Juan Godoy Penas

Juan Godoy Penas

Assistant Professor Educator

Professional Summary

Juan A. Godoy Peñas is an Associate Professor Educator in Spanish, Director of RALL Undergraduate Studies, Coordinator of Placement for Spanish, Coordinator of the Summer Spanish Local Immersion Program, and Co-Director of the Study Abroad Program in Queretaro, Mexico, as well of the Curricular Enhancement, Development, Access and Research Language Resource Center at the University of Cincinnati. Previously, he has worked as Teaching Assistant at Harvard University and Visiting Instructor at Qingdao University, China. His research interests mainly focus on Spanish peninsular literature, and applied linguistics and second language teaching. Both areas of his work focus on the concept of identity and its formation through writing and the acquisition of foreign language.
In the literary field, he studies the second generation of writers exiled by the Spanish Civil War, the concepts of memory and trauma, and the hybridity of literary genres, especially autobiographical genres. In relation to this topic, he has recently published the articles “La «Otra» segunda generación de escritores exiliados tras la Guerra Civil española: más allá de México” in Hispanófila, and “Niños de la guerra en México: la desterritorialización como consecuencia del exilio a través de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga y Angelina Muñiz-Huberman” in Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies. Currently, he is editing his book Memoria, identidad y literatura del yo: narrativas de la segunda generación de escritores exiliados por la Guerra Civil española, which will be released in late 2020 or early 2021.
Regarding applied linguistics and second language teaching, his research pays attention to the role of technology in the classroom and the creation of hybrid courses. This led him to create the first hybrid course in Spanish in collaboration with Dr. Liander within the Department of RLL at Harvard University in Spring 2020. Additionally, he is especially interested in the role of the learner´s identity in the process of second language acquisition, as well as the impact of the incorporation of diversity in the didactic material. In 2020, in collaboration with the Observatory Cervantes at Harvard University, he organized a series of workshops entitled “Mapping the Minorities in Spanish as Second Language Acquisition.” He has also recently been invited by the Institute Cervantes from NY to give a workshop entitled “Fostering Diversity in the Spanish Language Classroom: the role of minoritized identities.”

Research Support

Grant: #P229A220021 Investigators:Godoy Penas, Juan; Lingwall Odio, Anne; Moranski, Kara 08-15-2022 -08-14-2026 Department of Education Curricular Enhancement, Development, Access, and Research Language Resource Center Role:Collaborator 178986.00 Awarded Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2020. ) “La Otra segunda generación de escritores exiliados tras la Guerra Civil española: más allá de México” .Hispanófila, , (188 ) ,51-66.

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2020. ) “Angelina Muñiz-Huberman: enamorada del exilio” .Laberintos, , (21 ) ,335-346.

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2019. ) “Niños de la guerra en México: la desterritorialización como consecuencia del exilio a través de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga y Angelina Muñiz-Huberman”. .Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies , , 3 (2 ) ,98-118.

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2017. ) María Luisa Elío Bernal: en busca de la identidad perdida .Ámbitos feministas, , (6 ) ,43-57.

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2020. ) "Are you Black or Latino? Ser Afro-latino en los Estados Unidos" .Estudios del Observatorio Cervantes, ,

Published Books

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. Memoria, identidad y literatura del yo: narrativas de la segunda generación de escritores exiliados por la Guerra Civil española .Sevilla, Spain , Renacimiento

Book Chapter

Godoy Peñas, Juan Antonio. (2020 ) “Irony, suicide and social criticism in Margarita Nelken's short novel: "Mi suicidio" (1924)” I Want to Die. Suicide in Modern and Contemporary Writers and Their Characters. Springer


Invited Presentations

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2020. ) “Fomentar la diversidad en el aula de español: el papel de las identidades «minoritarias»” .Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York. Workshop. . Level:International

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2020. ) Spain in conversation with Latin America: Constructing New Identity Narratives. 51st Annual NeMLA Convention, Boston, MA. Conference. . Level:National

Paper Presentations

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2019. ) “Aproximación a la narrativa autobiográfica/autoficcional de la segunda generación de los escritores exiliados tras la Guerra Civil española” .Lisbon. Conference. Level:International

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2019. ) Reshaping Identities: la presencia de los afrolatinos en el aula de español como lengua extranjera .Boston, MA. Conference. Level:International

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2019. ) “Hacia una re-conceptualización de la segunda generación de escritores exiliados tras la guerra civil española a través de la literatura del yo”. .Cincinnati. UC. Level:International

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2019. ) Niños de la guerra en México: la desterritorialización como consecuencia del exilio a través de Carlos Blanco Aguinaga y Angelina Muñiz-Huberman” .Stony Brook University. Conference. Level:International

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2019. ) “Sujetos nómadas, sujetos sin tierra. María Casares, una niña de la guerra”. .University of Miami. Conference. Level:International

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2018. ) “El uso de la metodología task-based en la enseñanza de fines específicos. Caso práctico de marketing”. Instituto Cervantes de Pekín. Workshop. Level:National

Godoy Peñas, Juan A. (2016. ) “La formación de la identidad en los exiliados: Jorge Semprún y María Luisa Elío Bernal” .Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Conference. Level:International

Event Organized

Mapping Minorities in the Spanish as Second Language Classroom.

Mapping Minorities in the Spanish as Second Language Classroom. Workshop 2020 Observatorio Cervantes de la Universidad de Harvard. Level:Regional