Michael Goodman

Michael D Goodman , MD

Professor of Clinical

Associate Director, Residency Program in General Surgery; Associate Director, Fellowship in Critical Care Surgery; Director of General Surgery Research

Medical Sciences Building
SRU Room 1577
231 Albert Sabin Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267
Phone 513-558-5661
Email michael.goodman@uc.edu

Professional Summary

General surgery, critical care, trauma surgery, possibly cardiothoracic or vascular surgery


Residency: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, (General Surgery)

Research Assistant: Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY, 1998 (Cardiothoracic Surgery)

Research Assistant: Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY, 1999 (Cardiothoracic Surgery)

Fellowship: Duke University Durham, NC, 2001 (Pathology)

Bachelor's Degree: Duke University Durham, NC, 2001 (Biology)

Fellowship: Albany Medical Center Albany, NY, 2003 (Vascular)

Medical Degree: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2005

Fellowship: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2008 (Post-Doctoral Research -Surgery)

Fellowship: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2009 (Surgery)

Fellowship: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2009 (Research)

Residency: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 2012 (General Surgery )

Fellowship : University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, TX, 2013 (Surgical Critical Care)


American Board of Surgery (Surgery Critical Care) (Certification Date: 09-23-2013 ) - (Recertification Date: to 09-01-2024 )

American Board of Surgery (Certification Date: 03-19-2013 ) - (Recertification Date: to 10-02-2023 )

Clinical Interests

Critical Care Surgery

General Surgery

Abdominal Hernia

Acalculous Cholecystitis


Bile Duct Stones

Biliary Dyskinesia

Billiary Disease

Bleeding in the Small Bowel

Bowel Obstruction




Colonic Diverticulitis

Diverticular Disease


Enterocutaneous Fistula

Femoral Hernia

Fractured Ribs

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder Inflammation (Cholecystitis)


Groin Hernias


Lung Collapse (Pneumothorax)


Pilonidal Cyst

Pilonidal Dimple

Pilonidal Sinus

Pyloric Stenosis

Traumatic Injury

Umbilical Hernia

Ventral Hernia


Surgery-Critical Care

Research and Practice Interests

General Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Acute Care Surgery

Research Support

Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B29 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy 08-22-2014 -12-21-2015 Air Force Research Laboratory Variable saline concentrations for initial resuscitation following polytrauma Role:PI $249,671.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #0010667B / U01 HL077863 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason; Robinson, Bryce 01-01-2015 -12-31-2015 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Prehospital Resuscitation on Helicopter Study (PROHS) Role:PI $193,581.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B39 / Task under FA8650-10-2-6140 08-11-2015 -08-10-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Transcranial Ultrasonographic Exam for the Management of Acute Traumatic Brain Injury Role:PI $301,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B37 / Task under FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy 08-11-2015 -02-10-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Effects of Early Altitude Exposure following Traumatic Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock Role:Collaborator $215,084.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G04 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) 02-01-2016 -01-31-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Intercostal liposomal bupivacaine for the management of blunt chest trauma Role:PI $271,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G03 (task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 02-22-2016 -02-21-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory A Randomized Controlled Trial for Early Identification and Prevention of Acute Lung Injury After Hemorrhage Role:Collaborator $349,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G05 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Lentsch, Alex; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy; Robinson, Bryce 02-26-2016 -02-25-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Effect of fluid resuscitation strategy during en route care on acute lung injury after hemorrhage and burn injury. Role:Collaborator $396,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G07 Investigators:Goodman, Michael 07-05-2016 -01-04-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Physiologic impact of in-flight stress following traumatic brain injury Role:PI $301,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #CTA ATB-202 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 01-01-2016 -12-31-2017 Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, study of AB103 as compared to placebo in patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTI) Role:Collaborator $199,892.16 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G25 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy 04-13-2017 -04-12-2020 Air Force Research Laboratory Making Tactical Practical – Pragmatic Solutions to Preventing Neurologic Effects of Early Aeromedical Evacuation in the Head Injured Patient Role:PI $323,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-12-2-6B11 Task 11 Under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Dorlac, Warren; Goodman, Michael; Hinckley, William; Johannigman, Jay; Lentsch, Alex; Lindsell, Christopher; McMullan, Jason; Meunier, Jason; Robinson, Bryce 05-08-2012 -05-07-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control of Mechanical Ventilation, FA8650-12-2-6B11 Role:PI $2,356,471.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-14-2-6B32 / Task under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 08-26-2014 -12-26-2017 Air Force Research Laboratory Enroute Care: Innovative development of evidence based, MEDEVAC clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and novel validation of the current CCATT CPG Role:PI $241,278.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-15-2-6B36 under Master FA8650-10-2-6140 Investigators:Dorlac, Warren; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 07-29-2015 -03-28-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Field Deployable Whole Blood Collection and Transfusion Set Role:PI $1,254,585.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G08 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 03-22-2016 -02-21-2018 Air Force Research Laboratory Intrathoracic Pressure Regulation Impact on Resuscitation Post Traumatic Insult and Elevated ICP With and Without Lung Injury Role:PI $675,053.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G14 (under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 08-15-2016 -08-14-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Hypoxemia during aeromedical transport of the walking wounded: determining the etiology and incidence of hypoxemia Role:PI $670,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G15 (Task under FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 03-20-2017 -03-19-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Point-of-Care Acute Kidney Injury Biomarker Testing for En Route Combat Casualty Care Role:Collaborator $288,491.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G23 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Edwards, Michael; Goodman, Michael; Gulbins, Erich; Johannigman, Jay; Lentsch, Alex 03-30-2017 -09-30-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Role of Sphingosine Coated Endotracheal Tubes (ETT) in Preventing Endotracheal Biofilm Role:PI $231,000.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #1008339 / W81XWH-16-1-0748 Investigators:Andaluz, Norberto; Foreman, Brandon; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 09-30-2016 -09-29-2020 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Randomized Trial of Early Hemodynamic Management of Patients following Acute Spinal Cord Injury - TEMPLE Role:PI $61,426.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-17-2-6G20 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay 05-18-2017 -08-17-2020 Air Force Research Laboratory Closed Loop Control (CLC) of Oxygen Concentration Role:PI $393,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #Duke 189925 / 235058 sub UM1AI104681 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy 01-01-2018 -06-30-2019 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases An Open-Label Pharmacokinetic Study of Minocycline for Injection Following a Single Infusion in Critically-Ill Adults (ACUMIN) Role:Collaborator $64,605.07 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #R01GM124156 Investigators:Caldwell, Charles; Goodman, Michael; Gulbins, Erich 05-01-2018 -04-30-2023 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Role of acid sphingomyelinase in the modulation of coagulation after traumatic brain injury Role:PI $303,842.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-18-2-6G31 (under Master Agreement FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Makley, Amy; Pritts, Timothy 07-17-2018 -09-28-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory REBOA at Altitude: Efficacy and Effects Role:PI $258,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-18-2-6G29 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Vagal, Achala 08-02-2018 -10-25-2019 Air Force Research Laboratory Do Intravenous Gas Bubbles Formed from Blood Products Infused in the Aeromedical Evacuation Environment Influence Outcomes in Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Role:PI $622,996.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #REVIVE / W911NF-12-C-0066 Investigators:Friedrich, Andrew; Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-01-2018 -08-31-2020 Department of the Army "REVIVE: Reducting Exsanguination Via In-Vivo Expandable Foam" Role:Collaborator $452,309.31 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-19-2-6G35 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 08-22-2019 -05-22-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Enhancing Lung Injury Treatment Modalitites will Nitric Oxide Role:Collaborator $293,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G36 (under Master Agrm FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Athota, Krishna; Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Satish, Latha 11-19-2019 -08-19-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Negative pressure wound therapy at altitude for complex wounds Role:PI $325,998.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-20-2-6G37 under Master Agrmt FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Vagal, Achala 12-04-2019 -03-04-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Hypobaria or hypoxia: which insult matters most to the injured brain Role:PI $372,091.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-16-2-6G12 (Task under Master FA8650-15-2-6605) Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Johannigman, Jay; Kanter, Daniel 09-19-2016 -06-18-2021 Air Force Research Laboratory Respiratory Mechanics in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – The Effect of Inhaled Nitric Oxide Role:PI $509,977.00 Active Level:Federal

Grant: #FY20.981.008 / W81XWH-20-2-0001 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 03-01-2020 -02-28-2023 Department of the Army Multicenter Implementation Trial of Targeted Normoxia Strategy to Define Oxygen Requirements for Combat Casualty Care Role:PI $199,970.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FY20.891.003 / MTEC-19-08-MULTI-0043 Investigators:Dale, Elizabeth; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 01-30-2020 -01-31-2023 Department of the Army Multicenter Implementation Trial of Targeted Normoxia Strategy to Define Oxygen Requirements for Combat Casualty Care Role:Collaborator $61,387.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #Purchase Order US001-0000792601 Investigators:Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael; Hite, Robert; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 07-28-2020 -11-16-2021 Department of the Air Force US AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY COVID-19 BREATH ANALYSIS ACTIVITY Role:PI $228,170.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #W81XWH-20-1-0830 Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Hartings, Jed; McGuire, Jennifer; Ngwenya, Laura 09-01-2020 -08-31-2022 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity DM190198 - Rapid Ketone Infusion to Prevent Brain Energy Depletion and Secondary Brain Injury in Severe TBI with Hemorrhagic Shock Role:Collaborator $723,710.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6G38 / Master FA8650-15-2-6605 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 11-24-2020 -02-24-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Detecting Asynchrony and Risk of Aspiration (DARS) Role:Collaborator $140,590.00 Awarded Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6285 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Caldwell, Charles; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Lentsch, Alex; McMullan, Jason; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2021 -09-29-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Expeditionary Medicine, Trauma, and Enroute Care (EMTEC) Research and Technology Development Co-op Agreement Role:Collaborator 49000000.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K01 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2021 -12-29-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Development of a Targeted Intravascular Therapy to Stop Non-compressible Torso Role:Collaborator 2082279.15 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K02 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 09-29-2021 -12-28-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Detecting Asynchrony and Risk of Aspiration (DARS) Phase II Role:Collaborator 251410.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-21-2-6K03 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Heyl, Judith; Pritts, Timothy 10-01-2021 -01-01-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Multiple Patients on a Single Ventilator - Potential Solutions Role:Collaborator 1999988.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #CS TAT 1690 TDL 20 10-01-2021 -08-31-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Validation of Dynamic Preload Assessment Technologies at Cabin Altitude Pressure with and without a Temporary Abdominal Closure using a swine model with graded hemorrhage Role:PI 466187.01 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #CS TAT 1690 TDL 20 10-01-2021 -08-31-2022 Air Force Research Laboratory Validation of Dynamic Preload Assessment Technologies at Cabin Altitude Pressure with and without a Temporary Abdominal Closure using a swine model with graded hemorrhage Role:PI 466187.01 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #AWD00002988-7 / W81XWH-16-D-0024 Investigators:Goodman, Michael 09-14-2020 -09-15-2026 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Type O Whole blood and assessment of AGE during prehospital Resuscitation Role:PI 1594036.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K07 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 08-01-2022 -07-31-2024 Air Force Research Laboratory Airway Heat & Humidification: Impact on body temperature and airway function in hypothermia Role:Collaborator 599598.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #AWD00001267-3 /W81XWH-16-D-0024/W81XWH19F0539 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason 05-01-2022 -04-30-2024 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity Prehospital Analgesia INtervention trail (PAIN) Role:Collaborator 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-22-2-6K04 Investigators:Blakeman, Thomas; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 09-19-2022 -06-19-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Whole Blood Salvage & Ratios Role:Collaborator 2345000.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #000534343-SC002/ 1UG3HL157401-01A1 08-05-2022 -07-31-2023 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood vs Products (TROOP) Role:PI 53172.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #000534343-SC002/ 1UG3HL157401-01A1 08-05-2022 -07-31-2023 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood vs Products (TROOP) Role:PI 53172.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #BE1116_3006 11-01-2022 -10-31-2025 CSL Behring LLC A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Large Simple Trial Evaluating the Use of BE1116 (4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate [Kcentra / Beriplex]) to Improve S Role:PI 1485422.49 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #BE1116_3006 11-01-2022 -10-31-2025 CSL Behring LLC A Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Large Simple Trial Evaluating the Use of BE1116 (4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate [Kcentra / Beriplex]) to Improve S Role:PI 1485422.49 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #MTEC-21-03-WI-009 / W81XWH-15-9-0001 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; McMullan, Jason 07-01-2023 -06-30-2025 Department of Defense Prevention of wound infections at point-of-injury and in pre-hospital environments Role:PI 180008.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #000539866-SC002 / HT94252311014 Investigators:Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael 09-30-2023 -09-29-2027 Department of the Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity The bioTROOP Study: a multiomic bioanalysis of the "Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood or Products" (TROOP) trial Role:PI 115830.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K14 Investigators:Alquist, Caroline; Cancelas, Jose; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 04-11-2024 -07-10-2025 Air Force Research Laboratory Evaluation of Imlifidase to Reduce Donated Blood Antibody Titers Role:Collaborator 349944.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #RD006890 Investigators:Goodman, Michael 04-17-2024 -04-17-2028 Roche Molecular Systems, Inc Analytical Performance cobas pulse - capillary and venous whole blood per FDA BGMS Guidance Role:PI 292193.50 Hold Level:Industry

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K16 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Goodman, Michael; Pritts, Timothy 05-01-2024 -04-30-2027 Air Force Research Laboratory Nanomedicine Systems for Targeted Treatment of TBI + Hemorrhagic Shock Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K13 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Goodman, Michael 04-15-2024 -07-14-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Identifying Unsafe Operating Regions for Multiple Physiologic Closed-loop Controllers in Polytrauma Role:PI 804668.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #1R35GM156315-01 Investigators:Goodman, Michael -12-31-2029 National Institute of General Medical Sciences Hemorrhage and hemorrheology - the critical interaction of the erythrocyte and the endothelium after injury Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal

Investigators:Goodman, Michael; Oh, David 09-15-2023 -08-31-2027 University of Alabama at Birmingham Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood vs Products (TROOP) Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Higher Education

Grant: #FA8650-24-2-6K20 Investigators:Blakeman, Chris; Branson, Richard; Frasier, Lane; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Ring, Brian 09-24-2024 -06-23-2026 Air Force Research Laboratory Advanced Development of Autonomous Closed Loop Control (ACLC) Mechanical Ventilation (MV) Fraction-inspired Oxygen (FIO2) Role:PI 2441067.00 Hold Level:Federal

Grant: #HITEP220066 Investigators:Frasier, Lane; Gomaa, Dina; Goodman, Michael; Nathwani, Jay; Pritts, Timothy 09-30-2022 -09-29-2025 Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response Clinical Integration for the optimal integration, case mix, patient acuity and trauma exposure for the Center for Sustainment of Trauma and Readiness Skills (C-STARS) cadre embedded at UCMC. Role:Collaborator 442257.28 Hold

Investigators:Goodman, Michael 01-28-2025 -01-28-2028 Haemonetics Corporation Agonist TEG Transfusion Parameters Role:PI 181224.01 Hold Level:Industry


Published Abstracts

Williams MR, Morales DLS, Goodman MD, Schuster N, DeRose Jr. JJ, Rose EA, Oz MC. (1999. ) Use of inhaled nitric oxide in cardiac transplantation .[Abstract]Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 18 (1 ) ,Abs.34

Morales DLS, Williams MR, Goodman MD, Argenziano M, Smith CR, Rose EA, Oz MC. (1999. ) Benefits of inhaled nitric oxide in mitral valve surgery .[Abstract]ASAIO Journal, 45 (2 ) ,136

Schwarz GS, Simon MB, Almeida GM, Goodman MD, Oz MC, Sladen RN. (2000. ) Effects of low tidal volume ventilation during CPB .[Abstract]Anesthesia and Analgesia, 90 (2S ) ,S87

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Reid MD, Caldwell CC, Butler KL. (2008. ) Thermal injury activates myocardial JAK-STAT signaling .[Abstract]Journal of Surgical Research, 144 (2 ) ,342

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Friend LA, Butler KL. (2008. ) Cardiac specific STAT-3 deletion prevents myocardial decompensation following pressure overload .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Society of Black Academic Surgeons, (April ) ,

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Friend LA, Butler KL. (2008. ) Cardiac performance is preserved following pressure-overload stress in STAT-3 KO mice .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, (May ) ,

Goodman MD, Huber NL, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA. (2008. ) Omission of chest x-ray following chest tube removal is safe in selected trauma patients .[Abstract]Proceedings of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, (September ) ,

Goodman MD, Huber NL, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA. (2008. ) Successful selective use of percutaneous small bore chest tubes in traumatic pneumothorax .[Abstract]Proceedings of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, (September ) ,

Goodman MD, Butler KL, Koch SE. (2008. ) JAK-STAT activation in postconditioning is not without RISK .[Abstract]J Am Coll Surg, 207 (September ) ,S28

Butler KL, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Koch SE, Afzal MR. (2008. ) STAT subtype switch in pressure-overload hypertrophy improves ischemic tolerance in STAT3 KO mice .[Abstract]Proceedings of the American College of Surgeons, (October ) ,

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Afzal MR, Butler KL. (2009. ) Compensatory STAT subtype activation does not limit ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice with cardiac restricted STAT-3 deletion .[Abstract]Journal of Surgical Research, 151 (2 ) ,229 -230

Makley AT, Friend LA, Goodman MD, Blanchard JN, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2009. ) Resuscitation strategy alters response to hemorrhage .[Abstract]Proceedings of Experimental Biology (April),

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2009. ) Post-traumatic brain injury neuroinflammation is increased by early post-injury hypobaric exposure .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Cincinnati Surgical Society (May),

Makley AT, Friend LA, Goodman MD, Blanchard JN, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2009. ) Resuscitation strategy alters inflammatory response to hemorrhagic shock .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (May),

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2009. ) The inflammatory response after blunt traumatic brain injury is aggravated by hypobaric hypoxia in mice .[Abstract]Proceedings of Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care (August),

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts, TA (2009. ) Damage control resuscitation with aged blood worsens the inflammatory response following hemorrhage in mice .[Abstract]Proceedings of Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care (August),

Huber NL, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Bailey SR, Schuster RM, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2009. ) Hypobaric exposure immediately after burn injury intensifies systemic and intestinal inflammation .[Abstract]Proceedings of Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care (August),

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2009. ) The inflammatory response after blunt traumatic brain injury is aggravated by hypobaric hypoxia in mice .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Air Force Medical Services Research Symposium (August),

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts, TA (2009. ) Damage control resuscitation with aged blood worsens the inflammatory response following hemorrhage in mice .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Air Force Medical Services Research Symposium (August),

Huber NL, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Bailey SR, Schuster RM, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2009. ) Hypobaric exposure immediately after burn injury intensifies systemic and intestinal inflammation .[Abstract]Proceedings of the Air Force Medical Services Research Symposium (August),

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2009. ) Fresh whole blood resuscitation attenuates the inflammatory cytokine response to hemorrhage .[Abstract]Proceedings of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (September),

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2009. ) Acute alcohol intoxication attenuates the neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury .[Abstract]J Am Coll Surg, 209 (3S ) ,S45

Campion EC, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2010. ) Hypobaric hypoxia exacerbates the inflammatory response after blunt traumatic brain injury in mice .[Abstract]J Surg Res, 158 (2 ) ,214 -215

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2010. ) Damage control resuscitation with fresh blood products attenuates the systemic inflammatory response following hemorrhagic shock .[Abstract]J Surg Res, 158 (2 ) ,423

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2010. ) Damage control resuscitation with a 1:1 ratio of plasma and packed red blood cells decreases systemic inflammation following hemorrhagic shock in mice .[Abstract]Inflammation Research, 59 (S1 ) ,S28

Campion EM, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (2011. ) Treatment with ethanol after traumatic brain injury decreases cerebral MIP-1α and serum neuron specific enolase in mice .[Abstract]J Am Coll Surg, 211 (3S ) ,S51 -S52

Peer Reviewed Publications

Moser TL, Kenan DJ, Ashley TA, Roy JA, Goodman MD, Misra UK, Cheek DJ, Pizzo SV. (2001. ) Endothelial cell surface F1-FO ATP synthase is active in ATP synthesis and is inhibited by angiostatin .Proc Nat Acad Sci, , 98 ,6656 -6661

Goodman MD, McIntyre B, Shaughnessy EA, Lowy AM, Ahmad SA. (2005. ) Forequarter amputation for recurrent breast cancer: a case report and review of the literature .Journal of Surgical Oncology, , 92 ,134 -141

Goodman MD, Huber NL, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (2010. ) Omission of routine chest x-ray after chest tube removal is safe in selected trauma patients .Am J Surg, , 199 (2 ) ,199 -203

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Afzal MR, Butler KL (2011. ) STAT subtype specificity and ischemic preconditioning in mice: Is STAT-3 enough? .Am J Physiol Heart Circ, , 300 (2 ) ,H522 -H526

Pommerening, Matthew J; Goodman, Michael D; Holcomb, John B; Wade, Charles E; Fox, Erin E; Del Junco, Deborah J; Brasel, Karen J; Bulger, Eileen M; Cohen, Mitch J; Alarcon, Louis H; Schreiber, Martin A; Myers, John G; Phelan, Herb A; Muskat, Peter; Rahbar, Mohammad; Cotton, Bryan A (2015. ) Clinical gestalt and the prediction of massive transfusion after trauma.Injury, , 46 (5 ) ,807-13 More Information

Midura, Emily F; Jernigan, Peter L; Kuethe, Joshua W; Friend, Lou Ann; Veile, Rosalie; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D (2015. ) Microparticles impact coagulation after traumatic brain injury.The Journal of surgical research, , More Information

Yang, Sung; Stepien, David; Hanseman, Dennis; Robinson, Bryce; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Caldwell, Charles C; Remick, Daniel G; Lentsch, Alex B (2014. ) Substance P mediates reduced pneumonia rates after traumatic brain injury.Critical care medicine, , 42 (9 ) ,2092-100 More Information

Yang, Sung H; Gangidine, Matt; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Lentsch, Alex B (2013. ) Interleukin 6 mediates neuroinflammation and motor coordination deficits after mild traumatic brain injury and brief hypoxia in mice.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 40 (6 ) ,471-5 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Campion, Eric M; Friend, Lou Ann W; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2013. ) Preinjury alcohol exposure attenuates the neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 184 (2 ) ,1053-8 More Information

Yang, Sung H; Gustafson, Josh; Gangidine, Matt; Stepien, David; Schuster, Rebecca; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Remick, Daniel G; Lentsch, Alex B (2013. ) A murine model of mild traumatic brain injury exhibiting cognitive and motor deficits.The Journal of surgical research, , 184 (2 ) ,981-8 More Information

Belizaire, Ritha M; Makley, Amy T; Campion, Eric M; Sonnier, Dennis I; Goodman, Michael D; Dorlac, Warren C; Friend, Lou Ann; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Resuscitation with washed aged packed red blood cell units decreases the proinflammatory response in mice after hemorrhage.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 73 (2 Suppl 1 ) ,S128-33 More Information

Makley, Amy T; Belizaire, Ritha; Campion, Eric M; Goodman, Michael D; Sonnier, Dennis I; Friend, Lou Ann; Schuster, Rebecca M; Bailey, Stephanie R; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Simulated aeromedical evacuation does not affect systemic inflammation or organ injury in a murine model of hemorrhagic shock. Military medicine, , 177 (8 ) ,911-6

Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Belizaire, Ritha M; Friend, Lou Ann W; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2012. ) Damage control resuscitation decreases systemic inflammation after hemorrhage.The Journal of surgical research, , 175 (2 ) ,e75-82 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Huber, Nathan L; Clarke, Callisia N; Friend, Lou Ann W; Schuster, Rebecca M; Bailey, Stephanie R; Barnes, Stephen L; Dorlac, Warren C; Johannigman, Jay A; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2011. ) Hypobaric hypoxia exacerbates the neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 165 (1 ) ,30-7 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Lentsch, Alex B; Barnes, Stephen L; Dorlac, Gina R; Dorlac, Warren C; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Traumatic brain injury and aeromedical evacuation: when is the brain fit to fly?.The Journal of surgical research, , 164 (2 ) ,286-93 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Tsuei, Betty J (2010. ) Development of a novel method of progressive temporary abdominal closure.Surgery, , 148 (4 ) ,799-805; discussion More Information

Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Friend, Lou Ann W; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Murine blood banking: characterization and comparisons to human blood.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 34 (1 ) ,40-5 More Information

Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Friend, Lou Ann W; Deters, Joseph S; Johannigman, Jay A; Dorlac, Warren C; Lentsch, Alex B; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Resuscitation with fresh whole blood ameliorates the inflammatory response after hemorrhagic shock.The Journal of trauma, , 68 (2 ) ,305-11 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Mak, Grace Z; Reynolds, Jordan P; Tevar, Amit D; Pritts, Timothy A Laparoscopic excision of a ciliated hepatic foregut cyst. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons / Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, , 13 (1 ) ,96-100

Goodman, Michael D; Koch, Sheryl E; Fuller-Bicer, Geraldine A; Butler, Karyn L (2008. ) Regulating RISK: a role for JAK-STAT signaling in postconditioning?.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 295 (4 ) ,H1649-56 More Information

Harvin, John A; Taub, Ethan A; Cotton, Bryan A; Brocker, Jason; Stein, Deborah M; Dilektasli, Evren; Inaba, Kenji; Vella, Michael A; Guillamondegui, Oscar; Kodadek, Lisa M; Haut, Elliott R; Evans, Cory R; Weinberg, Jordan A; Goodman, Michael D; Robinson, Bryce R H; Holcomb, John B (2016. ) Airway management following repair of cervical tracheal injuries: A retrospective, multicenter study.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 80 (3 ) ,366-70; discussion 3 More Information

Midura, Emily F; Kuethe, Joshua W; Rice, Teresa C; Veile, Rosalie; England, Lisa G; Friend, Lou Ann; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D (2016. ) Impact of Platelets and Platelet-Derived Microparticles on Hypercoagulability Following Burn Injury.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 45 (1 ) ,82-7 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Hanseman, Dennis J; Pritts, Timothy A; Robinson, Bryce R H (2015. ) All the bang without the bucks: Defining essential point-of-care testing for traumatic coagulopathy.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 79 (1 ) ,117-24; discussion 1 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Koch, Sheryl E; Afzal, Muhammad R; Butler, Karyn L (2011. ) STAT subtype specificity and ischemic preconditioning in mice: is STAT-3 enough?.American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, , 300 (2 ) ,H522-6 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Huber, Nathan L; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A (2010. ) Omission of routine chest x-ray after chest tube removal is safe in selected trauma patients.American journal of surgery, , 199 (2 ) ,199-203 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; McIntyre, Benjamin; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Lowy, Andrew M; Ahmad, Syed A (2005. ) Forequarter amputation for recurrent breast cancer: a case report and review of the literature.Journal of surgical oncology, , 92 (2 ) ,134-41 More Information

Stevens, W Tait; Morse, Bryan C; Bernard, Andrew; Davenport, Daniel L; Sams, Valerie G; Goodman, Michael D; Dumire, Russell; Carrick, Matthew M; McCarthy, Patrick; Stubbs, James R; Pritts, Timothy A; Dente, Christopher J; Luo-Owen, Xian; Gregory, Jason A; Turay, David; Gomaa, Dina; Quispe, Juan C; Fitzgerald, Caitlin A; Haddad, Nadeem N; Choudhry, Asad; Quesada, Jose F; Zielinski, Martin D (2017. ) Incompatible type A plasma transfusion in patients requiring massive transfusion protocol: Outcomes of an Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter study.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 83 (1 ) ,25-29 More Information

Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2017. ) What Lengths Should We Go to for Fluoroscopy-Free Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta?.JAMA surgery, , 152 (4 ) ,358-359 More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Stevens-Topie, Sabre M; Veile, Rosalie A; Mahoney, Eric J; Heyl, Judy R; Cox, Daniel B; Pritts, Timothy A; Athota, Krishna P (2018. ) Evaluation of a Novel Fibrin Sealant Patch in Hemorrhage Control After Vascular or Hepatic Injury.Military medicine, , More Information

Martin, Grace E; He, Heng; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Elterman, Joel B; Johannigman, Jay A; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Proximal penetrating extremity injuries-An opportunity to decrease overtriage?.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 85 (1 ) ,122-127 More Information

Martin, Grace; Shah, Dhavan; Elson, Nora; Boudreau, Ryan; Hanseman, Dennis; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Foreman, Brandon; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Relationship of Coagulopathy and Platelet Dysfunction to Transfusion Needs After Traumatic Brain Injury.Neurocritical care, , 28 (3 ) ,330-337 More Information

Evanson, Nathan K; Guilhaume-Correa, Fernanda; Herman, James P; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Optic tract injury after closed head traumatic brain injury in mice: A model of indirect traumatic optic neuropathy.PloS one, , 13 (5 ) ,e0197346 More Information

Chang, Ronald; Fox, Erin E; Greene, Thomas J; Swartz, Michael D; DeSantis, Stacia M; Stein, Deborah M; Bulger, Eileen M; Melton, Sherry M; Goodman, Michael D; Schreiber, Martin A; Zielinski, Martin D; O'Keeffe, Terence; Inaba, Kenji; Tomasek, Jeffrey S; Podbielski, Jeanette M; Appana, Savitri; Yi, Misung; Johansson, Pär I; Henriksen, Hanne H; Stensballe, Jakob; Steinmetz, Jacob; Wade, Charles E; Holcomb, John B (2018. ) Abnormalities of laboratory coagulation tests versus clinically evident coagulopathic bleeding: results from the prehospital resuscitation on helicopters study (PROHS).Surgery, , 163 (4 ) ,819-826 More Information

Xia, Brent T; Beckmann, Nadine; Winer, Leah K; Kim, Young; Goetzman, Holly S; Veile, Rosalie E; Gulbins, Erich; Goodman, Michael D; Nomellini, Vanessa; Caldwell, Charles C (2018. ) Amitriptyline Treatment Mitigates Sepsis-Induced Tumor Necrosis Factor Expression and Coagulopathy.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , More Information

Martin, Grace E; Carroll, Christopher P; Plummer, Zachary J; Millar, D A; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Joseph, Bellal A; Ngwenya, Laura B; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Safety and efficacy of brain injury guidelines at a Level III trauma center.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 84 (3 ) ,483-489 More Information

Kim, Young; Xia, Brent T; Jung, Andrew D; Chang, Alex L; Abplanalp, William A; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2018. ) Microparticles from stored red blood cells promote a hypercoagulable state in a murine model of transfusion.Surgery, , 163 (2 ) ,423-429 More Information

Martin, Grace E; Xia, Brent; Kim, Young; Johnson, Mark D; Veile, Rosalie; Friend, Lou Ann; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D (2017. ) Platelet Function Changes in a Time-Dependent Manner Following Traumatic Brain Injury in a Murine Model.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , More Information

Boudreau, Ryan M; Johnson, Mark; Veile, Rosalie; Friend, Lou Ann; Goetzman, Holly; Pritts, Timothy A; Caldwell, Charles C; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2017. ) Impact of tranexamic acid on coagulation and inflammation in murine models of traumatic brain injury and hemorrhage.The Journal of surgical research, , 215 ,47-54 More Information

Guilhaume-Correa, Fernanda; Cansler, Shelby M; Shalosky, Emily M; Goodman, Michael D; Evanson, Nathan K (2019. ) Greater neurodegeneration and behavioral deficits after single closed head traumatic brain injury in adolescent versus adult male mice.Journal of neuroscience research, , More Information

Winer, Leah K; Cortez, Alex R; Kassam, Al; Quillin, Ralph C; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Kuethe, Joshua W (2019. ) The Impact of a Comprehensive Resident Curriculum and Required Participation in "This Week in SCORE" on General Surgery ABSITE Performance and Well-Being.Journal of surgical education, , More Information

Morris, M C; Veile, R; Friend, L A; Oh, D; Pritts, T A; Dorlac, W C; Spinella, P C; Goodman, M D (2019. ) Effects of whole blood leukoreduction on platelet function and hemostatic parameters.Transfusion medicine (Oxford, England), , More Information

Harvin, John A; Sharpe, John P; Croce, Martin A; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Dauer, Elizabeth D; Moran, Benjamin J; Rodriguez, Rachel D; Zarzaur, Ben L; Kreiner, Laura A; Claridge, Jeffrey A; Holcomb, John B (2019. ) Effect of damage control laparotomy on major abdominal complications and lengths of stay: A propensity score matching and Bayesian analysis.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 87 (2 ) ,282-288 More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; Bercz, Aron; Niziolek, Grace M; Kassam, Farzaan; Veile, Rose; Friend, Lou Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) UCH-L1 is a Poor Serum Biomarker of Murine Traumatic Brain Injury After Polytrauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 244 ,63-68 More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; Kassam, Farzaan; Bercz, Aron; Beckmann, Nadine; Schumacher, Fabian; Gulbins, Erich; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) The Role of Chemoprophylactic Agents in Modulating Platelet Aggregability After Traumatic Brain Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 244 ,1-8 More Information

Harvin, John A; Sharpe, John P; Croce, Martin A; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Dauer, Elizabeth D; Moran, Benjamin J; Rodriguez, Rachel D; Zarzaur, Ben L; Kreiner, Laura A; Claridge, Jeffrey A; Holcomb, John B (2019. ) Better understanding the utilization of damage control laparotomy: A multi-institutional quality improvement project.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 87 (1 ) ,27-34 More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Skinner, Mitchell; Heh, Victor; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Millar, D Anderson; Janowak, Christopher F (2019. ) Readmission Rates and Associated Factors Following Rib Cage Injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Niziolek, Grace M; Elson, Nora C; Pugh, Amanda M; Nomellini, Vanessa; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Optimizing Lower Extremity Duplex Ultrasound Screening After Traumatic Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 243 ,143-150 More Information

Winer, Leah K; Beckmann, Nadine; Veile, Rosalie A; Goodman, Michael D; Caldwell, Charles C; Nomellini, Vanessa (2019. ) Consumptive coagulopathy is associated with organ dysfunction during PICS.American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, , 316 (5 ) ,L946-L952 More Information

Martin, Grace E; Pugh, Amanda M; Moran, Ryan; Veile, Rose; Friend, Lou Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Microvesicles generated following traumatic brain injury induce platelet dysfunction via adenosine diphosphate receptor.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 86 (4 ) ,592-600 More Information

Martin, Grace E; Johnson, Mark; Veile, Rose; Friend, Lou Ann; Elterman, Joel B; Johannigman, Jay A; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T (2019. ) Effects of Early Altitude Exposure on the Open Abdomen After Laparotomy in Trauma.Military medicine, , More Information

Martin, Grace E; Pugh, Amanda; Williams, Susan G; Hanseman, Dennis; Nomellini, Vanessa; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Lower Extremity Duplex Ultrasound Screening Protocol for Moderate- and High-Risk Trauma Patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 235 ,280-287 More Information

Boudreau, Ryan M; Deshpande, Keshav K; Day, Gregory M; Hinckley, William R; Harger, Nicole; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2019. ) Prehospital Tranexamic Acid Administration During Aeromedical Transport After Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 233 ,132-138 More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Martin, Grace E; Katsaros, Gianna; Lewis, Hannah V; Wakefield, Connor J; Josephs, Sean A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2018. ) Variability of fluid administration during exploratory laparotomy for abdominal trauma.Trauma surgery & acute care open, , 3 (1 ) ,e000240 More Information

Jung, Andrew D; Baker, Jennifer; Droege, Christopher A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Johannigman, Jay; Holcomb, John B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2018. ) Sooner is better: use of a real-time automated bedside dashboard improves sepsis care.The Journal of surgical research, , 231 ,373-379 More Information

Droege C.; Droege M.; Ernst N.; Garber P.; Goodman M.; Krantz E.; Mueller E.; Philpott C.; Tsuei B. (05-01-2020. ) Retrospective Evaluation of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Elderly, High-Risk Trauma Patients.Journal of Surgical Research, , 249 ,225-231 More Information

Dhar V.K.;Hanseman D.J.;Young G.;Browne D.;Makley A.T.;Sussman J.J.;Goodman M.D. (03-01-2020. ) Does Geographical Bias Impact the Match for General Surgery Residents?.Journal of Surgical Education, , 77 (2 ) ,260-266 More Information

Morris M.C.;Kim Y.;Blakeman T.C.;Stevens-Topie S.;Jung A.D.;Cox D.B.;Robinson B.B.R.;Pritts T.A.;Makley A.T.;Goodman M.D. (03-01-2020. ) Early Identification of Acute Lung Injury in a Porcine Model of Hemorrhagic Shock.Journal of Surgical Research, , 247 ,453-460 More Information

Morris M.;Singer K.;Niziolek G.;McGlone E.;Veile R.;Friend L.;Makley A.;Goodman M. (02-01-2020. ) Oxygenation extremes after traumatic brain injury transiently affect coagulation.Thrombosis Research, , 186 ,58-63 More Information

Neal M.D.;Moore E.E.;Walsh M.;Thomas S.;Callcut R.A.;Kornblith L.Z.;Schreiber M.;Ekeh A.P.;Singer A.J.;Lottenberg L.;Foreman M.;Evans S.;Winfield R.D.;Goodman M.D.;Freeman C.;Milia D.;Saillant N.;Hartmann J.;Achneck H.E. (02-01-2020. ) A comparison between the TEG 6s and TEG 5000 analyzers to assess coagulation in trauma patients.Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, , 88 (2 ) ,279-285 More Information

Kim Y.;Goodman M.;Jung A.;Abplanalp W.;Schuster R.;Caldwell C.;Lentsch A.;Pritts T. (01-01-2020. ) Microparticles from aged packed red blood cell units stimulate pulmonary microthrombus formation via.Thrombosis Research, , 185 ,160-166 More Information

Jung A.;Johnson M.;Veile R.;Friend L.;Stevens-Topie S.;Elterman J.;Pritts T.;Makley A.;Goodman M. (12-06-2018. ) Variable saline resuscitation in a murine model of combined traumatic brain injury and haemorrhage.Brain Injury, , 32 (13-14 ) ,1834-1842 More Information

Gulbins A.;Schumacher F.;Becker K.;Wilker B.;Soddemann M.;Boldrin F.;Müller C.;Edwards M.;Goodman M.;Caldwell C.;Kleuser B.;Kornhuber J.;Szabo I.;Gulbins E. (12-01-2018. ) Antidepressants regulate autophagy by targeting acid sphingomyelinase.Molecular Psychiatry, , 23 (12 ) ,2251 More Information

Gulbins A.;Schumacher F.;Becker K.;Wilker B.;Soddemann M.;Boldrin F.;Müller C.;Edwards M.;Goodman M.;Caldwell C.;Kleuser B.;Kornhuber J.;Szabo I.;Gulbins E. (12-01-2018. ) Antidepressants act by inducing autophagy controlled by sphingomyelin–ceramide.Molecular Psychiatry, , 23 (12 ) ,2324-2346 More Information

Baker J.E.;Martin G.E.;Katsaros G.;Lewis H.V.;Wakefield C.J.;Josephs S.A.;Nomellini V.;Makley A.T.;Goodman M.D. (01-01-2018. ) Variability of fluid administration during exploratory laparotomy for abdominal trauma.Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open, , 3 (1 ) , More Information

Galvagno S.M.;Fox E.E.;Appana S.N.;Baraniuk S.;Bosarge P.L.;Bulger E.M.;Callcut R.A.;Cotton B.A.;Goodman M.;Inaba K.;O'Keeffe T.;Schreiber M.A.;Wade C.E.;Scalea T.M.;Holcomb J.B.;Stein D.M. (10-01-2017. ) Outcomes after concomitant traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic shock: A secondary analysis from t.Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, , 83 (4 ) ,668-674 More Information

Holcomb J.B.;Swartz M.D.;DeSantis S.M.;Greene T.J.;Fox E.E.;Stein D.M.;Bulger E.M.;Kerby J.D.;Goodman M.;Schreiber M.A.;Zielinski M.D.;O’Keeffe T.;Inaba K.;Tomasek J.S.;Podbielski J.M.M.;Appana S.;Yi M.;Wade C.E. (04-05-2017. ) Multicenter Observational Prehospital Resuscitation on Helicopter Study (PROHS).Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, , More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Morris, Mackenzie C; Blakeman, Christopher; Stevens-Topie, Sabre M; Veile, Rosalie; Fortuna, Gerald; DuBose, Joseph J; Stuever, Mary F; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Can Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta Fly? Assessing Aortic Balloon Performance for Aeromedical Evacuation.The Journal of surgical research, , 254 ,390-397 More Information

Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Singer, Kathleen E; Winer, Leah K; Browne, Deborah; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T (2020. ) Acquisition and retention of surgical skills taught during intern surgical boot camp.American journal of surgery, , More Information

Niziolek, Grace M; Boudreau, Ryan M; Baker, Jennifer; Friend, Lou Ann; Makley, Amy T; Edwards, Michael J; Gulbins, Erich; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibition Mitigates Histopathological and Behavioral Changes in a Murine Model of Traumatic Brain Injury.Journal of neurotrauma, , 37 (17 ) ,1902-1909 More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; John, Devin; Singer, Kathleen E; Moran, Ryan; McGlone, Emily; Veile, Rosalie; Goetzman, Holly S; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Post-TBI splenectomy may exacerbate coagulopathy and platelet activation in a murine model.Thrombosis research, , 193 ,211-217 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) Washing packed red blood cells decreases red blood cell storage lesion formation.Surgery, , More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Luketic, Karla; Niziolek, Grace M; Freeman, Christopher M; Grannan, Kevin J; Pritts, Timothy A; Paquette, Ian M; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Attending and Resident Surgeon Perspectives and Prescribing Practices of Pain Medication During the Opioid Epidemic.Journal of surgical education, , More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Veile, Rosalie A; Friend, Lou Ann; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) Expired But Not Yet Dead: Examining the Red Blood Cell Storage Lesion in Extended-Storage Whole Blood.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , More Information

Wagner, Monica L; Streit, Stephanie; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Hepatic Pseudoaneurysm Incidence After Liver Trauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 256 ,623-628 More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; Niziolek, Grace M; Blakeman, Thomas C; Stevens-Topie, Sabre; Veile, Rosalie; Heh, Victor; Zingarelli, Basilia; Rodriquez, Dario; Branson, Richard D; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Intrathoracic Pressure Regulator Performance in the Setting of Hemorrhage and Acute Lung Injury.Military medicine, , 185 (7-8 ) ,e1083-e1090 More Information

Morris, Mackenzie C; Niziolek, Grace M; Baker, Jennifer E; Huebner, Benjamin R; Hanseman, Dennis; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Death by Decade: Establishing a Transfusion Ceiling for Futility in Massive Transfusion.The Journal of surgical research, , 252 ,139-146 More Information

Kassam, Al-Faraaz; Cortez, Alexander R; Winer, Leah K; Baker, Jennifer E; Hanseman, Dennis J; Wells, Dennis; Yalamanchili, Suma; Habashy, Engy; Chausse, Steve; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Quillin, Ralph C (2020. ) Swipe right for surgical residency: Exploring the unconscious bias in resident selection.Surgery, , More Information

Baker, Jennifer E; Millar, D Anderson; Heh, Victor; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Janowak, Christopher F (2020. ) Does chest wall Organ Injury Scale (OIS) or Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) predict outcomes? An analysis of 16,000 consecutive rib fractures.Surgery, , 168 (1 ) ,198-204 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Morris, Mackenzie C; Veile, Rosalie A; Schuster, Rebecca M; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Innate coagulability changes with age in stored packed red blood cells.Thrombosis research, , 195 ,35-42 More Information

Wagner, Monica L; Farooqui, Zishaan; Elson, Nora C; Makley, Amy T; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Characterizing Early Inpatient Death After Trauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 255 ,405-410 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Veile, Rosalie A; Friend, Lou Ann; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2020. ) SAVE IT - DON'T WASTE IT! MAXIMIZING UTILIZATION OF ERYTHROCYTES FROM PREVIOUSLY STORED WHOLE BLOOD.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , More Information

Krantz, Erica N; Philpott, Carolyn D; Droege, Molly E; Mueller, Eric W; Ernst, Neil E; Garber, Paige M; Tsuei, Betty J; Goodman, Michael D; Droege, Christopher A (2020. ) Retrospective Evaluation of Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Elderly, High-Risk Trauma Patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 249 ,225-231 More Information

Graff, Justin T; Cortez, Alexander R; Dhar, Vikrom K; Wakefield, Connor; Cuffy, Madison C; Shah, Shimul A; Goodman, Michael D (2020. ) Perioperative thrombelastography serves as an important assessment tool of transfusion requirements during liver transplantation.Surgery open science, , 2 (2 ) ,70-74 More Information

Culshaw, Justin Reed; Philpott, Carolyn D; Garber Bradshaw, Paige; Brizzi, Marisa B; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy Teres; Reinstatler, Kristina Marie; Droege, Molly Elizabeth (2023. ) Acute Pain Management in Traumatically Injured Patients With Outpatient Buprenorphine Therapy.The Journal of surgical research, , 289 ,27-34 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Ammann, Allison M; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Blood component resuscitative strategies to mitigate endotheliopathy in a murine hemorrhagic shock model.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 95 (1 ) ,21-29 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Wallen, Taylor E; Youngs, Jackie; Blakeman, T Christopher; Schuster, Rebecca M; Stuever, Mary F; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Partial Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta Limits Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury After Simulated Aeromedical Evacuation.The Journal of surgical research, , 283 ,118-126 More Information

Vaysburg, Dennis M; Delman, Aaron M; Ammann, Allison M; Turner, Kevin M; Winer, Leah K; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D; Quillin, Ralph C; Van Haren, Robert M (2023. ) General Surgery Residency Virtual Recruitment During the Pandemic: An Analysis of Applicant Surveys.The Journal of surgical research, , 283 ,33-41 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Baucom, Matthew R; Hanseman, Dennis; Wang, Yao-Wei W; Wade, Charles E; Holcomb, John B; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Platelet dysfunction persists after trauma despite balanced blood product resuscitation.Surgery, , 173 (3 ) ,821-829 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; McGlone, Emily D; Collins, Sean M; Wallen, Taylor E; Morris, Mackenzie C; Schuster, Rebecca M; England, Lisa G; Robson, Matthew J; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Propranolol Reduces p-tau Accumulation and Improves Behavior Outcomes in a Polytrauma Murine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 282 ,183-190 More Information

Nathwani, Jay N; Baucom, Matthew R; Salvator, Ann; Makley, Amy T; Tsuei, Betty J; Droege, Christopher A; Goodman, Michael D; Nomellini, Vanessa (2023. ) Evaluating the Utility of High Sensitivity Troponin in Blunt Cardiac Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 281 ,104-111 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Baucom, Matthew R; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) MULTIMODAL TREATMENT APPROACHES TO COMBINED TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND HEMORRHAGIC SHOCK ALTER POSTINJURY INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 58 (6 ) ,565-572 More Information

Delman, Aaron M; Turner, Kevin M; Ammann, Allison M; Millar, D A; Goodman, Michael D; Janowak, Christopher F (2022. ) A method for identifying the learning curve for the surgical stabilization of rib fractures.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (6 ) ,743-749 More Information

Zingg, S Whitney; Schuster, Rebecca; Joseph, Bernadin; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2022. ) Storage with ethanol attenuates the red blood cell storage lesion.Surgery, , 172 (6 ) ,1829-1836 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Kodali, Resha A; Wallen, Taylor E; Salvator, Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Droege, Christopher A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) The Association of Norepinephrine Utilization With Mortality Risk in Trauma Patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 280 ,234-240 More Information

Johnson, Mark D; Stolz, Uwe; Carroll, Christopher P; Yang, George L; Andaluz, Norberto; Foreman, Brandon; Kreitzer, Natalie; Goodman, Michael D; Ngwenya, Laura B (2022. ) An independent, external validation and component analysis of the Surviving Penetrating Injury to the Brain score for civilian cranial gunshot injuries.Journal of neurosurgery, , 137 (6 ) ,1839-1846 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Baker, Jennifer E; Elson, Nora C; Wallen, Taylor E; Salvator, Ann; Quillin, Ralph C; Sussman, Jeffrey J; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) How Informed Is Your Informed Consent: Evaluating Differences Between Resident and Attending Obtained Consents for Cholecystectomy.Journal of surgical education, , 79 (6 ) ,1509-1515 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Youngs, Jackie; Baucom, Matthew R; Turner, Kevin; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Aspirin Administration Mitigates Platelet Hyperaggregability After Splenectomy in a Murine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 279 ,548-556 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Youngs, Jackie; Schuster, Rebecca M; Blakeman, Thomas C; McGuire, Jennifer L; Strilka, Richard; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Postinjury Treatment to Mitigate the Effects of Aeromedical Evacuation After Traumatic Brain Injury in a Porcine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 279 ,352-360 More Information

Ammann, Allison M; Wallen, Taylor E; Delman, Aaron M; Turner, Kevin M; Salvator, Ann; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Low Volume Blood Product Transfusion Patterns And Ratios After Injury.American journal of surgery, , 224 (5 ) ,1319-1323 More Information

Bradshaw, Paige Garber; Keegan, Shaun Patrick; Droege, Molly Elizabeth; Dykes, Nicole Jade Harger; Ernst, Neil Edward; Foertsch, Madeline Jane; Makley, Amy Teres; Mueller, Eric William; Philpott, Carolyn Dosen; Srinivasan, Vasisht; Winter, Jessica Brooke; Goodman, Michael D; Droege, Christopher Allen (2022. ) Reversal of apixaban and rivaroxaban with andexanet alfa prior to invasive or surgical procedures.Pharmacotherapy, , 42 (10 ) ,780-791 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Elson, Nora C; Singer, Kathleen E; Hayes, Hannah V; Salvator, Ann; Droege, Christopher A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Tracheostomy decreases continuous analgesia and sedation requirements.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (4 ) ,545-551 More Information

Zingg, S Whitney; Gomaa, Dina; Blakeman, Thomas C; Rodriquez, Dario; Salvator, Ann; Goodman, Michael D; Janowak, Christopher F (2022. ) Oxygenation and Respiratory System Compliance Associated With Pulmonary Contusion.Respiratory care, , 67 (9 ) ,1100-1108 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Clark, Katherine; Baucom, Matthew R; Pabst, Rebecca; Lemmink, Jennifer; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Response to: Delayed splenic pseudoaneurysm: Who needs surveillance imaging and how should we manage it?.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (2 ) ,e97-e98 More Information

Salyer, Christen E; Thompson, Jonathan; Hoffman, Aaron; Burstein, Matthew D; Enochs, Paul; Watkins, Brad M; Kuethe, Joshua; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Multisite study of Titan SGS stapler in longitudinal gastric resection.Surgical endoscopy, , 36 (8 ) ,6285-6292 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Baucom, Matthew R; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Effects of antifibrinolytics on systemic and cerebral inflammation after traumatic brain injury.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (1 ) ,30-37 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Clark, Katherine; Baucom, Matthew R; Pabst, Rebecca; Lemmink, Jennifer; Pritts, Timothy A; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Delayed splenic pseudoaneurysm identification with surveillance imaging.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 93 (1 ) ,113-117 More Information

Salyer, Christen E; Thompson, Jonathan; Hanseman, Dennis; Diwan, Tayyab; Watkins, Brad M; Kuethe, Joshua; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Surprising neutral effect of shorter staple cartridges in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.Surgical endoscopy, , 36 (7 ) ,5049-5054 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Elson, Nora C; Baucom, Matthew R; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Defining Endotheliopathy in Murine Polytrauma Models.Shock (Augusta, Ga.), , 57 (6 ) ,291-298 More Information

Pulliam, Kasiemobi E; Joseph, Bernadin; Makley, Amy T; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2022. ) Improving packed red blood cell storage with a high-viscosity buffered storage solution.Surgery, , 171 (3 ) ,833-842 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Hanseman, Dennis; Caldwell, Charles C; Wang, Yao-Wei W; Wade, Charles E; Holcomb, John B; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Survival analysis by inflammatory biomarkers in severely injured patients undergoing damage control resuscitation.Surgery, , 171 (3 ) ,818-824 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Makley, Amy T; Athota, Krishna P; Janowak, Christopher F; Hanseman, Dennis; Salvator, Ann; Droege, Molly E; Strilka, Richard; Droege, Christopher A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Intercostal liposomal bupivacaine injection for rib fractures: A prospective randomized controlled trial.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 92 (2 ) ,266-276 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Singer, Kathleen E; Morris, Mackenzie C; Blakeman, Thomas; Stevens-Topie, Sabre M; Strilka, Richard; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2022. ) Blood product resuscitation mitigates the effects of aeromedical evacuation after polytrauma.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 92 (1 ) ,12-20 More Information

Niziolek, Grace; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy; Millar, D Anderson; Heh, Victor; Pritts, Timothy A; Janowak, Christopher (2022. ) "Early results after initiation of a rib fixation programme: A propensity score matched analysis".Injury, , 53 (1 ) ,137-144 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Philpott, Carolyn D; Bercz, Aron P; Phillips, Tabatha; Salyer, Christen E; Hanseman, Dennis; Droege, Molly E; Goodman, Michael D; Makley, Amy T (2021. ) Impact of a Multimodal Analgesia Protocol on Inpatient and Outpatient Opioid Use in Acute Trauma.The Journal of surgical research, , 268 ,9-16 More Information

Zingg, S Whitney; Millar, D A; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A; Janowak, Christopher F (2021. ) The Association Between Pulmonary Contusion Severity and Respiratory Failure.Respiratory care, , 66 (11 ) ,1665-1672 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Bercz, Aron P; Morris, Mackenzie C; Elson, Nora C; Wallen, Taylor E; Hanseman, Dennis; Pritts, Timothy A; Nomellini, Vanessa; Patel, Sameer H; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) Acute and Chronic Hematologic Implications of Emergency and Elective Splenectomy.The Journal of surgical research, , 267 ,197-202 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Sussman, Jonathan E; Kodali, Resha A; Winer, Leah K; Heh, Victor; Hanseman, Dennis; Nomellini, Vanessa; Pritts, Timothy A; Droege, Christopher A; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) Hitting the Vasopressor Ceiling: Finding Norepinephrine Associated Mortality in the Critically Ill.The Journal of surgical research, , 265 ,139-146 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Wallen, Taylor E; Morris, Mackenzie C; McGlone, Emily; Stevens-Topie, Sabre; Earnest, Ryan; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) Postinjury treatments to make early tactical aeromedical evacuation practical for the brain after TBI.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 91 (2S Suppl 2 ) ,S89-S98 More Information

Nichols, James H; Brandler, Ethan S; Fantz, Corinne R; Fisher, Kimberley; Goodman, Michael D; Headden, Gary; Hoppensteadt, Debra; Matika, Ryan; Peacock, W Frank; Rodrigo, John; Schützenmeister, Andre; Swanson, Jonathan R; Canada-Vilalta, Cristina; Miles, Gabrielle; Tran, Nam (2021. ) A Multicenter Evaluation of a Point-of-Care Blood Glucose Meter System in Critically Ill Patients.The journal of applied laboratory medicine, , 6 (4 ) ,820-833 More Information

Singer, Kathleen E; Wallen, Taylor E; Jalbert, Timothy; Wakefield, Devin; Spuzzillo, Anthony; Sharma, Sameer; Earnest, Ryan; Heh, Victor; Foreman, Brandon; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) Efficacy of Noninvasive Technologies in Triaging Traumatic Brain Injury and Correlating With Intracranial Pressure: A Prospective Study.The Journal of surgical research, , 262 ,27-37 More Information

Niziolek, Grace M; Hoehn, Richard S; Seitz, Aaron P; Jernigan, Peter L; Makley, Amy T; Gulbins, Erich; Edwards, Michael J; Goodman, Michael D (2021. ) The Role of Acid Sphingomyelinase Inhibition in Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 259 ,296-304 More Information

Elson, Nora C; Le, Diana T; Johnson, Mark D; Reyna, Chantal; Shaughnessy, Elizabeth A; Goodman, Michael D; Lewis, Jaime D (2021. ) Characteristics of General Surgery Social Media Influencers on Twitter.The American surgeon, , 87 (3 ) ,492-498 More Information

Hayes, Hannah V; Droege, Molly E; Furnish, Craig J; Goodman, Michael D; Ernst, Neil E; Droege, Christopher A (2020. ) Admission thrombelastography does not guide dose adjustment of enoxaparin in trauma patients.Surgery open science, , 2 (4 ) ,41-44 More Information

Becker, Ellen R; Price, Adam D; Whitrock, Jenna N; Smith, Maia; Baucom, Matthew R; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Re-evaluating the Use of High Sensitivity Troponin to Diagnose Blunt Cardiac Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 300 ,150-156 More Information

Wallen, Taylor E; Morris, Mackenzie; Ammann, Allison; Baucom, Mathew R; Price, Adam; Schuster, Rebecca; Makley, Amy T; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Platelet Function is Independent of Sphingolipid Manipulation.The Journal of surgical research, , 300 ,25-32 More Information

Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Becker, Ellen R; Chae, Ryan C; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Aberrant Oxygen Concentrations Induce Systemic Inflammation in a Murine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 301 ,287-295 More Information

Price, Adam D; Chae, Ryan C; Wallen, Taylor E; Becker, Ellen R; Baucom, Matthew R; Schuster, Rebecca M; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Direct red blood cell effect on thrombosis is dependent on the interaction of tissue factor and calcium with membrane phosphatidylserine.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 97 (1 ) ,57-64 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Price, Adam D; Whitrock, Jenna N; Hanseman, Dennis; Smith, Maia P; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Need for Blood Transfusion Volume Is Associated With Increased Mortality in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.The Journal of surgical research, , 301 ,163-171 More Information

Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Becker, Ellen R; Archdeacon, Chad M; Smith, Maia P; Caskey, Chelsea; Schuster, Rebecca; Blakeman, Thomas C; Strilka, Richard J; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Hypobaria During Aeromedical Evacuation and Systemic Inflammation after Porcine Traumatic Brain Injury.Journal of the American College of Surgeons, , More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Price, Adam D; Weissman, Nicholas; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Desmopressin, Misoprostol, nor Carboprost Affect Platelet Aggregability Following Traumatic Brain Injury and Aspirin.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,643-653 More Information

Sisak, Stephanie; Chae, Ryan C; Nelson, Kamala E; Schuster, Rebecca M; Perez, Emma C; England, Lisa G; Caldwell, Charles C; Lentsch, Alex B; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Microvesicles from stored red blood cells induce P-selectin and von Willebrand factor release from endothelial cells via a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism.Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis, , 63 (2 ) ,103890 More Information

Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Blakeman, Thomas C; Smith, Maia; Gomaa, Dina; Caskey, Chelsea; Pritts, Timothy; Strilka, Richard; Branson, Richard D; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Just Say NO: Inhaled Nitric Oxide Effect on Respiratory Parameters Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans and a Porcine Model.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,497-506 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Price, Adam D; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Murine Traumatic Brain Injury Model Comparison: Closed Head Injury Versus Controlled Cortical Impact.The Journal of surgical research, , 296 ,230-238 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Price, Adam D; Caskey, Chelsea; Schuster, Rebecca M; Smith, Maia P; Blakeman, Thomas C; Strilka, Richard; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Validation of Preload Assessment Technologies at Altitude in a Porcine Model of Hemorrhage.The Journal of surgical research, , 295 ,631-640 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Weissman, Nicholas; Price, Adam D; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Syndecan-1 as the Effect or Effector of the Endothelial Inflammatory Response?.The Journal of surgical research, , 295 ,611-618 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Youngs, Jaclyn; Singer, Kathleen E; Delman, Aaron M; Schuster, Rebecca M; Blakeman, Thomas C; Strilka, Richard; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Effectiveness of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy During Aeromedical Evacuation Following Soft Tissue Injury and Infection.Military medicine, , 188 (Suppl 6 ) ,295-303 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Price, Adam D; Smith, Maia P; Kopchak, Maura; MacKinnon, Andrew; Weissman, Nick; Schuster, Rebecca M; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2023. ) Predictive Value of Early Inflammatory Markers in Trauma Patients Based on Transfusion Status.The Journal of surgical research, , 291 ,691-699 More Information

Chae, Ryan C; Price, Adam D; Baucom, Matthew R; Wattley, Lindsey J; Nguyen, Christopher Q; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Porcine Packed Red Blood Cells Demonstrate a Distinct Red Blood Cell Storage Lesion.The Journal of surgical research, , 303 ,396-404 More Information

Price, Adam D; Becker, Ellen R; Barrios, Evan L; Mazer, Monty B; McGonagill, Patrick W; Bergmann, Christian B; Goodman, Michael D; Gould, Robert W; Rao, Mahil; Polcz, Valerie E; Kucaba, Tamara A; Walton, Andrew H; Miles, Sydney; Xu, Julie; Liang, Muxuan; Loftus, Tyler J; Efron, Philip A; Remy, Kenneth E; Brakenridge, Scott C; Badovinac, Vladimir P; Griffith, Thomas S; Moldawer, Lyle L; Hotchkiss, Richard S; Caldwell, Charles C (2024. ) Surviving septic patients endotyped with a functional assay demonstrate active immune responses.Frontiers in immunology, , 15 ,1418613 More Information

Ungaro, Ricardo F; Xu, Julie; Kucaba, Tamara A; Rao, Mahil; Bergmann, Christian B; Brakenridge, Scott C; Efron, Philip A; Goodman, Michael D; Gould, Robert W; Hotchkiss, Richard S; Liang, Muxuan; Mazer, Monty B; McGonagill, Patrick W; Moldawer, Lyle L; Remy, Kenneth E; Turnbull, Isaiah R; Caldwell, Charles C; Badovinac, Vladimir P; Griffith, Thomas S (2024. ) Development and optimization of a diluted whole blood ELISpot assay to test immune function.Journal of immunological methods, , 533 ,113743 More Information

Price, Adam D; Archdeacon, Chad M; Becker, Ellen R; Baucom, Matthew R; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Multi-Modal Venous ThromboembolicProphylaxis Aids in Risk Reduction Following Splenectomy in Female and Male Mice.The Journal of surgical research, , 302 ,71-79 More Information

Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Price, Adam D; England, Lisa G; Schuster, Rebecca M; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) Tranexamic Acid Administration Does Not Alter Inflammation After Traumatic Brain Injury, Regardless of Timing.The Journal of surgical research, , 302 ,106-115 More Information

Chae, Ryan C; Sisak, Stephanie; Nguyen, Christopher Q; Wattley, Lindsey J; Joseph, Bernadin; England, Lisa; Schuster, Rebecca; Lentsch, Alex B; Caldwell, Charles C; Goodman, Michael D; Pritts, Timothy A (2024. ) Age above all: The impact of storage duration in mice resuscitated with whole blood or packed red blood cells and plasma in a hemorrhagic shock model.Surgery, , More Information

Becker, Ellen R; Price, Adam D; Barth, Jackson; Hong, Sally; Chowdhry, Vikas; Starr, Adam J; Sagi, H Claude; Park, Caroline; Goodman, Michael D (2024. ) External Validation of Predictors of Mortality in Polytrauma Patients.The Journal of surgical research, , 301 ,618-622 More Information

Gao, Angela Y; Whitrock, Jenna N; Goodman, Michael D; Nathwani, Jay N; Janowak, Christopher F (2024. ) The Next Generation: Surgeon Learning Curve in a Mature Operative Rib Management Program.The Journal of surgical research, , 301 ,461-467 More Information

Price, Adam D; Becker, Ellen R; Chae, Ryan C; Baucom, Matthew R; Wallen, Taylor E; Schuster, Rebecca; England, Lisa; Pritts, Timothy A; Goodman, Michael D (2025. ) Factors affecting the direct red cell effect on thrombosis: Hematocrit dilution and injury patterns.The journal of trauma and acute care surgery, , 98 (2 ) ,197-203 More Information

Book Chapter

Goodman MD. (2008 ) Abdominal aortic aneurysms Mont Reid Surgical Handbook, 6th edition .Philadelphia, Elsevier


Invited Presentations

Goodman MD, Pritts TA (03-2009. ) Update to USAF Air Mobility Command on effects of altitude after injury .USAF Air Mobility Command, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Poster Presentations

Madigan JD, Choudhri AF, Goodman MD, Morales DLS, Elder JB, Oz, MC. (06-1999. ) A novel mock circulatory loop for evaluating minimally invasive repair of the mitral valve .Scientific exhibit. ASAIO, San Diego, CA,

Morales DLS, Madigan JA, Goodman MD, Choudhri AF, Williams MR, Oz MC. (06-1999. ) A minimally invasive delivery system for the "bow-tie" repair .Scientific exhibit. ASAIO, San Diego, CA,

Goodman MD, Huber NL, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA. (09-2008. ) Omission of chest x-ray following chest tube removal is safe in selected trauma patients .Scientific exhibit. AAST, Maui, Hawaii,

Goodman MD, Huber NL, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA. (09-2008. ) Successful selective use of percutaneous small bore chest tubes in traumatic pneumothorax .Scientific exhibit. AAST, Maui, Hawaii,

Makley AT, Friend LA, Goodman MD, Blanchard JN, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (04-2009. ) Resuscitation strategy alters response to hemorrhage .Experimental Biology, New Orleans, Louisiana. .

Makley AT, Friend LA, Goodman MD, Blanchard JN, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (05-2009. ) Resuscitation strategy alters inflammatory response to hemorrhagic shock .Ohio Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Cleveland, Ohio. .

Goodman MD, Campion EM, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (08-2009. ) The inflammatory response after blunt traumatic brain injury is aggravated by hypobaric hypoxia in mice .Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care, St. Pete Beach, Florida. .

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts, TA (08-2009. ) Damage control resuscitation with aged blood worsens the inflammatory response following hemorrhage in mice .Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care, St. Pete Beach, Florida. .

Huber NL, Sonnier DS, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Bailey SR, Schuster RM, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (08-2009. ) Hypobaric exposure immediately after burn injury intensifies systemic and intestinal inflammation .Advanced Technology Applications for Combat Casualty Care, St. Pete Beach, Florida. .

Makley AT, Campion EM, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (09-2010. ) resuscitation exacerbates systemic inflammation following combined hemorrhagic shock and traumatic brain injury in mice .American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Boston, MA. .

Makley AT, Campion EM, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (08-2010. ) Damage control resuscitation with a 1:1 ratio of plasma to packed red cells attenuates inflammation and capillary leak following hemorrhage in mice .Advances in Trauma and Combat Casualty Care 2010 Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL. .

Paper Presentations

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Reid MD, Caldwell CC, Butler KL. (02-2008. ) Thermal injury activates myocardial JAK-STAT signaling .

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Friend LA, Butler KL. (05-2008. ) Cardiac performance is preserved following pressure-overload stress in STAT-3 KO mice .

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Butler KL. (06-2008. ) Regulating RISK: A role for JAK-STAT signaling in postconditioning? .

Goodman MD, Butler KL, Koch SE. (10-2008. ) JAK-STAT activation in postconditioning is not without RISK .

Goodman MD, Koch SE, Afzal MR, Butler KL. (02-2009. ) Compensatory STAT subtype activation does not limit ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice with cardiac-restricted STAT-3 deletion .

Goodman MD, Johannigman JA (05-2009. ) Inflammatory effects of altitude exposure after injury .Scott Air Force Base, Illinois.

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (05-2009. ) Post-traumatic brain injury neuroinflammation is increased by early post-injury hypobaric exposure .Cincinnati, Ohio.

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (05-2009. ) Post-traumatic brain injury neuroinflammation is increased by early post-injury hypobaric exposure .Cincinnati, Ohio.

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Barnes SL, Dorlac GR, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (08-2009. ) The inflammatory response after blunt traumatic brain injury is aggravated by hypobaric hypoxia in mice .Arlington, Virginia.

Huber NL, Makley AT, Goodman MD, Bailey SR, Schuster R, Clarke CN, Friend LA, Dorlac WD, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (08-2009. ) Hypobaric exposure immediately after burn injury intensifies systemic and intestinal inflammation .Arlington, Virginia.

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts, TA (08-2009. ) Damage control resuscitation with aged blood worsens the inflammatory response following hemorrhage in mice .Arlington, Virginia.

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Deters JS, Johannigman JA, Dorlac W, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (10-2009. ) Fresh whole blood resuscitation attenuates the inflammatory cytokine response to hemorrhage .Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Goodman MD, Makley AT, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (10-2009. ) Acute alcohol intoxication attenuates the neuroinflammatory response to traumatic brain injury .Chicago, Illinois.

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (11-2009. ) Resuscitation with fresh blood products attenuates the inflammatory response to hemorrhagic shock .Dublin, Ohio.

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LA, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (11-2009. ) Resuscitation with fresh blood products attenuates the inflammatory response to hemorrhagic shock .Indianapolis, Indiana.

Campion EC, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Huber NL, Clarke CN, Friend LAW, Schuster RM, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Dorlac WC, Johannigman JA, Pritts TA (02-2010. ) Hypobaric hypoxia exacerbates the inflammatory response after blunt traumatic brain injury in mice .San Antonio, Texas.

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Bailey SR, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (02-2010. ) Damage control resuscitation with fresh blood products attenuates the systemic inflammatory response following hemorrhagic shock .San Antonio, Texas.

Makley AT, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Johannigman JA, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (03-2010. ) Damage control resuscitation with a 1:1 ratio of plasma and packed red blood cells decreases systemic inflammation following hemorrhagic shock in mice .Munich, Germany.

Goodman MD, Pritts TA, Tsuei BJ (03-2010. ) A novel method of progressive temporary abdominal closure .Chicago, Illinois.

Makley AT, Campion EM, Goodman MD, Friend LW, Johannigman JA, Dorlac WC, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (08-2010. ) Damage control resuscitation with a 1:1 ratio of plasma to packed red cells attenuates inflammation and capillary leak following hemorrhage in mice .St. Pete Beach, FL.

Campion EM, Goodman MD, Makley AT, Lentsch AB, Pritts TA (10-2010. ) Treatment with ethanol after traumatic brain injury decreases cerebral MIP-1α and serum neuron specific enolase in mice .Washington, DC.

Honors and Awards

Valedictorian, Mamaroneck High School, Mamaroneck, NY, 1997

Dean’s List with Distinction or Dean’s List, Duke University, all semesters 1997-2001

Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, Duke University, 1998

Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society, Duke University, 2001

Graduation with Distinction in Biology, Duke University, 2001

Daggert Prize in the Anatomies, Albany Medical College, 2003

Arthur Knudson Prize in Biochemistry, Albany Medical College, 2003

Townsend Prize in Physiology, Albany Medical College, 2003

Henry Schaffer Prize in Pathology, Albany Medical College, 2003

Alpha Omega Alpha Student Research Fellowship, Albany Medical College, 2003

Albany Medical College Summer Research Fellowship, Albany Medical College, 2003

Dean’s Certificate for Honorable Mention Research Endeavors, Albany Medical College, 2003

Cincinnati Surgical Society Student Award, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 2005

Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 2005

First place, Basic Science Category, Ohio Chapter of American College of Surgeons Resident Abstract Competition, 2008

First Place, Resident Research Competition Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, 2008

Fifth Place, Surgical Jeopardy, American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, 2008

Finalist, Cincinnati Surgical Society Resident Research Competition, Cincinnati, OH, 2009

Finalist, Basic Science Resident Research Competition, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, 2009

Bower Administrative Chief Resident in General Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, July 2011 - June 2012

Professional Affiliation

Resident Member, American College of Surgeons, 2005-present

Resident Member, American Medical Association, 2001-present

Resident Member, American Medical Student Association, 2001-present

Active Member, Alpha Omega Alpha, 2005-present

Resident Member, Cincinnati Surgical Society, 2005-present

Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock - 2010

Candidate Member, Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons, 2009-present

Contact Information

Academic - Medical Sciences Building
SRU Room 1577
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45267
Phone: 513-558-5661