Norman Harris Gilinsky , MD
Professor Emeritus
Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way ML 0595
PO Box 670595
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-5244
Fax 513-558-1744
Email gilinsnh@ucmail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
Professor of Medicine Medical Director, University (Ambulatory Endoscopy Center Regional Governonr, American College of Gastroenterology (2004-2010)
Bachelor's Degree: University of Cape Town 1973 (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)
Member of the Royal College of Physicians (UK): Royal College of Physicians 1979,
Fellowship : American College of Gastroenterology 1990
Fellowship : American College of Physicians (inactive) 1992
American Board of Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology) (Certification Date: 11-07-1989 )
American Board of Internal Medicine (Certification Date: 09-15-1988 )
Research and Practice Interests
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Colonic Neoplasia/Disorders, Acid-related Disorders, Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Motility, Pancreatico-biliary Disorders, Small Bowel Infiltrations, Radiation Bowel Disease.
Positions and Work Experience
1974 - Intern (Surgery, OB Gyn), Livingstone Hospital, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
1975 - Medical Officer (Medicine), Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
1976 - Medical Officer, Lothian Health Board, Edinburgh, UK
1977 - Senior Medical Officer, Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
1977 -1980 Registrar (Medicine), Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
1980 -1982 Registrar (Gastro), Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town (Dr. IN Marks)
1983 - Senior Registrar (Gastro), The Middlesex Hospital, London (Dr. PB Cotton)
1984 -1985 Specialist (Gastroenterology), Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
1985 -1987 Director of Therapeutic Endoscopy, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky
1988 -1991 Medical Director Endoscopy Services, University of Kentucky Medical Center, Lexington, Kentucky
1991 -2004 Medical Director, Digestive Diseases Center, University Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
1999 -To Present Medical Director, University (Ambulatory) Endoscopy Ctr., Montgomery, Ohio
2004 -2010 Regional Governor, American College of Gastroenterology, Ohio
08-08-1991 -08-31-2007 Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
09-01-2007 -To Present Professor of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio
Research Support
1985 -1987 Medical Research Council (South Africa) Ileal involvement in radiation bowel disease; Role:P.I.
Cancer Research Trust of the University of Cape Town Radiation bowel disease. Role:P.I.
Investigators:NH Gilinsky; J.W. Anderson; 1987 -1988 National Institutes of Health. Mechanisms for hypocholesterolemic effects of fiber; Role:Co-P.I.
Hoechst-Roussel Laboratories Inc. Multicenter study for the efficacy and safety of HOE 760R versus placebo in the treatment of uncomplicated benign gastric ulcer disease. Role:P.I.
Hoechst-Roussel Laboratories Inc. Multicenter study of the efficacy and safety of HOE 760R versus placebo in the treatment of uncomplicated active duodenal ulcer disease. Role:P.I.
Hoechst-Roussel Laboratories Inc. Multicenter study of the efficacy and safety of HOE 760R versus placebo in the long-term maintenance treatment of duodenal ulcer disease. Role:P.I.
Biomedical Research Support Grant, Division of Research Facilities and Resources, NIH. An assessment of bowel histology and enteric function in patients following bone marrow transplantation. Role:P.I.
Pharma Kinetics Laboratories, Inc. A comparison of the effectiveness and safety of generic sucralfate in the treatment of duodenal ulcer disease. Role:P.I.
Clinical Research Center, University of Kentucky Meical Center. An assessment of bowel histology and enteric function in patients following bone marrow transplantation. Role:P.I.
Pharma Kinetics Laboratories, Inc. A randomized study comparing the safety and efficacy of Cefepime versus the combination of Gentamicin and Mezlocillin for the treatment of patients with suspected biliary tract infection undergoing surgery. Role:P.I.
Anaquest. A double blind study of Nalmefene versus placebo in reversal of conscious sedation in the colonoscopy patient. Role:P.I.
Anaquest. A double blind study of Nalmefene versus Narcan in reversal of conscious sedation in the colonoscopy patient. Role:P.I.
Astra-Draco. A 42-day, blinded, parallel group, multicenter study to compare the safety and efficacy of one dose level of Budesonide with placebo and Cortenema7 in adult patients with distal ulcerative colitis/proctitis.
G.H. Besselaar Associates. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of healing and relapse rates following oral GR122311X compared with GR88502X, Ranitidine and placebo in patients with duodenal ulcer. Role:P.I.
G. H. Besselaar Associates. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled evaluation of healing and relapse rates following oral GR122311X compared with GR88502X, Ranitidine and placebo in patients with gastric ulcer. Role:P.I.
2001 -2004 Covance Multicenter Study to evaluate 800 mg formulation of mesalamine for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Role:P.I.
2004 -2006 Novartis; Tegaserod for Dyspepsia Role:P.I.
Published Abstracts
Gilinsky NH, Burns DG, Levin W (1982. ) Experience at Groote Schuur Hospital with radiotherapy-induced bowel injury. South African Medical Journal, 62: ,825 -826.
Girdwood AH, Hatfield A, Bornman PC, Kottler R, Marks IN, Denyer ME, Gilinsky NH: (1982. ) Structure and function in non-calcific pancreatitis. South African Medical Journal, 62: ,830.
Gilinsky NH, Leung JWC, Cotton PB: (1984. ) Calcification characteristics and pancreatogram correlations in calcific pancreatitis. South African Medical Journal, 65: ,1016 -1017
Girdwood AH, Marks IN, Bornman PC, Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) Is alcohol-induced pancreatitis necessarily a chronic disease? .[Abstract]South African Medical Journal , 68: ,519.
Gilinsky NH, Bornman PC, Girdwood AH, Marks IN: (1985. ) The yield of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in carcinoma of the pancreas. South African Medical Journal, 68: ,521.
Marks IN, Wright JP, Gilinsky NH, Girwood AH, Tobias R, Boyd E, Kalvaria I, O'Keefe SJ, Newton K, Lucke W: (1985. ) Comparison of a sucralfate dosage schedule of 1g 4 times a day with 2g twice a day in duodenal ulcer healting. South African Medical Journal, 68: ,527.
Gilinsky NH, Madden MV, Kalvaria I, Dent DM: (1986. ) Quality of life after resection of gastric cancer. South African Medical Journal, 70: ,53.
Madden MV, Bass DH, Bornman PC, Gilinsky NH, Goodman HT: (1986. ) Intravenous netilmycin does not achieve therapeutic levels in pancreatic pseudocysts. South African Journal of Surgery, 24: ,123.
Henslee PJ, Gilinsky NH, Cibull ML, Thompson JS, Scannon PJ, Byers VS (1987. ) Resolution of gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease following treatment with XomaZyme7-H65 assessed by visualization and histologic examination. .[Abstract]Blood 70 (suppl 1), 307a.
Henslee PJ, Gilinsky NH, Cibull ML, Thompson JS, Scannon PJ, Beyers VS. (1988. ) Therapeutic intervention of gastrointestinal graft-versus-host disease following treatment with XomaZyme7 assessed by visualization and histologic examination. Antibody, Immunoconjugates and Radiopharmaceuticals.,
Sondhi S, Gilinsky N. (1990. ) Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage post bone marrow transplantation. Gastroenterology, 98: ,A128.
Henderson JM, Gilinsky NH, Strodel WE. (1991. ) Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy: Indications and complications in 36 patients. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 37: ,241.
Hill D, Nickl N, Gilinsky N, (1991. ) Nasal Oxygen alleviates hypoxemia during emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 37: ,279.
Stokes DB, Hill DB, Gilinsky NH. (1991. ) Cardiopulmonary monitoring during emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. American Journal of Gastroenterology,, 86: ,1376.
Gilinsky NH, Bright-Asare P, Fitch D, Kerr R. Lanza F, Cobert BL, Savitsky JP. (1991. ) Roxatidine for the treatment of active duodenal ulcer disease:United States experience. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology , 3(Suppl 1): ,S4.
Hill DB, Nickl NJ, Gilinsky NH. (1991. ) Arterial oxygen desaturation alleviated by supplemental nasal oxygen during emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Southern Medical Journal,, 84: ,2S -32
M Golconda, J Valente, N Gilinsky, R First. (1998. ) Mycophenolate Mofetil-induced colonic ulceration in renal transplant recipient. Am J Kidney Dis, (31: ) ,A17.
M. Golconda, J. Valente, P. Bejarano, N. Gilinsky, R. First. (1998. ) Colonic ulceration - a previously unreported adverse effect of Mycophenolate Mofetil. .[Abstract]Transplantation , (S) ,224.
NH Gilinsky, Stein J, Groden J, Huelsman K, Saal H. (1999. ) Effects of gender on interest in genetic testing for colorectal cancer among individuals with colorectal cancer. Am J Gastroenterolgy, 94: ,379.
K. Safdar, M. Atiq, NH Gilinsky. (2006. ) Esophageal inlet patch: Symptoms and associations. Am J Gastroenterology, 101:9, ,S77
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gilinsky NH, Campbell JAH and Kirsch RE: (1981. ) The clinical spectrum of hepatic granuloma. .South African Medical Journal, , 60: ,691 -694
Gilinsky NH: (1981. ) Eosinophilic enteritis in the husband, Crohn's disease in the wife. Lancet, , i: (1425-1426 ) ,
Gilinsky NH and Kottler RE: (1982. ) Idiopathisc obstructive eosinophilic enteritis with raised IgE: Response to oral disodium cromoglycate. .Postgraduate Medical Journal, , 58: ,239 -243
Wright JP, Marks IN, Mee AS, Girdwood AH, Bornman PC, Gilinsky NH, Tobias R and Lucke W: (1982. ) Ranitidine in the treatment of gastric ulceration. South African Medical Journal, , 61: ,155 -158
Gilinsky NH, Burns DG, Barbezat GO, Levin W, Myers HS and Marks IN: (1983. ) The natural history of radiation-induced protosigmoiditis: An analysis of 88 patients. Quarterly Journal of Medicine, , 53: (40 ) ,53
Gilinsky NH, Mee AS and Marks IN: (1983. ) Evaluation of an extended panceatic function test in normal subjects and in those with chronic pancreatitis. South African Medical Journal, , 63: ,118 -120
Gilinsky NH: (1983. ) Blood in the stool. South African Journal of Continuing Medical Education, , 1 ,48 -52
Gilinsky NH, Novis BH, Mee AS, Wright JP, Price S and Marks IN: (1983. ) Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease: Follow-up of an alpha-chain negative, lymphoma-free group. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, , 5: ,421 -428
Gilinsky NH, Marks IN, Kottler RE and Price SK: (1983. ) Gastrointestinal tuberculosis: a ten year review. South African Medical Jouranl, , 64: ,849 -857
Novis BH, King HS, Gilinsky NH, Mee AS and Young G: (1984. ) Long survival in a patient with alpha-chain disease. Cancer, , 53: ,970 -973
Gilinsky NH, Leung JWC, Heron C and Cotton PB: (1984. ) Calcific pancreatitis, calcification patterns and pancreatogram correlations. Clinical Radiology, , 35: ,401 -404
Gilinsky NH, Del Favero G, Cotton PB and Lees WR: (1985. ) Congenital short pancreas - a report of tow cases. Gut, , 26 ,304 -310
Bornman PC, Collins JS, Abrahamson MJ and Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) Live abdominal pregnancy presenting as massive rectal bleeding. Postgraduate Medical Journal , , 61: ,759 -760
Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) Carcinoma of the pancreas: Role of endoscopy and ERCP. South African Cancer Bulletin, , 29: ,67 -69
Marks IN, Wright JP and Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) 25 Years of gastroenterology (editorial). South African Medical Journal, , 68: ,443 -444
Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) The pancreatic function test at the Gastrointestinal Clinic, Groote Schuur Hospital - a historical perspective. South African Medical Journal, , 68: ,493 -494
Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) Radiation bowel and other vasculitides. South African Medical Journal, , 68: ,504 -505
Novis BH and Gilinsky NH: (1985. ) Abdominal lymphoma. South African Medical Journal, , 68: ,510 -512
Marks IN, Wright JP, Girdwood AH, Gilinsky NH and Lucke W: (1985. ) Maintenance sucralfate reduces rate of gastric ulcer recurrence. American Journal of Medicine, , 79(suppl 2C): ,32 -35
Gilinsky NH, Mee AS, Beatty DW, Novis BH, Young G, Price S, Purves LR and Marks IN: (1985. ) Plasma cell infiltration of the small bowel: lack of evidence for a nonsecretory form of alpha-heavy chain disease. Gut, , 26: ,928 -934
Mee AS, Girdwood AH, Walker E, Gilinsky NH, Kottler RE and Marks IN: Comparison of the oral (PABA) pancreatic function test, the secretin-pancreozymin test and endoscopic retrograde pancreatography in chronic alcohol induced pancreatitis. Gut, , 26: ,1257 -1262
Novis BH, Gilinsky NH, Wright JP, Price Sand Marks IN: (1985. ) Plasma cell infiltration of the small intestine, recurrent pulmonary infections, and cellular immunodeficiency (Nezelof's syndrome). American Journal of Gastroenterology, , 80: ,891 -895
Gilinsky NH, Chaimowitz G and van Staden MC: (1986. ) Immunoproliferative small intestinal disease with lymphoma: Diagnostic difficulties and pitfalls. South African Medical Journal, , 69: ,260 -262
Gilinsky NH, Elliot MS, Price SK and Wright JP. (1986. ) The nutritional consequences and neoplastic potential of juvenile polyposis coli. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, , 29: ,417 -420
Gilinsky NH, Bornman PC, Girdwood AH and Marks IN: (1986. ) The diagnostic yield of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in carcinoma of the pancreas: A study based on a continuous series of 117 patients. British Journal of Surgery , , 73 ,539 -543
Marks IN, Wright JP, Bank L, Girdwood AH, Kalvaria I, Gilinsky NH, O'Keefe SJO and Lucke W: (1986. ) Comparison of pirenzapine with cimetidine in duodenal ulcer disease. A short-term and maintenance study. South African Medical Journal , , 70: ,27 -30
Gilinsky NH, Voigt MD, Bass DH and Marks IN: (1986. ) Tuberculous perforation of the bowel. A report of 8 cases. South African Medical Journal, , 70 ,44 -46
Marks IN, Wright JP, Gilinsky NH, Girdwood AH, Tobias R, Boyd E, Kalvaria I, O'Keefe SJ, Newton K, and Lucke W: (1986. ) A comparison of sucralfate dosage schedule in duodenal ulcer healting. Two grams twice a day versus one gram four times a day. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, , 8: ,419 -423
Gilinsky NH, Immelman EJ, Aitken RJ, and Payne M: (1987. ) Massive dilation of the Pancreatic duct associated with large calculi. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, , 33: ,54 -56
Gilinsky NH: (1987. ) The role of pancreatic function testing in the 1980's. South African Medical Journal, , 71: ,235 -238
Gilinsky NH, Lewis JW, Flueck JA, Fried AM: (1987. ) Annular pancreas associated with diffuse chronic pancreatitis. American Journal of Gastroenterology, , 82: ,681 -684
Gilinsky NH, Giles AO, O'Connor WN: (1987. ) Gastric antral vascular ectasia ('Watermelon Stomach'): First bleeding after aortic valve replacement. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, , 9: ,612 -613
Gilinsky NH, Novis Bh, Wright JP, Dent DM, King H, Marks IN: (1987. ) The spectrum of immunoproliferative small intestinal disease: Clinical features and outcome in 30 cases. Medicine (Baltimore), , 66: ,438 -446
Marks IN, Girdwood AH, Wright JP, Newton KA, Gilinsky NH, Kalvaria I, Burns DG, O'Keefe SJ, Tobias R, Lucke W: (1987. ) Nocturnal dosage regimen of sucralfate in maintenance treatment of gastric ulcer. American Journal of Medicine, , 83(suppl.3B) ,95 -98
Gilinsky NH, Briscoe GW, Kuo CS: (1988. ) Fatal Amiodarone hepatotoxicity. American Journal of Gastroenterology, , 83: ,161-163
Gilinsky NH, Humphries LL, Fried AM, McClain CJ: (1988. ) Computed tomographic abnormalities of the pancreas in eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, , 7 ,567 -572
Gilinsky NH: (1988. ) Peptic ulcer disease in the elderly. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, , 23(suppl 146): ,191 -200
Gilinsky NH: (1989. ) Pancreatic function testing. Postgraduate Medicine, , 86: ,165 -172
Hill DB, John WJ, Gilinsky NH: (1990. ) Right ventricular thrombosis after peritoneovenous shunt. Non-operative treatment with successful outcome. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, , 12: ,350 -352
Henderson JM, Gilinsky NH, Lee EY, Greenwood HF: (1991. ) Gaucher's disease complicated by bleeding esophageal varices and colonic infiltration by Gaucher cells. American Journal of Gastroenterology, , 86: ,346 -348
Anderson JW, Gilinsky NH, Deakins DA, Smith SF, O'Neal DS, Dillon DW, Oeltgen PR: (1991. ) Lipid responses of hypercholesterolemic men to oat bran and wheat bran intake. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, , 54: ,678 -683
Gilinsky NH, Bright-Asare P, Cobert B, Fitch D, Lanza F, Kerr R. Savitsky JP, and other Members of the Multicenter Roxatidine Cooperative Study Group. (1992. ) A Multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, comparison of nocturnal Roxatidine in the treatment of active duodenal ulcer disease. American Journal of Gastroenterology, , 87: ,847 -853
Hill DB, Stokes BD, Gilinsky NH. (1994. ) Arterial oxygen desaturation during emergency esophagogastroduodenoscopy: The effects of nasal oxygen. .Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, , 18: ,284 -288
Henderson JM, Gilinsky NH, Strodel WE. (1993. ) Limitations of percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition , , 17: ,546 -550
McGahan T, Gilinsky NH. (1994. ) Colonic tumors. Endoscopy, , 26 ,70 -87
Padilla B, Pollak VE, Pesce A, Kant KS, Gilinsky NH, Deddens JA. (1994. ) Pancreatitis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Medicine, , 73: ,8 -20
Gilinsky NH, Ulrich C. (1996. ) Colonic tumors. Endoscopy, , 28: ,83 -106
Fischer DR, Nussbaum MS, Pritts TA, Gilinsky NH, Weesner RE, Martin SP, Giannella RA. (1999. ) Use of omeprazole in the management of giant duodenal ulcer: Results of a prospective study. Surgery, , 126: ,643 -649
Gilinsky NH, Muthunayagam N. (2006. ) Gastrointestinal endoscopy in pregnant and lactating women: Emerging standard of care to guide decision-making. .The Obstretrical and Gynecological Survey, , 61: ,791 -799
Gilinsky, Norman H; Muthunayagam, Newton (2006. ) Gastrointestinal endoscopy in pregnant and lactating women: emerging standard of care to guide decision-making.Obstetrical & gynecological survey, , 61 (12 ) ,791-9 More Information
Fischer, D R; Nussbaum, M S; Pritts, T A; Gilinsky, N H; Weesner, R E; Martin, S P; Giannella, R A (1999. ) Use of omeprazole in the management of giant duodenal ulcer: results of a prospective study. Surgery, , 126 (4 ) ,643-8; discussion 64
Golconda, M S; Valente, J F; Bejarano, P; Gilinsky, N; First, M R Mycophenolate mofetil-induced colonic ulceration in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation proceedings, , 31 (1-2 ) ,272-3
McGahan, T P; Gilinsky, N H (1994. ) Colonic tumors.Endoscopy, , 26 (1 ) ,70-87 More Information
Padilla, B; Pollak, V E; Pesce, A; Kant, K S; Gilinsky, N H; Deddens, J A (1994. ) Pancreatitis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Medicine, , 73 (1 ) ,8-20
Gilinsky, N H; Bright-Asare, P; Cobert, B L; Fitch, D D; Lanza, F L; Kerr, R M; Savitsky, J P (1992. ) A multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled comparison of nocturnal roxatidine in the treatment of active duodenal ulcer disease. Multicenter Roxatidine Cooperative Study Group. The American journal of gastroenterology, , 87 (7 ) ,847-53
Book Chapter
Wright JP, Marks IN, Mee AS, Girdwood AH, Bornman PC, Gilinsky NH, Tobias R and Lucke W: (1982 ) Ranitidine in the treatment of gastric ulcer disease. In: The Clinical Use of Ranitidine. Series 5 .(pp. 214 -221).Medical Publishing Foundation, Oxford
Marks IN, Kottler RE and Gilinsky NH: (1983 ) Abdominal tuberculosis. In: Topics in Gastroenterology, No 11 (pp. 191 -219).Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford
Gilinsky NH. (1986 ) Immunosuppressive agents in gastroenterology. In: Perspectives in Immunosuppression. (pp. 120 -126).Cape Town,
Gilinsky NH (1990 ) Peptic ulcer disease in the elderly Gastrointestinal Disorders in the Elderly .(pp. 255 -271).Philadelphia, Saunders
Gilinsky NH (1992 ) Endoscopic diagnosis and management of colorectal polyps` Gastrointestinal Oncology .(pp. 261 -283).Philadelphia, Lippincott
A. Forbes & N.H. Gilinsky (1998 ) Self-Assessment Colour Review of Gastroenterology .London, Manson Publishing
N.H. Gilinsky & A. Forbes (1998 ) Self-Assessment Color Review of Gastroenterology .Philadelphia, Lippincott Publishing
Noffsinger A, Gilinsky NH, Maru D, Fenoglio-Preiser C. (2007 ) Non-Neoplastic Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract American Registry of Pathology .Washington D.C,
(1981. ) Biennual Physicians Refresher Course .University of Cape Town.
(1983. ) British Postgraduate Medical Federation - Course in Advanced Gasttroenterology .London.
(1983. ) The Middlesex Hospital, Londaon.
(1983. ) John Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford.
(1983. ) Grand Rounds .London.
(10-1984. ) Cape Town.
(1984. ) Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town.
(1984. ) University of Cape Town.
(1985. ) University of Cape Town.
(1985. ) Alcohol, Nutrition and Health Symposium:Persspectives .Cape Town.
(1985. ) Pancreatic Upsate .University of the Orange Free State.
(1986. ) Dept. of Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexingotn.
(1986. ) Advances in Gastrointestinal Surgery .University of Kentucky.
(1986. ) University of Kentucky.
(10-1986. )
(1987. ) University of Kentucky.
(10-1987. )
(1987. ) The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.
(04-1988. ) Amsterdam, Holland.
(1988. ) University of Kentucky.
(1988. ) French Lick Springs, IN.
(09-1988. )
(1988. ) University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL.
(1989. ) Lexington, KY.
(1989. ) University of Kentucky.
(09-1989. )
(1989. ) University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
(1990. ) University of Connecticut (CME).
(1990. ) Bordeaus, France.
(1990. ) Lexington, KY.
(1990. ) University of Kentucky.
(09-1990. )
(09-1991. )
(1991. ) University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
(1991. ) University of Kentucky.
(1992. ) Chicago, IL .
(1992. ) University Of Cincinnati.
(1993. ) Covington, Kentucky.
(1993. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1993. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1993. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1996. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1996. ) The Christ Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1996. ) Medical Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease .Columbus, Ohio.
(1996. ) Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome .Kettering Medical Center.
(1996. ) Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1996. ) "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" .The Zieger Center, Farmington Hills, MI.
(1996. ) University of Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1997. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1998. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1998. ) Mason, Ohio.
(1998. ) Pennington Biomedical research Center, Baton Rouge, LA.
(1998. ) Dayton, Ohio.
(1998. ) Anti-TNF Therapy for Crohn's Disease .Cincinnati, Ohio .
(1999. ) Inflammatory Bowel Disease .University of Cincinnati, Ohio.
(1999. ) University of Cincinnati.
(1999. ) Department of Dermatology, Cincinnati, Ohio.
H.pylori .University of Cincinnati.
(2000. ) New York.
(2000. ) GERD .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2000. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2001. ) University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
(2001. ) UGI Bleeding .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2001. ) IBS .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2001. ) Good Samaritan Hospital, Dayton, Ohio.
(2001. ) Proton Pump Inhibitors for GERD .Jacksonville, FL.
(2001. ) Colon Cancer Screening .Miami, FL.
(2001. ) Pittsburgh, PA.
(2001. ) Proto Pump Inhibitors for GERD .Philadelphia, PA.
(2001. ) New York, NY.
(2002. ) Amelia Island, FL.
(2002. ) East Lansing, Michigan.
(2002. ) UGI Bleeding .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2002. ) IBS .University of Cincinnati.
(2002. ) Lexington, KY.
(2003. ) GERD .Lexington, KY.
(2003. ) GERD .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2003. ) IBD .Akron General Hospital, Ohio.
(2003. ) Chest Pain .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2003. ) IBS .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2003. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2003. ) IBS .Leitchfield Hospital, KY.
(2003. ) Huntington, WV.
(2003. ) IBS .Riverside Hospital, Columbus, Ohio.
(2003. ) Acid-Peptic Disease .Covington, KY.
(2003. ) GERD .Columbus, Ohio.
(2004. ) Colon Cancer .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2004. ) Office Gastroenterology for Primary Care Physicians .
(2004. ) Springfield Community Hospital.
(2004. ) IBS .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2004. ) GERD .Crescent Springs, KY.
(2004. ) IBD .Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio.
(2004. ) GERD .Dayton, Ohio.
(2004. ) IBS .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2005. ) Colon Cancer .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2005. ) NSAIDs and the GI Tract .University of Louisville, KY.
(2005. ) Colon Cancer Screening .Kenwood, Ohio.
(2005. ) Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2006. ) IBS .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2006. ) NSAIDs and the GI Tract .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2006. ) Ethnic Differences in Colon Disorders .Covington, KY.
(2006. ) NSAIDs and the GI Tract .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2006. ) Colon Cancer Screening .Cincinnati, Ohio.
(2006. ) Therapy for GERD .Cleveland, Ohio.
(2006. ) Therapy for GERD .Louisville, KY.
(2006. ) GERD .
(2006. ) Colon Cancer Screening .University of Cincinnati, OH.
(2006. ) Treatment of Constipation .Mason, Ohio.
(2006. ) GERD .Minneapolis, MN.
(2006. ) GERD .Jackson, MS.
(2006. ) Advances in GERD .Milwaukee, WI.
(2006. ) Treatment of GERD .Columbus, Ohio.
Honors and Awards
2007 Cincinnati Magazine Voted one of Cincinnati's Top Gastroenterologists
2004 -2007 American College of Gastroenterology Voted Regional Governor, Southern Ohio region
2007 -2010 American College of Gastroenterology Re-elected Regional Governor, Southern Ohio region
2000 Cincinnati Magazine Voted one of Cincinnati's Top Specialists
1997 Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America Honoree, Leadership Award
1991 Kentucky Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy President
1987 Dean and Chancellors Incentive Merit Award, University of Kentucky
1982 SA Gastroenterology Society Continental Ethicals Award. Best Young Investigator in Gastroenterology
1982 SA Gastroenterology Society Meeting Smith Kline and French Scholarship Award
1981 SA Medical Journal Andries Blignaut Memorial Award. Best Contribution to the SA Medical Journal
1981 The Bernard Pimstone Memorial Prize. Best Young Investigator, Department of Medicine Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town
inflammatory bowel disease, colon disorders, colon polyps, motility abnormalities, colitis, and colon neoplasia and acid-related disorders
Professional Affiliation
Southwest Ohio Digestive Disease Society
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Greater Cincinnati Chapter (past Chairman Medical Advisory Committee; Foundation Member)
2004 -2010: American College of Gastroenterology Fellow; Governor, Southern Ohio
Contact Information
Academic - Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way ML 0595
Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-5244
Fax: 513-558-1744