Lori A. Foote
Research Associate
Teachers College
CECH Systems Develop & Improvement Ctr - 0002
Professional Summary
As a public elementary teacher-turned-researcher, my scholarship centers on practical issues of students' access to instruction and support at the district and school level. Due to the building nature of mathematics, I am particularly interested in students' access to high-quality mathematics instruction in the middle-to-upper elementary grades. I define high-quality mathematics instruction as practices that bring together the multiple strands of mathematics proficiency alongside schools' designs to provide assistance to students who struggle. Relatedly, when students struggle in math - briefly or in a more ongoing basis, I investigate the processes used in schools to provide assistance. I am interested in cross-contextual avenues to success in mathematics, particularly the ways that schools in different settings must negotiate best practices to improve mathematics learning outcomes for their students.
Alongside my research related to equitable mathematics practices in schools, I am interested in the ways that researchers used methodological approaches to investigate their research questions. I have investigated the ways that mixed methods approaches to research may be leveraged to benefit the scope and depth of a project. I have used mixed methods case study in its comparative case form to investigate contextualized mathematics practices in my research. As a result, I have also published several methodological articles and chapters related to the use of mixed methods case study.
PhD.: University of Cincinnati Main Campus, 2019 (Educational Studies)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Walton, J. B., Plano Clark, V. L., Foote, L. A., & Johnson, C. C. (2020. ) Navigating intersecting roads in a mixed methods case study: A dissertation journey. .Journal of Mixed Methods Research, , 14 (4 ) ,436 More Information
Moore, J., Plano Clark, V. L., Foote, L. A., & Dariotis, J. (2020. ) Attorney-client communication in public defense: A qualitative examination.Criminal Justice Policy Review , , 31 (6 ) ,908 More Information
Plano Clark, V. L., Foote, L A., & Walton, J. B. (2018. ) Intersecting mixed methods research and case study research: Design possibilities and challenges. .International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, , 10 (1 ) ,14 More Information
Foote, L. A., & Stitzlein, S. M. (2016. ) Teaching hope: Cultivating pragmatist habits. .The Journal of School and Society , , 32 (2 ) ,32
Headley, M. G., Swoboda, C. M., & Foote, L. A. (2016. ) What’s missing in longitudinal studies conducted in the U.S. with implications for mathematics education?.International Journal of Research and Method in Education, , 39 (4 ) ,383 More Information
Book Chapter
Plano Clark, V. L., Walton, J. B., & Foote, L. A. (2022 ) Designing for integration in mixed methods case studies. The Routledge handbook for advancing integration in mixed methods research.
Plano Clark, V. L., Foote, L. A., & Walton, J. B. (2022 ) Plano Clark, V. L., Foote, L. A., & Walton, J. B. (under review). Combining mixed methods and case study research. In The International Encyclopedia of Education (4th edition). The International Encyclopedia of Education (4th edition). .Elsevier