Dina Gomaa , BS
Field Service Assistant Professor
Medical Sciences Building
231 Albert Sabin Way suite 2454A
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-6305
Fax 513-558-3747
Email dina.gomaa@uc.edu
bachelor of science : Edith Cown University Perth Western Australia, 2001 (Human Biology. Human Genetics)
Research Support
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B24 Under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 06-02-2014 -06-01-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Impact of Changes in Oxygenation on Non-invasive Hemoglobin (SpHgb) Role:PI $116,145.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B31 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 08-06-2014 -08-05-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Performance characteristics of pneumatic tourniquet/compression devices in a hypobaric environment Role:Collaborator $101,964.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B28 / Task Under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 07-30-2014 -01-29-2016 Air Force Research Laboratory Impact of Hypobarism During Simulated Transport on CCATT Performance Role:PI $73,141.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B34 (Task under FA8650-10-2-6140) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Gomaa, Dina 03-31-2015 -09-30-2016 Air Force Research Laboratory Comparison of iSTAT and EPOC blood analyzers Role:Collaborator $220,371.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B39 / Task under FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Andaluz, Norberto; Foreman, Brandon; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 08-11-2015 -08-10-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Transcranial Ultrasonographic Exam for the Management of Acute Traumatic Brain Injury Role:Collaborator $301,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B38 (Task under FA8650-10-2-6140) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 08-12-2015 -02-11-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Enhancing operability in a hypobaric hypoxic environment with a small oxygen storage system Role:Collaborator $187,547.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G06 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 02-19-2016 -08-18-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of Endotracheal Tube (ETT) Stability in Trauma Patients Role:Collaborator $194,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G08 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 03-22-2016 -08-21-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Intrathoracic Pressure Regulation Impact on Resuscitation Post Traumatic Insult and Elevated ICP With and Without Lung Injury Role:Collaborator $675,053.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G09 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 05-25-2016 -02-24-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Advancing mechanical ventilation management through simulation Role:Collaborator $527,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G10 (task under FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 06-27-2016 -12-26-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Performance Characteristics of Fluid Warming Technology in Austere Environments Role:Collaborator $121,315.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G14 (under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 08-15-2016 -08-14-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Hypoxemia during aeromedical transport of the walking wounded: determining the etiology and incidence of hypoxemia Role:Collaborator $476,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G12 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay; Kanter, Daniel 09-19-2016 -09-18-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Respiratory Mechanics in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – The Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide Role:Collaborator $282,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G16 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 09-19-2016 -09-18-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Retrospective Review: Incidence of airway injury/complications as a consequence of prolonged endotracheal intubation in the combat casualty versus civilian trauma patients with no altitude exposure Role:Collaborator $194,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #SAGE Ven tialtor DUA Investigators:Gomaa, Dina 01-26-2017 -07-25-2017 Duke University Clinical Research Study of Critically Ill Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Institution of Higher Education
Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G15 (Task under FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay 03-20-2017 -03-19-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Point-of-Care Acute Kidney Injury Biomarker Testing for En Route Combat Casualty Care Role:Collaborator $288,491.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-18-2-6G30, under FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Johannigman, Jay; McMullan, Jason 07-17-2018 -09-28-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Free O2 Autonomous Oxygen System (U.S. Trial) Role:Collaborator $282,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-19-2-6G35 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 08-22-2019 -05-22-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Enhancing Lung Injury Treatment Modalitites will Nitric Oxide Role:Collaborator $293,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-19-2-6G34 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 07-01-2019 -04-01-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Re-breathing System for Mechanical Ventilation Role:Collaborator $180,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G33 (Under Master Agr FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 11-19-2019 -02-19-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control Reversal of Altitude-induced Hypoxemia in Normal Subjects Role:Collaborator $301,002.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FY20.981.008 / W81XWH-20-2-0001 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 03-01-2020 -02-28-2023 Department of the Army Multicenter Implementation Trial of Targeted Normoxia Strategy to Define Oxygen Requirements for Combat Casualty Care Role:Collaborator $199,970.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FY20.891.003 / MTEC-19-08-MULTI-0043 Investigators:Dale, Elizabeth; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 01-30-2020 -01-31-2023 Department of the Army Multicenter Implementation Trial of Targeted Normoxia Strategy to Define Oxygen Requirements for Combat Casualty Care Role:Collaborator $61,387.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6285 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Caldwell, Charles; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Lentsch, Alex; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2021 -09-29-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Expeditionary Medicine, Trauma, and Enroute Care (EMTEC) Research and Technology Development Co-op Agreement Role:Collaborator 49000000.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K03 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Heyl, Judith; Pritts, Timothy 10-01-2021 -01-01-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Multiple Patients on a Single Ventilator - Potential Solutions Role:Collaborator 1999988.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #AWD00001267-3 /W81XWH-16-D-0024/W81XWH19F0539 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason 05-01-2022 -04-30-2024 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Prehospital Analgesia INtervention trail (PAIN) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #MTEC-21-03-WI-009 / W81XWH-15-9-0001 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason 07-01-2023 -06-30-2025 Department of Defense Prevention of wound infections at point-of-injury and in pre-hospital environments Role:Collaborator 180008.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #000539866-SC002 / HT94252311014 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 09-30-2023 -09-29-2027 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity The bioTROOP Study: a multiomic bioanalysis of the "Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood or Products" (TROOP) trial Role:Collaborator 115830.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K17 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Ring, Brian 04-11-2024 -10-10-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of Allowance Standard Equipment in Extreme Cold Exposure Role:Collaborator 349910.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K18 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Ring, Brian 05-01-2024 -10-31-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory A Rapid, Automated Method for Determining Lung-to-Periphery Oxygenation Delay Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Investigators:Gomaa, Dina 06-01-2024 -12-31-2027 University Health Network Platform of Randomized Adaptive Clinical Trials in Critical Illness (PRACTICAL) Randomized Controlled Trial Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K20 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Frasier, Lane; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Ring, Brian 09-24-2024 -06-23-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Advanced Development of Autonomous Closed Loop Control (ACLC) Mechanical Ventilation (MV) Fraction-inspired Oxygen (FIO2) Role:Collaborator 2441067.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #IMV Study Order OZUHN-004-3 / HT94252410370 (P2024-0959-S222) 06-01-2024 -05-31-2028 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Platform of Randomized Adaptive Clinical Trials in Critical Illness (PRACTICAL) Randomized Controlled Trial Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #IMV Study Order OZUHN-004-3 / HT94252410370 (P2024-0959-S222) 06-01-2024 -05-31-2028 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Platform of Randomized Adaptive Clinical Trials in Critical Illness (PRACTICAL) Randomized Controlled Trial Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #PO / HT94252410370 (P2024-0959-S222) Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina 06-01-2024 -05-31-2025 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Driving Pressure-Limited Ventilation in Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure (DRIVE-USA) Role:PI 117168.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #WBSE- 303003018 SPS-287142/ 5UM1AI104681-12 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Makley, Amy 04-15-2023 -11-30-2026 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Optimization of Beta-lactam Dosing in Critically Ill Patients with Suspected or Documented Antimicrobial Resistant Gram-Negative Infections with Cystatin C (OPTIMIZE-GNI) Role:Collaborator 106927.33 Hold Level:Federal
Investigators:Arif, Imran; Gomaa, Dina; Spadaccio, Cristiano 10-01-2024 -09-30-2026 Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Revascularization Choices Among Under Represented Groups Evaluation The RECHARGE Program Role:Collaborator 116418.54 Hold Level:Non Profit
Grant: #HITEP220066 Investigators:Frasier, Lane; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Nathwani, Jay; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2022 -09-29-2025 Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response Clinical Integration for the optimal integration, case mix, patient acuity and trauma exposure for the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (C-STARS) cadre embedded at UCMC. Role:Collaborator 442257.28 Hold
Peer Reviewed Publications
Schreiber, Martin A; McCully, Belinda H; Holcomb, John B; Robinson, Bryce R; Minei, Joseph P; Stewart, Ronald; Kiraly, Laszlo; Gordon, Nicole T; Martin, David T; Rick, Elizabeth A; Dean, Rondi K; Wiles, Connor; Anderson, Nathan; Sosnovske, Dennis; Houser, Ben; Lape, Diane; Cotton, Bryan; Gomaa, Dina; Cripps, Michael W; DeRosa, Mark; Underwood, Samantha J (2015. ) Transfusion of Cryopreserved Packed Red Blood Cells Is Safe and Effective After Trauma: A Prospective Randomized Trial.Annals of surgery, , 262 (3 ) ,426-33 More Information
Gomaa, Dina; Branson, Richard D (2015. ) Endotracheal tube holders and the prone position: a cause for concern.Respiratory care, , 60 (2 ) ,e41-2 More Information
Branson, Richard D; Gomaa, Dina; Rodriquez, Dario (2014. ) Management of the artificial airway.Respiratory care, , 59 (6 ) ,974-89; discussion 9 More Information
Rodriquez, Dario; Gomaa, Dina; Blakeman, Thomas; Petroa, Michael; Dorlac, Warren; Johannigman, Jay; Branson, Richard (2012. ) Comparison of airway control methods and ventilation success with an automatic resuscitator. Journal of special operations medicine : a peer reviewed journal for SOF medical professionals, , 12 (2 ) ,65-70
Jones A.R.;Patel R.P.;Marques M.B.;Donnelly J.P.;Griffin R.L.;Pittet J.F.;Kerby J.D.;Stephens S.W.;DeSantis S.M.;Hess J.R.;Wang H.E.;Holcomb J.B.;Wade C.E.;del Junco D.J.;Fox E.E.;Matijevic N.;Podbielski J.;Beeler A.M.;Tilley B.C.;Baraniuk S.;Zhu H.;Nixon J.;Seay R.;Appana S.N.;Yang H.;Gonzalez M.O.;Baer L.;Wang Y.W.W.;Hula B.S.;Espino E.;Nguyen A.;Pawelczyk N.;Arora-Nutall K.D.;Sharma R.;Cardenas J.C.;Rahbar E.;Burnett T.;Clark D.;van Belle G.;May S.;Leroux B.;Hoyt D.;Powell J.;Sheehan K.;Hubbard A.;Arkin A.P.;Callum J.;Cotton B.A.;Vincent L.;Welch T.;Poole T.;Pivalizza E.G.;Gumbert S.D.;Bai Y.;McCarthy J.J.;Noland A.;Hobbs R.;Bulger E.M.;Klotz P.;Cattin L.;Warner K.J.;Wilson A.;Boman D.;White N.;Grabinsky A.;Daniel-Johnson J.A.;Cohen M.J.;Callcut R.A.;Nelson M.;Redick B.;Conroy A.;Steurer M.P.;Maxim P.C.;Fiebig E.;Moore J.;Mallari E.;Muskat P.;Johannigman J.A.;Robinson B.R.H.;Branson R.D.;Gomaa D.;Barczak C.;Bennett S.;Carey P.M.;Miller C.N.;Hancock H.;Rodriguez C.;Inaba K.;Zhu J.G.;Wong M.D.;Menchine M.;Katzberg K.;Henderson S.O.;McKeever R.;Shulman I.A.;Nelson J.M.;Tuma C.W.;Matsushita C.Y.;Scalea T.M.;Stein D.M. (06-01-2019. ) Older Blood Is Associated With Increased Mortality and Adverse Events in Massively Transfused Trauma.Annals of Emergency Medicine, , 73 (6 ) ,650-661 More Information
Gomaa D.;Branson R. (02-01-2019. ) Conditioning inspired gases for tracheostomy.Respiratory Care, , 64 (2 ) ,233-234 More Information
Pham T.;Serpa Neto A.;Pelosi P.;Laffey J.G.;De Haro C.;Lorente J.A.;Bellani G.;Fan E.;Brochard L.J.;Pesenti A.;Schultz M.J.;Artigas A.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Wrigge H.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.P.;Kurahashi K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.M.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Larsson A.;Piquilloud L.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C. (02-01-2019. ) Outcomes of Patients Presenting with Mild Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Insights from the LUN.Anesthesiology, , 130 (2 ) ,263-283 More Information
Rowell S.E.;Barbosa R.R.;Holcomb J.B.;Fox E.E.;Barton C.A.;Schreiber M.A.;Rahbar M.H.;Del Junco D.J.;Wade C.E.;Zhang J.;Matijevic N.;Bai Y.;Wang W.;Podbielski J.;Duran S.J.;Benjamin-Garner R.;Reynolds R.J.;White C.E.;Franzen K.L.;Coates E.C.;Brasel K.J.;Walsh P.;Underwood S.J.;Curren J.;Cohen M.J.;Margaret Knudson M.;Nelson M.;Call M.S.;Muskat P.;Johannigman J.A.;Robinson B.R.H.;Branson R.;Gomaa D.;Dahl C.;Alarcon L.H.;Peitzman A.B.;Stull S.D.;Kampmeyer M.;Early B.J.;Shnol H.L.;Zolin S.J.;Sears S.B.;Holcomb J.B.;Cotton B.A.;Elopre M.;Hatch Q.M.;Scerbo M.;Caga-Anan Z.;Myers J.G.;Stewart R.M.;Sambucini R.L.;Gildea M.;DeRosa M.;Jonas R.;McCarthy J.;Phelan H.A.;Minei J.P.;Carroll E.;Bulger E.M.;Klotz P.;Warner K.J. (01-01-2019. ) The focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) in hypotensive injured patients frequently f.Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open, , 4 (1 ) , More Information
Wei S.;Gonzalez Rodriguez E.;Chang R.;Holcomb J.B.;Kao L.S.;Wade C.E.;Holcomb J.B.;Wade C.E.;del Junco D.J.;Fox E.E.;Matijevic N.;Podbielski J.;Beeler A.M.;Tilley B.C.;Baraniuk S.;Zhu H.;Nixon J.;Seay R.;Appana S.N.;Yang H.;Gonzalez M.O.;Baer L.;Willa Wang Y.W.;Hula B.S.;Espino E.;Nguyen A.;Pawelczyk N.;Arora-Nutall K.D.;Sharma R.;Cardenas J.C.;Rahbar E.;Burnett T.;Clark D.;van Belle G.;May S.;Leroux B.;Hoyt D.;Powell J.;Sheehan K.;Hubbard A.;Arkin A.P.;Hess J.R.;Callum J.;Cotton B.A.;Vincent L.;Welch T.;Poole T.;Pivalizza E.G.;Gumbert S.D.;Bai Y.;McCarthy J.J.;Noland A.;Hobbs R.;Bulger E.M.;Klotz P.;Cattin L.;Warner K.J.;Wilson A.;Boman D.;White N.;Grabinsky A.;Daniel-Johnson J.A.;Cohen M.J.;Callcut R.A.;Nelson M.;Redick B.;Conroy A.;Steurer M.P.;Maxim P.C.;Fiebig E.;Moore J.;Mallari E.;Muskat P.;Johannigman J.A.;Robinson B.R.;Branson R.D.;Gomaa D.;Barczak C.;Bennett S.;Carey P.M.;Miller C.N.;Hancock H.;Rodriguez C.;Inaba K.;Zhu J.G.;Wong M.D.;Menchine M.;Katzberg K.;Henderson S.O.;McKeever R.;Shulman I.A.;Nelson J.M.;Tuma C.W.;Matsushita C.Y.;Scalea T.M.;Stein D.M.;Shaffer C.K.;Wade C.;Herrera A.V.;Kallam S. (12-01-2018. ) Elevated Syndecan-1 after Trauma and Risk of Sepsis: A Secondary Analysis of Patients from the Pragm.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , 227 (6 ) ,587-595 More Information
Boyle A.J.;Madotto F.;Laffey J.G.;Bellani G.;Pham T.;Pesenti A.;Thompson B.T.;O'Kane C.M.;Deane A.M.;McAuley D.F.;Rios F.;Van Haren F.;Faruq M.O.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Fan E.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Wrigge H.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Gomersall C.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Kurahashi K.;Koh Y.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Kashif W.;Synclair J.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Larsson A.;Piquilloud L.;Patjanasoontorn B.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Francois G.M.;Rabboni F.;Conti S.;Sula H.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A. (10-27-2018. ) Identifying associations between diabetes and acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with a.Critical Care, , 22 (1 ) , More Information
Abe T.;Madotto F.;Pham T.;Nagata I.;Uchida M.;Tamiya N.;Kurahashi K.;Bellani G.;Laffey J.G.;Francois G.M.;Rabboni F.;Conti S.;Fan E.;Pesenti A.;Brochard L.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Piquilloud L.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpair G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Milstein C.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J. (08-17-2018. ) Epidemiology and patterns of tracheostomy practice in patients with acute respiratory distress syndr.Critical Care, , 22 (1 ) , More Information
Cardenas J.C.;Zhang X.;Fox E.E.;Cotton B.A.;Hess J.R.;Schreiber M.A.;Wade C.E.;Holcomb J.B.;Holco J.B.;Del Junco D.J.;Matijevic N.;Podbielski J.;Beeler A.M.;Tilley B.C.;Baraniuk S.;Zhu H.;Nixon J.;Seay R.;Appana S.N.;Yang H.;Gonzalez M.O.;Baer L.;Wang Y.W.W.;Hula B.S.;Espino E.;Nguyen A.;Pawelczyk N.;Arora-Nutall K.D.;Sharma R.;Rahbar E.;Burnett T.;Clark D.;Van Belle G.;May S.;Leroux B.;Hoyt D.;Powell J.;Sheehan K.;Hubbard A.;Arkin A.P.;Callum J.;Vincent L.;Welch T.;Poole T.;Pivalizza E.G.;Gumbert S.D.;Bai Y.;McCarthy J.J.;Noland A.;Hobbs R.;Bulger E.M.;Klotz P.;Cattin L.;Warner K.J.;Wilson A.;Boman D.;White N.;Grabinsky A.;Daniel-Johnson J.A.;Cohen M.J.;Callcut R.A.;Nelson M.;Redick B.;Conroy A.;Steurer M.P.;Maxim P.C.;Fiebig E.;Moore J.;Mallari E.;Muskat P.;Johannigman J.A.;Robinson B.R.H.;Branson R.D.;Gomaa D.;Barczak C.;Bennett S.;Carey P.M.;Miller C.N.;Hancock H.;Rodriguez C.;Inaba K.;Zhu J.G.;Wong M.D.;Menchine M.;Katzberg K.;Henderson S.O.;McKeever R.;Shulman I.A.;Nelson J.M.;Tuma C.W.;Matsushita C.Y.;Scalea T.M.;Stein D.M.;Shaffer C.K.;Wade C.;Herrera A.V.;Kallam S.;Wade S.E.;Galvagno S.M.;Fontaine M.J. (07-24-2018. ) Platelet transfusions improve hemostasis and survival in a substudy of the prospective, randomized P.Blood Advances, , 2 (14 ) ,1696-1704 More Information
Cortegiani A.;Madotto F.;Gregoretti C.;Bellani G.;Laffey J.G.;Pham T.;Van Haren F.;Giarratano A.;Antonelli M.;Pesenti A.;Grasselli G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A.;Rodgers H.J.;Millar R.T.;Mckenna T.E.;Bailey I.M.;Hanlon G.C.;Aneman A.;Lynch J.M.;Azad R.;Neal J.;Woods P.W.;Roberts B.L.;Kol M.R.;Wong H.S.;Riss K.C.;Staudinger T.;Wittebole X.;Berghe C.;Bulpa P.A.;Dive A.M.;Verstraete R.;Lebbinck H.;Depuydt P.;Vermassen J.;Meersseman P.;Ceunen H.;Rosa J.I.;Beraldo D.O.;Piras C.;Rampinelli A.M.;Nassar A.P.;Mataloun S.;Moock M.;Thompson M.M.;Gonçalves C.H.;Antônio A.C.P.;Ascoli A.;Biondi R.S.;Fontenele D.C.;Nobrega D.;Sales Brunei V.M.;Shindhe S.;Binti Pengiran Haji Ismail D.H.M.A.;Beloncle F.;Davies K.G. (06-12-2018. ) Immunocompromised patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: Secondary analysis of the LUNG .Critical Care, , 22 (1 ) , More Information
Madotto F.;Pham T.;Bellani G.;Bos L.D.;Simonis F.D.;Fan E.;Artigas A.;Brochard L.;Schultz M.J.;Laffey J.G.;Pesenti A.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Fan E.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Wrigge H.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Kurahashi K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Arabi Y.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Larsson A.;Piquilloud L.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C. (05-01-2018. ) Resolved versus confirmed ARDS after 24 h: insights from the LUNG SAFE study.Intensive Care Medicine, , 44 (5 ) ,564-577 More Information
Chang R.;Fox E.E.;Greene T.J.;Swartz M.D.;DeSantis S.M.;Stein D.M.;Bulger E.M.;Melton S.M.;Goodman M.D.;Schreiber M.A.;Zielinski M.D.;O'Keeffe T.;Inaba K.;Tomasek J.S.;Podbielski J.M.;Appana S.;Yi M.;Johansson P.I.;Henriksen H.H.;Stensballe J.;Steinmetz J.;Wade C.E.;Holcomb J.B.;Holcomb J.B.;Wade C.E.;Foxxe E.E.;Chang R.;Podbielski J.M.;Tomasek J.S.;del Junco D.J.;Swartz M.D.;DeSantis S.M.;Appana S.N.;Greene T.J.;Yi M.;Gonzalez M.O.;Baraniuk S.;van Belle G.;Leroux B.G.;Howard C.L.;Haymaker A.;Stein D.M.;Scalea T.M.;Ayd B.;Das P.;Herrera A.V.;Bulger E.M.;Robinson B.R.H.;Klotz P.;Minhas A.;Kerby J.D.;Melton S.M.;Williams C.R.;Stephens S.W.;Goodman M.;Johannigman J.A.;McMullan J.;Branson R.D.;Gomaa D.;Barczak C.;Schreiber M.A.;Underwood S.J.;Watson C.;Zielinski M.D.;Stubbs J.R.;Headlee A.;O'Keeffe T.;Rhee P.;Rokowski L.L.;Santoro J.;Seach A.;Bradford D.;Fealk M.;Latifi F.;Inaba K.;Kim H.;Chudnofsky C.;Wong M.D. (04-01-2018. ) Abnormalities of laboratory coagulation tests versus clinically evident coagulopathic bleeding: resu.Surgery (United States), , 163 (4 ) ,819-826 More Information
Robinson B.R.H.;Cohen M.J.;Holcomb J.B.;Pritts T.A.;Gomaa D.;Fox E.E.;Branson R.D.;Callcut R.A.;Cotton B.A.;Schreiber M.A.;Brasel K.J.;Pittet J.F.;Inaba K.;Kerby J.D.;Scalea T.M.;Wade C.E.;Bulger E.M. (01-01-2018. ) Risk factors for the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome following hemorrhage.Shock, , 50 (3 ) ,258-264 More Information
Laffey J.G.;Bellani G.;Pham T.;Fan E.;Madotto F.;Bajwa E.K.;Brochard L.;Clarkson K.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;van Haren F.;Heunks L.M.;Kurahashi K.;Laake J.H.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;McNamee L.;Nin N.;Qiu H.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.D.;Thompson B.T.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Pesenti A.;Francois G.M.;Rabboni F.;Conti S.;Theresa U.M.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A.;Rodgers H.J.;Millar R.T.;Mckenna T.E.;Bailey I.M.;Hanlon G.C.;Aneman A.;Lynch J.M.;Azad R.;Neal J.;Woods P.W.;Roberts B.L.;Kol M.R.;Wong H.S.;Riss K.C.;Staudinger T.;Wittebole X.;Berghe C.;Bulpa P.A.;Dive A.M.;Verstraete R.;Lebbinck H.;Depuydt P.;Vermassen J.;Meersseman P.;Ceunen H.;Rosa J.I. (01-01-2018. ) Correction to: Potentially modifiable factors contributing to outcome from acute respiratory distres.Intensive Care Medicine, , 44 (1 ) ,157-165 More Information
Laffey J.G.;Madotto F.;Bellani G.;Pham T.;Fan E.;Brochard L.;Amin P.;Arabi Y.;Bajwa E.K.;Bruhn A.;Cerny V.;Clarkson K.;Heunks L.;Kurahashi K.;Laake J.H.;Lorente J.A.;McNamee L.;Nin N.;Palo J.E.;Piquilloud L.;Qiu H.;Jiménez J.I.S.;Esteban A.;McAuley D.F.;van Haren F.;Ranieri M.;Rubenfeld G.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Pesenti A.;Gattinoni L.;Larsson A.;Thompson B.T.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Hashemian S.M.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Fernandes A.D.V.;Sandesc D.;Bumbasierevic V.;Abroug F.;Hurtado J.;Démpaire G.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A.;Krstevski A.;Rodgers H.;Millar R.;Mckenna T. (08-01-2017. ) Geo-economic variations in epidemiology, patterns of care, and outcomes in patients with acute respi.The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, , 5 (8 ) ,627-638 More Information
Stevens W.T.;Morse B.C.;Bernard A.;Davenport D.L.;Sams V.G.;Goodman M.D.;Dumire R.;Carrick M.M.;McCarthy P.;Stubbs J.R.;Pritts T.A.;Dente C.J.;Luo-Owen X.;Gregory J.A.;Turay D.;Gomaa D.;Quispe J.C.;Fitzgerald C.A.;Haddad N.N.;Choudhry A.;Quesada J.F.;Zielinski M.D. (07-01-2017. ) Incompatible type A plasma transfusion in patients requiring massive transfusion protocol: Outcomes .Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, , 83 (1 ) ,25-29 More Information
Appana S.N.; Arkin A.P.; Arora-Nutall K.D.; Baer L.; Bai Y.; Baraniuk S.; Barczak C.; Beeler A.M.; Bennett S.; Boman D.; Branson R.D.; Bulger E.M.; Burnett T.; Callcut R.A.; Callum J.; Cardenas J.C.; Carey P.M.; Cattin L.; Clark D.; Cohen M.J.; Connelly C.R.; Conroy A.; Cotton B.A.; Daniel-Johnson J.A.; del Junco D.J.; Espino E.; Fair K.A.; Fiebig E.; Fox E.E.; Gomaa D.; Gonzalez M.O.; Grabinsky A.; Gumbert S.D.; Hancock H.; Henderson S.O.; Herrera A.V.; Hess J.R.; Hobbs R.; Holcomb J.B.; Hoyt D.; Hubbard A.; Hula B.S.; Inaba K.; Johannigman J.A.; Katzberg K.; Klotz P.; Leroux B.; Mallari E.; Matijevic N.; Matsushita C.Y.; Maxim P.C.; May S.; McCarthy J.J.; McCully B.H.; McKeever R.; Menchine M.; Miller C.N.; Moore J.; Muskat P.; Nelson J.M.; Nelson M.; Nguyen A.; Nixon J.; Noland A.; Pawelczyk N.; Pivalizza E.G.; Podbielski J.; Poole T.; Powell J.; Rahbar E.; Redick B.; Robinson B.R.; Rodriguez C.; Scalea T.M.; Schreiber M.A.; Seay R.; Shaffer C.K.; Sharma R.; Sheehan K.; Shulman I.A.; Stein D.M.; Steurer M.P.; Tilley B.C.; Tuma C.W.; van Belle G.; Vincent L.; Wade C.; Wade C.E.; Warner K.J.; Welch T.; White N.; Willa Wang Y.W.; Wilson A.; Wong M.D.; Yang H.; Zhu J.G. (07-01-2017. ) Onset of Coagulation Function Recovery Is Delayed in Severely Injured Trauma Patients with Venous Th.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , 225 (1 ) ,42-51 More Information
Gomaa D.;Rodriquez D.;Petro M.;Blakeman T.;Branson R. (03-01-2017. ) Impact of oxygenation status on the noninvasive measurement of hemoglobin.Military Medicine, , 182 ,87-91 More Information
Bellani G.;Laffey J.G.;Pham T.;Madotto F.;Fan E.;Brochard L.;Esteban A.;Gattinoni L.;Bumbasirevic V.;Piquilloud L.;Van Haren F.;Larsson A.;McAuley D.F.;Bauer P.R.;Arabi Y.M.;Ranieri M.;Antonelli M.;Rubenfeld G.D.;Taylor Thompson B.;Wrigge H.;Slutsky A.S.;Pesenti A.;Rios F.;Sottiaux T.;Depuydt P.;Lora F.S.;Azevedo L.C.;Bugedo G.;Qiu H.;Gonzalez M.;Silesky J.;Cerny V.;Nielsen J.;Jibaja M.;Matamis D.;Ranero J.L.;Amin P.;Hashemian S.M.;Clarkson K.;Kurahashi K.;Villagomez A.;Zeggwagh A.A.;Heunks L.M.;Laake J.H.;Palo J.E.;do Vale Fernandes A.;Sandesc D.;Bumbasierevic V.;Nin N.;Lorente J.A.;Abroug F.;McNamee L.;Hurtado J.;Bajwa E.;Démpaire G.;Francois G.M.;Sula H.;Nunci L.;Cani A.;Zazu A.;Dellera C.;Insaurralde C.S.;Alejandro R.V.;Daldin J.;Vinzio M.;Fernandez R.O.;Cardonnet L.P.;Bettini L.R.;Bisso M.C.;Osman E.M.;Setten M.G.;Lovazzano P.;Alvarez J.;Villar V.;Pozo N.C.;Grubissich N.;Plotnikow G.A.;Vasquez D.N.;Ilutovich S.;Tiribelli N.;Chena A.;Pellegrini C.A.;Saenz M.G.;Estenssoro E.;Brizuela M.;Gianinetto H.;Gomez P.E.;Cerrato V.I.;Bezzi M.G.;Borello S.A.;Loiacono F.A.;Fernandez A.M.;Knowles S.;Reynolds C.;Inskip D.M.;Miller J.J.;Kong J.;Whitehead C.;Bihari S.;Seven A. (01-01-2017. ) Noninvasive Ventilation of Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Insights from the LUNG.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, , 195 (1 ) ,67-77 More Information
Zingg, S Whitney; Gomaa, Dina; Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Salvator, Ann; Goodman, Michael D; Janowak, Christopher F (2022. ) Oxygenation and Respiratory System Compliance Associated With Pulmonary Contusion.Respiratory care, , 67 (9 ) ,1100-1108 More Information
Droege, Christopher A; Ernst, Neil E; Foertsch, Madeline J; Bradshaw, Paige G; Globke, Andrew E; Gomaa, Dina; Tsuei, Betty J; Mueller, Eric W (2022. ) Assessment of Detectable Serum Tobramycin Concentrations in Patients Receiving Inhaled Tobramycin for Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia.Respiratory care, , 67 (1 ) ,16-23 More Information
Salyer, Christen; Spuzzillo, Anthony; Wakefield, Devin; Gomaa, Dina; Thompson, Jonathan; Goodman, Michael (2021. ) Endocutter Staple Height Auto-Adjusts to Tissue Thickness.The Journal of surgical research, , 267 ,705-711 More Information
Droege, Molly Elizabeth; Droege, Christopher Allen; Philpott, Carolyn Dosen; Webb, Megan Leslie; Ernst, Neil Edward; Athota, Krishna; Wakefield, Devin; Dowd, Joseph Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Robinson, Bryce H R; Hanseman, Dennis; Elterman, Joel; Mueller, Eric William (2021. ) Impact of antithrombin III and enoxaparin dosage adjustment on prophylactic anti-Xa concentrations in trauma patients at high risk for venous thromboembolism: a randomized pilot trial.Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis, , 52 (4 ) ,1117-1128 More Information
Qadir, Nida; Bartz, Raquel R; Cooter, Mary L; Hough, Catherine L; Lanspa, Michael J; Banner-Goodspeed, Valerie M; Chen, Jen-Ting; Giovanni, Shewit; Gomaa, Dina; Sjoding, Michael W; Hajizadeh, Negin; Komisarow, Jordan; Duggal, Abhijit; Khanna, Ashish K; Kashyap, Rahul; Khan, Akram; Chang, Steven Y; Tonna, Joseph E; Anderson, Harry L; Liebler, Janice M; Mosier, Jarrod M; Morris, Peter E; Genthon, Alissa; Louh, Irene K; Tidswell, Mark; Stephens, R Scott; Esper, Annette M; Dries, David J; Martinez, Anthony; Schreyer, Kraftin E; Bender, William; Tiwari, Anupama; Guru, Pramod K; Hanna, Sinan; Gong, Michelle N; Park, Pauline K (2021. ) Variation in Early Management Practices in Moderate-to-Severe ARDS in the United States: The Severe ARDS: Generating Evidence Study.Chest, , 160 (4 ) ,1304-1315 More Information
Kirkup, Christian; Pawlowski, Colin; Puranik, Arjun; Conrad, Ian; O'Horo, John C; Gomaa, Dina; Banner-Goodspeed, Valerie M; Mosier, Jarrod M; Zabolotskikh, Igor Borisovich; Daugherty, Steven K; Bernstein, Michael A; Zaren, Howard A; Bansal, Vikas; Pickering, Brian; Badley, Andrew D; Kashyap, Rahul; Venkatakrishnan, A J; Soundararajan, Venky (2021. ) Healthcare disparities among anticoagulation therapies for severe COVID-19 patients in the multi-site VIRUS registry.Journal of medical virology, , 93 (7 ) ,4303-4318 More Information
Salyer, Christen; Spuzzillo, Anthony; Wakefield, Devin; Gomaa, Dina; Thompson, Jonathan; Goodman, Michael (2021. ) Assessment of a novel stapler performance for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.Surgical endoscopy, , 35 (7 ) ,4016-4021 More Information
Mussa, Constance C; Gomaa, Dina; Rowley, Daniel D; Schmidt, Ulrich; Ginier, Emily; Strickland, Shawna L (2021. ) AARC Clinical Practice Guideline: Management of Adult Patients with Tracheostomy in the Acute Care Setting.Respiratory care, , 66 (1 ) ,156-169 More Information
Schuckman, Stephanie; Babcock, Lynn; Spinner, Cristina; Adeoye, Opeolu; Gomaa, Dina; Pritts, Timothy; Kissela, Brett M; Lindsell, Christopher J; Knapke, Jacqueline M (2020. ) Acute care research competencies for clinical research professionals.Journal of clinical and translational science, , 4 (6 ) ,485-492 More Information
Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Blakeman, Thomas C; Smith, Maia; Gomaa, Dina; Caskey, Chelsea; Pritts, Timothy; Strilka, Richard; Branson, Richard D; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Just Say NO: Inhaled Nitric Oxide Effect on Respiratory Parameters Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans and a Porcine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,497-506 More Information
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