Ben Feldmeyer

Ben H. Feldmeyer


Director of Graduate Studies

Teachers College


CECH Criminal Justice - 0389

Professional Summary

Professor Feldmeyer received his B.S. in Psychology and Sociology from The Ohio State University in 2001 and his Ph.D. in Sociology from Penn State University in 2007.  His research focuses on criminal behavior and criminal sentencing across demographic groups, social class, and social context.  His work pays particular attention to the effects of structural conditions on violent offending across race/ethnicity and addresses such questions as:  (1) What effect (if any) does immigration have on community levels of crime, and do these relationships vary across different social contexts and demographic groups?  (2) How do factors like racial/ethnic segregation and concentrated disadvantage shape community levels of crime, and are these effects similar for Black, White, and Latino populations?  (3) Have race/ethnic, gender, and age gaps in crime changed over time, and to what degree are these trends due to changes in enforcement versus changes in large-scale social forces?  (4) How are racial/ethnic disparities in sentencing outcomes influenced by community context?  His recent work has appeared in Criminology, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Social Problems, Social Science Research, Sociological Forum, The Sociological Quarterly, Population Research and Policy Review, and Homicide Studies

Research Support

Grant: #NSF SES-1849209 Investigators:Cullen, Francis; Feldmeyer, Ben 02-01-2019 -01-31-2022 National Science Foundation Macro-Level Sources of Illegal Drug Overdose Deaths across U.S. Communities Role:PI $215,445.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #2020-2-CX-00016 (Fellowship - Bryan Holmes) Investigators:Feldmeyer, Ben 01-01-2021 -12-31-2022 Department of Justice A Longitudinal Analysis of Extralegal Disparity in Federal Sentencing Outcomes, 1998 – 2016 Role:PI $74,722.00

Grant: #15PNIJ-24-GG-05454-NIJB Investigators:Feldmeyer, Ben; Haberman, Cory; Manchak, Sarah 01-01-2025 -12-31-2027 Department of Justice Identifying and Treating Overdose Hotspots: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Place-Based Harm Reduction Strategies Role:PI 356130.00 Awarded Level:Federal