Mounira Habli , MD
Volunteer Associate Professor
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Fetal Center
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229
Phone 513-636-6259
Email mounira.habli@cchmc.org
Bachelor's Degree: American University of Beirut 1993 (Biology)
Medical Degree: American University of Beirut 1998
Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology: American University of Beirut 2002
Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center 2006
Fellowship in Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 2009
Master's Degree: University of Cincinnati 2011 (Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Research and Practice Interests
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Peer Reviewed Publications
Votava-Smith, Jodie K; Habli, Mounira; Cnota, James F; Divanovic, Allison; Polzin, William; Lim, Foong-Yen; Michelfelder, Erik C (2015. ) Diastolic dysfunction and cerebrovascular redistribution precede overt recipient twin cardiomyopathy in early-stage twin-twin transfusion syndrome.Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography : official publication of the American Society of Echocardiography, , 28 (5 ) ,533-40 More Information
Scott-Finley, M; Woo, J G; Habli, M; Ramos-Gonzales, O; Cnota, J F; Wang, Y; Kamath-Rayne, B D; Hinton, A C; Polzin, W J; Crombleholme, T M; Hinton, R B (2015. ) Standardization of amniotic fluid leptin levels and utility in maternal overweight and fetal undergrowth.Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, , More Information
Valent, Amy M; DeFranco, Emily A; Allison, Allessa; Salem, Ahmed; Klarquist, Lori; Gonzales, Kyle; Habli, Mounira; Adair, C David; Armistead, Casey; Wang, Yuping; Lewis, David; Sibai, Baha (2015. ) Expectant management of mild preeclampsia versus superimposed preeclampsia up to 37 weeks.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 212 (4 ) ,515.e1-8 More Information
Keswani, Sundeep G; Balaji, Swathi; Katz, Anna B; King, Alice; Omar, Khaled; Habli, Mounira; Klanke, Charles; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2015. ) Intraplacental gene therapy with Ad-IGF-1 corrects naturally occurring rabbit model of intrauterine growth restriction.Human gene therapy, , 26 (3 ) ,172-82 More Information
Kamath-Rayne, Beena D; Habli, Mounira; Rodriguez, Zahidee; Wu, Malcolm; Gresh, James; DeFranco, Emily A (2015. ) Antenatal exposure to sulindac and risk of necrotizing enterocolitis.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 212 (1 ) ,96.e1-7 More Information
Lim, Foong-Yen; Coleman, Alan; Polzin, William; Jaekle, Ronald; Habli, Mounira; Van Hook, James; Lewis, David; Crombleholme, Timothy (2015. ) Giant chorioangiomas: perinatal outcomes and techniques in fetoscopic devascularization.Fetal diagnosis and therapy, , 37 (1 ) ,18-23 More Information
Coleman, Alan; Habli, Mounira; Hinton, Robert B; Polzin, William; Lim, Foong-Yen (2014. ) Altered amniotic fluid leptin levels in twin-twin transfusion syndrome with concurrent placental insufficiency.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 1-6 More Information
Villa, C R; Habli, M; Votava-Smith, J K; Cnota, J F; Lim, F-Y; Divanovic, A A; Wang, Y; Michelfelder, E C (2014. ) Assessment of fetal cardiomyopathy in early-stage twin-twin transfusion syndrome: comparison between commonly reported cardiovascular assessment scores.Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, , 43 (6 ) ,646-51 More Information
Jones, H; Crombleholme, T; Habli, M (2014. ) Regulation of amino acid transporters by adenoviral-mediated human insulin-like growth factor-1 in a mouse model of placental insufficiency in vivo and the human trophoblast line BeWo in vitro.Placenta, , 35 (2 ) ,132-8 More Information
Habli, M; Jones, H; Aronow, B; Omar, K; Crombleholme, T M (2013. ) Recapitulation of characteristics of human placental vascular insufficiency in a novel mouse model.Placenta, , 34 (12 ) ,1150-8 More Information
Warshak, Carri R; Wolfe, Katherine B; Russell, Kimberly A; Habli, Mounira; Lewis, David F; Defranco, Emily A (2013. ) Influence of adolescence and obesity on the rate of stillbirth.Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, , 27 (4 ) ,346-52 More Information
Snyder, Candice C; Barton, John R; Habli, Mounira; Sibai, Baha M (2013. ) Severe sepsis and septic shock in pregnancy: indications for delivery and maternal and perinatal outcomes.The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians, , 26 (5 ) ,503-6 More Information
Kamath-Rayne, Beena D; Saal, Howard; Lang, Stephanie; Habli, Mounira (2013. ) Recurrent severe oligohydramnios and fetal pulmonary hypoplasia associated with ErbB4 mutation.Obstetrics and gynecology, , 121 (2 Pt 2 Suppl 1 ) ,499-501 More Information
Wolfe, Katherine; Lewis, David; Witte, David; Kline-Fath, Beth; Lim, Foong-Yen; Jaekle, Ronald; Habli, Mounira; Hostiuck, Judith; Baregamian, Naira; Keswani, Sundeep; Crombleholme, Timothy (2013. ) Fetal cervical teratoma: What is the role of fetal MRI in predicting pulmonary hypoplasia?.Fetal diagnosis and therapy, , 33 (4 ) ,252-6 More Information
Jones, Helen N; Crombleholme, Timothy; Habli, Mounira (2013. ) Adenoviral-mediated placental gene transfer of IGF-1 corrects placental insufficiency via enhanced placental glucose transport mechanisms.PloS one, , 8 (9 ) ,e74632 More Information
Ngamprasertwong, Pornswan; Habli, Mounira; Boat, Anne; Lim, Foong Yen; Esslinger, Hope; Ding, Lili; Sadhasivam, Senthilkumar (2013. ) Maternal hypotension during fetoscopic surgery: incidence and its impact on fetal survival outcomes.TheScientificWorldJournal, , 2013 ,709059 More Information
Keswani, Sundeep G; Balaji, Swathi; Le, Louis; Leung, Alice; Lim, Foong-Yen; Habli, Mounira; Jones, Helen N; Wilson, James M; Crombleholme, Timothy M Pseudotyped adeno-associated viral vector tropism and transduction efficiencies in murine wound healing.Wound repair and regeneration : official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society, , 20 (4 ) ,592-600 More Information
Papanna, Ramesha; Habli, Mounira; Baschat, Ahmet A; Bebbington, Michael; Mann, Lovepreet K; Johnson, Anthony; Ryan, Greg; Walker, Martin; Lewis, David; Harman, Christopher; Crombleholme, Timothy; Moise, Kenneth J (2012. ) Cerclage for cervical shortening at fetoscopic laser photocoagulation in twin-twin transfusion syndrome.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 206 (5 ) ,425.e1-7 More Information
Le, Louis D; Keswani, Sundeep G; Biesiada, Jacek; Lim, Foong-Yen; Kingma, Paul S; Haberman, Beth E; Frischer, Jason; Habli, Mounira; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2012. ) The congenital diaphragmatic hernia composite prognostic index correlates with survival in left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia.Journal of pediatric surgery, , 47 (1 ) ,57-62 More Information
Keswani, Sundeep G; Balaji, Swathi; Le, Louis; Leung, Alice; Katz, Anna B; Lim, Foong-Yen; Habli, Mounira; Jones, Helen N; Wilson, James M; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2012. ) Pseudotyped AAV vector-mediated gene transfer in a human fetal trachea xenograft model: implications for in utero gene therapy for cystic fibrosis.PloS one, , 7 (8 ) ,e43633 More Information
Habli, M; Michelfelder, E; Cnota, J; Wall, D; Polzin, W; Lewis, D; Lim, F Y; Crombleholme, T M (2012. ) Prevalence and progression of recipient-twin cardiomyopathy in early-stage twin-twin transfusion syndrome.Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, , 39 (1 ) ,63-8 More Information
Lee, Timothy C; Lim, Foong Y; Keswani, Sundeep G; Frischer, Jason S; Haberman, Beth; Kingma, Paul S; Habli, Mounira; Jaekle, Ronald K; Sharp, Gina; Kline-Fath, Beth; Rubio, Eva I; Calvo, Maria; Guimaraes, Carolina; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2011. ) Late gestation fetal magnetic resonance imaging-derived total lung volume predicts postnatal survival and need for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia.Journal of pediatric surgery, , 46 (6 ) ,1165-71 More Information
Pizarro, David; Habli, Mounira; Grier, Marquia; Bombrys, Annette; Sibai, Baha; Livingston, Jeffrey (2011. ) Higher maternal doses of methadone does not increase neonatal abstinence syndrome.Journal of substance abuse treatment, , 40 (3 ) ,295-8 More Information
Keswani, Sundeep G; Le, Louis D; Morris, Lee M; Lim, Foong-Yen; Katz, Anna B; Ghobril, Nabil; Habli, Mounira; Frischer, Jason S; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2011. ) Submucosal gland development in the human fetal trachea xenograft model: implications for fetal gene therapy.Journal of pediatric surgery, , 46 (1 ) ,33-8 More Information
Crombleholme, Timothy M; Lim, Foong-Yen; Habli, Mounira; Polzin, William; Jaekle, Ronald; Michelfelder, Erik; Cnota, James; Liu, Chunyan; Kim, Mi-Ok (2010. ) Improved recipient survival with maternal nifedipine in twin-twin transfusion syndrome complicated by TTTS cardiomyopathy undergoing selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 203 (4 ) ,397.e1-9 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Cnota, James; Michelfelder, Erik; Salisbury, Shelia; Schnell, Beverly; Polzin, William; Lim, Foong Yen; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2010. ) The relationship between amniotic fluid levels of brain-type natriuretic peptide and recipient cardiomyopathy in twin-twin transfusion syndrome.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 203 (4 ) ,404.e1-7 More Information
Gross, Carey; Habli, Mounira; Lindsell, Christopher; South, Mary (2010. ) Sacral neuromodulation for nonobstructive urinary retention: a meta-analysis.Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery, , 16 (4 ) ,249-53 More Information
Loftin, Ryan W; Habli, Mounira; Snyder, Candice C; Cormier, Clint M; Lewis, David F; Defranco, Emily A (2010. ) Late preterm birth. Reviews in obstetrics & gynecology, , 3 (1 ) ,10-9
Katz, Anna B; Keswani, Sundeep G; Habli, Mounira; Lim, Foong Y; Zoltick, Philip W; Midrio, Paola; Kozin, Elliot D; Herlyn, Meenhard; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2009. ) Placental gene transfer: transgene screening in mice for trophic effects on the placenta.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 201 (5 ) ,499.e1-8 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Bombrys, Annette; Lewis, David; Lim, Foong-Yen; Polzin, William; Maxwell, Rose; Crombleholme, Timothy (2009. ) Incidence of complications in twin-twin transfusion syndrome after selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation: a single-center experience.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 201 (4 ) ,417.e1-7 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Eftekhari, Nahid; Wiebracht, Emily; Bombrys, Annette; Khabbaz, Maram; How, Helen; Sibai, Baha (2009. ) Long-term maternal and subsequent pregnancy outcomes 5 years after hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) syndrome.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 201 (4 ) ,385.e1-5 More Information
Bombrys, Annette E; Barton, John R; Habli, Mounira; Sibai, Baha M (2009. ) Expectant management of severe preeclampsia at 27(0/7) to 33(6/7) weeks' gestation: maternal and perinatal outcomes according to gestational age by weeks at onset of expectant management.American journal of perinatology, , 26 (6 ) ,441-6 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Lim, Foong Yen; Crombleholme, Timothy (2009. ) Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: a comprehensive update.Clinics in perinatology, , 36 (2 ) ,391-416, x More Information
Lubow, Jeffrey M; How, Helen Y; Habli, Mounira; Maxwell, Rose; Sibai, Baha M (2009. ) Indications for delivery and short-term neonatal outcomes in late preterm as compared with term births.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 200 (5 ) ,e30-3 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Livingston, Jeffrey; Harmon, Jeffery; Lim, Foong Yen; Plozin, William; Crombleholme, Timothy (2008. ) The outcome of twin-twin transfusion syndrome complicated with placental insufficiency.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 199 (4 ) ,424.e1-6 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Michelfelder, Erik; Livingston, Jeffrey; Harmon, Jeffrey; Lim, Foong Yen; Polzin, William; Crombleholme, Timothy (2008. ) Acute effects of selective fetoscopic laser photocoagulation on recipient cardiac function in twin-twin transfusion syndrome.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 199 (4 ) ,412.e1-6 More Information
Habli, Mounira; O'Brien, Thomas; Nowack, Elizabeth; Khoury, Saeb; Barton, John R; Sibai, Baha (2008. ) Peripartum cardiomyopathy: prognostic factors for long-term maternal outcome.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 199 (4 ) ,415.e1-5 More Information
Bombrys, Annette E; Barton, John R; Nowacki, Elizabeth A; Habli, Mounira; Pinder, Leeya; How, Helen; Sibai, Baha M (2008. ) Expectant management of severe preeclampsia at less than 27 weeks' gestation: maternal and perinatal outcomes according to gestational age by weeks at onset of expectant management.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 199 (3 ) ,247.e1-6 More Information
Bombrys, Annette E; Neiger, Ran; Hawkins, Sarah; Sonek, Jiri; Croom, Christopher; McKenna, David; Ventolini, Gary; Habli, Mounira; How, Helen; Sibai, Baha (2008. ) Pregnancy outcome in isolated single umbilical artery.American journal of perinatology, , 25 (4 ) ,239-42 More Information
Habli, Mounira; Levine, Richard J; Qian, Cong; Sibai, Baha (2007. ) Neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with preeclampsia or gestational hypertension and in normotensive pregnancies that delivered at 35, 36, or 37 weeks of gestation.American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, , 197 (4 ) ,406.e1-7 More Information
Paulson, John D; Habli, Mounira; Alizade, Azer; Borromeo, Rita The treatment of mild endometriosis with laser laparoscopy: a two-step treatment analysis of patients whose primary therapy was successful. JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons / Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, , 10 (1 ) ,30-6
Seoud, Muhiedine A F; Kanj, Suha S; Habli, Munira; Araj, George F; Khalil, Ali M (2003. ) Brucella pelvic tubo-ovarian abscess mimicking a pelvic malignancy. Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases, , 35 (4 ) ,277-8
Alsaied, Tarek; Omar, Khaled; James, Jeanne F; Hinton, Robert B; Crombleholme, Timothy M; Habli, Mounira (2017. ) Fetal origins of adult cardiac disease: a novel approach to prevent fetal growth restriction induced cardiac dysfunction using insulin like growth factor.Pediatric research, , More Information
Polzin, William J; Lim, Foong Y; Habli, Mounira; Van Hook, James; Minges, Melissa; Jaekle, Ronald; Crombleholme, Timothy M (2017. ) Use of an Amnioport to Maintain Amniotic Fluid Volume in Fetuses with Oligohydramnios Secondary to Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction or Fetal Renal Anomalies.Fetal diagnosis and therapy, , 41 (1 ) ,51-57 More Information
Divanovic, Allison; Bowers, Katharine; Michelfelder, Erik; Jaekle, Ronald; Newman, Tondra; Marcotte, Michael; Habli, Mounira; Cnota, James F (2016. ) Intrauterine fetal demise after prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease: assessment of risk.Prenatal diagnosis, , 36 (2 ) ,142-7 More Information
Endres, Loraine; DeFranco, Emily; Conyac, Theresa; Adams, Marci; Zhou, Ying; Magner, Kristin; O'Rourke, Luke; Bernhard, Kiley A; Siddiqui, Danish; McCormick, Anna; Abramowicz, Jacques; Merkel, Ronald; Jawish, Rana; Habli, Mounira; Floman, Alissa; Magann, Everett F; Chauhan, Suneet P (2015. ) Association of Fetal Abdominal-Head Circumference Size Difference With Shoulder Dystocia: A Multicenter Study.AJP reports, , 5 (2 ) ,e099-104 More Information
Jones, Helen N; Olbrych, Stephanie K; Smith, Kathleen L; Cnota, James F; Habli, Mounira; Ramos-Gonzales, Osniel; Owens, Kathryn J; Hinton, Andrea C; Polzin, William J; Muglia, Louis J; Hinton, Robert B (2015. ) Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is associated with structural and vascular placental abnormalities and leptin dysregulation.Placenta, , 36 (10 ) ,1078-86 More Information
Moon-Grady, Anita J; Morris, Shaine A; Belfort, Michael; Chmait, Ramen; Dangel, Joanna; Devlieger, Roland; Emery, Stephen; Frommelt, Michele; Galindo, Alberto; Gelehrter, Sarah; Gembruch, Ulrich; Grinenco, Sofia; Habli, Mounira; Herberg, Ulrike; Jaeggi, Edgar; Kilby, Mark; Kontopoulos, Eftichia; Marantz, Pablo; Miller, Owen; Otaño, Lucas; Pedra, Carlos; Pedra, Simone; Pruetz, Jay; Quintero, Ruben; Ryan, Greg; Sharland, Gurleen; Simpson, John; Vlastos, Emanuel; Tworetzky, Wayne; Wilkins-Haug, Louise; Oepkes, Dick (2015. ) International Fetal Cardiac Intervention Registry: A Worldwide Collaborative Description and Preliminary Outcomes.Journal of the American College of Cardiology, , 66 (4 ) ,388-99 More Information
Contact Information
Academic - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Fetal Center
Ohio, 45229
Phone: 513-636-6259