Ligia C Gomez. , BA (Psychology), MA (Spanish Literature)
Assoc Professor - Emerita
Assistant Professor Educator
Professional Summary
Trained as a psychologist and with a degree in fine arts from Colombia, South America, Ligia worked for six years in a health care as an educator and health advocate with the Hispanic population in Cincinnati prior to becoming a full time faculty in the Romance Languages and Literature Department. Ligia serves as a liaison with many different organizations in the community. She is currently involved with several professional groups that work to improve the living conditions of the Hispanic/Latino population. Presently she is Chair of the Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition, and a founding member of the Latino Health Collaborative. Her particular areas of interest at the University include Service Learning and Spanish for Health and Social Services. Ligia's continued involvement in the local Health Care community helps her to provide the students with access to many different relevant experiences related to this undeserved population. Ligia is the Director of Certificate of Spanish for Service Learning in Social Work and Health Care Services and have been involved in the new Medical Spanish/Latino Health Elective at The school of medicine.
Positions and Work Experience
09-2007 -08-2013 -Educator Instructor, University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Romance Languages,
2006 -To Present Chairperson, Greater Cincinnati Hispanic Coalition., The Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition's (GCLC) collaborate effectively as a network of agencies, professionals, advocates and community leaders to improve access to culturally competent services for the Hispanic/ Latinos in the Greater Cincinnati area. , Community Action Agency
06-2002 -09-2007 Child Health Advocate, BMF Pediatric Care, -Development of prenatal and pediatric health education programs -Case management for Hispanic families -Increasing community awareness of needs of Hispanic population ,
10-1999 -06-2002 Interpreter for educational programs, Interpretation Services, assessment, prevention and education, Alcoholism Council of Cincinnati,
09-1993 -06-2002 Adjunct Professor of Spanish, University of Cincinnati,
2007 -05-01-2013 Founder and member of The Latino Health Collaborative of, The Latino Health Collaborative is an academic-community partnership to improve Latino health in Greater Cincinnati.,
08-2013 - -Assistant Professor Educator , University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Romance Languages ,
Research Support
06-2008 URC Interdisciplinary Grant Socio-cultural Influences on the Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding Role:Collaborator $25000 Completed Type:Grant Level:University
Grant: #60067632 / 8488-TOSU Investigators:Gomez, Ligia; O'Dea, Christine 09-01-2018 -08-31-2020 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Engaging Language Professionals for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research with Latino Communities Role:Collaborator $12,374.00 Awarded Level:Private Non-Profit
Abbreviated Publications
In Press
and comments on Chap.14, “Addressing Trauma through Political Action: Nineth Montenegro’s Story, in Feminist Conversations: Women, Trauma, and Empowerment in Post-Transitional Societies by Lisa Vaughn and Gabriela de Cabrera, pp153-154, University Press of America, Inc., Lanham, MD (2008).
Invited Presentations
(11-2008. ) Cultural Competency: Invited workshop for Healing Hands program .Cincinnati Childrens’ hospital Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. Other Institution. . Level:Local
(09-2008. ) Working with the Hispanic Population: Culture and Feeding Issues, Invited lecture for Pediatric Dysphagia Conference .Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Level:National
(09-2007. ) The Hispanic/Latino Community in Cincinnati: Needs and Resources, Invited lecture for Trihealth Cultural Awareness Committee .Good Samaritan Hospital. Other Institution. .
(02-2006. ) Pediatric Healthcare in the Community .Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.
(10-2005. ) Immigrant Children and Domestic Violence: Solutions for Helping Silent Victims .Talbert House, Cincinnati.
(10-2003. ) Opening Doors to Understanding the Impact of a Growing Hispanic/Latino Community .ASAP Center of The Health Foundation Fund, Cincinnati, OH.
(03-2003. ) Cultural Competency for Health Care and Social Service Providers Who Serve the Hispanic and Latino Culture .Culturally Competent Communications, Cincinnati, OH.
(02-2003. ) Invited lecturer, Graduate class in MSW program entitled ‘Social Policies and Programs in Health and Gerontology .University of Cincinnati.
(09-2002. ) Addressing the Issues of Poverty and Its Implications on the Health of Hispanic and Latino Women .Culturally Competent Communications, Cincinnati, OH.
(11-2011. ) Hispanic Community, Culture and Healing practices. University of Cincinnati. Blue Ash. UC. . Level:University
(04-2011. ) Language, Culture and Hispanic Health. University of Cincinnati.,
(02-2011. ) Latino Health. College of Medicine,, University of Cincinnati..
Gomez, Ligia (11-2013. ) Language Access and Health Care .Good Samaritan Hospital, Level:Local
Gomez, Ligia (01-2014. ) Hispanic Population and Resources .Educational Service Center, Butler County. Level:Regional
Gomez. Ligia (10-2013. ) Panel education and career paths. Black and Latino Achivers .Cincinnati State Technical College, Level:Local
Poster Presentations
G.L. Gillespie, A-M Papa, L. Gomez, R. Lee (05-09-2012. ) Environmental Risks for Workplace Violence in Cuban Healthcare Settings .Marriott Kinsgate, Cincinnati, OH, Cincinnati, OH. . Conference. . Level:National
Paper Presentations
Event Organized
Picturing Health through the Eyes of Latina Tweens, a Photovoice ProjectPicturing Health through the Eyes of Latina Tweens, a Photovoice Project Conference 12-2007 Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Somos Unicos, Somos Latinos: Educate to ElevateSomos Unicos, Somos Latinos: Educate to Elevate Symposium 10-2007 Duke Energy Center
Working with Hispanic/Latino Youth in Your CommunityWorking with Hispanic/Latino Youth in Your Community 05-2006 ASAP Center of The Health Foundation Fund
Soy Unica, Soy Latina: Helping Hispanic/Latina Girls to Make Healthy DecisionsSoy Unica, Soy Latina: Helping Hispanic/Latina Girls to Make Healthy Decisions 04-2006 Norwood Service League, Norwood, OH.
Norwood Compadres, A Latino/Hispanic Parent ConferenceNorwood Compadres, A Latino/Hispanic Parent Conference 10-2006 ASAP Center of The Health Foundation Fund, Cincinnati, OH
Latino Student Open HouseLatino Student Open House Other 10-2013 Level:Local
Honors and Awards
09-2004 National Speaking of Women’s Health Foundation Honoree For Dedication to Improving the Lives of Minority Women in Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:National Type:Recognition
01-2010 Faculty Development Grant awarded for Summer 2010 Spanish for specific needs: A course that is designed for Spanish teachers to develop knowledge and strategies to implement courses of Spanish for specific purposes. This course is offered at Fundación Comillas, Spain University of Cincinnati. Faculty Development Council Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Grant
01-2009 Faculty Development Grant awarded for Summer 2009 "España, vivir su lengua y su cultura". •This course gives a chronological perspective of Spanish linguistics, history, literature and arts. The course provides a current linguistic framework of the Spanish language, its geographical and socio-linguistic varieties. University of Cincinnati. Faculty Development Council Status:Recipient Level:Professional Org. Type:Grant
06-2008 URC Interdisciplinary Grant: Socio-cultural Influences on the Initation and Duration of Breastfeeding. University Research Council Interdisciplinary Grant: Socio-cultural Influences on the Initiation and Duration of Breastfeeding, in Hispanic women, $25,000
07-2006 Cincy Cinco, Grant to ensure continuity of health services for Hispanic children, without health insurance. $3000.
08-2005 Grant from the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Grant to adquired educational materials for for Hispanic mothers, $1000 Health Foundation Status:Recipient Level:Local
07-2005 Cincy Cinco Grant This grant was allocated to BMF Pediatrics to ensure continuity of health services for Hispanic children, $4000
04-2005 Xavier University Philanthropy Award Grant to support monthly Hispanic family educational programs. Xavier University
11-2011 Exemplary post-secondary service learning award. Given by the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber’s Agenda 360 and Northern Kentucky’s Vision 2015. The award was given to the Medical Spanish Service Learning course, where students of Spanish help Hispanic families to have access to health and social services.
06-2011 Faculty Development Grant awarded by the Faculty Development Council, Barcelona, Spain. The vision of this Teachers Seminar is to bring teachers into direct contact with leading scholars, writers, and public figures, in an historic and stimulating environment, surrounded by cultural and academic resources. Barcelona Teacher Seminar participants explores some of the central issues in Spanish history and culture as well as communicative language methods in the classroom. A profound investigation of selected aspects of Spanish history, culture, and art, with an emphasis upon specific examples that can be transferred into the classroom to enrich and enliven teaching.
Feb. 2012 Organizational Award to the Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition by Santa Maria Community Services in recognition of its advocacy for the Hispanic/Latino community.
07-2012. Faculty Development Grant awarded by the Faculty Development Council:VII International Conference PBL 2012 held in Cali, Colombia.
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:University/College Service
Type:University/College Service
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service
Type:University/College Service
Type:University/College Service
Type:Departmental Service
Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Type:Departmental Service Level:Department
Professional Affiliation
04-2007 -To Present: ; Founding member of the Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati The Latino Health Collaborative of Greater Cincinnati (LHCGC) was founded in April, 2007 by University of Cincinnati physicians and professors from the Departments of Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, Allied Health Sciences, Romance Languages, Psychology and Education for the purpose of building strong partnerships between the university and community-based organizations serving the health care needs of Latinos in the community. The mission was identified as "utilizing a multidisciplinary group of committed university professionals to create a dialogue and form collaborations with community partners serving Latino patients and clients in order to identify their health care needs, develop required services and improve the quality of care." The purpose of the LHCGC has been to improve the overall health status of the Latino community by identifying health care needs, assessing existing services and gaps in service and increasing the availability of culturally competent health care services through community partnerships. University of Cincinnati,
01-2006 -To Present: ; Co-chair Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition Mission: collaborate effectively as a network of agencies, professionals, advocates and community leaders to improve access to culturally competent services for the Hispanic/ Latinos in the Greater Cincinnati area. Numerous organizations participate in the monthly meetings to connect with other service providers to form a network that ensures no gaps in critical services to the Hispanic/Latino population, and to increase cultural competency in the delivery of existing services systems. Its members act as advocacy partners to Hispanic/Latinos and as advisory partners to local government in immigration and other legal matters. Community Action Agency
Courses Taught
15-SPAN-101 BASIC SPANISH I Basic Spanish I Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-101 BASIC SPANISH I Basic Spanish I Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-501 SRV LRN: MED SPAN Service Learning Medical Spanish Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-103 BASIC SPANISH III Basic Spanish III Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-103 BASIC SPANISH III Basic Spanish III Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-501 SRV LRN: MED SPAN Service Learning Medical Spanish Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-102 BASIC SPANISH II Basic Spanish II Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-102 BASIC SPANISH II Basic Spanish II Level:Undergraduate
15-SPAN-501 SRV LRN: MED SPAN Service Learning Medical Spanish Level:Undergraduate
Faculty Development Activities
09-2010 -To Present Service Learning Course Redesign Seminar Course redesign refers to the process of recreating an entire course in order to achieve better student learning. Through the process of course redesign, you will work with an interdisciplinary team of faculty from across UC, University of Cincinnati. Type:Continuing Education Program
11-05-2010 -11-05-2010 Best Practices in Scholarly Teaching Conference conference to highlight best practices in scholarly teaching among UC faculty., University of Cincinnati Type:Conference Attendance
06-01-2011 -06-30-2011 Faculty Development Grant Faculty Development Grant awarded for Summer 2011 to attend the course entitled ‘Spanish for Specific Purposes’, University of Comillas, Spain, , $4000, University of Cincinnati Barcelona, Spain Type:Continuing Education Program
09-2010 -06-2011 Service Learning Course Redesign Seminar CET&L’s year-long seminar on Course Redesign, with an emphasis on service learning., University of Cincinnati Type:Seminar
03-02-2012 -03-02-2012 The Changing Language of Language Teaching Symposium about new trends and practices impacting language learning, Cengage Learning and University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH Type:Conference Attendance