Cory Haberman
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor and Director, Institute of Crime Science
Teachers College
CECH Criminal Justice - 0389
Professional Summary
Dr. Cory P. Haberman is Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Crime Science in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Haberman earned his PhD from the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University in 2015. Since then, Dr. Haberman has used a crime science perspective to understand why crime happens when and where it does and how society can use that understanding for crime prevention. As an action researcher, Dr. Haberman's work often includes directly partnering and working with public safety stakeholders to ensure the work has real-world grounding and application. Dr. Haberman prides himself on making his work both scientifically rigorous and practically useful. In 2019, Dr. Haberman was selected as a U.S. National Institute of Justice LEADS Academic. Dr. Haberman's academic work has received several awards, such as the American Society of Criminology Division of Policing's 2019 Early Career and 2023 Teaching and Mentoring awards and the 2021 University of Cincinnati Faculty Excellence Award.
Research Support
Grant: #Ham Cnty / BJA 2017-AR-BX-K018 Investigators:Haberman, Cory 03-26-2018 -09-30-2021 Bureau of Justice Assistance Hamilton County Heroin Coalition Evaluation Role:PI 86504.66 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #R40215 Investigators:Haberman, Cory 07-01-2020 -12-31-2021 UC's Collaborative Research Advancement Grant Program - Track 1: Pilot Teams Using Checklists and Virtual Reality to Improve Police Investigations Role:PI $20,000.00 Active Level:Internal UC
Grant: #2020-BJ-BX-0010 Investigators:Haberman, Cory 10-01-2020 -09-30-2023 Bureau of Justice Assistance Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Program FY 2020 Competitive Grant Solicitation Role:PI 208196.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2020-WY-BX-0001 Investigators:Desmond, Jillian; Haberman, Cory 10-01-2020 -09-30-2023 Bureau of Justice Assistance Hamilton County Sheriff's Office - FY 2020 Strategies for Policing Innovation Role:PI 139617.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2020-WY-BX-0005 Investigators:Desmond, Jillian; Haberman, Cory 10-01-2020 -09-30-2023 Bureau of Justice Assistance Ft. Meyers PD - FY 2020 Strategies for Policing Innovation Role:PI 169058.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #2018-GP-BX-0022 Investigators:Haberman, Cory 06-01-2021 -09-30-2021 Department of Justice FORT MYERS (FL) POLICE DEPARTMENT: PROJECT SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS Role:PI 37330.00 Active Level:Federal
Investigators:Haberman, Cory 07-01-2021 -07-31-2022 ShotSpotter, Inc. SHOTSPOTTER PRE-POST SURVEY EVALUATION PROJECT Role:PI 23270.31 Active Level:Industry
Grant: #2021-CS-OTH-508 / 2020-AR-BX-0041 Investigators:Haberman, Cory; Latessa, Edward; Manchak, Sarah 10-01-2020 -09-30-2023 Bureau of Justice Assistance Ohio COSSAP Role:PI 302620.00 Active Level:Federal
Grant: #15PBJA-23-GG-05380-NTCP Investigators:Barnes, J C; Haberman, Cory 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 Bureau of Justice Assistance FY2023 Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based Initiative Role:PI 298053.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #15PBJA-23-GG-04155-JAGP Investigators:Haberman, Cory 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA-2023-171650: Smart Policing Initiative Grant Program Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #15PBJA-23-GG-04151-JAGP Investigators:Haberman, Cory 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 Bureau of Justice Assistance The Smart Policing Initiative Grant Program Role:PI 241505.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #2022-AR-SWP-1205 Investigators:Haberman, Cory; Huff, Jessica 03-01-2024 -06-30-2026 Department of Treasury A STUDY ON LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RETENTION Role:PI 299937.15 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #2023-JG-E01-6575 Investigators:Haberman, Cory 01-10-2024 -12-31-2024 Department of Justice Improving Crime Mapping Across the State of Ohio: A Regional Training Program Role:PI 0.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #2023-CS-OTH-508-01 Investigators:Haberman, Cory; Manchak, Sarah 10-01-2023 -09-30-2026 Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2023 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-based Program (COSSUP) Role:Collaborator 396127.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #BPD_BJA Investigators:Haberman, Cory 03-01-2024 -11-30-2024 Bureau of Justice Assistance Evaluating a Science-Based Interviewing Training for Police Investigators Role:PI 107474.00 Hold Level:Federal
Grant: #15PNIJ-24-GG-05454-NIJB Investigators:Feldmeyer, Ben; Haberman, Cory; Manchak, Sarah 01-01-2025 -12-31-2027 Department of Justice Identifying and Treating Overdose Hotspots: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Place-Based Harm Reduction Strategies Role:Collaborator 356130.00 Awarded Level:Federal