Bonnie Fisher
Professor - Emerita
Distinguished Research Professor, Emerita
Professional Summary
Dr. Fisher received her Ph.D. in political science from Northwestern University in 1988. After serving three years on the faculty of the Department of City and Regional Planning at the Ohio State University, she joined the faculty at UC in 1991. During the 2007-2008 academic year, Professor Fisher was a Visiting Scholar in the Division of Prevention and Community Research at Yale University School of Medicine, a Visiting Professor in the Department of Sociology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Violence Against Women at the University of Kentucky.
Dr. Fisher was the principal investigator for four federally funded research projects involving the victimization of college students, the sexual victimization of college women, violence against college women, and campus-level responses to a report of sexual assault. She is currently the co-PI on NIJ- and NIH-sponsored research grants. Her research interests include issues concerning the sexual violence against women, repeat victimization, fear of crime, the measurement of victimization, injury detection of rape victims, and the court’s use of digital images in the prosecution of rape cases. She has published in Criminology, Justice Quarterly, The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Research in Crime and Delinquency, Violence and Victims, Crime and Delinquency, and American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Professor Fisher is the co-editor of the Security Journal and the Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention.
In 2012, she was awarded the George Rieveschl Jr. Award for Creative and/or Scholarly Works, the University of Cincinnati’s highest award for distinguished research.
Research Support
Grant: #2003-DG-B01-7023 Investigators:Benson, Michael; Eck, John; Fisher, Bonnie Sue 01-01-2004 -12-31-2004 Department of Justice Establishing a Ohio Service for Crime Opportunity Prevention Role:Collaborator $103,439.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #1999-WA-VX-0008 Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie Sue 11-01-1999 -04-30-2001 National Institute of Justice Research on Procedures of Institutions of Higher Education to Report Sexual Assauts Role:PI $283,460.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #P000294 (M10P10741) / NIJ 2009IJCX0207 Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie Sue 03-01-2010 -02-28-2013 Department of Justice Achieving Successful Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships that Strengthen Practice and Policy: Lessons Learned from the Field Role:PI $30,015.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 007507 Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie Sue; Jacques, Scott 04-30-2011 -06-30-2012 Procter & Gamble Company Shoplifters Moments of Truth Role:PI $156,882.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #RWJ 70323 Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie Sue; Gillespie, Gordon; Martsolf, Donna 09-01-2012 -08-31-2015 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Resilience in Emergency Department Workers Following Workplace Violence Role:Collaborator $349,975.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #ACJS Directory of Degree Program Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie Sue 07-01-2021 -06-30-2022 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Developing a Directory of Degree Programs in Criminology, Criminal Justice, and Justice-Related Disciplines Role:PI $50,000.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #ACJS Directory Project Whitepaper Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie Sue 05-01-2023 -07-31-2023 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences ACJS Directory Project Whitepaper Role:PI 15000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Grant: #ACJA-Fisher-Sloan Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie 01-01-2024 -08-31-2024 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences ACJS Directory Project Whitepaper Role:PI 40000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #Directory of Degree Programs Investigators:Fisher, Bonnie 09-01-2024 -08-31-2025 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences ACJS Directory Project Whitepaper - Deliverable 3 Role:PI 15000.00 Awarded Level:Non Profit
Peer Reviewed Publications
Fisher, B. S.; Daigle, L. E.; Cullen, F. T. (2010. ) What distinguishes single sexual victims from recurring ones?: The role of lifestyle-routine activities and first-incident characteristics .Justice Quarterly, , 27 (1 ) ,102-129
Sullivan, T. P.; Titus, J. A.; Holt, L. J.; Swan, S. C.; FIsher, B. S.; Snow, D. L. (2010. ) Does the inclusion criterion of women's aggression as opposed to their victimization result in samples that differ on key dimensions of intimate parner violence? .Violence Against Women, , 16 (1 ) ,84 -98
Lane, J.; Fisher, B. S. (2009. ) Unpacking the relationship between .Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, , 25 (3 ) ,260 -263
Smith, M. J.; Fisher, B. S. (2009. ) Women's security: Critical perspectives on assessment techniques and prevention responses .Security Journal, , 22 (3 ) ,175 -177
Barberet, R.;Fisher.B.S. (2009. ) Can security beget Insecurity?: Security and crime prevention awareness and fear of burglary among university students in the East Midlands .Security Journal, , 22 (1 ) ,3-23
Daigle, L. E.; Fisher, B.S.; Cullen, F. (2008. ) The violent and sexual victimization of college women: Is repeat victimization a problem? .Journal of Interpersonal Violence, , 23 (9 ) ,1296-1313
Fisher, B. S.; Daigle, L.E.; Cullen,F.T (2008. ) Rape against women: What can research offer to guide the development of prevention programs and risk reduction interventions .Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, , 24 (2 ) ,163-177
Sommers, M. S.; Zink, T. M.; Fargo, J.D.; Baker, R.B.; Buschur, C.; Shambley-Ebron, D.Z; Fisher, B.S. (2008. ) Is skin color a source of health disparity .American Journal of Emergency Medicine, , (26 ) ,857-866
Fisher, B.S.; Daigle, L.; Cullen, F.T.; Santana, S (2007. ) Assessing the Efficacy of the Protective Action-Completion Nexus for Sexual Victimization .Violence and Victims, , 22 (1 ) ,18 -42
Unnever, J.D.; Cullen, F.T.; Fisher, B.S (2007. ) A liberal is someone who has not been mugged: Criminal victimization and political beliefs .Justice Quarterly, , 24 (1 ) ,309 -334
Zink, T.; Fisher, B.S (2007. ) The prevalence and incidence of intimate partner and interpersonal mistreatment in older women in primary care offices .Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, , 18 (1 ) ,83 -105
Zink, T.; Fisher, B.S (2007. ) Older women living with intimate partner violence: A review for busy health professionals .Aging Health, , 3 (2 ) ,257 -265
Zink, T.; Fisher, B.S (2007. ) Family violence quality assessment tool for primary care offices .Quality Management Health Care , , 16 (3 ) ,265 -279
Reyns, Bradford, W., Henson, Billy, and Bonnie S. Fisher. (2012. ) "Stalking in the Twilight Zone: Extent of Cyberstalking Victimization and Offending Amoung College Students." .Deviant Behavior, , 33 ,1-25.
Coker, Ann L., Patricia G. Cook-Craig, Corrine M. Williams, Bonnie S. Fisher, Emily R. Clear, Lisandra S. Garcia, and Lea M. Hegge. (2011. ) "Evaluation of Green Dot: An Active Bystander Invervention to Reduce Sexual Violence on College Campuses." .Violence Against Women, , 17 (6 ) ,777-796
Fisher, Bonnie S. and Veronique Jaquier (2011. ) "Comparative Victim and Offender Research, Part 1: Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Theoretical Approaches and Methodologies." .Victims and Offenders, , 6 (3 ) ,214-245
Published Books
Fisher,B.S. (2005. ) Violence against women and family violence: developments in research, practice, and policy .U.S. Department of Justice , National Institute of Justice
V,Bowie; Fisher,B.S.; Cooper,G. (2005. ) Workplace violence: issues, trends, and strategies .Devon, UK , Willan
Fisher,B.S.; Blevins,K.R.; Santana,S.; Cullen,F.T. (2004. ) Crime and sexual victimization on college campuses: ivory tower or dangerous places? .Springfield, IL , Charles C. Thomas
Benson,M.L.; Fisher,B.S.; Fox,G.L. (2003. ) Concentrated disadvantage, economic distress, and violence against women in intimate relationships. violence against women and family violence .Washington, D.C. , National Institute of Justice
Barberet,R.; Fisher,B.S. (2003. ) Findings 194: university student safety .London , Home Office: 1-4
Gill,M.; Fisher,B.; V,Bowie (2002. ) Violence at work .Cullompton, Devon, UK , Wilian Publishers
Cullen,F.T.; Fisher,B. (2001. ) The sexual victimization of college women: findings from two national level studies .Washington, D.C. , National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics
Barbaret,R.; Fisher,B.S. Victimization of college students in the east midlands .London , Home Office Research Study
Fisher, B.S.; Sloan, J.J (2007. ) Campus Crime: Legal, Social and Policy Perspectives .Springfield, Illinois , Charles C. Thomas
Fisher, B. S.; Lab, S. P. (2010. ) Encyclopedia of victimology and crime prevention .Thousand Oaks, CA , SAGE Publications, Inc. (Co-Editor)
Fisher, B. S.; Daigle, L. E.; Cullen, F. T. (2009. ) Unsafe in the ivory tower: The sexual victimization of college women .Thousand Oaks, CA , SAGE Publications, Inc. (Co-Author)
Book Chapter
Santana, S.; Fisher, B. S. (2010 ) Are there gender differences in workplace violence: Sometimes yes and sometimes no Female Crime Victims: Reality Reconsidered .(pp. 145 -162).Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall Publishers
Cullen, F. T.; Unnever, J. D.; Blevins, K. P..; Pealer, J. A.; Santana, S. A..; Fisher, B. S.; Applegate, B. K. (2008 ) The myth of public support for capital punishment Public attitudes towards crime, victims and offenders: myths and realities .(pp. 73 -95).Devon, UK, Willan Publishing
Daigle, L.; Fisher, B.S.; Guthrie, P. (2007 ) Victims of Crime The recurrence of victimization: what researchers know about its terminology, characteristics, causes, and prevention .(pp. 211 -232).Thousands Oaks, CA, Sage Publishers
Fisher, B.S.; Karjane, H.M, Cullen, F.T.; Blevins, K.R.; Santana, S.A.; Daigle, L.E (2007 ) Campus crime Legal social and policy issues Reporting sexual assault and clery act: "situating findings from the national compus sexual assault policy study within college women's expereinces .(pp. 65 -86).Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas
Fisher, B.S.; Stewart, M. (2007 ) Campus crime: Legal, social and policy issues. Vulnerabilities and opportunities 101: The extent, nature, and impact of stalking among college students and implications for campus policy and programs .(pp. 210 -230).Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas
Licu,E.; Fisher,B.S. (2006 ) Handbook of security The extent, nature and responses to workplace violence globally: Issues and findings .(pp. 229 -260).United Kingdom, Palgrave MacMillan Ltd
Fisher,B.S.; Zink,T.; Reagan,S. (2006 ) Elder abuse: a public health perspective Hidden within the Golden Years: Intimate partner violence against women .(pp. 97 -115).Washington, D.C., American Public Health Association
Fisher,B.S.; Peek-Asa,C. (2005 ) Workplace violence: new issues, trends, and strategies Domestic violence and the workplace: Do we know too much of nothing? .Devon, UK, Willan
Fisher,B.S.; Blevins,K.R.; Santana,S.; Cullen,F.T. (2004 ) Restorative justice on the college campus: promoting student growth and responsibility, and reawakening the spirit of campus community Crime on college and university campuses: Ivory towers or dangerous places? .Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas
Fisher,B.S.; Blevins,K.R.; Santana,S.A.; Cullen,F.T. (2004 ) Restorative justice on the college campus Crime and sexual victimization on college campuses: Ivory tower or dangerous places? .(pp. 217 -238).Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas
Cullen,F.T.; Pealer,J.A.; Fisher,B.S.; Applegate,B.K.; Santana,S.A. (2002 ) Changing public views of punishment Public support for correctional rehabilitation in America: Change or consistency .(pp. 128 -147).Devon, UK, Wilian Publishing
Bromley,M.L.; Fisher,B.S. (2002 ) Policing and victims Campus policing and victim services .Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall
Santana,S.A.; Fisher,B.S. (2001 ) Violence at work Workplace violence in the USA: Are there gender differences? .Cullompton, Devon, UK, Wilian Publishers
Fisher,B. (2001 ) Stalking crimes and victim protection: prevention, intervention, and threat assessment Being Pursued and Pursuing During the College Years: Their Extent, Nature, and Impact .Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press LLC
Fisher,B.; Looye,J. (2000 ) Crimes Committed Against and Within Small Businesses in the Midwest: An Examination of Overlooked Issues in the United States .(pp. 45 -72).
Cullen,F.T.; Fisher,B.S. (2000 ) Criminal justice 2000: measurement and analysis of crime and justice: volume 4 - measurement and analysis of crime and justice Measuring the sexual victimization of women: Evolution, current controversies, and future research .Washington, DC, US Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice
Applegate,B.K.; Cullen,F.T.; Fisher,B.S. (2000 ) Crime and justice: a review of research Public opinion about punishment and corrections .Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Fisher,B.; Sloan,J.; Cullen,F.T.; Lu,C. (1997 ) Crime prevention at a crossroads The on-campus victimization patterns of students: Implications for crime prevention by student and post-secondary institutions .(pp. 101 -123).Cincinnati, OH, Anderson
Madero-Hernandez, Arelys and Bonnie S. Fisher (2012 ) Routine Activity Theory The Oxford Handbook of Criminological Theory .(pp. 513-534).New York, NY, Oxford University Press
Encyclopedia Article
Fisher, B. S.; Reyns, B.W. (2009. ) 21st century criminology: A reference handbook .Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publishers
Daigle, L. E.; Fisher, B. S. (2010. ) Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention .586 -589 Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE Publications, Inc.
Fisher, B. S. (2010. ) Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention .Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE Publications, Inc.
Reyns, B. W.; Fisher, B. S. (2010. ) Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention .462 -464 Thousand Oaks, CA, SAGE Publications, Inc.
Invited Presentations
Fisher, B. S. (03-2006. ) The state of sexual violence against college women research: What researchers and service providers know and what students need to know .Departments of Political Science and Women's Studies, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA.
Fisher, B.S. (2006. ) A liberal is someone who has not been mugged: Criminal victimization and political beliefs .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.
Fisher, B.S. (2006. ) Alcohol use and problem-focused coping correlates of psychological and physical intimate partner abuse experienced by college women. Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, IL.
Fisher, B.S. (2006. ) Adult sexual victimization among college women: Which risk factors distinguish single and reoccurring victims? .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.
Fisher, B.S. (2006. ) An examination of peer network structure and target suitability risk factors for sexual victimization of adolescent females .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.
Wilcox, P., Skubak, M. and Fisher, B.S. (2006. ) Multilevel criminal opportunity: An examination of cross-school differences effects of target suitability and guardianship on violent victimization .American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.
Fisher, B. S. (11-2005. ) Trends and issues in the production of knowledge in criminology and criminal justice .American Society of Criminology, Toronto.
Fisher, B. S. (11-2005. ) PULSE, Personal safety committee: Key findings and recommendations .Rape crisis and abuse center of Hamilton County, Cincinnati, OH.
Fisher, B. S. (09-2005. ) Workplace bullying and psychological aggression research to practice .Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH.
Fisher, B. S. (09-2005. ) Setting the research agenda: What do we still need to know .Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH.
Fisher, B. S. (06-2005. ) Abused women who have and have not used community services .Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto.
Fisher, B. (03-2005. ) The influence of self-protective behaviors on violent victimization .Paper presented at the meeting of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois.
Fisher, B. S. (02-2005. ) Workplace bullying and psychological aggression: An international perspective .Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institute of Safety and Health, Cincinnati, OH.
Fisher, B. (11-2004. ) Repeat sexual victimization: Random occurrence or predictable vulnerability? .Paper presented at the meeting of American Society of Criminology, Nashville, TN.
Fisher, B. (11-2004. ) The prevalence and incidence of domestic violence in older women patients in primary care practices: Why it is important to screen .Paper presented at the meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Washington D.C.
Fisher, B. (08-2004. ) The prevalence and incidence of family abuse in older women: Lot of questions and some answers .Paper presented at the meeting of Department of Family Medicine Research Group, College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH.
Fisher, B (07-2004. ) Developing a stalking supplement for the national crime victimization survey .Paper presented at the meeting of Violence Against Women Office and Bureau of Justice Statistics, Washington, D.C.
Fisher, B (04-2004. ) The prevalence and incidence of domestic violence in older women patients in primary care practices .Paper presented at the meeting of Ohio Academy of Family Physicians, Columbus, Ohio.
Fisher, B. S. (02-2004. ) Hidden within the golden years: Intimate partner violence and abuse against older women .Paper presented at the Violence Against Women Annual Meeting, University of Dayton, OH.
Daigle, L. E., Cullen, F. T., & Fisher, B. S. (2004. ) Repeat adult sexual victimization: Random occurrences or predictable vulnerability? .Paper presented at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, TN.
Fisher, B. S., Diagle, L. E., Santana, S. A., & Cullen, F. T. (11-2003. ) Examination of situational characteristics, resistance strategies, and sexual assault outcomes: Results from a national-level study .Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Cullen, F. T., Unnever, J. D., Daigle, L. E., Fisher, B. S., Wilcox, P. (03-2003. ) Gender, self-control, and bullying: Revisiting Gottfredson and HirschiÆs generality thesis .Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, MA..
Fisher, B. S. (2003. ) Violence against older women: Services and programming for victims in Ohio .Paper presented at the Toward a National Research Agenda on Violence Against Women Conference, Lexington, KY.
Fisher, B. S. (2003. ) Prevalence and incidence of violence against women in women 55 and older: Results from Ohio .Paper presented at the Toward a National Research Agenda on Violence Against Women Conference, Lexington, KY.
Cullen, F. T., Pealer, J., Fisher, B. S., Applegate, B. K., and Santana, S. A. (11-2002. ) Public support for faith-based correctional programs: Should sacred places serve civic purposes .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Cullen, F. T., Pealer, J. A., Fisher, B. S., Applegate, B. K., and Santana, S. A. (11-2002. ) Public support for correctional rehabilitation in America: Change or consistency? .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Schreck, C.J., Fisher, B.S., and Miller. J.M. (11-2002. ) University student victimization in the UK: Results from a home-office study .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Cullen, F.T., Pealer, J, Fisher, B.S., Applegate, B.K., and Santana, S.A. (11-2002. ) Public support correctional rehabilitation: Change or consistency? .American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.
Fisher, Bonnie (03-2002. ) Intimate partner violence among older females .Ohio Association of Gerontology and Education, Columbus, OH.
Fisher, Bonnie (11-2001. ) A multi-level analysis of sexual victimization of college females .American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Fisher, Bonnie (11-2001. ) Unraveling fear of rape among college females: A test of Ferraro .American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Fisher, Bonnie (11-2000. ) Reporting sexual victimization: National-level research on college women .American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Fisher, Bonnie (07-2000. ) A tale of two ivory towers: A comparative analysis of on-campus victimization rates in the US and England .British Criminology Society, Leicester, England.
Fisher, B.S.; Daigle, L.E.; Cullen, F.T. (2007. ) Repeat and multiple sexual assault victims: The role of lifstyle routine activities and incident characteristics .
Wilcox, P.; Fisher, B.S.; Skubak-Tillyer, M (2007. ) Place management, school crime and fear of crime .
Stewart, M.C.; Fisher, B.C.
Stewart, M.C.; Fisher, B.C. (10-14-2007. ) The effects of violent victimization on women's wellbeing: Are there differences across victim .Academic Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia.
Lynch, J.P.; Fisher, B.S. (2008. ) The changing face of workplace safety 1983 to 2002 .American Society of Criminology Meeting, St. Louis.
Barberet, R.; Fisher, B.S.; Garfield, G. (2008. ) Coming and Going: Commuter Students' Perceptions of fear, victimization and crime prevention .American Society of Criminology Meeting, St. Louis.
Stewart, M.; Fisher, B.S. (2008. ) The effects of victimization on women's health: Assessing similarities and differences across different victim-offender relationships .American Society of Criminology Meeting, St. Louis.
Hartman, J. L..; Santana, S.; Daigle, L.E.; Fisher, B.S. (2008. ) Sexual and nonsexual violent victimization: A gendered approach to explaining differences in reporting .American Society of Criminology Meeting, St. Louis.
Daigle, L.E.; Fisher, B.S.; Hartman, J. L.; Santana, S. (2008. ) What influences reporting single and recurring victimizations to law enforcement and others?: Results from the NCVS .American Society of Criminology Meeting, St. Louis.
Finlay-Morreale, H. E.; Tsuei, B. J.; Fisher, B.S.; Johannigman, J. A. (2008. ) Close is dead: determinants of firearm injury lethality in females .Western Trauma Association Annual Meeting, Tahoe, CA.
May, D.; Fisher, B.S. Constrained behaviors and gender among university students: The impact of perceptions of risk and fear-provoking cues .Southern Criminal Justice Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Bonnie S. Fisher (09-08-2011. ) Sexual Violence Against College Women: Has the Time Come for a Paradigm Shift? .University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Bonnie S. Fisher (09-07-2011. ) Sexual Victimization of College Women .Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Bonnie S. Fisher (08-17-2011. ) Shifting the Criminal Justice, Legislative, Legalistic, Paradigm Toward the Primary Prevention Paradigm .Dennison University, Granville, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:Regional
Bonnie S. Fisher (05-24-2011. ) Measuring Violence Against Women: What Have We Learned? .University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati, OH. UC. . Level:Local
Paper Presentations
Payne, T. C.; Scherer, H.; Wilcox, P.; Fisher, B. S.; Eck, J. E. (02-24-2009. ) The contingent context of place: Violent versus property crime in apartment complexes .San Diego, CA.
Scherer, H.; Payne, T. C.; Wilcox, P.; Fisher, B. S.; Eck, J. E. The contingent context of place violence: Violent crime in apartment complexes .
Schreck, C.; Ousey, G.; Fisher, B. S.; Wilcox, P. Explaining what makes victims of violent crime unique: A test of competing theoretical perspectives .
Daigle, L. E.; Fisher, B. S. Recurring non-sexual victimizaton: The impact of victim-offender relationship and sex of victim .
Chapple, C.; Vaske, J.; Wilcox, P.; Fisher, B. S. Gender, self-control and the effect of social context on violent victimization .
Snyder, J.; Scherer, H.; Fisher, B. S. Understanding repeat victimization of males: Applying a lifestyle/routine activity perspective .
Jaquier, V.; Fisher, B. S. (11-06-2009. ) Partner and nonpartner violence in Switzerland and the United States: Explaining the similarities and differences .Philadelphia, PA.
Zink, T.; Fargo, J. D.; Baker, R. B.; Buschur, C.; Shambley-Ebron, D. Z., Fisher, B. S.; Sommers, M. S. Forensic rape examination and ano-genital injury: Is skin color a source of health disparity? .
Zink, T.; Fargo, J. D.; Baker, R. B.; Buschur, C.; Fisher, B. S.; Sommers, M. S. (04-24-2009. ) Comparing methods for identifying ano-gential injury after consensual intercourse .Minneapolis, MN.
Leah E. Diagle, Bonnie S. Fisher, and Brent Teasdale (11-15-2011. ) "Changes in Sexual Victimization of College Women Over Time: A Latent Transition Analysis." .Washington, DC. Conference. Level:National
Brad Reyns, Billy Henson, and Bonnie S. Fisher (11-15-2011. ) Examining the Prevalence and Correlates of Sexting among College Students .Washington, DC. Conference. Level:National
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice: Unpacking the relationship between gender and fear of crime: Explaining why there are similarities and differences Editor
Security Journal: Insecurity in the ivory tower: Understanding and responding to students' victimization and fear of crime; Women's security: Critical perspectives on assessment techniques and preventive responses Editor
Professional Affiliation
03-2011 -2013: Fellow Appointments Elected Fellows of the Graduate School, University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
2010 -2013: Associate Editor Associate Editor of Justice Quarterly
2008 -2013: Associate Editor Associate Editor of Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.
1998 -2013: Editor Editor of Security Journal.
2012 -2013: Editorial Board Member Editorial Board Member of International Perspectives in Victimology.
2008 -2013: Editorial Board Member Editorial Board Member of Victims and Offenders Journal.
2007 -2013: Editorial Board Member Editorial Board Member of Crime, Punishment, and the Law.
2005 -2013: Editorial Board Member Editorial Board Member of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice.
2003 -2013: Editorial Board Member Editorial Board Member of Journal of Emergency Management.
2011 -2013: Appointed Research Panel National Academy of Science. Panel on Measuring Rape and Sexual Assault in BJS Household Surveys.
2005 -2013: Research Council Research Council for American Society for Industrial Security.
2008 -2013: Treasurer National Office of Professional Organization. Treasurer of American Society of Criminology.