Anna Gudmundsdottir

Anna D. Gudmundsdottir



821 Rieveschl Hall
PO Box 210172
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Phone 513-556-3380

Professional Summary

Gudmundsdottir's research  is focused on photochemistry, studying reactive intermediates such as triplet nitrenes and biradicals, to determine their reactivity in solution and the solid-state. We use our understanding of photochemistry to develop applications such as sustainble synthesis to form new C-N bonds, photoremovable protecting groups and sunscreens. Currently, we are elucidating the factor that control photodynamic behavior of organic azido crystals, our goal is to make .inflatable devices and explosives that are driven by light. 

More details on her research program can be found at


PhD: University of British Columbia 1993

Positions and Work Experience

1998 -2004 Assistant Professor, University of Cinicnnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

2004 -2009 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

2009 -2020 Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

04-2020 - Distinguished Research Professor , University of Cincinnati,

2013 -2017 Head, Department of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

Research Support

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 11-01-2022 -02-28-2023 Procter & Gamble Company Anna P&G Dylan Sheilds Role:PI 35000.00

Grant: #CHE-2102248 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 05-01-2021 -04-30-2024 National Science Foundation Crystals on the Move Role:PI $544,000.00 Active

Grant: #CHE-1950244 Investigators:Dima, Ruxandra; Gudmundsdottir, Anna 05-01-2020 -04-30-2024 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI $364,000.00

Grant: #NSF-REU 1950244 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (PI); Dima, R. I. (co-PI) 05-2020 -04-2023 NSF REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati $364,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #PES0772 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 2019 -2109 OSC PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5000 REU

Grant: #ACS SEED 2019 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 2019 ACS National and ACS Local Chapter ACS SEED Department of Chemistry UC Role:PI $8,000

Grant: #CHE-1800140 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 08-15-2018 -07-31-2021 National Science Foundation Photoresponsive Vinyl Azide Crystals Role:PI $510,000.00 Active Level:National

Grant: #Gudmundsdottir- Faculty Bridge Program Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 07-01-2018 -06-30-2019 UC Photoresponsive Vinyl Azide Crystals Role:PI $15,000.00 Active

Grant: #ACS SEED 2018 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 2018 ACS National and ACS Local Chapter ACS SEED Department of Chemistry UC Role:PI $8,000 Active Type:Grant

Grant: #CHE-1726092 Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Lee, Joo; Mack, James; Tu, Maobing 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 National Science Foundation NSF MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $271,908.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #Action Fund #1150 (see NSF CHE-1726092) Investigators:Ayres, Neil; Connick, William; Guan, Hairong; Gudmundsdottir, Anna; Lee, Joo; Mack, James; Tu, Maobing 09-01-2017 -08-31-2020 Ohio Department of Higher Education OBR Action Fund Request for Guan's MRI: Acquisition of a 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research and Education Role:Collaborator $60,000.00 Type:Grant Level:State

Grant: #CHE-1659648 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 05-01-2017 -04-30-2021 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI $310,336.00 Active Level:National

Grant: #NSF-1625737 Investigators:William Connick (PI) Hairong Guan (Co-PI) James Mack II (Co-PI) Jeanette Krause (Co-PI) Anna Gudmundsdottir (Co-PI) 09-2016 -08-2019 NSF MRI: Acquisition of a Single-Crystal X-ray Diffractometer for Chemical Crystallography Research and Training Role:co-PI $395,090.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Anna D. Gudmundsdottir 09-2015 -06-2016 UC-LEAF Travel Award ESR spectroscopy of vinylnitrenes Role:PI $2,000 Active Type:Grant Level:University

Grant: #PES0597 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 08-2015 -09-2018 Ohio Supercomputer Center Radicals in Crystals. Role:PI 100,000REU Active Type:Grant Level:State

Grant: #CHE-1464694 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 07-01-2015 -06-30-2019 National Science Foundation Reactivity of Radicals in Crystal Lattices Role:PI $498,960.00 Active Type:Grant

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 10-2014 -10-2015 Ohio Supercomputer Center Solid State Radical Reactivity, Role:PI Active Level:State

Grant: #1431350 Investigators:Jackson, H. E.; K. Koenig, K.; Gudmundsdottir, A.;. Davenport, B.; Petren, K.. 09-2014 -08-2017 NSF- Enhancing Student Success in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics by Transforming the Faculty Culture, Role:co-PI $741073 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #CHE-1057481 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna D. 08-30-2014 NSF International Collaboration. Reactivity of 1,2-Biradicals and their use in Applications Role:PI 36,068 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #1309234 Investigators:S. Ono (PI), R, Kallen, M. Kupferle, A. Gudmundsdottir, A. Kukreti (co-PIs) 2013 -2013 NSF Collaborative Research: AGEP-T for "Increasing Diversity in Engineering and Sciences: Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (IDEAS-AGEP)" Role:Co-PI $1,418,017.00 Denied Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #CHE-1156449 Investigators:Ault, Bruce; Gudmundsdottir, Anna 05-01-2012 -04-30-2016 National Science Foundation REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI $300,000.00 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #NSF Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D., Ault, B. S. 02-26-2012 NSF-REU REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:PI $300,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #CHE-1057481 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 10-01-2011 -09-30-2015 National Science Foundation Reactivity of 1,2-Biradicals and their use in Applications Role:PI $466,415.00 Active Level:National

Grant: #PES0597-6 Investigators:A. D. Gudmundsdottir 10-2011 Ohio Supercomputer Center Role:PI 30.000 REU Active Type:Grant Level:State

Grant: #NSF-1057481 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 01-10-2011 -Bad Format: 20143009 NSF Reactivity of 1,2-Biradicals and Their Use in Applications Role:PI $433,415 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #PES0597 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 04-2010 -09-2011 Ohio Supercomputer Center Role:PI 25000 REU Completed Type:Grant Level:State

Grant: #48016-AC4 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 09-01-2008 -08-31-2011 American Chemical Society - National Chapter New Photoremovable Protecting Groups with the Capacity to Release Alcohols in High Quantum Yields Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 09-2008 -08-2011 ACS-PRF New Photoremovable Protecting Groups, which Release in High Quantum Yields Role:PI $100,000 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #PES0597-3 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 09-2008 -04-2010 Ohio Supercomputer Center Reactivity of Triplet Nitrenes Role:PI 10,000 RU units Completed Type:Grant Level:State

Grant: #CHE-0754114 Investigators:Ault, Bruce; Gudmundsdottir, Anna 03-01-2008 -02-28-2012 National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $210,062.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CHE-0703920 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 08-01-2007 -07-31-2011 National Science Foundation The Reactivity of Vinyl Nitrene Intermediates Role:PI $495,494.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #CHE-0703920 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 08-01-2007 -07-30-2011 NSF Reactivity of Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes Role:PI $495.494 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #0754114 Investigators:Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. 02-26-2007 -02-29-2012 NSF REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati Role:co-PI 210,062 Active Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:A. D. Gudmundsdottir 11-2006 -08-2008 Ohio Supercomputer Center Reactivity of Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes Role:PI 10.000 RU units Completed Type:Grant

Investigators:A. D. Gudmundsdottir 08-2005 -09-2005 NSF NSF-CAREER Award Supplement Role:PI $8.587 Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #CHE-0452387 Investigators:Ault, Bruce; Gudmundsdottir, Anna 06-01-2005 -05-31-2009 National Science Foundation Chemistry Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site at the University of Cincinnati Role:Collaborator $200,250.00 Closed Level:Federal

Investigators:B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsdottir 08-13-2004 -09-01-2007 NSF-REU Chemistry REU Site at the University of Cincinnati Role:Co-PI $ 200,250 Completed Type:Grant

Investigators:A. D. Gudmundsdottir 2004 -2006 Ohio Supercomputer Center Application of Computational Methods to Characterize Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes and Estimate their Reactivity Role:PI 10,000 RU units Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #0215950 Investigators:R. M. Wilson, W. Connick, A. D. Gudmundsdottir, J. A. Krause-Bauer 09-01-2002 -08-31-2005 NSF-MRI Acquisition of a CCD X-ray Diffractometer for Chemical Crystallography Research and Education, Role:Co-PI Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #0093622 Investigators:A. D. Gudmundsdottir 02-15-2001 -01-31-2007 NSF CAREER: Photolysis of Alkylazides in Solution and in Crystals Role:PI $515,000 Completed Type:Grant

Grant: #CHE-0093622-001 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 02-15-2001 -01-31-2007 National Science Foundation Photolysis of Alkylazides in Solution and in Crystals Role:PI $523,624.00 Closed Level:Federal

Grant: #35809-G4 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 09-01-2000 -08-31-2002 American Chemical Society - National Chapter Photodecomposition of Azido Arylketones Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Private Non-Profit

Investigators:A. D. Gudmundsdottir 09-2000 -09-2002 ACS-PRF Photodecomposition of Azido Arylketones, $25,000 Completed Type:Grant

Investigators:PI: The Provost, Lead person Dr. Anant Kukreti NSF NSF-AGEP:Increasing Diversity in Engineering and Sciences: Alliance for Graduate Dduction and the Profssoriate Role:contributor Denied Type:Grant Level:National

Grant: #NSF-REU 1950244 Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (PI); Dima, R. I. (co-PI)

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir 06-2022 -06-2022 NSF Role:PI 9,000 Active

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna 03-01-2022 -07-31-2022 Procter & Gamble Company P&G Singlet Project- Gudmundsdottir Role:PI 35000.00 Active Level:Industry

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir, Anna D 04-2022 -07-2022 P&G Role:PI $35,000 Completed Type:Contract

Investigators:Gudmundsdsottir, A. D. ACS Cincinnati Chapter and ACS Seed National ACS Seed Role:PI $8500 Active Type:Grant

08-2023 -09-2023 ACS Seed National Travel Grant to take the ACS Seed students to the ACS National San Francisco 2000 Type:Grant Level:National

Investigators:Gudmundsdottir 02-2023 -09-2023 ACS Cincinnati Chapter and ACS Seed $8,500 Active

Abbreviated Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

Comparison of Photoenolization and Alcohol Release from Alkyl Substituted Benzoyl Benzoic Esters. Muthukrishnan, S.; Pace, T. C. S.;  Li, Q.; Seok, B.; de Jong, G.;  Bohne C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Can. J. Chem. 2011, 89(3), 331-338.

Effect of Alkyl Substituents on Photorelease from Butyrophenone Derivatives. Muthukrishnan, S.; Sankaranarayanan, J.; Pace, T. C. S.; Konosonoks, A.; DeMichiei, M. E.; Meese, M. J.; Bohne, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 75(5), 1393-401.More Information

The Ability of Triplet Nitrenes to Abstract Hydrogen Atom. Sansankaranarayanan, J.; Rajam, S.; Hadad, C. M.;  Gudmundsdottir, A. D. . J. Phys. Org. Chem., 201023, 370-375.More Information

Competition Between Azido Cleavage and Triplet Nitrene Formation in Azidomethylacetophenones. Ranaweera, R.  A.  A. U.,  Zhao, Y.; Muthukrishnan,  S.; Keller, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Aust. J. Chem. 2010, 63, 1645-1655.More Information

Intramolecular H-Atom Abstraction in γ-Azido-Butyrophenones: Formation of 1,5 Ketyl Iminyl Radicals. Muthukrishnan, S.; Sankaranarayanan, J.; Klima, R. F.;  Pace, T. C. S.;  Bohne, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 2345.More Information

Visiting Faculty Mentors as a Component of an NSF-REU Program. Collins, S. N, Holt, H. L, Jr., Harkless, J. A, Gudmundsdottir, A. D, & Ault, B. S. J. Chem. Edu.,  2009, 86(5), 565.More Information

Triplet-Sensitized Photolysis of Alkoxycarbonyl Azides in Solution and Matrices. Murthy, R. S., Muthukrishnan, S.; Rajam, S.; Mandel S. M.; Ault, B. S., Gudmundsdottir, A. D.  J. Photochem. Photobiol. 2009, 201, 157-167.More Information

Photochemical Functionalization of Polymer Surfaces for Macrofabricated Devices. Mecomber, J. S.; Murthy, R. S.; Rajam, S.; Singh, P. N. D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Limbach, P. A. Langmuir, 2008, 24, 3645.More Information

Orbital-Overlap Control in the Solid-State Reactivity of β-Azido-Propiophenones: Selective Formation of cis-Azo-Dimers. Sankaranarayanan, J.;  Bort, L.; Krause, J. A.; Mandel, S. M.; Chen, P.; Brooks, E. E.; Tsang, P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 937.More Information

β-Silyl Arenes in the Arene-Olefin Photocyclization Reaction. de Long, M. A.; Mathews, J. A.; Cohen, Scott L.; Gudmundsdottir, A.Synthesis, 200786 (15), 2343-2350.More Information

Selective Formation of Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes from Photolysis of Azido-Propiophenone and Their Reactivity. Singh, P.  N. D.; Mandel, S. M.; Sankaranarayanan, J.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Chang, M.; R. M. Robinson, R. M.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 16263.More Information

Photoinduced C-N Bond Cleavage in 1-Azido-1,3-Diphenyl-Propan-1-one Derivatives. Klima, R. F.; Jadhav, A. V.; Singh, P. N. D.;  Chang, M.; Vanos, C. M.; Vu, M.; Ibrahim, N.; Ross, E.; McCloskey, S.; Murthy, R. S.;  Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 6372.More Information

Bistability in Doped Thin Film Transistors. Stricker, J. T.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Smith, A. P.; Taylor, B. E.; Durstock, M. F. J. Chem. Phys. B, 2007, 111, 10397.More Information

Fabrication of Organic Thin Film Transistors Using Layer-by-Layer Assembly. Stricker, J. T.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Smith, A. P.; Taylor, B. E.;. Durstock, M. F.  J. Chem. Phys. B, 2007, 111, 6322.More Information

Synthesis and Properties of Poly(Aniline-co-Azidoaniline). Jadhav, A. V.;  Gulgas, C. G.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Euro. Polym. J. 2007, 43, 2594.More Information

1-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-3-(3-(4-chloro-phenyl)-pyrazol-1-yl)-propanone. Sankaranarayanan, J.;  Mandel, M. S.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Acta Crystallogr. 2007, Sect. E, E63-o72.More Information

Competition between α-Cleavage and Energy Transfer Azidoacetophenones. Muthukrishnan, S.;  Mandel, S. M.; Hackett, J.; Singh, P. N. D.;  Hadad, C. M.; Krause, J. A.;  Gudmundsdottir., A. D. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 2757.More Information

Solid-State Photolysis of α-Azidoacetophones. Mandel, S. M.; Singh, P. N. D.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 8042.

More Information

An Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Phenylpyrrolidines from Chlorobutyrophenones. Singh, P. N. D.; Klima, R. F.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Murthy, R. S.; Stahlecker, H. M.; Patel, B. Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, 6, 4213.More Information

Paradigms and Paradoxes: The Energetics of N-Acylimines. Gudmundsdottir,  A. D.;  Liebman, J. F. Struct. Chem. 2005, 16, 155.More Information

Photoenolization of 2-(2-Methyl Benzoyl) Benzoic Acid, Methyl Ester: The Effect of The Lifetime of the E Photoenol on the Photochemistry. Konosonoks, A.; Wright, P. J.;  Tsao,  M. L.; Pika, J.; Novak, K.;  Mandel, S. M.; Krause Bauer, J. A.; Bohne, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 2763.More Information

3’-Isopropyl-8’,8’-dimethyl-2-benzofuran-1-spiro-7’-bicyclo[4.2.0]octa-1’(6’),2’,4’-trien-3-one. Singh, P. N. D.; Pika, J.;  Krause Bauer, J. A.;  Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Acta Crystallogr. 2004, Sect. E, 2390.More Information

Intermolecular Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Alkyl Azides: Trapping of Alkyl Nitrene Intermediates. Klima, R. F.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Photochem. & Photobio. A, 2004,163, 239.

More Information

Photoenolization as a Means to Release Alcohols. Pika, J.; Konosonoks, A.; Robinson, R. M.; Singh, P. N. D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Org. Chem. 200368, 1964-72.More Information

Singh, P. N. D.; Muthukrishnan,  S.;  Murthy, R. S.;  Klima, R. F.;  Mandel, S. M.; Hawk, M.;  Yarbrough, N.;  Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "A Simple and Efficient Procedure for the Synthesis of β- and γ-Azidoarylketones". Tetrahedron Lett. 2003, 44, 9169.More Information

Singh, P. D. N.;  Mandel, S. M.;  Zhu, Z.; Franz, R.; Ault,  B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "Photolysis of Azidoacetophenones: Direct Detection of Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes". J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 7951.More Information

Singh, P. N. D.; Carter, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "A Simple Green Procedure for the Synthesis of 2H-Azirines". Tetrahedron Lett. 2003, 44, 6763.More Information

Aloshyna, M.; Kozankiewicz, B.; Sinekiewicz, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Platz, M. S. "Geometric Conformers of 2,2-dinaphthylcarbene in Shpol’skii Matrices Revealed by Electron Spin Resonance and Hole Burning". Pol. J. Chem. 2002, 76, 301.

Gritsan, N. P.; Gudmundsdóttir, A. D.; Tigelaar, D.; Zhu, Z.; Karney, W. L.; Hadad, C. M.; Platz, M. S. "A Laser Flash Photolysis and Quantum Chemical Study of the Fluorinated Derivatives of Singlet Phenylnitrene". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001123, 1951-62.More Information

Mandel, S. M.; Krause Bauer, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "Photolysis of α-Azidoacetophenones: Trapping of Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes in Solution". Org. Lett., 20013(4), 523.More Information

Kozankiwicz, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Orrit, M.; Platz, M.S.; Tamarat, P. J. "Hole Burning on a Triplet-Triplet Transition: 2,2-Dinaphthylcarbene in n-Hexane at 1.7K". Lumin. 2000, 86(3-4), 261.More Information

Gritsan, N. P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Tigelaar, D.; Platz, M. S. Laser Flash Photolysis Study of Methyl Derivatives of Phenyl Azide". J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 3458.

More Information

Motschiedler, K.; Gudmundsdottir, A.; Toscano, J. P.; Platz, M.; Garcia-Garibay, M. A. "Excited Precursors Reactivity, Fast 1,2-Shifts and Diffusion-Controlled Methanol Insertion in 1,2-Diphenylalkylidenes". J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 5139.More Information

Lee, W.-P.; Brenneman, K. R.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Platz, M. S.; Kahol, P.K.; Monkman, A. P.; Epstein, A. J. "Charge Transport and EPR of PAN-AMPSA (DCA)". Synt. Met. 1999, 101, 819.More Information

Kozankiewicsa, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Orrit, M.; Platz, M. S.; Tamarat, P. "Zero-Field Splitting of Electronic ground and Lowest Excited Triplets State of 2,2-Dinaphthylcarbene in n-hexane at 1.7K". J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 3155.More Information

Admasu, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Platz, M. S.; Watt, D. S.; Kwiatkowski, S.; Crocker, P. J. "A Laser Flash Photolysis Study of p-Toly(Trifluoromethyl)Carbene". J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 2, 1998, 5, 1093. 

Pezacki, J. P.; Warkentin, J.; Wood, P. D.; Lusztyk, J.; Yuzawa, T.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Morgan, S.; Platz, M. S. "Laser Flash Photolysis of 2-Adamantane-2,31-[3H]-Aiazirine: A Reinvestigation". J. Photochem. Photobiol. A, 1998, 116, 1.More Information

Admasu, A.; Platz, M. S.; Marcinek, A.; Michalak, J.; Gudmundsdottir A. D.; Gebicki, J. "Laser Flash Photolysis study of Phenylcarbene, o-Tolylcarbene and Mesitylcarbene". J. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 1997, 10, 207. More Information

Wagner, P. J.; Sedon, J. H.; Gudmundsdottir, A. "Photoinduced Radical Cleavage of Bromophenyl Ketones". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 746-754.More Information

Borecka, B.; Gamlin, J. N.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Olovsson, G.; Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J. "Unusual photorearrangements of 9,10-disubstituted triptycene-1,4-quinone derivatives". Tetrahedron Lett. 1996, 37, 2121-2124.More Information

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Lewis, T. J.; Randall, L. H.; Scheffer, J. R.; Rettig, S. J.; Trotter, J.; Wu, C.-H. "Geometric Requirements for Hydrogen Abstractability and 1,4-Biradical Reactivity in the Norrish/Yang Type II reaction: Studies Based on the Solid-State Photochemistry and X-ray Crystallography of Medium-Sized Ring and Macrocyclic Diketones". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 6167.More Information

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J. "Ionic Chiral Handle-Induced Solid State Asymmetric Synthesis: Origin of the Asymmetric induction Elucidated Through Absolute Configuration Correlation Studies". Tetrahedron Lett. 1994, 35, 1397.More Information

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Li, W.; Scheffer, J. R.; Rettig, S.; Trotter, J. "Asymmetric induction in the photochemistry of crystalline salts: structure-reactivity correlations", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. A1994, 240, 81.More Information

Borecka, B.; Fu, T. Y.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Jones, R.; Liu, Z.; Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J. "Cocrystallization with Phosphine Oxide Derivatives as a Means of Modifying Photochemical Reactivity in the Solid State". Chem. Mater., 1994, 8, 1094.More Information

Wagner, P. J.; Sedon, J.; Waite, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. "Photoinduced Radical Cleavage of Acylphenyl Halides: Different Mechanisms for C-I and C-Br Bonds". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 10284.More Information

Borecka, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Olovsson, G.; Ramamurthy, V.; Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J. "An Ionic Heavy-Atom Effect in the Solid State Photochemistry of a  ß,γ-Unsaturated Ketone". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 10322.More Information

Rattray, G.; Yang, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Scheffer, J. R. "Substituent Effects on the Di-pi-Methane Photorearrangement of 9,10-Ethenoanthracene derivatives" Tetrahedron Lett.. 1993, 34, 35.More Information

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Scheffer, J. R. "Asymmetric Induction in the Solid State Photochemistry of Ammonium Salts". J. Photochem. Photobiol. 1991, 54, 535.More Information

Scheffer, J. R.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "Chemical Reactivity in Solution, in Crystalline Solids and in Polymer films: A Comparative  Study". Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 1990186, 19More Information

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Scheffer, J. R. "Asymmetric Induction in the Solid State photochemistry of Salts of Carboxylic Acids with Optically Active Amines. Tetrahedron Lett199031, 6807More Information

Geirsson, J. K. F.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "Reactions of 1-Aza-1,3-Butadienes. A Novel Synthesis of 6-Acetyl- and 6-(Methoxycarbonyl)-5-Methyl-2-Cyclohexenones." Synthesis 1990, 11, 993More Information

A Comparative Study of an Organic Photorearrangement in Solution, in the Pure and Crystalline Phase and in a Polymer Film..  Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Scheffer, J. R. Tetrahedron Lett. 1989, 30, 419.More Information

Observation of a Photorearrangement Unique to the Polymer Matrix. Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Scheffer, J. R.; Tetrahedron Lett. 1989, 30,423.More Information

Reactions of 1-Aza-1,3-Butadienes. A Convenient Synthesis of N-Benzyl-1,4-Dihydropyridines. Geirsson, J. K. F.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Acta Chem. Scand. 198943, 618.More Information

The Effects of H-Bonding and Sterics on the Photoreactivity of a Trimethyl Butyrophenone Derivative. Li, Q.; Sankaranarayanan, J.; Hawk, M.; Tran, V. T.; Brown J. L.; Tran, V. T.; Brown J. L.;Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Photochem. Photobio. Sci. 2012, 11, 744-751.More Information

Photolysis of (3-Methyl-2H-Azirin-2-yl)-Phenylmethanone: Direct Detection of a Triplet Vinyl Nitrene Intermediate. Rajam, S.;Murthy, R. S.; Jadhav, A. V.; Li, Q.; Keller, C.; Carra, C.; Pace, T. C. S.; Bohne, C.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.  J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 9934-9945. More Information

Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of a Geminal Diazidoalkane. Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Sankaranarayanan, J., Casey, L. Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76(20), 8177-8188.More Information

Phenylethanol Derivatives as Triplet Sensitizers for 1-Azidoadamantane. Ranaweera, R. R. A. U.; Rajam, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2011, 24, 902.More Information

Vinylnitrene Formation from 3,5-Diphenyl-isoxazole and 3-Benzoyl-2-phenylazirine. Gamage, D. W.; Li, Q.;  Ranaweera, R. A. A. Upul, Sarkar, S. K.; Weragoda, G. K.; Carr, P. L.;  Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Org. Chem.  2013 78 (22), 11349-11356More Information

Comparison of the Photochemistry of 3-Phenyl-2-Methyl-2H-Azirine and 2-Phenyl-3-Methyl-2H-Azirine. Zhang, Z.;Sarkar, S.; Weragoda, G.; Sridhar, R.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79 (2),  653–663.

More Information

Matrix Isolation Study of the Ozonolysis of 1,3- and 1,4-Cyclohexadiene: Identification of Novel Reaction Pathways. Pinelo, L.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. ; Ault, B, S. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2013, 117 (20), 4174–4182.

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Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of a Vinyl Azide: Direct Detection of a Triplet Vinyl Azide and Nitrene. S. Rajam , A. V. Jadhav, Q. Li , S. K. Sarkar, P. N. D. Singh, A. Rohr, Tamara C. S. Pace, Rui Li , J. A. Krause, C. Bohne, B. S. Ault,  A. D. Gudmundsdottir. J. Org. Chem., 2014, 79 (19), pp 9325-9334

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Trans–Cis Isomerization of Vinylketones through Triplet 1,2-Biradicals. R. A. A. Upul Ranaweera,  Tianeka Scott, Qian Li, Sridhar Rajam, Alexander Duncan, Rui Li, Anthony Evans, Cornelia Bohne, John P. Toscano, Bruce S. Ault , and Anna D. Gudmundsdottir. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2014, 118 (45), pp 10433–10447.

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Phototautomerization on the Singlet and Triplet Surface in o-Hydroxyacetophenone Derivatives in Polar Solvents.Sarkar, S. K.; Weragoda, G. K.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Phys. Chem. B.; 2015, 119, 2668-2676.

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Photoenolization of o-Methylvalerophenone Ester Derivative. Das, A.; Lao, E. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Photochem. Photobio. 2016, 92, 388-398.

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Photolysis of Acetophenone Derivatives with α-Cyclopropyl Substituents. Ranaweera, R. A. A. U. Weragoda, G. K.; Bain, J.; Watanabe, S.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2015, 28, 137-146.

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Photolysis of 3,5‐Diphenylisoxazole in Argon Matrices. Sriyarathne, H. D. M. Sarkar, S. K.; Hatano, S.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Phys. Org. Chem., 2017, 301(4)

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Formation and Direct Detection of Non-Conjugated Triplet 1,2-Biradical from β,γ-Vinylarylketone. Sriyarathne; H. D. M.; Thenna-Hewa, K. R. S.; Scott, T.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Aust. J. Chem.; 2015, 68, 2668-2676.

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Using Molecular Architecture to Control the Reactivity of a Triplet Vinylnitrene. Sarkar, S. K.; Osisioma, O.; Karney, W. L.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 14905-14914.

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Direct Detection of a Triplet Vinylnitrene in Solution and Cryogenic Matrices. Sarkar, Sujan; Sawai, Asako; Kanahara, Kousei; Wentrup, Curt; Abe, Manabu; Gudmundsdottir, Anna D.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137. 4207-4212.

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Singlet Photoreactivity of 3-Methyl-2-phenyl-2H-azirine. Weragoda, G. K.; Das, A.; Sarkar, S. K.; Sriyarathne, H. D. M.; Zhang, X.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Aust. J. Chem., 2017, 70, 413-420.

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Laser flash photolysis of nanocrystalline α-​azido-​p-​methoxy-​acetophenone. Sarkar, S. K.; Gatlin, D. M.; Das, A.; Loftin, B.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Org. & Biom. Chem. 2017, 15, 7380-7386. (2017 Hot article)

Capturing Conformation-​Dependent Photoreactivity of Crystalline 3-​Azido-​1,​3-​diphenylisobutyrophenone. Karthik, S.; Thenna-Hewa, K. R. S.; Shields, D. J.; Liu, J.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. ChemPhotoChem, 2017, 1, 408-414.

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Steric Demand and Rate-Determining Step for Photoenolization of Di-ortho-Substituted Acetophenone Derivatives. Das, A.; Thomas, S. S.; Garofoli, A. A.; Chavez, K. A.; Krause, J. A.; Bohne, C.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Photochem. Photobio. 2019, 95, 154-162.

Wavelength-dependent photochemistry of 2-azidovinylbenzene and 2-phenyl-2H-azirine. Oisioma, O.; Chakraborty, M.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D., J. Mole. Struct. 2018, 1172, 94-101.

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Formation and Reactivity of Triplet Vinylnitrenes as a Function of Ring SizeGatlin, D. M.;  Karney, W. L.;  Abe,M.;  Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir. A. D. J. Org. Chem. 2019, 84, 14, 9215-9225

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Transforming Triplet Vinylnitrene into Triplet Alkylnitrene at Cryogenic Temperatures.  Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Sriyarathne, H. D. M.; Brown, J. R.; Wentrup, C.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 18, 7194-7198.
This communication was featured on the cover of Org. Lett..

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Photolysis of 5-Azido-3-Phenylisoxazole at Cryogenic Temperature: Formation and Direct Detection of a Nitrosoalkene.  Banerjee, U.; Karney, W. L.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Molecules 2020, 25(3), 543

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Photolysis of 5-Azido-3-Phenylisoxazole at Cryogenic Temperature: Formation and Direct Detection of a Nitrosoalkene. U Banerjee, WL Karney, BS Ault, AD Gudmundsdottir, Molecules2020, 25 (3), 543

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Comparison of the Photochemistry of Acyclic and Cyclic 4-(4-Methoxy-phenyl)-4-oxo-but-2-enoate Ester Derivatives. Sarkar, S. K.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.;  Merugu, R.; Abdelaziz, N. M.; Robinson, J.; Day, H. A.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Phys. Chem. 2020, 124, (37), 7346-7354. 

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Photoinduced α-Cleavage of 2-Azido-2-phenyl-1, 3-indandione at Cryogenic Temperatures.  Banerjee, U.; Sarkar, S. K.; Jeanette A. Krause, J. A.; William L. Karney, W. L.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 20, 7885–7890.

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Cracking under Internal Pressure: Photodynamic Behavior of Vinyl Azide Crystals through N2 Release. Shields, D. J.; Karothu, D. P.; Sambath, K.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U. Schramm, S.; Duncan, A.; Duncan,B.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Naumov, P.; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 43, 18565–18575.

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From Incident Light to Persistent and Regenerable Radicals of Urea-Assembled Benzophenone Frameworks: A Structural Investigation. Goodlett, DW.; Sindt, AJ; Hossain, MS. Merugu, R; Smith, MD; Garashchuk, S.; Gudmundsdottir, AD; Shimizu, LS.; J. Phys. Chem. A, 2021, 125, 6, 1336-1334.

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Visible Light Absorption and Long-Lived Excited States in Dinuclear Silver(I) Complexes with Redox-Active Ligands, Shields, DJ; Elkoush, T; Miura-Stempel, E; Mak, CL; Niu, GH; Gudmundsdottir, AD; Campbell, M.; Inorg. Chem. 2020, 59, 24, 18338-18344.

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Photolysis of 3-Azido-3-phenyl-3H-isobenzofuran-1-one at Ambient and Cryogenic Temperatures. Thenna-Hewa, K; Sebastien, W; Lemen, EM; Karney, WL; Abe, M; Gudmundsdottir, AD; Photochem. Photobio. 2021, 97, 1397-1406.

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Effects of Self-assembly on the Photogeneration of Radical Cations in Halogenated Triphenylamines. Hossain, MS; Sindt, AJ; Goodlett, DW;  Shields, DJ.; O’Connor, CJ; Antevska, A; Karakalos, SG; Smith, MD; Garashchuk, S; Do, TD; Gudmundsdottir, AD; Shimizu, LS; J. Phys. Chem. B2021, 125, 36, 19991-20002

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Aromaticity of the Triplet States of Corannulene and Coronene. Govorov, D; Pitawela, NR; Gudmundsdottir, AD; J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2023, 36(1), e4464

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Formation of Stilbene Azo-Dimer by Direct Irradiation of p-Azidostilbene. Osisiom, O.; Patton, L. J.; Merugu, R.; Govorov, D.; Milbrandt, M. A.;  Jaruc, C.; Karney, W. L.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Photochem. Photobiol. 2023, 99, 605-615.

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Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer in Salicylidene-α-hydroxy Carboxylate Derivatives: Direct Detection of the Triplet Excited State of the cis-Keto Tautomer. Weragoda, G. K.; Abdelaziz, N. M.; Govorov, D.; Merugu, R.; Patton, L. J.; Grabo, J.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U. Ratliff, A. C.; Mendis, W. D.; Ahmed, N.; Vilinsky, K. H.; Abe, M.; Baldwin, M. J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2023, 127, 2765-2778

Unraveling the Solid-State Photoreactivity of Carbonylbis(4,1-Phenylene)dicarbonazidate with Laser Flash Photolysis. Ahmed,N.; Kavikarage​, J. P. K.;  Judkins​, D. F.; Mendis, W. D.; Merugu, R.; Krause​, J. A.;  Ault, B. S.;  Gudmundsdottir, A. D. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2023, 127, 46, 9705–9716.

Light-Mediated Synthesis of 2-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-1-pyrroline via Intramolecular Reductive Cyclization of a Triplet Alkylnitrene. George, S.; Govorov, D.; Gatlin, D. M., Merugu, R.; Wasson, F. J.; Shields, D. J.; Allen, Y.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Krause, J. A.;  Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Org. Lett.  2023, 127, 23, 2765-2778

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Book Chapter

Photoenolization and its Applications. Klán, P.; Wirz, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. In CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology, 3rd Ed. Griesbeck, A.; Ghetti, F.; Olgemoeller, M. Eds. Taylor & France Group, LLC, 2012, Chapter 26, pp 627-652

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Polyaniline. Hardaker, S. S.; Jadhav, A. V.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.;  Gregory, R. V. in "Polymer Data Handbook  2nd Edn".  Ed: Mark, J. E.; University Press: Oxford, 2009, pp 363-369.

Photoremovable Protection Groups Based on Photoenolization.   Sankaranarayanan, J.; Muthukrishnan, S.;  Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry". Ed. Richard, J. P., Academic Press: San Diego, 2009, pp 39-77, Vol. 43, Chapter 2More Information

Scheffer, J. R.; Trotter, J. Gudmundsdottir,  A. D. "Phase Effects on the Competition between Hydrogen Abstraction and Photocycloaddition in Bicyclic Enones". In CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology". Horspool, P.-S. Song, Ed(s); CRC Press: Boca Raton, 1995, pp 607.

Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes. In "Nitrenes and Nitrenium Ions". Muthukrishnan,   S.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Gudmundsdottir.  A. D. Eds.:  Falvey, D. E. Gudmundsdottir, A. D.  Wiley series on Reactive intermediates in Chemistry and Biology. Volume 6, April 2013

"Triplet Vinylnitrenes" in "The Chemistry of Nitrogen-rich Functional Groups". Banerjee, U.; Thenna-Hewa, K. Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Eds. Liebman, J. F.; Greer, A. John WIley and Sons, West Sussex, 2019.

Review of laser flash photolysis of organic molecules (2015-2018). Shields, D. J.; Chakraborty, M.; Abdelaziz, N.; Duley , A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Photochemistry, 2019,  Volume 47, pages 70 - 121.

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Preface Special Issue: International Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM), Prague, 2009. Moss, R. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2010, 23, 271.

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Preface “Structure, Spectroscopy and Chemistry of Reactive Intermediates". Nunes, C. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Fausto, R. J. Mol. Struc. 2018, 1172, 1-2.

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Gudmundsdottir, A. D. Organic Photochemistry and Photophysics. Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry, Volume 14, edited by Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy and Kirk S. Schanze. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128 (24), 8096.

Pika, J.; Konosonoks, A.;  Singh,  P. N.  D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. "Designing Esters which Release Alcohols upon Exposure to Light". Spectrum 2003, 16, 12.


Gudmundsdottir, A. D.  "Reactivity of Alkyl and Vinyl Nitrenes" Ohio Supercomputer Annual Report, 2010.

Daily FT, October 29th, 2010. "Top US chemist from University of Cincinnati in Town".

The Sunday Times. Sri Lanka, October 29th, 2010. "Top US Chemist to visit SL"

Gudmundsdottir Studying Mechanisms Behind PRPG Photorelease. Ohio Supercomputer Center 2011 Annual Research Report.

'Radical' Chemist Earns Fulbright to Advance Research into Processes that Cause Food to Spoil, Other Materials to Decay


Nitrenes and Nitrenium Ions. Eds. Falvey, D. E. Gudmundsdottir A. D.; Wiley series on Reactive intermediates in Chemistry and Biology. Volume 6, April 2013


Special Issue: International Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM), Hiroshima Japan, April 2014. Moss, R.A. Gudmundsdottir, A. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2015, 28, 70.

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Invited Presentations

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-15-2007. ) Photochemistry of Azides .Wooster College, Wooster, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-29-2003. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes Exist .Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-30-2003. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Alkyl Azides in Solution and in Crystals .The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-31-2003. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes Exist .Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (02-08-2003. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes Exist? .Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio.. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-04-2003. ) Triplet Sensitization of Alkyl Azides .Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D. C. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-13-2003. ) Triplet Sensitization of Alkyl Azides .University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-31-2003. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Azides Exist? .Mt. St. Joseph College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2010. ) Photochemistry and Its Application .ICHEM , Colombo, Sri Lanka. Other Institution. . Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-05-2003. ) Photoprotecting Groups .East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2009. ) 1,2 Biradicals and its Applications .Rutgers University, New Jersey. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-31-2003. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes Exist? .Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2010. ) Photochemistry and Its Application .Kansas State University , Manhattan, Kansas. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (12-2009. ) Photochemistry and Its Application .Northern Kentucky Universit, Highland Heights, Kentucky. Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2009. ) Reactivty of Triplet Nitrenes .Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2009. ) Photochemistry of Alkyl Azides .Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-03-2004. ) Photorelease of Alcohols .Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-18-2012. ) Photoremovable Protecting Groups .Institute National de La Researches Scientifique (INRS), Energie, Montreal, Qubeck, Canada. Other Institution. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-29-2013. ) Reactivity of Radicals in Crystals .University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Other Institution. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (02-20-2013. ) Radicals and their Reactivity .ACS Cincinnati Local Chapter, Cincinnati. Professional Meeting. . Level:Regional

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (03-02-2014. ) Solid State Reaction Mechanism .Hiroshima International Symposium on Future Science (Hi-SFs) 2014, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (04-2014. ) Solid State Reaction Mechanism .Intetnation Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM 2014), Hiroshima, Japan. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (01-2015. ) Towards Understanding the Reactivity of Triplet Vinylnitrenes, .Inter-American Photochemical Society (I-APS), Sarasota, Florida. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2014. ) NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Roundtable .35th Reaction Mechnaims Conference, Davis, California. Conference. . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Das, A.; Thenna-Hewa, K. (11-2014. ) Photochemistry and its Applications .Shawnee State University, Portsmouth, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:State

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (06-20-2015. ) The Reactivity of Triplet Vinylnitrenes .98th Canadian Chemistry Conference, Symposium in Honor of Professor Scaiano on his 70th Birthday, Ottawa Canada. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-20-2015. ) Solid-State Reactivity of Biradicals .Physical Organic Chemistry GRC, Holderness, New Hampshire.. Conference. . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (12-20-2015. ) The Reactivity of Triplet Vinylnitrenes .nternational Symposium Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM2015), PacificChem, Honolulu, Hawaii. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-20-2016. ) Panel Discussion on Diversity .Reactive Mechanism Conference 2016, Saint Louis, Missouri,. Professional Meeting. . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-20-2016. ) Vinylnitrene reactivity .23rd IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (ICPOC22), Sydney, Australia. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-20-2016. ) Rigid Vinylniterenes .The 7th Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Conference. .

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (04-20-2017. ) Using LFP to Elucidate Bimolecular Reaction Mechanims in Crystals .ICCOSS XXIII, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (03-11-2017. ) Reactivity of Vinylntrene in Solution and the Solid-State .School of Mimes, Golden, Colorado. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-20-2017. ) Reactivity of Vinylazides in Solution and the Solid-State .International Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM 2017), Sorrento, Italy. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D (05-20-2017. ) Reactivity of vinylazides in solution, matrices and the solid states .Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Maumee Bay, Ohio. Workshop. . Level:State

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (11-17-2017. ) Photosalient Vinyl Azide Crystals .Oesper Symposium Honoring Matthew Platz, University of Cincinnati. Level:Regional

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (11-08-2017. ) Photoresponsive Crystals. Ohio Valley Chapter of Society of Cosmetic Chemists, Ohio. Level:Regional

Gudmunsdottir, Anna (07-18-2018. ) Photodynamic Vinyl Azide Crystals. PhotoIUPAC Symposium , Dublin, Ireland. Professional Meeting. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (08-18-2018. ) Photoresponsive Azides .34th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (EUCMOS), Coimbra, Portugal. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (11-12-2018. ) Photodynamic Azido Crystals .2nd Middle-Eastern Material Science Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna D (03-2019. ) Using DFT Calculations to understand the Unique Photoreactivity of Corannulene Azide .257th ACS National Meeting, Orlando Florida. Conference. . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna D (06-2019. ) Photodynamic Azido Crystals .The 6th Crystal Engineering and Emerging Materials Workshop of Ontario and Quebec (CEMWOQ-6), Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Workshop. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna D (06-2019. ) The 8th Heron Conference on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules, Ayers Rock Resort, Uluru, Northen Territory, Australia. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna D (01-2020. ) Photomechanical Organic Crystals Produced by Molecular Gas Extrusion .29th Winter I-APS Conference, Sarasota, Florida. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna D (06-2019. ) Photodynamic Azido Crystals .University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia. Level:University

Shields, D. J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2019. ) Photodynamic of Flexible Vinylazides Crystals .Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Toledo, Ohio.

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (07-2020. ) Photodynamic Azido Crystals .ACS-SEED Summer Camp Presentation, Virtual. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (03-2021. ) Crystals on the Move .Chemistry Department, Saint Louis University, MO, USA. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (04-2021. ) Crystals on the Move .Wright State University, Dayton OH. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (08-2021. ) Delete Item Gudmundsdottir, Anna (07-2020). Photodynamic Azido Crystals. ACS-SEED Summer Camp Presentation , Virtual. National 20FS .Photodynamic Azido Crystals. ACS-SEED Summer Camp Presentation , Virtual. Workshop. . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (09-2022. ) 2nd International Symposium on Connement-Controlled Chemistry, .Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. Workshop. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-2022. ) Photofracking Crystals .25th IUPAC, International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (IPOC), Hiroshima, Japan,. Conference. . Level:International

Anna Gudmundsdottir (06-2022. ) Photoerupting Crystals .Braking and Making Bond with Light, Telluride OH. Conference. . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-2022. ) Triplet Vinylnitrenes .Heron9 ISRIUM, Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-2022. ) Photodynamic Crystals .Reaction Mechanism Conference, Boulder, Colorado. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-2022. ) Photoreactive Crystals .Radicals In the Rockies, Telluride, Colorado. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (05-2022. ) Crystals on the Move .3rd Frontiers in Photochemistry Conference, Fusion Conference, Cancun, Mexico. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir (12-2021. ) Crystals on the Move .Mechanically Responsive Materials: Bridging the Gap Between Polymers and Crystals., PacificChem online. Conference. . Level:International

Gdumundsdottir, Anna (12-2021. ) Photoreactive Vinyl Azides .Supramolecular Photosciences of Organic Molecules,, PacicChem, online. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (12-2012. ) Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity of Triplet Corannulene and Coronene .2nd Conference on Excited State Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity (ICESAA), Kauai, Hawaii, December 16 to 20, 2022, Kaui, Hawaii. Conference. . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (12-2022. ) Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity of Triplet Corannulene and Coronene .2nd Conference on Excited State Aromaticity and Antiaromaticity (ICESAA), Kauai, Hawaii. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (04-2023. ) Dynamic Crystals .University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, Anna06 (04-2023. ) Turning Light into Movement .Light Working Groups, Cincinnati. UC. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (09-2023. ) Stable Azido Crystals for Photoprinting .ISRIUM 2023, Physikzerntrum Bad Honnef, Germany. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-07-2005. ) Reactive Intermediates .University of Victoria, Victoria, B. C., Canada. Other Institution. . Level:University

Wasson, F.j,; Abdelaziz, N.; Krause, J. A.; Clegg, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2023. ) Photochemical organic azides and peroxides perform sustainable photodynamics and gas release in the solid-state . Queensland Annual Chemistry Symposium. Brisbane, Australia, November 2023, Accepted, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia . Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-09-2005. ) Reactive Intermediates .Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C., Canada. Other Institution. . Level:University

James, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-2023. ) LS-PAC Building Future Faculty (BFFs) Conference, oral, New Orleans, LA Photoexplosivity of Organic Azides .LS-PAC Building Future Faculty (BFFs) Conference, , New Orleans, LA . Level:Regional

Gudmundsdottir, A, D (10-2023. ) Photofrackng Crystals .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati . Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-12-2006. ) Reactive Intermediates .Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-24-2006. ) Reactive Intermediates .Colgate University, Hamilton, New York. Other Institution. . Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-26-2007. ) Azido Photochemistry .Texas State University, San Marco, Texas. Other Institution. .

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-19-2007. ) Photochemistry of Azido Compounds .Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-13-2008. ) Photolysis of Azido Compounds. Berea College, Berea, Kentucky. Other Institution. . Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-11-2008. ) Photoreactivity of Alkyl Azides .Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. Other Institution. . Level:University

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-22-2008. ) Photochemistry of Alkyl Azides .Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana. Other Institution. . Level:College

Poster Presentations

A. A. U. Ranaweera, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (08-2008. ) Synthesis, photolysis and characterization of products and intermediates of 1-(4-diazidomethyl-phenyl)-ethanone. .236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States. .

Ranaweera,* R. A. A. U.; Jones, D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Li, Qian; Williamson, C.; Mack, J. (06-2010. ) Photochemical studies of corannulene derivatives; An approach towards designing photoswitches .42nd Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dayton, OH. . Conference. . Level:Regional

Scott, T.;* Muthukrishnan, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-12-2012. ) Effects of Intramolecular H-Bonding on Lactonization .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. . Conference. . Level:Local

Q. Li, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (08-2008. ) Solid-state photolysis of arylazides produces trans-arylazo dimers in high stereoselective yield. 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .

Scott, T.;* Ranawera, R. A. A. U.; Rajam, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-2010. ) Triplet Sensitized cis-trans Isomerization of 1-Phenyl-2-buten-1-one .239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. . Conference. . Level:National

J. Sankaranarayanan, S. Muthukrishnan, M. DeMichiei, M. Meese, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (08-2008. ) o-Alkylacetophenone based photo protecting group for release of alcohols. .236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .

Yakey, S. A.;*, Rajam, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Railing, M. (03-2010. ) Direct Detection of 1,2 and 1,4 Triplet Biradicals Using Laser Flash Photolysis . 239th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. . Conference. . Level:National

S. Rajam, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (08-2008. ) Intramolecular triplet sensitized photolysis of .beta..gamma.-unsaturated ketones: Direct detection of triplet alkene 1,2 biradical. 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .

Zhao,Y.;* Klima, R. F. Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-2010. ) The Solid State Photolysis of 3-Azido-1,3-Diphenylisobutyrophenone .I-APS2010, 20th Winter Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida. . Conference. . Level:International

X. Zhang, S. Rajam, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2008. ) X. Zhang, S. Rajam, A. D. Gudmundsdottir .40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH. .

Zhang, X.;* Krause, J. A. Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-2010. ) Photoenolization in Solutions and the Solid State. I-APS2010, 20th Winter Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida. . Conference. . Level:International

S. Rajam, E. McGreevy, M. Masnovi, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2008. ) Direct Detection of Triplet Alkene 1,2 Biradicals in .alpha.,.gamma. Unsaturated Ketones by Laser Flash Photolysis. 40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, Ohio. .

Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.;* Scott, T.; Rajam, S.; Evans, A.; Toscano, J. P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-2010. ) Study of Cis-Trans Isomerization of alpha, beta-Unsaturated Alkenes: An Approach Towards Designing Potential Photoswitches .I-APS2010, 20th Winter Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida. . Conference. . Level:International

R. A. A. U. Ranawera, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2008. ) Synthesis, Photolysis and Characterization of Products and Intermediates of 1-(4-Diazidomethyl-phenyl)-Ethanone. .Abstracts, 40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH. .

Li, Q.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-2010. ) Designing New Photoremovable Protecting Groups .I-APS2010, 20th Winter Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida. . Conference. . Level:International

J. A. Mathews*, M. A. deLong, S. L Cohen, F. C. Wireko, A. L. Ritter, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-2003. ) β-Silyl Arenes: Novel Substrates for the Arene-Olefin Photocyclization Reaction .225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. .

J. Sankaranarayanan, S. Rajam, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2008. ) Hydrogen Abstraction in Triplet Nitrenes. 40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH. .

Zhao, Y.* (03-2010. ) Photoreactivity of 1-(3-Azidomethyl-Phenyl)-Ethanone .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Q. Li, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2008. ) Solid-State Photolysis of Arylazides Produces Trans-Arylazo Dimers in High Stereoselective Yield .40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH. .

Das, S.* (03-2010. ) Comparison of the Photophysical Properties of Benzyl Alcohol Derivatives .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

R. Klima*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-07-2003. ) What are Azides and Nitrenes and Why be Concerned with Photoreactivity of Azides .Graduate Student Government Association Poster Sections, University of Cincinnati, Ohio. .

S. Sims, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2008. ) Developing Novel Photoprotecting Groups .40th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbus, OH. .

Gamage, D.;* (03-2010. ) Photochemistry of 4-Benzoyl-5-methyl-3-phenyl Isoxazole and 3,5-Dipehnyl Isoxazole .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

R. S. Murthy*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir, B. S. Ault (03-07-2003. ) Photolytic Studies of Acyl Azides .Graduate Student Government Association Poster Sections, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. .

S. Rajam, S. Sims, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (01-03-2009. ) 4-(p-Xylyl)-4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid- A New Photorelease System Based on Cis-Trans Isomerism .Inter American Photochemical Society, St. Petersburg, FL. . Conference. . Level:National

Li, Q.;* (03-2010. ) Photo-Reactivities of Corannulenes and Its Derivatives .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

A. Jadhav*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-07-2003. ) Improving the Bulk Conductivity in Polyaniline with Crosslinkers .Graduate Student Government Association Poster Sections, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. .

Ranaweera, A. A. U. R.;* (03-2010. ) Study of Cis-Trans Isomerization of alpha, beta-Unsaturated Alkenes: Towards Designing Potential Photoswitches .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Hawk, M.;* Li, Q.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2010. ) Effect of Alkyl Substituents on Photorelease from Butyrophenone Derivatives .Undergraduate Research Poster Session, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

S. M. Mandel*, J. A. Krause Bauer, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2003. ) Photochemistry of α-, β-, and γ-Azidoarylketones .2nd Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Mohican Lodge, Ohio. .

M. Hawk,* S. M. Mandel, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2003. ) Photochemistry of γ-Azidobutyrophenones .2nd Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Mohican Lodge, Ohio. .

R. S. Murthy*, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2003. ) Photolytic Studies of Carbonyl Azides .2nd Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Mohican Lodge, Ohio. .

R. Klima*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2003. ) Photolytic Studies of β- and γ-Azidoaryl Ketones .2nd Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Mohican Lodge, Ohio. .

A. Konosonoks,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2003. ) 4-Aryl-4-Butanoates as Candidates for Fast Photorelease .2nd Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Mohican Lodge, Ohio. .

A. Jadhav*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2003. ) Improving the Bulk Conductivity of Polyaniline with Cross-Linkers .2nd Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Mohican Lodge, Ohio. .

N. A. Stasko*, M. D. E. Forbes, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (07-2003. ) Photolysis of -Azidoacetophenones: A TREPR Study .GRC Photochemistry, New Londong, Connecticut. .

M. A. de Long*, J. A. Mathews, F. C. Wireko, A. L. Ritter, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (2004. ) Air-Initiated Reaction: Vinyl Cyclopropane Opening with Aryl Sulfur Radicals .227th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. .

A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir*, A. Konosonoks, P. N. D. Singh, J. Pika (01-2004. ) Designing Esters that Photorelease Alcohols .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Tempe, Arizona. .

R, Murthy*, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2004. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Carboalkoxyazides: Stepwise Formation of Isocyanates in Matrices .3rd Ohio Photoscience Meeting, Bowling Green State University. .

S. Muthukrishnan*, J. Sankaranarayanan, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2004. ) Phochemical Studies on γ and δ Azido Carbonyl Compounds in Solutions .3rd Ohio Photoscience Meeting, Bowling Green State University. .

M. Chang*, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2004. ) Trapping of Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes Using Molecular Oxygen .3rd Ohio Photoscience Meeting, Bowling Green State University. .

A. Konosonoks*, S. M. Mandel, C. Bohne, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2004. ) Photoenolization of 2-(2-Alkylbenzoyl)-Benzoates .3rd Ohio Photoscience Meeting, Bowling Green State University. .

R. F. Klima*, P. N. D. Singh*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (08-2004. ) Photolytic Studies of β-Azidopropiophenone Derivatives .228th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .

M. Chang,* P. N. D. Singh, M. Vu, S. M. Mandel, N. E. Ibrahim, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Photolytic study of 3-Azido-3-Phenyl Propiophenone .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

S. Muthukrishnan,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Nitrene Cleave to Give Benzoyl Radical Photochemically? .A DFT Analysis and Experimental Verification, Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

C. Keller,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Photolysis of 1-(4-Azidomethyl)Acetophenone .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

A. Rohr,* A.; Singh, P. N. D.; Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Role of Solvent in Photoreactivity of Vinyl Azides .A. D. Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

G. Bharucka,* R. F. Klima, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Intramolecular Sensitized Photolysis of Substituted α-Azides in Solutions .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

J. Sankaranarayanan,* M. Hawk, S. Muthukrishnan, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Photochemical Studies on γ- and δ-Azido-Aroylketones in Solutions and the Solid-State .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

J. Hale,* P. D. D. Singh, R. S. Murthy, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Photolytic Studies of 6-Azido-1-Phenyl-1-Hexanone .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

J. Whitson,* M. Chang, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Trapping of Triplet Alkyl Nitrene in Solution Using Molecular Oxygen .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

S. Rajam,* N. Patel, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Trapping Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes Using Intramolecular Sensitizer .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

R. S. Murthy,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Microwave Assisted Organic Reactions .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

R. S. Murthy,* B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Alkoxy Carbonyl Azides .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

B. Patel,* S. Rajam, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2004. ) Can Triplet Vinyl Nitrene be Formed Using Intramolecular Triplet Sensitizers .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

S. Muthukrishnan,* P. D. N. Singh, S. M. Mandel, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (01-2005. ) Do Triplet Alkyl Nitrene Cleave to Give Benzoyl Radical Photochemically? .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Clearwater, Florida. .

A. Jadhav*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-2005. ) Synthesis and Properties of Polyaniline Crosslinked with Aryl Azides .229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, California. .

R. S. Murthy*, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-2005. ) Triplet-Sensitized Photolysis of Oxy Carbonyl Azides .229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, California. .

J. Sankaranarayanan*, P. N. D. Singh, J. Hale, S. Muthukrishnan, S. Mandel, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-2005. ) Photochemical Studies on γ, δ, and ε-Azidoaroylketones .229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, California. .

M. Chang,* P. N. D. Singh, M. Vu, S. M. Mandel, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-2005. ) Photolytic Study of 3-Azide-3-p-Phenyl Propiophenone .229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, California. .

J. Sankaranarayanan,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Organic Magnets - Facts or Fallacy .University of Cincinnati, Ohio. .

C. Keller,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Photolysis of 1-(4-Azidomethyl)Acetophenone .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

S. Rajam,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Detection of Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes Using Intramolecular Sensitizer .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

S. Muthukrishnan*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Novel Photocleavable Protecting Groups for Potential Gene Therapy Applications .University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

A. Konosonoks*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Photolabile Caging Groups for Alcohols .Graduate Poster Forum 2005, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

A. V. Jadhav,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Exploring the Crosslinking of Polyaniline by Insertion of Nitrenes .Graduate Poster Forum 2005, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

M. Chang*, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-04-2005. ) Photolytic Study of 3-Azido-3-Phenyl-Propiophenone .Graduate Poster, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

P. N. D. Singh, S. M. Mandel, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2005. ) Can Triplet Alkyl Nitrene Photochemically Cleave to Give a Benzoyl Radical? .The 4th Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Hueston Woods, Ohio. .

R. S. Murthy*, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2005. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Oxy Carbonyl Azides .The 4th Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Hueston Woods, Ohio. .

A. V. Jadhav,* S. Rajam, A. C. Rohr, P, N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2005. ) Detection of Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes Using Intramolecular Sensitizer .The 4th Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Hueston Woods, OH. .

J. Sankaranarayanan*, P. N. D. Singh, S. Muthukrishnan, J. Hale, S. M. Mandel, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2005. ) Photochemical Studies on γ, δd, & δ-Azidoaroylketones .The 4th Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Hueston Woods, Ohio. .

M. Chang*, R. F. Klima, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2005. ) Photolytic Study of Substituent 3-Azide-3-Phenyl Propiophenone .The 4th Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Hueston Woods, Ohio. .

C. Keller,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2005. ) Photolysis of 1-(4-Azidomethylphenyl)Ethanone .The 4th Ohio Photochemical Society (OoPS) Meeting, Hueston Woods, Ohio,. .

A. D. Gudmundsdottir (07-2005. ) Solid-State Reactivity of Alkyl Azides .17th International Conference on the Chemistry of Organic Solid-State, UCLA, Los Angeles, California. .

R. S. Murthy*, K. Cavanaugh*, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2005. ) Solid-State Photochemistry of Alkoxy Carbonyl Azides .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

A. Jadhav,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2005. ) Crosslinking Polyaniline with Singlet Nitrenes: Optimizing Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Strength .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

A. C. Rohr*, A. Hamilton, S. Rajam*, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2005. ) Synthesis and Photolysis of Vinyl Azides using Intermolecular and Intramolecular Sensitizer .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

J. Hale*, P. N. D. Sing, S. Muthukrishnan, S. M. Mandel, B. S. Ault*, and A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2005. ) Photochemical Studies of α, δ & ε-Azidoarylketones .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

M. Chang,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2005. ) Photolytic Study of Substituent 3-Azide-3-phenyl propiophenone .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

S. Muthukrishnan (10-2005. ) From Triplet Alkyl Nitrene to Photorelease: A Quest to Understand the Reactive Intermediates .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

S. Muthukrishnan,* S. M. Mandel, J. Hackett, C. M. Hadad, N. D. P. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (2006. ) Photolysis of γ-Azidoazetophenones: Photochemical Cleavage of Triplet Alkyl Nitrene .Graduate Poster Forum, University of Cincinnati. .

J. Sankaranarayanan,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (2006. ) Progress Made in Investigating an ”Ephemeral” Species - Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes .Graduate Poster Forum, University of Cincinnati. .

Jadhav, A. V.; Gudmundsd´ottir, A. D (2006. ) Cross-Linking Polyaniline with Azidochemistry .Graduate Poster Forum, University of Cincinnati. .

A. V. Jadhav, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (09-2006. ) Controlling the Bulk Properties of Polyaniline by Crosslinking with Perfluorophenylazides .232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .

S. Rajam,* A. V. Jadhav, A. C. Rohr, P.N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (09-2006. ) Detection of Triplet Vinyl Nitrene .232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .

J. Sankaranarayanan,* S. Muthukrishnan, J. Hale, S. M. Mandel, P. N. D. Singh, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (09-2006. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Azidoarylketones: Intramolecular Energy Transfer vs. Intramolecular H-atom Abstraction .232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .

S. Muthukrishnan,* B. Seok, G. de Jong, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (09-2006. ) Photorelease of Alcohols via an Imine Radical Mechanism: An Efficient Way to Prevent Reversible Photoenolization .232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .

S. Muthukrishnan*, B. Seok, G. de Jong, A. Konosonoks, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2006. ) Photorelease of Alchohols via Photoenolization: Comparing the Reactivity of Methyl, Ethyl and Isopropyl Derivatives of Methyl 2-(2-Alkylbenzoyl) Benzoic Acid Esters by Experimental and Computation Methods .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

S. Rajam,* K. Cavanaugh, A. V. Jadhav, P. N. D. Singh, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2006. ) Oxygen Trapping of Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

R. S. Murthy,* A. V. Jadhav, B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2006. ) Photochemical Switching of Bond Cleavage in 2-Benzoyl-3-methyl-2H-azirines .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

J. Sankaranrayanan,* S. Muthukrishanan, P. N. D. Singh, J. Hales, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2006. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Azidoarylketones: Generation of Ketyl Imine Biradicals .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

. Muthukrishnan,* A. Konosonoks, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (03-2007. ) . Photochemistry of Oxobutanones: Understanding the Role of Hydrogen Bonding in Photoenolization Mechanism for the Photorelease of Alcohols by Computational and Experimental Methods .233rd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL. .

S. Muthukrishnan,* J. A. Krause, L. Sallans, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2007. ) Serendipitous Discovery of Unusually Long Carbon-Carbon Single Bonds that Cleaves to Form Persistent Radicals .39th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. .

S. Rajam,* P. N. D. Singh; A. V. Jadhav, A. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2007. ) Triplet Reactivity of Vinyl Azide: Oxygen Trapping Studies .39th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. .

A. Jadhav,* M. Roddy, A. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2007. ) Tailoring the Properties of Polyaniline by Crosslinking with Aryl Azides .39th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. .

J. M. Gries,* R. Murthy, J. A. Krause, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2007. ) Solid-State Photolysis of Alkoxy Carbonyl Azides .39th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. .

J. Sankaranarayanan,* L. Bort, S. McCloskey, P. Chen, B. S. Ault, P. Boolchand, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2007. ) Solid-State Photochemistry of β-Azidoaroyl Ketones .39th Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Covington, KY. .

A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (07-2007. ) New Photoprotecting Groups, o-Azidomethyl Benzophenones .GRC Photochemistry, Bryant University Smithfield, Rhode Island. .

U. Ranaweera,* B. S. Ault, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2007. ) Towards Making High Spin Units .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

S. Sims,* A. D. Gudmudnsd´ottir (10-2007. ) Designing New Photoprotecting Groups .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

E. A. Borchert,* S. Rajam, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2007. ) Effect of Alkenyl Substituents on Triplet Vinyl Nitrene Formation .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

Gudmundsdottir, A. D.;* Ault, B. S. (06-2010. ) Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Chemistry at the University of Cincinnati: the Visiting Faculty Mentor Concept & Outreach to Local Collages .CUR National Conference, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. . Conference. . Level:National

Q. Li,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2007. ) Photolysis of Crystalline Arylazides .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

Zhang, X.;* Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2010. ) Photolysis of 3-Phenyl-2-Methyl-2H-Azirine and its Isomer: Formation of Ylides and Triplet Nitrene .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Conference. . Level:Local

S. Rajam,* J. Sankaranarayanan, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2007. ) Do Triplet Nitrenes Abstract Hydrogen Atoms? .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

Zhao, Y.;* Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2010. ) The Solid State Photolysis of Azide 3-Azido-1,3-Diphenylisobutyrophenone .Oesper Conference, UC, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:Local

J. Sankaranarayanan,* L. Bort, S. M. Mandel, P. Chen, J. A. Kraus, E. Brooks, P. Tsang, A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (10-2007. ) Role of Orbital-Overlap in the Solid-State Reactivity of β-Azidopropiophenones .Oesper Symposium, University of Cincinnati. .

Ranaweera, A. A. U. R.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2010. ) Study of Cis-Trans Isomerisation of α, β Unsaturated Alkenes ; An Approach Towards Designing Potential Photoswitches .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:Local

Li, Q.;* Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2010. ) Effect of Electron-Donating Function Group on Aryl-Nitrene Reactivity in Solid State Photoreaction .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:Local

Gamage, D.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2010. ) Photolysis of Oxazoles and Azirines .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:Local

Li, Q.;* Hawk, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-14-2011. ) Effect of Alkyl Substituents for Photorelase for Butyrophenone Derivatives .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:State

Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.;* Duncan, B.; Kraus, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-14-2011. ) Reactivity of Vinyl Azides in Crystal Lattices .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:State

Zhang, X.;* Duncan, A.; Kraus, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-14-2011. ) Photochemistry of E-3-Azido-1-(4-chlrorophneyl) prop-2-en-1-one in Solid State and Solutions .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati ACS Chapter, University of Cincinnati. . Conference. . Level:State

Sarkar, S.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-14-2011. ) Competition between Photoenolization and Trans-Cis Isomerization in Photoremovable Group .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati ACS Chapter, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:State

Weragoda, G.;* Zhang, P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-14-2011. ) Photoinduced Methanol Release of Nano-particle Decorated Ester Using NIR Light .Oesper Conference, ACS Cincinnati Chapter, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:State

Gamage, D.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-14-2011. ) Photoreactivity of 3,5-Diphenylisoxazole and 3-Benzoyl-2-Phenylazirine .Oesper Conference, ACS Cincinnati Chapter, Unversity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:State

Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.;* Williamson, C.; Jones, D.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-09-2011. ) Photochemical Studies of Corannulene Derivatives: An Approach Towards Designing Photoswitches .Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference, Stonehill Cellege, Easton, MA. . Conference. . Level:National

Li, Q.;* Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-02-2011. ) Selective Synthesis of Trans-Azo Dimer by Photoreaction & Kinetics of Triplet Azo Intermediates in the Solid State .Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association, New Orleans, LA. . Conference. . Level:National

Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.;* Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (02-25-2011. ) Studies of Vinyl Azides in Solution and the Solid State .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Weragoda, G.;* Zhang, P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (02-25-2011. ) Photoinduced Methanol Release of Nanoparticle Decorated Esters Using NIR Light .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Sarkar, S. K.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (02-25-2011. ) Photoremoveable Protecting Groups as Diethyl Phosphoric Anhydride ir ATP Models. Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Zhang, X.;* Jerrochina, L.; Kraus, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (02-25-2011. ) Cis-Trans Ismoerization of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Alkenes .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Li, Q.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (02-25-2011. ) Laser Flash Photolysis of Azido and Azo Compounds in the Solid-State .Poster Forum, UC Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Brown, J.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-03-2011. ) Photoremovable Protecting Groups .Undergraduate Poster Presentation, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Duncan, B.;* Ranaweera, R. R. A. U.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2011. ) Electron Withdrawing Substituent Effect on the Stability of Triplet Nitrenes: .Undergraduate Poster Forum, UC, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Duncan, A.* Ranaweera, R. R. A. U., Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2011. ) Study of Cis-Trans Isomerisation of α, β Unsaturated Alkenes; An Approach Towards Designing Potential Photoswitches .Undergraduate Poster Forum, UC, Cincinnati, Ohio. . UC. . Level:University

Duncan, B.* Zhang, X.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2011. ) Photochemistry of (E)-3-Azido-1-(2-chlorophenyl) prop-2-en-1-one .UC. . Level:University

Ranaweera, R. A.;* Jones, D.; Williamson, C.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-27-2011. ) Photochemistry of coranulene derivatives: In search for potential applications in photoswitches .241st ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. . Conference. . Level:National

Lee,* T. N.; Li, Q.; Jones, D. R.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-27-2011. ) Photochemistry of 1,2-(bis-corannulenylethynyl)benzene .241st ACS National Meeting , Anaheim, California. . Conference. . Level:National

Robinson, J. E.;* Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-27-2011. ) Study of cis-trans isomerization of (E)-methyl 4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-oxobut-2-enoate: Toward designing potential photoswitches .241st ACS Meeting, Anaheim, CA. . Conference. . Level:National

Ranaweera, R. A.;* Scott, T.; Duncan, A.; Rajam, Sridhar; Li, Q.; Bain, J.; Chadha, J.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2012. ) Efficient trans-cis isomerization via triplet 1,2-biradical: A study using time-resolved UV/visible, time-resolved IR, matrix isolation, and DFT calculations .244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition,, Philadelphia, PA,. . Level:National

Zhang, X.;* Duncan, B.; Krause, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2012. ) Solution and solid reactivity study of vinyl azide: A way to form triplet vinyl nitrene .43rd Central Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Dearborn, MI. . Level:Regional

Zhang, X.;* Duncan, B.; Krause, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2012. ) Photoreactivity of vinyl azide in solution and solid state .244th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA. . Level:National

Sarkar, K. S.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-12-2012. ) Mechanim of Photorelease of trans-p-Methoxyphneylvinylhydroxy Derivatives as Novel Photoremovable Protecting Group .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local

Kosala, T. H.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-12-2012. ) Designing of new photoremovable protecting group to achieve photorelease of alcohol in high yields. Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local

Das, A.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-12-2012. ) Study of the Photorelease of Methyl (2-methylbenzoyl) burtyrate as Photoremovable Protecting Group .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local

Weragoda, G. K.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-12-2012. ) Trans-cis isomerization and photoenolization of 2,4-dihydroacetophnone derivatives .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local

Weragoda, G.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-02-2012. ) Photorelease of Methanol using Upconverting Nanoparticles and Near-Infrared Light .Graduate School Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Gamage, D.;* Ranaweera, U.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-02-2012. ) Triplet Vinyl NItrene from Isoxazole and Azirine .Graduate School Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Sarkar, S.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-02-2012. ) Trans o-Phenylvinylketone Derivatives for Understanding the Photoenolization and Towards Trans-Cis Isomerization in Photoremovable Protecting Groups .Graduate School Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Zhang, X.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-02-2012. ) Solution and Solid State Reactivity of Vinyl Azides .Graduate School Poster Forum, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Allen, H.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) The Study of p-Methoxyphenylvinylhydroxyester Derivatives as a Photoremovable Protecting Group by Laser Flash Photolysis .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Carreon, N.;* Sarkar, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) Photoreactivity of Benzoylfriluoroisoxazole to generate triplet vinyl nitrene intermediates .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Chadha, J.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) FTIR, Laser Flash Photolysis and DFT study on alpha-Diazdoacetophenones in Solution and the Solid State .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Duncan, A.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) Efficient Trans-Cis Isomerization via Triplet 1,2-biradical in solution and the solid-state. A Study using Time-Resolved UV/Visible, Matrix isolation, Phosphorescence and DFT calculations .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati OH. . Level:University

Duncan, B.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) Photochemistry of p- and o-Chloro Azides: An Investigation into Vinyl Azides in Solution and the Solid State .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

McWhorter, K.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) Design of a Novel PhotoRemovable Protecting Group .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Wolford, N. M.;* Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-01-2012. ) Photoinduced release of amine from amides using UV light .2012 Undergraduate Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:University

Sarkar, S.; Wilder, E.; Gudmudndsdottir, A. D. (10-2013. ) Dancing crystals in solid to solid efficient photochemical reaction. Oesper Conference, Univeristy of Cincinnati. . Level:Local

Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2013. ) Factors Effecting the Lifetimes of Photoenols .Oesper Conference, University of Cincinnati. . Level:Local

Chambliss, E. A.; Weragoda, G.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2013. ) A study of intramolecular hydrogen atom transfer .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local

Weragoda, G.; Ratliff, A.; Grabo, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Baldwin, M. J.; (11-2013. ) Excited state intramolecular proton transfer .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Local

Kosala, R. S. T. S.; Muthukrishnan, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2013. ) Novel photoremovable protecting group to achieve efficient release of alcohol via photoenol lactonization .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati OH. . Level:Local

Bastow, B.; Kosala, R. S. T. H.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2013. ) Photoinduced isomerization of cis-alpha,beta unsaturated acetophenone derivatives .Oesper Conference, Cincinnati OH. . Level:Local

Sharma, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2013. ) Effect of Substituents on Photorelease .WISE, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH. . Level:University

Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-2013. ) Elucidation of topochemically controlled solid state dimerization of 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives .GRC Photochemstry, Stonehill College, Easton, MA. . Level:National

Weragoda, G.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2013. ) Comparison of trans-cis isomerization of p-methylacetophenone derivatives .GRC Photochemstry 2013, Stonehill College, Easton . . Level:National

Weragoda, G.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2013. ) Trans-cis isomerization of p-methylacetophenone isomers 1a and 1b .Graduate Student Forum, University of Cincinnati. . Level:Local

Schofield, Jacob; Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (Bad Format: 20142404. ) Novel PRPGs .URSC, Cincinnati. . UC. . Level:University

Ridenour, Bake; Thenna, K. H.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (Bad Format: 20152404. ) URSC, Cincinnati. . UC. . Level:University

Kidd, Elizabeth J., et al. (Bad Format: 20152404. ) The Mechanistic studies of a Methylester Isoxazole upon Excitation by Laser Flash Photolysis .URSC, Cincinnati. . UC. .

Coffman, J. et. al. (Bad Format: 20152404. ) Understanding the Solution, Solid State Reactive Intermediates of Cyclopentenones and the Reaction Mechanism using Laser Flash Photolysis, Single-Crystal Packing and DFT calculations .URSC, Cincinnati. .

Fabian Jesuthasan et al. (Bad Format: 20142404. ) Mechanistic Studies of the Photochemistry of Isoxazole .URSC, Cincinnati. .

Ashley Bosse; Sriyarathne, D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (Bad Format: 20152404. ) Photochemical Study of 1,4 substituted 1,2,3-triazole .URSC, Cincinnati. . Level:University

Ashley Bosse, Sriyarathne, D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-20-2014. ) Photochemical Study of 1,4 substituted 1,2,3-triazole .Oesper Symposium, Level:Regional

Ashley Bosse, Sriyarathne, D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2014. ) Photochemical Study of 1,4 substituted 1,2,3-triazole .Oesper Symposium, Level:Regional

H Dushanee M Sriyarathne; Muthukrishnan, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2014. ) Revealing the Carbon Centered Radical Reactivity Towards Oxygen by DFT calculations .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. . Level:Regional

DeVonna Gatlin, Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2014. ) New Photoremovable Protecting Groups (PRPGs) Designed to Photorelease via Non-Reversible Imine Radicals .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

Geethika K. Weragoda,* Rajamouli, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2014. ) Effect of Methy Substituent on Trans-cis Isomerization of Vinylketones .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati . .

Kosala Thenna Hewa;* Muthukrishnan, S.; Phillips, D. L.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2014. ) Irreversible formation of high energy intermediates to achieve high yield Photorelease of alcohol .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

Onyinye G. Osisioma, Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2014. ) Design of a 1,4-Nathoquionone Photo Removable Protecting Group with a proposed radical rearrangement driven release mechanism .NOBCCHE (Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers), New Orleans, LA. .

DeVonna Gatlin, Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2014. ) New Photoremovable Protecting Groups (PRPGs) Designed to Photorelease via Non-Reversible Imine Radicals .NOBCChe (Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers), New Orleans, LA. . Level:National

R. A. A. Upul Ranaweera, Weragoda, G. K.; Griffin, K. G.; Robinson, R. M.; Coffman, J.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2014. ) Photodimerization of methyl 3-oxocyclopent-1-enecarboxylate and its carboxylic acid in Solution and in Solid-State with Kinetics .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. .

Cynthia Jones, Sarkar, S. K.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2014. ) Detection and Characterization of Triplet Vinyl Nitrene .URSC, Cincinnati. .

Sarkar, S. K.; Wilder, E.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2014. ) Solid to Solid Photochemical di-Denitrogenation in Dancing Crystalline Solid .ISRIUM2014, Hiroshima, Japan. . Level:International

Mary T. Bromwell, Weragoda, G. K.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2014. ) The Excited Triplet State and Transference of Hydrogen Atom in Schiff Base .URCS, Cincinnati. .

Geethika Weragoda, Ratliff, A.; Grabo, J.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Baldwin, M. J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2014. ) Hydrogen Atom Transfer of Schiff bases in the Excited Triplet State .ISRIUM 2014, Hiroshima, Japan. . Level:International

Kelley McKissic, Li, Q.; Sarkar, S. K.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2014. ) The Photochemistry of Nitrocorannulene .ISRIUM 2014, Hiroshima, Japan. . Level:International

Brown, J. R. Shields, D. J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (04-2019. ) Dancing Crystals ., 257th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Orlando Florida. . Conference. . Level:National

McKay, K.; Shields, D.; Sarkar, S.; Krause, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A (03-2018. ) Competing triplet state [2+2] photodimerization in the solid state using naphthoquinone derivatives .255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, LA. . Level:National

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Schramm, S.; Karothu, D.; Krause, J. A.; Naumov, P. Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2018. ) Potential Applications for Gas Release from Organic Crystals. .Middle Eastern Materials Science Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. . Level:International

Shields, D. J.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2018. ) Gas Powered Organic Crystals and Their Potential Applications .RMC 2018, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. . Level:International

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Schramm, S.; Karothu, D.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2017. ) Gas Powered Crystals and Their Potential Applications .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Schramm, S.; Karothu, D.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2017. ) Gas Powered Crystals: Moving Crystals by Gas Release and Potential Applications .Ohio Valley Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Meeting. , Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Scharmm, S.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (02-2017. ) Nitrogen Gas Release from Diazide Naphthoquinones: The Mechanistic Difference at Ambient vs Cryogenic Temperatures .Graduate Student Poster Forum, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:University

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2016. ) Kinetic Effects of Crystal Packing on the Dimerization of 1,4-Naphthoquinone and its derivatives .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Joseph, J.; Krause, J. A.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2016. ) Solid-State Photochemistry of Diazide Naphthoquinones: A Tale of Dancing Crystals. .American Chemical Society, Central Regional , Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2015. ) Solid-State Photochemistry of Diazide Naphthoquinones: A Tale of Dancing Crystals .Oesper Symposium, , Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A .D. (07-2015. ) Solid to Solid Di-Denitrogenation in Dancing Crystalline Solids. Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference, Easton, Massachusetts,. . Level:National

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A .D. (05-2015. ) Photochemical Di-Denitrogenation in Dancing Crystalline Solids .Ohio Photochemical Society, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Banerjee, U.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2018. ) Self-Stirring Dieneazide Crystals .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Banerjee, U.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2018. ) Direct Detection of Triplet Divinylnitrene in Sustainable Synthesis of Pyrrole .RMC 2018, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. . Level:International

Banerjee, U.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-2018. ) Non-Topochemical reaction of Dieneazide crystals .27th, I-APS Winter Conference, Sarasota Florida. . Level:International

Banerjee, U.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2018. ) Direct Detection of Triplet Divinylnitrene in Sustainable Synthesis of Pyrrole .Ohio Photochemical Society, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Banerjee, U.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2017. ) Elucidating how crystal lattices control Photoreactivity of a Tertiary Alkylazide .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Banerjee, U.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2016. ) Elucidating How Crystal Lattice Controls Photoreactivity of alkyl azide .Ohio Photochemical Society, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Banerjee, U.; Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2016. ) Comparison of solid state and solution photoreactivity of a Tertiary Alkyl azide .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Chakraborty, M.; Gandhi, J. P.; McKissic, K.; Das, A.; Abe, M.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2018. ) Corannulene Nitrene: A Triplet Vinylic Nitrene in Disguise .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Abdelaziz, N.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir (11-2018. ) Controlling Photochemistry of Vinylazides through Single Crystal Structure Modifications .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Abdelaziz, N.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir (05-2018. ) Comparative Study of Solution Photochemistry and Solid State Photoreactivity of 3-azidoindenones .Ohio Photochemical Society, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Abdelaziz, N.; Gudmundsdottir (01-2018. ) Visible Light Excitation of Alkyl Azides using Heavy Metal Photocatalysts. 27th, I-APS Winter Conference, Sarasota Florida. . Level:International

Abdelaziz, N.; Gudmundsdottir (10-2017. ) Visible Light Excitation of ɣ-azidobutyrophenones using Heavy Metal Complexes as Triplet Sensitizers .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Abdelaziz, N.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2016. ) Photosensitization of α-azidoacetophenone using Ru-metal complex as a photocatalyst .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. .

Das, A.; Eisenhart, A.; Beck, T.; Gudmundsdottir (01-2017. ) Mechanistic studies on efficient photolysis of Chalconoids to flavanone .26th, I-APS Winter Conference, Sarasota Florida. . Level:International

Das, A.; Mirzamani, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Kumari, H. (11-2016. ) Investigating UV absorption properties of avobenzone complexed with calixarenes .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Das, A.; McKissik, K.; Abe, M.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2016. ) Photogeneration of Vinyl nitrene from aromatic azide .RMC 2016, St. Louis, Missorie. .

Das, A.; McKissik, K.; Abe, M.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-2016. ) Vinyl nitrene formation form aromatic azide .251st ACS National Meeting & Exposition , San Diego, California. . Level:National

Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (02-2016. ) Photochemical synthesis of natural products .Graduate Student Poster Forum, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:University

Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (11-2015. ) Understanding the Role of Hydrogen Bonding in the Photorelease of oxobutanoate derivative with an ortho-Methoxy Group .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Das, A.; Sarkar, S. K.; McKissik, K.; Abe, M.; Mack, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2015. ) Vinyl nitrene formation form azidocorannulen .Photochemistry Gordon Research Conference, Easton, Massachusetts,. . Level:International

Das, A.; Judkins, D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2014. ) Designing New PRPGs for Release under Physiological Environment .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2018. ) Pathways for Controlling the Formation of N-heterocyclic Compounds from Carbonyl-Containing Alkyl Azides via UV and/or Visible Light Photocatalytic Facilitated Processes .RMC 2018, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. . Level:International

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2017. ) Exploring How Photodynamics of Novel Chemical Filter Additives, -Ketoester Derivatives, Gives Insight into Developing Safer Sunscreens .Ohio Valley Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists Meeting. , Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Gatlin, D. M.; Perry, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2016. ) UV and Visible Light Synthesis: A Photoproduct Study of -Azido-Butyrophenone Derivatives. NOBCChE, Raleigh, North Carolina. . Level:National

Gatlin, D. M.; Perry, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2016. ) Comparing Photosensitization of -Azido-Butyrophenone Derivatives Using UV Light and Acetophenone as a Built-in Triplet Sensitizer and Visible Light and Inorganic Photocatalysts .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Gatlin, D. M.; Perry, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2016. ) Light as a Reagent: -Azido Aryl Carbonyls in Photochemical Synthesis .47th Central Regional American Chemical Society meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2015. ) Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT)?: Laser Flash Photolysis (LFP) Study of a -Ketoester Chromophore .Gordon Research Conference for Photochemistry , Easton, Massachusetts,. . Level:International

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2015. ) Understanding the Photoreactivity of the Chromophoric Scaffolds of Potential Photoremovable Protecting Groups (PRPGs) by Laser Flash Photolysis (LFP). Ohio Photochemical Society, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

George, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (06-2018. ) Wavelength specific photochemical synthesis of chromanones” .RMC 2018, Vancouver, B.C. Canada. . Level:International

George, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (05-2018. ) Wavelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifi avelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifiavelength specifi avelength specific synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of synthesis of flavanones .Ohio Photochemical Society, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Judkins, D.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, (05-2019. ) Studying the Solid-State Photoreaction Mechanism of 4-Azide-3-bromoe-1,2-Naphthpquinone .Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Toledo, Ohio. . Conference. . Level:Regional

Abdelaziz, N.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir (05-2019. ) Temperature Dependent Reactivity of Vinylazides .Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

George, S.; Sarkar, S. K.; Gupta, S.; Loftin, B.; Krause, J. A.; Ramamurthy, V.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (05-2019. ) Elucidation of the Photoreactivity of 2-Hydroxychalcones and Application of the Photoflow method .Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Kang, X.; Kumari, H.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (05-2019. ) The Photoreactivity of Dibenzoyl Peroxide in Solution, Crystals, and Molecular Cages .Ohio Photochemical Society Meeting, Toledo, Ohio. . Level:Regional

Photomechanical Organic Crystals Produced by Molecular Gas Extrusion (06-2019. ) hields, D. J.; Karthik, S.; Schramm, S.; Krause, J. A.; Karothu, D.; Naumov, P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D . International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS), New York, New York. . Level:International

Shields, D. J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-2019. ) Photodynamic of Flexible Vinylazides Crystals . GRC Photochemistry, Light-Driven Reactions, Materials and Devices, Stonehill College, MA, US. . Level:International

James, B.; Gatlin D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2019. ) Understanding the Photoreactivity of Ethyl Benzoylacetate as a Model for Chemical Filters in Sunscreens . American Crystallography Association (ACA) Annual Meeting , Covington KY. . Level:International

Abdelaziz, N.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2019. ) Linkage of crystal lattice and photodynamic behavior of organic crystals. American Crystallography Association (ACA) Annual Meeting, Covington KY. . Level:International

George, S.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2019. ) Elucidation of the photoreactivity of nano Crystalline 2-Hydroxychalcones using Continuous Flow Method . American Crystallography Association (ACA) Annual Meeting , Covington, KY. . Level:International

Shields, D. J.; Karthik, S.; Schramm, S.; Krause J. A.; Karothu, D.; Naumov, P.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2019. ) Analysis of Differences in Crystal Movements from Gas Releasing crystals as dictated by lattice energy interactions. American Crystallography Association (ACA) Annual Meeting , Covington. . Level:International

Ahmed, N.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Laser flash Photolysis of an Alkoxycarbonyl Azide in Solid State .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Banerjee, U.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Formation and direct detection of nitrosoalkene at cryogenic temperature .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Merugu, R.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, (09-2019. ) Intra-molecular versus Inter-molecular Energy Transfer of Alkyl Azides in Solid State .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Judkins, D.; Bach, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (09-2019. ) Polymorphism and Photodynamic Behavior of 3,4-diazido-6-bromojuglone. Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Kitil, N.; Banerjee, U.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Photochemistry of Rigid Divinyl Azides .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Al-Khasawneh, N.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Variable Temperature Photomechanistic Study of 3-azido-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-1 H -inden-1-one .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

James, B.; Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Investigating Sunscreens: Determining the Photoreactivity of Ethyl Benzoylacetate in Varying Environments. .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Shields, D. J.; Krause, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) The Complete Reactivity, Crystal Movements, and Potential Functions of 2,3-Diazido-1,4- Napthoquinones .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati. OH. .

Kang, X.; Shields, D. J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; Kumari, H. (09-2019. ) Supramolecular Modification of Benzoyl Peroxide .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

George, S.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Controlling the concentration dependent photoreactivity of 2-hydroxychalcones using continuous flow method .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Isabell-Riggins, S.; Banerjee, U.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Photodynamic crystals caused by gas release .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Patton, L.; Osisioma, O.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2019. ) Examining the Photodynamic Behavior of ortho- and para-Azidostilbene Crystals, .Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH. .

Patton, L. J.; Riedel, M.; Milbrandt, M. A.; Jarus, C.; Osisioma, O.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-22-2021. ) Accessing triplet aryl azide reactivity via direct irradiation with an intramolecular triplet sensitizer .Oesper Local ACS meeting, Level:Local

L. J. Patton, A. M. Mack, M. A. Milbrandt, Jeanette A. Krause, Anna D. Gudmundsdottir · Inspired Design, Assmbly and Properties of Molecular Materials, 2022 Crystal Engineering Gordon Research Conference (GRC) · (06-2022. ) Gas-powered crystals: Explaining differences in crystal movements with lattice energy interactions .2022 Crystal Engineering Gordon Research Conference (GRC) , New Hamsphire. . Level:International

Patton, L. J.; Mack, A. M.; Milbrandt, M. A.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-20-2022. ) Photofracking crystals: lattice energy interactions explain differences in macroscopic motion driven by photochemical gas-release .International Symposium on “Confinement-Controlled Chemistry” (CCC) at Ruhr-University Bochum, ZEMOS , Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. .

L. J. Patton, A. M. Mack, M. A. Milbrandt, O. Osisioma, J. A. Krause, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (10-14-2022. ) The influence of strengthening lattice interactions in crystal packing on behavior of Photofracking crystals .Oesper Symposium and Award Banquet, 2022 Annual Meeting of Cincinnati Section of the American Chemical Society (CINTACS) · , Cincinnati OH. . Level:Regional

Patton, L. J.; Mack, A. M.; Milbrandt, M. A.; Osisioma, O.; Krause, J. A;. Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-04-2023. ) Controlling photofracking behavior by strengthening crystal lattice interactions .Inter-American Photochemical Society (I-APS) Winter Meeting 2023, Sandestin, Florida. . Level:International

Dao, Uyen.; Nelson, Gabrielle; Wasson, Fiona. J.; Gudmundsdottir. A. D. P (03-2023. ) Photodynamic α-acetephenone azide derivatives doing work in correlation to their intermolecular forces. Poster presentation given ACS Spring Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, March 2023. . Level:National

Wasson, F. J. Meragu, Nelson, G.; Dao, U.; Gudmundsdottir. A. D. . (01-04-2023. ) Lifting weights with light - actuation of para-substituted α-acetophenone azide crystals dependent on lattice energy differences .Inter-American Photochemistry Society conference, Sandestin, FL, . . Level:International

3. F. J. Wasson, N. Abdelaziz, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (11-22-2021. ) Photo-erupting solid-state vinyl azides with differing dynamics due to substituents flexibility upon gas release .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS meeting, Cincinnati OH. .

Dao, U. Nelson, G.; Wasson, F. J.; Gudmundsdottir. A. D (10-14-2022. ) Photodynamic alpha-acetephenone azides lifting weight correlation to their intermolecular forces .Oesper Symposium, ACS Regional meeting, Cincinnati OH. .

James, B.; Maxwell, K.;. McVay, B.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-04-2023. ) Photo-explosive dynamics of 1-azido-2-nitrobenzene crystals .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Sandestin, Florida. . Level:International

B. James, A. León, H. D. M. Sriyarathne, U. Banerjee, M. Abe, A. D. Gudmundsdottir (10-2022. ) Elucidating the Mechanism for Forming an Isocyanate from a Geminal Alkyl Azide . Oesper Symposium, Local ACS meeting, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Regional

James, B.; Maxwell, K.; McVay, B.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (10-2022. ) Photofracking of 2-nitrophenyl azide crystals: External pressure effects on macroscopic motion .SciX Conference, Covington, KY. . Level:National

James, B.; Maxwell, K.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2022. ) Photofracking of 1-azido-2-nitrobenzene crystals: Effects of external pressure on macroscopic motion .Confinement-Controlled Chemistry Symposium, Bochum, Germany. . Level:International

James, B.; Leon, A.; Sriyarathne, H. D. M.; Banerjee, U.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2022. ) Temperature Dependent Mechanistic Pathways of a Geminal Alkyl Diazide .OoPs Conference, Bowling Green, OH. . Level:Regional

James. B.; Leon, A.; Sriyarathne, H. D. M; Banerjee, U.; Abe, M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2021. ) Can Geminal Azides be useful in Sustainable Synthesis? .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, OH. . Level:Regional

James, B.; Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2019. ) Examining the Photoreactivity of Ethyl Benzoylacetate (EBA) in Various Environments as a Potential Chemical Filter in Sunscreens .OVSCC Conference, Cincinnati, OH. .

Merugu, R.; Gudmunsdottir, A. D.; (01-04-2023. ) Photo Driven Epitaxial Growth and Dynamic Behavior of Benzoyl Peroxide Derivatives Crystals .Inter-American Photochemical Society , Sandestin, Florida. . Level:International

Merugu, R.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (10-14-2022. ) N2, CO2 Gas Induced Photo Fracking Organic Azide and Peroxide Crystals .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS chapter (CINTAS), Cincinnati OH. . Level:Regional

Merugu, R.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2022. ) Spatiotemporal Sensing of Photodynamic Organic Azide and Peroxide Crystals .IRiS Ignite: An Annual Expo & Festival of Sensing, University of Cincinnati. .

Merugu, R.; Sarkar, S. K.; Gupta, S.; Loftin, B.; Varikoti, R. A.; Krause, J. A.; Ramamurthy, V.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-2020. ) Photochemistry of α-Azidoacetophenone Derivatives in Supramolecular Complexes .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Sarasota, Florida. .

Merugu, R.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (09-2019. ) Inter- versus Intra-Molecular Energy Transfer in Alkyl Azides .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, OH. .

Merugu, R.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D (07-2019. ) Photochemistry of ε-Alkyl Azide Derivatives in Crystals .69th American Crystallography Association’s Annual Meeting, Covington, KY. .

Merugu, R.; Sarkar, S. K.; Gupta, S.; Loftin, B.; Krause, J. A.; Ramamurthy, V.; Gudmundsdottir, A.D.; (11-2019. ) Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions of Octa Acid Encapsulated Azide Derivatives. Oesper Symposium, local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, OH. .

Govorov, D.; Pitawela, N.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (10-02-2022. ) Characterizing aromaticity of triplet corannulene and coronene .SciX Conference, Covington, KY. .

Govorov, D.; Freidzon, A. Y.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Merugu, R.; Kidd, E.; Fabian H. J.; Sajkovic, N.; McCoy, E.; Coffman, J. A.; Chapmen, D.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (10-22-2021. ) Methyl 5-phenylisoxazole-3-carboxylate reactivity on triplet and singlet surfaces .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, OH. .

Govorov, D.; Freidzon, A. Y.; Ranaweera, R. A. A. U.; Merugu, R.; Kidd, E.; Fabian H. J.; Sajkovic, N.; McCoy, E.; Coffman, J. A.; Chapmen, D.; Krause, J. A.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-04-2023. ) Methyl 5-phenylisoxazole-3-carboxylate reactivity on triplet and singlet surfaces .30th Inter-American Photochemical Society, Sandestin, FL. .

Govorov, D.; Pitawela, N.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-12-2022. ) haracterizing aromaticity of triplet corannulene and coronene using magnetic properties .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati OH. .

Mendis, D.; Alomari, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2021. ) Photo-mechanistic studies of vinyl azide in solution and matrix .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati. .

Alomari, B.; Mendis, D.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2021. ) Photochemical Studies of Vinyl Azide Derivatives .ACS-SEED Summer Camp Presentation , Virtual. .

Mendis, D.; Vilinsky, K.; Alomari, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2022. ) Wavelength Dependent Photochemistry of Styrene azide at Cryogenic Temperatures. SciX Conference , Covington, KY. .

Mendis, D.; Vilinsky, K.; Alomari, B.; Govorov, D.; Merugu, R.; Ayitou, J.-L.; Ault, B. S.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-04-2023. ) Wavelength Dependent Photochemistry of Styrene Azide .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Sandestin, FL. . Level:International

Mendis, D.; Vilinsky, K.; Alomari, B.; Govorov (10-2022. ) Wavelength matters in Photochemistry .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati, OH . .

Kavikarage, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2022. ) Exploring the Photodynamics of Pyrazolylphenyl Azides (PZA) .SciX, Covington KY. .

(10-14-2022. ) Exploring the Photodynamics of Dimethylpyrazole-Phenyl Azides (DPZA) .Oesper Symposium, Local ACS Chapter, Cincinnati OH. .

Kavikarage, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-04-2023. ) Title of the poster: Exploring the Photodynamics of Dimethyl Pyrazolylphenyl Azides (DPZA) .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Sandestin Florida. . Level:International

C. Lu, F. J. Wasson, U. Dao, R. Merugu, A. D. Gudmundsdottir. (07-2023. ) Photolithography on Full Hydrate Aryl Azides Inhibiting Photoconversion Allowing Beautiful Color Change. OoPs Summer Meeting 2023, Toledo, OH. . Level:Regional

Kavikarage, J.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (01-04-2023. ) Title of the poster: Exploring the Photodynamics of Dimethyl Pyrazolylphenyl Azides (DPZA) .Inter-American Photochemical Society, Sandestin Florida. . Level:International

Wasson, Fiona; Gudmundsdottir. A.D. (07-2023. ) Organic Hydroperoxide for Releasing O2 utilizing Photochemical Reaction .OoPs Summer 2023, Toledo, OH. .

Wasson, Fiona; Gudmundsdottir. , WF-Heraeus-Seminar. September 2023 (09-2023. ) Organic Hydroperoxide Triplet Reactivity for Releasing O2 Utilizing Photochemical Reactions .resentation given at Solvation Chemistry and International Symposium onReactive Molecules, Bad Honnef, Germany. . Level:International

James, Brandi; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (09-2023. ) Photoexplosivity of ortho-nitrophenyl azide crystals. OBBChE 50th National Conference, New Orleans, LA . .

W. Dinindu Mendis, Katrin Vilinsky, Bakr Alomari, Dmitrii Govorov, Rajkumar Merugu, Jean-Luc Ayitou, Bruce Ault, Anna Gudmundsdottir (10-2023. ) Wavelength Dependent Photochemistry of (1-azidovinyl)benzene .Oesper 2023, Cincinnati, OH. .

W. Dinindu Mendis, Katrin Vilinsky, Bakr Alomari, Katrina A. Sumarli, Jeanette A. Krause, Bruce Ault, Anna Gudmundsdottir (07-2023. ) Photoreactivity and Photodynamic Behavior of (1-Azidoethene-1,2-diyl)dibenzene and 2,3-Diphenyl-2H-azirine .GRS Physical Organi Chemistry 2023, Holderness, NH. . Level:International

Pitavela, N.; George, S.; Gudmundsdottir, A.D (07-2023. ) Batch vs. Flow Photochemistry of flavanones .OoPS Summer 2023, Toledo, OH. .

James, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2023. ) Photoexplosivity of 1-azido-2-nitrobenzene crystals .OoPS Summer 2023, Toledo, OH. .

James, B.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (10-2023. ) Elucidating the Mechanism for Forming Isocyanate from a Geminal Alkyl Azide .ACS Regional Meeting, Oesper Symposium,, Cincinnati, OH . .

Katrin Vilinsky, Dinindu Mendis, Bakr Alomari, Dmitrii Govorov, Rajkumar Merugu, Jean-Luc Ayitou, Bruce Ault, Anna Gudmundsdottir (04-2023. ) Wavelength Dependent Photochemistry of (1-azidovinyl)benzene, .National ACS Meeting Spring 2023, Indianapolis, Indiana. . Level:International

W. Dinindu Mendis, Katrin H. Vilinsky, Katrina Sumarli, Wandana H. Mohottige, Janaka Kavikarage, Jeanette A. Krause , Bruce S. Ault, Anna D. Gudmundsdottir (09-2023. ) Behavior of (1- Azidoethene-1,2-diyl)dibenzene and 2,3-Diphenyl-2H-azirine .Solvation Chemistry and Reactive Molecules 2023,, Bad Honnef, Germany. . Level:International

W. Dinindu Mendis, Katrin Vilinsky, Bakr Alomari, Dmitrii Govorov, Rajkumar Merugu, Jean-Luc Ayitou, Bruce Ault, Anna Gudmundsdottiromari, (07-2023. ) Elucidating the Wavelength Dependent Photochemistry of (1-azidovinyl)benzene and 2,3-diphenyl-2Hazirine, OoPS Conference 2023, BGSU, OH .OoPS Conference 2023, Toledo, OH. . Level:Regional

W. Dinindu Mendis, Katrin Vilinsky, Bakr Alomari, Katrina A. Sumarli, Jeanette A. Krause, Bruce Ault, Anna Gudmundsdottir (07-2023. ) Photoreactivity and Photodynamic Behavior of (1-Azidoethene-1,2-diyl)dibenzene and 2,3-Diphenyl-2H-azirine .GRC Physical Organic Chemystry 2023, Holderness, NH. . Level:International

Jonathan Weisfelder, Ben Miller, W. Dinindu Mendis, Katrin H. Vilinsky, Katrina Sumarli, Wandana H. Mohottige, Janaka Kavikarage, Jeanette A. Krause , Bruce S. Ault, Anna D. Gudmundsdottir (10-2023. ) Photoreactivity and Photodynamic Behavior of (1-Azidoethene-1,2-diyl)dibenzene and 2,3-Diphenyl-2H-azirine .Oesper 2023, Cincinnati, OH. .

Wandana H. Mohottige, Dinindu Mendis, Jeannette Krause, Anna Gudmundsdottir, Investigating the Photodynamic Behavior of Azidobenzoic Acid Crystals, (07-2023. ) Investigating the Photodynamic Behavior of Azidobenzoic Acid Crystals .OoPS Summr 2023, Toledo, OH. .

Kavikarage, J. P. K.; McDermot Maddy, Gudmundsdottir, A. D (10-2023. ) Oesper Symposium, Cincinnati, OH Exploring the Photolysis of Substituted Pyrazolylphenyl Azides in Solution and Solid-state .Oesper 2023, Cincinnati, OH. .


Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (Bad Format: 20081131). Photochemistry and Reactive Intermediates . University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. UC. Level:Local


Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2010. ) How to Promote Active Learning .ICHEM, Colomobo, Sri Lanaka. Workshop. Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2010. ) Why [2+2] at UC? .Colomobo, Sri Lanka. Other Institution. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2010. ) Why [2+2] at UC? .Colombo, Sri Lanka. Other Institution. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2010. ) Why [2+2] at UC? .Colomobo, Sri Lanka. Other Institution. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2010. ) Ethics in Science. Part I .Chemistry Department . UC. Level:Department

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (02-2010. ) Ethics in Science .Wilberforce, Ohio. Other Institution. Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2010. ) How to Give an Oral Presentation .UC. Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2010. ) Ethics in Science: Part I & Part II .UC. Level:Department

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2010. ) Ethics in Science, Parti II .Department of Chemisty. UC. Level:Department

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2010. ) Why [2+2] at UC? .Colombo, Sri Lanka. Other Institution. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (03-2011. ) How to Give an Oral Presentation .Central State University. Other Institution. Level:State

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2013. ) How to Give an Oral Presentation .UC. Level:College

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2014. ) How to Give an Oral Presentation .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University

Paper Presentations

Schofield, Jacob; Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (Bad Format: 20152404. ) Novel PRPGs .University of Cincinnati. UC. Level:University

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A .D. (05-2018. ) Competitive Photoinduced Solid-State Triplet Step-wise Dimerization Reactions of Naphthoquinone Derivatives Controlled by Crystal Packing .Toledo, Ohio. Conference. Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Schramm, S.; Karothu, D.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2017. ) The Gas Release Mechanism of Diazide Naphthoquinones and the Corresponding Crystal Motions .Manhattan, Kansas. Conference. Level:Regional

Shields, D. J.; Sarkar, S. K.; Schramm, S.; Karothu, D.; Krause, J. A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2017. ) Crystal Movements of Diazide Naphthoquinones: Gas Release or Photosalient Effect? .Toledo, Ohio. Workshop. Level:Regional

Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (09-2016. ) Natural products synthesis using LED .Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Level:National

Das, A.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D.; (09-2013. ) Effects of Solvents on Photoenolization .Indianapolis, Indiana. Level:National

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (11-2017. ) A New Potential Photoprotective Ingredient for Commercial Sunscreens: Photostablity and Kinetic Dynamics of the Novel -Ketoester Ethyl Benzoylacetate (EBA). Minneapolis, MN. Conference. Level:National

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2018. ) Scope on the Photosensitization of Alkyl Azides as a Function of Visible Light Photocatalysis. Toledo, Ohio. Conference.

Gatlin, D. M.; Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2016. ) Designing New Photoremovable Protecting Groups (PRPG) Through Model Studies .Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Conference. Level:National

James, Brandi (04-2022. ) Metal-free C-N bond formation using Geminal Diazides .Oxford, MS.

Patton, L. J. (06-2022. ) Gas-powered crystals: explaining differences in crystal movements with lattice energy interactions .New Hamphere.


Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (08-2010. ) Reactivity of 1,2-Biradicals .Heron Island. Professional Meeting. Level:International

(2003. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Alkyl Azides .New Hampshire.

(01-2003. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Alkyl Azides .Clearwater, Florida.

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2011. ) 1,2-Biradicals and Their Applications .Bejing, China. Conference. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (07-2011. ) 1,2-Biradicals and Their Applications .Stonehill College, Easton, MA. Conference. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (06-2012. ) Photoremovable Protecting Groups .Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Conference. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (09-2012. ) A Symposium on Sustainable Material and Photochemical Processes .1,2-Biradicals and their Applications. Conference. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, Anna (06-2023. ) Discussion Leader .Holden, New Hamsphere. Conference. Level:National

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (2004. ) Green Lake, Wisconsin. Workshop. Level:National

(07-2004. ) Photolysis of Azidopropiophenone Derivatives .Queensland, Australia.

(2005. ) Selective Formation of Triplet Alkyl Nitrenes from Photolysis of Azido-Propiophenone and Their Reactivity .Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (2005. ) Invited Discussion Leader .Plymouth, New Hampshire. Conference. Level:National

A. D. Gudmundsdottir (06-2005. ) State Selective Photochemistry of γ-Azidoarylketones .New Hampshire.

(08-2005. ) Triplet Sensitized Photolysis of Ester Azides .Edinburgh, Scotland.

(12-2005. ) Triplet .Honolulu, Hawaii.

B. S. Ault,* A. D. Gudmundsd´ottir (05-2007. ) Professional Development Activities as a Part of an REU Program .Covington, KY.

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (05-2007. ) Photolysis of Vinyl Azides .Covington, Kentucky.

(01-2008. ) Triplet Vinyl Nitrenes .Saint Petersburg, Florida. Conference.

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (12-2010. ) Photoreacivity of 1,2-Biradicals and their Applications .Honolulu, Hawaii. Conference. Level:International

Gudmundsdottir, A. D. (12-2010. ) Solid-State Reactivity of Alkyl Azides .Honolulu, Hawaii. Conference. Level:International

Event Organized

International Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules, Chair

International Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules, Chair Symposium 08-17-2003 08-22-2003 Iceland Level:International

Inter-American Photochemical Society, Co-Chair

Inter-American Photochemical Society, Co-Chair Conference 03-2010 06-2010 Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Florida Level:International

GRC Photochemistry co-Vice Chair

GRC Photochemistry co-Vice Chair Conference 07-14-2013 07-19-2013 Stone Hill College Level:International

GRC Photochemistry Conference 2015

GRC Photochemistry Conference 2015 Conference Level:International

Reaction Mechanims Conference 2018

Reaction Mechanims Conference 2018 Conference 06-10-2018 06-13-2018 Vancouver, B.C., Canada Level:International

Honors and Awards

NATO Postdoctoral Fellow 1996 Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship

NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2001-2007

2012 Fellow of the Graduate School at the University of Cincinnati Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship

2013 American Chemical Society, Cincinnati Chapter. Chemist of the Year Award Status:Recipient Level:Regional Type:Recognition

1999 University of Cincinnati Faculty Summer Fellowship Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Fellowship

12-01-2013 -06-01-2013 Fulbright Scholar Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship

12-2013 -06-2014 Fulbright Scholarship Program Fulbright Scholarship Program to conduct research with Professor Abe at Hiroshima University Fulbright Foundation Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Fellowship

07-2016 FB Rice Lecture at the 7th Heron Island Conference on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules Status:Recipient

01-2020 I-APS Distinguished Woman in Science Lecture at the 29th Winter I-APS Conference Award sponsored by the Center for Pure & Applied Photosciences at BGSU Status:Recipient Level:International Type:Recognition

02-2020 Distinguished Research Professor Status:Recipient Level:University Type:Recognition

2018 Consortium for Cultural Diversity In Chemistry (CCDC) University of Cincinnati faculty award Type:Recognition


Inter-American Photochemical Society (I-APS Board ) Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2008 -2012

International Symphosium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM ) Executive Board Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2003 -To Present

(Graduate Admission and Recruiting ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2008 -2011

(Awards Committee, ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2007 -2008

(Search Committee for hiring an Assistant Professor in Chemistry, ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2007 -2008

(Graduate Recruitment-Admission Committee, ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2006 -2008

(The Dean's Advisory Committee, ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2007 -2008

Book entitlted "Nitrenes and Nitrenium Ions" Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 12-2008 -02-2013

(Asst/Assoc. Professor in Sensors Research Search Committe ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -04-2010

(RPT Ad Hoc Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2009 -2012

(PRS Review Committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:College

J. Phys. Org. Chem. (ISRIUM issue of J. Phys. Org. Chem. ) Guest Co-Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 09-2009 -03-2010

(Chair of the Organic Division ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2009 -08-2013

Illinois State University (External Reviewer for Promotional Dossier ) Reviewer Type:Other Level:National

Photochemistry & Photobiology (Wiley ) Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2011 -To Present

Gordon Research Conference Photochemistry Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National

NSF (GRIP ) Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 02-10-2011 -02-14-2011

NSF GRIP Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 01-09-2013 -01-11-2013

Tenure Dossier Reviwer for Wooster College Reviewer Type:Other Level:National

NSF GRFP Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 02-2010 -02-2010

NSF REU Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 12-10-2012 -12-11-2012

NSF CCL Review Board/Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 12-06-2012 -12-06-2012

Reaction Mechanisms Conference Elected Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2012 -2016

College of Arts and Science of Art & Science (RPT ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2012

Univeristy of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (PRT dossier Review ) Reviewer Type:Other Educational Service Level:National

Director of Special Projects Program Director Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2012

Special ISRIUM issue of J. Phys. Org. Chem. Guest Co-Editor Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 08-2014 -02-2015

International Symposium on Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules (ISRIUM) (Elected the vice chair ) Vice-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 02-2015

Review of promotional dossier at Barnard College Reviewer Type:Other Educational Service Level:National 2014

A&S BPAC Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 08-2014 -05-2017

Leaf Community Leader Committee Chair Type:University/College Service Level:College 09-2014 -06-2015

Gordon Research Conference Photochemistry Co-Chair Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2013 -2015

ALLY Program Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014 -To Present

Reaction Mechanism Conference Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2014 -2018

CET&L (Advisory Board ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2014

Chemistry Department Head Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2013 -2017

(RPT ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2018 -08-2019

Inter-American Photochemistry Society (Elected ) Vice President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2019 -2020

J. Mol. Struct. (Special Issue on Structure, Spectroscopy and Chemistry of Reactive Intermediates ) Guest Co-Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2018

Reviewer of Promotional Dossier for Iowa State University Reviewer Type:Other Level:National 2018

Reviewer for promotional Dossier for BGSU Reviewer Type:Other Level:National 2018

Reviewer of promitional Dossier at Indiana – Purdue University Fort Wayne Reviewer Type:Other Level:National 2018

Reviewer for promotional dossier at Case Western University Reviewer Type:Other Level:National 2018

Reviewer of Lehigh University Chemistry Program Reviewer Type:Other Level:National 2018

University of Cincinnati (IT Governance Research & Development Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2018 -2019

COACHE RPT Policies Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2019 -2019

National Science Foundation (CAREER Panel ) Member Type:Grant Panel Level:National 2018 -2018

National Science Foundation (CCI Panel ) Reviewer Type:Grant Panel Level:National 2018

Confidental (Editor in Chief Search Committee ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2018 -2018

(RITE ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2019 -2023

Chemistry Department at UC (ACS SEED Program ) Program Coordinator Type:Service to Student Groups Level:Regional 2016 -To Present

RMC 2018 Conference Organizer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2016 -2018

University of Cincinnati (Cosmetic Science Advisory Board ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University 2017

Chemistry Department (Space Committee ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2017 -To Present

Department of Chemistry (Research workshops ) Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2018 -To Present

Department of Chemistry (REU coordinator ) Faculty Coordinator Type:Service to Student Groups Level:National 2016 -To Present

Department of Chemistry (REU ) Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service Level:National 2006

(A&S RPT Committee ) Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

(Hiring Faculty in Sustainability ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2018 -2019

(Hiring Bioanalytical Faculty ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2019 -2020

(X-ray Fascilities ) Faculty Sponsor Type:Departmental Service 2019 -To Present

A&S RPT Committee Elected Member Type:University/College Service Level:College 2019 -2021

RPT Evaluation for Colorado School of Mines Reviewer Type:University/College Service Level:National 2019

ACS (Awards ) Committee Member Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National 2018 -2020

(Inclusion Workforce ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 2019 -To Present

ChemPhotoChem (Board ) Member Type:Service to Professional Associations 2017 -2019

Inter-American Photochemical Society President Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International 2020 -2023

Chemistry (Interim Department Head ) Department Head Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 08-2021 -08-2022

(Departmental RPT ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department 09-2022 -12-2022

NSF REU Panel Type:Grant Panel Level:National 10-2021

NSF-LEAP Type:Grant Panel Level:National 08-2021

NSF Synthesis Type:Grant Panel 01-2023

Photochem. & Photobiol. Associate Editor Type:Editorial Service Level:International 2011

RPT Dossier Reviewer for UMBC Type:Other Level:National 07-2022

URC (Reviwer ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

Distinguished Research Professor (Awards Committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

Awards (Rieveschl selection committee ) Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

(Awards Committee Faculty ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department

NSF Type:Grant Panel Level:National 11-2023

A&S (RPT ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service 10-2023

RPT review for Colorado School of Mimes Type:Service to Professional Development Programs

URC Proposal Reviewer Type:University/College Service

Government Control (Facility Managment ) Committee Member Type:Departmental Service Level:Department

External Reviewer for IIT Karaghpur Indinana (PhD Defense of Dr Sing ) Peer Review/Referee Type:Other Educational Service Level:National

Promotional Review (Colorado School of Mines ) Reviewer Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National

GRC Physical Chemistry (Disscusson Leader ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International

GRC Physical Organic Chemistry (Discussion leader ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:National

Colorado School of Mimes (RPT Review ) Type:Other Level:National

UC Fellows of Graduate College President Type:University/College Service Level:University

UC Distinguished Research Professor (Selection committee ) Committee Member Type:University/College Service Level:University

(Faculty Awards ) Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department

ACS SEED (ACS Site leader ) Director Type:Community Service Level:Regional

DEI Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service Level:Department

ISRIUM (Co-Chair ) Type:Service to Professional Associations Level:International


organic, photochemistry, theory

Professional Affiliation

07-11-2012 -07-13-2012: NSF Chemistry REU PI Meeting Participated in the disscusion focused on NSF-REU programs in Chemistry San Antonio, TX

Courses Taught

15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate

Organic Topics Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-351 ORGANIC CHEM II Level:Undergraduate

Life After Graduate School Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-499 UNDERGRAD CHEM RES Level:Undergraduate

15-CHEM-763 ADV PHYS ORG CHEM Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-201 ORG CHEM LEC & REC Level:Undergraduate

15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate

15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate

Physical Organic Chemistry Level:Both

15-CHEM-201-11 Level:Undergraduate

15-CHEM-895 PHOTOCHEMISTRY Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-983 LIFE AFTER GRAD SCH Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate

Phys Org Chem Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-983 LIFE AFTER GRAD SCH Level:Graduate

15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate

15-CHEM-202 ORGANIC CHEM LECT Level:Undergraduate

Physical Organic Chemistry/ Intermediate Organic Chemistry Level:Both

Scientific Ethics Level:Graduate

Phys. Org. Chem. Level:Graduate

Scientific Ethics CHEM7012-001

Organic Topics Level:Graduate

Life After Graduate School Level:Graduate

Spectroscopy Level:Graduate

Scientific Writing Level:Graduate

Faculty Development Activities

03-04-2011 -03-06-2011 Association of Practical & Professional Ethics The Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio Type:Conference Attendance

06-23-2011 Bring back the power in your PowerPoint CET&L UC Type:Workshop

08-06-2012 -08-10-2012 August 2012 Instructional Technology Institute Technology for teaching and learning, University of Cincinnati Cincinnati Type:Workshop

09-2013 -12-2013 New Chair Leadership Institution CET&L UC Type:Workshop

Contact Information

Academic - 821 Rieveschl Hall
PO Box 210172
Cincinnati  Ohio, 45221
Phone: 513-556-3380