Tommaso Giovannelli

Tommaso Giovannelli

Asst Professor

Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Rhodes Hall

CEAS - Mechanical Eng - 0072

Professional Summary

Tommaso Giovannelli (he/him/his) is an Assistant Professor in the Industrial and Systems Engineering program within the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher and an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at Lehigh University. He received his Ph.D. in Operations Research in May 2021 from Sapienza University of Rome, where he obtained his B.S. and M.S. in Engineering Management in 2015 and 2017, respectively. From January 2020 to May 2021, he was a visiting scholar at Lehigh ISE. In July 2019, he won a doctoral award at the Doctoral Consortium ORAHS 2019 (EURO Working Group within IFORS) in Karlsruhe, Germany, for his research in simulation-based optimization applied to emergency department management. He has been actively contributing to the academic community by serving on the local organizing committee for ICCOPT 2022 and chairing the organizing committees for the MOPTA 2023 and 2024 conferences.

Tommaso Giovannelli's research interests span several sub-fields of nonlinear optimization, including stochastic bilevel and multi-objective optimization and simulation-based and derivative-free optimization. His main application areas include machine learning, transportation systems, and healthcare management, all motivated by important problems for social good. 

Personal Website:


B.S.: Sapienza University of Rome Italy, 2015 (Engineering Management)

M.S.: Sapienza University of Rome Italy, 2017 (Engineering Management)

Ph.D.: Sapienza University of Rome Italy, 2021 (Operations Research)

Research and Practice Interests

Methodological Research Interests
Nonlinear Optimization
Optimization Methods for Machine Learning
Stochastic Optimization
Bilevel and Multi-Objective Optimization
Simulation-Based Optimization
Derivative-Free and Black-Box Optimization 

Main Application Areas
Healthcare Management
Machine Learning
Transportation Systems

Positions and Work Experience

06-01-2021 -07-31-2024 Postdoctoral Research Associate and Adjunct Faculty, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA


Peer Reviewed Publications

Maccarrone L.; Giovannelli T.; Ferone D.; Panadero J.; Juan A.A. (07-02-2018. ) A simheuristic algorithm for solving an integrated resource allocation and scheduling problem.Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, , 2018-December ,3340-3351 More Information

Fava G.; Giovannelli T.; Messedaglia M.; Roma M. (03-01-2022. ) Effect of different patient peak arrivals on an emergency department via discrete event simulation: .Simulation, , 98 (3 ) ,161-181 More Information

De Santis A.; Giovannelli T.; Lucidi S.; Messedaglia M.; Roma M. (12-01-2022. ) Determining the optimal piecewise constant approximation for the nonhomogeneous Poisson process rate.Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, , 34 (4 ) ,979-1012 More Information

De Santis A.; Giovannelli T.; Lucidi S.; Messedaglia M.; Roma M. (01-01-2023. ) A simulation-based optimization approach for the calibration of a discrete event simulation model of.Annals of Operations Research, , 320 (2 ) ,727-756 More Information

Giovannelli T.; Liuzzi G.; Lucidi S.; Rinaldi F. (06-01-2022. ) Derivative-free methods for mixed-integer nonsmooth constrained optimization.Computational Optimization and Applications, , 82 (2 ) ,293-327 More Information

Giovannelli T.; Vicente L.N. (07-01-2023. ) An integrated assignment, routing, and speed model for roadway mobility and transportation with envi.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, , 152 , More Information

Giovannelli T.; Kent G.D.; Vicente L.N. (01-01-2024. ) Bilevel optimization with a multi-objective lower-level problem: risk-neutral and risk-averse formul.Optimization Methods and Software, , More Information

Boresta M.; Giovannelli T.; Roma M. (01-01-2024. ) Managing low–acuity patients in an Emergency Department through simulation–based multiobjective opti.Health Care Management Science, , More Information

Alleck T.; Giovannelli T.; Vicente L.N.; Mitchell R.; Remen O. (08-01-2024. ) Match score dataset for team ball sports.Data in Brief, , 55 , More Information