Vadim Guliants
Chair of the George Rieveschl Advanced Membranes and Materials Group
Professional Summary
Google Scholar h-index of 40
Ph.D.: Princeton University Chemical Engineering, 1995 (Chemistry)
M.A.: Princeton University Chemical Engineering, 1993 (Chemistry)
Diploma with Highest Honors: Moscow State University 1987 (Chemistry)
Positions and Work Experience
07-2010 -07-2012 Professor and Chair, University of Cincinnati, Energy and Materials Engineering
09-2005 -06-2010 Professor, University of Cincinnati, Chemical and Materials Engineering (CME)
08-2007 -07-2010 Chair, University of Cincinnati, Chemical Engineering Program
09-2004 -11-2005 Associate Department Head, University of Cincinnati, CME Department
09-2003 -08-2005 Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, CME Department
09-1999 -08-2003 Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati, CME Department
09-1998 -08-1999 Adjunct Professor, SUNY at Buffalo, Department of Chemical Engineering
06-1995 -08-1999 Research Associate, Praxair Inc., Tonawanda, NY, Gas Separation R&D
07-2012 -To Present Professor, University of Cincinnati, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (ChEE)
Research Support
Grant: #OER-CDO-D-15-15 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim; Lee, Joo 03-16-2016 -06-30-2018 Ohio Coal Development Office Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Novel Process for Simultaneous Removal of Heavy Metals and Recovery of FGD Process Water Role:PI $250,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DMR-1531593 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Heineman, William; Jackson, Howard; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh; Vasudevan, Vijay; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2015 -08-31-2018 National Science Foundation MRI: Acquisition of a High Resolution Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:Collaborator $531,693.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #AF# 1073 (affil NSF DMR-1531593) Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Heineman, William; Jackson, Howard; Schulz, Mark; Shanov, Vesselin; Smith, Leigh; Vasudevan, Vijay; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2015 -08-31-2018 Ohio Board of Regents MRI: Acquisition of a Ultra-High Resolution Analytical Scanning Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:Collaborator $113,934.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #R-15-17 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2015 -08-31-2017 Ohio Development Services Agency Novel Regenerable Adsorbents for Waste Water Treatment From Wet Flue Gas Scrubbers Role:PI $160,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #14-12 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-18-2014 -08-31-2016 Ohio Coal Development Office Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock in Selective Oxidation of Lower Alkanes Role:PI $160,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #14-11 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-08-2014 -08-31-2016 Ohio Coal Development Office Multi-Scale Catalytic Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production in Coal Gasification Systems Role:PI $160,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #EEC-1404766 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Bhattacharya, Prabir; Cohen, Kelly; Franco, John; Guliants, Vadim; Kastner, Jeffrey; Kukreti, Anant; Kupferle, Margaret; Lu, Mingming; Nistor, Vasille; Sorial, George; Wei, Heng; Wendell, David 05-01-2014 -04-30-2017 National Science Foundation RET Site on "Challenge-Based Learning and Engineering Design Process Enhanced Research Experiences for Middle and High School In-Service Teachers." Role:Collaborator $498,949.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #R-13-09 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 01-01-2014 -12-31-2015 Ohio Development Services Agency Novel Regenerable Adsorbents for Waste Water Treatment From Wet Flue Gas Scrubbers Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #CBET-1236210 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2012 -08-31-2015 National Science Foundation Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Catalytic Hydrogenation and Hydrogenolysis Steps to Produce Novel Liquid Fuels from Biomass Role:PI $312,959.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #SRS 008248 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2012 -12-31-2014 Ohio Development Services Agency Metal-Organic Framework-Based Membranes for Highly Selective Gas Separations Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #11-12-C-01 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2012 -12-31-2014 Ohio Development Services Agency Multi-Scale Catalytic Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production in Coal Gasification Systems Role:PI $100,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC 2010C-19-C Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2010 -12-31-2012 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Novel High Flux and Selective Air Separation Membranes for Oxy-Fired Combustion Role:PI $160,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC AY08-09-C6 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2009 -09-30-2011 Ohio Coal Development Office Chemically and Thermally Stable Sodalite Membranes for Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Separation Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC-AY08-09-C9 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2009 -09-30-2011 Ohio Coal Development Office Multi-Scale Catalytic Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production in Coal Gasification Systems Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC 2009 #09-C23-N Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2009 -09-30-2011 Ohio Coal Development Office Metal-Organic Framework-Based Membranes for High Selective Gas Separations Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC AY08-09-C19N Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2008 -09-30-2010 Ohio Department of Development Novel High Flux and Selective Air Separation Membranes for Oxy-Fired Combustion Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC-AY07-08-C6 Sodalite Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2007 -09-30-2009 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Chemically and Thermally Stable Sodalite and DD3R Membranes for Hydrogen and Carbon Dioxide Separation Role:PI $160,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC-AY07-08-C9 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2007 -08-31-2009 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Multi-Scale Catalytic Membrane Reactors for Hydrogen Production in Coal Gasification Systems Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC-06-3-C3.28 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2006 -09-30-2007 Ohio Coal Development Office Chemically and Thermally Stable Sodalite Membranes for Hydrogen Production and Separation Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #UT13808 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2005 -08-31-2006 Department of Energy Hydrogen Production from Coal Derived Syngas by Proton-Conducting Ceramic Membranes Role:PI $15,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OCRC4-05-2-C2.28 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2005 -09-30-2006 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Chemically and Thermally Stable Sodalite Membranes for Hydrogen Production and Separation Role:PI $65,233.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC4-05-2-C2.24 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2005 -09-30-2006 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Advanced Ceramic Materials for High Temperature Coal Combustion Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC4-05--2-C2.27 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2005 -09-30-2006 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Hydrogen Production from Coal-Derived Syngas by Proton-Conducting Ceramic Membranes Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #DE-FG02-04ER15604 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2004 -08-14-2014 Department of Energy Fundamental Studies of Propane Ammoxidation over Model Bulk and Supported V-Mo-Te-O Catalysts Role:PI $1,506,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #OSP05136 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2004 -09-30-2005 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Advanced Ceramic Materials for High Temperature Coal Combustion Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSP04180 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2004 -12-31-2004 Rohm and Haas Company Surface-Promoted Bulk Vanadium Molybdate Catalysts for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid Role:PI $29,000.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #CTS 0403897 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 07-15-2004 -06-30-2010 National Science Foundation Biocatalytic Membrane Nanosystems (BMN's) Role:PI $1,033,024.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CK 150392 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 01-01-2004 -06-30-2005 Nestle Research and Development Center, Incorporated Smart Membranes for Protection and Controlled Release of Food Addition Role:PI $22,500.00 Closed Level:Industry
Grant: #OCRC3-00-4.C4.14 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2003 -09-30-2004 Ohio Air Quality Development Authority Novel Amine Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide Under Ambient Conditions Role:PI $79,999.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #CTS-0238962 003 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2003 -08-31-2009 National Science Foundation Ordered Mesoporous Mixed Metal Oxides: An Integrated Research and Education Approach Role:PI $424,253.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OCRC3-00-3.C3.14 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2002 -09-30-2003 Ohio Department of Development Novel Amine-Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide Under Ambient Conditions Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OCRC3-00-3.C3.16 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2002 -09-30-2003 Ohio Department of Development Novel Three Dimensional Complexes for Nitrogen Removal from Flue Gas Under Ambient Conditions Role:PI $44,487.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #TS01-42-001 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 11-02-2001 -11-01-2002 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Multifunctional Spacecraft Coatings via Nanostructuring of Advanced Materials in Controlled Porosity Medium Role:PI $50,586.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #OCRC3-00-2.C2.14 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-01-2001 -08-31-2002 Ohio Department of Development Novel Amine-Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide Role:PI $80,000.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #TC01-CECOM-0001/#1 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-01-2001 -07-31-2002 Department of the Army Band Gap Engineering of Advanced Photodetectors via Quantum Size Effects in SiC Nanostructures Role:PI $25,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #TC01-NSF2-0001-01 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 07-01-2001 -05-31-2002 National Science Foundation A Novel Ultra-High Resolution Technique for the Fabrication of Nanoelectronic Device Arrays Role:PI $17,976.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #CTS-0100087-NCE Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 02-01-2001 -01-31-2003 National Science Foundation Exploratory Research for New Concepts in Ultra-Rapid Cycle Adsorptive Separation Role:PI $50,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #ML-OSU-00-08-UC1 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 07-01-2000 -12-31-2002 Ohio Board of Regents Critical Interfacial Issues for Emerging Electronic Photonic and Magnetic Polymer Based Materials Role:PI $96,490.00 Closed Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #OSMRE S16AC20062 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim; Lee, Joo 10-01-2016 -09-30-2018 Department of the Interior Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Novel Process for Simultaneous Concentration of TDS and Recovery of Clean Water from Acid Mine Drainage Role:PI $199,999.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #2016 Ohio Coal Research Consortium (OCRC 2016) Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 09-19-2016 -12-31-2018 Ohio Development Services Agency Multi-scale catalytic membrane reactors for hydrogen production in coal gasification systems Role:PI $160,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #D-17-06 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 03-03-2017 -03-02-2019 Ohio Coal Development Office Novel Chemical Adsorbents for the Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals from FGD Process Water Role:PI $250,000.00 Active Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #R-17-01 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 02-01-2018 -02-28-2020 Ohio Development Services Agency Novel Catalysts for Total Combustion of Ventilation Air Methane Emitted in Underground Coal Mines Role:PI $160,000.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #D-18-08 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 08-15-2018 -08-14-2020 Ohio Development Services Agency Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of a Novel Process to Recover Rare Earths from Coal Preparation Plant Refuse Role:PI $249,999.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #D-19-03 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 10-01-2019 -10-01-2021 Ohio Development Services Agency Sequestration of Regulated Selenium, Arsenic and Heavy Metals from FGD Wastewater Using Zero-Valent Iron Adsorbents Role:PI $249,999.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #FA9550-20-1-0218 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Jha, Rashmi; Shanov, Vesselin; Shi, Jing; Smith, Leigh; Steiner, Matthew; Vasudevan, Vijay; White, Ryan; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2020 -08-31-2021 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Acquisition of an Analytical High-Resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:Collaborator $500,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #AF 1677 Investigators:Angelopoulos, Anastasios; Guliants, Vadim; Jha, Rashmi; Shanov, Vesselin; Shi, Jing; Smith, Leigh; Steiner, Matthew; Vasudevan, Vijay; White, Ryan; Zhang, Peng 09-01-2020 -08-31-2021 Ohio Department of Higher Education Acquisition of an Analytical High-Resolution Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope for Multidisciplinary Research and Education Role:Collaborator $237,500.00 Awarded Level:State of Ohio
Grant: #UC152928_DEV-GR-2024-207788 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 07-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Ohio Department of Development Poly- and Cyclic Carbonates: Green Plastics and Advanced Li-ion Battery Electrolytes from Carbon Dioxide Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #UC-152730_DEV-GR-2024-207575 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 07-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Ohio Department of Development Recovery of Rare Earths and Lithium from Coal and Its By-Products Role:PI 250000.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Grant: #UC-152927_DEV-GR-2024-207787 Investigators:Guliants, Vadim 07-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Ohio Department of Development Harnessing the Catalytic Power of Coal Fly Ash for Oxidative Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Coal Washing Wastewater Role:PI 250000.00 Hold Level:Ohio, State of
Published Abstracts
V.V. Guliants (2005. ) Of proteins and silica: novel immobilized and encapsulated enzyme systems for biocatalysis .[Abstract]Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry), 46(1) ,68
E.E. Macias, V.V. Guliants, M.A. Carreon (2005. ) Mesostructured and mesoporous and substituted barium hexaferrites .[Abstract]Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 156 ,287-294
A.M. Gaffney, S. Han, V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, P. Rosalez, H.H. Brongersma (2004. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid: New fundamental insights from studies of surface active sites .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting,
L. Yuan and V.V. Guliants (2004. ) Novel mesostructured mixed Nb-M (M= V, Mo, and Sb) oxides for oxidative dehydrogenation and ammoxidation of propane .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 228th ACS National Meeting,
A.M. Gaffney, S. Han, V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, P. Rosalez, H.H. Brongersma (2004. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid: New fundamental insights from studies of surface active sites .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting,
V.V. Guliants, M.A. Carreon, L. Yuan (2004. ) Thermally stable mesostructured mixed metal oxides .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 227th ACS National Meeting,
S. Kim, J. Ida, V.V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin (2003. ) Ordered mesoporous membranes for CO2 separation from flue gas .[Abstract]Proceedings - 20th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference , 958-965
S. Kim, J. Ida, V.V. Guliants and Y.S. Lin (2003. ) Ordered mesoporous silica membranes for CO2 separation from flue gas .[Abstract]Preprints of Symposia – ACS, Division of Fuel Chemistry, 48(1) ,392-393
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2003. ) Nanostructured mixed–metal oxides for partial oxidation of lower alkanes .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting,
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V. Vasudevan, V.V. Guliants (2003. ) Nanocrystalline Mo-V-Te-Nb oxide catalysts for selective propane oxidation to acrylic acid .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting,
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants (2002. ) High-throughput experimentation in bulk mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb oxide catalysts for selective oxidation of propane to acrylic acid .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 224th ACS National Meeting,
E.A. Guliants, M.A. Carreon, D.C. Abeysinghe, C. Ji, W.A. Anderson, V.V. Guliants (2002. ) Quantum size effect silicon structures via molecularly self-assembled hybrid templates .[Abstract]Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings , 728 (Functional Nanostructured Materials through Multiscale Assembly and Novel Patterning Techniques) ,71-76
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2002. ) Nano and macroporous mixed metal oxide phases for selective oxidation of lower alkanes .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 223rd ACS National Meeting,
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants, O. Guerrero, M.A. Banares (2002. ) Selective oxidation of propane to acrylic acid over bulk mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb oxides: A study of structure-reactivity/selectivity relationships .[Abstract]Abstracts of Papers, 223rd ACS National Meeting,
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2002. ) Novel Macroporous Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxides with Three-Dimensional Arrays of Spherical Voids .[Abstract]Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 141 ,309-316
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2002. ) Synthesis and Characterization of Mesostructured Vanadium-Phosporus-Oxide Phases .[Abstract]Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 141 ,301-308
S. A. Holmes, V.V. Guliants, M. Carreon Garciduenas (2001. ) Studies of Active Sites Present in (100) Surface Planes of Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Using Methanol Probe Molecule .[Abstract]the 4th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis,
S. A. Holmes, V.V. Guliants, M. Carreon Garciduenas (2000. ) Investigation of Active Surface Sites of (VO)2P2O7 Catalysts Using Methanol Probe Molecule .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 220 ,
V.V. Guliants (2000. ) Intercalation and Pillaring of Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide Catalysts for Selective Butane Oxidation .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 219 ,
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, and I.E. Wachs (2000. ) Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships in n-Butane Oxidation over Bulk VPO and Supported Vanadia Catalysts: Lessons for Molecular Engineering of New Selective Oxidation Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .[Abstract]Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 130 ,1721-1727
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, P. Heaney, D. Yates, I.E. Wachs, J.M. Jehng, G. Deo (1998. ) Transformation of VPO Precursor and the Nature of VPO Phase Selective in Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 215 ,
V.V. Guliants, J.T. Mullhaupt, J.M. Newsam, A.M. Gorman, C.M. Freeman (1997. ) Predicting Locations of Non-Framework Species in Zeolites .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 213 ,
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, and S. Sundaresan (1996. ) The Oxidation of C-4 Molecules on Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts .[Abstract]Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 101 ,991-1000
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan (1995. ) New Precursors to Vanadium Phosphorus Oxide Catalysts .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 210 ,
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan (1994. ) Evolution of the Active Surface of VPO Catalysts .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 210 ,
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan (1994. ) Synthesis of Intercalated Vanadyl(IV) Phosphates .[Abstract]American Chemical Society Abstracts, 208 ,
V.V. Guliants, V.S. Parbuzin, and M. Losev (1989. ) Preliminary Results of the Study of HD Sealed Cell .[Abstract]Comité Consultatif de Thermometrie, Document CCT/89-42 ,
Peer Reviewed Publications
J.-H. Lin, P. Biswas, V. V. Guliants, S. Misture (2010. ) Hydrogen production by water-gas-shift reaction over bimetallic Cu-Ni catalysts supported on La-doped mesoporous ceria .Appl. Catal. A 387, , 87-94
P. Biswas, J. Woo, V. V. Guliants (2010. ) Ruthenium and gold-doped M1 phase MoVNbTeO catalysts for propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile .Catal. Commun, , 12 ,58-63
P. Kumar and V. V. Guliants (2010. ) Periodic mesoporous organic-inorganic hybrid materials: Applications in membrane separations and adsorption .Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, , 132(1-2) ,1-14
A. Govindasamy, K. Muthukumar, J. Yu, Y. Xu, V. V. Guliants (2010. ) Adsorption of Propane, Isopropyl, and Hydrogen on Cluster Models of the M1 Phase of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Mixed Metal Oxide Catalyst .Journal of Physical Chemistry , , C 114 ,4544-4549
A. Katiyar, S. W. Thiel, V. V. Guliants, N. G. Pinto (2010. ) Investigation of the mechanism of protein adsorption on ordered mesoporous silica using flow microcalorimetry .Journal of Chromatography, , A 1217 ,1583-1588
L. Yuan and V. V. Guliants (2009. ) Dual-templating of macroporous multicomponent MoVTeNbO x catalysts for propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile .Journal of Porous Materials , , 16 ,613-622
M. A. Carreon, V. V. Guliants (2009. ) Catalyst design through dual templating .Design of Heterogeneous Catalysts, , 295-314
Z. Zheng, V. V. Guliants, S. Misture (2009. ) Sodalites as ultramicroporous frameworks for hydrogen separation at elevated temperatures: thermal stability, template removal, and hydrogen accessibility .Journal of Porous Materials , , 16 ,343-347
M. A. Carreon, V. V. Guliants (2009. ) Mesostructuring of metal oxides through EISA: fundamentals and applications .Ordered Porous Solids , , 413-439
H. Jaladi, A. Katiyar, S. W. Thiel, V. V. Guliants, and N. G. Pinto (2009. ) Effect of pore diffusional resistance on biocatalytic activity of Burkholderia cepacia lipase immobilized on SBA-15 hosts .Chemical Engineering Science , , 64 ,1474-1479
W. D. Pyrz, D. A. Blom, N. R. Shiju, V. V. Guliants, T. Vogt, D. J. Buttrey (2009. ) The effect of Nb or Ta substitution into the M1 phase of the MoV(Nb,Ta)TeO selective oxidation catalyst .Catalysis Today , , 142 ,320-328
N. R. Shiju and V. V. Guliants (2009. ) Recent developments in catalysis using nanostructured materials .Appl. Catal, , A 356 ,1-17
M. A. Carreon, V. V. Guliants, M. O. Guerrero-Perez, M. A. Bañares (2009. ) Mesostructured mixed Mo-V-Nb oxides for propane ammoxidation .Catalysis Communications , , 10 ,416-420
N. R. Shiju, A. J. Rondinone, D. R. Mullins, V. Schwartz, S. H. Overbury, and V. V. Guliants (2008. ) XANES Study of Hydrothermal Mo-V-Based Mixed Oxide M1-Phase Catalysts for the (Amm)oxidation of Propane .Chemistry of Materials , , 20 ,6611-6616
N. R. Shiju, V. V. Guliants, S. H. Overbury, A. J. Rondinone (2008. ) Toward environmentally benign oxidations: bulk mixed Mo-V-(Te-Nb)-O M1 phase catalysts for the selective ammoxidation of propane .ChemSusChem, , 1 ,519-523
Li Yuan, V. V. Guliants (2008. ) Mesoporous niobium oxides with tailored pore structures .Journal of Materials Science, , 43 ,6278-6284
P. Korovchenko, N. R. Shiju, A. K. Dozier, U. M. Graham, M. O. Guerrero-Perez, V. V. Guliants (2008. ) M1 to M2 Phase Transformation and Phase Cooperation in Bulk Mixed Metal Mo-V-M-O (M=Te, Nb) Catalysts for Selective Ammoxidation of Propane .Topics in Catalysis , , 50 ,43-51
Li Yuan, V. V. Guliants, S. J. Khatib, Miguel A. Bañares (2008. ) TIC-09-Mesoporous Niobium-Based Mixed Metal Oxides Containing Mo, V, and Te for Propane Oxidative Dehydrogenation .Topics in Catalysis , , 49(3-4) ,268-280
N. R. Shiju, X. Liang, A. W. Weimer, C. Liang, S. Dai, V. V. Guliants (2008. ) The role of surface basal planes of layered mixed metal oxides in selective transformation of lower alkanes: Propane ammoxidation over surface ab planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 phase .Journal of the American Chemical Society, , 130 ,5850-5851
P. Kumar, J. Ida, V. V. Guliants (2008. ) High flux mesoporous MCM-48 membranes: Effects of support and synthesis conditions on membrane permeance and quality .Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, , 110(2-3) ,595-599
Z. Zheng, A. S. Hall, V. V. Guliants (2008. ) Synthesis, characterization and modification of DDR membranes grown on α-alumina supports .Journal of Materials Science, , 1-4
P. Kumar, S. Kim, J. Ida, V. V. Guliants (2008. ) Polyethyleneimine-modified MCM-48 membranes: Effect of water vapor and feed concentration on N2/CO2 selectivity .Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, , 47(1) ,201-208
N. R. Shiju, R. R. Kale, S. S. Iyer, V. V. Guliants (2007. ) 13C isotope labeling study of propane ammoxidation over M1 phase Mo-V-Te-Nb-O mixed oxide catalyst .Journal of Physical Chemistry C, , 111(49) ,18001-18003
N. R. Shiju and V. V. Guliants (2007. ) Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of monophasic Mo-V-Te-Nb-O mixed metal oxide catalysts for the selective ammoxidation of propane .ChemPhysChem, , 8(11) ,1615-1617
V.V. Guliants, H.H. Brongersma, A. Knoester, A.M. Gaffney, S. Han (2006. ) Surface active sites present in the orthorhombic M1 phases: Low energy ion scattering study of methanol and allyl alcohol chemisorption over Mo-V-Te-Nb-O and Mo-V-O catalysts .Topics in Catalysis, , 38(1-3) ,41-50
P. Kumar, J. Ida, S. Kim, V.V. Guliants, J.Y.S. Lin (2006. ) Ordered mesoporous membranes: Effects of support and surfactant removal conditions on membrane quality .Journal of Membrane Science, , 279(1+2) ,539-547
V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, A.R. Hughett, S. Bhatt, B.D. Schuler, H.H. Brongersma, A. Knoester, A.M. Gaffney, S. Han (2006. ) Probe Molecule Chemisorption-Low Energy Ion Scattering Study of Surface Active Sites Present in the Orthorhombic Mo-V-(Te-Nb)-O Catalysts for Propane (Amm)oxidation .Journal of Physical Chemistry B, , 110(12) ,6129-6140
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants, L. Yuan, A.R. Hughett, A. Dozier, G.A. Seisenbaeva, and V.G. Kessler (2006. ) Mesoporous Nanocrystalline Mixed Metal Oxides from Heterometallic Alkoxide Precursors: Cobalt–Nickel Oxide Spinels for Propane Oxidation .European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, , 4983-4988
V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, B. Swaminathan, V.K. Vasudevan, H.H. Brongersma, A. Knoester, A.M. Gaffney, S. Han (2005. ) Roles of Surface Te, Nb, and Sb Oxides in Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid over Bulk Orthorhombic Mo-V-O Phase .Journal of Physical Chemistry B, , 109(50) ,24046-24055
L. Yuan, S. Bhatt, G. Beaucage, V.V. Guliants, S. Mamedov, R.S. Soman (2005. ) Novel Mesoporous Mixed Nb-M (M = V, Mo, and Sb) Oxides for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane .Journal of Physical Chemistry B, , 109(49) ,23250-23254
V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, H.H. Brongersma, A. Knoester, A.M. Gaffney, S. Han (2005. ) A Study of the Surface Region of the Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Journal of Physical Chemistry B, , 109(20) ,10234-10242
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2005. ) Ordered meso- and macroporous binary and mixed metal oxides .European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry , , 1 ,27-43
V.V. Guliants, M.A. Carreon (2005. ) Vanadium-phosphorus-oxides: from fundamentals of n-butane oxidation to synthesis of new phases .Catalysis, , 18 ,1-45
S. Kim, J. Ida, V.V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin (2005. ) Tailoring Pore Properties of MCM-48 Silica for Selective Adsorption of CO2 .Journal of Physical Chemistry B, , 109(13) ,6287-6293
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2005. ) Synthesis of catalytic materials on multiple length scales: from mesoporous to macroporous bulk mixed metal oxides for selective oxidation of hydrocarbons .Catalysis Today, , 99(1-2) ,137-142
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants, M.O. Guerrero-Perez, M.A. Banares (2004. ) Phase Transformations in Mesostructured VPO/Surfactant Composites .Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, , 71(1-3) ,57-63
V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, J.N. Al-Saeedi, V. Vasudevan, R.S. Soman, O. Guerrero-Perez, Olga; M.A. Banares (2004. ) Bulk mixed Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid .Applied Catalysis, A: General, , 274(1-2) ,123-132
S. Kim, J. Ida, Y.S. Lin and V.V. Guliants (2004. ) Ordered Mesoporous Silica Membranes for CO2 Separation from Flue Gas .International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, , 4(1/2) ,21-31
E.M. Kopaygorodsky, V.V. Guliants, W.B. Krantz (2004. ) Predictive Dynamic Model of Single-Stage Ultra-Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption .AIChE Journal, , 50(5) ,953-962
V.V. Guliants, M.A. Carreon and Y.S. Lin (2004. ) Ordered Mesoporous and Macroporous Inorganic Films and Membranes .Journal of Membrane Science, , 235(1-2) ,53-72
M.O. Guerrero-Perez, J.N. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants, M. Banares (2004. ) Catalytic Properties of Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb-O Oxide Catalysts for the Ammoxidation of Propane to Acrylonitrile .Applied Catalysis, A: General, , 260(1) ,93-99
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants, F. Pierelli, and F. Cavani (2004. ) Ordered Mesostructured Mixed Metal Oxides: Microporous VPO Phases for n-Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride .Catalysis Letters, , 92(1-2) ,11-16
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants, V.K. Vasudevan (2003. ) Model Bulk Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .Catalysis Communications, , 4(10) ,537-542
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants, O. Guerrero, and M.A. Bañares (2003. ) Bulk Structure and Catalytic Properties of Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxides for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Journal of Catalysis, , 215(1) ,108-115
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2002. ) Mesostructured Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide Phases .Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, , 55(3) ,297-304
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (2002. ) High-Throughput Experimentation in Multicomponent Bulk Mixed Metal Oxides: Mo-V-Sb-Nb-O System for Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .Applied Catalysis A, , 237(1-2) ,111-120
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (2002. ) Macroporous Vanadium Phosphorus Oxide Phases Displaying Three-Dimensional Arrays of Spherical Voids .Chemistry of Materials, , 14(6) ,2670-2675
V.V. Guliants, S. A. Holmes (2001. ) Probing Polyfunctional Nature of Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts: Oxidation of 16 C4 Molecules .Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, , 17 ,227-239
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants (2001. ) Hierarchical Design of Mixed Metal Oxides: Novel Macroporous VPO Phases .Chemical Communications, , 16 ,1438-1439
S.A. Holmes, J. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants, P. Boolchand, and D. Georgiev (2001. ) Solid State Chemistry of Bulk Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysts for the Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .Catalysis Today, , 67 ,403-409
V. V. Guliants, S. A. Holmes, J. B. Benziger, P. Heaney, D. Yates, and I. E. Wachs (2001. ) In Situ Studies of Atomic, Nano- and Macroscale Order During VOHPO4.0.5H2O Transformation to (VO)2P2O7 .Journal of Molecular Catalysis A, , 172 ,265-276
E.A. Guliants, W.A. Anderson, L.P. Guo, V.V. Guliants (2001. ) Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Ni Silicides Formed During Metal-Induced Silicon Growth .Thin Solid Films, , 385 ,74-80
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, I.E. Wachs, and A.M. Hirt (1999. ) Effect of Promoters for n-Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride over Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide Catalysts: Comparison with Supported Vanadia Catalysts .Catalysis Letters, , 62 ,87-91
V.V. Guliants, Review Article (1999. ) Molecular Structure-Property Relationships in Oxidation of C4 Hydrocarbons on Supported Metal Oxide Catalysts .Catalysis Today, , 51 ,255-268
V.V. Guliants, J.T. Mullhaupt, J.M. Newsam, A.M. Gorman, C.M. Freeman (1999. ) Predicting Locations of Non-Framework Species in Zeolites .Catalysis Today, , 50 ,661-668
I.E. Wachs, J.M. Jehng, G. Deo, B.M. Weckhuysen, V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, and S. Sundaresan (1997. ) Fundamental Studies of Butane Oxidation over Model-Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships .Journal of Catalysis, , 170 ,75-88
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan, I.E. Wachs (1997. ) New Precursors to Vanadium Phosphorus Oxide Catalysts .Catalysis Today, , 33 ,49-56
I.E. Wachs, J.-M. Jehng, B.M. Weckhuysen, V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger (1996. ) In Situ Raman Spectroscopy of Bulk and Surface Metal Oxide Phases During Oxidation Reactions .Catalysis Today, , 32 ,47-55
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, I.E. Wachs, J.-M. Jehng, J.E. Roberts (1996. ) The Effect of the Phase Composition of Model V-P-O Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of n-Butane .Catalysis Today, , 28 ,275-295
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, I.E. Wachs, N. Yao (1995. ) Evolution of the Active Surface of the Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts .Catalysis Letters, , 32 ,379-386
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, I.E. Wachs (1995. ) Vanadyl(IV) Phosphonates, VOCnH2n+1PO3•xH2O (n= 0-4, x =1 or 1.5), as Precursors of Vanadyl(IV) Pyrophosphate .Chemistry of Materials, , 7 ,1493-1498
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan (1995. ) Synthesis and Characterization of Vanadyl Phosphite, VIVOPIIIO3•1.5H2O .Chemistry of Materials, , 7 ,1485-1492
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, and S. Sundaresan (1995. ) New Layered Vanadyl(IV) Phosphite as a Precursor to Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride .Journal of Catalysis, , 156 ,298-300
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan (1994. ) Intercalation of Aliphatic Amines into the Layered Structure of Vanadyl (IV) Hydrogen Phosphate Hemihydrate VOHPO4•0.5H2O .Chemistry of Materials, , 6 ,353-356
V.S. Parbuzin and V.V. Guliants (1990. ) Dihydrogen Carrier Gases in Gas-Solid Chromatography – Study of Hydrogen Weight and Nuclear-Spin Isomer Adsorption .Chromatographia, , 30 ,283-286
V.S. Parbuzin, V.V. Guliants, D.E. Bezlepkin, Y.N. Barinov, Y.G. Morozov, and Y.A. Leshchev (1990. ) Catalytic Properties of Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-x Ceramics in Reactions of Low-Temperature Para-Ortho Conversion and Hydrogen-Deuterium Equilibration of Molecular Hydrogen .Journal of Materials Science Letters, , 9 ,703-705
V.S. Parbuzin, V.V. Guliants, and D.E. Bezlepkin (1989. ) Catalytic Activity of YBa2Cu3O7-x Superconducting Ceramics in Low Temperature Para- Ortho- Conversion and H-D-Equilibration of Molecular Hydrogen .Superconductivity: Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, , 2 ,159-162
V.S. Parbuzin, V.V. Guliants, and D.E. Bezlepkin (1989. ) Catalytic Activity of YBaCuO Superconducting Ceramics in H-D-Equilibration of Molecular Hydrogen .Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, , 63 ,3135-3137
Invited Presentations
(04-22-2010. ) Recent Advances in Bulk and Surface Characterization of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Catalysts Employed in Propane Ammoxidation to Acrylonitrile .Center for Catalytic Science and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
(04-22-2010. ) Propane ammoxidation over surface ab planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 phase: insights from recent experimental and theoretical studies .Catalysis Club of Philadelphia,
(04-20-2010. ) The role of surface basal planes of layered mixed metal oxides in selective transformation of lower alkanes: Propane ammoxidation over surface ab planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 phase .Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina,
(04-16-2010. ) The Role of Surface Basal Planes of Layered Mixed Metal Oxides in Selective Transformation of Lower Alkanes: Propane Ammoxidation over Surface ab Planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 Phase .Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Tufts University,
(04-07-2010. ) Adsorption of propane, isopropyl, and hydrogen on cluster models of the M1 phase of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O mixed metal oxide catalyst .Center for Computational Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
(2010. ) The Catalytic Significance of Surface ab Planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 Phase in Propane Ammoxidation: New Insights from Recent Experimental and Theoretical Studies .Irsee, Germany.
(07-09-2009. ) The role of surface ab plane of Mo-V-Nb-Te-O M1 phase catalysts for ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile .6th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Lille, France.
(06-01-2008. ) Selective Transformation of Lower Alkanes Over Layered Mixed Metal Oxides: Propane Ammoxidation to Acrylonitrile Over Surface ab Planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 Phase .Department of Chemical Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
(01-24-2008. ) Catalysis by Nanostructured Materials for Emerging Energy Conversion and Chemicals Applications: Ni0 Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Production and Bulk Mixed Mo-V-M (M= Te, Nb, etc.) Oxides for Propane Ammoxidation .Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, College Park, PA.
(11-16-2007. ) Inclusion Chemistry in Periodic Mesoporous Hosts: Synthesis, Structure and Gas Separation Properties of Ordered Mesoporous Membranes .Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.
(08-29-2007. ) Microstructural Characteristics of Mo-V Based Mixed Oxide Catalysts for Propane Ammoxidation .ABB Lummus Global Inc., Bloomington, NJ.
(08-19-2007. ) Selective (Amm)oxidation of Propane over Mo-V Based Mixed Oxide Catalysts .Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 234th National ACS Meeting, Boston, MA.
(06-08-2007. ) Selective (Amm)oxidation of Propane over Mo-V Based Mixed Oxide Catalysts .Symposium on Advances in Selective Heterogeneous Oxidation Catalysis, Irsee, Germany.
(03-05-2007. ) Case Studies in Emerging Energy Conversion and Chemicals Applications: Novel Nanostructured Nio Catalysts for Hydrogen Production and Bulk Mixed Mo-V-M-O (M=Te, Nb, etc.) Catalysts for Propane Ammoxidation .Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
(12-05-2006. ) Orthorhombic Mo-V-(Te-Nb)-O Catalysts for Propane (Amm)oxidation .CNMS Baseline Review, ORNL,
(04-10-2006. ) Probe Molecule Chemisorption-Low Energy Ion Scattering Study of Surface Active Sites Present in the Orthorhombic Mo-V-(Te-Nb)-O Catalysts for Propane (Amm)oxidation .Chicago Catalysis Club,
(01-19-2006. ) Probe Molecule Chemisorption-Low Energy Ion Scattering Study of Surface Active Sites Present in the Orthorhombic Mo-V-(Te-Nb)-O Catalysts for Propane (Amm)oxidation .ORNL,
(01-12-2006. ) Probe Molecule Chemisorption-Low Energy Ion Scattering Study of Surface Active Sites Present in the Orthorhombic Mo-V-(Te-Nb)-O Catalysts for Propane (Amm)oxidation .Ineos, Naperville, IL.
(12-16-2005. ) Novel Mesoporous Nb2O5 and Mixed Nb-Based Oxides for Propane (Amm)oxidation .ABB Lummus Global Inc., Bloomington, NJ.
(07-11-2005. ) Selective Oxidation Catalysis on Multiple Length Scales: Surfaces, Nanoparticles and Bulk Oxides for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .NSF/CNRS-IFP, a Trans–Atlantic Meeting, Lyon, France.
(06-10-2005. ) Selective (Amm)Oxidation of Propane over Bulk Mixed V-Mo-M-O (M= Te and Nb) Catalysts: Surfaces, Nanoparticles and Bulk Oxides .Irsee III, Schwäbisches Bildungscentrum, Kloster Irsee, 87660 Irsee, Germany.
(12-17-2004. ) Selective Oxidation Catalysis on Multiple Length Scales: Surfaces, Nanoparticles and Bulk Oxides for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
(12-03-2004. ) Selective Oxidation Catalysis on Multiple Length Scales: Surfaces, Nanoparticles and Bulk Oxides for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Department of Chemistry, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany.
(08-24-2004. ) Effect of Surface Promoters on Propane Oxidation over Orthorhombic Mo-V-O Catalysts .Rohm&Haas Corporate Research, Spring House, PA.
(08-19-2004. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid: New Fundamental Insights from Studies of Surface Active Sites .USA-Netherlands Catalysis Conference, hosted by the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York and the Catalysis Society of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.
(07-27-2004. ) Ordered MCM-48 membranes Containing Surface-Grafted Amino Groups for CO2/N2 Separation .3rd International Zeolite Membrane Meeting, Breckenridge, CO.
(06-18-2004. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid: New Fundamental Insights from Studies of Surface Active Sites .SABIC Corporate Research, Houston, TX.
(06-08-2004. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid: New Fundamental Insights from Studies of Surface Active Sites .BP Chemical Corporate Research, Naperville, IL.
(10-07-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Solutia Corporate Research, Pensacola, FL.
(09-29-2003. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid: New Fundamental Insights from Studies of Surface Active Sites .Rohm&Haas Corporate Research, Spring House, PA.
(09-26-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Engelhard Technical Center, Beachwood, OH.
(06-18-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Rohm&Haas Corporate Research, Spring House, PA.
(05-28-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Environmentally Benign Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .The Russian-American Seminar “Advances in the Understanding and Application of Catalysts”, Moscow.
(05-28-2003. ) Mesostructured Mixed Metal Oxides for Partial Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .The Russian-American Seminar “Advances in the Understanding and Application of Catalysts”, Moscow.
(03-12-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Environmentally Benign Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Kentucky.
(12-16-2002. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .The Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
(10-24-2002. ) Towards Rational Design of Functional Materials for Catalysis, Environmental Science, and Nanotechnology .Department of Chemistry, Kent State University.
(08-14-2002. ) Clean Coal Technologies: Reliable and Affordable Energy for America’s Future .NSF Workshop: Environmentally Benign Process Research Needs, The Berkshires, MA.
(01-31-2002. ) Towards Rational Design of Functional Materials: Applications in Catalysis, Environmental Science, and Nanotechnology .Department of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University,
(08-16-2001. ) The Bulk Structure and Catalytic Properties of Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxides for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Rohm & Haas Research Laboratories, Spring House, PA.
(10-19-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .Department of Chemical Engineering, The Ohio State University,
(06-21-2000. ) Predicting Locations of Non-Framework Species in Zeolite Materials .Procter and Gamble Research Laboratories, Miami Valley.
(04-16-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .Rohm & Haas Research Laboratories, Spring House, PA.
(04-12-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH.
(03-28-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .Institut für Verfahrenstechnik, ETH-Zürich,
(03-25-2000. ) Synthesis of Zeolite Nanoparticles for Laundry Detergent Applications .Procter and Gamble Research Laboratories, Miami Valley.
(02-16-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .BP Amoco Chemicals, Naperville, IL.
(01-28-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan,
(01-27-2000. ) Structure-Reactivity Relationships in Oxidation of C4 Hydrocarbons on Supported Vanadia Catalysts .Department of Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University,
(10-20-1999. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .Department of Chemical Engineering, The Tri-State Catalysis Society Meeting,
(12-03-1997. ) Locations of Nonframework Species in Zeolitic Adsorbents and Catalysts: Experiment and Simulation .Zettlemoyer Center for Surface Studies, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
(05-20-1997. ) Structure-Activity Relationships in Oxidation of n-Butane on VPO Catalysts: Discovery of New Family of Catalytic Layered Vanadyl(IV) Phosphates .School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
(04-09-1997. ) Structure-Property Relationships in Oxidation of n-Butane on VPO Catalysts and Shape Selective Zeolitic Catalysts for p-Xylene Formation .School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
(11-06-1995. ) In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Study of Bulk and Surface Metal Oxides in Hydrocarbon Oxidation .5th European Workshop Meeting on Selective Catalytic Oxidation, Berlin, Germany.
(04-19-1995. ) Mechanism of Oxidation of n-Butane on the Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts, Zettlemoyer Center for Surface Studies .Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
(02-17-1995. ) The Effect of the Phase Composition of Model V-P-O Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of n-Butane .Mobil Corporation, Paulsboro, NJ.
(02-12-1995. ) In Situ Raman Spectroscopic Study of the VPO Catalysts for n-Butane Oxidation and the Nature of the Active Phase .W.R. Grace Inc, Columbia, MD.
(02-02-1995. ) New Synthesis Approaches to Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide System .BOC Group, Murray Hills, NJ.
(12-16-1994. ) Evolution of Active Surface of Vanadyl Pyrophosphate and Mechanism of Partial Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride .Zettlemoyer Center for Surface Studies, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
(11-29-1994. ) On the Nature of Selective Oxidation of Hydrocarbons on VPO Catalysts .ABB Lummus Crest Inc., Bloomfield, NJ.
Poster Presentations
Muthukumar Kaliappan, Junjun Yu, Ye Xu and Vadim V. Guliants (11-07-2010. ) Probing the Mechanism of Propane Ammoxidation Over Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Catalyst .Insights From First-Principles Calculations, 2010 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Sanket Shah Champaklal, Ying Dai, John Stueve, and Vadim Guliants (11-07-2010. ) Pure Silica Sodalite as a Building Block for Hydrogen Separation Membranes .2010 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Stephen W. Thiel, JungSeung Kim, Vadim V. Guliants and Neville G. Pinto (11-07-2010. ) Influence of Surface Functionality On Biomolecule Immobilization and Enzymatic Activity On Mesoporous Silica .2010 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Ying Dai, Oxana V. Fursenko, Sanket Shah Champaklal, John Stueve and Vadim V. Guliants (11-07-2010. ) Polymer/Imidazolate Framework and Polymer/Silica Sodalite Mixed Matrix Membranes for Gas Separations .2010 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Jiann-Horng Lin and Vadim V. Guliants (11-07-2010. ) Supported Bimetallic Cu/Ni Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Controlled Synthesis and Catalytic Activity in Water-Gas-Shift Reaction .2010 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Jungwon Woo and Vadim Guliants (11-07-2010. ) Bulk and Surface Characteristics of Mo-V-Te-(Ta, Nb)-O Catalyst Prepared by Dry-up, Hydrothermal, and Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Methods .2010 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Douglas Blom, William Pyrz, Tom Vogt, Douglas Buttrey, Masahiro Sadakane, Wataru Ueda and Vadim Guliants (12-03-2009. ) Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of Cation Site Location and Occupancy in M1 Selective Oxidation Catalysts .2009 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA. .
Xinhua Liang, Alan W. Weimer, Jungwon Woo, Prakash Biswas and Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) The catalytic sugnificance of surface ab planes of M1 phase in propane ammoxidation .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Prakash Biswas, Stephanie N. Berger, Leila S. Haghighi and Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) Carbon-supported platinum and palladium nano-particle catalysts for vapor-phase hydrogenation of furan, crotonaldehyde and selective hydrogenation of acetylene .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Agalya Govindasamy, Ye Xu, Junjun Yu, and Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) Theoretical Study of Propane Activation over Cluster Models of the Surface ab Planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 Phase .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
André Bader and Vadim V Guliants (11-08-2009. ) One-Step Secondary Synthesis of Thin Zeolite Beta Membranes .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Sanket Shah Champaklal, Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) Chemically and Thermally Stable Pure-Silica Sodalite Membranes For Hydrogen Separation .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Anthony J. Huth and Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) A Molecular Dynamics and Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Study of Small Gas Molecules in Siliceous Decadodecasil 3R .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Anthony J. Huth, Jacob Murphy, Jared S. Troyer and Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) A Comparison of Experimentally-Derived Diffusion Coefficients Small Gases in Silicalite with Molecular Dynamics Predictions Based on COMPASS and CVFF Forcefields .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Samrish Variyath, JungSeung Kim, Stephen W. Thiel, Neville G. Pinto and Vadim V. Guliants (11-08-2009. ) Molecular dynamics of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase in different buffers and correlations with its biocatalytic activity .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Jiann-Horng Lin, Sebastian Schulze, Prakash Biswas, Vadim V Guliants (11-08-2009. ) Supported bimetallic Cu/Ni nanoparticles for low–temperature water-gas-shift reaction .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
JungSeung Kim, Vadim V. Guliants, Stephen W. Thiel, Neville G. Pinto (11-08-2009. ) Biocatalysis using lipase from Pseudomonas cepacia immobilized on functionalized alumina .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
Stephen W. Thiel, Rebecca J. Desch, Amina M. Darwish, Vadim V. Guliants, Neville G. Pinto (11-08-2009. ) Solution Effects On Protein Adsorption Mechanisms Onto SBA-15 .2009 Annual AIChE Meeting, Nashville, TN. .
A. Govindasamy, Y. Kapustin, V. V. Guliants (11-16-2008. ) Theoretical Study of Propane, Dioxygen and Ammonia Activation Over Cluster Models of the Surface ab Planes of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O M1 Phase Catalyst .2008 Annual AIChE Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
W. D. Pyrz, D. A. Blom, N. R. Shiju, V. V. Guliants, T. Vogt, D. J. Buttrey (11-16-2008. ) Using Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) to Explore the Effect of the Addition/exclusion of Elements to/from the Orthorhombic Mo-V-Te-Nb-O ‘M1' Framework .2008 Annual AIChE Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
P. Biswas, J. Woo, V. V. Guliants (11-16-2008. ) Novel Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .2008 Annual AIChE Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
Z. Zheng, G. Mei, and V. V. Guliants (11-16-2008. ) Synthesis and Modification of Sodalite (SOD) and Deca-Dodecasil 3R (DDR) Membranes Grown on Alpha-Alumina Supports .2008 Annual AIChE Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
V. V. Guliants, J.-H. Lin and P. Biswas (11-16-2008. ) Synthesis of Mesoporous Nickel-Ceria Catalyst Using Tri-block Co-Polymer Template for Low- Temperature Water-Gas-Shift reaction .2008 Annual AIChE Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
V. V. Guliants (04-06-2008. ) M1/M2 phases for propane ammoxidation to acrylonitrile: Recent insights into bulk microstructure, the nature of the active surface and reaction pathways .George A. Olah Award Symposium in Honor of Israel E. Wachs, ACS 235th National Meeting, New Orleans, LA. .
N. R. Shiju, D. R. Mullins, S. H. Overbury, V. V. Guliants (11-04-2007. ) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation Of Mo-V Based Mixed Oxide Catalysts For The Selective Ammoxidation Of Propane .2007 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
Z. Zheng and V. V. Guliants (11-04-2007. ) Synthesis And Properties Of High-Silica Sodalite And Deca-Dodecasil 3R Membranes Grown On -Alumina Supports .2007 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
N. R. Shiju and V. V. Guliants (11-04-2007. ) Synthesis Of Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Mixed Oxide Catalyst By Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Method .2007 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
N. R. Shiju and V. V. Guliants (11-04-2007. ) Investigation Of The Mechanism Of Propane Ammoxidation Over Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Mixed Oxide Catalyst System .2007 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
L. Yuan and V. V. Guliants (11-04-2007. ) Macroporous Mixed MoVTeNbOx For Propane (Amm)Oxidation .2007 Annual AIChE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. .
V. V. Guliants, N. R. Shiju, D. R. Mullins, S. H. Overbury (08-19-2007. ) Selective (amm)oxidation of propane over Mo-V based mixed oxide catalysts, Catalysis and Chemistry for the Synthesis of Fuels, Chemicals and Petrochemicals .234th National ACS Meeting, Boston, MA. .
N. R. Shiju and V. V. Guliants (06-17-2007. ) Novel Mo-V Based Mixed Oxide Catalysts for Propane Ammoxidation .20th NAM of Catalysis Society, Houston, TX. .
P. Kumar, V.V. Guliants, S. Kim, J. Ida, and J.Y.S. Lin (11-12-2006. ) PEI/MCM-48 Composite Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
Z. Zheng, J. Tong, V.V. Guliants, and S. Misture (11-12-2006. ) Synthesis and Characterization of Silica Sodalite Membranes Obtained by In-Situ Crystallization and Secondary Growth Methods .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
A. Katiyar, H. Jaladi, V.V. Guliants, and N.G. Pinto (11-12-2006. ) Unusual Interfacial Activation of Burkholderia Cepacia Lipase Immobilized in Nanopores of SBA-15 Silica .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
V.V. Guliants, L. Yuan, L. Song, P.A. Korovchenko, M.A. Bañares, and S.J. Khatib (11-12-2006. ) Mesoporous and Nanostructured Multicomponent Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Catalysts for Propane Ammoxidation to Acrylonitrile .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
J. Tong and V.V. Guliants (11-12-2006. ) Electrical Conductivity and Chemical Stability of Novel Titanium-Doped Mixed Proton- and Electron-Conducting Perovskite Membranes for Pure Hydrogen Production .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
H. Jaladi, A. Katiyar, V.V. Guliants, and N.G. Pinto (11-12-2006. ) Effects of Mass-Transfer and Kinetic Parameters on Biocatalytic Activity of Immobilized Burkholderia Cepacia Lipase in a Packed-Bed Reactor .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
P.A. Korovchenko and V.V. Guliants (11-12-2006. ) Bulk Mixed Mo-V-Te-(Nb) Oxides for Propane and Propylene Ammoxidation to Acrylonitrile .2006 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
J. Tong and V.V. Guliants (06-24-2006. ) Electrical Conductivity and Chemical Stability of Novel Zirconium-Doped Mixed Proton- and Electron-Conducting Perovskite Membranes .9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM9), Lillehammer, Norway. .
Z. Zheng, J. Tong, V.V. Guliants, and S. Misture (06-24-2006. ) Synthesis and Characterization of Supported Pure Silica Sodalite Membranes .9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM9), Lillehammer, Norway. .
R. Bhandari, V.V. Guliants, H.H. Brongersma, A. Knoester (10-30-2005. ) Combined LEIS/Surface Chemical Probe Study of Topmost Surface Chemistry of Multicomponent Bulk Mo-V-O Catalysts for Propane (Amm)Oxidation .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
R. Bhandari, B. Swaminathan, V. Vasudevan, V.V. Guliants (10-30-2005. ) Effect of Surface Promoters (Te, Nb and Sb) on Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid over Model Bulk Mixed Mo-V-O Catalysts .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
V.V. Guliants, O. Guerrero, R. Bhandari, V. Vasudevan, N. Chandrasekaran, and B. Swaminathan (10-30-2005. ) M1→M2 Phase Transformation in Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Selective (Amm)oxidation of Propane .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
P. Kumar, V.V. Guliants (10-30-2005. ) Advanced Ceramic Materials for High Temperature Coal Combustion .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
S. Zheng, A. Katiyar, V.V. Guliants, N.G. Pinto (10-30-2005. ) Immobilization of Pseudomonas Cepacia Lipase in Ordered Mesoporous Silicas: Effects of Pore Size and Surface Chemistry on Catalytic Activity .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
S.R. Bhatt, N. Chandrasekaran, V.V. Guliants (10-30-2005. ) Comparison of Hydrothermal Four Component Movnbte Catalyst for Propane Oxidation and Ammoxidation .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
Z. Zheng, V.V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin, M.A. Snyder, D.G. Vlachos (10-30-2005. ) Synthesis and Gas Permeation Properties of Sodalite Membranes .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
H. Jaladi, V.V. Guliants, N.G. Pinto (10-30-2005. ) Immobilization of Lipase Onto Mesoporous Silica: Study of Kinetic Parameters and Mass Transfer Effects Using a Continuous Micro Reactor Setup .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
L. Yuan, L. Song, V.V. Guliants (10-30-2005. ) Novel Mesoporous Niobium Oxide and Mixed Nb-Based Oxides for Oxidative Dehydrogenation and Ammoxidation of Propane .2005 Annual AIChE Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. .
V.V. Guliants and R. Bhandari (11-07-2004. ) Effect of Surface Promoters (Te, Nb and Sb) on Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid over Model Bulk Mixed Mo-V-O Catalysts .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
S. Kim, P. Kumar, J. Ida, H. Alsyouri, V.V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin (11-07-2004. ) Amine-modified silica membranes for separation of carbon dioxide under ambient conditions: synthesis and characterization .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
S. Kim, P. Kumar, J. Ida, H. Alsyouri, V.V. Guliants, Y.S. Lin (11-07-2004. ) Amine modified silica membranes for separation of CO2 under ambient conditions: Gas transport and separation properties .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
L. Yuan and V.V. Guliants (11-07-2004. ) Novel Mesostructured Mixed Nb-M (M= V, Mo, and Sb) Oxides for Oxidative Dehydrogenation and Ammoxidation of Propane .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
H. Jaladi and V.V. Guliants (11-07-2004. ) Alginates in Flavor Encapsulation .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
S. Zheng, H. Jaladi, V.V. Guliants, N.G. Pinto, Y.S. Lin, C.A. Caperelli (11-07-2004. ) Immobilization of Pseudomonas Cepacia Lipase in Ordered Mesoporous Silica .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
S.R. Bhatt and V.V. Guliants (11-07-2004. ) Novel Mesostructured Ta and Ta-V Oxides for Selective Oxidation of Propane .2004 Annual AIChE Meeting, Austin, TX. .
L. Yuan and V.V. Guliants (08-22-2004. ) Novel Mesostructured Mixed Nb-M (M= V, Mo, and Sb) Oxides for Selective Oxidation and Ammoxidation of Propane .228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. .
P. Kumar, H. Alsyouri, V.V. Guliants, S. Kim, J. Ida, and Y.S. Lin (07-19-2004. ) Ordered MCM-48 Membranes Containing Surface-Grafted Amino Groups for CO2/N2 Separation .8th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Cincinnati, OH. .
R. Bhandari, J.N. Al-Saeedi, P.I. Rosales, F.J. Boerio, V.K. Vasudevan, V.V. Guliants, R. Soman, H.H. Brongersma, A.M. Gaffney, S. Han (07-11-2004. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .13th International Congress on Catalysis, Paris, France. .
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants, F. Pierelli and F. Cavani (07-11-2004. ) Mesostructured Mixed Metal Oxides for Partial Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .13th International Congress on Catalysis, Paris, France. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (07-11-2004. ) Macroporous Mo-V-Te-Nb Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .13th International Congress on Catalysis, Paris, France. .
A.M. Gaffney, S. Han, V.V. Guliants, R. Bhandari, P.I. Rosales, H.H. Brongersma (03-28-2004. ) Model Mo-V-Te-O catalysts for propane oxidation to acrylic acid: New fundamental insights from studies of surface active sites .227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. .
V.V. Guliants, M.A. Carreon, L. Yuan (03-28-2004. ) Thermally stable mesostructured mixed metal oxides .227th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (11-19-2003. ) Colloidal Sphere Array Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Mo-V-Te-Nb Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .2003 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
V.V. Guliants, S. Kim, J. Ida, and Y.S. Lin (11-18-2003. ) Ordered Mesostructured Silica Membranes for Carbon Dioxide Separation from Flue Gas .2003 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
S. Sarang, V.V. Guliants and Y.S. Lin (11-18-2003. ) Edible Barrier Coatings for Protection of Food Additives .2003 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
S. Sarang, V.V. Guliants and Y.S. Lin (11-18-2003. ) Edible Films .2003 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi, R. Bhandari, V. Vasudevan and V.V. Guliants (11-17-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .2003 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
M.A. Carreon, L. Yuan and V.V. Guliants (11-17-2003. ) Mesostructured Mixed Metal Mo-V-Nb Oxides for Selective Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .2003 Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
V.V. Guliants, S. Kim, J. Ida, and Y.S. Lin (09-15-2003. ) Ordered Meso- and Microporous Silica Membranes for CO2 separation from Flue Gas .20th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V. Vasudevan and V.V. Guliants (08-01-2003. ) Bulk Mixed Mo-V-Te-O Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .EuropaCatVI, Innsbruck, Austria. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (08-01-2003. ) Nanocrystalline Mo-V-Te-Nb-O Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .EuropaCatVI, Innsbruck, Austria. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (06-01-2003. ) Macrostructured Mo-V-Te-(Nb)-O Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .18th NAM, Cancun, Mexico. .
M.A. Carreon, and V.V. Guliants (06-01-2003. ) Mesostructured Mixed Metal Oxides for Partial Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .18th NAM, Cancun, Mexico. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi, V. Vasudevan and V.V. Guliants (03-05-2003. ) Mixed Mo-V-Te Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .Operando Spectroscopy, 1st International Conference on Applications of in situ Spectroscopies in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Lunteren, the Netherlands. .
S. Kim, C. Gauer, V.V. Guliants, and Y.S. Lin (11-03-2002. ) Amine-Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide Under Ambient Conditions .2002 Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. .
P. Kumar, M.A. Carreon, and V.V. Guliants (11-03-2002. ) Synthesis and Characterization of Nanosized CdS Confined in Ordered Mesoporous Silica Thin Films .2002 Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. .
78. S. Sarang, V.V. Guliants, and Y.S. Lin (11-03-2002. ) Smart Membranes for Protection and Controlled Release of Food Additives .2002 Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. .
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (11-03-2002. ) Mesostructured Mixed Metal Oxides for Partial Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .2002 Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. .
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (11-03-2002. ) Macroporous Vanadium-Phosphorus Oxide Phases for the Partial Oxidation of n-Butane .2002 Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (11-03-2002. ) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Mixed Metal V-Mo-Te Oxide Catalysts for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .2002 Annual AIChE Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. .
V.V. Guliants, S. Kim and J.Y.S. Lin (09-09-2002. ) Amine-Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide from Flue Gas .International Conference on Air Quality III, Washington, DC. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (08-18-2002. ) High Throughput Experimentation in Bulk Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxide Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .224th National ACS Meeting, Boston, MA. .
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants, P. Kumar, and G. Beaucage (06-23-2002. ) Oriented Periodic Mesoporous Thin Films for the Fabrication of Nanoelectronic Devices .7th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Dalian, China. .
S. Kim, C. Gauer, V.V. Guliants, and J.Y.S. Lin (06-23-2002. ) Amine-Modified Silica Membranes for Separation of Carbon Dioxide Under Ambient Conditions .7th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Dalian, China. .
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants (06-12-2002. ) Novel Macroporous Vanadium-Phosporus-Oxide with Three Dimensional Arrays of Spherical Voids .Nanoporous Materials III, Ottawa, Canada. .
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants (06-12-2002. ) Synthesis and Characterization of Mesostructured Vanadium-Phosporus-Oxide Phases .Nanoporous Materials III, Ottawa, Canada. .
M.A. Carreon, V.V. Guliants (04-09-2002. ) Thermally Stabel Hexagonal and Cubic Mesoporous Vanadium-Phosporus-Oxide Phases .4th International Symposium on Group V Elements, Toledo, Spain. .
J. N. Al-Saeedi, V. V. Guliants, O. Guerrero, M. A. Bañares (04-09-2002. ) Bulk Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxides for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .4th International Symposium on Group V Elements, Toledo, Spain. .
J. N. Al-Saeedi, V. V. Guliants, O. Guerrero, M. A. Bañares (04-07-2002. ) Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid over Bulk Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxides: A Study of Structure-Reactivity/Selectivity Relationships .Selective Alkane Oxidation Symposium, cosponsored with Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, and Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Spring 2002 ACS Meeting, Orlando, FL. .
M. A. Carreon, V. V. Guliants (04-07-2002. ) Nano and Macroporous Mixed Metal Oxide Phases for Selective Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .Selective Alkane Oxidation Symposium, cosponsored with Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, and Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Spring 2002 ACS Meeting, Orlando, FL. .
P.A. Bobrovnikov, E.M. Kopaygorodsky, W.B. Krantz, V.V. Guliants (11-09-2001. ) Ultra-Rapid Cycle Adsorptive Separation .the Annual 2001 AIChE Meeting, Reno, NV. .
P.A. Bobrovnikov, E.M. Kopaygorodsky, V.V. Guliants (11-09-2001. ) Molecular Transport Through Single Zeolite X Crystals .the Annual 2001 AIChE Meeting, Reno, NV. .
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (11-09-2001. ) Synthesis of Thermally Stable Nanoporous Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide Phases .the Annual 2001 AIChE Meeting, Reno, NV. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (11-08-2001. ) The Bulk Structure and Catalytic Properties of Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxides for Selective Propane Oxidation to Acrylic Acid .the Annual 2001 AIChE Meeting, Reno, NV. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi and V.V. Guliants (11-07-2001. ) High-Throughput Automated Synthesis of Bulk Mixed Mo-V-Sb-Nb Oxide Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of Propane to Acrylic Acid .the Annual 2001 AIChE Meeting, Reno, NV. .
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (11-05-2001. ) Hierarchical Design of Novel Macroporous Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide Catalysts for Selective Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride .the Annual 2001 AIChE Meeting, Reno, NV. .
S. A. Holmes, V.V. Guliants, M. Carreon Garciduenas (09-16-2001. ) Studies of Active Sites Present in (100) Surface Planes of Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Using Methanol Probe Molecule .the 4th World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis, Berlin/Potsdam. .
E. Kopaygorodsky, W.B. Krantz, and V.V. Guliants (06-24-2001. ) Scaling Analysis – A Valuable Technique In Engineering Teaching and Practice .2001 Annual Conference & Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education, Albuquerque, NM. .
S.A. Holmes, J. Al-Saeedi, V.V. Guliants, P. Boolchand, D. Georgiev (06-17-2001. ) Structure, Composition, and Solid State Chemistry of Mixed V-Sb-Mo-Nb Oxides for Propane Oxidation .6th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Girdwood, Alaska. .
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (06-17-2001. ) Nano- and Macroporous Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxides for Partial Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride .6th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium, Girdwood, Alaska. .
J.N. Al-Saeedi, S.A. Holmes, and V.V. Guliants (06-03-2001. ) Structure, Composition, and Solid State Chemistry of Bulk Mixed V-Sb-Mo-Nb Oxides for Propane Oxidation .North American Catalysis Society (NACS2001), Toronto, Canada. .
M.A. Carreon and V.V. Guliants (06-03-2001. ) Hierarchically Designed Nano- and Macroporous Mixed Metal Oxides for Partial Oxidation of Lower Alkanes .North American Catalysis Society (NACS2001), Toronto, Canada. .
S. A. Holmes, V.V. Guliants, M. A. Carreon, and I.E. Wachs (11-16-2000. ) Investigation of Active Sites Present in (100) Surface Planes of Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Using Methanol Probe Molecule .Annual AIChE Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. .
S. A. Holmes, V.V. Guliants, M.A. Carreon (08-23-2000. ) Investigation of Active Surface Sites of (VO)2P2O7 Catalysts Using Methanol Probe Molecule .American Chemical Society Meeting, Washington, D.C.. .
V.V. Guliants, J. B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, and I. E. Wachs (07-09-2000. ) Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships in n-Butane Oxidation over Bulk VPO and Supported Vanadia Catalysts: Lessons for Molecular Engineering of New Selective Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .12th International Congress on Catalysis, Granada, Spain. .
V.V. Guliants (03-26-2000. ) Intercalation and Pillaring of Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide Catalysts for Selective Butane Oxidation .American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
V.V. Guliants (03-20-2000. ) Molecular Engineering of New Catalytic Materials: from Bulk to Supported VPO Catalysts for Alkane Oxidation .The Spring Conference of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. .
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, and I.E. Wachs (11-15-1999. ) In Situ Studies of Transformation of Vanadyl(IV) Hydrogen Phosphate Hemihydrate into Vanadyl(IV) Pyrophosphate and Nature of Phase Selective in Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride .Annual AIChE Meeting, Dallas, TX. .
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, and I.E. Wachs (05-30-1999. ) Novel Promoted Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide (VPO) and Supported Vanadia Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride .16th Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, Boston, MA. .
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger, S. Sundaresan, P. Heaney, D. Yates, I.E. Wachs, J.M. Jehng, G. Deo (03-25-1998. ) Transformation of VPO Precursor and the Nature of VPO Phase Selective in Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride .American Chemical Society Meeting, Dallas, TX. .
V.V. Guliants, J.T. Mullhaupt, J.M. Newsam, A.M. Gorman, C.M. Freeman (04-16-1997. ) Validating Simulations of Non-Framework Species Locations in Zeolites .American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan (06-30-1996. ) The Oxidation of C4 Molecules on Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts .11th International Congress on Catalysis, Baltimore, MD. .
I.E. Wachs, J.M. Jehng, G. Deo, V.V. Guliants (04-17-1996. ) Fundamental Studies of Butane Oxidation Over Model Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts: Molecular Structure-Reactivity Relationships .The Spring Conference of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. .
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan, Poster (08-22-1995. ) New Precursors to Vanadium Phosphorus Oxide Catalysts .American Chemical Society Meeting, Chicago, IL. .
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan (08-22-1995. ) Evolution of the Active Surface of VPO Catalysts .American Chemical Society Meeting, Chicago, IL. .
J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan (11-14-1994. ) Characterization of Vanadyl(IV) Phosphonates, Their Catalytic Activity in n-Butane Oxidation to Maleic Anhydride .Annual AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, CA. .
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger and S. Sundaresan (08-24-1994. ) Synthesis of Intercalated Vanadyl(IV) Phosphates .American Chemical Society Meeting, Washington, DC. .
V.V. Guliants, J.B. Benziger and S. Sundaresan (03-09-1994. ) On the Nature of VPO Phase Selective in Partial Oxidation of n-Butane to Maleic Anhydride .The Spring Conference of the Catalysis Society of Metropolitan New York, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. .
V.V. Guliants, and J.B. Benziger (11-18-1992. ) The Water Vapor Effect in Selective Oxidation of n-Butane into Maleic Anhydride on Vanadyl (IV) Pyrophosphate Catalyst .Annual AIChE Meeting, Miami Beach, FL. .
Honors and Awards
2010 King Carl XVI Gustaf’s Professorship in Environmental Science, Uppsala University
2008 Nominee, Emmett Award, North American Catalysis Society
2005 UC COE Outstanding Research Award for Young Faculty
2004 UC Teaching Diversity Award
2004 NSF NIRT Award
2002 NSF CAREER Award
2002 Department of Chemical Engineering Outstanding Professor
2002 ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry Recognition Award
1998 Special Recognition Award, Praxair Inc. R&D
1997 Special Recognition Award, Praxair Inc. R&D
1990 Soros Scholarship at Oxford University, England. Winner of Nationwide Contest Among Young Scientists, USSR.
Student Advising
M. Carreon (Doctoral ) Advisor
J. Al-Saeedi (Doctoral ) Advisor
P. Kumar (Doctoral )
L. Yuan (Doctoral )
Z. Zheng (Doctoral )
E. Kopaygorodsky (Master )
S. Kim (Master )
S. Sarang (Master )
M. Tsunakawa (Master )
R. Bhandari (Master )
S. Bhatt (Master )
H. Jaladi (Master )
S. Zheng (Master )
A. Huth (Master )
Energy and Materials Engineering Program Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2010 -To Present
Chemical Engineering Program Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2007 -2010
Chemical Engineering Program Director Type:Departmental Service 2006 -2010
Chemical and Materials Engineering Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2004 -2005
Chemical Engineering Program Director Type:Departmental Service 2004 -2005
Chemical Engineering Program Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2002 -2004
Departmental Academic Standards Committee Committee Chair Type:Departmental Service 2000 -2001
Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 1999 -2001
Faculty Search Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2000 -2001
College of Engineering Academic Standards Committee Committee Member Type:Departmental Service 2002 -2005
Professional Affiliation
Division of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering, Separations Division, Materials Engineering Division American Institute of Chemical Engineers,
North American Catalysis Society,
American Chemical Society,
Materials Research Society,
Omega Chi Epsilon Chemical Engineering Honor Society,
Order of the Engineer,
2001 -2005: Programming Chair of Group 8d (Ceramic Materials) AIChE,
2005: Secretary, Catalysis Secretariat ACS,
Meeting Planning Committee, Division of Catalysis and Reaction Engineering AIChE,
Director Tri-State Catalysis Society , (OH, KY, WV)
06-15-2001: Guest Editor, Catalysis Today, special issue dedicated to Current Developments in Combinatorial Heterogeneous Catalysis
04-2002: Guest Editor, Catalysis Today, special issue covering Selective Alkane Oxidation Symposium held at 223rd National ACS Meeting Orlando, Fl
2003: Guest Editor (with U.S. Ozkan, A. Gaffney), Selective Alkane Oxidation, Catalysis Today, 81(2), 75
2002 -2004: Guest Editor, special volume on High Throughput Experimentation in Heterogeneous Catalysis Symposium held at 224rd National ACS Meeting Boston, MA and Kluwer-Plenum, NY,
2006: Guest Editor (with J. R. Monnier, S. R. Jale and J. R. Zoeller), Selective Catalytic Oxidations, Topics in Catalysis, 38(4), 221
2009 -To Present: Member of Editorial Board, Catalysis Communications
Courses Taught
Patents and Inventions
02080028.0 Zinc-Substituted Zeolite Adsorbents and Processes for the Use Thereof in Gas Separation N.A. Stephenson, Q. Huo, V.V. Guliants, assigned to Praxair Technology, Inc.
00118302.9-2111 Novel Adsorbents for Preferential Nitrogen Adsorption from Other Gases V.V. Guliants, assigned to Praxair Technology, Inc.
00118301.1-2111 Novel Adsorbents for Preferential Nitrogen Adsorption from Other Gases V.V. Guliants, assigned to Praxair Technology, Inc.
5,728,360 Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Precursors J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan, assigned to the Trustees of Princeton University
5,532,385 Catalytic Process for the Production of Maleic Anhydride J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan, assigned to the Trustees of Princeton University
5,401,707 Vanadium/Phosphorus Oxide Oxidation Catalyst J.B. Benziger, V.V. Guliants, and S. Sundaresan, assigned to the Trustees of Princeton University
Contact Information
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
Ohio, 45221-0012
Phone: (513) 556-0203
Fax: (513) 556-3473