Anne Bridget Fleischer
Assoc Professor
Health Science Building
3225 Eden Ave.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 5135583732
Email fleiscae@ucmail.uc.edu
Research Support
Grant: #CSTAR-Fleischer Investigators:Fleischer, Anne 03-01-2024 -02-28-2025 Shirley Ryan Ability Lab Clinical Implications of Implementing Remote Therapeutic Monitoring for Individuals with Breast Cancer within Real World Environments Role:PI 25000.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Investigators:Fleischer, A. & Fisher, M. 11-2022 -11-2023 University of Cincinnati Cancer Center CanRestoreFunction: Cancer-Related Fatigue Management Date: 2022-2023 Role:PI 50,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University
Published Abstracts
Heaney, S. & Fleischer, A.B. (2018. ) Leaving Journalism: Self-identity during career transition for female former Kentucky reporters .[Abstract]
Leaving Journalism: Self-identity during career transition for female former Kentucky reporters
Fisher, M., Fleischer, A.B., Hendricks, L., McClure, M., Parent, K., Roberts, R. (2018. ) Perceived stress has a negative effect on self-reported upper extremity function among women treated for breast cancer .[Abstract]
Peer Reviewed Publications
Newman, R., Polo, K.M., Amanat, Y., Campbell, C., Fleischer, A., Morikawa, S. (2024. ) Occupational therapy practice guidelines for adults living with and beyond cancer.The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, , 78 (5 ) , More Information
Korson, S., Meiners, E., Howell, M., Buck, A., Moody, K., Winslow, M., Martin, T., & Fleischer, A. (2023. ) Ungrading general education: Preliminary results from a pilot study .Relationship-Rich Education in Teaching & Learning: Pedagogicon Conference Proceedings, , 1-9
Arndt, E., Fleischer, A. B., Spira, G (2023. ) Improving clinical care through action research .Home Healthcare Now. , ,
Cambell, C., Polo, K. M., & Fleischer, A (2023. ) Interventions to address cancer-related cognitive impairment (2018–2022).The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, , 77 (Supplement ) ,7710393320 More Information
Fleischer, A., Cambell, C., & Polo, K. M. (2023. ) Cancer-related fatigue (2018–2022.The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, , 77 (Supplement ) ,7710393340 More Information
Polo, K. M., & Fleischer, A., Cambell, C. (2023. ) Supporting physical activity in adults living with and beyond cancer (2018–2022).The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, , 77 (Supplement ) ,7710393330 More Information
Fleischer, A., & Humphrey, C (2022. ) Women’s experiences after hormone positive breast cancer: Beginning of radiation to 3-4 years post-radiation.Occupational Therapy in Health Care, , More Information
Fleischer, A. B. & Struhar, J (2022. ) Commentary: Compassionately meeting patients with stage IV cancer “Where they are” in inpatient rehabilitation.Rehabilitation Oncology, , 41 (4 ) ,55-58 More Information
Fisher, M. I., Fleischer, A. B., Ulmer, K., McClure, M., Waldron, R. & DiFede, L. (2022. ) Self-reported arm is associated with stress and fear of physical activity among women treated for breast cancer.Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation, , 5 (1 ) ,40-47 More Information
Weidner, K., Lowman, J., Fleischer, A., Kosik, K., Goodbread, P., Chen, B., & Kavuluru, R. (2021. ) Twitter, telepractice and the COVID-19 pandemic: A social media content analysis.American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, , 30 (6 ) ,2561 More Information
Fleischer, A., Callahan, A., Christopher, K., Cummings, A. & Davies, C. C. (2020. ) Virtual breast cancer education and support group for self-care management and function: A study protocol applying person-centered and rehabilitation principles.Physical Therapy Reviews, , 25 (4 ) ,219 More Information
Eicher, E. A., Skubik-Peplaski, C., O’Brien, S. & Fleischer, A. (2018. ) Exploring parents’ experiences of raising a child with sensorimotor impairments and expectations for leisure participation.The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, , 64 (4 ) , More Information
Hayden, C., Fleischer, A. & Renfro-Taylor, K. (2017. ) Interactive video quizzes to enhance student learning. Inaugural Proceedings of the Pedgogicon: 2017, The Journal of Faculty Development, , 31 (3 ) ,53
Fleischer, A., & Howell, D (2017. ) The experience of breast cancer survivors’ participation in important activities during and after treatments.British Journal of Occupational Therapy,, , 80 (8 ) ,470 More Information
Ward, A., Carrico, C., Powell, E., Westgate, P.M., Nichols, L., Fleischer, A., Sawaki, L. (2017. ) Safety and improvement of movement function after stroke with atomoxetine: A pilot randomized trial.Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, , 35 (1 ) ,1 More Information
Carrico, C., Chelette, K., Westgate, P.M., Powell, E., Nichols, L., Fleischer, A., Sawaki, L (2016. ) Nerve stimulation enhances task-oriented training in chronic, severe motor deficit after stroke: A randomized trial. .Stroke, , 47 (7 ) ,1879 More Information
Fleischer, A. B., Fisher, M. I., & O’Brien, S. P (2015. ) Creating an interprofessional collaborative research opportunity for physical and occupational therapy students .Journal of Allied Health, , 48 (3 ) ,e117
Cooper, R., Fleischer, A., Cotton, F (2012. ) Building connections: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of qualitative research students’ learning experiences. .The Qualitative Report, , 17 (17 ) ,1
Wilson, T.W., Fleischer, A., Archer D., Hayasaka, S., Sawaki, L (2011. ) Oscillatory MEG motor activity reflects therapy-related plasticity in stroke patients .Neurorehabilitation Neural Research, , 25 (2 ) ,188
Fleischer, A. B., Meade, T. J., Fleischer (2011. ) Notalgia paresthetica: Successful treatment with exercises. Acta Dermato-Venereologica.Acta Dermato-Venereologica, , 91 (3 ) ,356 More Information
Kerchner, K., Fleischer, A., & Yosipovitch, G. (2008. ) Lower extremity lymphedema updated: Pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment guidelines .Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, , 59 (2 ) ,324
Invited Publications
Fleischer, A.B., Struhar, J. (2023. ) Commentary: Compassionately balancing hope with patients who have stage IV cancer in inpatient rehabilitation.Rehabilitation Oncology, 41 (1 ) ,55-58 More Information
Fleischer, A. B (2015. ) Commentary: Hidden voices: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of surviving breast cancer in Saudi Arabia.Journal of Research in Nursing, 24 (1-2 ) ,133 More Information
Poster Presentations
Fisher, M.I., Fleischer, A.B., Bartlett, E., Goebel, R., Measles, K. (04-2022. ) Web-based Interprofessional Cancer-Related Fatigue Management Feasibility Study .American Occupational Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX. . Conference. . Level:National
Fisher, M.I., Fleischer, A.B., Bartlett, E., Goebel, R., Measles, K. (02-2022. ) Cancer-Related Fatigue Rehabilitation Delivered Via eHealth: A Feasibility Study .American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, San Antonio, TX. . Conference. . Level:National
Fisher, M., Fleischer, A.B., Hendricks, L., McClure, M., Parent, K., Roberts, R. (02-2022. ) Perceived stress has a negative effect on self-reported upper extremity function among women treated for breast cancer .American Physical Therapy Association Combined Section Meeting, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fisher, M. I., Fleischer, A. B., Delong, C., Bergin, T (10-2020. ) Arm Function in Women Treated for Breast Cancer .International Conference on Physical Therapy in Oncology, canceled due to COVID. . Conference. . Level:International
Fisher, M. I., Fleischer, A. B., Delong, C., Bergin, T (10-2020. ) Fear of Physical Activity Limits Women Treated for Breast Cancer's Perceived Function .American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Online. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A., Cummings, A., Davies, C., Christopher, K., & Callahan, A (05-2020. ) Living a full life after breast cancer and its treatment through virtual education and support. Eastern Kentucky University Presentation Showcase, Online. . Level:University
Enlow, K., & Fleischer A. (03-2020. ) Acute-Care OT Practice: Application of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measures (COPM) in a Palliative-Care Program .American Occupational Therapy Association, canceled due to COVID. . Conference. . Level:National
Spaide, R., Fleischer, A., Humphrey, C. (03-2020. ) Exploring Therapist Engagement Using Process Consultation .American Occupational Therapy Association, canceled due to COVID. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A. B. & Fleischer, A.B. (2019. ) Understanding ambulatory care physician OT referral patterns to integrate OT within primary care .American Occupational Therapy Association, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fisher, M. I., Fleischer, A.B., Hendricks, L., McClure, M., Parent, K., Roberts, R. (04-2018. ) Perceived stress has a negative effect on self-reported upper extremity function among women treated for breast cancer .American Occupational Therapy Association, Salt Lake City, UT. . Conference. . Level:National
Heaney, S. & Fleischer, A. B (2018. ) Leaving journalism: Self-identity during career transition for female former Kentucky reporters .Society for the Study of Occupation: USA, Lexington, KY. . Conference. . Level:National
Fisher, M., Fleischer, A.B., Hendricks, L., McClure, M., Parent, K., Roberts, R. (10-2017. ) Perceived stress has a negative effect on self-reported upper extremity function among women treated for breast cancer .American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta, GA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B. & Parsley, R. (10-2017. ) Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors’ lived experience: Three to four years after treatment .Society for the Study of Occupation: USA, Seattle, WA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B. & Parsley, R. (03-2017. ) Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors’ lived experience: Three to four years after treatment. American Occupational Therapy Association, Philadelphia, PA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B. & Fisher, M (03-2017. ) Distant interprofessional faculty-student research .American Occupational Therapy Association, Philadelphia, PA. . Conference. . Level:National
Coleman, E., Durham, S., Eicher, E. Skubik-Peplaski, C., Fleischer, A.B. [Contributing Author], & O’Brien, S. [Contributing Author] (03-2017. ) Using a movement program: Benefits for children with sensorimotor impairments .American Occupational Therapy Association, Philadelphia, PA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B., Ito, M., Cooper, R., & Brown, D. (05-2016. ) Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors’ lived experience: Activity engagement during and after breast cancer treatment .28th Annual Research Day of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. . Conference. . Level:University
Fleischer, A.B., Ito, M., Cooper, R., & Brown, D. (04-2016. ) Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors’ lived experience: Activity engagement during and after breast cancer treatment. .American Occupational Therapy Association, Chicago, IL. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B., Ito, M., Cooper, R., & Brown, D. ( (10-2015. ) Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors’ lived experience: Activity engagement during and after breast cancer treatment .American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Atlanta, GA. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B., Ito, M., Cooper, R., & Brown, D. (09-2015. ) Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors’ lived experience: Activity engagement during and after breast cancer treatment .Kentucky Appalachian Rural Rehabilitation Network, Richmond, KY. . Conference. . Level:Regional
Bethea, D., Fleischer, A., Thornton, K., McNeil, A., Lambeth, K., & Pegram, J. (04-2009. ) Enhancement of the upper extremity in stroke patients through modified constraint induced therapy by using a computerized motor training program .American Occupational Therapy Association, Houston, TX. . Conference. . Level:National
Fleischer, A.B., Skees-Hermes, S. (2021). Person-centered care communication . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Virtual. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2020). Locating evidence to improve outcomes . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Virtual. Conference. Level:State
Enlow, K., Fleischer, A.B., & Hardman, L. (2019). COPM in acute palliative care . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Richmond, KY. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2019). Creating a thriving OT practice . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Richmond, KY. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2019). Client-centered rather than impairment driven among breast cancer survivor. . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Richmond, KY. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2019). Lymphedema and manual lymph drainage . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Student Conference, Lexington, KY. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2018). Round Table Discussion: "What vision do you have for KOTA's role encouraging research among Kentucky occupational therapy practitioners . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Louisville, KY. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2018). Oncology rehabilitation beyond lymphedema management . Kentucky Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Louisville, KY. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2013). Oncology rehabilitation . North Carolina Occupational Therapy Association, Raleigh, NC. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Fleischer, A. B (2009). Model of human occupation and lymphedema therapy . North Carolina Occupational Therapy Association, Raleigh, NC. Professional Meeting. Level:State
Ashby, D., Fleischer, A.B., Morin, C. & Strada J. (2019). Implementing TILT approach: Faculty perspectves and experiences from a cross-campus pilot--Panel two . Pedagogicon, Richmond, KY. Conference. Level:Regional
Fleischer, A. B (2019). Small scale service-learning project description changes improve clarity . Pedagogicon, Richmond, KY. Conference. Level:Regional
Fleischer, A.B, Fisher, M.I., & Bunger, L. (2019). Support for client-centered evaluations for detecting functional impairments among breast cancer survivors one to five years after treatment . American Occupational Therapy Association, New Orleans, LA. Professional Meeting. Level:National
Hayden, C., Fleischer, A.B. (2017). Embedding quizzes in videos to enhance interactive student learning . Pedagogicon, Richmond, KY. Conference. Level:Department
Fleischer, A. B (2015). Exploratory study of breast cancer survivors' lived experience: Activity engagement during and after breast cancer treatment . Society for the Study of Occupation: USA, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Conference. Level:Department
Fleischer, A.B. & Struhar, J (2021. ) Practical applications of person-centered care in cancer rehabilitation .Virtual. Conference. Level:National
Fleischer, A.B., Struhar, J. & Mullan, S. (2020. ) Tools that can be used now! Person-Centered Care within cancer rehabilitation .Virtual. Conference. Level:National
Fleischer, A.B., Pugh, T., Cantera, K., Sangermano, S. & Edeker, J. (2019. ) Culturally competent communication with people diagnosed with cancer .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:National
Contact Information
Academic - Health Science Building
3225 Eden Ave.
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 5135583732