: Domestic Violence .Lakeside Presbyterian Round Table, Lakeside, KY.
Felblinger, DM (05-2004. ) Shame and Coworker Violence .Scholarly Round Table, College of Nursing, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
Felblinger, DM (04-2004. ) Women's Rights, Human Rights .Oxford Round Table, University of Oxford, Oxford, England.
Felblinger, DM; Akers, MC; Madewell, MA (02-2000. ) Women's Health Issues .Women's Sodality St Andrews Parish, Milford, OH.
Kenner, C; Hetteburg, C; Sullivan, C; Hess, D; Felblinger, DM; Dyehouse, J; Bragg, E; Kotagel, U; Siddiqi, T (04-1999. ) Bridging the World .3rd International Neonatal Nursing Conference, Harrogate, North Yorkshire.
Poster Presentations
Felbligner, DM; Koochaki, PE; Wekselman, K (12-2006. ) The Effects of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Treatment in Relationships .9th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine, Vienna, Austria. .
Felblinger, DM (03-17-2006. ) Domestic Violence Screening and Treatment in the Workplace .Ohio Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Mason, OH. .
Felblinger, DM (10-2004. ) Domestic Violence Screening and Treatment in the Workplace, Pilot Research Project Symposium .College of Medicine, Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. .
Felblinger, DM; Dulin, J; Niemes, L (05-2002. ) Folic Acid Use Among College Freshman Women .12th Annual Regional Perinatal & Women's Health Conference, Cincinnati, OH. .
Felblinger, DM; Dulin, L; Niemes, L (04-2002. ) Folic Acid Use Among College Freshman Women .AWHONN Section Conference: KY/OH,
Paper Presentations
Felblinger, DM; Gates, D (04-2004. ) Civility Matters: Violence, Shame and the Re-Victimization of Women in the Workplace .Oxford, England.
Felblinger, DM (10-21-2005. ) Domestic Violence Screening and Treatment in the Workplace .Cincinnati, OH.
Honors and Awards
2007 Faculty Bonus Award University of Cincinnati
2006 Dean's Research Challenge Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
2005 Rabinowitz Research Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
2002 Research Enhancement Award University of Cincinnati College of Nursing
1995 All University Graduate Faculty University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1993 Recognized for "Making a Difference for Students" Student Affairs and Services, University of Cincinnati
1989 Who's Who in American Nursing
1986 Recognized for "Making a Difference for Students" UC Recognition Day, University of Cincinnati
1979 -1980 Graduate Teaching Assitantship Advanced Physiology, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing and Health, Cincinnati, OH
1978 -1979 University Graduate Scholarship University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing and Health, Cincinnati, OH
Contact Information
207 Procter Hall
Phone: 513-558-5214