James Frank

James Frank


Professional Summary

James Frank is a Professor, in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.  Professor Frank is a 1993 Ph.D. from the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University.  He also received his J.D. from Ohio Northern University in 1977.  Dr. Frank’s primary research interests include understanding police behavior at the street-level, officer decision making during interactions with the public, the formation of citizen attitudes toward the police, and the correlates of sentencing decisions.  He has been involved in a number of externally funded research projects that primarily examine street-level police officer behavior.  His funded policing research projects have examined officer use of police technology involving gunshot location programs and the use of non-emergency call numbers, the hiring practices of police agencies, the work routines of police officers, the influence of race on traffic stops, citizen attitudes toward the police and the implementation of problem solving strategies.  He has also been involved in funded studies examining juror understanding of death penalty instructions, sentencing in state court and federal courts and the impact of collateral consequences of conviction in Ohio.  He has published articles in Justice Quarterly, Police Quarterly, Journal of Criminal Justice, the American Journal of Police, Crime and Delinquency, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, and Criminology and Public Policy.  He regularly teaches courses in the areas of policing, the law and court system, and decision making across the criminal justice system.  Dr. Frank is a past President of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.


Ph.D., Criminal Justice and Criminology with cognates in Sociology and Political Science: Michigan State University 05-1993 (Dissertation: The Antecedents and Consequences of Citizens' Attitudes Toward the Police)

M.S., Criminal Justice: University of Cincinnati 1983 (Thesis: Sanctioning Corporate Crime: Public Support for Civil and Criminal Intervention)

J.D.: Ohio Northern University College of Law 06-1977

B.A., American History: University of Cincinnati 06-1974

Positions and Work Experience

1996 -2008 Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati,

1991 -1996 Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati,

1984 -1987 Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, Kentucky Wesleyan College,

1982 -1984 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Wilmington College at the Lebanon Correctional Institution,

1981 -1983 Adjunct Professor , University of Cincinnati Paralegal Program,

09-2003 -12-2003 Consultant, Data analyst on Jury Study Project for the Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio Supreme Court,

02-1996 -10-1996 Site Consultant for Abt Associates Inc., Evaluation of the Cleveland Police Department's implementation of their Residential Area Policing Program, Abt Associates Inc., Cleveland, OH

09-1995 -03-1996 Consultant, Consultant to private defense attorneys for an evaluation of juror understanding of death penalty instructions.,

2008 - Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati,

Research Support

Investigators:Klahm,C. & Frank,J. 2008 College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Reconceptualizing police use of force: Comparing the determinants of force across alternative measures $500 Type:Grant Level:College

Investigators:Engel, R. & Frank, J. 01-2007 -12-2009 Arizona Department of Public Safety Traffic stop data analysis Role:Key Personnel $580,943 Type:Grant

01-2006 -01-2007 Office of Criminal Justice Services Selection and hiring of quality police officers Role:Principal Investigator $20,107 Type:Grant

01-2006 -06-2008 Office of Criminal Justice Services Situational and contextual factors associated with the use of TASERS Role:Principal Investigator with Dr. Robin Engel $49,000 Type:Grant

Investigators:Frank, J., Engel, R., & Travis, L. 01-2006 -01-2007 Ohio Department of Public Safety Evaluation of TACNET Role:Principal Investigator $49,915 Type:Grant

01-2005 -01-2006 City of Columbus, Franklin County Homeland Security and Justice Programs Research Analyst for the Columbus Public Safety Director and the Columbus Neighborhood Safety Working Group Role:Principal Investigator $31,243 Type:Grant

Investigators:Frank, J. & Engel, R. 07-2004 -12-2005 City of Cleveland Traffic stop data collection project Role:Principal Investigator $95,750 Type:Grant

10-2002 -09-2005 Office of Justice Programs Project safe neighborhoods, Researcher/Analyst focusing on violent gun related crime in the Southern District of Ohio Role:Principal Investigator $150,000 Type:Grant

Investigators:Frank, J. & Eck, J. 07-2002 -06-2003 Hamilton County Community Mental Health Board and the Health Foundation Evaluation of mobile crisis team Role:Principal Investigator $44,834 Type:Grant

Investigators:Frank, J. & Travis, L. 01-1999 -12-2000 National Institute of Justice Policing in a community context: An observational study of suburban, rural, and urban policing Role:Principal Investigator $373,971 Type:Grant

Investigators:Frank, J. 01-1999 -08-1999 National Institute of Justice Variation in community policing across neighborhoods Role:Principal Investigator $20,053 Type:Grant

Investigators:Mazerolle, L. & Frank, J. 01-1999 -12-1999 Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services Evaluation of Cincinnati neighborhood action strategy III Role:Co-Principal Investigator $91,944 Type:Grant

Investigators:Green Mazerolle, L. & Frank, J. 10-1998 -12-1999 National Institute of Justice Reducing non-emergency calls to 911: An assessment of four approaches to handling citizen calls for service Role:Faculty Personnel $399,919 Type:Grant

Investigators:Green Mazerolle, L. & Frank, J. 04-1997 -12-1997 National Institute of Justice A field evaluation of the ShotSpotter Gunshot Location System Role:Co-Principal Investigator $49,854 Type:Grant

01-1997 -08-1998 National Institute of Justice Street-level policing efforts in Cincinnati: The content of community and traditional policing and the perceptions of policing audiences Role:Principal Investigator $234,908 Type:Grant

Investigators:Green Mazerolle, L. & Frank, J. 01-1997 -12-1997 Edward Byne Grant and the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services Comprehensive approaches to solving quality of life problems: An evaluation of the Cincinnati neighborhood action strategy Role:Key Personnel $68,958 Type:Grant

Investigators:Green Mazerolle, L. & Frank, J. 10-1996 -08-1997 National Institute of Justice A field evaluation of the System for the Effective Control of Urban Environment Security (SECURES) Role:Co-Principal Investigator $199,996 Type:Grant

06-1996 -05-1997 International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety Foundation Strategic plan for evaluation of crime survey Role:Principal Investigator $4,479 Type:Grant

01-1996 -06-1997 Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program and the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services Ohio multijurisdictional drug law enforcement task forces Role:Principal Investigator $73,371 Type:Grant

01-1995 -10-1995 Urban University Program Evaluating community oriented policing and the role of the community Role:Principal Investigator $8,000 Type:Grant

12-1994 -10-1995 City of Cincinnati Evaluation of community policing efforts in Cincinnati, OH Role:Principal Investigator $14,445 Type:Grant

Investigators:Bynum, T., Worden, R., & Frank, J. 10-1989 -06-1993 National Institute of Justice Impact of narcotics crackdowns: Intermittent enforcement and residual deterrence Role:Research Assistant Type:Grant

Investigators:Bynum, T. & Frank, J. 08-1988 -07-1989 Bureau of Justice Statistics Prison commitment patterns project Role:Research Assistant

Investigators:Bynum, T. & Frank, J. 01-1988 -02-1989 Bureau of Justice Statistics Issues in the collection of jail inmate information Role:Research Assistant

Grant: #PO P76330 Investigators:Frank, James; Travis, Lawrence 11-01-2006 -09-15-2008 Ohio Department of Public Safety Evaluation of the Ohio State Highway Patrol Vehicle Integration Technology Demonstration Project Role:PI $49,915.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #05-JB-010-F136 Investigators:Frank, James 01-01-2006 -12-31-2006 Department of Justice Columbus Neighborhood Safety Working Group: Research Analyst Role:PI $31,243.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #OSP 02173 Investigators:Frank, James 05-01-2002 -06-30-2003 Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Mobile Crisis Team Evaluation Role:PI $44,834.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Grant: #2002-GP-CX-0223-1 Investigators:Frank, James 10-01-2002 -09-30-2005 Office of Justice Programs Project Safe Neighborhoods: The I-75 Corridor Task Force Role:PI $150,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #L7-009-001 Investigators:Engel, Robin; Frank, James 01-01-2007 -04-30-2012 Arizona Department of Public Safety Traffic Stop Data Analysis Role:Collaborator $884,007.00 Closed Level:Other

Grant: #2006-JG-EOR-6244 Investigators:Frank, James 01-01-2007 -12-31-2007 Department of Justice Identifying Best Practices: The Selection and Hiring of Quality Police Officers Role:PI $20,107.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2004-BJ-E0R-6245 / 2006-JG-E0R-6245 Investigators:Engel, Robin; Frank, James 01-01-2007 -12-31-2007 Department of Justice Less Lethal Technology: Situational and Contextual Factors in the Use of Force Role:Collaborator $49,000.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #96-IJ-CX-0075 Investigators:Frank, James 01-01-1997 -07-31-2000 National Institute of Justice Street Level Policing in Cincinnati: The Content of Community and Traditional Policing and the Preceptions of Policing Audiences Role:PI $234,908.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #99-IJ-CS-0017 Investigators:Frank, James 09-01-1998 -11-30-1999 National Institute of Justice Variation in Community Policing Activities Across Neighborhoods Role:PI $20,053.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #98-IJ-CX-0063 Investigators:Frank, James 01-01-1999 -12-31-2000 National Institute of Justice Policing in a Community Context: An Observational Study of Suburban, Rural and Urban Policing Role:PI $373,971.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #99-DG-G02-0033 Investigators:Frank, James 01-01-2000 -12-31-2000 Bureau of Justice Assistance Comprehensive Approaches to Solving Quality of Life Problems Role:PI $91,944.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #SRS 006514 Investigators:Frank, James; Travis, Lawrence; Wooldredge, John 11-01-2009 -03-31-2011 Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners Impact of Race on Criminal Cases in Cuyahoga County Role:PI $85,459.00 Closed Level:Other

Grant: #2009-RA-EOR-2221 Investigators:Frank, James 07-13-2009 -12-31-2010 Department of Justice Technical Assistance in the Community Problem Solving Process: Improving Community Quality of Life Role:PI $84,742.88 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2009-RA-EOR-2220 Investigators:Frank, James; Travis, Lawrence 07-31-2009 -06-30-2011 Department of Justice The Impact of Collateral Consequences of Conviction in Ohio Role:PI $67,212.56 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2009-JG-E0R-6735 Investigators:Frank, James 01-01-2010 -06-30-2011 Department of Justice Foreclosing on Crime Role:PI $29,097.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #2010-JG-E0R-6846 Investigators:Eck, John; Frank, James 01-01-2011 -06-30-2012 Department of Justice Chronic Nuisance Evaluation Role:PI $47,742.85 Closed Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Henson, B.; Reyns, B.; Klahm, C.; Frank J. (2010. ) Do good recruits make good cops? Problems predicting and measuring academy and street-level success .Police Quarterly, , 13 (1 ) ,5 -26

Frank, J. (2009. ) Conceptual, methodological and policy considerations in the study of police misconduct .Criminology and Public Policy, , 8 (4 ) ,731 -734

Ramsey,R.; Frank,J. (2007. ) Wrongful conviction: Perspectives of criminal justice professionals regarding the frequency of wrongful conviction and the extent of system errors .Crime and Delinquency, , 53 (3 ) ,436-470

Ramsey, R.; Frank, J. (2007. ) How to reduce the incidence of wrongful conviction: Current perspectives of criminal justice professionals .Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies, , 7 ,231-249

Blevins, K.; Cullen, F.T.; Frank, J.; Sundt, J.L.; Holmes, S. (2007. ) Stress and satisfaction among juvenile correctional workers: A test of competing models .Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, , 44 (2/3 ) ,55-79

Liederbach, J.; Frank, J. (2006. ) Policing the big beat: An observational study of county level patrol and comparisons to small town and rural officers .Journal of Crime and Justice, , 29 (1 ) ,21-45

Brown, R.; Frank J. (2006. ) Race and officer decision making: Examining differences in arrest outcomes between black and white officers .Justice Quarterly, , 23 (1 ) ,96-126

Smith, B.; Frank, J.; Novak, K.; Lowenkamp, C. (2005. ) Explaining police officer discretionary activities .Criminal Justice Review, , 30 (3 ) ,325-346

Mazerolle,L.; Rogan,D.; Frank,J.; Famega,C.; Eck,J. (2005. ) Managing calls to the police with 911/311 systems .

Famega,C.; Frank,J.; Mazerolle,L. (2005. ) Managing police patrol time: The role of supervisor directives .Justice Quarterly, , 22 (4 ) ,540-559

Frank, J.; Smith, B.; Novak, K. (2005. ) The basis of citizens' attitudes toward the police .Police Quarterly, , 8 (2 ) ,206-228

Brown,R.; Frank,J. (2005. ) Police-citizen encounters and field citations: Do encounter characteristics influence ticketing .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 28 (3 ) ,435-454

de Guzman, M.; Frank, J. (2004. ) Using learning as a construct to measure civilian review board impact on the police: The Phillipine experience .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 27 (2 ) ,166-182

de Guzman, M.; Frank,J. (2004. ) Policewomen and their problems: The Phillipine experience .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 27 (3 ) ,396-412

Liederbach, J.; Frank, J. (2003. ) Policing Mayberry: The work routines of small town and rural officers .American Journal of Criminal Justice, , 28 (1 ) ,53-72

Novak, K.; Frank, J.; Smith, B. (2003. ) Strange bedfellows: Civil liability and officer behavior .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 26 (2 ) ,352-368

Watkins, C.; Green Mazerolle, L.; Rogan, D.; Frank, J. (2002. ) Technological approaches to controlling random gunfire: Results of a gunshot detection system field test .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 25 (2 ) ,345-370

Novak,K.; Frank,J.; Smith,B.; Engel,R. (2002. ) Revisiting the decision to arrest: Comparing beat and community officers .Crime and Delinquency, , 48 (1 ) ,70-98

Mazerolle, L.; Rogan, D.; Frank, J.; Famega, C.; Eck, J. (2002. ) Managing citizen calls to the police: The impact of Baltimore's 3-1-1 call system .Criminology and Public Policy, , 2 (1 ) ,97-124

Brandl,S.; Chandek,M.; Frank,J. (2001. ) Who are the complaint prone officers?: An examination of the relationship between police officer attributes, arrest activity, assignment and citizen complaints about excessive force .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 29 (6 ) ,521-529

Smith,B.; Novak,K.; Frank,J. (2001. ) Community policing and the work routines of street-level officers .Criminal Justice Review, , 26 (1 ) ,17-37

Hurst, Y.; Frank,J.; Browning, S. (2000. ) The attitudes of juveniles toward the police: A comparison of black and white youth .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 23 (1 ) ,37-53

Pratt,T.C.; Frank,J.; Smith,B.W.; Novak,K.J. (2000. ) Conflict and consensus in multijurisdictional drug task forces: An organizational analysis of personnel attitudes .Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, , 4 ,509-525

Smith,B.W.; Novak,K.J.; Frank,J.; Travis III,L. (2000. ) Multijurisdictional drug law enforcement task forces: An analysis of impacts .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 28 (6 ) ,543-556

Hurst, Y.; Frank, J. (2000. ) How kids view cops: Attitudes of juveniles toward the police .Journal of Criminal Justice, , 28 (3 ) ,189-203

Jefferis, E.; Frank, J.; Smith, B.; Novak, K.J.; Travis, L. (1998. ) An examination of the productivity and perceived effectiveness of drug task forces .Police Quarterly, , 1 (3 ) ,85-107

Mazerolle, L.; Watkins, C.; Rogan, D.; Frank, J. (1998. ) Using gunshot detection systems in police departments: The impact on police response times and officer workload .Police Quarterly, , 1 (2 ) ,21-50

Frank,J.; Applegate,B. (1998. ) Assessing juror understanding of capital sentencing instructions .Crime and Delinquency, , 44 (3 ) ,412-433

Brandl,S.; Frank,J.; Wooldredge, J.; Watkins, C. (1997. ) On the measurement of public support for the police .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 20 (3 ) ,173-180

Frank,J.; Watkins,R.C.; Brandl,S. (1997. ) The content of community policing: Does it really differ from traditional policing .Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, , 20 (4 ) ,716-728

Cullen, F.T.; Cao, L.; Frank, J.; Langworthy, R.H.; Browning, S.L.; Kopache, R.; Stevenson,T.J. (1996. ) Stop or I'll shoot: Racial differences in support for police use of deadly force .American Behavioral Scientist, , 39 (4 ) ,449-460

Cao,L.; Frank,J.; Cullen,F.T. (1996. ) Race, social context, and confidence in the police .American Journal of Police, , 15 (1 ) ,3-22

Frank,J.; Brandl,S.; Cullen,F.T.; Stichman,A. (1996. ) Reassessing the impact of race on citizen's attitudes toward the police: A research note .Justice Quarterly, , 13 (2 ) ,321-334

Frank,J.; Brandl,S.; Worden,R.; Bynum,T.S. (1996. ) Citizen involvement in the coproduction of police outputs .Journal of Crime and Justice, , 19 (2 ) ,1-29

Brandl,S.; Chamlin,M.; Frank,J. (1995. ) Aggregation bias and the capacity for crime control: The determinants of total and disaggregated police force size in Milwaukee, 1935-1989 .Justice Quarterly, , 12 (3 ) ,543-562

Brandl, S.; Frank, J. (1994. ) The relationship between evidence, detective effort, and the disposition of burglary and robbery investigations .American Journal of Police, , 13 (3 ) ,149-169

Brandl, S.; Frank, J.; Worden, R.; Bynum, T. (1994. ) Global and incident specific attitudes toward the police: Disentangling the relationship .Justice Quarterly, , 11 (1 ) ,119-134

Burton, V.; Frank, J.; Langworthy, R.; Barker, T. (1993. ) The prescribed roles of the police in a free society: A research note analyzing state legal codes .Justice Quarterly, , 10 (4 ) ,683-695

Cox, S.; Frank, J. (1992. ) The influence of neighborhood context and method of entry on individual styles of policing .American Journal of Police, , 11 (2 ) ,1-22

Frank, J.; Brandl, S. (1991. ) The police attitude-behavior relationship: Methodological and conceptual considerations .American Journal of Police, , 10 (4 ) ,83-103

Frank, J.; Cullen, F.T.; Travis, L.; Borntrager, J. (1989. ) Sanctioning corporate crime: How do business executives and the public compare? .American Journal of Criminal Justice, , 13 (2 ) ,139-169

Frank, J.; Fagan, M.M.; Ayers, K. (1987. ) Police attitudes toward DUI legislation .Journal of Police Science and Administration, , 15 (4 ) ,307-320

Ayers, K.; Frank, J. (1987. ) Deciding to prosecute white collar crime: A national survey of state attorneys general .Justice Quarterly, , 4 (3 ) ,425-439

Link, B.; Cullen, F.T.; Frank, J.; Wozniak, J. (1987. ) The social rejection of ex-mental patients: Do Labels Matter? .American Journal of Sociology, , 92 (May ) ,1461-1500

Frank, J.; Cullen, F.T.; Cullen, J. (1987. ) Sources of judicial attitudes toward criminal sanctioning .American Journal of Criminal Justice, , 11 (2 ) ,151-164

Cullen, F.T.; Wozniak, J.; Frank, J. (1985. ) The rise of the elderly offender: Will a 'new' criminal be invented? .Crime and Social Justice, , 23 (Summer ) ,151-165

Cullen, F.T.; Link, B.; Wolfe, N.; Frank, J. (1985. ) The social dimensions of correctional officer stress .Justice Quarterly, , 2 (December ) ,505-533

Klahm, Charles, James Frank, and Robert Brown (2011. ) Police Use of Force: Tales from Another City." .Journal of Crime and Justice. , , 34 (3 ) ,205-220

Engel, robin, Roberty Tillyer, Charles Klahm, and James Frank (2013. ) "From the Officer's Perspective: A Multilevel Examination of Citizens' Demeanor During Traffic Stops." .Justice Quarterly, ,

Other Publications

Engel, R., Frank, J., & Klahm, C. (2008. ) Situational and contextual factors in the use of force: Less-lethal technology final report .

Klahm, C., Travis, L., & Frank, J. (2008. ) Trooper's assessments of patrol vehicles and associated equipment: Second wave TACNET survey report .

Engel, R., Frank, J., Tillyer, R., & Klahm, C. (2007. ) Traffic stop data collection study. Prepared for the city of Cleveland .

Frank, J. & Klahm, C. (2007. ) WMPR model zone final report. Prepared for the City of Columbus Office of the Safety Director .

Mazerolle, L., Rogan, D., Frank, J., Famega, & Eck, J. (2005. ) Managing calls to the police with 911/311 systems . http://www.ncjrs.org/pdffiles/nij/206257.pdf

Frank, J., Eck, J., & Ratansi, S. (2004. ) Mobile crisis team/police collaboration evaluation. Prepared for the Hamilton County Community Mental Health Board and the Health Foundation of Cincinnati .

Frank, J. & Madensen, T. (2003. ) Survey to assess and improve jury service in Ohio. Prepared for the Supreme Court of Ohio .

Frank, J., Novak, K., & Smith, B. (2001. ) Street-level policing efforts in Cincinnati: The content of the community and traditional policing and the perceptions of policing audiences. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice .

Mazerolle, L., Rogan, D., Frank, J., Famega, C., & Eck, J. (2001. ) Managing citizen calls to the police: An assessment of non-emergency call systems. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice, available at www.usdoj.gov .

Holmes, S.T. & Frank, J. (1999. ) Defining the appropriate parameters of the use of force within juvenile correctional facilities: An exploratory analysis of officers' opinions and perceptions. Prepared for the Ohio Department of Youth Services .

Smith, B. & Frank, J. (1999. ) Explaining police activities across urban neighborhoods. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice .

Mazerolle, L., Frank, J., Rogan, D., Watkins, C., & Kadleck, C. (1999. ) A field evaluation of the system for the effective control of urban environment security (SECURES): Final report on the dallas field trial. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice .

Mazerolle, L., Frank, J., Rogan, D., & Watkins, C. (1999. ) A field evaluation of the shotspotter gunshot location system: Final report on the Redwood City field trial. Prepared for the National Institute of Justice .

Mazerole, L., Watkins, C., Rogan, D., & Frank, J. (1999. ) Random gunfire problems and gunshot detection systems .

Mazerolle, L., Frank, J., & Conover, T. (1998. ) Comprehensive approaches to solving quality of life problems: An evaluation of the Cincinnati neighborhood action strategy. Final report submitted to the Ohio Office of Criminal Justice Services .

Frank, J., Smith, B., Novak, K.J., Travis, L., & Langworthy, R.H. (1998. ) Ohio multijurisdictional drug law enforcement task forces. Vol. I, II, & III Cincinnati: Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati .

Frank, J. & Watkins, R. (1996. ) Evaluation of community policing efforts of the Cincinnati Police Division. Cincinnati: Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati .

Frank, J., Langworthy, R., Holsinger, A.M., & Jefferis, E.S. (1995. ) Evaluation of telephone crime reporting unit. Cincinnati: Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati .

Bynum, T. & Frank, J. (1989. ) Prison commitment rates in Michigan. East Lansing, MI: School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University .

Bynum, T. & Frank, J. (1989. ) Issues in the collection of jail inmate information. East Lansing, MI: School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University .

Frank, J., Fagan, M.M., Ayers, K., Price, J., & Tennant, G. (1987. ) Police attitudes toward DUI laws-part 1,2 (Winter). Owensboro, KY: Kentucky Wesleyan Criminal Justice Research Center .

Fagan, M.M., Frank, J., Ayers, K., & Gordon, L. (1987. ) Police attitudes toward DUI laws - Part 2, 3 (Spring). Owensboro, KY: Kentucky Wesleyan Criminal Justice Research Center .

Ayers, K., Frank, J., & Hudson, D. (1986. ) Criminal justice education in Kentucky 1 (Fall). Owensboro, KY: Kentucky Wesleyan Criminal Justice Research Center .

James Frank, Lawrence Travis, John Wooldredge, Natalie Goulette, and Robert Brown (2011. ) An Analysis of the Impact of Defendant Race on Criminal Case Processing in Cuyahoga County, Ohio .Grant Report,

James Frank, Lawrence Travis, Natalie Goulette, Angela Reitler, and Whitney Flesher (2011. ) Collateral Consequences in Ohio. .Grant Report. ,

Published Books

Strozier, Charles and James Frank (2011. ) The PKK: Financial Sources, Social and Political Dimensions .Saarbrucken, Germany , VDM Verlag Publishing

Book Chapter

Frank,J.; Jefferis,E. (2004 ) Crime in Ohio Ohio's multijurisdictional drug task forces .Governors Office of Criminal Justice Services

Frank,J.; Liederbach,J. (2003 ) Community Policing in Small Town and Rural America 2nd Edition The work routines and citizen interactions of small-town and rural police officers .Cincinnati, OH, Anderson Publishing

Worden, R., Bynum, T., and Frank, J. (1994 ) Drugs and the Criminal Justice System: Evaluating Public Policy Initiatives Police crackdowns .Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publishing Company

Additional Publications


Poster Presentations

Dai, M. & Frank, J (2004. ) Explaining and improving citizen attitudes towards the police .Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, TN. .

Paper Presentations

Ramsey, R. & Frank, J. (2007. ) How to reduce the incidence of wrongful conviction: Current perspectives of criminal justice professionals .Warrensberg, MO.

Brown, R.; Novak, K.; Frank, J. (2007. ) Police control of juveniles revisited: police encounters with juveniles versus adults in Cincinnati .Seattle, WA.

Tillyer, R., Engel, R.S., Frank, J. & Klahm, C. (2006. ) Benchmarks in an urban setting: A comparison of traffic observations and residential census populations .Los Angeles, CA.

Frank, J. (2007. ) Current issues in criminal justice Ph.D. programs - Roundtable .Seattle, WA.

Engel, R.S., Frank, J., Klahm, C. & Tillyer. R. (2006. ) Understanding police decision making during traffic stops: Results from the Cleveland Division of Police traffic stop study .Los Angeles, CA.

Frank, J., Henson, B., Reyns, B., Klahm, C. (2008. ) Selection and hiring of successful officers .Cincinnati, OH.

Frank, J., Stoddard, C., Klahm, C. & Haas, S. (2006. ) Through the court's eyes: Comparing perceptions of juvenile court actors concerning sentencing .

Ramsey, R.; Frank, J. (2007. ) How to reduce the incidence of wrongful conviction: Current perspectives of criminal justice professionals .Atlanta, GA.

Brown, R., Novak, K. & Frank, J. (2006. ) Girls wear blue too: Examining congruencies in the behavior of female and male officers .Baltimore, MD.

Henson, B.; Reyns, B.; Frank, J. (2007. ) What makes a good cop: Selection and hiring of "quality" officers .

Ramsey, R., Beck, V., & Frank, J. (2006. ) Twenty-first century perceptions of criminal justice professionals concerning the causes and extent of wrongful conviction .Baltimore, MD.

Frank, J., Engel, R.S., Tillyer, R., Klahm, C. (2006. ) Cleveland Division of Police Traffic Stop Study: Final Report .Cleveland, OH.

Tillyer, R., Engel, R.S., Frank, J. & Klahm, C.F. (2006. ) Benchmarks in an urban setting: A comparison of observations and residential census data .Los Angeles, CA.

Brown, R., & Frank, J. (2005. ) Racial differences in the exercise of formal authority: A multivariate analysis of the behavior of black and white officers .Chicago, IL.

Brown, R., & Frank, J. (2004. ) Blacks and whites in blue: Examining the relationship between officer race and arrest outcomes .Las Vegas, NV.

Thomason, B., Frisbie, J., & Frank, J. (2004. ) Attitudes among Undergraduate and Graduate students on a predominantly first generation college campus .Las Vegas, NV.

Liederbach, J., & Frank, J. (03-2004. ) Suburban policing: Community context, culture and policing on the street .Las Vegas, NV.

James, F. & Ratansi, S. (2004. ) Assessing the evolution of a mobile crisis team/police collaboration in a Midwestern city .Nashville.

Ramsey, R. & Frank, J (2004. ) What police officials think about the causes and extent of wrongful conviction .Nashville.

Ratansi, S. & Frank, J. (2004. ) Program evaluations: The importance of examining process before impact .Nashville.

Liederbach, J. & Frank, J. (2004. ) Policing across suburban contexts: Officer work routines in diverse suburban contexts .Nashville.

Frank, J. & Liederbach, J (2004. ) When police encounter citizens: Comparing the interactions of urban, suburban and rural police officers .

Frank, J., & Brown R. (2004. ) Blacks and whites in blue: Examining the relationship between officer race and arrest outcomes .Las Vegas, NV.

Ratansi, S., Frank, J., & Eck, J. E. (2003. ) Policing the mentally impaired: An assessment of police-mental health collaboration .Denver, CO.

Brown, R., & Frank, J. (2003. ) Exploring multiple levels of police authority in police-citizen encounters .Denver, CO.

Famega, C., Frank, J., & Mazerolle, L. (2003. ) Discretion or direction: An analysis of patrol officer activities .Denver, CO.

Brown, R., & Frank, J. (2003. ) Coercive control and criminal suspects: Quantifying formal authority in police-citizen encounters .Chicago, IL.

Ratansi, S., Frank, J., & Eck, J. E. (2003. ) Policing the mentally ill: The Cincinnati experience .Chicago, IL.

Frank, J. (2003. ) Exploring the relationship between officer stress and street level performance .Anaheim, CA.

Frank, J. (11-2002. ) The effects of neighborhood characteristics on arrest decisions in domestic violence cases .Chicago, IL.

Liederbach, J. & Frank, J. (2002. ) Policing small communities: Exploring the relationship between structural characteristics and agency styles .Chicago, IL..

Famega, C. & Frank, J. (2002. ) Computing officer 'downtime": A comparison of observation and CAD data .Chicago, IL.

Novak, K., Smith, B., & Frank, J. (2002. ) The road less traveled: Citizen resistance of police directives .Chicago, IL.

DeGuzman, M. & Frank, J. (2002. ) Using learning as a construct to measure civilian review board's impact on police officers .Chicago, IL.

Frank, James (11-2001. ) Citizen and police perceptions of neighborhood problems .Atlanta, GA.

Frank, J. (2001. ) Impact of Baltimore's 3-1-1 call system on street-level officer work routines .Atlanta, GA.

Kiernan, J., Frank, J., Novak, K., & Smith, B. (2001. ) Community government: The Cincinnati experience .Atlanta, GA.

Liederbach, J., Frank, James, & Travis, L. (2001. ) An examination of police-citizen encounters in small town, suburban, and rural police agencies .Washington, DC.

Brown, R., Conover, T., Frank, J., & Wooldredge, J. (2000. ) Citation release: The other form of arrest .San Francisco, CA.

Liederbach, J., Frank, J., Conover, T., & Travis, L.F. (2000. ) Policing the 'Lilliputs': An examination of officer work routines in rural, small-town, and suburban departments .San Francisco, CA.

Frank, James (2000. ) Exploring the correlates of police decisions to cite .Chicago, IL.

Liederbach, J., Conover, T., Frank, J., & Travis, L.F. (2000. ) New horizons in community policing: Rural and suburban policing .New Orleans, LA.

Frank, James (03-2000. ) An examination of police-citizen encounters in small town, suburban, and rural agencies .Orleans, LA.

Novak, K., Smith, B., & Frank, J. (2000. ) Community policing in a large city: An analysis of workload and citizen interactions .New Orleans, LA.

Frank, James (03-2000. ) Predictors of force decisions in correctional facilities: Results of a statewide survey .New Orleans, LA.

Brown, R., Novak, K., & Frank, J. (2008. ) Testing Black's Theory Through Police-Citizen Encounters .Cincinnati, OH.

Dai, M., & Frank, J. (2004. ) Explaining and improving citizen attitudes towards the police .Nashville.

Ramsey, R. & Frank, J. (2003. ) Perceptions of criminal justice professionals concerning the causes and extent of wrongful conviction .

Brandl, S., Frank, J., Novak, K., & Smith, B. (2002. ) Examining the relationship between officer stress and street-level performance .

Winesberg-Ankrom, M., Conover, T., & Frank, J. (2001. ) Beyond political culture: Community-level explanations of police .

Frank, J., Novak, D., & Smith, B. (2001. ) Beat and community officer perceptions of community-level policing strategies .

Holmes, S. & Frank, J. (2000. ) Predictors of force decisions in correctional facilities: Results of a statewide survey .

Liederbach, J., Frank, J., Travis, L.F. (1999. ) An observational study of rural, small-town, suburban, and urban policing .

Liederbach, J., Frank, J., Travis, L.F., & Ervin Conover, T. (1999. ) Policing in a community context: An observational study of rural, small-town, and suburban police agencies .

Novak, K. & Frank, J. (2000. ) Beyond law enforcement: Peacekeeping and community policing .

Smith, B. & Frank, J. (2000. ) Explaining police activities across urban neighborhoods .

Brandl, S. & Frank, J. (1999. ) The relationship between patrol officers' background characteristics, arrest activity, assignment and citizens' complaints about excessive force .

Pratt, T., Frank, J., Smith, B., & Novak, K. (1999. ) Police chiefs are from Mars, task force commanders are from Venus: An intra-organizational comparison of personnel attitudes .

Holmes, S., Frank, J., Cullen, F., & Sundt, J. (1999. ) The use of force by juvenile correctional personnel: Does correctional ideology, institutional type, and custodial responsibility matter? .

Frank, J., Novak, K., Smith, B., & Brown, R. (1998. ) Citizens' attitudes toward the police: Exploring the basis of citizen attitudes .Washington D.C..

Novak, K. & Frank, J. (1998. ) The use of coercive control in police-citizen interactions .Washington D.C..

Smith, B. & Frank, J. (1998. ) Variation in community policing activities across neighborhoods .Washington D.C..

Watkins, R.C., Mazerolle, L., Frank, J., & Rogan, D. (1998. ) Hot spots, cold spots, and random gunfire: A block level analysis of the relationship between physical disorder and random gunfire .

Smith, B., Novak, K.J., Frank, J., & Travis, L.F. (1998. ) Multijurisdictional drug task forces and interagency relationships .

Novak, K., Smith, B., & Frank, J. (1998. ) Community policing and police-citizen interactions .

Watkins, R.C., Green Mazerolle, L., Frank, J. (1997. ) Policing and technology: Officer perceptions of gunshot detection systems .San Diego.

Jefferis, E., Frank, J., Smith, B., Novak, K., Travis, L.F., & Langworthy, R.H. (1997. ) Effectiveness of mutijurisdictional drug task forces and member agencies .San Diego.

Frank, J., Novak, K., & Smith, R. (1997. ) Implementing and evaluating community policing .

Frank, J. (1997. ) Street-level policing efforts in Cincinnati: The content of community and traditional policing and the perceptions of policing audiences .

Frank, J. & Ball, Al (1997. ) The IAHSS Crime Survey .

Frank, J. (1997. ) The jury instruction project .Columbus, OH.

Watkins, R.C., Green Mazerolle, L., & Frank, J. (1997. ) Technology versus tradition: Officer perceptions of being directed to calls for service by a random gunfire detection system versus traditional citizen initiated calls for service .

Frank, J. & Applegate, B. (1996. ) Assessing juror understanding of sentencing instructions in death penalty cases .Chicago.

Brandl, S., Frank, J., & Watkins, R.C. (1996. ) On the measurement of public support for the police .

Frank, J., Watkins, R.C., & Brandl, S. (1995. ) The content of community policing: Does it really differ from traditional policing? .

Frank, J. & Rhinehart, H. (1995. ) Juror understanding of sentencing instructions in death penalty cases .

Frank, J., Watkins, R.C., & Brandl, S. (1995. ) A comparison of the daily activities of community and beat officers .

Cox, S., Frank, J., & Burton, V. (1994. ) Assessing the impact of community control on social disorganization and crime .Miami.

Brandl, S., Frank, J., & Chamlin, M. (1994. ) The determinants of police employment levels in Milwaukee .

Frank, J. & Brandl, S. (1994. ) Citizen involvement in the coproduction of police outputs .

Worden, R., Bynum, T.S., & Frank, J. (1993. ) The deterrent effects of street-level drug enforcement .Pheonix.

Frank, J., Brandl, S., Cullen, F.T., & Stichman, A. (1993. ) Reassessing the impact of race on citizens' attitudes towards the police .

Brandl, S. & Frank, J. (1993. ) The relationship between evidence, investigative effort, and the disposition of burglaries and robberies .

Frank, J., Brandl, S., Worden, R., & Bynum, T. (1993. ) Citizen attitudes and the coproduction of police outputs: Disentangling the relationship .

Worden, R., Bynum, T.S., & Frank, J. (1992. ) The impact of narcotics crackdowns .New Orleans.

Brandl, S., Frank, J., Worden, R., & Bynum, T. (1992. ) Specific versus diffuse support for the police: An empirical test .

Frank, J. (1992. ) Consequences of citizen satisfaction with the police .

Cox, S. & Frank, J. (1991. ) The impact of environmental and situational factors on police styles: Extending muir .

Worden, R., Bynum, T.S., & Frank, J. (1991. ) Conceptual and operational definitions of drug hot spots .San Francisco.

Brandl, S. & Frank, J. (1990. ) A matrix analysis of police employment research .

Bynum, T.S. & Frank, J. (1990. ) Explaining variation in prison commitment rates .

Ayers, K., Frank, J., & Fields, C. (1990. ) White-collar crime: A return to theory and the conflict perspective .

Frank, J. & Brandl, S. (1989. ) The attitude-behavior relationship: An application to police research .

Frank, J., Fagan, M., & Ayers, K. (1987. ) Police officers' attitudes about DUI legislation .

Frank, J., Fagan, M., & Ayers, K. (1986. ) Police officers' attitudes about DUI legislation: A preliminary analysis .

Ayers, K. & Frank, J. (1986. ) State attorneys general: The missing link in white collar crime prosecution .

Ayers, K. & Frank, J. (1986. ) Criminal justice education in Kentucky: A search for a core curriculum .

Cullen, F.T., Link, B., Wolfe, N., & Frank, J. (1985. ) Prison work and officer stress: Do social supporters make a difference? .

Frank, J., Travis, L., Cullen, F.T., & Borntrager, J. (1984. ) Buisness leaders and buisness crime: What sanctions do executives support? .

Link, B., Cullen, F.T., Frank, J., & Wozniak, J. (1985. ) The social rejection of ex-mental patients: Do labels matter? .

Frank, J. & Cullen, J. (1984. ) Punishing or treating the offender: The impact of occupational and sociological variables on judicial attitudes .

Cullen, F.T., Wozniak, J., & Frank, J. (1984. ) The rise of the elderly offender: Will a 'new' criminal be invented? .

Frank, J., Cullen, F.T., & Travis, L. (1983. ) Sanctioning corporate crime: Public support for civil and criminal intervention .

Reitler, A.; Frank, J. (2009. ) Responses to the reactivity of the crack cocaine amendment: District court organizational adaptations .

Reitler, A.; Frank, J.; Engel, R. (2009. ) United States district court responses to the retroactivity of the crack cocaine amendment .

Klahm, C.; Frank, J. (2009. ) Examining police use of force: A multilevel analysis .

Brown, R.; Novak, K.; Frank, J. (2009. ) Clarifying the research on police use of authority and coercion: Racial differences in officer behavior .

Novak, K.; Fallick, S.; Frank, J. (2010. ) The influence of citizen's race on officer decision making during traffic stops .

Natalie Goulette, Angela Reitler, Whitney Flesher, James Frank, and Lawrence Travis (2011. ) How Criminal Justice Professionals Perceive Collateral Consequences in the State of Ohio .Chicago, IL. Conference. Level:Regional

Katherine Gallagher, Troy Payne, James Frank, and John Eck (2011. ) Do Housing Choice Vouchers Increase Crime? .Washington, DC. Conference. Level:National

Cody Stoddard and James Frank (2011. ) Understanding Vigor in Police Decision Making .Washington, DC. Conference. Level:National

Charles Klahm, James Frank, and Robert Brown (2011. ) Police Use of Force: A Tale of Two Cities. Washington, DC. Conference. Level:National

James Frank, Charles Klahm, John Liederbach, and Andrew J. Myer (2012. ) Methodological and Conceptual Issues in the Study of Police Use of Force. .New York, NY. Conference. Level:National

Honors and Awards

1995 Outstanding Faculty Paper Award, with Steve Brandl, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association

1997 Faculty Achievement Award, University of Cincinnati

2010 President's Award from the Western Society of Criminology Recipient for his contribution to the field of criminology and positive influence on the current president's career Type:Recognition

2011 Michigan State University - Alumni Wall of Fame In September 2011, inducted in Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice Alumni Wall of Fame Type:Recognition


Police Quarterly (Editorial Board ) Member 1997 -2000

Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice (Editorial Board ) Member 1995 -2001

Journal of Crime and Justice (Editorial Board ) Member 1999 -2000

Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management (Editorial Advisory Board ) Member 1996 -To Present

Police Studies (Book review editor ) 01-1995 -11-1996

Justice Quarterly, Social Problems, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Journal of Criminal Justice, Police Quarterly, Journal of Crime and Justice, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and Social Science Journal Peer Review/Referee

Brooks/Cole, Macmillan, Roxbury, Prentice-Hall, and Anderson Publishing Companies Review Board/Panel

Midwestern Criminal Justice Association (Graduate Student Paper Award Committee ) Review Board/Panel 1995

Midwestern Criminal Justice Association (Graduate Student Paper Award Committee ) Review Board/Panel 2003

Midwestern Criminal Justice Association President 2003 -2004

Midwestern Criminal Justice Association Vice President 2002 -2003

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Board (Region 3 Midwest Trustee ) 03-2005 -To Present

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Liason to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee ) 2006 -2007

Academy of the Criminal Justice Sciences (Award Committee ) Member 2005 -2006

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Constitution and By-Laws Committee, Police Section ) Member 04-1995 -To Present

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Prepared, submitted, and had accepted a proposal to set up a Syllabus Bank for the Police Section ) 1992

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Syllabus Bank Committee, Police Section ) Committee Chair 1992 -1994

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Tellers Committee, Police Section ) Member 1993

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Program Committee ) Member 1993 -1996

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Program Committee ) Member 1998 -1999

American Society of Criminology (Program Committee ) Member 2004

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Publications Committee ) Member 2001 -2002

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Awards Committee ) Member 2003 -2004

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (Awards Committee ) Member 2006

National Institute of Justice Research and Evaluation Technical Assistance Staff (Reviewer ) 2001

University of Texas (Dallas Doctoral Program Proposal ) Review Board/Panel

American Association of Doctoral Programs representative from the University of Cincinnati

Michigan State University, Kent State University, Bowling Green State University, Southern Illinois University, and University of Texas at San Antonio (External Tenure Reviewer )

Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, Crime Prevention Project (Advisory Committee ) 1994

Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police Research Networking Project 1998

University of Cincinnati (College of Education Dean Selection Committee ) Member 2000

University of Cincinnati (University Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Committee, West Campus, Social Sciences ) Member 2001 -2006

University of Cincinnati (External Reviewer University Graduate Programs ) 2006

University of Cincinnati (University Distinguished Graduate Assistantship Committee ) Member 1999 -2000

University of Cincinnati (Recipient of a Faculty Achievement Award ) 1997

University of Cincinnati (Participant, Consortium Graduate Fair ) 1997

Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Masters Thesis Award Review Board/Panel 1996

Presenter to McNair Scholars post Baccalaureate Achievement Program

University of Cincinnati (Latessa headship Review Committee ) Member 2006

University of Cincinnati (Graduate Education Council ) Member 1996 -2007

University of Cincinnati (College of Education RPT Committee ) Member 1997

University of Cincinnati (College of Education Institutional Review Board ) Member 03-1995 -06-1995

University of Cincinnati (College of Education Faculty Senate ) Member 03-1992 -05-1995

University of Cincinnati (Recording Secretary, College of Education Faculty Senate ) 03-1993 -03-1994

University of Cincinnati (College of Education Student Retention Committee ) Member 1994

University of Cincinnati (College of Education, ADA Task Force ) 1994

University of Cincinnati (Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Retention, Promotion, and Tenure ) Member 1994

University of Cincinnati (College of Education Human Subjects Committee ) Member 1991 -1993

Division of Criminal Justice (Assistant Division Head ) 09-2001 -To Present

Division of Criminal Justice (Graduate Director ) 09-1995 -2007

Division of Criminal Justice (Undergraduate Director ) 1993 -1995

As of September 2007, I have chaired 12 dissertations and served on 12 additional dissertation committees. Presently, I am serving on 6 dissertation committees.

Division of Criminal Justice Service Award (Recipent )

Division of Criminal Justice Research Award (Recipient )

Division Representative to PIRT (Program to Improve and Reward Teaching) 1994 -1995

(Division of Criminal Justice 5 Year Planning Committee ) Member 1995

Division of Criminal Justice (Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Committees in Criminal Justice and Policing ) Member 1992 -To Present

Division of Criminal Justice (Adjunct Faculty Committee ) Member 1991 -1992

Police Quarterly Board Member Type:Editorial Service 2009

Professional Affiliation

03-2013: President of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences During the period from March 2011-February 2012, served as Second Vice President of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. In March 2012, assumed position of First Vice President. In March 2013, assumed position of President of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

2013: Journal Editorial Board Journal Editorial Board member for the Journal of Crime and Justice.

2013: Journal Editorial Board Journal Editorial Board member for Police Quarterly.

2013: Journal Editorial Board Journal Editorial Board member for Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management.