Lynne Tracey Haber , PhD
Adjunct Associate Professor
Senior Toxicologist
Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
160 Panzeca Way
Kettering Laboratory, Room 271
Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0056
Phone 513-558-7631
Fax 513-558-7199
Email Lynne.Haber@uc.edu
Professional Summary
Lynne Haber is a research associate professor (adjunct) at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. She earned her PhD in biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studying DNA repair. Her work has focused on applied research in the area of human health risk assessment. In particular, she has focused on methods for improving interspecies extrapolation, and consideration of human variability, including the impact of genetic polymorphisms and age-related differences related to the protection of children. Other interests include use of mode of action data in risk assessment, use of biomarkers in risk assessment, and mixtures assessment. She has authored tens of chemical assessments for various government agencies and private clients, and has been a coauthor or reviewer of 100’s more. She has served as a panel chairperson or panel member for scientific peer reviews organized EPA and other U.S. and foreign government agencies. She has also served on two panels for the NAS/NRC. She was the lead author of the chapter on noncancer risk assessment for Patty’s Toxicology (2001, 2011). She served as chair, vice president and councilor of the SRA Dose-Response specialty group and as an officer of the SOT Risk Assessment Specialty Section (RASS), and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology. She is active in teaching basic and advanced risk assessment methods to diverse groups of risk assessors in continuing education courses and at professional society meetings.
PhD: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, 1990 (Molecular biology)
BS: University of California at Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA, 1983 (Chemistry)
Positions and Work Experience
1990 -1991 Staff Scientist, Illinois Legislative Research Unit,
1991 -06-1998 Project Manager, ICF Kaiser/Clement, Fairfax, VA
06-1998 -08-2015 Associate Director for Science, Toxicology Excellence for Risk Assessment (TERA), Cincinnati
Research Support
Grant: #4000143960/6400014019 / DE-AC05-000R22725 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 12-15-2015 -06-30-2016 Department of Energy Guidelines Document for Authors at EPA Role:PI $4,980.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #CPSC-D-17-0001 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 11-01-2016 -10-31-2017 Consumer Product Safety Commission Peer Reviews, Toxicological and Risk Assessments Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #MSA 888-16-1704 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 09-16-2016 -09-15-2021 Research Triangle Institute MSA #888-16-1704 Role:PI $.00 Active Level:Private Non-Profit
Grant: #W91ZLK-17-P-0042 Investigators:Haber, Lynne; Maier, Michael 04-18-2017 -09-30-2017 U.S. Army Public Health Center TERA Center's Dose-Response Assessment Boot Camp Role:Collaborator $32,995.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #PO 20172806-00 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 07-27-2017 -09-07-2017 Columbia/Boone County Public Health and Human Services Independent Health Review of City of Columbia Drinking Water Role:PI $14,980.00 Active Level:Other Local
Grant: #Subcontract / W912HZ17P0106 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 07-24-2017 -06-30-2019 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Standardization of Methods to Characterize the Release of Manufactured Nanomaterials Role:PI $45,000.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #HHSN276201700091P Investigators:Dourson, Michael; Haber, Lynne 04-17-2017 -04-16-2019 National Library of Medicine International Toxicity Estimates for Risk database Role:PI $70,000.00 Closed Level:Federal
Grant: #19IPA1916737 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 09-01-2019 -08-31-2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Haber - IPA Role:PI $30,000.00 Awarded Level:Federal
Grant: #582-19-91305 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 10-03-2019 -08-31-2023 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Peer Reviews and Other Support for TCEQ Role:PI $105,000.00 Active Level:Other State
Grant: #ICF Teaming Agreement 04-01-2022 -03-31-2027 ICF International Teaming Agreement for CPSC - Peer Reviews, Toxicological and Risk Assessment Services RFP Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #ICF Teaming Agreement 04-01-2022 -03-31-2027 ICF International Teaming Agreement for CPSC - Peer Reviews, Toxicological and Risk Assessment Services RFP Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Industry
Grant: #20-1190-02 / R35ES032876 Investigators:Haber, Lynne 08-01-2021 -06-30-2022 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Chromosome Instability Drives Metal-Induced Lung Cancer Role:PI 5545.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #SUBK00013824 / R25ES033042 Investigators:Bloomer, Jessica; Davis, Kermit; Gillespie, Gordon; Haber, Lynne; Reichard, John; Reponen, Tiina; Wang, Jun 09-01-2021 -08-31-2026 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Michigan-Ohio Occupational Research Education (MOORE) Program Role:Collaborator 89613.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #SUBK00013824 / R25ES033042 Investigators:Bloomer, Jessica; Davis, Kermit; Gillespie, Gordon; Haber, Lynne; Reichard, John; Reponen, Tiina; Wang, Jun 09-01-2021 -08-31-2026 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Michigan-Ohio Occupational Research Education (MOORE) Program Role:Collaborator 177216.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #Case Study - UC RSC 01-01-2023 -12-31-2024 Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Establishing Confidence in NAMs for Risk Assessment: A case study based on constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) activation Role:PI 100000.00 Awarded
Grant: #Case Study - UC RSC 01-01-2023 -12-31-2024 Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC Establishing Confidence in NAMs for Risk Assessment: A case study based on constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) activation Role:PI 100000.00 Awarded
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sweeney, Lisa M; MacCalman, Laura; Haber, Lynne T; Kuempel, Eileen D; Tran, C Lang (2015. ) Bayesian evaluation of a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model of long-term kinetics of metal nanoparticles in rats.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 73 (1 ) ,151-63 More Information
Banda, Malathi; McKim, Karen L; Haber, Lynne T; MacGregor, Judith A; Gollapudi, B Bhaskar; Parsons, Barbara L (2015. ) Quantification of Kras mutant fraction in the lung DNA of mice exposed to aerosolized particulate vanadium pentoxide by inhalation.Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, , 789-790 ,53-60 More Information
Manjanatha, Mugimane G; Shelton, Sharon D; Haber, Lynne; Gollapudi, Bhaskar; MacGregor, Judith A; Rajendran, Narayanan; Moore, Martha M (2015. ) Evaluation of cII mutations in lung of male Big Blue mice exposed by inhalation to vanadium pentoxide for up to 8 weeks.Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, , 789-790 ,46-52 More Information
Dourson, Michael; Becker, Richard A; Haber, Lynne T; Pottenger, Lynn H; Bredfeldt, Tiffany; Fenner-Crisp, Penelope A (2013. ) Advancing human health risk assessment: integrating recent advisory committee recommendations.Critical reviews in toxicology, , 43 (6 ) ,467-92 More Information
Sweeney, Lisa M; Parker, Ann; Haber, Lynne T; Tran, C Lang; Kuempel, Eileen D (2013. ) Application of Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis to biomathematical modeling of respirable dust in US and UK coal miners.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 66 (1 ) ,47-58 More Information
Maier, Andrew; Kohrman-Vincent, Melissa; Hertzberg, Richard; Allen, Bruce; Haber, Lynne T; Dourson, Michael (2012. ) Critical review of dose-response options for F344 rat mammary tumors for acrylamide - additional insights based on mode of action.Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, , 50 (5 ) ,1763-75 More Information
Maier, Andrew; Kohrman-Vincent, Melissa; Parker, Ann; Haber, Lynne T (2010. ) Evaluation of concentration-response options for diacetyl in support of occupational risk assessment.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 58 (2 ) ,285-96 More Information
Hack, C Eric; Haber, Lynne T; Maier, Andrew; Shulte, Paul; Fowler, Bruce; Lotz, W Gregory; Savage, Russell E (2010. ) A Bayesian network model for biomarker-based dose response.Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis, , 30 (7 ) ,1037-51 More Information
Haber, Lynne T; Maier, Andrew; Kroner, Oliver L; Kohrman, Melissa J (2009. ) Evaluation of human relevance and mode of action for tunica vaginalis mesotheliomas resulting from oral exposure to acrylamide.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 53 (2 ) ,134-49 More Information
Dourson, Michael; Hertzberg, Richard; Allen, Bruce; Haber, Lynne; Parker, Ann; Kroner, Oliver; Maier, Andy; Kohrman, Melissa (2008. ) Evidence-based dose-response assessment for thyroid tumorigenesis from acrylamide.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 52 (3 ) ,264-89 More Information
Haber, L T; Patterson, J (2005. ) Report of an independent peer review of an acrylonitrile risk assessment. Human & experimental toxicology, , 24 (10 ) ,487-527
Maier, Andrew; Savage, Russell E; Haber, Lynne T (2004. ) Assessing biomarker use in risk assessment--a survey of practitioners.Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A, , 67 (8-10 ) ,687-95 More Information
Lipscomb, John C; Meek, M E Bette; Krishnan, Kannan; Kedderis, Gregory L; Clewell, Harvey; Haber, Lynne (2004. ) Incorporation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data into risk assessments.Toxicology mechanisms and methods, , 14 (3 ) ,145-58 More Information
Haber, Lynne T; Maier, Andrew (2002. ) Scientific criteria used for the development of occupational exposure limits for metals and other mining-related chemicals. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 36 (3 ) ,262-79
Gentry, P Robinan; Hack, C Eric; Haber, Lynne; Maier, Andrew; Clewell, Harvey J (2002. ) An approach for the quantitative consideration of genetic polymorphism data in chemical risk assessment: examples with warfarin and parathion. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, , 70 (1 ) ,120-39
Haber, L T; Maier, A; Gentry, P R; Clewell, H J; Dourson, M L (2002. ) Genetic polymorphisms in assessing interindividual variability in delivered dose.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 35 (2 Pt 1 ) ,177-97 More Information
Haber, L T; Maier, A; Zhao, Q; Dollarhide, J S; Savage, R E; Dourson, M L (2001. ) Applications of mechanistic data in risk assessment: the past, present, and future. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, , 61 (1 ) ,32-9
Haber, L T; Diamond, G L; Zhao, Q; Erdreich, L; Dourson, M L (2000. ) Hazard identification and dose response of ingested nickel-soluble salts.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 31 (2 Pt 1 ) ,231-41 More Information
Haber, L T; Erdreicht, L; Diamond, G L; Maier, A M; Ratney, R; Zhao, Q; Dourson, M L (2000. ) Hazard identification and dose response of inhaled nickel-soluble salts.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 31 (2 Pt 1 ) ,210-30 More Information
Parsons, Barbara L; Manjanatha, Mugimane G; Myers, Meagan B; McKim, Karen L; Shelton, Sharon D; Wang, Yiying; Gollapudi, B Bhaskar; Moore, Nigel P; Haber, Lynne T; Moore, Martha M (2013. ) Temporal changes in K-ras mutant fraction in lung tissue of big blue B6C3F? mice exposed to ethylene oxide.Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, , 136 (1 ) ,26-38 More Information
Rhomberg, Lorenz R; Goodman, Julie E; Haber, Lynne T; Dourson, Michael; Andersen, Melvin E; Klaunig, James E; Meek, Bette; Price, Paul S; McClellan, Roger O; Cohen, Samuel M (2011. ) Linear low-dose extrapolation for noncancer heath effects is the exception, not the rule.Critical reviews in toxicology, , 41 (1 ) ,1-19 More Information
Stern, Bonnie Ransom; Solioz, Marc; Krewski, Daniel; Aggett, Peter; Aw, Tar-Ching; Baker, Scott; Crump, Kenny; Dourson, Michael; Haber, Lynne; Hertzberg, Rick; Keen, Carl; Meek, Bette; Rudenko, Larisa; Schoeny, Rita; Slob, Wout; Starr, Tom (2007. ) Copper and human health: biochemistry, genetics, and strategies for modeling dose-response relationships.Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part B, Critical reviews, , 10 (3 ) ,157-222 More Information
DeBord, D Gayle; Burgoon, Lyle; Edwards, Stephen W; Haber, Lynne T; Kanitz, M Helen; Kuempel, Eileen; Thomas, Russell S; Yucesoy, Berran (2015. ) Systems Biology and Biomarkers of Early Effects for Occupational Exposure Limit Setting.Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, , 0 More Information
Bette Meek, M E; Bolger, Michael; Bus, James S; Christopher, John; Conolly, Rory B; Lewis, R Jeffrey; Paolini, Gregory M; Schoeny, Rita; Haber, Lynne T; Rosenstein, Amy B; Dourson, Michael L (2013. ) A framework for fit-for-purpose dose response assessment.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 66 (2 ) ,234-40 More Information
Hertzberg, Richard C; Pan, Yi; Li, Ruosha; Haber, Lynne T; Lyles, Robert H; Herr, David W; Moser, Virginia C; Simmons, Jane Ellen (2013. ) A four-step approach to evaluate mixtures for consistency with dose addition.Toxicology, , 313 (2-3 ) ,134-44 More Information
Moser, Virginia C; Padilla, Stephanie; Simmons, Jane Ellen; Haber, Lynne T; Hertzberg, Richard C (2012. ) Impact of chemical proportions on the acute neurotoxicity of a mixture of seven carbamates in preweanling and adult rats.Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, , 129 (1 ) ,126-34 More Information
Mwanza, Jean-Claude; Lyke, Danielle F; Hertzberg, Richard C; Haber, Lynne; Kohrman-Vincent, Melissa; Li, Ruosha; Pan, Yi; Lyles, Robert H; Simmons, Jane Ellen; Macmillan, Denise K; Zehr, R Dan; Swank, Adam E; Herr, David W (2012. ) Cholinesterase inhibition and depression of the photic after discharge of flash evoked potentials following acute or repeated exposures to a mixture of carbaryl and propoxur.Neurotoxicology, , 33 (3 ) ,332-46 More Information
Moore, Martha M; Heflich, Robert H; Haber, Lynne T; Allen, Bruce C; Shipp, Annette M; Kodell, Ralph L (2008. ) Analysis of in vivo mutation data can inform cancer risk assessment.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 51 (2 ) ,151-61 More Information
Schoeny, Rita; Haber, Lynne; Dourson, Michael (2006. ) Data considerations for regulation of water contaminants.Toxicology, , 221 (2-3 ) ,217-24 More Information
Araya, Magdalena; Chen, Bingheng; Klevay, Leslie M; Strain, J J; Johnson, LuAnn; Robson, Paula; Shi, Wei; Nielsen, Forrest; Zhu, Huigang; Olivares, Manuel; Pizarro, Fernando; Haber, Lynne T (2003. ) Confirmation of an acute no-observed-adverse-effect and low-observed-adverse-effect level for copper in bottled drinking water in a multi-site international study. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 38 (3 ) ,389-99
Haber, L T; Allen, B C; Kimmel, C A (1998. ) Non-cancer risk assessment for nickel compounds: issues associated with dose-response modeling of inhalation and oral exposures.Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, , 43 (2 ) ,213-29 More Information
Reichard, John F; Haber, Lynne T (2016. ) Mode-of-action evaluation for the effect of trans fatty acids on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, , 98 (Pt B ) ,282-294 More Information
Allen, Bruce C; Vincent, Melissa J; Liska, DeAnn; Haber, Lynne T (2016. ) Meta-regression analysis of the effect of trans fatty acids on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, , 98 (Pt B ) ,295-307 More Information
Haber, Lynne T; Sandhu, Reena; Li-Muller, Angela; Mohapatra, Asish; Petrovic, Sanya; Meek, M E Bette (2016. ) Framework for human health risk assessment of non-cancer effects resulting from short-duration and intermittent exposures to chemicals.Journal of applied toxicology : JAT, , 36 (9 ) ,1077-89 More Information
Shatkin, J A; Ong, Kimberly J; Beaudrie, Christian; Clippinger, Amy J; Hendren, Christine Ogilvie; Haber, Lynne T; Hill, Myriam; Holden, Patricia; Kennedy, Alan J; Kim, Baram; MacDonell, Margaret; Powers, Christina M; Sharma, Monita; Sheremeta, Lorraine; Stone, Vicki; Sultan, Yasir; Turley, Audrey; White, Ronald H (2016. ) Advancing Risk Analysis for Nanoscale Materials: Report from an International Workshop on the Role of Alternative Testing Strategies for Advancement.Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis, , 36 (8 ) ,1520-37 More Information
Haber, L T; Walker, G C (1991. ) Altering the conserved nucleotide binding motif in the Salmonella typhimurium MutS mismatch repair protein affects both its ATPase and mismatch binding activities. The EMBO journal, , 10 (9 ) ,2707-15
Haber, Lynne T; Dourson, Michael L; Allen, Bruce C; Hertzberg, Richard C; Parker, Ann; Vincent, Melissa J; Maier, Andrew; Boobis, Alan R (2018. ) Benchmark dose (BMD) modeling: current practice, issues, and challenges.Critical reviews in toxicology, , 48 (5 ) ,387-415 More Information
Felter, Susan P; Foreman, Jennifer E; Boobis, Alan; Corton, J Christopher; Doi, Adriana M; Flowers, Lynn; Goodman, Jay; Haber, Lynne T; Jacobs, Abigail; Klaunig, James E; Lynch, Angela M; Moggs, Jonathan; Pandiri, Arun (2018. ) Human relevance of rodent liver tumors: Key insights from a Toxicology Forum workshop on nongenotoxic modes of action.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 92 ,1-7 More Information
Haber, Lynne T; Bates, Hudson K; Allen, Bruce C; Vincent, Melissa J; Oller, Adriana R (2017. ) Derivation of an oral toxicity reference value for nickel.Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, , 87 Suppl 1 ,S1-S18 More Information
Manjanatha, Mugimane G; Shelton, Sharon D; Chen, Ying; Parsons, Barbara L; Myers, Meagan B; McKim, Karen L; Gollapudi, B Bhaskar; Moore, Nigel P; Haber, Lynne T; Allen, Bruce; Moore, Martha M (2017. ) Dose and temporal evaluation of ethylene oxide-induced mutagenicity in the lungs of male big blue mice following inhalation exposure to carcinogenic concentrations.Environmental and molecular mutagenesis, , 58 (3 ) ,122-134 More Information
Vincent, Melissa J; Allen, Bruce; Palacios, Orsolya M; Haber, Lynne T; Maki, Kevin C (2019. ) Meta-regression analysis of the effects of dietary cholesterol intake on LDL and HDL cholesterol.The American journal of clinical nutrition, , 109 (1 ) ,7-16 More Information
Frank E.A.;Haber L.T.;Genter M.B.;Maier A. (12-01-2018. ) Defining molecular initiating events of airway sensory irritation in support of predictive testing a.Applied In Vitro Toxicology, , 4 (4 ) ,317-331 More Information
Nance P.;Kroner O.;Haber L.;Dourson M. (12-15-2017. ) Assessing Risks to Human Health.Comprehensive Toxicology: Third Edition, , 9-15 ,3-13 More Information
Hertzberg R.C.;Pan Y.;Li R.;Haber L.T.;Lyles R.H.;Herr D.W.;Moser V.C.;Simmons J.E. (11-04-2015. ) Corrigendum to A four-step approach to evaluate mixtures for consistency with dose addition [Toxicol.Toxicology, , 337 ,108 More Information
Haber L.T.;Willis A.;Nance P. (01-01-2014. ) Mode of Action.Encyclopedia of Toxicology: Third Edition, , 361-364 More Information
Baskerville-Abraham I.;Willis A.;Gadagbui B.;Haber L.T. (07-18-2011. ) Introduction to Human Health Risk Assessment.Applications of Toxicogenomics in Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment, , 13-40 More Information
Nance P.;Kroner O.;Haber L.;Dourson M. (08-12-2010. ) Assessing Risks to Human Health.Comprehensive Toxicology, Second Edition, , 3 ,3-15 More Information
Dourson M.;Haber L. (08-05-2010. ) Linear Low - Dose Extrapolations.Cancer Risk Assessment: Chemical Carcinogenesis, Hazard Evaluation, and Risk Quantification, , 615-635 More Information
Zhao Q.;Haber L.;Kohrman-Vincent M.;Nance P.;Dourson M. (03-30-2010. ) Quantitative Modeling in Noncancer Risk Assessment.Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology, , 371-398 More Information
Haber L.;Maier A.;Dourson M. (02-01-2006. ) Using best science in cancer risk assessment.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, , 12 (1 ) ,1-8 More Information
Gadagbui B.;Haber L.;Dourson M. (10-12-2005. ) Views on Key Issues Facing the Chemical Industry: Risk Assessment: Chemical Risk Assessment as Used .Transforming Sustainability Strategy into Action: The Chemical Industry, , 35-41 More Information
Lipscomb J.;Meek M.;Krishnan K.;Kedderis G.;Clewell H.;Haber L. (05-01-2004. ) Incorporation of Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Data into Risk Assessments.Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, , 14 (3 ) ,145-158 More Information
Zhao Q.;Kan H.;Haber L.;Chen B.;Dourson M. (04-01-2004. ) Recent development in chemical risk assessment .Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, , 18 (2 ) ,152-160
Zeise L.;Hattis D.;Andersen M.;Bailer A.J.;Bayard S.;Chen C.;Clewell H.;Conolly R.;Crump K.;Dunson D.;Finkel A.;Haber L.;Jarabek A.M.;Kodell R.;Krewski D.;Thomas D.;Thorslund T.;Wassell J.T. (10-01-2002. ) Improving risk Assessment: Research opportunities in dose response modeling to improve risk assessme.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, , 8 (6 ) ,1421-1444 More Information
Toraason M.;Andersen M.;Bogdanffy M.;Dankovic D.;Faustman E.;Foster P.;Frederick C.;Haber L.;Kimmel C.;Lewis S.;McClellan R.;Melnick R.;Mirer F.;Morgan K.;Schaeffer V.;Silbergeld E.;Slikker W.;Swenberg J.;Vainio H. (10-01-2002. ) Improving risk assessment: Toxicological research needs.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, , 8 (6 ) ,1405-1419 More Information
Haber L.;Strickland J.;Guth D. (12-01-2001. ) Categorical regression analysis of toxicity data .Comments on Toxicology, , 7 (5-6 ) ,437-452
Haber, Lynne T; Schoeny, Rita S; Allen, Bruce C (2021. ) Impact of updated BMD modeling methods on perchlorate and chlorate assessments of human health hazard.Toxicology letters, , 340 ,89-100 More Information
Book Chapter
York, R.G., R.M. Parker, L.T. Haber (2014 ) Test Methods for Assessing Female Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology. Principles and Methods of Toxicology .(pp. 1637).
Haber, L.T., J.E. Strawson, A. Maier, I.M. Baskerville-Abraham, A. Parker and M.L. Dourson. 2012 (2012 ) Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice in Environmental and Occupational Settings Patty’s Toxicology, Sixth edition .Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Baskerville-Abraham, I., A. Willis, B. Gadagbui, and L.T. Haber (2011 ) Introduction to Human Health Risk Assessment Application of Toxicogenomics in Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment. John Wiley and Sons Inc.,
Zhao, Q.J, L. Haber, M. Kohrman-Vincent, P. Nance, M. Dourson (2010 ) Quantitative modeling in noncancer risk assessment Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology .John Wiley
Nance, P., O. Kroner, L. Haber and M. Dourson (2010 ) Assessing Risks to Human Health Comprehensive Toxicology, 2nd Ed .
Dourson, M. and L. Haber (2010 ) Linear Low-Dose Extrapolation Cancer Risk Assessment .John Wiley &Sons.
Haber, L (2006 ) Overview of Approach to Noncancer Risk Assessment Use of Toxicokinetic Data in Risk Assessment. (pp. 1).Informa health care
Gadagbui, B.K., L.T. Haber, and M.L. Dourson (2005 ) Chemical Risk Assessment as Used in Setting Regulatory Levels or Standards Transforming Sustainability Strategy into Action: The Chemical Industry .John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Haber, L.T., J.S. Dollarhide, A. Maier, and M.L. Dourson (2001 ) Noncancer Risk Assessment: Principles and Practice in Environmental and Occupational Settings Patty’s Toxicology, Fifth edition .Wiley and Sons, Inc
risk assessment, mode of action, frameworks, toxicology, human relevance
Contact Information
Academic - Department of Environmental & Public Health Sciences
160 Panzeca Way
Ohio, 45267-0056
Phone: 513-558-7631
Fax: 513-558-7199