Alex Marie Golden
Instructor - Adj
731 Rieveschl Hall
Email goldenad@mail.uc.edu
Professional Summary
paleoethnobotany, archaeology, Central America, plant domestication, diet reconstruction
Advisor: Dr. Lentz
B.S.: University of South Carolina Columbia, 2017 (Biological Sciences & Anthropology)
Research and Practice Interests
I am a PhD student in the Lentz Lab, conducting paleoethnobotanical research on the ancient Mayans. My dissertation will involve studying differences in diet between social strata at Yaxnohcah, a Mayan city in Campeche, Mexico. This will involve studying charcoal from hearths and middens (trash pits), as well as carbonized seed remains, primarily from middens.
paleoethnobotany, Mayan archaeology, archaeobotany, archaeology, botany
Contact Information
Academic - 731 Rieveschl Hall