Donna Green , MSN,PhD,RN
Assoc Professor - Educator
Executive Director of Undergraduate and Prelicensure Nursing Programs
Procter Hall
CON Nursing - 0038
Professional Summary
For over 24 years, I have been a perinatal nurse with experience in labor and delivery, postpartum, and level II NICU Nursing. I have also been employed within academia for the last 19 years providing educational instruction to undergraduate nursing students in the areas of Obstetric and Newborn Nursing in the didactic and clinical practice setting. During my career I have been involved in the instruction and support of nursing and student development while promoting adherence to AWHONN, ACOG, and AAP practice guidelines. I have integrated technology (iPad & IBooks) into active learning pedagogies into my course material to facilitate student learning through a positive and challenging learning environment in efforts to maximize knowledge attainment, knowledge transfer, and skill acquisition. My nursing research interests include furthering the professional development of health care professionals through simulation and standardization, specifically related to low frequency, high crisis events such as neonatal resuscitation. Over the last 5 years I have served as a research consultant for Mercy Health Fairfield Hospital and provided nursing research support, education on study development, and facilitated development of IRB approved projects conducted by nurses at the bedside. I have been the PI for several IRB approved studies related to neonatal resuscitation program knowledge and application, patient care assistant staff development, and most recently for a study examining the effects of implementing a second stage of labor guideline on maternal and infant birth outcomes.
PhD: University of Cincinnati; College of Nursing Cincinnati, OH, 2017 (Simulation; Women's Health; Neonatal Health; Nursing Education)
BSN: University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH, 1999 (Nursing)
MSN: University of Cincinnati; College of Nursing Cincinnati, Ohio, 2013 (Nursing Administration; Nursing Education)
Positions and Work Experience
2005 -2017 Adjunct Nursing Faculty, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
1999 -To Present Registered Nurse, Perinatal Birthing Center, Mercy Hospital Fairfield, Fairfield, OH
11-2016 -03-2022 Director of Undergraduate Nursing Program, University of Cincinnati; College of Nursing, Cincinnati, Ohio
2018 -To Present Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing
03-2022 -12-31-2023 Executive Director of Undergraduate and Prelicensure Programs, University of Cincinnati; College of Nursing,
01-01-2024 -To Present Academic Chair; Department of Nursing, University of Cincinnati; College of Nursing, Cincinnati, Ohio
07-01-2022 -12-31-2023 Interim Associate Dean, University of Cincinnati, College of Nursing, Cincinnati
Research Support
Grant: #OAC Investigators:Green, Donna; Pryse, Yvette; Werdman, Eileen; York, Kathie 04-01-2017 -08-31-2017 Ohio League for Nursing Educating the Current and Future Nursing Workforce on Principles of Health Equity Role:Collaborator $8,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #D1942043 Investigators:Clark, Angela; Fried, Eva; Glazer, Greer; Gray, Deborah; Green, Donna; Million, Kiana 07-01-2021 -06-30-2025 Health Resources and Services Administration Cultivating Undergraduate Nursing Resilience and Equity (CURE) Role:Co-PI 314077.00 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #00014529 Investigators:Clark, A. & Green, D. Health Resources and Services Administration Appalachian Experiential Learning and Simulation Program (App-ELS) Role:PA/Co-I 500,000 Active Type:Grant
Grant: #U4E42429 Investigators:Clark, Angela; Green, Donna; Irwin, Amber; Rota, Matthew; Wagner, Robin; Werdman, Eileen 07-01-2021 -06-30-2023 Health Resources and Services Administration Appalachian Experiential Learning and Simulation Program (App-ELS) Role:Collaborator 500000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #4RN2021 Investigators:Clark, Angela; Green, Donna; Othman, Mohammad; Werdman, Eileen 11-01-2021 -10-31-2023 Ohio Board of Nursing DEU-Liaison: A sustainable model for prelicensure nursing program expansion Role:Co-PI 197003.00 Active Type:Grant
Published Abstracts
Green, D., Leist-Smith, M, Lipke, J. (2016. ) Effectiveness of a Nurse Driven Second Stage of Labor Protocol to Decrease Obstetric Birth Trauma. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 45 (3 ) ,S37Author
Delong, S., Jordan, L, Snider, D, Leist-Smith, M, Lipke, J, & Green, D. (2013. ) Got Code Pink? Neonatal Code Response Team .[Abstract]Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 42 (1 ) ,39
Leist-Smith, M., Green, D., Lipke, J, Jordan, L., Nurre, M. (2012. ) Advancing the Educational Training of Perinatal Patient Care Assistants .[Abstract]Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 41 (1 ) , -63 Co-Author
Additional Publications
Invited Presentations
Green, D., Leist-Smith, M. (2016. ) Effectiveness of a Nurse Driven Second Stage of Labor Protocol to Decrease Obstetric Birth Trauma. Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses, Grapevine, TX. Level:National
Green, D. & Leist-Smith, M. (2015. ) “Exploring the Effects of Implementing ‘The Guideline for the Second Stage of Labor Management’ on Maternal and Infant Birth Outcomes" .Ohio Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses, Cleveland, OH. Level:State
Green, D, Hamilton, C., & Rosen, M (2014. ) “What’s Cooking in the Simulation Lab? Creating and Utilizing Moulage in Health Care Simulation.” .UC East 3T Educational Conference, Clermont, Ohio. Level:Regional
Green, D. (2018. ) NRP & eSim: Integration into Training and Clinical Practice .Ohio AWHONN Conference, Sandusky, Ohio. Level:Regional
Green, D., Rota, M., Werdman, E., & Wagner, R. (2020. ) Curriculum Strategies to Prepare Nurses Utilizing Technology. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Webinar, Level:National
Green, D., Pryse, Y., & Werdman, E. (2019. ) Competency Based Framework: Data Driven Curriculum Revision Preparing the Nurse of the Future. American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Baccalaureate Education Conference., Orlando, Florida. Level:National
Poster Presentations
Green, D. & Leist-Smith, M. (2017. ) “To Push or Not to Push: The Implementation of Second Stage of Labor Management Guidelines into Practice” .Barbara Wells Marshall Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Local
Delong, S., Jordan, L, Snider, D, Leist-Smith, M, Lipke, J, & Green, D. (2013. ) “Got Code Pink? A Neonatal Code Response Team” .Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses, Nashville, TN. . Level:National
Leist-Smith, M., Green, D., Lipke, J, Jordan, L., Nurre, M. (2012. ) “Advancing the Educational Training of Patient Care Assistants” .Association of Women's Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses, Washington D.C. . Level:National
Green, D. (2018. ) "The Effect of Computer-Based & High-Fidelity Simulation on Neonatal Resuscitation Skills: An Evaluation of RN Performance .International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation & Learning, Toronto, ON. . Conference. . Level:International
Green, D.& Carissimi, K. (2019. ) Lessons Learned in Designing a Competency-Based, Conceptual Framework: One Course's Journey .Ohio National League for Nursing Conference, Dublin, Ohio. . Level:Regional
Green, D. & Clayton, B.A. (2019. ) Opioid Sparing, Multimodal Analgesia for the Cesarean Patient: Navigating the Change to Practice .AWHONN National Conference, Atlanta, GA. . Level:National
Riddle, M, Clayton, B.A., Green, D., & Chowdary, H. (2020. ) Decreasing Postoperative Opioid Consumption in the Post Cesarean Patient at West Chester Hospital. .American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), 2020 Annual Congress., Level:National
Honors and Awards
2016 -2017 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Appreciation Award is in acknowledgement of my contributions to scholar success. Nominated by student for award. Status:Recipient Level:University
2016 -2016 2016 Inspire Healthcare Award Status:Nomination Level:Regional
06-2016 -06-2016 National AWHONN 2016 Outstanding Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Project Paper Award Level:National
03-2016 -03-2016 Darwin T. Turner Scholars Program Faculty Appreciation Medal Award is in acknowledgement of my contributions to scholar success. Nominated by two students for award. Nominated by two undergraduate nursing students. Status:Recipient Level:University
02-1016 -02-2016 Pi Beta Phi Faculty Appreciation Recognition Recognition is in honor of being an exemplary professor/instructor, and person one should embody. Status:Recipient Level:University
05-2015 -05-2015 Mercy Health Hospitals New Knowledge & Innovation Recognition for contributions to Mercy Health organization for research and evidence based practice support across the health system. Status:Recipient Level:Regional
04-2015 -04-2015 Alumni Legacy Award Award is in acknowledgement of my demonstrated leadership in practice, research, education and/or service in the community and health care. Status:Recipient Level:College
Student Advising
Farmer, S (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 08-2018
Reed, L. (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 05-2019
Lang, J. (Doctoral ) Chair Status:Completed 04-2020
Riddle, M. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2020
Conroy, K. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2019
Yesso, C. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2019
Storey, J. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed 2020
Kunle, O. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:Completed
Leist-Smith, M. (Doctoral ) Committee Member
Scurlock, B. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Hemm, M. C. (Doctoral ) Committee Member Status:In Progress
Professional Affiliation
2012 -To Present: Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses Ohio Chapter Leader; Active Member
2018 -To Present: International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning Active Member
2019 -To Present: Ohio National League of Nurses Active Member
Courses Taught
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4068 RN/BSN CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4068 RN/BSN CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3040C COMMUNITY PARTNER Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-3020C COC CHILDBEARING Level:Undergraduate
-NBSN-4068 RN/BSN CAPSTONE Level:Undergraduate
Intro to Biostatistics for Health Professionals Level:Undergraduate
Statistics for Health Professionals Level:Undergraduate
Scientific Basis for Nursing Level:Undergraduate
Obstetrical Nursing Level:Undergraduate
Continuum of Care for Childbearing Families Level:Undergraduate
Contact Information
275 Procter Hall
3110 Vine Street
Ohio, 45221-0038
Phone: 513-558-5212