Asst Professor
University of Cincinnati
2901 Woodside Dr
701 Mantei Center
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone (513)556-7661
Email fengdi@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Dr. Feng's primary research interest is in terrestrial hydrology. She leverages resources from remote sensing, numeric models, big data, and state-of-the-art computational techniques to advance our understanding of global hydrology.
For more details, please go to Dr. Feng's Terrestrial Hydrology Lab.
Ph.D.: Northeastern University 2018 (Environmental Engineering)
M.S.: Tongji University 2013 (Environmental Engineering)
B.S.: Tongji University 2010 (Environmental Engineering)
Positions and Work Experience
01-2022 -To Present Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, Ohio
Research Support
Grant: #NASA 80NSSC22K0987 Investigators:Feng, Dongmei; Christian Guzman; Colin Gleason 08-04-2022 -08-03-2025 NASA Headquarters VIC-SNiP: Assimilating Remotely sensed Data to Model Water, Sediment, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous Transport at Continental Scales Role:PI 530,266.00 Active Level:National
Grant: #OoR Collaborative Research Advancement Program: Pilot Grant 1018367 Investigators:Dongmei Feng, Kelly Cohen 09-01-2022 -02-29-2024 Office of Research, University of Cincinnati Innovative approaches to monitoring surface water quality using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and sensors Role:PI 25,000.00 Completed Level:University
Grant: #OSGC ODHE Investigators:Dongmei Feng 07-01-2022 -06-30-2023 Ohio Space Grant Consortium Integrating UAV with sensors to monitor the Harmful Algal Blooms in the Ohio River Role:PI 3,500.00 Completed Level:State
Grant: #NASA Investigators:Merritt Harlan, David Bjerklie, Dongmei Feng 02-15-2023 -02-14-2026 NASA Integration of in-situ and SWOT data to regionally improve SWOT data accessibility and accuracy Role:Co-PI 599,696.00 Active Level:National
Grant: #GR133741- SPC-1000012548 / G21AP10593 Investigators:Feng, Dongmei 09-01-2023 -08-31-2024 U.S. Geological Survey Using long-term satellite data and machine learning to quantify changes in riverine phosphorus in the Ohio River Basin Role:PI 35,983.00 Active Level:National
Investigators:Dongmei Feng, Peter Raymond 09-01-2024 -08-31-2028 NASA Improving the understanding of global inland water carbon emissions with SWOT Role:PI 960,712 Active Type:Grant Level:National
Grant: #G24AC00050-00 Investigators:Feng, Dongmei 02-01-2024 -01-31-2025 U.S. Geological Survey Integration of in-situ and SWOT data to regionally improve SWOT data accessibility and accuracy Role:PI 31,958.00 Active Level:National
Grant: #80NSSC24K1048 Investigators:Feng, Dongmei 09-01-2024 -08-31-2027 NASA Headquarters Mapping pan-Arctic riverine suspended sediment Role:PI 100000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #NASA Investigators:Dongmei Feng 08-15-2024 -08-14-2027 NASA Mapping pan-Arctic riverine suspended sediment Role:PI $300,312.00 Active Level:National
Grant: #80NSSC24K1654 Investigators:Feng, Dongmei 08-05-2024 -08-04-2028 NASA Headquarters SWOT for Global Inland Water Gas Exchange and Carbon Biogeochemistry Role:PI 186696.00 Hold Level:Federal
Peer Reviewed Publications
Hughes, A. Randall; Schenck, Forest R.; Bloomberg, Jeanne; Hanley, Torrance C.; Feng, Dongmei; Gouhier, Tarik C.; Beighley, R. Edward; Kimbro, David L. (2016. ) Biogeographic gradients in ecosystem processes of the invasive ecosystem engineer Phragmites australis.Biological Invasions, , 18 (9 ) ,2577-2595 More Information
Feng, Dongmei; Beighley, Edward; Hughes, Randall; Kimbro, David (2016. ) Spatial and temporal variations in eastern U.S. Hydrology: Responses to global climate variability.JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, , 52 (5 ) ,1089-1108 More Information
Myers, Monique R.; Barnard, Patrick L.; Beighley, Edward; Cayan, Daniel R.; Dugan, Jenifer E.; Feng, Dongmei; Hubbard, David M.; Iacobellis, Sam F.; Melack, John M.; Page, Henry M. (2019. ) A multidisciplinary coastal vulnerability assessment for local government focused on ecosystems, Santa Barbara area, California.Ocean & Coastal Management, , 182 (9 ) ,104921 More Information
Feng, Dongmei; Gleason, Colin J.; Yang, Xiao; Pavelsky, Tamlin M. (2019. ) Comparing Discharge Estimates Made via the BAM Algorithm in High-Order Arctic Rivers Derived Solely From Optical CubeSat, Landsat, and Sentinel-2 Data.Water Resources Research, , 55 (9 ) ,7753-7771 More Information
Feng, Dongmei; Beighley, Edward; Raoufi, Roozbeh; Melack, John; Zhao, Yuanhao; Iacobellis, Sam; Cayan, Daniel (2019. ) Propagation of future climate conditions into hydrologic response from coastal southern California watersheds.Climatic change, , 153 (1 ) ,199-218 More Information
Brinkerhoff, C. B.; Gleason, C. J.; Feng, D.; Lin, P. (2020. ) Constraining Remote River Discharge Estimation Using Reach-Scale Geomorphology.Water Resources Research, , 56 (11 ) ,e2020WR027949 More Information
Feng, Dongmei; Raoufi, Roozbeh; Beighley, Edward; Melack, John M.; Goulding, Michael; Barthem, Ronaldo B.; Venticinque, Eduardo; Cañas, Carlos; Forsberg, Bruce; Sorribas, Mino Viana (2020. ) Future climate impacts on the hydrology of headwater streams in the Amazon River Basin: Implications for migratory goliath catfishes.Hydrological Processes, , 34 (26 ) ,5402-5416 More Information
Feng, D.; Beighley, E. (2020. ) Identifying uncertainties in hydrologic fluxes and seasonality from hydrologic model components for climate change impact assessments.Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., , 24 (5 ) ,2253-2267 More Information
Nickles, Cassandra; Beighley, Edward; Feng, Dongmei (2020. ) The Applicability of SWOTâ??s Non-Uniform Spaceâ??Time Sampling in Hydrologic Model Calibration.Remote Sensing, , 12 (19 ) ,3241 More Information
Ishitsuka, Yuta; Gleason, Colin J.; Hagemann, Mark W.; Beighley, Edward; Allen, George H.; Feng, Dongmei; Lin, Peirong; Pan, Ming; Andreadis, Konstantinos; Pavelsky, Tamlin M. (2021. ) Combining Optical Remote Sensing, McFLI Discharge Estimation, Global Hydrologic Modeling, and Data Assimilation to Improve Daily Discharge Estimates Across an Entire Large Watershed.Water Resources Research, , 57 (3 ) ,e2020WR027794 More Information
Harlan, M. E.; Gleason, C. J.; Altenau, E. H.; Butman, D.; Carter, T.; Chu, V. W.; Cooley, S. W.; Dolan, W. D.; Durand, M. T.; Eidam, E.; Fayne, J. V.; Feng, D.; Ishitsuka, Y.; Kuhn, C.; Kyzivat, E. D.; Langhorst, T.; Minear, J. T.; Pavelsky, T. M.; Peters, D. L.; Pietroniro, A.; Pitcher, L. H.; Smith, L. C. (2021. ) Discharge Estimation From Dense Arrays of Pressure Transducers.Water Resources Research, , 57 (3 ) ,e2020WR028714 More Information
Gleason, C. J.; Yang, K.; Feng, D.; Smith, L. C.; Liu, K.; Pitcher, L. H.; Chu, V. W.; Cooper, M. G.; Overstreet, B. T.; Rennermalm, A. K.; Ryan, J. C. (2021. ) Hourly surface meltwater routing for a Greenlandic supraglacial catchment across hillslopes and through a dense topological channel network.The Cryosphere, , 15 (5 ) ,2315-2331 More Information
Feng, Dongmei; Gleason, Colin J.; Lin, Peirong; Yang, Xiao; Pan, Ming; Ishitsuka, Yuta (2021. ) Recent changes to Arctic river discharge.Nature Communications, , 12 (1 ) ,6917 More Information
Chen C., R. Gan, D. Feng, F. Yang, and Q. Zuo (2022. ) Quantifying the contribution of SWAT modeling and CMIP6 inputting to streamflow prediction uncertainty under climate change.Journal of Cleaner Production, , 36 (1 ) ,132675 More Information
Ethan D Kyzivat, Laurence C Smith, Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros, Chang Huang, Chao Wang, Theodore Langhorst, Jessica V Fayne, Merritt E Harlan, Yuta Ishitsuka, Dongmei Feng, Wayana Dolan, Lincoln H Pitcher, Kimberly P Wickland, Mark M Dornblaser, Robert G Striegl, Tamlin M Pavelsky, David E Butman, Colin J Gleason (2022. ) The Importance of Lake Emergent Aquatic Vegetation for Estimating Arctic‐Boreal Methane Emissions.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, , 127 (6 ) ,e2021JG006635 More Information
Feng, Dongmei; Gleason, Colin J; Yang, Xiao; Allen, George, and Pavelsky, Tamlin (2022. ) How have global river widths changed over time?.Water Resources Research , , 55 (8 ) ,e2021WR031712 More Information
Smith L.C., J. V. Fayne, B. Wang, E. D. Kyzivat, C. J. Gleason, M. E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, D. Feng, T. M. Pavelsky, D. L. Peters (2023. ) Peace-Athabasca Delta water surface elevations and slopes mapped from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR.Remote Sensing Letters, , 14 (12 ) , More Information
Wang B., L. C. Smith, E. D. Kyzivat, J. V. Fayne, C. Gleason, M. E. Harlan, T. Langhorst, D. Feng, et al., (2023. ) Slow avulsion of the Athabasca River underway on the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada.Water Resources Research, , e2022WR034114 More Information
Lin P., D. Feng, C. J. Gleason, M. Pan, C. Brinkerhoff, X. Yang, H. E. Beck, R.P.M. Frasson (2023. ) Inversion of river discharge from remotely sensed river widths: A critical assessment at three-thousand global river gauges.Remote Sensing of Environment, , 287 ,113489 More Information
Flores J. A., C. J. Gleason, C. Brinkerhoff, M. Harlan, M. M. Lummus, L. A. Stearns, and D. Feng (2024. ) Mapping proglacial headwater streams in High Mountain Asia.Remote Sensing of Environment, , 306 ,114124 More Information
Honors and Awards
2023 CEAS Faculty Development Award
2024 NASA Early Career Investigator Award
2024 CEAS Distinguished Researcher Award
Contact Information
Academic - University of Cincinnati
2901 Woodside Dr
Ohio, 45221
Phone: (513)556-7661