Janet Graden

Janet Lee Graden


Professor Emeritus
School of Human Services

Professional Summary

Professor Janet Graden received her doctorate (Ph.D) in school psychology from the University of Minnesota in 1984. She has conducted research and published in the areas of intervention-based approaches for services delivery in school psychology. Dr. Graden teaches graduate courses in school psychology in family intervention, professional practice, and systems-level change. She has been active in consulting with many schools in Ohio and nationally to implement intervention-based practices and currently is Co-Principal Investigator of a grant to investigate a response-to-intervention model for services delivery. Dr. Graden was the 1989 recipient of the Lightner-Witmer Award of the American Psychological Association. Dr. Graden is Head of the Division of Human Services.

Research Support

Investigators:Graden, J.L. 07-01-2002 -06-30-2006 Ohio Board of Regents Revitalizing Education Reform, Researching Effective Approaches, and Reforming Accountability $175000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #IF-08 Investigators:Graden, Janet 07-01-2002 -06-30-2010 Ohio Board of Regents Revitalizing Education Reform, Researching Effective Approaches, and Reforming Accountability Role:PI $175,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio

Grant: #062927-G2-SP-99P Investigators:Graden, Janet 09-01-1998 -09-30-1999 Department of Education The Effects of Intervention-Based Multifactored Research Role:PI $99,986.00 Closed Level:Federal


Peer Reviewed Publications

Graden,J.L. (2004. ) Arguments for change to consultation, prevention, and intervention: will school psychology ever achieve this promise?.Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, , 15 (3&4 ) ,345-359 More Information

Barnett,D.; Bell,S.; Gilkey,C.M.; Lentz,F.E.; Graden,J.; Stone,C.; Smith,J.; Macmann,G.M. (1999. ) The promise of meaningful eligibility determination: functional intervention-based multifactored preschool evaluation .Journal of Special Education, , 33 (2 ) ,112-124

Barnett, D. W.; Elliott, N.; Graden, J.; Ilho, T.; Macmann, G.; Nantais, M. (2006. ) Technical adequacy for response to intervention practices .Assessment for Effective Education, , 31 (1 ) ,20-31

Graden, J.L. (1989. ) Redefining "prereferral" intervention as intervention assistance: collaboration between general and special education .Exceptional Children, , 56 (3 ) ,227-231

Graden, J.L.; Casey, A.; Christenson, S. (1985. ) Implementing a prereferral intervention system .Exceptional Children, , 51 ,377-384

Graden, J.L.; Christenson, S.; Yesseldyke, J.E. (1984. ) A national survey on students' and practitioners' perceptions of training .The School Psychology Review, , 13 ,397-407

Graden, J.L.; Thurlow, M.; Yesseldyke, J.E. (1983. ) Instructional ecology and academic responding time for students at three levels of teacher-perceived behavioral competence .Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, , 36 ,241-256

Published Books

Graden, J.L.; Zins, J.E.; Curtis, M.J. (1988. ) Alternative Educational Delivery Systems: Enhancing Instructional Options for All Students .National Association of School Psychologists

Book Chapter

Barnett,D.W.; Hawkins,R.O.; Prasse,D.; Macmann,G.; Graden,J.L.; Nantais,M.; Pan,W. (2007 ) The handbook of response to intervention: the science and practice of assessment and intervention Decision making validity in response to intervention .New York, NY, Springer Science Inc

Allen,S.J.; Graden,J.L. (2002 ) Best practices in school psychology (4th edition) Best practices in collaborative problem-solving for intervention design .Bethesda, MD, National Association of School Psychologists

Allen,S.J.; Graden,J.L. (1995 ) Best practices in school psychology (3rd edition) Best practices in collaborative problem solving for intervention design .(pp. 667 -678).Washington DC, National Association of School Psychologists

Smith,J.J.; Graden,J.L. A practitioner Fetal alcohol syndrome: A critical reveiw of the literature and implications for school psychology practice .Washington, DC, National Association of School Psychologists


Paper Presentations

Graden, J. (2006. ) Pre-service training in response to intervention. Anaheim, CA. Conference.

Graden, J.L., Barnett, D.W., Nantais, M., Stine, K., & Scheidler, K. (03-2005. ) Response to intervention: Implementation examples and tools .Atlanta, GA. Conference.

Graden, J.L., & Morrison, J.Q. (07-2011. ) Linking Student outcomes with the quality of personnel development programs: The power of single-case statistics for program evaluation .Washington, D.C.. Conference.